J- v,, -? ":-fvy 5T TELEGRAPHIC DISPATCHES. Associated Press Iteport and DigestH of all Important News of To-Day. MARKETS. WHEAT. San Fkancibco, Gil., Sopt. 6. Whcnt, buyer, '00, H.48J; ueason, $1.40, per cuntiil. Ciiicjaoo, III., Sept. C Whcnt flriii;caah, OOJj Dee., $1.02; May, $1.00 pur bushel. CRIMINAL. WliBCKINCt HAS I1EOIJN ON THE N. Y. 0. II. Ai.iiany, N. Y., Bop. 6. Ono Of tho Hurlous Hcqticncca of tho strike Ih a HUcceftHful uttempt nt trulu wruokliiR nuido luHt night on tho Now York Central, nour GrceiiHbuBh. Luckily no loss of Hfo or HurlaiiB Injuries resulted. The truln wrecked wm ou Its wny to Montreal and consisted of eight HlecporH, well filled. Tho cntlic train wus derailed but nothing more serious ttmn wrecking of cunt re mitted. KI-SKWIIKKK. An attempt wus vnado to wrcuk a portion of freight trnln last night ut t Albany. Truln No. 15 of tlio Adirondack and Niuguru FuIIh route wuh ditched, but no one killed. ItlTTALIATINCI ON IiKTKCTIVKS. Chicaoo. Illinois. Sen. fi. C. C- Rodney, who wuh arrested here Monday on a telegrum from Port land, Oregon, Baying ho wuh an em bezzler, Mworo out a warrant foi Chief Detective Kepley and Detec tive Collins ou a charge of fulsc Im prisonment. OFFICIAL KA1LKOAD MISMANAGE MENT. New Your, N. Y., Sept. .--An evening paper publishes a secret petition, which It states ih being clrculuted among tho stockholder of the Illinois Central, urging them to riso in rebellion against tho pres ent management. Tho petition states thut the company Is pructlcully on tho verge of ruin through mis management. STATE- OEN. MILKS. Poktland, Sept. 6. A promi nent mlhtury man, Generul Nelson A. Miles, urrlved here this morning from Buu FruucUoo, . on hi way East to asHUiuo continued of the department of the Missouri. ItEI.KIIOUS. f Aliiina, Or., Sept. fi. At a special meeting held by tho uieinbcrH of the Cougregatiiiiiul church of this city ut which the resignation of the acting puHtur, Rev. J. W. Sueed, wuh ueee)tcd. Another cull was uguin tendered Rev. J. L. Uershuer, of the Evutigelicul cliuruh, to act us their piHtor, und unuuimously car ried. Mr. licrshner bus decided to accept the call und will tnko charge of the church tho coming week. HAS LOST IIOTII HANDS. Euuene, Or., Sep. C J. M. Kelly, one of tho proprietors of the Pleas ant Hill Buwmlll, hud his left baud sawed off by a circulur auw. Ills right huud wuh mangled In about the Bume manner about u year ago, and this Icuvch him without any huud. ACCIDENTS. RAILROAD WRECKS OCCUR AT ALL SEASONS. Needles, Ariz., Sep. C Last night a west bound freight struck a steer on tho truck neur Jlulapui Stutlou, Arizona. The engine und six cum wore ditched. The llremnu Fruuk Kuhl wus killed. FATAL TltAIN COLLISION. Whitehall, N. Y Sept., 6. A passenger trulu ou the Delewuro & Hudson railroad ran Into u freight train tier Went port this morning, Tho engineer and llrcuiuti were kill ed, hut uo passengers wcro Injured. MINE HOUUOlt IN .MICHIGAN. Ishpening, Mich, Sep. 0. Eight miners were burled lu Ltiko Auge lino iiiluo by a cuve-iii this morultig. Every oftort Is being made to rescue them. POLITICAL. HPEAKEH REED ON THE BTUMI' HOLDS HIS OWN WELL. FoitTLAND,Mc Sept. 5. Speaker Reed urrlved here yestoimiy. Ho re ceived au uvatiou ut several points along tho road where tho trulu stop- ed. Ho ua welcomed at tho city hull by u crowd of .'1000 people uud made un address. Sitenkor Reed's addiesH was devot ed to u review of the work of tho present house of representatives. Ho HiKiko of tho threais of the minority boforo the uwoiubllugof congiesa aud tho declarutlomj thut tlioy were to rule lu utter disregard of the people, und of tho flllbUHterlng luetics they wore prepared to employ, The house of representatives, he tutld, Is tint a body quick to do bust uew under any net of rules. Its largo numbers aud tho dlvuue interests tboy roprvbout wilt always imiko It alow uud cumbersome, but u system wh.ch uuubluU ono iiieuibur to hold the whole House at bay until the Bet- tlngof tosuu, and then to hold It until plilcul exhaustion sots it free, and ono-flfth to hold It foroyer, wai evidently a system which rendered elections useless and catlod a halt to civilization Itsolf, If there bo any thing in popular government It means that when tho peoplo have clooted ono party to take control of tho house or senate, that party shall huvo both the power and responsibi lity." Tho speaker showed that the Republican party wus keeping Kb promises to the people. HIftOLI combades love him. Indianapolis, Ind., Sep. 5. President Hnrrlson'n Regiment, the 70th Indiana volunteers, held an annual reunion yesterduy. A letter from the president whs read, regret ting his inability to bo present. Harrison wns ro-clectcd prcldcut of tho regimental association by n unanimous vote. A loving greeting wns Bent him. WASHINGTON THEY DIVIDE ON JUTE. Washington, Sept. 6. Tho Ore gon senators divided on tho propo sition to put binding twine on the free list. To-day Senator Dolph was paired, but ho spoke against the proposition, while Beuutor Mitchell supported the movement with his vote. Tho Washington scnutorsalsn divided, Squire favoring free twine, und Allen being for thonmendmcut. Just why these Pacific coast senutors saw the question from different standpoints Is not known, but Dolph and Allen are both high pro tectionists. Tho senators from the wheut-priiducing states, In the middle of the northwest, supported the amendment aud curried the fiee twluo proposition. I'llESlDENT HAlUtlSON TOURING. Washington, D. C. Sip. 6. The president left this morning for Cresson, Pu., aud ex poets to remain until October first. CANNOT TARE HIE WHOLE HOG. Washington, D. C, Sept. C The flist comptroller of the treasury litis rendered an opinion that the commissioners and alternate, com missioners of tho World's Columbia Exposition, cannot servo both as tucli commissioners und uh ollleers of the commission. FOREIGN SEALS SCARCE. Victoria, B. C, Sept.. C Word Iiub becu received at Victoria from iho sealing schooner Triumph, thut put In at this hurbor from Bebring sea yesterday. Cupt. Cox reports u very Indifferent fishing season. Owing to bud weather the seals buvo been scurcer than ever before. SEUIOUS FLOODS IN GERMANY. Dresden. Sep. fi. The riso of the Elbe hns flooded the royal castle ut Phlllnit7, and the courts huve been transferred toStreplen. PARAGRAPHS. Chris Kupler, of Seattle, gets the contract for the Chehnlis reform school, $14 ,.150. A logger, Kellogg, was drowned In tho McKenziu Wednesday at Full Creek. HOTEL ARRIVALS. COOK HOTEL. Charles Shearer, 111. G W Watering, Woodbum. J II Taylor, Warsaw. C L Hull, Frank Wallnce, E E M Uuriiham, Portland. E X Harding, McMlnnville. Z Taylor, Antelope. Squire Jones, Chicago. A A Dlstrow, Hood River. Newt Shnnks, Whlteuker. 0 John, II Johu, Corvallis. David Dean. Articles of Incorporations. The followlngurtlclcswero filed with the secretary of Btuto to-day: The Eustern Oregou Railroad co., V. D. Fletcher.Jus H.Ruley.T.T. Rourke, Lee Moorhouso, J. R. Dickerssn, C. 8. Juoksou, M. J. Green, Jus. A. Mars ton, uud Fruuk Duprat ull of Pendleton Or., Incorporators; capital stock $250,000. The Mlsnourl Paclflo Stock compuuy of Indepondeuce, Or.; J. tt. Demp soy, W. E. Dulton, Blair Miller, E. V. Dulton, W. H. Hyde, uud C. T. Swain, Incorporators; object to transport, raise uud deal lu fine slock; capital stock $12,000. The Oregou Development Co., of Port land, Or.; Win. MeLeunou, J. W. Paddock and J. R. Kuufluiau incor porators; capital stock $500,000. Notary. H. C. SmlthBou, of Portland was to-day appointed no tary public by Governor Peuuoyer. Opened this Morninq. CIiub. Calvert opened some Iruiucuvo coses of fall millinery this morning, uud now there la no good reason wuy tho ladies of Kalem should not be happy. Cull and seo the latest Htyles. It. In Town or Hamlet Iho seed of Intermittent aud blllloui tt mltteut favor KermtnuUi mut bear evil fruit. No community bus altogether es caped 11, In populuu ward of lurge cities bad sewngo onuses ll, And In tbelr suburbs iiimunt. tMK.Id In Miiiilcftn lot breed It. 'J bare l nfouoa n remedy uud a means of pieventuiion. x uaiiin m jiusnnwir Hlontuoh Hitter, wbloli I without peraa VAnlllrn Ihn mfiut IMltMIlt Iklktlflulfl In OX Isteuce 10 tbe malaria! vlruv. KurlltU'd wllb this inooinjiuriible, caving speulilo, mlasni'itio Influence may be enuouutred Willi absolute Impunity. Iilsorders of the mlasmetlo-talnled WHter, r any other cuiiM), suwiiuib to tbu beneficent correeu (vtf nuined, mid rheumatic, kidney und bladder trouble are luroly removed by tu use when tt Is given a persistent trial. PERSONAL MBSTIOX. Mr. Ira Erb went to Portland this ufternoou on a business trip. Hon. Nnpolcan Davis Is on a bus iness trip to tho metropolis today. Mr. and Mm. A. N. Moorcs were north-bound passengers on the nfter noon train. Mrs. C II. Monroe and her sister, Miss Van Wlndle, took tho after noon train to Join Mr. M. at Port land. Prof. Clyde Cooko came In this afternoon, having enjoyed sea flldo luxuries at Newport tho past five weeks. dipt. W. W. Rartlett starts to morrow morning for a visit of ten days to Knights, lu which locality he owns a ranch. H. N. Rounds and his sister Olllc, of Spokane Fulls, urrlved In Salem lust night and will spend tho winter in Willamette university. Miss Ruth Harrington, daughter of Rev. W. 8. Harrington, camo up ou tho overland last evening and will enter the university Monday. Col. W. N. Lsdue returned to-day from a sojourn ut Foley springs, where ho v. as tasting the power of the water to assist him in downing the rheumatism. Dr. Frank Brooks, u successful young practitioner ut La Cuinas, came up last evening for a short visit with his father and other mem bers of tho family, returning this afternoon. Mr. John Savage, familiarly known as "Little John," connected with the Salem Dray & Truck com pany, returned to-day, ncconipanied by his wife, after a visit of about three months In Eastern states. Dr. Frank Griffith, who holds a position In a Philadelphia college, who has been vlsitine family re'a lives and friends nt liU old home here, went to Portland th's nfter noon and from there will start for Philadelphia by tho S. P., passing south this evening. AltUKNIi NOIL'S. A nice rain last Sunday. Real estate is going up. The weather is very pleasant. The sick folks arequitewcll again. Mr. It. T. Arnold went to Salem on business. The postmaster hns the rheuma tism in his chest. There Is some fine beef cattle ubout Argeuti. Argeuti is going to have a cheese establishment. Mr. HIckeynud Chun ere look lug over R. R. l.md. Argeuti population is increasing tupidly. Over one-half In u year. UNO. Used it for Kite Years. Dr. E. S. Helden: J have sold your Ethereal Cough Syrup Toi the past five jeurs, und have ued it in my ou u family, nud know it tf lio'tlie beat cough syrup l have evel used or sold. F. M. WEST, Stockton. Large size $1, small 00 cents. Foi sule by ull druggints. - m i Instrnmonts Filed fur Knord at tbe County Recorder's (Mice. J M Brown and wife to Sa- rnli V,. Mr-nirklt lots 5 uud 0, block 8 Hllvertou. $ Oregon Land Co. to Frank Fromui lots 1 and 2, block G, a30 Kiversiue uu to naiem. 400 R rt lUrvrdt for h Mlclileun Kiirnier 1 have suffered for jcars with rUeimm tUm, loos nfappellle and disordered blooil und uncr great expenditure ol time aud money hadalmont ulen up nil linpes of relief. HeurlnK of lilbbard'8 Rlieuiiiuili Mvrup, I grasped It na a hint retort, unit nfler ukIuk six boitle found almost eutlre relief. I am now able to work ou my luriii Willi cane, which 1 buo not done fur sears and I advise alt person who fire pulleiinir v. lib rheumatism uud otucr blood troubles totry this medicine. H.PhltKY. Thurmuu. Allen. Fur mil? by Smith & Stelner. The famous VauHouten cocoa at Weller Bros. dlw netice: To My Patrons. J. O. IIARliW Rnlem Express wagons No4. IS und It) can be found ou corner Court and Commercial streets. Leae ull train and boat orders ut L.H. Winters' gro cery store, 100 tourl street. All oruers promptly uuviiueu tu. Pioneer Bakery AMOS STRONG, 271 Commercial Street. French uud Qermau Wheat aud Bye Breads In City Styles. Vienna Rolls. SPECIALTY OF FANCY CAKES. Pastry aud Confectionery Baking lu Full Stock. My uew bread and cake bakers are First-class urtists lu their Hue, aud I aim to have Everything as Fine as tbe Finest. FOUNDED IN 1868. The oldest aud strongest Bank south ol Portland and north of San Francisco, Bankers, Iron Building, , Salerri Or. Accounts kept, loans made, exchange on every purl of Iho wo-lii bought and wi'.d, letters of medlt Issued to travelers, collec tions mude throughout the United States, British Amorlcu and Mexlini. This bulk has .nonehiry Cooneetlona Willi banks lu Dregou, Wasiitngtou, Idaho and MonUiUH, and oorrespundeau In ull th principal towns of those stale. 8:2-1 in LlliH & l:l Ml. MARKETS IIY TKLEGRAPU. rORTLAKD. Whcot-Vnlley, II as. Kluur standard, W DO. Walln WnllnMOftftlSJ. Oiitsldo grades, &1 SO. Onts 405Oj per bushel. Mllllluffs-Uran 117(911); shorts, $2I323 ground barley, t12li; enop feed. S23 middlings, $2 per Ion. JI(iy-JIW9 17 per ton. Butter Oitgon fancy dairy, 3Pc; fancy 27H; fftt.cy creamery 3JX; boo J to fair, iVi&'ii; California Uc. Fggs Oregon S5 to 27c per dozen. l)ultry Old chickens, 15 00J 60j largo spring, 1 OOr44 00. rotatocs 7oc to 8.V; per cntal. Tomatoes-Ur. 60c; Cul. 03c dcr byx, Cheese-Oregon, II ,to 12Jc; Callfornu. Pi Ui 100. Kugars Golden C, ilic; extra C, Vi; dry granulntcd, b; cube, crushed and Pow dered, CJJc per pound. lleans Sinnll hltc,?1 25,plnkJ3.7,bayos, H 60; butter, 1 60; limns, 50 per cental. Drlod fruits I'lummer dried, 10 to lie; undrlcd and factory plums, 8 to 10p; peaches, sundrlcd.MOc; evaporated, 31c. Rice 4Ue per pound. Hldos Dry hldci, 8 to 9c; H less for eiill;Krccn ocr 63 pounds, Ac; under 65 pound'., 3c; sheep pelts, short wool, vi lo 60c; medium, Co to fOc; long, 00 to $1 35 shearlings, 10 to 20c, 1 nl low-Good to cholco, 3 to Zc. Wool-Eastern Oregon, 10 lo lbc; valley, 16 lo lsc per pound. Nnlts Iron, J.1 3, stcl, 3 30; wire, 1 W per keg. Beef Lle, 3 to3Jr;"dresscd,7c. Mutton LUc,3.to3Jc; dressed 7c. Hogi Live, 6c; dressed, 7c Venl 6 to 8c per pound. Spring lambs t2cnch. HMOKED MEATd AND LARD. lstorn hams, 11 to He; breakfast ba con, 11 to He; sldc-i, 9 to 10c; lard, 8H to lie per pound. SAN FitANCISCO. San Fbancisco, Sept. 2. Whcatjl 36 Ut 1 30 for standard shipping quality. Ilarlcy freed 1 275t 30 per ccnta Did brewing grades held at 31 35. Chopped feed. $21 to 23 per ton. Potatoes Eerly rose, 75c to SI; Game (hlle, 73c to il per cental; Ilurbanks, SI to 1 75 per cental In boxes. Onions SI 75 to 2 03 for red. I'RODUCi: EXCHANGE. Wheat Ilujcr '90, closing, 81 iV buyer season, closing, $1 5-IJto 1 55J.J. Hurley Huer "90; closing, 11 3d; buyer season closing, $1 12. CHICAGO WHEAT MARKET. Ciiihaoo, Sept. 2. Wheat f 1 00. CHICAGO CATTLE MARKET. CmrAOO, sept. 2 Cattle receipts, 17,000; bcci es. SI to 6 lft steers, S3 30 to 1 JO; slockcrsnnd rceders,J2 73to2 85,cwt, bulls and mixed, SI 25 to 3 10; Texas cattle, S3 00 to 3 60. Hogs-Receipts, .H.0O0-. mixed, $3 75to3R5 heay, SI 3U to i 60 light, S3 70 to 4 23. Bhecp ItcicipU 12.0U0; na t h es SI to I 81; Texas, S3 fa3tx 1 23; lambs $5 to 6 15. MlsCKLANEOUS MARKETS. Nkw YoitK, sept. 2 CoKe , Rio firmer; fair cargoes, 20)4; No 7, flat bean, 18K t 19. Sugar Raw, held higher; refined grm '?, to & extra C, tVt to 6jq eliow, y, to '?, granulated OJf. Pet rot eu m 86Jc. Chicago, Aug, 27. Uje; quiet at 49c. Ilarley Steudy, 70 to 72c Whlsky-51 13 Shoulders 5-3 75to5 87J. Short clear SS 75 to 5 85. Short ribs S3 35 to 5 40' Lard SO 20 ii ool- S3 to 3Rc. PRACTICAr. TKST8. As Astonlshinc Offer Borne of tho Replies. The Fan Francisco papers of recent data contained tbe following effer: "As sn eiMcnce ol the ability of Joyi Vegetable barsaiiarilla to preieut sick head aches, uc will gle to the first twehe re iponsible persons who ill apply at our ofilct a bottle free if they will agree that alter theyhaie been rured that they will admit tho fait oi tr their signatures." This r-ffcr so ttartlingly asserted tho effi ciency of the remedy that many accepted, and the letters of the parties, nearly all of whom rcpouded, are probably the most comlnclng attestations that any remedy ever rcceh ed. The following Is a sample of thoso received: Ihaio been subject to hlllotis headache! and touftiiMtlou IorKcn'.l )ears past; In (act, hin u Ik eu toniiwllcd to take a pbiilo even other night or elo I vould have a hraJucho aud dull, menu fecllnir. I have mUcn that hottlo of Joy's Vexetable Sarsa parllla, aud hae derived great benefit irom It, and intend continuing It Alter my own experience I can heartily advise those troa bled with biliousness and constipation totry It Yours. C1U3. E. ELKINOION. 125 Locust Avenue, ban Francisco. School Notice. All pupils w est of Capital street and north of .North Mllltreekjand all east "f llapllal Htreetund nortlioi the county road, lead ing eastward fium t'upltal street through l.uglcuMduddltlouiiii'l north of Lew Mis sion icineiery, are required to attend the fsorih Hulcin fcLhool All pupils south ot South Mill creek and est of Hummer strce; and all betvvtcn Hummer ftruet and the ra'lrodund souin of the county road, leading mint the resi dence of A. Hush are required to attend the routli Baltm school. AU pupils be longing to tho first, second, third and fourth grudesand residing west of Wiuler stieet und between ftorth Mill creek and Koutli Mill Creek are required toatfnd the Ceuiral school. All others are rexulred to atleudtbe Eastsalcm school. 'ihename and reldeute "of each pupil deslrlngto attend sthool must be regis teied with the school clerk befoue they will bo nd in 1 1 ted, Uvordrofthe board of directors. W. II. SIMISDN. School Clerk S-2tl Notice. The luinuul meeting of tlio stockholders of the Capitol Advemuie coiupuuy will ' held ut the otlloeoi the comiuiuy lu salcm, Uugnn.ou tlieU)llioi B pieinuer, litllu. II.. 22-Id g. ! ....i.j..., .j. Fk yspepsia a '1 I.es ninny nconlo mlscrablo. and oftei I,' in to Fell-destructlun. Distress afli' e it t , si ur vtmnach, sh k he lUache .a ai bun, los of nppctlto, o mint, "an gone 1 1 1 liii", lud taste, co.iteii Muguo, and meg . ul.inty ol the bowels, nu UlStreSS tho moro common sjirp After lol,ls il eislaiooii i ' r- 4.1 Bot "e" ol lls0"' ' ,0 Hating quaes Mielui, iK.rslstr-1 ntteiitloa, and a icmeily iiito Hood's, S u. pullh, which actc genti) u t'iiiciei lly. It toues tho stomach ntiil nllri orguns regulates tho illgesiluii,eri.iit goounp- nrpctite, and, hy Uius JJIck Otcicomlhg tlio lne.il Xa tin s)!iiptom9, cuios the WeaCIPOIlO uead.icho, and lefreshes tho tired mind "1 hao been troubled Willi dji-pqua 1 had but little appetite, and what 1 t!U u a cat distressed me, or die noun; ie little good. After i .t Plirn jug J would cxperle.iif falnlncts, or tliid, nlt-gune feeling, as though I hid uut cutcii ail) thing. My trouWo, I think, was aprr.n ated by my business, painting, and fium being luuro w ic.is shut up hi n room with S O U r Iresh paint. List spilng " u Itook Hwd's faarsaparllla KOmacn and It did me au tniiiienso nmount ot good. It gavu mo tin nppetlto, and my fuud ul lshcdmul satisfied tho craving I )ul lie. vlpusly experienced." Gkokok A. I'aob, Watci town, Mass. X. . It on derldo to trko Hood's Ba 6.iparllla do not bo Induced to buy auy ojliv r. Hood's Sarsaparilla Boldbydnirclvti. I'll sliforyv, J'reidty V. I. HOOU A CO., AputliWMles, I-ovv ell, .us, IOO Dos .One Dollar "" fT3hyifT,BWItL'tn' 121 Court St. ii&Z&c!' HENRY M. STANLEY IN DARKEST AFRICA Tb)conp1ct3toryf Stanley's rceptit thrilltntf h Wontii f 1 1 1 t le d pclun tie of hi tinpurtant diiireHfiwlIlikpii-vf for the first time In the tto V it ten hy iluiclf, ontUUd "In DiwLcH frl"ft " 1) i nut b il olTe I by nnjr o( tli n c.t l ' flta'.loy book" u vr being oiTtjred m rcn Mine" ft il au hctillc To no ono of thesti Lui UUnlpyotitribtitcHl aHn. Hi -rals no qucAt on about tfits nUtemnt be'nv correct in ere-r partlctlar We puarautots It, ana will pln n'tf',uUiM on appllrfttlou PltTinM In onlcr not to le m'alfrl, ? ImUIIUll that tbe hoo'i Uara tho Im. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS And that the canraMlns acent carrlri a oertiflcate if ageuty froi i us. A. L BANCROFT & CO. 132 POST STREET, SAN FRANJISCO. General Anenta for tlio Paclflo Lo?st jmimcsS. I'ciUin.Hile ugent for Marlon county, B.ilem. Oregon. WM. WICKEY, House Painter, Decorator, and Wall Tinier. Leave order at John Hughes' store, Htate street. DUGAN BROS., "The Plumbers," BOO Commoroiol St. Dealers in Steam and Plumber's Goods, I'alifnrnla Ironstone Hewer and Fire Clay t'hlmney 1'ipe, etc. SSH MILK. Capital Dairy Co A. C. Kalrchlld, II J. Kelly and aro prepared to deliver flrcsh milk cooled on ice, to any part of the city. Leav e orders at Minto A Low's stable. $1 WILL BUY A LOT Of goods at our storel We carry a full line of groceries, feed, crockery, glassware, ci gars, tobacco and confectionery. T. BUItROWS, No. 220 Commercial St., Salem m Before Leaving Salem. Gilbert Hros. have now on snlo HOUND TRIP TICKETS to Yaqulna and return Tickets good for going and coming on any Week day until October 1st, '00. rt25-tf TICKETS $3.50. PETZEL & BERNARD., In battetnent, under Stelnerdt UIosscih, Plumbing& Fitting of all kinds. Low prlceslaud UOOD WORK. lilds on contracts of all kinds made on short liollcc. 0.27-1 m Wo havo tho Exclusive Control of o N L Y u3 tt Q. 0! so o E N T a 2 An ion't kun to otor a prln to nil tilt BOQdi, for IUUi BEST MADE. Entry Co hol4$ ONE AND ONE HALF POUNDS. GILBERT & PATTERSON, SALEM, ORE. brick! burtoIbros. are prepared to furnish a first-class article of Brick lu town nr country or anywhere onthollneof0 4C.lt It. Prices reason able. aids i.n Stale street, opposlto O, 8. P. All orders left with Williams & Eng land promptly attended to. Hand Made Brick & Tile murphyTdesart, Hucoeuors to I). Nash, have u well estab lished Hrlck and Tile ructory Id North Salem, uwir tbe fulr grouuds, and are pn pared to furnish Orst-clius brick aud tile ou short notice, Kauiplcs of llrlek or Tile sent free to any Diilnt desired, ou shoit notice. Orders cuu De left wjtb Jus. Flshburn, 110 8tate street, I WtlVrV MUI'iB VU MV IHUt VWV liliwwnSiStl m Plili Ivook:, Look! Look! OUR SCHOOL SUPPLY WINDOWS! To-Day, To Those Beautiful School Tablets, A Genuine First Class Water Proof School Satchel GIVEN AWAY WITH BOOKS SOLD. Remember ttie Place, GILBERT k PATTERSON, Groceries , Crockery and Glassware, Paints, Oils and Varnishes, Lime, Cement, Hair and Plaster, Oats, What, Bran and Shorts. All onr Goods are First Clast; and onr Prices are Itelow Competition. It" You Have any Prodnee to Sell, or Want Anything iu our Line, you can't Afford to deal TIE RECTOR I.W ffl FRUIT Xm. Four lies From Salem the Capital of Oregon. One Thousand acres of na flue land ns there Is tn tbe northwest, divided iuto one hundred small meadow and fru:t fninis. Thtse tracts for the FIHST TIME are m w plactd on the murktt, ranging in urlus irom JB0 to tl00 per acre oue third cash, balance ou time with inteiest. No Better Opportunity for Investments In a small wny has been ofl'ured to the public. Thousands of dollars will be expended 'within the next VI months in Improvements in the immediate vicinity of this land, while upon the tract itself, iu the way of roads, fencing, etc., a large amount of money will be used. A Free Ride to and From the Place to any one wishing to see or invest. Call at tho ofllco of WILLIS & CHAMBER-LIN, Court St., Salem, Agents, for Plats, Description and further particulars. INHUUAMCK Cuiiipiuiy, Fire nncl Ma rino. J OH. AL.HKKT, Agont, - Halem, Orcaon COOK HOTEL State and Higli Street. G. W. ANDERSON, PROP. SuccessortoW.il. COOK. The Cook notol is opposltr court house muveieiU to buslutss purt or rity ami bln.01 cur lino runutnv past tlio dooi. itutfs 11.00 to IJ0D tt day, according- tu room, ttncclal terms ,Ui bourders und (amllles. icnu ron our catauoouck pricci ATLAS ENGINE WORKS, INDIANAPOUP. IND. I'iuSlpVBhliifl - MoIrrow and and see: . fj e 4 . o.u.jyc 98 State Street, Salem, Ore. Before Consulting us. GILBERT k PATTERSON. GO TO GEO. F. SMITH, 807 COMMERCIAL STREET, FOR Tents, Awnings, Lawn & Gamp Goods, The Finest Stock lu Salem. TH( Evening Capital Journal! 50 Cents The latest Telegraphic New$ aril' tii Best Local Next Day, IJZJ a. Month. TP i js ? f -, Report?, V ft i i' -: ,;S ,r . 4 .'. K ii SH i