V- .- -t , EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL. VOL. 3. "THE PEOPLES' PAPER." SALEM, OREGON, SATUTtPA Vr, SEPTEMBER 20, 1890. "TO-DAY'S NEWS TO-DAY." NO. 173. lIjaV -," ;---,. ill 1 1 w Wf MTtililthtr' IVrfrctUlova rutrnlnr. TlMkUlo Uuy plr and b convinced, IT T. HOLVERSON JAMES i4W i EASTERN PRICES Opp. Terminus Electric Car Line. JAS. AITKEN, Groceries ant Produce. -The IJe-t Canned Good. Choicest Fruits and Vegetables in Season. None but- Klrnl-class Goods Handled. Every article guarnnteeJ m represented. If you would be well nerved tjatroult Th Orang Store, 126 State Street, Salem, Oregon. iE?iSwS?38L MCSnT SHn 1S1Vt. . IbILSbbK Churchill Sash, Door & Manufacturing Co. Sask. Domm, Bliuds aVMoildings. Turning & Scroll Sawing. -House Finishing Ktw ml H II.X, by whlh w ran always keep full supply of seasoned stocl kind.. Agricultural Work), Corner of Trade and Him alreeta. Sulem, Oregi 1WgaiMaaBjai ject, mlZTmXkM wv&mim liteKLSSIP run we tutu ijhhI n-krae a buyer boRglit at a m figure tiias ours tkerfaund a difference is quality which explains w difference in price. ' OUR MOTTO IS Lowest Prices Possible Consistent With Good Quality and Honest Goods. QUALITY IS' THE TRUE TEST Of' IIWIBS. R. It. WADE & Co. THE LEADER -DmrtMS for ifflll " oo 2. rs eg" fc CO CD CD m Who do All Kinds of A b Cheap tin any Lnundry in in Piiimtri' Tlxlnir White llfll ,nd IoIiir nnit-cltuw work. (fflrl.adlcH and patrons Invited o Inspect our proceed of doing work. 230 Liberty Street. made t order.- df seasoned stock of all on. tal AUNDRY WORK Competinghousesmay 'some times, for an ob cut under our "prices, but in the long J. J. DALRYMPLE k CO., KEEI'H TIIH LARGEST LINE OF Dry Goods and Trimmings, Ladies and Gents Furnishing Goods, Clothing and Hats in the city. 277 and 279 Commercial St., Corner Court, in Bush's New Brick Block. Do You Play Play What? f Pinuo, Organ, Tiolln, Guilnr, Itoiijo, llnnnoiilen, or any other musical InstrnniiMit? T If You do, Call at I BASTON'Sl Ami exnnilno the finest nnd lnrpi,stiisrrltiii'nt ever displayed In Salenl Jual received a full llnu of Baud Instrument. Seo llu grand display in our window. it THE OREGON NURSERY 00. Is Offering a Large, Wcl! Oiown Sleek of I FRUIT, SHADE, ORNAMENTAL AND NUT TREES. , . Small Kru.it. j EVERGREENS, VINES, SHRUBS, ROSES, ETC. At Low Prices. Late Keeping Winter Apples a Specialty . Catalogue and Pik-(-I,!st fue. Aildre-s or cull on WIIIT BROS., Olllco L'iU Cuniiuereiul sireel, Salem. REVOLVERS, CUTLERY, DOLLS, NOTIONS, Largest Assortment in the City, BROOKS & HARRITT, 94 State SOMETH KRAUSSE BROS., Children's School Sliocs.oik'loth Lined Absolutely Watir Proof. A School Bag given will; Boots&Shoes Lower Tlian Ever. A glance ut the prices In our windows will eonvluco you Unit this is no "fuUe," but cold facts, A call will convince all, Itcspl., KRAUSSE BROS. CAPITAL BUSINESS COLLEGeT First Aiitional Bunk Building .Siilcm, OtTgon. A. P. ARMSTRONG, aiunuger. V, I. HTAMiY, IMnclp.il. CQTDuy mill Kvenlng ovhsIoiih begin .Monday, rjt'l'l, Hth."tia BUSINESS, SHORTHAND. TYPEWRITING, PENMANSHIP AND ENGLISH DEPARTMENTS. Make personal inquiry at (he Co'lege fcr further particulars, cr send (ut catalogue. TMI IMOTITI ITinW lwclc.l business training behnol, I nlO hlO I I 1 U I lUll wheiuyming men and tomcii uro ihorouglily lltted fcirwuiiiiierclal pursuits In the hhorlim t lino mid ut tjie I us l exixiiise. Tin sueifss of former students now holding respouslblu iMM'.tloiiM, botli ns HOOKKICUPKRH mid .Sl'HNOQItAI'JIKHH, ntttbtu the quality of lutrucllou itlveii. Geo. G. Van Wagner, Has ut received a fiuu slucl; of Wall Paper and Picture Mouldings, Lounges and Mattresses. Ficture fwnilug douo with euro mid ncadicHs Prlomm a Low ait Ills Lowaat. 0 13-11 Ooly AbstractBooks SPORTING GOODS, PURSES, HUNTERS SUPPLIES, Etc. Street. NEW 275 COM. ST. Every pair. In Spile of the re cent advance in leather we arc Selling NG liMf gl.ilyiilffiri 13 IN MARION COUNTY Work prumplly and rtliuhh uxiculcil by Ihu BALKM ARM RAW SchANl CO.. FRANK V. WATKIW, AluiiWr THE CAPITAL JOURNAL HOFER BROTHERS, - - Editors. I'UIILIHHKD DAILY, KXCEIIHUNDAY, li y tiik Canital Journal Publishing Company. (Incorporated.) Olllce, Commercial rflrcet, in I O. Ilillldlni; bntcrod hi llm postoMce tit Hiilem,Ur.,iiK aceoud-clins maltur. TODAY'S JOUItNAIi FliASUKS. LIUHTXIXU Wliywlilp the devil about the slump? Illume tho 8. P. for tin' fair being n jmitlnl biii-cvim. Shoot the meujrer transportation facilities ofli-rvMl for tin-state fair In the short-Biuhti'd H. P. iiiuuuucra. They trent the pt'nple of Oregon with contempt mid the state board of agriculture like whipped puppies. The horsu-raeo department is en tei prising. The track exhibition was well worthy n hundred thous and crowd. Better the city of Salem rutle for some slight transportation faciliiits, than raise a hundred thousand dol lars for another horse race. The Albany Democrat saj s the sports were ull thrown down nt b'n lem yesterday. The question Is: Should theS. P run to suit Mr. Koeliler or to suit the wants of the people? The Albany hriduc Is to be built next year. The fralem bridge is be ing built after 11 fashion this iar, 1 The attendance at the state fair I could just us well have been double what it w a, with double the enter piise iu management. In spite of the railroad boycott ag.dnst Salem greater crowds tuiu I out to tliu slate fair than ever before. , Itaiiroad attendance has declined by withdrawal of city and exclusion trains. But owing to the gioutli ol Salem and Oregon's Increasing pop ulation the attendance still -ii.-crease and goes ahead of every thing in the past. Salem Is the place to hold the blnte fair. Supt. of Census Porter should I e plnied under nrn,t for irjing to pat of! a counterfeit census of Oiu- gon upou UucleSam. v The city authorities nnd stnte board of agrieulluie should take a sneak. They never even uskidthe S. P. to run excursion trains to our great state fair. Salem's ten thousand did royally by the statu fair. Salem has got a regular Chicago world's fair hump ou herself. Too lalo to cry: but the fact re mains with proper raihoml facilities the state fair treasury might just us well have SoO.OOO iu its cash box. The S. P. would hate made money too. It is time the people took the management of that private corpor ation. It won't do un thing itself, nor let anybody e.se do. Tt may be that fast horse o ners and their patrons demand It, and thut otherwise they would not come to the fair, but it looks struuge to an outsider that to enhance the busi ness and profits of tlio pool sellers, a crowd of live to ten thousand people are ktpt In tigouy, suspense und anxious waiting fiom one o'clock In the afternoon until dark to sio a few races that might be sandwlclnd and be over In time to give the crowd a chance to see something else. A Mrs. QltliiigH, of San Francisco, "gits thar" with bouncing tiinlets Does unyono preteud that the now Salem street bridge Is receiving su pervision from a competent still bridge engluei r, whoso business It 1h to see that the specifications of the contract are complied with? The democratic papers lie when Hey say ihu Farmers' Alliance is ull torn up ut ihu South, It is the dem ocratic party Hint Is moio liable to be torn up, The 8. I Rillway company han dle gtulu fiom Sulcui to Portlnud, u distance, of flfiy-twu miles for the sumo that they ch'irgo from Gervnls to Portland, i distance of thirty eight mill's. This is a discrimina tion, just the same, (hat no eoi posi tion has a right to make, H.ilem, hits no kick, however. it They wero not sleek swindlers, hut very crude niHliitis, that Port lam) omwd ut Ihu Stufo Fair, Tint iiullvosous nf Oregon U a Utile rough, when this Halo is ud verlhlng for tliu native eons from all tliu other slates lo. come here, Thaslnte fair Is in progres ut Su-1 jlcui, lind wlnit Is AMorla doing iuj ( rufureliiti to It ? Are w o rejiiesentnl lHiiir'I If not, why not? I'lniiicr. The jlllleieut purlsi of the stti(o 1 liisBe.n splendid uliHiiivi to ud i r- tlsonl the Oregon state fair. At least half a hundred thousand peo plo visited tlio state fair on the six days. But It was tlio fault of the management as much ns Itwnsof tlio dldereiit sections Hint our whole state Was not belter advertised, If the contractors pan nffoid to have an engineer to look after their interests In the bridge contract, why cannot the two counties aflord tn employ a competent steel Oridge engineer to see that the spcflcatlous are complied with? The Stato Fair should have had .in iitleudanceof 100,000p people and $50,000 ca-li surplus in the treasury. That would have been the Salem way. It seems the Portland thieves and pick-pursers were quite ns successful with Portland people ns they were Willi the rural population. Tliey did not rolt as many city people, but they got more m uey of them. C.VI'lTAIi JIIUU.WIj J0T.S. The clergy will organize but they will not strike. If you are fairly iu love with your town, you will see It grow. Ilcpubllcans love Speaker Reed for the euemies he has made. The only railroad in America that does not run exeui.sious to the state fails tiled. P. Oregon must not sail for the next (en ejrs on the-wlngs of a clipped cenus. If she do, she will fly low. We must have a recount of the whole-tate; thnt is the length aud breadth of the mutter. The difference between Speaker Reed and ex-President Cieselaud siems to be that Reed is not a dead duck. The St. Louis R-public says Indl ina is against Harrison. The Re public U against Harrison till over the Union. Ireland has furnished the tit pnsent most truly popular couple iu America Aunie Roouey and Dan McCiinty. Young nieti ere In demand, says the Oregon Vindicator. To vindi cate the rest of the sex, we will say, yes; by theyouug ladies. The JoimxAi. is not independout enough for the Stayton Sun. The -Uiu is so independent that it leans clear over back itito the democratic I'jrty. A manuscript of Robert Louis Steveiisoii had a narrow escape troni burning up ou u ship ut sea. There is no esctpe for the public, however. It the Stayton Sun is independent why does it not support Mitchell for the senate. He seems to be a man u good many republicans and demo crats can agree upon. "The peoplo did our census." said :i Washiugtoulan at the San Fiau cisco chamber of commerce conven tion. Tom, Dick and Harry Jusc got up nud counted each other. Tlio Oregonlan loves to debate problems. Will the Oregonlan tell Us readers why property nud earn ings of small farmers, hotiseholdeis and laborers have dcen ased ull over the United States, while lullliouuiics have multiplied ? Tlio Oregon City Courier says the Farmers' Alliance warehutisu bill is unconstitutional aud paternalistic, but favors an act of the legislature by which "county Inspcctoisof fiuit trees should be appointed, wboee duty It should be to examine ull or chards in their several couutUs, nud to compel spraying by their owners willi thoboliitlous that uro warrant ed In kill the vermin." To "com pel'' Is a hurd word, Our demo cratln ft lend should get a constitu tional balance to his politics. It li ippened on a crowded horso cur, A seedy looking man, very much the worse for liipiDr, imsj to ulvo his seat lo a lady, when a r bust man slipped Into tlio vacant seat, leaving Hie I idy still standing. "fU-n-y. you you fellow you," said the boozy but clilvvilorous Individ., u.il, uh liu swuu'd to fro hanging to a strap, "I I'm drunk, I know, but I I'll get over It, I will; but you you're a hog, und you'll nuvor get over It in In this woild-no, sir, nevor!" Aud tho other pisseti-, , ' ,ri.1,1i ...i.i, him girsiigieed wlili lilm. t 1ie Cffcels nf Mnutitl lUluili.tiuli Many illfcows, I'sjici'lnlly ,'!&!.mu..f'flauv I .nu'IuoVil'iiuJiii" llfl wma bMiuui, ihu ii'e rOIIIIUllI IIIGMtllt I'Xllllll: IIMXUltlllllX (lAvll IllVlllVO 1)11 IIIIMIIIIIl (If iiutiImI wcr multi'iir or.v prijiulld il to imy.livil lii'iillli, unit tliu luolexMira, if nr inoia.ly piirniuu are mi lu-itiliMniilUe In liriiln. nail nerve tltsue. It U oi.o of Mm iuiihI linimriuni HtltU.ato. of lu.tetUuV Htnmi.i'li llltlire, Unit It rniuilnnaiui'a fur lliUininiipliusiu ilisue, mul llul H lin liuriHiciri in ri( in tliu linilu unit nerves. Ilia niiiUv nil i Hli vl II ii'iifwa ueiilt. .,n.,l I. ,.,.! m, I i.l.i. I..,. I illi.lliv. if .... ,;.i;,.i.i..,..,,vli.,..iJ,i.,,i .h. i;,i.. f. iithiir imiMrfiMr nf tliu iiiRiut oniv, llefilite lll('lillllif vllHllllillllil.liliil (linn. ti.r.i.lliill,nlliilli.r mvilliil i-vli.lll.llliii inn ii-iiciiinil iiiciiciiiiMilic.iienlir.)fHi. i";i'"""i " iihiiiiy h ii,i,m v. ruvfi'nniliiEii, rliBiiiiiiilru. iiumiiu d national coiideuiuaUin iiimiii them, lp.iiiiinilMiiiiMiliii, kidnpyiiinl juiiv jt will at ull iweulH nrcvpiit the iiiwiMie.Hiiniilhirli''nipiMlni. I'll). ',.,1. ,ni v b ,k, Zi l , nJ 'cUuihImi iuiiiiiiiiiii l U ua u lanriloHfit , ',,"'"M' 'H IKH Will lwUlllf aiiiuiiUtitHniirciriviy. BROitisof (iwlottwy ooinntU, 3:30 EDITION, Later Edition at 5 P. M. TELEGRAPHIC DISPATCHES. Associated Press Report and Digests of all Important News of To-Day. tT didn't woiiic a confidence man sritncna an unpiiojiisino suBjr.rrr. RiTrrn, Mont., Sept. 20. An nt tempt was made to play a confidence jr.uno on Adam Fairnday, an old timer of Montana. A stranger, who called himself Ferguson, wanted Fuiraday to show him some land torn manufacturing site. Fairaday consented, and Feivuou made an excuse to o to tlio road house. There they met a third gentleman Who pulled out a pack of cards. A few bets were made and Ferguson won amounts, gradually raisin ' the bets from $5 to $100. Finally the stranger oirered to bet Ferguson 300 he couldn't pick out a certain caid again. Ferguson said he would have to drive totowuuftei money, nnd Ferguson and Fairaday drove to town. Ou the way Fergu son explained thut he had the stranger's game dowu pat, nnd pro posed to Fuiraday to go in with him outhe$300and they would divide the winnings. Fairaday alighted fr.,m tlm carriage, asked if Ferguson took him fur ii il fool, aud start ed for the police.. Fergus n made himself scarce. ANOTiiEu oriu.v smzuni:. Siuttm:, Sep. 20. "Never-Slcep Holdeu" got in his work again lust night on the festive opium Smug gler. He succeeded in capturing 30 five lael tins of prepared opium. It was hid away under the Seattle Transfer company's warehouse in the southern part of the city, ou the mud Huts. How itgot tlieie and by whom it was tux.eu Is uot kuown. For some time past Inspector Holdeu has been watchkig the place, having susplcioued that opium was being secreted under the wharves in that locality. Ou either side of the warehouse are wide platforms, the tloor of which is laid ou 10-lnch joists. On the under side of the joists strips of planks, G, 8, ami 10 Inches wide, have beeu tacked ut ir regular distunees, aud presumably for a purpose. The opium seized was found ou tluso strips of pluuk and near the ed.e of the platform. THE AXTI-LUTTEUV DILL IT WILL lMtOIIAfiLY ACCOMPLISH A GREAT DEAL OF HAUMTOLOTTEIIIES. Washington, Sep. 20. The days of the Louisiana Lottery so far us it is tolerated by the Uulted Stales government, are numbered. The uuti-lottery bill now having passed both houses, hus received the presi dent's siguaturo uudbecome a law. There does not seem to be any doubt that the net endorsed by Harrison will kill at an early dale., Louis hiua men say that it will be impos sible for the lottery to be conducted on anything like the same prolltable basis thut It hu9 hitherto beeu. The friends of the measure believe thut the lottery company will make somo arraugeiiieuts with the ex piess companies, by which means they will be able to communicate in a manner which will bo adequate to conduct their business. Constitu tional lawyers who have found so much difficulty in biiuglugthu bill through will be likely to mine other objections If nny attempt should be made to iuteifere with what will be callid the private business of the express companies, 'flic friends of tue lottery bill insist that tlio busi n ess of the express companies would no mine be luteifered with by any enactment which would pievent them fiom becoming tlio agents of lottery companies than Is the busi ness of newspapers interfered with by provisions which prevent them fiom publishing lottery advertise ments under the penalty of being excluded from the mall. The bill does not pievent news papers from publishing lottery ud veitlscments, provided tjiey uro will ing to depend on tlm ex pi cm com panics or soiueotlicriigeutstliau the Unhid Slates mini for disliibuilou of their clrciilallou. Many friends of aiitl-lotterv Ifgi-datlnu objected lo the uictisuio he fine II was passed by congress because It was not strong enough In that it does not prevent llm Introduction iu the. Uuitid Stntis of foreign lRnvs.ueiH which limy contain lottery ndwrlbcnicnls. The point is raised Hint it will bo posslhlo lor Hie loiteiy owners lo I"""' new spnperH din clly wnm e iioilhcrn or Hon hern border nud to . iheHmewspuporsundtr forilin stamps in the mull, uddrissed to the long iisi or pat i ous of which the ,',l,'rV ;""'ll'll' W UlldouhU-diy immhI, nml by llil-nicai.s under tue proieoiioii in wnut is called in lerii.illoutilcoiniiiityorloteriiullonnl law, they will lie ablu to reacli the publlo ihrough newspiper udyer-H-cuieulH. Rut coiiMiltiitliiiiiil luw ycrt snwoiily (Minpllcullons lit any utieiiipi loaiiieiiu me tun in that rcsliecl mid believed that in lis UT' IHI'I IMIUMI IIIUl ll in MiuwmiI form I ho meiisure will verv greatly clrcuiiiK'illHi the (iperulions P On, T.mit.l i .....I ..il...rt I. .,.,. '" ",,v ""l"IM I UH 111(11 KMIII.1 Kfillin lllll.U llV l.llll l.l . Iu lir..n.l r Ti tint imriirlty of tlio blood wlilcli 1 ro duces unsightly lumiisorsucltlncs ou tl Kl null nf the ncc!(t cames painful ririr.ltif Rotci on tlio arms, loc, orfeef, dovoloi 3 ulcers In tlio eyes, care, or liono, often cai tag Mliidncss or deatn;ssi Istlio oilghti t I li'ijilci, cancerous growths, or the m.n other nnnlfestallons usually nscrlbeil i "humors;" and fastening upon tho liu causes consumption, and death. l?e the most ancient, It Is tho most general all diseases or affections, foi very f liersons aro entirely freo from it. Ho,rBcean CURED Ily taking Hood's Sarsaparllla, which, ! tho remaikablo cuics It has accomplished, often when other medicines havo failed, has proven Itself to be -t potent and pectd tar mcdlcino lor this disease. Some ol theso cures aro re.Uly wondeilul. If jl'l sulTor from scrofula oi Inipuro blood, a sure to tiy Hood's Sarsaparllla. ' Every spi Ingnty Ifo and children Iiji been troubled with scrofula, eorcs breg ma out on them In various places. It) llttlo boy, tin eo vents old lias liccn a tcrrlblo suHcier Last spiln Ito was cwi mass of sores trom Head to lect. I w,.s aihlscd to use ilood's S-iisaiiaillin.nnd n havoiilltakenlt. -I'licresiiltlsthatallh.'.Ni been cuird oi tlio scroiula, my little In v being entirely lrco from sores, and all to-1 of my children I.k bright and healthy." W. B. ATHEllTOJf, T.tssalo City, K. J. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sn',tliyclrMBjl"t- Bl "Ixorjl. rrcrarcittj 3.I.IIOOC b CO., Apothecaries, Lowell.Ma.. !ftf rsnos One Dollnr Capital National Bank SALEM - Capital Paid up, - OREGON. - $75,000 'lurpliu, 15,1)1)0 U. H. WALLACK, - - Presldenr. W. W. MAltTIN. - Vics-Preniaont. J. II. Al.liKKT Cttxhler. DIRtCTORSl W. T. any, W. V. Mrrtln, I. M. MnrflD, H. S. Wnllaoe. Dr. W. A.Cuslck. J. H. Albirt. T. McF. I'attoii. LOANS MADE t'o runner op u h.enl mul other tnarket- ablc produce, consigned or in store, cfther In prlvato cmnnrlesor public warehouses. Slate anji County Warrants Bought at Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER DlFcnuntpil at rensonable rnten. DrafU ImwD direct on New Vorlc, Cblcnga, Han Kmaplsmrorllund, London, Paris, UcrlUi Mniiir ICnnsand Calcutta. IU! SALEM OREGON. WM. If. I ADUK I'lesidont DR. J. RKYNOLD6), - Vico Tiesldeut IOUN MOIU, ....... Cashier GENERAL BANKING. Exconiige on Po rtlnnd, Kan Francisco, New York, London and Hong Kong nought und sold. Blnte, County und City rn.rrfin.ts bough t. Farmers are cordially invited to deposit und tranrnct business with us. Liberal advances niude on wheat, wool, ti ops nud oil e- pru erty ai reiiHonnoie rates, lomnii co on mih se curity can bo obtained at the bank In most reliable comi'iinles. Ilanil MaW-tt Mle MURPHY & DESART, upccssors to D. Nnsh, have a well estab lished lirlek und Tile fuutoiy In North Salem, near the fair grounds, and ure pre pared U furnish nrsi-clusa brick, and. tlla on short notice. Mamnles of ltrlck or TII sent freo to any point desired, on bnrt nollee. Orders can c lea with Jos. Flshburu, 110 Stato afreet. wnuro samples cun do seen. axw CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC- , Of tho Wlllnmelto Unlviralty, Saloni, Oreffon. The nnst school venr has been the moat successful In its hMory Jucieiised nttcn duiU'eiindnuiiibcrnrKradiiativ, Tbemost snciessfiil uiusle scbonl on luo Northwest, coast. Tbocoursm of JtiEtrticlltin Includs plitno, orguii, pipe iiiicnn, violin nrdu re ties trill tnatruinoiiis. vocal culiurn. tiirmony. 1-onnlei point and cla-a teaehlni;. Diplo mas given ou completion or courso jiio munleul director Mill bo nsslMfd by nn able and elllclciit corps of teachers, i-end lur ruuuoguo o. ai. i'ii iivii, 7:l'-3m dw Musical Director. Next term begins Sept 1st, 18JO. ULACKSMITHING, Wagon and Carriage Mini' and ltepairlog Horseshoeing a specialty. All work gur intecd. JOHN HOLM, i.'orner of Commercial and Cliemekcta sta,, Salem, Oregnu. First VoTinno Pnn 7 bllUIltll IMllIl Convent of St. W4 Bt. I'AUtj, MAiuoh Count, Oa,,, , w i Conducted by " Tho Sisters of the HoVNaiiiw:?!, Terms poyat'lijprr month or per annua ')", IniidMuieo. ltmird, tul'iou bedding, neax.-j dleuoik per annum, tl'Jtl. Wushlng par month tt, Muslo exini. Koi port ICNlttn "" iiildicss mstuu M, Victou, Huporloraai. WEBSTER THE BEST INVESTMENT ' for tlio Fnruity, School, or f rofeaalowu tzmzzA The Latest i:JItlinhasll8,C00;ordalnUi)a ulnry, und over 2,0u0 pages, with Ulualnntwuj nearly Terypnge, liesidraoiMyotnarTMii suppfemenul f aturea ( oAmprlae Vktmm leaf Dictionary, a. Mew iimtfttfmt fl noriu, wa . uioionary oi twiwi , TK WUTI 0?1 li ThA Standard Autkorkv In t Printing Onc,MdnUlithV. 9.1 lag fruhtwu of tr.iV. a n DON'T - by buy ina tb cheap pkototyp faf)tlai soieie " w eater"1 ww Hwa markel. n 'naAtaZUkMr pour ropwsWMiuBa.of iMi CSV! i vaara an AaaaawcMi ihiiidaraTarvmlaMaAll&ci ftirl piemen! of WW okIW mm m cornpllfd by agenlvsaaaax wha few I over tidily years, wtd im MiUMaM I urain, mnayxwawq aniuiwaia mm a llko r.atie. T Uwka.aa aMMi fajiivlera. The LUH wH ft umtm I iNMtra i H IMI SOW ( d.Cl M4lNal M "i, 1 I 'Id i m ra l 0.1 ,-v'l 1 1 1 i ISJ Ml M M .iii it4 'A i) 4 mm --..-- ,i ,iu. ...