Wmmmmmiiissssm PI ii8 i 4t' ' I vj 1 ? ' P)l i&i ft- taKa rffflPKlf ' W"Slwni. um OUR STORY. TheL'ArrrALJoi'mrAi. will contain rcgu-, larly a story, couiplstcd Id out or two uuui ! ban SOME HOT 15ALLS. tij Catharine B. Foot, Contributor to "Youth's Companion.'' Etc. Highest ofall In Leavening Power. U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889. A BCAKED ESITOS. rimer stalked Into tb i A rant rimer stalked late tarn wits biff whip under his "yon the editor!" "las It was bright nml fair that SOth day of May, 1614, in lovely Xew- "lort uovcr niore lovely than at ' that season ami lu that long ago 1 tlntc wheu it was n quiet rural town, with its lanes and quiet road full of wild luxuriance of the loaf sma uaedltAr?" "1ul"wu(m ... half apanhtnsin reply, and blossom of the early summer. " Hare's two dourm eaadaeyetxr paper, I tor life." keeald. . " Tan eee." ha want en, H enr daughter the Hex ui uh so oro, nnnpn ua ffraw weak and pale, had headacoee, bo eppeuie, oaca acaec loa. couldn t and wa thought No msdldna hales Dr. Pleroe'a Favorite) PreaeripUoa nn. AUll he turned his held quickly Siad ta So urn. aid u noV wall an ' ward the bench road and lifted his ra'a5Silo.r?"r0"P" " "' " " haUd wlUl a S5'" for slleucu. Now tha edftnr Is looking rer another. Every boy stopped veiling and n re. xaa medicine aaa eurea tnousantu . ... ... icted aa waa tha farraer'e daughter. I oeau slieuce relgueil lor I wo seconds, Rcal H. 4V. MATTHEWS, ri.ES. T.1I.WATINBS, SEC. & TllEAS. &X2X& ABSOLUTELY PURE BfidtinglSAIvEM LAND COMPANY R3WdCP ! Incorporated l880Capital Stoclc $30,000. POSTOFFICB BLOCK, -- SAJL,JbL,JVL, uixnAiN. riding down and beckoned to him. "John," he said, "you run nnd tell A lot of bovs werc'pliivlug onj your father to call out the militia, le creeuiibnut the old stone ...m "lid tell him to bring till' I2-p.UIiil- wheu sudden) v one stonned lu ti1L. ers aud plenty of shot, liurry up, and he took and he was nil liken deer. He burst iuto the old house opposite the mill like a cannon ball himself. "Father father!" lie shouted, John nnd 'such delightful times. Hut the white-haired old man would say: "These are better times, when wo are all at peace." And so say we nil of us. I n.&SS w'K veryaclof throwing u ball to one of U"s.crtiiu.? 2Jlr2SlSa;th81;'he". Y,,d1. ""' "t?" 0 lu'Jv'"V "it'sl'r" .'a Tayorlta PraaerlpUoB n- nud he turned his head quickly to-. " m u,p' l " uo " 8lr iSndrrtu JhSolSS.rtio'iSS wuen Jouu tihaw, the boy who had ' ""-' ( "mmoduresent me to tell you p.ThicardvSmS:."!? ' first spoken. said: 0t " mllltln, and to br.nK "There! There! Hear it? There's a i luc i-'l'unuere aim plenty 01 suoi. "WliatV" salt! .Mr. Sliiiw as he jumped out of bed, only half awake, "did the Commodore say thai?" "ts. hi illfi. atiil In tnhl nii tn ..j . .. . . . - 1 i-iiiiiii I3irrv infill mill iiii.r i!irt v.rv I --...- . la miarantwd to rlro aatufaettoa lu Try I aaae. or rrice ($1.00) rarundad. It' a I SliSSMto-iSwArS "e n. "oys!" aud aur to ferment la the itomach and da- every one of Iliei'l tore duwu the ranca dljrrttlon. . . . ... For a Book of 1 para on Weman: beach road, as fast :is their leg Her Dlaauca and How to Cure them, (tent ml,umr. fi., ,,,i ,i,.,, ..... ...,-,. aaslad In plain enTelope) enclose tan oenu. co"W irO them ami that u ;is er tn atampa, to WoaLD'a DitrairaART Uin ' fa t icii. AasociATion, No. m Main Btraat, ; . Buffalo. N. Y. As they rau others rau also men ""'M!! and womeu and presently a man DR. PIERCE'S PELLETS SaoES? 1 0U uorsel"Ck galloped by them, and loxatire. or Catharuc. aocordlnjr to tlu ' the meu and bovs shouted, "It't ordoaa. Smallaat. Caeapeat, 8urar-rMtd .... .... . .... ad Kadeat to take. C&re Sick Head, i the Coiumixlore it's Perry! ThereV U toitSili0""'?- S,JiiUpW""s-, flgutl" and they gave a wild hur- ' rah as well as they could, when PKOFE85IONAI. cakds. luey were using all the breath tliej . iiad and kept uu ruuuiug uutil thej T J. sriAW, Attorney-at-Law, Kalem, ' reached the turu where the beach a-hranMVrT?afl,he?S'rro?dde2 nnd harbor lay before them. Com Bush's bank. ' modure Perry checked his horse u IILMON FOHD. nttornej-nt law. Snlem. tuunient uud then turned and gal feUgan. urace nruirs in i-attcn'8 Joji buck the way he had come, 1 shouting to someone, "I'm coming j 1 uacK ml block. hurry, too and the Itritish brig is standing in fust." 'Je-ru-salein!" said Mr. Shaw, captain of the militia nud that meant a great deal. "If the Com modore said hurry there's need of It." He hurried so much that lu half an hour the company of militia very much mixed as to uniform, it must be confessed were on the oeaeli with their two 12-pounders. "I thought so," cried the Com modore, when a put! of smoke came trom the side of the Kiturod, "that lilt, too." And he sighted one of Catarrh Can't b Cored with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reacy the seat ol the (llene. Catarrh Is a blood or .con stitutional disease, and in order to cure it you have to take internal remedies. Hall's Catrrh Cure is taken itifnally, and nets directly on (he blood nud mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cun: Is 110 quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physiciaus in the coun try for years, nud is n regular pre scriptlou. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting di rectly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two in gredients is what produces such wauderful results in curing catarrh. eud for testimonials free. F. J. Chknc & Co., Props. Toledo. O. Sold by druggists, price 75c . The Stnyton butcher-shop killed live beeves and two sheep in one week recently, and all the meat 1 gone out of the shop by Saturday uight. Mining Application No. 2. United btatks tAo Orricr, OurooM City, Orwin, Ati!. Ii, 1"W. XTOTICE I hereby given that the Cupllal 1 CoUMiililuted (fold and KlUer mlti fuitciiiiipiiu.v. H. K. L'lmilwkk, (irrl(lenl, whose HtoIllrcHddmui l -mleiu, Orrjrun, hantliW Jar tiled III Hppllnillon 'or a ixiU'Ul for AlV llneur leel of I In- Capllnl (:onotlduled Cold uinlsller mine or vela beurltit: itold nnd llver, with iirfirc rnnnultnj feet In width, -Itunli-d In Hen riifiiiliilnKUIlrlct,riiiit of .Marintiulid tale 1 f Urttrnn. nml dcl(lialri1 by the Held nolpH and oDIelal plata mi (He tn till" oltlrpH- lot Nn.aiB. Kild lot Nn. 'Jlfi be lngdecrlbed axriillowK.towIti Itadimlui; HlnnK'klu place llh moiiud ol -limu, with bearing tree eorner N". 1: thenre N. 17 K.. UX) feet to Meno In moiinil of lone with beiirltictreroriier No Sthcnre K.7.P w.,SUOJiet to mono In ntr.mul of toue corner No.S; llienc s. 17 w.. tMt feettonKk In plHcewllh iiiumid of -tone, corner No. ": iltencrs. i i, ;l fo'V to iilara of beginning. Jlagnetlc xurlallnn r.i to W K, routiilnlni; lM nciv. The location of this inliu' It neuntnl In the reoorder'n orllr-" if Marlon county, Oresoii. Any and all jierwin clahiiln? ndvemely any orllon of iild Capital ron-olldateil (lold aadMlver mine or -iiii.ir gnmnd arcreqiilred to file tlwlr artvere claim Willi tkcrrKl'ternml recelxer of the It. K. land olllcv at Oregon City, In the liilcof ilregon, during the Uty dayV period of publication thereof.or they will U- barred by vlrtueoftbe proUlon4 of the utalute. J.T.AWKIt-iO.N, &IWCd KegUtcr. ' Illlibard'i Ith-uaatlc and Uxr P1IU. Tboenllianresclentlflcnllrcomnoundrd and uniform In action. No griping pain tn commonly following the use of pllln. Ontario. Canada. b.ilem, Oregon. Offlce lie State street, Toeynre adapted to both adults and chit rtren tvllh n.TM4 ailfaft. U7n ifti .. .i... i .i..i i ... -i ...... . the hiivenoeaual In thecureofslck head- me Kuiis aim ureti, out me iirillSH ache, con-tlpatlon, dyspep-la and billlou-- -rnnv a rxnZT. foua-eMor and At -J taraeyHil-Uiw. .Membeiri;::h- 'rol, rr,,. .,,. ,.,Mia i -i,,.,, ve-sel was out of range and the shot I ?!. Rr-i.H.?"PPuer uey ,-!Ce" Ra5' one was evidently in dists, and , fcn short- The officers of the Xlm-, Hmiih .t steiuer. sole agu. nm saw mat me guns were oi no, J A. APrLKOATE. attorney at law. . Kriers block. Commercial and Htate streets, Salem, Or. " T)RATT a HUNT, attorneys at law, Salem, I Oreiron. Offlceoverllarr'-Jewelrystore, State street. w tal city and Typewrltl-t ivy. Co. omce with Canl- 115"tateHU t n cvmriT tvicw.fi. vhv.iM. -. nfKMi j, 137 Court street, -iem Oregon.' ti- ( then drove up in a sulky nnd took liivunij unun u Bmuii. ihp othpr fi nviilpntlv iiiirsnin "It's a British veM;l-it's a brie- u-e, and Hred rapidly, uot only nt; Vt--hv "noT-i't Ynn she's tryiugtoc;ipiiiretheotlierolie.',,ht'li&'blttlvt''. but also at the vv 0 JJUI1 x OU What's her name? Where's slt.. ' erowd on shore. Hut the range was Bub.erlbe for the from? Is the one she's after one of n lo,le one, and when the shot riQT ADCr-AMIAM O our vessels? Hauc the old red-. "trlIck the u"ich tll,;lr fur was LAO I UnLUUINIAIN I P. WILLIAM!-. STENOGRAPHER coats!" were a few of the exclama-1 sly-ul auu lue "0is who liatl col- , r TVnATnii'si ntMu . - w, i ! a.a - L'MtJ'i . jihJJ h vtaim i.uu inr mx mnnini" .nn, , lecteu in a large number ror every ' UUU3. ... . T u.n.l IV hi- mm. .. . toy in town was there ran to catch -""--'". tw, ur, -i. mr six the shot as they struck. Joliu ran months; Weekly, Sl.T3u yean l-0 for six with the ret and wa-lucky ennuu'h months, the east oreoo to eatck two balls but one was just KIK wlllglve you thenewi bo,,,., "jKMit and came down on his I shoulder with such force that i.o."-"1 " It Is Democratic In every was knocked over. He nud another ' ,hlns.flTen 'n politics. It nlms to be just boy, who was only 11 years old, mid nnd fair, even If It has to be aggressive and who with John heled the men lo!"stepoacorui." It would rather be right i . i -r , . , i . . ftprVi flip t'lllli. o-lli.lif mnr.1 K.illo . . oeyouu, 1 Kliow By ner iook-, con- - -..-, --... u,u.t Uu..n and loe than wrong and win. Take tl found her. they're lowering boats!" than any.meelse. -..,.. KvprvmiP nm tn th. brarfi. nml It -" imrou nreii iasteraiiQ laster , " -""' "v "' was then plain that the foreign wltu telli"l' e'eC-. n'- at last every vhsspI u-ns .isliorp. nnil t hf. Ixiats from one u tlle och gave a great groan. the other ship were pulling towards fl,r tbe u,Mts of tl,e Swedish vessel , her. The vessel flew signals of di PENSIONS WAR OF THE REBELLION' THE YAfUJlNA ROUTE. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD And Oregon Development company'i steamship line. SJ iiiIIch shorter. W liinin less time Ihan by any otliei iniite. Hrsl class through passenger anil frelghl llitt froiii Portland and all points In Ilia I lamette vallev lo and from Han rranelsci TIME SCHEDUIE. (Kn-ept Humlays). Leave Aiiniuv !"!!! ?. Leave Corvallls I:W l i Arrlvo iniiliia . v! Icuve Vaqillna : A M Leuve Corvnllls iO-X A 11 Arrive Alliauy 11:10 A a . C. tnilus connect al Albany and Corvalllk The above trains connect nt YAQUINt with the Oregon Hi'-eloninetit 0 Lit IfHImMshliMhelweeu aolllliH and Ka Kmnclsci, SAIUM1 DATES. 1TEAUKRS. rHOM YAQUINA Knrallon, Friday.......... ........ -June '2. Willamette Valley ."Tuesday ........I illy Furallon, riumU) .- ......." Willamette Valley, Thursday........." 1 Knrallon, Tuoduy ...................." 1 HTKAMKIW, KIIIIV MAN rilANCIMI' Wlllamelle Valley, Krlday.........June T. l''arallon, Tueoduya... .... July I Wlllaniettn Vallev. S.milav " ft Kunillou, Tliuiilay. " 10 Wlllamelte Valley, Tiiedn ' 15 This iiimpnny resersn. the light to chauge sailing dales wiinoui nonce, N. It. llisst'incers from lVirllaud nud nU Willamette Valley points nm make i'I.i.i eonuilloii ulln the tnilus of tin YAUl'INA IIOlTt: at Albany or Corvallls and If destined to Ssin r-riliclsro, should arrange tonrrlMuit Vii()Uiiia the meuli,? bef'iriMlaliMil sailing. I'sx-sx'r 's.l rrflgkl Kales tlwsrs lk tsiwrd. For luloriualToii apply in 51eKsrv IIU1.MAN A Co.. Freight ami Tlcke Agent 'Jiliuut SUC! From s Pi inland, Or. or to C.C. IKKIUl:, Ac'l llen'l Frl, A P.u-.. AgtOn-gou Parltlrll. II. Co.. Corvallls. Or r II. HAKWi:i.L,Jr.(lenl Frt; A Pas. Agt. Oregon leelopment Co., -Till Monigoniery s:.; Kan Fninelsco, Cal Itenieniler the Oiegun Pacific sipuli summer eucursion low rale tickets a valley points fas . i-iass si . I Bl mmwi an sersss Mwas-ss-tAsav- - HHaraM iH!B&. DR. HILLER'S Special Prescriptions. HOME TREATMENT SELF CURE A Specific Remedy for Each Dimta. DR.J. M KEENE, Dentist. Offlceover the White Corner, Court and Com merclal streets. A. dignified old gentlemen jiiat up a spyglass and got out tiiat lie might use it to better advantage. "It's it's let me ee " he mut tered, as the others crowded about; Und'r the act of June??, lO). all soldiers who served ninety days In the U. -i. service during the war or the rebellion and are now disabled physically (whether Injuries or disea-e was Incurred during service or luce) ar entitled tu pensions nt from "Oto SI.' per month. W idows of deceased soldiers are entitled tfs.s ne- month and SJ ier month for ei.ch ......... ... . .. . . .. .. SUII1III1T cuiiuiiuiieriiiengeoisixieeuyears. rainer, nnw n ,i .. t ". :""."."". I". .".;:.. ""7' 7."""''""" Yanulua nnd return. tiepeiiiieui,nn'eniuiu in eiision. I (' ( ssilillers who are now rec'lvlne oenslnns ... ,, .' il lu. Ihin .1. h.. n...ll. .hmtl.l ....!.. .. . t .S,II, 1 , ... .. - ....... V .- " IIIU1IIU .IIKIIIU l'pi!IV' .... . once under till- act. .it'l'iiiT.uiMi uiiiier nils uci tiii noi aneci un ieuillug claim. M.ike applications nt once D.C HHF.lt.MAN, U, H. Pension nnd Claim Hgcnt. P. O. Ilox Ml, vilem, Oreaon. Deputy County Clerk, Write for blanks, w IllKlt'i:. , nud P. Agen tlon foiled a8nr!r'mende"Ce0fWOrkpr0?Sfy gone ahore! That's a British brig R McNALLY, Architect, No. is "I can't see the name quite distinct Ulnln UlUAt Dlil.n Ani4 saAsllls.. S OU1IC HI1CT.I. LS-.1J-I tlUU 1 L-STsklllUSSlsl ions of all classes of of buildings on short ly, but she's a forelguer. Ha! she': GOBALET A WILLACH, Civil Engin eers and Draughumen. Railroad sur veys and estimating u specially. Office LS Htate street, up sulrs. balem, Oregon. IlUSINE-jS cards. Address specialty. siyie. A, M. CLOUOH, Undertaker, Embalmer ' and Cabinet Maker, 107 MLate at.. were lowered and the crew and the T7IL3IE BAKER, Human Hair Empori- tress and the neonle on shore fdrlv llleD ,n,m the flotilla jumped in audi JU um,Courtstreet,tblrddoorfromopera i J ' ', J HfisH nilipn In nml muiisit ..fr ...,.i house. Ventilated human hair curU a , howled with rage, to see, as they "" otUere - auu pushed ofl, ami , .r ura.lus m mC mm thougu() the ves.-I taken by the me very same moment uoais were enemy before their wry eyes, while '""ereu irom tne imriHi auu were; they were helpless. pulling tuward the disabled vessel, i But presently a great shout came w ""e ""- SUP 8 gun nreii over andPerrv. followed hv a nnrtv of meir neaus. l lie crew and the sea seamen-from the flotilla auciiored meu riclied the beach. on tbe other side of the island-and urouiit with tiiem seveml men dragcingafi-nounder.camehurrvinL' wl, were wounded, and they were down to the beach sank deen iuto thi! sanil. but mm ""' ol tile seamen saiu suilly: B. SOLTHWICK. Contractor and of hands r-raaivd nt tlm rnrves, nnrl "We left one of our (lead mull hnlM.. Ull .M,- . A .11 Of l EAST OREGONIAN Pub. Co., Prndiefon, Oregon, Oregon M Fair, 1. THIRTIETH ANNUAL EXHIBITION Under the management of the Oregon Htate Hoard of Agrlcullu re, will l held on the state fair f-rounds ueur hvilem, commeuclng on Monday, September lutb.lSiN), And lasting one week, Tp H. MORSE, contractor and Builder. JJi. All orcein promptly attended to m High street, rialem. TOlIS GRAY. Contractor and builder. rj Fine Inside flnlsblng a specialty. 45 Commercial street, Salem Oregon. McCM k mm, Dealers In tE' Fresh and Salt Meats. Over MllllA '1U J JJ tJ V ELDRIDGE BLOCK. The Wheels fiu'ckly carried Up into town, and Priceof Meats by the quantr Mutton by thequartcr im'i tlon. Well orerjared to do all . ;... . . . tl,. .i..i-n ndaof building and guarantee satlsfca- Stroug aua Willing arms ptlsnetl and """-, builder. Ml-lm JOHN KNKIHT, Blacksmith. t" sn puueu and preseatiy tne gun was In final t fni nnil I rni nswlmn !). Horse " l""- """ viuwiuuu.o x:w, shoetngandreDalrlnensrjecialtv. Mhon fiil'htMl mill flrwl it nf 4ria nnl n f I Kari w mt, tj . I i"V C3 iaotf RJo Only t . LAUSEN.SIanufacturer ofall kinds of vehicles. Repairing & specialty. ' the best work turned mil. Hhnn i". Htate street, next door to Hcrlber A Pohlc, (i EO. noKYE-Barber and Hair-dress-sT. log parlor. Finest baths in theclty. aKiUommerflul Street, Salem. SOCIETY NOTICES. "Ha!" he exclaimetl, "that was near," as the smoke cleared, for the two boats sent off from the British brig were evidently alarmed and had stopped rowing. "We'll stop them yet, my boys," ' cried Perry, in his clear ringing voice. "i can always trust my Tiie boats from the Mimrod reached the ship about the same time that the crew got ashore, and their men jumped on board; but Perry's Impounders were able carry as fr us the stranded vessel nnd he opened lire uon it, and I presently the men from the IS'imrod J pushed on", and almost instantly n great tongue al tlaiiie burst up from the deck of the ship. Tli Pork hy the quarter Bolls Roasts r .......7c. .5 to c. He, You can save money by buying your o Musical Merchandise DIAMOND'S Music House, Eldridge Block, Salem- Kewnort bovs." And the crowd captuln tood on the beach, stami cheered and cried, "Yes, ye, you ln8 wltn K1-' "J grier, and Com- GA. K.-edBwlck Post, No. 10, Impart- can trust vour Xewnort bovi'" modore Perry went up and spoke to ment of Oregon, meets ev err Mnnrinv "uji.iciiaiji, "... evening at the hall ovei the Oregon Land A few more shots were fired, nnil mm; out He was so wild with his 'SALEM IRON WORKS. com i cordl any'H office, 0. 1). HUTTOX, Prop. Castings of all kind made to order. Ily Invited D, B. A. Uandli:, A O.V.V, A. O. V. M Wednesday suniucu blc vHedtoatwn1d5comnie3ar', Anally the lK,ats turned and went various emotions that lie did nolj """AC'iiSKiiy, Di"EAdjuto.il commader' back to their ship. By that time seenl "' uudeMtand him, hut tho cVjitjiicia icrai oi uie oiucere ot tne uotiiia i....v. ... ..n. .,.,...,-. jiial fre: d reached the beach nml Jnlin east mid lie turned nnd looked ami ' WHK aw. who w.h standing near Com- " ui" "' PM- Jo'' . ? t&3?Z& ?. xlore Perry, heard him say to one loo "" '" nnotlier moment c.tme a iiabiein eve y particular. O. U. W.-Proteetlou lwrj-e No. 2, A. . w., riilem, Oregon. Meeu each r evening at iu ball In rtute In. ilock. corner Commercial and Chemekeiu streeu Visiting uud Sojourn- lusujeiureuiuvucq r u. roirriiwicx Iua. Kuu, Rooorder. M W fnAL FRONTS, WHKEIJS, PULLKYH, in which hi! heard his Morgan &. Mead, City Draymen All work done with promptness and dls patch. Only the best men are employed own voice, of "The gunboats." Commodore Perry had .seut around two gunboats through the "Stone Bringe," and for some rea son John never knew they were be h'nd time. They began to fire on the 2v'imrod ab soon as they were iu sight of her, nnd soon weighed uu- ELLIS & WHITLEY, LIVEItYALEK", South of Chemokote Motol, SALEM. OREGON T. H. HUBBAED, Agent for Cyclone Separators. Russell Engines and Saw Mill Machinery. Residence 290 Commercial 8t Salem, Ore. l.:U-3m fur the jioor brig is stranded we want to try to get her oir." "What is the Britiili brig?" "I think it's the Nimrod," raid ! the Commodore; "she lias been j cruising in there waters, I learned ' yesterday, on the lookout for tiny ' ve-sel trying to set into the harbor.' "She is standing oh"," said the chor and stood out at sea. In the officer, nnd John looked nnd saw ueamime the teamen and crew nud that she waa. He did not hear the '"ony of the men from .Newport ( Commodore's answer, and present-' wnt out In boats and put out the j ly lie galloped away, after giving "re on the nrlg, and as soon as the i . wine directions to his men. gun una is came uacK which was j After two hours the British shin wus VPry 8fK),,i us l'y only wished 1 had sailed out of sight, and many tn urive " Nlmrotl awny all i meu in boats rowed out to try to 'iu"di t to work to get the vessel ' help get the brig off. But It was of "" U,1U to get lier into the harbor, no use the tide wai falling fast and """"t '- next flixxl tideshe'floattd they knew they must wait tor the . uuu wu" humttUl up to the wharf. flood tide before there was any possi- The loys who had captured the billty of getliug lieroll. Bhe proved i l;a,,s lur.'ed tliem horne witli great lo no a Swedish brig with some I "uiuiiii, and lor years after they name that no Yankeo tongue could wert5 "hown iu their children and mrnnge, probably as uo record was grandchildren as war trophies. The kept of it. little boy who had shown such bra- Men watched on tho that'll all day , veri' In catching the halls was sent to help If needed, nnd men from the ' ,0,i 'ow "ajs nfler, by ('ouimodore flotilla were sent on bonrd, but Hood i l'erry, and heoMied hliu if ho would tide catno and the vesK'l did not llltu 1" ,,(' uildslilpmau, und us he tillilf itti la.ls ....... at... Jl.l I UMItl ,.- iiiivIj.iii. .. I... .. 1 l.f Nena but white labor employed In this ,UUBU "" """ n'"" ,!lu u,u'l "" ., "-" . "uu nuu urn establishment. ' went out and In tho early iiiornlniri 'mlly were wIIIIiik, Commodore (lie enemy's brig came iu sight ' l'erry gave him an ap)oiutment. again and stood in for tin iiariMir. ' I,L' (lle(1 iuile young of yellow John Hlmw could hardly bo ix-r-l fuvt'r '" ""me foreign port. Iu after suaded lo go to led that night, and ' i'vaTti "" t"ry of old times so de- Repair any Machinery in Short Order. sura idj; lames, engines, hop presses andhopsmvesbullu Wlllruakeestlmatea ..ii nn mm worx neeilro. Oood price paid for old Iron. S-ls-lm O. C. CHASE Artistic Paper Hanger and Wall Decorator, (iood work, ewnumy nnd sample work shown before engaging, a-Pay based on work measured on the wall. Leave ordent at Kjirvnl's lMvbNt or Keller's resldencat Illgblund addition. Il WXJ CASH PREMIUMS Offered for agricultural, stock and me chanical exhibits, for works of art and fancy work and for trials dfspeed. Iteduc- d rales for fare and freight on all transportation lln s to and from the fair, luiportnut Improvements have been made upon the grounds nnd Increased facilities. are offered ex h' bltors. Tlie Pavilion Will be Open Four nights during the week. A splendid field for horses entered tn the speed department, and fine exhibitions of racing will be given each day. Kntiles for premiums close Monday at 7J0 p. ra. Kxhlbltors are urged to make as many of their entries on Hunday before the fair as posslnie. Uoods, nulmalsnnil articles fur exhibition must tie in their places by 10 p. in. on Monday. TRICES OF ADMISSION: Mnn'sdajr ticket .. Woman's day ticket sv, Man s seasou ticket ti W vv Oman's seas.iu ticket . uj ruu I., iiii'sct- ri.irynii-orii.ina,oregou fora premium list. D, li, loo.nky. J.T.fJItKdO, Secretary, From Ttrninal or Interior l'oinls the Northern Pacil Is the line to take To all Points East and South. It Is the dining car route. It runs through vestibule tmlus every day In thejitir in ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO !" (No change of cars.) Composed of dlnlugciirs unsurpassed, Pullman dmwlng nim slrr'iiers tlf lalest eqiilpmenl TOURIST Sleeping Cars. llest that mn be constructed nnd In which Jerommodalli ns ure both Iree nml lur nlshed for holders of first und second-class ucueu.uuu ELEGAIJT DAY COACHES. Acontlnunt !lne oonn;tlng wllh all lines. utlordlnr direct and uninterrupted service. Pullman sliepsw re-7Jfonsain be ii red In advi coo L..s. km any agent of llir pjiiu. lb ictaii i Oil. HIUEB'S HlOHMtlWE JLB8TPJKJJVE, ItlinulHts nulHUon. Pu.UWstbsIn.xl. ClnJfJ7SsXipsUonTnTosBer.l Ilt'blllty, A ptltsct tonle and srstifth bulUsr. On. HILLEBt aNTI-BILIfjUl lt0jlCHJjlD.LIVC JCUJtg. Oursa DUIouatisas and all UirTroublrs, Cfcllls'aad' fsrsr, Uslarlsl Ksvsrs, and all Typhoid cenJIUons. OH. MILIEU'S CtUBTlH CUnE. tMrsAcut0snb.CsrmlCatanh,CaUnlialDasi. nrss. UusrsoUedtoruretlieaont eas whso JlrscUoos ars follow d,or Moosy rslmvUd. OH. HIltEI'S riOUflH 'int. Cures ColJs, lloarssiisaa, Coughs, Broaehltls, Plsurlsj and I'nsiuuouu; mist M cou.uaiptloo. ConUlns no OpUlas. Cures Croup In 10 nilnuU. On HILLEH'S OIPHTHrnia HMO 0HE THROAT CUH. Prsrsntssn.l runs 1HJ. th.iis. niiipotiuislyeuraaoj'soratarostlnlroBiatoitboan. CutssOuhisylnJilsjs. m. Hli.le',S ffVES C'IE. IndlipsnssUs In all scuU dlsssaas stUndrd with fvtt, livn.. ikiTTunrscItlsrTsTsr, SatUUoa, and Mtasls. UoUMia try U caicfc OH. HILLEWS NERVOUS 0E1IIITY QUHE. Cursa Nsrsoua Wsakaasa, aad Loss tl lir. Net sr Isila issod fur IlliaU Circular lo IIUlss Drag Co., Saa riancisso, CaL DR. "ILLEII'S HHEUwaTIC N0 MEUH10IC CUBE. Curea IthsumstUoi, NsurslgU, i!TMmS!!T!S7CBSjr!uS!SSMUaoi acids wbloh cause tbssa, DR. HILLER1 TEETHIWQ CURE. Aids U frowth and Jswlopavanlol thlldreodurlrsj t e 'Mining psMI, tiiMra pslnlsas tssthlng in J wurnl taslh, and pnTnta and euros hws.un, KIasU,IlnJiiTruublssaiidBosrslCouipUlnts. A blessing to nioUisr anJ clilut. OR. HIUERt WH00PIX0 C0U0H CURE. PrseaoU and Curta Whooping Cough, Nora. -With eicepllon of Dr. Hlller HrJrssUns Rsstorstlvs. Dr. ilUUr's BhsunuUs ami Nsuraltlo Curt, and lir lllllsr's Coujh Cum, lbs soova rtnisdlas ara In Tablot t jrm, and. If not obtainable from your druggist, will bs mails.1 Irss, on rsssipt of prlra. $1.00 par Package Six Package! far $5.00. These rtmcdlet art Iht rtsull of ti ytxn of iimfssslooat aspsrirosa, and ara ruinnttcl 'ncure when a ture I. pswlbls. Dr. Hitlers Ot.p> book ol JirseUona foe home trtstmtnt, rontslnlug lalusblt Uutructlons at to hjgtaaa aad diss, aaal raaa. HILLER DRUG COMPANY. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. U. S. A. I For Sale bv DAK'L J. FRY. Ms(.?2-9 Commercial St.. Salem i j ' . .-"AisA?Hsfc.ssTa.VAsssa hm. 1 WsSpjJ ' T 1 1 F Rl o- Tti rough tickets to and from all points puny. In America, Lnglund nnd Kurope nin le purchased al any ticket omcc ul this ciini Full Information concernine rates, lime of tnilns.roulrniindiillier ilflnlls furnUlied onappllcullon touny luieutor A. II. CHAHI.TfW Assistant Oeneml lueuger Agent, Xo 121 First street, cor, Washingten: PorU land, Oregon. President. dwdd Cupital City Restaurant Jas. BatcheloryProp'r, WarmMeakat All Hours of tlicDav A Kood sulMinullal meal cooked In first lisa stylo Twenty-five cents per meal. KICD V U O N T. Court street, lutweeu Journal Office und Mluto's Livery. PRIVATE SCHOOL. SUSS TERESA E. D'ARCV Will open her private school on Monday, Keptember lit, ut the north west corner or Cliemeketa nnd Winter His. 8-nn.jw EAST AND SOUTH -VIA Southern Pacific Route Shasta Line CAMkoltHIA r.Xl-HKMM TKAIN HUN VAIl.'i nBTwiEN ror.TMru anus, r. THE Advertise Your Business ! THE WEEKLY $1.00 CAPITAL JOURNAL Per Year is THE LARGEST, CHEAPEST And Best For the Money on the Pacific Coast Past trains Drawing mom RUNS with Pullman Vestlbula sieep-trs, inning cars and "hoiiihTT MO p. rn. s.-:i p. ni. 7:i' u, in. Lv; Port Li ud Lv. Klem Ar. Han Knin. Ar. Lv. Lv. l-XSHIiT V'Xt a. in, 7;I'Ja. in iwj p. ni IIOBT. THOMPSON. NEW HESTATJKANT, Opposite Wdler llros., Com'! Ht. BVBUYTHTKO NEW Mauls al all hmrs. and a every stylo. Baatmenl In Ibecliy for Jicen's. (live ui tall. wum on the Iteuch ami In at the verv eurllent Btrcak of dawn. Ho rail up to ouo of tho Haiiuen whom iiu laiow, uud wiliI: "Ibii'tthu UrltlHUer staiuJInt' in?" 'Bheln tliut and fast, ttx, ami sho'll knock tho Hwt-ilu to ilecod if nil) luii'l stopped, (in)." Jutit then (;ouimodore Perry rame IlKhted the children of thlH uenera- tlou as tliu story of tho "hot balU" on Newport liencli, and for ninny yearn a cantiou ball lay on either wilo of an old.fu8hlnned chimney Jul wllhlli thejiiuilw, mid te feet puslied tlii'iuuUiut, und little iieoule wlohed thutthey, too, hwl lived in lasiire in Your Home Company! "The State," Which mvs for the past six years PAID MORE TAXAS. Issued Mote Policies, Received More Premiumi, And Paid More Lossei Upo property located in Oregon or Wasb lugton Ihan any other coiupuny, It was the First Company to Pay all Losses in Foil and io Cash Ily tlje thrM great oonnavrnlloiu ofScattl E0. M. IIEKLKK, And Special A(ent for Marlon County. wsuoa ina eompaay't bulldlni Above IniliM slop euly ul fonoHTngVu. t ons north of Itoseliuni, liist Portland (rKOn CltV. Una linn, ,,1-... . i, ' " . Tangent. . Hhedds, HalVy. llirl,ljuri JHSyill,li,I'tJrvliij!nbd Kiigene. IUMKJIU1IU MALI. IMII.V, r-MI a. m. wa a. rn bw p. m. Ar. i Sill n. rr. I.V. I IrlH n. tn. Lv. i U.UJ a. in Albany Local, Dully (Ijcept rliinday.) feu) p. in, I Lv, Piirtlund ,Ji p.m. 1 Lv: Hiilem ttui ii.m.j Ar. Albany Ar. Lv. Lv, won m 6:0) i.. ni, PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, For accoinmodatinn ot semnd cUuh isusengers utUiclied loerpre.s tralus, A'est Side Division, Between Portland and Cervallis: DAILY (K31CKIT UNIAV). At Albany and OnrvallU oonneel Willi trains at Ungon I'aclflo Itollruad. rVBiartTiiAi-(DAii.T itxtiti-rauitnAy Through Tickets ToallpolLta - EAST and N'JUTH ror tlcketa and lull iniormuiinn ,..... coHcbm of laleat design, between UHIcjiku and Mllwnukev and Ht. Paul and Mlnno a polls. Fast Trains with Pullman vestlhuled drawing nxim sleeiiers, dining curs and "' "f'ull design, between Clilcugu MiidMllwaukeeund Aslilunduud lluluiTi. Ih rough Pullman vestibule drawing room and colonlsLsleeners vi.. ih s.',...ir ?n..','!?c!.n?.rullruaa swtween Chicago und a siaauM, Ud Convenient trains to nnd from Kostcrii, iw""f"l ;,rj.'"'r, ""' centnil Wlsoou. '.l?H,?""lJ,,r,,"'dl.," unequulea servlc, to and from Wiiukhii Fond du Isic. IMi. kosh. Neenuh. llenesha, lihlniwiva Fulls llm,..,llViL''U '7?ll"lf r mservnlliins, time tables and other Information, apply toagenu anywhere iu the U11IU1 Huttei fien'l. Mnr StlluMi.i... .tn. J.M.IIANFUUD, "". " H.(;..iAItI!.'fv?''!rnmoMBrH,1'"" 'lrnlllclgr., JllliviiuUee, Wis, Hs. Wis H"d Tkt Ab1' " Two Through Trains Each Way DAILY, VIA UNION PAUIFICJSYBTUM. Commencing with Hunday, March 2nd will first and secind-claw flckela will ft honored on 'The Limited KiLst Wall" raliaannU4.Bawll also on iti Over. '""''My'".' N'.iiuda. uvr "rile L nil ed l'j..l SI..IHI . .... . iiilpped with Pullman palace ','iU wl" il1?.' u. "'. Trl'lr !?. "nud .s.,vUV.lal beat farniera alao ba a wide It han o InrRe clrrulallon in the towiw nnd among the ni .Marion, Polk uud anililll eoiinlk-a. AhI.Ii. frnm tl.lv it . elrculatlini ihroiiKhoiit the EuHteru hUiK-h aniiiUK leonle whoure Htudvliie .Tf,r. vuv-ew"0'..KW!t. ThkJouhnal iiiukea a specialty tiM ' ticcsiiriUM liifiirtiiiitldii coueeri.nK rrult growing nud taruiiiitf i ,l;t"'"lHO,ll'L;"",rlk,-'tr;lur"'' HI" " unexcolM advertUlug uie- ttltiiii for the Incnl trade and real eHtute luierenU. .?iCVoT'""" '"!! """'' lliii l'i rtu. d -i .1; I'lsi!'' "VK w"'is cliiinge, q S.H .i .Vnr,""u V ''" "''') re iiiulppcd with I'ulluiiin uiliuos n.iniiiilli...: S i"T.n.r"""nU """s'o nicil I inrtis. ind llli Piilliiwn colonist sleeper, beiwien '. ! "'""UU hHua.flly. Hilly. wliVimi' WHAT IS A TUBULAR WELL? lit Sow l lltadaid del ao Other A geniiliieTiiliiilar well Is conslricled by puttitigdowna three Inch Iron pipe, with iiihiiwiiIukh except top nnd Ununu. No illrtuin get In and Miifr pura water oin be Koi out. This i. tho mnykltid of well "nil worms and Insect iith,Ui .. n.i.. ...:.... i.b.oiiile y surfiu-e-waier proof, Hud tin I U forced tiniugh tho cvinent slniU to the puru llvlna wuler. It Is positively the only Kind or well tlmt is woriti bulii fngln llil nmillry Jiiliiw. A. Huberts, HHlvin. i (res ileiiw near fair xrouuds) make llios. .. .suns iiuHvuauie iu years expert. "1"" . tMLlm-d-om-w 500 tXmrVsf.sP.rl XXfct AH &!3BLg Union Pacific H H Company "OVEIILAND KOUTE." . wS ?-.. 'jvr, m GULDEI7 mm j 'n'a Cold. chuiige. I'oiiuectionseroinadKiit Pocutellit with lirougli imlii. loand fivi 11 rUl " ke, n, d tfheyeuiie with through tiiil'is t. d .ii.. iiisivo minis n on h ouleke.i time beiweeu the iSurlhueat p,M niil. "T' .tV1"' .'" "iithern "sill , "" w"" lleiee'S,"1 ""'e '", '"i"""' nile", Ihrouul, '..H' siguge checks etc., mn hi rn. Ireet.HalemOriion. """"' "" uou" "W;ee fiSSl WfeS Curss matlun, llsad, ksettd arsdlcatss . IMHI in lh ILnn..' . i .. ."".' vs.s'taNK.rifji.avs! V.fJ.lv- IPdTl'lJtfM" wosiner esuxsl fcyBd,ifiii, "" ol Msic-urr let .1 B or ,'l' fcJJT uW-ii '",, ' Pr r 'oi ti,. j..-v. .. '. sinlslt AH ITalns for tba taut Have lortland at 7AX1 am und W nm dally. Tlo eU to and from principal poinU In thi UnlKdHUitaa.Cnii tula and Kurupe. Elegant New Dioiog Cars. PULLMAN PALACB SLEEPEHS. Krey Family Hleeplug Oara run through mi hxprcaa tralna to Omaha, Council Ilium, and Kansas city without change Connections at Porllnnd fnrHan Krancla co uud Puget Hound nolula. ror lurlher partlcuUrs addreas any ageutof tho company or I W I KE. O I A. C. H. MKLLKN, General Tmltlc Manager Uolae A ilannlug aaeuU H Court strael, Baleiii, Orison. Oregonian Kail Road Company. Oeneml nfflcea northwest corner Klrsl and Pine atreau, Portland. EAST rllDK. Krotn PorOuud Mllver-Cobn ton ao mull I.V I'M euo 7 w K (0 STAGE LIVERY BARN. at Hear of Cheinekste Hotel, I. R. HUFFMAN, Prop. umJ1'.""'!"!M "ltu aa ' SBw sVKait4ai Ra.aionaibl.-M I !! tti.ail. siieliMii'a Uolttan ! .KUImu'a U0ldeti.1V 'J"' iriv;wVouswa.,'K'i '"Wiiw.o, 0.1.. 1, I'rla. Tl S.nt VI tuprssi, a-iily iswlird .udhMiU..".'i,,?',r" odinuany, agonU lu. Toward Hlalionx. Portland rorfnttfort'd mall Kip LV AM AR M. A- HOO Portl'ndHI'Co S S JOg 10 'A.. Wooithurn I ? 7 5S 11 -a .lillverton Vi ol o "...tirownsviiia... 7 au sj....coburg.. a 00 WKHT HIDH. Alrll" mall Portland ll 'V AM AM . .i?r' -.rtlanrl PWV. 8 IS Duiidiss J 11 notion 'H "M rllierldun & JJS IkillMa.,... ja .al an, 11111111. ih . i tin llckala for Weat Hide sUllous for aaleai font 01 Jeireraon at. TlokaU lor ICoat l atntlona for aula at Union dapot, 'orLi"' uud J slreeu. (Ill amTw! aV.lrTf. , ., , Uen. Uupt , iu. . y. A Pa. . i-J-wiy PRINTING. ANK OK TUB I.AUUrrr BBTAW Wnietila. in lite Hlala. Lower ralsMl teSU. iMsw rriMair WW . ,.aC ft