' 'WPTWVPH?'' i AT THE FAIR QIHH1XDS. iIighest 0f all in Leavening Powcr.-U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1SS9 ' Tf. V. MATTHEWS, I'HES. T.1I.IIATW08S, KO. & THA!S. "IITTLE BO PEEP had lost her sheep and couldn't tell where to find them." So the oM nuraery rhyme eaya, and It poes no to Md her " Leave them alone, and they'll come horn and brin their Ulls lohlnd them." All this may be true of lost sheep, but if you hars lost your health jou cannot afford to leave that alone. Itirlll cat come back of Ita own accord. Mini people bratc that they never bother about colds. They " let them bo the wsy they came." Alas I too often the victims ro to a coniumptlTo'a a-rave. Until xery recently a euro for Consumption, which U unlrenally ac knowledged to t scrofula affectln tho turijrs, would haxo lvn looked upon as miraculous, but norr people are beginning to realize that ttv d.nwwlsnot Incurable. l)r. Pierce's Uoldrn J'edical DlieoTery will cure It If taken In l.mo and clren a fstr trial. This world-renowned remedy will rot make new lunjs. but it will restore diseased ones ton healthy state when other means hare failed. It is the most potent tonic, or strength restorer, alterative, or blood - cleanser, and nutritive, or flesh builder known to medical science. For Llnrcrlna Coujhs.Wn.-ik Lunirs. Splttlnc of Blood, "Liver Complaint " and Dyspepsia er Indigestion, It is an unequaied remedy. nn.sAor's catarrh ke.tiedt lures the worst cases, no matter of bow Bur standing, W cents, by drug-gists. ritOFKSIONAI. CA11US, TJ. BHAW, Attoruey.at Law, Kjxlem. . Oregon. Ofllce Hrst door to the left nt head of shxlrs In the rear of Ludd A Hush's bank. The Machinery Hall, the Hootlis, the Stalilfs. Hie- Knee Track, and ' (Itlicr Departments, TKAVRUNH COJlKUKTS. Traveling the street rnllxvny to the ' jinntnds very desirable feat tires of Improvement are noticeable, which will mill much to the comfort of thoj tmveleis. The roatl along the truck 1 through Highland Is nicely sprlnk-l led and w.iter tanks have been put up, couneoted with the mains, for the purpose of continuing tins grand work. The old Salem lamp prols have nUo been purchased by the Oregon Land ompany and set out DV I Baking Powdei ASSOLUTEtY VWUS SALEM LAND COMPANY Incorporated 1SSO Capital Stocl $30,000. POSTOFFICE BLOCK, - SALEM, OREGON. XJUTII PACIFIC XKWS NOTES. (.'AI.IFOItXt.V. Four hundred locomotive tiro- .it intervals, the intention being to men are in convention at San Fran- have them lighted every night. I elco. The street car company is also making changes which will enable them to run cars much ofiener ami with more regularity. They tm putting in a switch jut in front o he barn and another half way fron he base ball ground to the end o the track. This nives them ! witches from Chemeketa street ti the fair grounds, whereby they eni pass and repa-s pretty rapidlx rtiy have now tlu-teen ears uiul art expecting live or six mure, wliiel tvoulil carry an immense crowd, bin till that capacity will not meet thi year's demand. MACIIINKllY HAM.. Having gone through the pavll ion yesterday, the machinery hal. 8 the next building ot inter There was an earthquake shock at .Merced, California last Friday. Owen Smith, a well known and and highly nspected fanner of Mid way, wits shot on lite 7th. Captain J. Williams attempted to -iwimfmm Alameda Mole to Market Street Ferry, 11 distance ol four miles, lie swam tin fo mllis In 40 minutes but was taken with cramps and gave up the task. Herbert Hums, an electrician of sin Franc .-co, received a shock of JUUU volts direct troni a dynamo last Saturday. He was picked up for dead but gradually recovered. One of his hands is badly burned and he A Letter From Dakota. Ot'iiu-ii, N. 1)., Sept. IS'.H). The prospect of good crops we had early in July have utterly failed to materialize. On Sunday, Aug. .", they fought to a llnisli their battle with the untoward elements, the last round being with a terrific hot wind which almost annihilated them. I enclose you n mple Alining Aimlirnlion No. -. I'MTKUSrATIX IjVNH tll'1'H'K, llllMiON t'IT, llri'UOn, Alllf. lo, IMIiX VTOI'lt'l: Is liciehx ulxcn Hull Ihnt'iipllill 1 iMii-nlliliilril Hold uiul Mixer mill. iiuruiip.ui. n. I', I'lmduleu. pnMilenl, xxlme n.tuillu inliliess l nlcui, Oiikiiii, hut till dux lllt-il his iipilli'itiiin turn pill lit fur ISMI llniMr Kvt 01 tli t'lipllnl CnmnlldiiKil (Jolil uiul Mix t'l nilnoor xeln lie.irlin; cold uiul IIxit, xwili sun 11-v Itimtu! in lien ..1" 1M.111111I Mil r. ft In wlill h 1 Mm iiiliiliiiritUtiu-l i'iuitt nt .Miirlnn ullil theslirtinkeii, withered grain which unite r nupni. mul iiiOnn.itcd i tin 1 .i..t.i ......... 1 ..,n..i .1 ..I..,. .... in.. i. tiiij li' III IH'lt . "Illl llllll lill r 111 ! Illl' ,11 . - nlllliMis lilt Nil 'Jill. Villi) hit .Nil -nil be lli): lIl-iTlhOll 111 follow. Ill U II. Ill'IZimilUK xvlll show you the result. In spite of aniost blasted hopes our farmero are enterprising. Their operations cover so much ground some have bought lieadeis. We ut 11 look In 11I. lit' xvlih minimi in none xillli beuiiu: tiro lunu-i No I: thciu-e N. W 1 , UM r-ot In .tune In inmimt uf .lone wllli licurliiKlitin-iMiiei Nu -Jjllienn' n. T.xv ,;!inlltvl in t"iu- In nu uiul of ilono iiirner .i.:i: thente s. l, x , lxi cut "4 acri-s one afternoon and put f-cttimcii 111 pliueuiiii iiuuiuil or s'niu-, 1. 1 . 1 , 1. 1 1 1. .1 1 corner Jin. I; lliomvs. T i, , MVXI lu-i In It into the stack, breaking the record , P,lw, ,lf ihriiiiiIuc. Mnirneiii- xmi.iiinn on time 111 this colintv. U-inir n 1 '!l " SJ v , tnitnluliiji II U utk 'llu 1111 unit. 111 nu .uiiiii.x, 11 uiK 11 i,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,, s ,,,1,,,, ,, ri,r,i,d H, tin- txxvlviMoot machine, eight ho ses rcinieroii cor M.iiiiunimiitj.tiicKoii. , ,, . in .. .. 1 Anx mul all pei-niiH c'ltlnitn-: iulxcr-t'l. ami live men. irons xill nvcraiic ,, ,,piio ni -ni,i c.11.,1,11 1 ,n i.iin-ii I'llllv -is Door ill yield us Ihev did ! idimd Mixer mine or stiiMiv khiiiiiiI iiiii.x as iooi 111 xiLiu usuitx ,,, rill mm,. Hielr mixer.' ilill ns TIL.MON FOltl), attorney nt law, Salem i s- ...i. y-inililll ...i lu. ilipre xvlll Oregon, oillcc upulrs In Fatton -urul tauiniii, win ix inert win oiocK. 11s paieut rollers, uesiues nimierou- .... . 77Z. .. ! 'ther exhibitions of machinery ol iuii. a. tAiw-u.. Lonnse'ior ana .i-i I Inrnpvit.ljiu'. MiMlMr of lhi ltir n Ontario. Ciin.ida. Ofllce WJ suite street balcru, Oregon. L-ottiil.tii) of sorenei-s in 111- lungs, James Howard, an apprentice at xvliat better, xvliieli xvill In a measure .. ... . . . ., ,,. .. , , st. Here the whole east xving xvill ) tbe l'aeillc rolling mills met xxilli a compensate iiieiiiueieuee 111 graue. l occupied by Slaver & Walkei 1 strange death l.it Saturday morn-, The crop reports in the SI. Paul and .iiidthesoiilhxvingbv the Walter A 1 lug. Hewetit to sltep on oueoftlie .xiinneapous p-tpers lire not reiintiie Wood company; the fruit dryer 01 n.oad bells and when the rollers Jory fc Sou of this city, will have t I commenced to move he was ear conspicuous location; llie Osbonu ' ried over one of them and jatuuud itnichiuery company alo has largt boixveen the belt and a huge boiler. space encaged, ami C Lotler 01 His neck was btokeu. OIli'.tlON. A-torla ha a water famine. IJ.iy City is full of strangers. Hav is JU tier ton at John Day. liiM.n- ' ""'"".".' l,Kl" ,l-'".1 "l ' "V ". l-ur.illnii, tiu-im.vii .v...v.t ., n . IllMlIll' IIIM II llllH Ol-IIIillOI Will 1. ....11 l..t year and the quality will be wltliuoul termul invlxer or tin- I about Xo, - and txvo grades than last vear. Prices will be some- jiiiioiit.ni iin-n-ir or iliey ui lie i.oi.il 1 - ... ux xiriiieoi me pnixiinns in ino -.i.iiiue i-i-i.ii-mi.. IteilMer. mUWkM 1. 1'. They ale gathered by some elevator syndicate, to in 11 manner govern prices which they alx-ays manage to keep several cents lower than the tiatur.it market, and the farmer who, PENSIONS WAHOFTilElllillELIM liftercut kinds interesting to tin ; 0 1 liusoandiuan. In the area stir Under tho not nf,liinv'.7. 1MW. all soldiers Willi s-r'i! IlllietX il.iVhtM tin, IV ...rvlr. is not able to ship his oxvn wheat ilurlui:iheH.iriir"ilnii"elelliiiiiiinil.iii-uiiu i..t ., ..... .... .. i,i. ti mm. ..1 1111 ..1 idliblttl pli.x-it.Mlly (whi'ilH-r lujiirli's or lias to put up w itll II. Ileal tilled . ,lie.u-u xias Incurrnl ilurlnji serviiv or well hut the hot winds shrunk it ' Si"vi'm.miVt,,etl '" TV"l0"' ,lt l" " badlv, and no one can tell what the v uimisor lieee.iveil Miiiiiersmv eiitlileil ... 1 J . .in 1 ,1 . 1. 1 i' pe'iiiimtliiim! Si nor month fur meli yield xvlll be until it Is thu-slied. eiiii,iiiiuiertiioiii.ii.i.xt.eiiii,iis,. i.-,ni.i THE YAQUINA ROUTE. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD And Diritmi llexi-loiiniciil rnmpany't Mixiiiislilpllne. iaiiiilli-sliorler,ailimir li'ssliiiu'lhan liy nny nliii-i niiili-. Ilnl elnw llmniali imemter nml ni-lit it net Hum I'liilliiul and nil pninls In I lie w li Imnellc xiillox lo and limn riiili I laiu-lsci TIME SCHEUULE.tllieeptHiinuajii). U'lixe AUMiir J J! JJ I eaxi-Corxiillli ,"!,,! XlllXO llllllllll ",. , ! 1.111x0 niiiliui ,,l!!.' .?! l,nm- rorxnllH ! ,. ?! iilxe Alluiu.x 11:10 A. V 11. .t ('. tniliis riiumvl nl Alliany mid lirv.illl. riiiial)xeinilii iiinnoet ill VAQUINV ullli lln- Om'koii Diixelniinieiil Om Ml. ifslivi-.ivlihw lii'iur.'ii iimiliia mid Ma t-'muclkcu. S.IIMMI DA7X3. srKXXIKHS. VHOM YAIIUINA l-'iiraltiiu, l-'rld IV liniii 2i Wlll.on. tin Valli-x , Tiu-dii -Inly I'.iralloii.suuil ij ' xvilliiutiie Viiltay, I'lmrMliiy " 1 l-'arallou, I'tK-silax . .........." 1 I I STKAMKIIS, K-ltllXI MAN Klt.XNI'lsl-O xvillamelln Valley, l'rlilu Iiiihi 27 miiivii -. .. ...... Jiny i Valley. Sunday " h I'linillon, Tluiisitax- . " U x iiiaimui' x.iiiov, iiii'-niy " Tint i-oiiipiuy lesi-rxes Ihe ruM to c!i.iiieiiMilllni;it.itexxllhiHil luillw. N. il. I'li-sonyt r- Irnm I'orllanil and ill XX'lll.oiulle Vallex polnu i-.in inaliii eloii i-ouuiillon wllli the Inilti- of tin YAtllJINA IttlUTI". at Albnij irCnrxalllH i mil if ileltneil to San HrincNeo, hIiiiiiIJ I .irniiiKcliiarrlxnui Ymiuiim tliu uxeulin i iieloie d in of --.iltlui: l'.xssein.-ei ni.l liel.'lil Kites AIiuih tin linrl. I'm Information apply to Me-Mr I Ill'I.MAN v ro., I'reUlu mul Tlelte i Ak'i'nlH -.Mlanil '.VJ I'loiU !.. l'orlliiiiil.Dr. I o. V.V. UDIIlir: Ae'l (len'l Krt, '. 1 Pass. Ant.. I)ri---ii'u l'.iellle It. It. Co.. I'orx-alllB, Or f. It. HASVr.l.l.Ir. (len'l Krt; .X. I'.iss, Ai?l. Dreumi Doxelopinent Co.,:iOI .MniilKiiuiery '..; San Kninethi-o.Ciil rjltenieinlier the Dieiton Paellle ipult summer eiieursions low- r.ue uoKen a W9KMMMWssf &n J A. APn.EOATE, attorney nt l.iw I , Friers block, Commercial and Siau streets, s.ileni, Or. PRATT HUNT, attorneys at law, Salem i . Oregon, omceoverliarr's Jewelry store , tiavte ami ercler have atreailx ' Riaiesirvei. II ..tliri 1 111 I rilllllllll rin,!!!'!"!!' I"ll (IV !". .... v- ...v , Hor-e thieves are operating ia ; Lots of good la.nie.s are g. ing to Sffi "" I-""" ' tiou engines ami numerous other ; Crook county leave till- fall. They simply can't .-"''"f'" xvlioure now riwixins ; iK-nstnn. ' (- c iltKltJK, ,lepha.itlue articles of machiner.x ! (,,,.. " t0 worl. .J stand It any longer. Their fun... ol.mm:"0""""1"11 ""pl "' I a. ...IMoul 1-. Ae Known to the inventor. Messrs. ' Vallex-ll It. wm S ,nt t!,e ,m"'N f ll,ml vX'mttCl w,uot"l ! - (T.K...W ,l ..rol..r I, ... olr....l, ' ' sllMrks. llUll till' IK'Xt 1ICII0 T.l t ilin 01 illl IlllUllCltliins lit onee . LVn Tnntn ! n Inlanlna Piinf.. Iln White pickers are gathering the TIT P. WILLIAMS. STKKOOIW M . and Tytvwrltlst. Ottlee with tat city U'y rytvwrltt' . Co., us- their great Aermutor or xxonderfu. H(Mr .... ipnEB xviudmlll rearing its wings alolt, ' , . , , , thcapi- ivhlle other windmills, patent! Iudependence is sCon tobe lmhted CB. KNIOIIT. Eclectic Ph'flcUn.ofllei , l'.T Court street, s.iiem Oregon. Pul moniiry dleae a specialty. Tl I the While Corner, Court and Com. K.J. SI KEENE. Dentist. Offlceover merclal street. tfon S. McNALLY, Architect. No. IE State Mireet. Plans and specific;!- Ifbns of all classes of of bulMlnes on short notice. Miv-ermtendeiiceofivorlcpromptl looodaner. -J5-tf G011ALET i WILLACH, Civil Enjtn eersandlir.iusliumen. llailraidsiir veysand estimation specialty. Utllce li ritato street, up stairs. Salem, Oregon. ItUSINEvS CAKD5. TLSiKn. Fi um.Ct house. V 1LSIE I1AKER, Human Hair Empori lourt streeMniraaooriromoiie.-ji VeutlUted human hair curls t specialty. Hair dressing In the latei style. A 11. CLOUHH, Undertaker, Embalmer Ji.. and Cabinet .xiaker, 107 suite Si.. batem. EH. MOUSE, contractor and Builder , All orrers promptly attended ti Wl High street, Ssilem. T01IS Olt.Y.-Contractor and builder O Kino inside finishing a specialty 4-v Commercial street, Mleui Oregon. CI n. siOLTHWICK. Contractor and r . builder. Well prepared to do nl kinds of building ana guurunleo satisfca Hon. -21-lm JOHN KNIOHT, Blacksmith. Hoi shielngand repairing a specialty, shoi at the foot of Liberty street, sjalem, Orexon. g.aotf J, LAllsEN.Mannfacturer of all kindi- sharks, and the next generation of farmers will reap the benefit uf their lost I u be r. In Otegon you have sex-eral shown i.tes, etc., etc., are in process of " "-.....?. jtor suusisUiee, winie a w.ikoiii inr- .reetiou. The merrv-go-round the A Catholic church is to be built at ' mer alls nut one. D.iirylmr, hop rai j in-mimoth swing and other plea-ur-' Tilkimook this fall. ing, fruit, xvool and wheat, xxiule we able allureuieuts are already hoist- Work will now proceed at the' -tve utit tue ont vne:u. iiuc wo ing their poles and these depart-) locks at The Dalles. I have an advantage here; that is, a uients will not be lacking. ' Work U to be resumed at the Jet-1 !IUM ;UI un" ,isu, ,,,w tho Iam; BKsVAUiiANTS. ; ties nt the nioutll of lt. Co,lIlllllhl , ''ere that you can in Oregon, and On the left from the machinery i rivi;r I when he gets several good crops lie hall stands the familiar old res-' 'lroor ,,,,. ,,,.- , ''swell lixed. We have farmers uturant, with its familiar old laud- r VT" , ' hcrc w,, Kot ,1,rif ?omI CT" to lord, Mr. Wilkin-, of XortU hale.... Go,l " X Mey' 1,ll'""ooK " start xx ith, and made themselves in- "On the ri'ht is the big restaurant ndnlng claims were filed in ikKmleut, having 300 acres in ivhich xvill be in the bauds of I., ri. "IU eouuty uuniit: .vugusi. wlieat and tl.reslilcu' nearly lO.fltX) xViuters again this. ear. There ure fctate Treasurer Metschau xvill re- bushels, gelling fill cents a bushel numerous smaller ones in course of move to Salem auotit the last of for it, the cost to them being about llttiug up, and the hungry will all September. 20 cents a bushel. Crops are t-o iip- oe satisfied as far as their money The railroad between Medfnrd and "ertulii. As a general thing farmera Jacksonville is about to materialize. w"' ,mvu t0 ll"' "orse i--en-t" ,,,,, . . . .. ' mauy cases it isti total failure. I-'lax Cl-uide Iteed, a painter, has skip- . J . . . t i ... r ,ii . j (n.i r 's very lioor. uch is 1 fe on a Da ped out from Albanv,oxving 400 for , . , ' .,,,., ' " v kola farm, materials. ,, , . . . . If Oregon could give frte transpor- I here are CO men at work on the tation to live or ten thousand D..ko W ilsun ltiver road, leading into Til-1 H f..rnlurHif things are a-, r. pre-,am,M,k- seined In that t-ouuiry they would Kdxvard Morris, assistant mill llml one-half ol them there o.il' and md Director Jr., whose pedigrtesi sawyer at smith ,fc li.irker, xxns u.iggage befoie anotlieryear. . need not be givin; Dr. Iteyuultls' drowned ou .-alurd.iy, at Tillamool;. - j colt Dissector, by Director Jr., dam Jinnes Hnm vu. trurk lv li-'ht- miiii.ira'j ithninniic ami i.Iht puis. J Cezuola, by Altameut: and G. It. nin.r at Her.mer last wk." but" iv. JK,i,.?',:.H.-,.rr t.c'.c."""c:i!.," h',.'".,",.,.tlA'.! I V? ---- - , -.... .. ...,...,, j, tw. ..,(. ..V,..'... ....IIIJlMi. fill.. 1). V HIlllltMAX, j I . s.. Pension anil Claim mrent. I'. O. i l!o an saiuin, iiivitmi. Deputy Countx I Clerk. Write lur blanks. I 'oes, THE HOUSES. Passing doxvn to the stables, sev eral tine horses are found, though he greater number of the fast ones are now atteudiug the Portland raced aud will be up Sunday. John Pender has four here, how ever, the well known Combination P J,L r. of Only the SVintler. bv liambletoillun Malll- eeixvil mi si-rimis Ininrx- imi coiiimoHly fullim-iiiK the uc ol pill-, . . i t i ii i i -r. i loey nrt-sdapled In both adults ami dill- bnuo, dam Daily W ood, by Hock- Kmu-W simitii whn illeil -n Til l,'u wl,h wrlwi Mfety. Woau.iante. woln full sistprof T -uU- M.niil ". mi", xiim iueii.it l"- they h ixenoiiii il 111 Iheeurui.filek IwuL xvoou a tun Bister oi l,m iiauu. j.wk on the 7th, xvas with the "die, iim-uiMiioii.il -.ip-i-i ami luiiious. To-day Ludy Wood and colt xvlll be frit ,rnill nf ,. ,.lw ...,. ,. ,,, ue.,; aril, u, an appetler, they uxieU any : , .. .,.,, , J,rsl train oi xxaguns inat came lo other preiwiraiinn 7 17 ly nrought up from the Gilbwrt place, iho Willamette vallex-. riuith.i.sic-iucr.i-oicagu. Mr llrli.l.t l,..c !,, ..I,.,.-.,., I'..v .(. ' " " , ' - ... 4J..Q..I. .mj u ..m.i.- v.u.1 , . .. . , . T , vehicles, impairing a specialty Oi-le's Roseninn one of i'ie hand- -lv-"",J, '" -'mi.e ui i.aurei best work turned oul. Minn c ufcie n ixoseuiiiu, one oi '.ie iiaiiu- -,, i ,, -...-,..,,i, ,...ir i State street, next door to scrlber S: l-ohle somest and best bred trotting stal- .,.,,,, , " lions on the coast; also Jav Smith's ' h ' ' colt by Itosemou.anda Tow way e col",,, f "GIIIMiii, Veo, , JJg ( J(W(J . M flj,cr jr. citi Multuouiali, Washington, Clai-ku-' Will H. llumphieyc, of the Wal- 1"ai'' J""""". ' '. '-'"e and teller do hills" has a 5-vear old Mason man- imv'- "" li'ibilities. Chief, Kipper, and a 4-year old The board of trade of Maker City , mVVhis'.riilJ'iXtiJr'M'Vl.a, Pathllnder, MasliaK, in training has come to the eoneiu-iiou that the , '""" l"cu cinnutca lino, ili.u u , , , . . "'"b li.b-niulely Piirfaift-w.iler proof, mid that there, very handsome ptiunals. nexv.paers of that city are entitled 1 1 fnn-eii tiirougii the cumem u.-iin in Ilugl. Km.tli's running horse was to some recognition. I J'Vf ''L'r'!' n , 'iln-irllmmmJu? seen and ttl-o a chestnut sorrel be- fi EO. HOEYE Barber and Hair drw X. Ing parlors. Mnest bathslntheclty. SWCommereial street, balem, SOCIETY NOTICE-sJ. GA. R. Kedgwick l'ost, Ko. 10, Hepnrl meut of Oregon, meeu ex ery iloud.ij trening iltlhe hall nxei the Oregon Lane company's otHce. Vlsltliig comrades ur cordially lnxlied to attend. u. C.sntUM.i.N, l'ot uommader. W1IAT BA TDBCLAR WELL! a genulneTubuIir well isciinlr icled liy pulling ilnxxnii tliiit- Inch Iron nils.-, illh nooieiiliigs xi-pt tup and lioiium. .So Own M Fair, '90. TIllllTlllTll.lNXL'ALEMIIIilTION Under tho management or the Oregon Ktite Hoard of Agriculture, xrlll be held on lite stale fair rroiiniN near .llcIll, commeuelug un Jloiidiiy, Si'iiU'iuIit'f J.'itli, 1WI0, And lasting one xveek. hi Ui CASH PREMIUMS Oflertd for iigricilllural, stuck1 mul in cliinle.il exhlbltn, fur xiorUs nf art ui.d fancy work mid for trials of speed. lteduc d rales Mr faiennd freight mi all tnin-iporlatlon lin s to and from the fair. Important Impnixemcnls haxobeen inadi iinin lhegri)iiniNniul.iiKieii-id ficllilie. aroolloredexh bltors. Flic Pavilion Will lio Open J-'our niglits diirini,' (lii lVt'L'lx. A splendid Held for horses entered In the speed ilen,irtinent, mul fine cxlilbllloua ol racing will heglxc-n each d ij-. Kiilili" for premiums cloe .Monday nl 7:00 p. in. r.ihlbltors arc urged to main us mam oftheireiitrlesnii Minil.iv l,cr..r.. the lair as os,liiii-. (iooils, nnlm.iN mid unifies i..r e-ciiu.uion must be, 111 llien i pl.ues hi 10 p. m. on ilimday. 1 ritlOES OF AWIISSIOsV: Jlan'silay ticket m- Wuiiian siluy lu-ket i, Man's suison lliki-t.... S"-' C WoiiiiinV Mms.ui ilekct s im senil In iIium,. i-tiryut l'Krtlauil.diigou. foru jirviiilum list. I). II. I.iiu.M.V, . , ,,,, i'n-slili-ul J.T. flltl-.'Kl, secrelary. iliv-ld From Tcrain.il or Interior l'oints the Northern Pacific Railroad Is Urn line lo lake To all Points liisl ami Souiii. It Isthmtlniugcar mule. Itriuis thnmgli xeillbule tralus every day In the xcar in ST. PAUL AND CINGAGO ! ' (.Vitclmni' of c:rit.) t'Dinno-io.l of tiinhiirrai-s uiwtirivLcil.T I l'ulliu.ui tlraivliiir nxiui hlci'r.'rK TOURIST I Sleeping Cars. i llest Hi it can ho constructed mul In xvhlch 41-x-ouimoii i lo-is are both Ireo uiul lur ulslied fur holdeni of Mist and neooml-cU-.-lickcis.aud IKS DR. HILLER'S Special Prescriptions. ii i m HOME TREATMENT SELF CURE A Specific Remedy lor Each Diteaie. Dn. MILLER'S HTDBMTIWE mTQBMIVE, Umult. nutrition. rurlaMthdlHuod. Cures Dj iIla, COnstipstloii widGtn.nl iTiblllty. A tct toolo snd str.nlb bullJ.r. Dn. HILLER'S ANTI-BILIOUS T3MCHND LIVCB CUjlE. Curssi rUlloiuiiMi an.l ft I.h crTroublet, Chill and K.s.r, sTTiiuUl Ftn, ui ll Tphoid conditions. DR. HILLEIfS CXTAHI1H CtlllE. CurMAeuUC4UrTli,ChronloCt4rtli,CUrrh iUt lirns. Iliursntenltucurotheoont esses wh.n dlncllons are followsd.or money Mfuiidsd. 01. HIUPH'S ROinH 'DIE. Curt. Colds, llotjr.nss, Coughs, Ornnehltls, ri.uriq' sml l-iicimioTuiToaTTMcTnTrmntlon. ConUlns no OpittM. CurMCrouplnlOiulnutos. nil HILtEn'S PIPHTHinU UNO 0RE THBOAT CUnE. 1-r.T.nt. sn.l cur.. Dlpli. iTciU. Hillsi.llliel) cur.sny wra slirust In from 3 ta il hours. Curetfjulni) InSJsys. nt. I'M Lr1'S r.g'fF.R f!U"E. Indliptnssblo In 11 scut dlsestt. stttndcd wllli tov.r. Iruitiu. is.. i Hires ncitUl t'.r.r, SculsLUu, snd Utul.s. UoUurs try It ones. Dft. HILLEW'S NERVOUS 0E3IIITY CURE. Curos K.r.ous WuknsM, sod Lots U IMnr. Never fills. Hsnd (or 1'rlisu ClnxiUr to Ulllsr Drug Co., Bsa Prsncltoo, Csl. DR. "ILLER'S nHEUMATIC UNO NEUfULOIC CURE. Cur.. lUi.unutlsm, NsursljU, tlout, l.uiuiMrTI,"T,!rriIicTrT),,,uu,rsiI dds which csuss thsm. Dll. HILLER'S (EETHINO CUtE. Aids the jtowUi siid d.r.lopaxnt ot chlldrtn during t e 'rotning sftnil,eti4iir.si lalnlni tMth!n7 in J sound tooth, snd prsvent. tn 1 euros biu.nx, llkk.ts, UrsliiTroublessnd Bow.l CoiaplslnU. A bloselng to nioth.r snd child. DR. HILLER'S WH00PIN0 C0U0H CURE. ProvooU and Curt Whoeploi: Cough. Note. -With exception ot Dr. Hlller's HydruUne Rettorttlft, Dr. lllll.r's llh.umstle ami Nrurshlc Cure, snil Ur Killer's Cough Curs, th. abort rtmtdlss ar. In TaUUt (jini, and, It not obuinable troiu ) our driogUI, will bt mailed (rts, on rscslpt of pikt. $1.00 per Package Six Packages for $5.00. Th.se remedies are the result ot U ytxrt ot nniftsslonal tzptrlrnc, and art &mrintecl 10 cure when a cure Is p aullils. Dr. Illllcr i S.pat book 0 Jlrsctlons for home tnutnirnt, containing xalusble Instructions at to lijrgl.nt and illtt, taut nn. HILLER DRUG COMPANY, SN FRANCISCO, CAL, U. S. A. f far MIp. bv DAX'li ,1. FRY. Ilriurffisf.1225 Commercial SI.. hm. XUSsvsSs;HsSss-Ssjs.0ti HI liMWas'w'l I a0fg 'n ni k)Ul IV rn rra raws o- Advertise Your Business ! EliKGAI.T DAY COAOIIKS. Aconllniinis 'Ine conno:ilng ii-lth nil lines. alliiidliiK (tlre".t and uninterrupted -ervlce. Pullman sli rn-TH' Inns mil bese- ured In iiilxi v ' ,u . any iigcnt of I he pi.nl. Through lleliets lo and from nil points In Auu-rlcn, Kuglaud mid Kurow ran b liiirehasedatiiny ticket ultii-u ill tills i-oin. ln. I'iiII Information concerning rati-s, time it trulu-.rmilesiiiidotln'riletiills furnished -ui uppllcitiou 10 any aueul or A. 1). CHAUIrON, Assistant (ielieral Cassi-ugi-r Agent, No 121 First stuu, cor. Wuililngtou; l"irl laud, Oregon, -o- TMLC IBl THE WEEKLY CAPITAL JOURNAL $1.00 Per Year IS THE LARGEST, CHEAPEST And Best 8. A. Handle, Adjuu it. A O. V V. I'mtectlou L.dge No. 2, A J. O. U. W Kilem, Oregon, ileels racl x edneday exenlng nt lis hall lu .-Lite In surunee block, corner Commercial anu Chemeketa streets VMilugandi-oJourii Ingbgetlirenliixlied K. II. s-outuxx-ick. Iua Kku, Uccorder. il U n-i.., .1.1 .i...i.. ,.. .1 t,i ' IhU counlrv James A. Unhurt, alfin i iju ui.iesi iui.-.ii-iii)ii 111 ii.t- mil-, ,..,itnw nairtilrifround.l male -s 1 ..: lunillK to J. 15. Knys, xx'liloll is side Cumeturv ut Aiituiia, i-i that of I w,"s lermsrenMiuable 10 year- en perl uiutclieil for n race nest Monday li. M. LavWh. ngul 4J; ti pilot J w' t:ii-iiiiiis',iii.xv MOff k WM, Columbia river M.iv Morgan k Mead City All irork done xrllh promptness and dl xxitlioldllve.Str.ixv. droxvind in (IIIMIISAMTICS. 18H. A reiiorter'-, time i limited mul Tlie Uliiiu-se laundries of Astotiu the rounds of tho stable had to Le ..,. ,liir ,,, ,, ,1,,. ..... ,,., ,.,.. ..... " . M -' "mv. .1,. ,,..,v. ..ti!jf,llJj cut short for that trip, iw the xvord for 8lllttK oil' the xvaler after Imx' ui u.xeii xuiii itosenioti xvas annul i.,., ,.(,lec,ul 1.. a,lvM,u-(. fr xxn-r D r a y m e n I ,0 ,rouml ,U,e , Y-l(:k- T"'vt ftf'lt Montana. as xxltues-eil and it wan us pretty a niece of trotthi" k will !.. fc.... ' iW "Hleti at the O. P -Dealers ill- patch. Ouly the be,t mm ure employed , Ut.vr wk. This lu.r. U not in il... fwiglit yardiut Helena. Ills foot "" j races the present wr.itoii, but look 'aualit in an unblocked fro;,', Sep- TI I IO 0 ArllTI r ' "ut for llin' uext '"" teniber7tli. r I I O CV. VVnllLnT. the track is considered liy Iioro-, xvashinotuN Fresh and Salt 1 I eats. EAST AND SOUTH VIA Southern Pacific Route liLDNIUOE HLOOK I'rlcoof Mi-atshy lhu(iiarnr !c. Mutton by theiii.irter Tc. I'ork by the iuarlcr 7c. Shasta Twine CAMroilNIA KXPJIIJW TI1AI.V HUM IIAIM hKTXVKKM I-OI(TIXFIi A.M) 8. r. K'uTiKrizri""iri .'onTi. J p. m. I I.-. I'orllaml A r. I" .r. 11". in .-p. 111. I.v. t-alem I.v. Tilliu. in 7:l.)im. ( Ar. Kan Kran. Lvjl liuip. m Above fTalu-, slop enlyiil TiilhrvT fnir Ha tlonsiiorlh of llo.i.bmg, ;,it l-oriiand ! 11.1IU it,. ' r itrri U iy, XXoouhurii, r-ulern, Albanj "0IH ilotc, Taiigeiit.rih.-dds, i,.-y. Ilarrl.buig IiIVEltY3IEN, South of Cllonioliuto I-Iotal, SALKM, - - OREOON men a little heavy, hut ltUreceiv- fjeattle Ii.ih re8i,tratioti of q.qo .town J-U,,-,S;,,J,,,,,, ilTv"" t. 1 . .... I inggoou wen: uiul xvlll lie all riht voters. i " M.'. !7Ck.' r . .ii .... A brexvery is to be IixsiU-d at Ana- ( One nexv feature thlw year xvill be coriMt 1 the fure mid liurec lu?Inj' outlll of tiie mti heuttiu uuiiiii rallxvuy , .") 11. 111. XO&l u. in IlirnillUllO MAM, llAIl.V, 1'orlfiimT I.v. I.v Kilem Ar. I.v. I (10 p. ill. I.1M p, III. iJm m w-- -TY-r-r y-v . -r r Jollll Ivlltl'llt. XVllor.. 4, If'll flllllll ,1 1. H. il U J3AlU, nimt be taken to be shod; ho won't l,UH Ut" f""''!'Hy opened. Agent for go to tho HtnlU to slitM) them unv 'Hie rieattlet'iiuket Club beat tiie Cyclone SeparatorSiRuSSall Engines more. John it stand-by for shoo- Tuconus last satuiihiyj tcore 1CKJ to - and baw Mill Machinery. , ing the trock don. . lUsldencolwi Commercial ut., Balem, Ore. '''lltJ uw' Blnll mill feed rooms In- The Allaeortt-8 mill Kldalgo Motor ' slue the truck fence will furiilnh line is to no built nt once. , plenty of room thin year nml the-e, T10 Valley K.-xxh of Mounlulu iw well ui tho-o built last year, tiro view U the new Journalistic ven- in Hue Hhiie. ,,re The exhibit stock mul tlio other r,.' , , i,nnnn , .. , , , ., . 'laeou a is to pay $10,000 lo have truck iinlnmW on the ground, n ,, ,, , ,. ,,,,,, , ., , ,, xxell us tlHM nrrivlnu dully, will bo '"' cll!llrl'-'r prliiteil in tlmo dully left for uuotlier nrticle. piieri. of that city. Vou ran un i.-nione.x hy buying your Musical Merchandise'rrliir,,:.:;: IT. Capital City ltdant Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r. WarmMeak at All Hours ofihe Day None but while labor employed In this DIAMOND'S Music lloii.c, Kldildge. ll!o"!i, tsilom- SALBil IRON 0. D. IMJTTOX, I'rop. Castings of nil kind, inailo In order Mil, I, MACIItNlIltV, I'l.ANINfl MII.I.H, C'l)lM('J, SU.TAI. riKINTrl, S.OJ p. 111, 1 ,v. t'liriliiml Ar I tun 1 7 .A imii. 1.x: mleiii I.v. ((.srti.m M.U)j.mJ.r. Albany l.vjjioiu ni PULLMAN HUFFhT SLKEPEHS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS For iK'coinmodiittnu oi sicoiui class I iisuigtrs ntluclivil in cprvM iniliin, ' .Yd Side Division, Between Portlaud aii'l Cervallfa: II u , li.. HI. III. " " " ..i, laiUp.iu.l Ar, UAII.y (f.XI.Kl'r Hl'MIIAYJ, 7sm n. in. I J.v, I'm llanil I'nrvallis A gixxl substantial meal cooked In first- e..rs,uud uuxomed crutches for leiijr.ira fiast tiyie 1 lintti eAM?uucil lurgu sil r-nv cenui per nieai. RItO V K O N T. Court street, between Journal Office and junto's Livery, ulury I hit v.i bcenitltlliled vvlih rheumatism fortweuiy ffi".V,.!,.,"..,.,.f.,.'.,.':!,,Ji;(!ir held for boudliiK the city fori38, using puxxerful llitlmeiiis In get u little 000 for liulllic iuiliroveiilellts, result sltep.iny hlii iinilknteli.nl lo.i ne.irly a I . 1 f.,,,r r 1... ,.., ..,., irength. XVhen I (iiinmeutcil In lake Wl III IllXor Of, U t WO Voles. Ar. ! Mp, in l.x.l Viiii, in ii ..1...-1.. ........ v.... ,. ilio hiHIIIier .xierxvin mil iloxvilil ami spi-el-il ensllngH ot any slvlii or int. 1 1 twin, tu bad ...,, ,.f .1,,, 1 .,.' ...v.. Hlooi)iiUie&iuudHatunJjyiiBit.l!rXiJlTL ,., .on. ,i.r.;r,r.Vi.. ..;...! '.;..'.:.". :. - 1 " .npiu swim; luiiiruw. ri'i... t..i , .... ... il . . . . ... n suu niieeiui eieciioii III rjiruiUe, Itpn.lir .inv l.idiinirv in Ikh-I fliiti..- ' ' ' " """ , KXI'Hr.lSTIIAIN (IIAII.V KXtKITSUNIlAY lllbbard't ltheunuillii favrnii 1 Miuhi mil tuku one step without Ihuuiilof umiic.iir BOBT. THOMPSON". lurn myself 111 ld without iisslslunee. I it sure Cum lur Piles. can unxyinuxe Willi perlect ejise.und wulk Itching I'llwi ura known hy inolslure -"" .... ...... .. ii, in; 111,11 peispiruiuui, musing iillriisu Itch ug V17AV TI17CT A7TT? ATCV 'W "rf'. Uay "' rcllsl rrsnn n ts-r- when uiiriu. 'Mils lorui us uellus llllnil JNJIjW HiliOlii-UlCjJX X, rlbleHmiclliin.uiid wish I might liemlrt llleediiiguiid pri.lriiillug, yield ntuiiiu in Oppotll Weller Hroi.. Com'l HU tii.tlliil llcted w Ih rheiiinatlsm uudiiiher Jr. Ituwukii'k I'lle llemnly. which uels MssxU at nil hour, uud In very tyle. Agt. Northwestern ,Huluut l.lfe lii.uranee eut cure, in .nu liingglst ur iiiuli Will open her private tcliuol Bettmtsil In therlly forJicen.s. (live tul ci- iunisieo, nim, rornne ny nuiiin . ikiuu l.ee. I.. Itusjiiiko, I'luuu. t). Hold hepleiuber 1st n..iwr. t v, nmiin m.iu.r. nr Clieniekela and Winter Hts. riirnllig Unties, engines, hup presses . d hup siinwi bull. x III nuilii-esiliimles . V.ifp.Tn. I.vr"r..rif.inir ,r. Pnrm ild'f'or Xi'i"5 "tl,k'" (I,","L '.T1.10 JJ'-"'.lAr.Me.Mlnuvll0i:v. fclll!:!!! privateschool Throiiffh Tickets RUNS last imlns uih I'ullinnii Vi-stlbiiU DmwIngriMiii sh-ep rs, dining ir ant i-oachi-s of latest ill-sign, between t'hlengi md MIlwauktonuilHt. Paul unit -Minim Iplllls. Kast Trains xvith I'ullmiiii vestlbuU-d ilrawlng room sleepers, illulng cnrH unit iiMrhei of lalesi il-lgn, bctxxeen Chlcngi .iim.uiixxiiuKeeuiiii Ashland mid liuliilh 1 through Pullman vesilbulii ilniwlui I risiui ami colonist sleepers via I hi) North I ern I'arlllc railroad belween Chluigonud I'orllanil, Or. Coiixeiiient tnilns to mul from Kustcrn XXeslern, Northern mill icnlral U'l.rou I .In isilnts, ullorillng iini-(iialeilservle-lii 1 mil from Wmikesha Komi (In Ijic, ()li 1 mish.Neeiiuh. xieuerdia. riiliiiH-Hii K11IU. Kill Claire. Hurley. Wis., uiul Jruilood mil llesj-emi-r, Mli-h. For tlrkeix, sleeiilug car reervntl(ili, lluinl.ihles and olher liifiiriu.itloii, npplx iniigeiilH unyxvheru In I lie Uulieil Hlutes orC'anada. i. It AINMI.IK. (len'l. .Mir.. .XIUtiimLw. vi'lu J.M.IIANKllltl), ' ii. c. 11.1111-.' rr,,mo Mr- Hl" ,UI' TniflicMur., Milwaukee, Wis. , i.iiI)Hi:iikmti:in. XsstOen'l l'.iK.s'r mul TUl Agl , Mllwno kee. Wis. Two Through Trains EacliWaj IIAII.Y, VIA UNION I'AUIKIU SYTI-:M. CoUlIlieUCiUl? Willi Hnmlm- Mr.l. O...I liollillrluiulsi-(siiiilcIas Uclo-ia xvlll U honoi.ii iV; "Tim Limited ljist Mull, 1.1I ih.l nml 1,11s xvcll also un h "Over 111111I l'l(-rs,"Nns, lniulV!. V1" ,,!,,l,. ,:"Ht Mll" OuliiH un iiulppeil wllli I'ullmiiii pahieo nml coin-ulstsli-epeis, (lining i-urs, elmlr mm anil fsiclini.iiiiil tin solid bi-tuien I'orlliuul ,,.... , inuiiiu, uiiiir iviiuiniiL'iuinge, Al"M,'it'r1"1"1 ''lyer-uuliis am (iiulppeil with I'lilliiiiin palace. slcewni and concur, U-lween I'nrlliinduiiili-.iuiicll III11MS, mul lth I'll llllllll (silonlst sluel.i-is helm-en ell'!!. "' '"" hl""u'' cu'i "-illy, wltboul loiinicllmiseriniindoiit I'oe.itclln wllli Ihimigli trains louinl fiom Halt like, u id iti'lieyLMiiiu with through I rains id and Ir 111 Deiner, Kansas City mul Ml. Unils. Iho .ilMive iraliiH uiloril I he (.iih-lio,! Iliuuhcuieeiithii Nnrlhwesl I'ncllle const aiiil UisleriiMiuI oiilhern poluu. iieb.."",i' ll"of lialns, nue,, ihrmigh ...?? 1 .' '"'Wo;, rlnfliH el.- en Iw r.ri- J!lti.Wll,tt:,,M,T sliivl,rMilviii Oii'iju For the- Money on the Pacific Coast j It litis nlnrKcclroulutlnnin the townH nnd nmong the bout farmera of .M11ri1.11, 1 oik uiul umliill cuinilieH. AbIiIp from thla It alao htm a wide 1: reiiiauoii inroujriiotii uie iiustern hUUch uiikiiik iHionle whoure Htudylni: Ori-Kun with u vlexy in comluK West. Tiik Jouiinai, mukea a Hpeclnlty tj: villi: iiccuruii' Infonnuilou concerniiiK fruit growing ami farming liroduetH, also die market reports. It Ih un uuexcellott adverluuug nitv ilium for the local trudu uutl real eutnte lulervsts. JAY C. SMITH, (Succeitorto Galnei Flihtr) PKOHKIUTOK OK "THE CLUB STABLES." Hpeclnl attention irlvnn in innuiani stock. Horses boarded byduy, week or month. Horses Bought and Sold. Cor. Liberty and Kerry HU, Halem, Ortuon. Yt'fUK '$& A-l mmm Union Pacific 11 H Company "OVEULAND ROUTE." l'ralns for the ut lv Portland alT.CO rn und fcuo pm dully. Tlo eu to undfrooi principal points In tin UnlUdHUtet.Uia Hditund Kunipc. Eleg&nt New Dining Gin. PULLMAN PALACB SLEEPERS. Free Kutnlly Sleeplnc Can run tlirough on hxpres trains Ui Omaha, Uouucll llluns und Kanuui City without obango Oonnectloniiat rortland for Han Krancul oonud I'ugetHouud poluu. Kor lurtber particular.- address, anf agent of the compuuy or C. H. MKLI.KN, General Trafflo Manaf IlolseA.MunulngaeiiU 88 Court ilrtet, Halem, Oregon. Oregonian Ilail Road Conpany. Oeneral offleet northwest corner Klnt and I'lne alrveU, 1'ortluud. STACK LIVERY BAHN. ut llenrofUhc-inclietu Hotel, h. . HUFFMAN, IW 'ls ..11 lut MISS TERESA li. D'AliO' i;.ct n,i s'..i;ra hor llclielHiiiullull iiiloritiiiiion n.n,;i prlvule ichool un Jlonday ''" nuu um, elo apply lo IIil Compii UiKiiuilhoiinlliifHpesy, c. ' "" "" MMMft.l ss-Wulta lt.uaunuble.-U MMw 1-irsiH'iiiss iiiKsfur nil x-cuslnns. y,t iiixi-j limes rs ou short h lllclnui, Ooliltu Baltrnm v , Ttrimarv ... .. : i aiulilll's. .;i,r ;'.."" (tnown. Sut reuV;K. Hr',S.?R"? "!"" hesllhy. lr,r, 5 i; " i n lilohau's Unliltn H anlil? An I UI Uol fl.nl. r d...r0V,l7.nWS.fl!e' mm tor fV.TO lfc.ffi'fi'B-"' . Md tniitlon.. rrlei'ii S'lt'L? t.'r ' I.. I lew. UolSJi I'll ,-"",?; an on .....'! ' P....l ..t v.i.r T ii of. Mil."""."lf ,,r" company, inienu iiidSll r.Mkti lrtt,anKfBn3i llluUrluaUUfri, "aunuwu &Ufc Cal, From l'orlland Hllver-Coburg tonao man vm I.VAM KA8T HIDK, SUtloiu. Toward i'ortlaud Port'odlMrt'd mall Kxp sHri AK4M 00 0O i'ortl'odHl'Oo 3 43 1 I SS ? 2! W"rtoiiru I 40 7 8 40 II it-i jlltvartim 12 OS U ft 07...11rownsvlll. 7 40 tt). .foburf .. 6 W WEHT 8JDK. Alrlto mall PortUnd mJJ 'v ... am a ti w -iMrtland rWV. 318 .? Uundea Junction 208 JOT Hbarltlan .... tfl jl italUu . 8IU Tlehau for Wast Hide autloua for aalo J fujil ol Jefferson at. 'I'lokaW ftir ftwl ! slatlons for a.ile at Union depot, ror. olB and J streets. tlHAHrN. Bi.tTf., l-3-wly Bupt" Utn,p W.PaM.W,J rWTl& QKK OVTIIK I.AI10KMT KHTAIItiJ; menu n tbe untie. Ijwer rat4M.lt'! w.iiuim. utretsn auiett lcal lliana. P5jiV't'',Joti wlnilBavaud tUJtf, tsms sswis k. at. WAIIm, MwrnHN i , "s -T-. .v