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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1890)
TELEGRAPHIC DISPATCHES, I innn'n mm it. i -ss: g i wDuna mmii Associated Press Report and Digests of all Important oys of To-Day. Powderly Again Shows Chief Arthur, up MARKETS. CHICAGO WHEAT MARKET. CHICAGO, Ills., Aug. 20. Wheat Ann cash ami September S1.02J; May $1.09. WAITING FOR DEFEW TO RETURN May's latat Xm 0f the Great Strike-Other abor News. POLITICAL- SO CONVENTION. OcoiiA, Florida, A'ig. 29. There will be no convention (if Florida re publicans this your. The state central connnlttee yesterday made nominations for comptroller and supreme judge. UEPC1H.ICANS OK ARIZONA RESO LUTE, ETC. Phoenix, Ariz., Auc 29. The republican territorial convention yesterday nominated Geo. W. Cheney, of Cochlz, for delegate to congress. Tho platform endorsed the national admluistratiou, com mends tho silver bill, and iusists upon free coiuago of silver, asserting that It must follow. It requesN congress to pass before adjournment the bill now pending known as an act for the purification of elections in Arizona, and demands the ad mission of the territory as a state. DESIOCUATS AND ALLIANCE. Urrimn:, I ml. Ty., Aujj. 29. The leniwhiHirt' was organized this morning by a combination of demo crats :u id alliance members. Hon. George V. Uoldenshire, alliance member from Payne county, was chosen president of the council in the lower house. Hon. W. A. Dan iels, alliance member, will undoubt edly be elccttd speaker. DEMOCRATS IN SEATTLE. Seattle, Wash., Aug. 29. Tho Domocratic state convention in ses sion here to-day nominated Thonus Carrol, of Tacoma, for congressman by acclamation. w.w York, has wade the WASHINGTON Aug. a.-IWderly foliewirn: sini,...,.,,.. cominHUing on Chief Arthur's let- "The main question has not been ouched upon by Arthur in any thing I have seen ,t. A simple expression from bis lips in opposi tion to taking the places of the fire- men oy uie engineers who are broth wliood men would settle the matter nod that he has not done vet. i.i..!C wuoiooK me places of the engineers on tho Q road had already beenabaudoued before they did that act of treachery. When tiiev went we.t from Heading, I 'warned the orderof Organized Labor atrainst them aud did it publicly. When Nirgent, for whom I have the great est rwnect, wired me asking me If these men represented me in any way, my answer was, "They violate their obligations as KuighN in do ing . represented, pay no attention to them. They represent no one but themselves aud their actions will uot oe sustained by the orderof the Knights of Labor. Such men should be ostracised by all honest men." Powderly is still at the St. Cloud hotel. He refused to talk, saying that he had been mi-represented by newspapers. Two shots were Ured at a tralu passing tlirrugh there at 12:30 this morning. The chief of police, who was near by at the time the shots were tired, could And no trace of mis creants. Piukerton ha- informed the chief of police that if this work is not stopped there will be trouble, aud that he will bo responsible. The strikers were jubilant when LATEST TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. J Gathered From the World Wide Sweep . of the Wires. i Washington democrats. Tacoma, Wu., Aug. 20 The state couventlon of democratic clubs concluded its organization as fol lows: Presideut, Henry Drum; vice president, Chester H. Warner; sec retary, George Hazznrd; treasurer, Francis Henry; executive com mittee Benjamin B. Glascock, aamuel Vinson, Emery McGinuU, lueouore A. Haller, Joseph A. Kub.ii, Hugh C. Wallace, George W. Bell, Robert W. Kullln. HoWt Gerry; vice president of the National As-ochitlon of Democratic Clubs, Thomas C. GrMlths; four members of the general committee for the National Association of Democratic Clubs, Junius Rochester, M. Z Uoodell, John J. Browue, Nelson G. Blablock. ALL AH01T WHISKV. Washington, Aug. 2l. The res olution here offered bv Senator Uumb, instructing the committee on rules to issue orders to prevent the sale of liquor in the senate wing of the capitol, was taken up. Mr. Butler's amendment, directlug the sergeant-at-arms to make a daily in spection of the committee room nnd other rooms, was rejected. The next questtou was on the amend ment otlered by Senator Bluir to the words "and their u-e as a beverage." Mr. Blair said the real evil was the consumption of liquors by the senators iu committee rooms. This charge was combatted by Senators Teller, Sherman aud others, who contended that the senate is n tem perate body. The resolutions and amendments were referred to the committee on rules. HANDY WITH HER l'EN. Spokane Falls. Wn., Aug. 29. Mrs. Edward Gault, a fashionably dressed woman, victimized the Exchange National Bank to the ex tent of $2,500. The draft originally had been made up for fi'i, but the woman worked in two ciphers and got the money before her interpo-1 lation was discovered. Accompanied! by a stranger she left the city after, securing the money. Her husband Is a conductor iu the employ of the Union Pacific. Mr. Guult has also O KlV- 110TEL AKKIVAI-S. COOK 1UTTKU M Abraham, O llofiln, rum, Portland. J S Hutculns, Wiilnbtirjr, Wash V M Dflmildson.Oithkuul, Oil. E A Miller, Scott .Imirs, U R Jones, Gervsis. V A Wash and wife, Dl! O Shetter, Empire City. D Posuer, N. Y. J MeCuustland, Albany. C L Gilbert, Tacoma. W W Griffith, Seattle. A Sublimit. Instruments Filed lor lleierd at the County Hcrorder's (Ulire. W A White and wfto Ida M Carter, lis Sand I, In blk 7, Aumsville ? W A White and wf to M A Peck, Us 1 and 2, in blk 7, Aumsville Geo Eott'nnd wfto VT Gilbert 4 IW-100 acres lu t 7 s, r2 w f II Downing and wf to W A 11 Flushmir, 51.91 acres iu Marlon county I Vauiluyti and wife to the Young Men's Investment Co. of Sa'.etn, it 7 blk 1, Van duyn'sad to Salem Tit ISJ Unirt St. I - a- i J&?LJP i Look ! 60 60 09 1100 360 The milkmen of Salein sell 16 quarts for a dollar. A beautiful granite monument has just been erected to Rev. Win. Roberts in Kee Mission cemetery. Ullilmnlj liliriimiitio unit l.lvr Vl. Tlip-e pll.snro M-lontlllcnlly compounded mul mil fm in In notion. No KrlplUK P"Jn so eoiiinioHly rollowluu the ue of pill-. Tney nre adapted lo ImiiIi iiilults mul chil dren with perfect Miiety. We gun nnttf tliey h.n dim oqiml InihecureofMclt heiid iiclic, constipation. dyopli mid liilllous no; nrd, us mi nppetlrcr, llicy exoell miy other preparation 7 17 ly Smith a Stcltier, solo nets. they learned the state board of mediation anil arbitration nan He-1 disappeared. She was identified at jcided to investigate the causes which jti,Q bank by ilie wife of a well hiiduino ONTHIJTAHIKF-THB east iled to thcstrlke. They say the In-1 known eilicn who had met her afraid to allow the mckin- , ve.tigatiou will not be llni"hed nt , once iu society. ley hill to come to a vote. ' the earliest until Depew returns,! uandicappkd nv wini:. ur .fiTn.'irrnx. T fi irr on Tn ...i,nri ,i,n trim f-inttt nf t hp ciso i ,Aaill.llM,.V.,U!... ." H..V... ....-... .-.. ,..,.., ,.,.,. ,., o, P,. l.n l.,f,t liCra ltim nnrl bnnuinT thp .-. ."..., ...r,. - ,- uu mm utiw. ,...,..Ut ......0 . decided views Depew has heretofore expressed on the benefits to be de rived from arbitration, they expect a speedy settlement of the contro- VTUTN'l- All w horn It may concern 111 1 tiereuy take notice Hint I III pay no deDW hereafter contracted by any person except m sell. AllTIU'lt UI.OVKU, Sulcm, OreKon, AuisustK, IS"U. WM. WIOKEY, House Painter, Decorator, aud Wall Tinier. Leave order at John Hughe-' More, Slute sluel. DUGAN BROS., 'The Pi umbers, n tlie tnriirbill then to bo taken up. HOT SPRINGS, ARKANSAS, SUFKIC- the senate Edmuuds oilered a con current resolution which went over to the effect that when congress ad journs on tho 19th of September it be to meet on the 10th of November, ; versv after his return When Master Wnrkmann .... i. ..:.. r .....r. nllAIIMI I I II nll III lllll III .-,.,,,, .tttfTTorn ,U3 Bliun " ""- ...-... -- Washington. D. C, Aiiff. 29.-! board of arbitmtion rjoticmi nctintr secretary of i is war, has directed the abandonment ' of the military reservation, aud its ; transfer to the interior department for disposition under the law. aid for SOU Commorelal St. , Dealer,. In Steam and Plumber's Goods, California Iron-lone I Sewer mid Fire Clay Chimney Pipe, etc. lie said: nst wnat we wauieu, in first place, and the only reprehensi ble thing about it is the delay over the matter. The board has waited fnr three weeks when it should have Sun says: Thousands of persons saw Isaac Murphy, ihe jockey, iu..Uen most pitiful exhibition of himself at Monmouth paik when he attempted i to ride the peerless marc I'liviizi in the Monmouth handicap, while he !&-".."S; ,:. Stek of IliiniUI Shoes Cariicd. was Dareiy anic 10 Keep ins r-ent FINE HORSESHOEING AT-- Scriber & Pohle's. Special HttcntUn clen to fclioclint road-Btcr-, dnvliiK luireK, lutiTferlii); mid crip pled hore. A large We elvenur DPixinnl attention and em- during the race, and dually tumbled i ploy but &.peith In this department. ootud .0 once. I s hall appear mj- DROl'TH-STKICKES OICLO- '.. .. ,,., ,..,, u, wltue3 ben uviwit ."- homa. .,,!, i1Bn,i nf the strikers. I Washinoton, D. C, Aug. 29- gl)al, nsl; for subprnnas for every dis In the senate the conference report ' charj,eti uiau and for every divis on thu joint resolution foi the relief , iQU "sul)ertntemleiit where these of destitution in Oklohoma was pie-, discharged. I am sure directs , ,in .i,!,. to establish before I we will be able from the Middle n few yaids beyond the lluish. Murphy is one of the mo-t brilliant horsemen of the time, , as those who have witnessed Ins I niagnltlcent finishes on h'reeland, EmK!Mr of Norfolk, Volante, Kingstone, Salvator and Kirenzl can give amjile testimony, and his honesty has uevtr Inen iie-tioned but at times for years lie has been given to drinking to excess. The champagne bottle has been his god, 47 and 51 State Street, Salem, Or. To NOTICE Mv Patrons, Omoii 1 Fair, TIIHITIETII ANNUAL EXH1B1TI0X Under the mannicemont of the Oregon State llonrtt of Agriculture, will txt held on the state fllr pivuml nenr Sflletn, commencing on Hominy, Soptcmber 15(h, 1SU0, And lasting one week. u 3 Over ,000.00 CASH PREMIUMS Offered for agricultural, stock nnd nie chnnlcnl exhibits for works of art and fancy work and for trlnls ofspeod. Iteduei d mles for fare and !relght on ll tniusportnllnn lln stonud fiim the fair. ImiKirtiuil lmprovement.s have been inado upon the groutuU and Incren-cd facilities are olllrel oxlibltors. The Pavilion Will be Open Four nights during the week. A splendid Held for liorc entered In the speed department, and lino evhlhltloni. of racing ""111 ho given each day. Kntiles for preinlunis eUwe Monday at ":Vi. in. Inhibitors Hro urged to make as many oflhelrentrleson Sunday hkfoie the fair as po.inie. (IihkN, iiiilmalsand in tides tor exhibition must bo m their places by 10 p. in. on Monday. I'KICKS OK ADMISSION: MatiN day ticket M.' Woman'x day ticket - "V Man's spiiMiu ticket - $' 6" Woman's llekel . i IX) eud to these' ehiry at I'ortlHiid.dreKoii, fora premlnm list. I). II. I.OONKY, I'resldenl. J.T. ()UK(iJ, Seerelnrj. d-ld EAST AND SOUTH VIA Southern Pacific Route Look, Look! IN OUR SCHOOL SUPPLY WINDOWS! ' To-Day, To-Moreow and Next Day, AND R T0K Those Beautiful School Tablets, A Genuine First Class Water Proof School Satchel m n iVIVi Remember tine Place, dn lw Ta K, e .J s- 9S State street, Salem, Ore. GILBERT k PATTE RSOIM Shasta Line aVI.IKOIlNIA F.X1IU1HS TltAlN UU.V 11AIM 11BTWEK.V rollTLAKK ANDH. 1'. -SoTTftrn""-" nuyeTOr: (m) p. m. i s.-'M p. in. ?:! a. m. I l.v. Ar. rortland Salem Han Knui. Ar. l.v. l.v. t..Ti a. in. 7:IU a. in. H p, m. Miom' trains sti.p enlj in lollovilng sta tloiiK niirth of Itnsiliurg, last I'm I 'nnd ()rKui Ji t , V iiudlimn, t-alem, Albany TiiiiKenl. shctlds, llal-ey. Harrlsburg .luncllnn City, livlinc and Ktigenu. i((wi:nmi(i mai.i. liAii.v, ,i a. m. I WW a. m (i.Ol p. in. l.v. l.v Ar. Portland HmIhiii Knguno Ar.; ft.1 4 GO p. III. 1:(M p. m. O.O) a. in Crow) All rics, Crockery and Glassware, V Paints, Oils and Varnishes, Lime, Cement, Hair and Plaster, Oats, fflioai, Bran and Shorts. our (looils nro First Clnsy and our l-ricos nro Ito!im Coinpiitition. If You Have any l'rodiico lo Sell, or Want Anything in our Lino, you can't Afford to deal Iloforo Consulting us. Albany Local, Dally (I'.xc'.'pt .'i.-00 p. 111. TM p.m. DUO n. m l.v. l.v: Ar. rnrlland fiileni Albany Ar. J0J I..W Minilay.) MTa m. H:(i8 1 . in ,(ia. in. .1. (J. IIAllltlS' KbIi-iii HxprpcM bkoiih No. 15 and HI iim be found on corner I'onrtand l"oiiiturcll dtt. Iueail train and Ixiat onliisat I..S. SS liilen'icni ceiy slurv, IK) Imirt ttiet. All nmer promptly atlcndcd lo. BPiiiPd nnd uereeu to. it ..w...h . w 1 1 t m it I.IIiAi iinulicattoii ol any unexpeuut-u fa the laci uwi w .. ,. nu1 , ..a f n(tl. i .1! ... .I,r...l lAC balance for the rellet 01 jh-uous ... di,L.iiarged were 1101 ihhiiii. clubdom in New Yorktoiluy that UUt I uor. , , to balance for the rellet 01 jh-uous ... dcliarfed were 1101 ihhihi: -the regions overflowed by the Miss-. drilQkeIines9 or any other vic, I issippi, to relieving citizens of Oklo- bcoaUse tliey Were Knights of Lab bomu. rendered destitute by the nil- Th ro.ul vW flnd it pretty hard IESII MILK. bomu, rendere examp ed drouth t hero. FOREIGN. can finish as much of the sparkliii fluid as Murphy, who long ago p . . p I.-.I Pa earned the title of "Champagne L,3) I CI 1 U Ul I y LO joeKcy tr wniiriiiiiii'ii - PiiiPAfiO. AUg. -J -"" iu the employ of the Lake Shore ...i i,,.,. atrnek. eomnieieiy uji6 "u11'" . . i . i . .1 ... ..,... .. .. i t.ww-a ... tiw rouii. as ' m mv rnn, ni 1 1 lie ousiui-M " - - ..I. i. , i U" Kl . rrl. .It. ..I ... l...v innwi lit llilu nitl l'u. nr. ' 1 Iiu tlieii ui net i"i.i -. .... ........ nrove otherwise TO! 29,Switcliinen A IMOXKKK WOMAN HONK. At.nvv Aiur. ) Tlii! Hirulil .eooledon ..l,im.i . i ...n - - --' Mrn. Dr. . C. Hill A. .'. Kiilrcblld, 11 J. Killj nnd nr prepared to dellir tlili milk w, to any part of the city l.-H(MinlerHt Mlmo .1 Im'iitble I 1 m ) r rati PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS. Kor accommodation ol wwuil ciaiw IMMMiiKeii. altiielied to ezprM traliiH. j Ycsl Side Division, Between Portland and Cervallis: lAII- (KXl'KIT HUM1AY). tflMMVI Pit mm AND PUT 1'illIS. 7:H0 a. I -MO a. in. I l.v. l'nrllaml OirVMlllH Ar.l 5:W) p. in. PWi4 p. in. At AllMiiy and Corvalll conneel Willi irHliiHHfUruKon I'aiilllu It.illroail. RXl'HWHTKAl.V (OAILV K-XCKlTrtUMIA V kf Miles From Salem tlio Capital of Oregon. up 1I A CV. 4 . u - , Wabhinotos, D. C Ang i far- "StSe .toSTy-Id-y t Vlo.-k at tho advanced $1 WILL BUY A LOT Acting Secretary of btot. a rt tr(lllb Br "U t)k a crew ! age ,.f 81 years. .She c,.,e to Al- lgminHl um, to-day received a telesrjin f ron trouble. Supt, ah wit ' Tfiniw-eo in 1S53, nml,.if", ,. ki.i.m. rt . ,ii.. H7iiPr at Guateinuw' ...,, down to the stock"3- ".' .,....,.; !. tie. mid n.nrwii..mTy. a: .. . .::.;, rentral Amer- V;" , 10V rt,,elied there the men win. m-rnusu. ,.... , ... -;- i T. HUUKOWH, Billing wnu pew... --- ica h al been fully established. -PtllTKFNKUOTIATIO.NS. 29. Le raris France , When they reac. (deserted and Aiuiden discharged her allhoiigli in feeble lualth, hart No. 'Jh roiiiiiunliil Ht. IttAMMIM "IFWpTiii.n.vriirtlailil Ar.l MM a. III. Tit p. m. I Ar.Mf.MlnnvllluI.v. i fr.llu. in -Through Tickets To all pJilLt KAST and SOUTH for tlckeln and lull inlnriimtion rsrd. n ruXtm iiwim. we., apply to lilt Oui.lw ny mm tin muem, uimkoii. Oho ThmiHiind acred of iih fine lml iw tliero Ih In tho north wait, divided Into ono hundred Hiiuill mendow liiei.v. i fciAu. in. and fruit fiuniH. TIkko traclH for the M iih"r 'i I Al K nro m w p.ntcu on uiu innrKti, riinKiiiB V'lvva ironi tw to l(X) per aero one third cuhIi, l iilaiico on time wltli intercHl. Pakis, Aug. ays: aud , T.n precipitated the K.rlkeof resided here ronpecte.1 and beloved them. "hlsl)rec,l"ia , ...t.i.. nir,.i. nt frioiwi-. k l.i- r JS&ZM2 S:Uii-,,,M,,,w , m JARVIS CO N KLIN tbi'iliifora H,vtv -author of IIIIIV annoUited eo.le of "" ' . .,. e prent, n,"-,u" mU , Oregon law., (!. V. Hill, a prominent Mm llUSt Ufflafi,V IT ,: the company. The re- 'attorney of Seattle ur .j. u. i in, o, , bv the conipuuj. decided to po ...!. a hetween ' b. . , -.. ruintlveto the tlie u tinea w1 - , . , ... .,io' nrnnproachlup . . i,.sinn. The Nu-n ravorauio eout.".- - . .,.. ,..... put will reiiiu "- . iiiu.uuv. . ,1 TTnini'P will utrikeH. ihitvonFrencnan.iiuu-. a.,ll(nli..M 0f the '.....,.. in, the crievance aiueeu.. "".,- , n lh0 witli the . 111 mniAl'P I? tlMllllItT UlVI'iv- -- iugton uovem tliity on I'Tencuui ;,.."-- i(.,,reulallves or me b remove prohibition again-st Ainerl JJ, Ald AfWatlo. held can porl , MISCELLANY. COIll' .cnoI-)f,,CAI' lxianft infliiry mi Iwiiriivnl ferro t M thliicitv. audTav or lllll, who ro-: iw tu uf lutcrwi. mj rijr. iiimi,i . ' I ftmlX., WM.M ,mimruf mmpififd. TrlvJ. eiden iu I-Iaslern Oregon, all or !,,. p)-n lu iifteiimnte. W. A. i,... 0v. iIihIiiHhi- wcr.' nni. ' Hamilton, niir OUti llh Hunt X Tmlt whom, except me luiur, w re pn-t-, mHIbIwk,. rm, entat the timeof lier dealli ami all i ' of whom are well known through out the NorlhweHt. In the dettth of Mr. Hill a noble piontwr woumn "OVKHLAN'I) ItOUTK." rest, hho wan a Uaptint eliurch Union Pacific II. K. Cqiimiiy "" ... ...linlimell on all iuo oui m - -" - - t uiittee.aiiu-..-" were'of Mm. Hill oi rmds running Into -"icofio ..nt. Tbe meeting was ...- i,,Iltu, f.i,lir,.i, ,i i rm fc.r lb. i i.-v ivruniJiiJ l"11 .f Irf---ible. to H'iu uieiuuv. w, ..... .......... -.. inmnmiwiipiiKuiiiy. lie h hw ilMVlC iovw-i - . ...II I.,., itnl t IU11.' UI II IJMIIU eilllHllil. i UTIWIUU iu m- ... -...-. '' .. ...,.l,rr I ,! .Uli- iuwcm....-..n - 4 -.. .... 111.1 IOIII 1 - . . ...., IIIH I II II I IH.7J Cl !- ..-. - , . ..J"XS s"sr;,tarorc,Ht.ti."'"-1M,o,'0'"" '" . ,",:- ,urtvr.u.; ri:i.i,.iA. palacb smm. ... i.t 1w,ip liere last event u i .. .. wld t0 a repo"-' nmilnn nfthu MeMliinvllle eiJ. I'rw K.miiy w.pio : ruu i .lmna-. He was 41 "' n i "The fltuatum i Kmamm ni, wlU(m, ch. aJ1!ltive,n.rovldei.ce,H... ny tmA tte mptj ATOBAcoDTkt. lJZZlLiZXS',ma'F L.U1.I.Y IIUi.' - gWH0HU ... ,,. .ji.. I,ve .M!W KIKK, rtK. .-. "S" , rtir lunku uarltcuUn A44HM, KX1'1.()SI() '""" ,v . ..!, vrd3. I Ullirpv ,, , ,...... i .., ,ti,iM UM,iniih.n.niuu.i u ...r-i-tus OKA ll tlWs'""' .. .' ...I, In thU WHY 111" pyiii"" '" "" l - "- I. W.I.KK.O. lnjift vtuiuii ClUMHtO IMtCt Ml) lfl llfkIIIIU It. KOI. Ill.nil, Awl. U. K. and I'hmi.Ar'I Muiiuor. SECURE YOURTICKB j" '11 I i) No Better Opportunity for Investments in a Minall way lias Ih-cii ollereil to tho nubile. ThoiiminiU of ilollarn will lo oxponded Jwlthln tho mist 12 iiioiuliH lu IniproveiiuiiitH lu the Irniiiedlalo vluinllv oftlilH lauil, wlillo tijion tho traot Itttolf, tn tbo way of rotidif, tutieiiiK, etc, u large amount of money will bo umoiI, A Free Hide to ami From (lie Place to any one wltthlii", to mco or Inviwt, Cull nt the ofllco of Boforc Leaving Salem. Otlbtrt IlfM. lia e rww on mv IKJU.S'l) ; TRII firmer u YIb 4 returs , TMkM font for hi4n mtuX milnc m "f I Wmk (tay uUI OetotMK- IH, VI. i i VV I L L I u & CHAMBERL N Court St., Snlcm, AfiPiilH, for I'lats, Description mul flirtlier particulate. wmcfMM 72rSU Fi.ndi.av, Ohio. Aug - o0 of tb r A. ('. H. U K1JJU. Mrnl TMU MMiaWK U A MaoalMl ! Court tnH. Hmumt. ..iJivMMiiiuny ,"-.- ,.ll , I. Willie flaU nii nfn liiL'h esi 1 ., I I'Wll thUely,.oo . roturnliii,' i"""e MmieelZ tf ibe 1-tnW.t. . 7iZu" the empty ""r" "' ,rlh.k-llfilw .andHbe- strike on Its ''"',.,,. t0 the wheue by w liieh they exHel to A- JlKiatloo. wbkh Uiu eoiitrel f the LAmvix, wr- li. mrn U UMll IHHJM; w-. " - " "J. '" wlllnkeBS ,..'n r Hwy to U known. H v tro rn... mm LT.: P,.L '.. ' Afe'eT: ,'Z to Bp.of lUeiimrtrt for wrn tooo. . jQ TJUrH 1 ITUia YM )i) uta iiMirnn oonw""1 i" " " lift i uviw f i .... . . . Urt)0JMe niiv -" o.toChl-'Il Uexpwslwi iiwi wareww' until U .be " !LMlrt'f c:irkvHk.. Tenn., will )Mt b- oi Alloa"";. tamUln',tykm. . .,MkvH " 'O' ttAlLX, riA UNION J'Ai IKICVHT1CM. niMMMflM wttk feua4ar. Mwvh t4. hh IM a4 M4la ttekf wilt U daugeroU4 ourai -- iB team started on a - v wm caused, .-trabte - horPri ana " v. u u T. been brought in tho acoldant Vrehiu- mn Kilicit eeeHieninenU of u4eeo erfi frum wiUi tbe tV1 "-' nUuWf dirly. ti k.11 U by ui ZZn7T(trt bri . StutKK w' ' ,ioo. IB tliw wy piamen. r ill- - .-j.S'; .. in Ait. l " , hmi wImjJIv at tlie mrey w wrt. i-t.JBAIJKJ. . t. I.. n"""7...., - . TO iiiiuiwa fromtfcf Mr' M ' "JvLj. -,bc "'"' iiiHnH UU WMMtry. W t4br.t wn3ii4 riif tmu btwM KrtlBt4 mtt4 1 abMrll Wu, wtlk fullMwo ai4.M tofr kM CRIMINAL. cavrM ISCAPB- i'iiw..'- sa Awg. CriaB T, lu, W A iiminS'. N. tu"V. 7. cri-iiwo 7ki1;-T7iWto.i ll. Daniel,, W rf SrJ'Frf night. Cr-.nj.nHJ eon ..jh. HJ hb sentence; pjui13 nni trial for murder iUy th rvpwt tbat l w w hooe cuNtrMt had U rloHpil w unt earfMC Nnltteiw are Mill joi lK. but wlibiii tW iMfzl tfti tiny Um! t.yMliw4 will pr4al- giH caUu( of tb prtc(l wmrrtioamw la lb twtre lutMom bmiwtoi. Mull" train M paixx MM ruir mrv .il larUMMl elMMM. "IfmlMa ar wiultml wMb rulliMaa paiaw l f a4 nMti. TICKBTSS3.50. GO TO GEO. K. SMITH, mi COMMKHCIAI HTHHUT, FOR i'HL & MUM, Tents, Awnings, Lawn & Camp Goods, 500 III baMMcul, uodf Hurlnar A Hluw. Tho KlnHt Htoek in Hleiii. K?? vj '! ife vnilfe eiivnd AT w- vt M VkO, RjASp- n- ' TH. Mliffi Plumbing&FittingJill) ff TO I0I1 car all klaoa. lawprlnaHincltiOJl) WOKK. HMb oa aoatiaa of all klatt macta on borl ev.iira. fcJ7 In, O ! I l.a lllcli'iu'a OuliUit IUUam No, 1 .r.n tlM Ltv tml Ulj. ioi K4 t. ijuut nn.i, biM4l Hn i. and all ol III ilUcuM known at Advertise Your Business! XH aUIKT. Aaawl. Ofirta , imii Hi HMTiaii m irait al r -"- H UwuMajk imaa vuaaH fi !. Ia, a 4 (liWttuw all It lbl.f I'aitu I" atd (Mu (. kooaaai I) u I Ut Tfaa tbni Inlk .d li. r autrlM4 NKVZKAIiM)ffSTHE WEEKLY CAPITAL JOURNAL Sfcl.OO Per Year IS THK LA RG EST , C H EA F H Ariel Beat on -UJ JL , tbnt Ullla .-'l u.r qui aaMi itt 5lrtti. I'arUat far'r a4 wiiliriii .iui. A.irf hum. w t'.ii... rii Iki V. II. Mwtjy A Uu, faave aoW uit ; uekru. Wau. ru..-a. - Jk . m i. mmI ai tw-l-'i. l-aial ! aTUa U ( a. J nti una. - imiim rV rij.i IteilM ttlM try i$wtUs tb Kat tin rtlay artkjj. KA KAALAtflt Bkd 04JtlrU b..UL. lma.Kl " l -mum. f.l" IfeKMIft. ItArtl, f M 1.U .i-a.m imi i ivaa. arai. HUM MAmU MMIi, TCmut itnK, Un Mitaa brick! RIIRTONRRO 'rr1:'ie Money on the Pacific Coast a Maa.t-aa' I t Bfua ia u.wa nalba InaitfOa ' M m roraMi a n ataaa aMia airjr t aajr Priaaa Ma T a . aiaiMran. ww WIIHHai K AH INMM t4r ll a mtutm ttf Mrin, I'lrfk mihI YumliOl omiiiIIim. Aabl frum Dim It aim Imi u wlilo anwbiUiiM tliruuiilMiut Uw UttHrn aUltat i..h MtW whonrw aimlyliiw' " ll.j.i.1111. I'luu tai Millllnir WMl. 1IIK JIIL'MNAI. IIWK4MI H HTHJIIIUY u. . .JuTviuk- MrMritu. inf..riil.i MMwrliHt fruit KruwlHt- ami fcrmliiK A Mac- M.U1UM1. ,u ilu nuirket rtiixirt. It U mi uiimkuIM uilvlWli ilie- itlHm im the bml trnilo mid rl hUI iHtoriHta. aruatlM. I'rlrr. UOu iM linin.. It lllrliau' U 'LUii IUUam Na.j OirTftUT, Ucn.uilaiHjiitu.iua llhtu uuiUjm, itun lu io Hwm, I'llnun lh IImJ. Uck cl tin Nw.),, Iktratfl Sara t).Fat, HHilUi a lUih, Luium anj con Ii-iu4 I'w . MiiOnu c( th Uujt.i, aol nJlattM all du, Irwu h irtUm, Mtaf MiiMl tjr loJ wruti ,n or abuc t( llarwrr. Ivatlay bl l pur aa4 UHbjr. l'rlra 3 00 par loltla. I.q lilciiau'UnlUanM' BliltUAtilW Join lor ItM tm c tlaiioriUua, Ulel, lirttola.a Orl, n4 all Uiliwr or Ocnl UI alMfi4Bgwraifc- trlct'4 a ttr Uotlla. 1 IllcliaiiU Uolilau Npanlth In-J-cllii, liriHrtra aut, Uoooriha. laiuiaaoua y c.Uci. 8ukturt,4c, I'rlea t i tr Itulli. I IlUlmu'a tlolitwn Ointmant (arOMin .!. haUiayciir1.1ilt,UMor, aJatuiHlwM. I'rlrulJI io ir Hot Ih I UIimii'4 Uulilail I'll- S, . ml Bat i t.anliinat; Iwm al (4,1 -l miit. i . of tivw..rk, 1 rwlrulwu, t'a, 'l- OO iwr Ilex. IB I . .. I. i .1 iru...i.. a. al arf aar, I'. O. ll. iwiurtijf ra4 T I ibaaArl4 ilm eoinpamr. arenu Mflt Harkat Jf,rUu Irrnnclaoo OlniuUr utallvU frv. CM WI -V naNa4WMN JjL. i Vri-ft Y H;mrii11tift-i'M',akVW v-. ,., . jt., iu . v.w'i' "'