J; TDE CAPITAL JOURNAL FRIDAY AUGUST 29, 1890. TERM OF BUBSC'RIITION. Daily by mall per year-. $8 00 Vali7 py man per l by ra eklby month,. bO Wcel tnal an p i per year,. 100 aa-ir not txald In advance the price roanred for the Weekly Joukwai. will he f 1.S0 per year. If papers are not delivered promptly notify the office. FREE DELIVERY BY CARRIER. Dally for atngle week,-.. 15 cts Dally for two weeks,. 25 cts. Dally by month, 5u ctn. Collections will be made on lot and IStb of month. Subscribers will pleie leave money foccnrrlers at house or whereon H Is delivered, so as to cause no delays In collections. Tiik Evening Cantai. Journal regu larly receives the nlternoon aoclaied press dlsprtches. GILBERT & PATTERSON, Dealers in Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Windowglass, Etc. Sole Agents for Epicure Tea and Big Can Baking Powder. LOCAL MARKET. Wheat, iiet CO cents per bit. Hops, active; 30 rents per lb. More Cistkkn3 Wanted. At the meeting of the board of tire del egates la8t night tlio question of more cisterns was thoroughly tils cussed. It was the opinion of the delegation that the county should help to maintain cisterns near the court house, as will bo seen from Hit following resolutions, which were adepted: "Whereas, The city ol Salem has been to great expense in providing and maintaining its fire department and appliances therfor; and whereas Marion county has a court house- and other property of great value within said city, which has received the protection of Bald fire department, although said county lias contributed nothing to equip or maintain tho same; and whereas it has been demonstrated in tills and other cities that a water supply direct from mains is not re liable in cases of flro and that it will bo necessary to construct many cist erns within tho city to protect tin proporty thereof against fire; and that it is necessary to construct a cistern at each of the four corners of tho court houso block In order to protect said county's property against flro, which would bo a further oxpouso to tho city if It were compelled to build them, whiio the county would bo tho party benefited by said imprevement: Therefore, bo it reaolved, that it Is tho sun so of this body tliut it Is right that the county of Marlon should build, sup ply, and maintain said cisterns of such size and in tho manner the chief engineer of our department may prescribe." A Rk81ensim.i: Position. The board of directors of tho Salem public schools havo decided to have Mrs. drubbo devote her entire time to tho various schools of tho city as superintendent, and elect some one as priuclpal of tho East Salem school. Tho directors should not loso sight of the importance and magnitude of the position, and not for tho sake of a few dollars difl'er enco In salary employ some ono who Is incompetent to (111 the place. Be foro anyone Is given charge of that school a careful investigation of his experience and qualifications should bo made and alr,o what satisfaction ho has given In other places where ho has taught. What tho Salem school now wants and what the ed ucational interests, demand, is a man of progressive thought and keenly awako to the most approved i methods. Tho question of princl-l paisnip is now being ilisciibsed with a good deal of Interest by tho pa troiis of tho schuol, and some warm objections aro being mudo to the chief for tho position. It Is certain ly of moment enough to bo a sub. Ject of Jnteiest to parents. And tho directors doubtless will uso good Judgment In their selection. Let no mistake bo made in selecting a man or woman to till the position. A Collision. The Albany local dhl not reach this city last night until about ton o'clock, owing to an accident at Aurora. The local waH ordered to pass tho down freight at Aurora anil also a pilo driver. Tho freight stood on tho muln track, and a box and lint cur on tho side track. The signal whistle was given while tho pas songer train was crossing tho bridge and they did not hear It, so a col lision was tho result; in which the headlight ofthoenglno was smashed in ana the Trout end somo what damaged, Tho box car was teles coped and left In a good condition for kindling wood, and thetminklnsi and baggago ear was considerably wrecked. The engine from a gravel train was secured and brought tho coaches on through, tho passengers having been transferred to tho over land which arrived here at nine o'clock. Fortunately no tine wtw hurt. Salem's Bio Hotul -Again the report Is out that tho big hotel has a nnmo; so It bus, but a Journal re porter was rellubly Informed that Mr. Uush and Mr. Wagner were the only men In the city who Huew ' what tho name was, that would be 1 applied to the "great elephant." Tho namo will not ho given to the publte until tho hotel In owned for buslue, which will not bo for some time yet. Iu tho tueantlmo nn In definite numlr of name may bo uggeted, but will not clmugo the fact that shohas an unknown immo now IS IT PUSSIULE ? That New Honsos are lleins Erected in the City for Snch a Purpose as Con templated Below? Several complaints have reached the Journal from denizens of tho neighborhood tlint several new houses are going up in different parts of the- city, that are being erected to bo used for houses of ill fame. One new houso was pointed out to a reporter near Church and Ferry, that is said to bo contracted to lie leased in advance us a houso of prostitution, and the party putting up the building Is a person promi nent, wealthy and quite respectable (at least has been so considered in tho past.) Mfhls part of thu city i bud enough" said tho complaining citizen. 'Trices of property have fallen off and it is almost impossible to get good renters on account of the disreputable neighborhood. We feel very badly that any iurther concessions should be made to the vile traffic. For one of our capital ists to go to work and put up a new house especially designed for this business is infamous, and no build ing permit should be Issued by the city if the facts are known or sus pected even. Wo get little or no protection from our high-priced po lice. I do not know what we can lo about it." A Journal icporter was sent to look up the city plat and record, .tnd ascertain the owner of the prop rty. The name will not be given the public at present. Investiga tion was also made among the contractor and the architects who designed the house interviewed, who said: "I know only this. I get good wages and no questions are asked. The bid I put in for tho house was it a good fair figure and it was promptly accepted. I know nothing us to what the house is to be useu for, but you can judge from its mate that it will not be for Sunday school purposes." Tho reporter was astonished to discover that the new house referred to was built right up tight against its disreputable neighbor, regardless of all danger offlre. The contractor who Is building tho house in question was Feeu and Interviewed on the subject. He said: "I can't tell positively who Is to occupy tho house, but am sorry to say I think it will not go to the most respectable tenants. I am building it for a tesponsible party in tho country." A carpenter well acquainted with the builders said: "It seems too bad to have a new building In the heart of the city rented tor such purposes, especially when plenty of good tenants can be had. It looks to me like a, poor speculation to let a houso for illegiti mate purposes when there is such a good demand for tenements. It will damage the value of the property for all limeaud be a detriment to all other buildings in tho neighbor hood." MAYOR WILLIAMS was seen in the courbo of tho report er's rambles In bearch of Itil'oima tlon. Tho mayor is a difficult man to interview, but said: "As the Jpcatlon described is out of tho flie limits, I do not see that the city lias any control over tho matter. I recommended the extension of the flro limits in my message to the council. Our city laws are In an un codified chaotic state and it is hard to toll how to get at those tilings un til wo can get tho ordinances out of tho hands of the city attorney. Ono of tho aldermen was seen and he said ho could give no opinion as to how to avert tho evil. "It is tie Ht , tm, vnluu ,)f j)ro,)orty uU al,)mul ,,,,. f()p Ieh;tU.UC0 , )Ur. pur poses," said the city father. "If the property owners do not get up and kick, who Is to do It V" "Hut they aro kicking," suggest ed tho shover of tho Fabor. "Tho man who is putting up the building would come to time too quick if all who own lots along there would get nftet hint. Ho has tho property in his wife's name, and tells everybody his wife is hav ing tho houso put up. Hut I happen to know that he Is having it done and will pocket tho proceeds. The fact is such things and Chinese tenements are it curo to tho w hole neighbiuhood, and a curse to the city that tolerates It." As the councilman threatened to become peisonal and use names, the reporter was compelled to put his fingers up to his ears and withdraw. Ho will continue his luvistlgations however and give JoritNAi. readers the facts. Marion Siiuaui:. Street Com inlsslotier Graham is having all the ,uuu,Hn tn,vl ,ms collected in Ma rlon Square for i time uniecorded, inked up and hauled oil. Tho work Is being douu with hand rakes and Is a good Job. In a few da sail the dead trees will lie sawed down ami seats arranged on the stumps, which will give the square a little nioie at tractive appearance than it has had recently. New Iron. Two ear loads of Iron arrived last night for the new steel bridge aerou tho Willamette river at this phuv. Work will be pushed as rapidly as pot-slide, and before many weukit travel will again lw ear tied on between Marlon and Poll; eoutitlos by 11 bridge over the Wlllamutte. Mrs. M. K. Wilson has just re ceived the first new goods of the seuBon, and can please all hei customers, In tho new Ruth block 2l Honest People. A gentleman, who is recently from Kansas, was heard to remark a few days ago to one of Oregon's farmers, that it was a great surprise to him that farmers I could leave their grain sacked up l mil in 4 I... It. .1.1 ...111 . t. I. ..I vfiii .11 lliv; lll-m MllllUlll, II UUIIlg stolen, He said, "If a man should leave his grain out in the field one night, In Kansas, It would all no gone before morning. Not that the people are so dishonest, but that poverty drove them to such deeds." Farmers leave their grain out in the field all over the Valley, sometimes fir weeks, and It is u rare thing that a sack of grain Is ever molested. Whether the people of Oregon are I more honest than their friends in Kansas or that In a land of plenty the temptation is lost, it is hard to say. Strike. This epidemic seems to have reached Salem, and first attacked the men on the big bridge, about twelve of them were seized with the malady yesteiday after noon and demanded higher wages. They were promptly paid oil and requested to huut for higher wages to their satisfaction. Their places weie filled this morning and every thing went with Its UbUtil order. It was not learned what wages the men were paid nor how much they demanded. Nor wlielhertheir greiv atices are well founded or not was not learned. With the building that is going on in Salem, and the prosperity that is manifest on every hand there seems but little cull for a strike and something must be wioug on one side or the other. Something New. W. F. Booth by was accosted this morning by a Journal man, when he said that .Special Agent Leland would prob ably bo up tonight and that part of tho force would go to work to morrow, and the lull corps of enu merators would be in the Held Mou day. The work will be completed in five or six days. The people are asked not to be backward in giving the required information and if there are any persons employed about the house to inform the cen sus man so that no one may be oni mitted. Doubtless the census has been talked about and published un til it is getting to be a little monot onous. It is hoped tho present work will be done in such a manner that nothing more need be said. Day and Niuiit. The Salem Canning Co., have increased their force of help and are now running the cannery to its fullest capacity both day and uigut, and are using an immense lot of valley fruit. Du i lug every hour In the day wagons are being unloaded of the products of the orchard at this establishment. At the Business College. Mr. Staley, principal of tho Capital Business college, is now in charge of tho work, and may be found at the college olllce each day from 0 till 12 in the forenoon, from 1 till 4 in the afternoon, and from 7 till 0 in the evening. Students who expect to begin on the opening day, Monday, Sept. 8th, are requested to call and register this week. 8 2o-Gt I ncorporations. T h o Califor nia Raking Co., of Portland, Or., bakery and confectionery, stock 0000, by F. A. Fischer and J. V. CJ. Haehlen, filed articles to-day. Students Coming. Every train now brings fiom two or three to a dozen students to the Willamette university, and tho building whiqh has seemed so dead for the past two months has taken on the garb of life and activity. Everything promises a large enrollment Monday morn ing. 1'EUSO.NAIi MENTION. L. MeNary was a passenger north this afternoon. dipt. Ii. S. Scott went to Meliama to-day for a few days vacation. .1. S. liouteheus, of Waitesburg, Wash., Is in the city on business. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Walte started to Newport this morning to com plete their summer vacation. W. II. liagley, traveling agent for the State Insurance company, came down from Walla Walla to-day. Frank C. linker, state pi Inter, went up to Albany last night on business. Rev. I). II. (Jhiss, a young minis ter of Portland came up this morn ing, and will enter the Theological department of the Willamette Uni veislty. Miss Alice McCormick and Nellie Caruahaiii, of Astoria, passed through Salem on tho 1 o'clock train on their way home from a visit in Southern Oiegou. Win. Franco, his sister Minnie and Stella King of Orays Harbor, and Klla .lacks and a young lady friend ofTaconia, were among those who emtio up this morning to outer the university Monday. Hev. .las. T. Abbott, brother-in-law to Prof. VanSooy, who recently (mine to Salem from Indiana, wont over to MuMlunvltlo this morning, where he was stationed by tho M. 1. conference to till the pulpit for tlio coming ecclesiastical year. Ml Kvu Cox U still at Mehanm, on account of the IIIiim ot her mother. She will not commence twtehliiK at the beginning of the fuhiMil your, but will probably lutgln later on, MUt Jtmiilotikalfv, who bus been visiting her mini, Mrs. Kugeno Ureymau, starts In the morning for 11 short btny at I.oug lleaeh on her way to Helena, M"iit , where she w 111 spend the w Inter l,cfniv rvturu to her homo at Dubuque, Iowa. WAR OX THE POLES. Cheap Tins and Placards Given the Come-down at Two-Fortv Time. A.JouitNAL reporter followed an electric light man around several blocks this morning, and watched him dislodge the tin, cardboard and wooden advertising cards that are susoeuded from and attached to the telegraph, electric light, telephone and other Doles. The man had a sharp pointed iron that he stripped off tho cheap advertisements surrep titiously attached. As he ran his iron rod up the pole down flew a shower of St. Jacob's oil, Dwlght's Soda, tmack medicine and other ad vertisements. "They hnve no right to use our poles for any such purpose, but we cannot remove them fast enough," said the man. "We try to get them all cleaned off once a week, and ns a rule they are not up over a day. It wont bo long before they will be nulling them up on those nicely painted electric carliue poles." The advertisements of several en terprising nnrchants were ruthless lessly strewn on the ground and run over by wagons. AN ADVERTISER TALKS. The scribe on the scent for a row accosted ti Commercial street dealer whose placard had oeen obliterated and he looked at.it sorrowfully. "I was aware they werestrlppiug them oil, but I have no more to put up. I have about tired of fence advertis ing and all oilier kinds of outside lettering, that is changed, torn down or made ridiculous. Riding along the other day with my wife I found one of my store ads. nailed up over a place I would not have had it appear for a good deal. A letter had been changed on the sign so that my name represented a bothersome insect, some boy's work, lam tired of it." Tills man will make the companies owning poles no more trouble. . Will Open Again. The store room formerly occupied by J. W. ' ' Crawford as stove and tinware store, is being relitted up and a new floor is being put in, and every thing fixed up In good shape. In the course of two weeks, W. D. Wheeler and H. Dee will open a new meat market in it. They have bought a ten acre tract of laud out on the Turner roud, near E. C. Cross' slaughter house and will soon have a fine slaughter yurd completed there. Mr. Wheeler is well known in Sa 'em and Mr. Dee is recently from California. From the G iluengate City. C. M. Lockwood and Cooke Patton returned this morning from a three weeks' visit in California. The boys speak in the highest terms of the sights they saw in our sister state, fliey went down by way of the ocean, but they were unfortunate 111 . ' , ,, ,, ., , having fine weather nil the way and have nothing to relate in the expe rience of heasicknesss, which is always something to be icineni-' bored. They visited a number of the principle cities and have a great I deal to toll of what they saw. j Ski.uct Party. The regular 1 ., , .... , 1, :.,.... 1 .. I monthly asylum ball was given last eve iiintr and about fortv Salem so- ' nill),, .mil nuotii 101 1 ..aiuni so ciety people were invited out. 1 Among the party were Mayor Wil liams and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Chus. Riley, Mr. Gubriolson, of the State Insurance Co., and wife, Mar tin Rowley and wife, and others. Prof. Diamond and Henrv Haas as-1 once under this act. , . , ., , . 1 ... r... ' Applications under this act will not affect sifted the asylum orchestra. Dane- anv pending claim. ing was kept up till ten o'clock.) M,,k,'n,,,,"',,l5,ol,,nt).lo0HliKnMAN Dr. Lane has not yet returned from, r, s, lvnsion nnd claim agent.'' i b. ,, Hox 2M, Nilcm, Oieuon. Heputy County tho mountains. icieik. Write lor blanks. w OnTiii:Diamo.ni. TlieMeMinu- ., .... ... , ,,, , 1 ,1 1 .11. l.HKi'M' uty bonds lor Sale, ville base ball nine are expected here XTom.K H uJ.l)y nveD tlmt umIcr the tomorrow to try their luck again in 1 pioiisionsofanactottho legislature , , . 1 .... 1 1 1 ot Oiegou entitled, "All act to Incorpo- endeavoring to detent thoohampioiis nitethocity 01 ihigeno and to repeal all ifS'il..m It U rciKirted t lint Slim- ixel nl"1 l"irt of ac,h l conflict hero 01 &.1UI11. 11 is lcporuu intii .Mini wllll.. lllt, , lh0 ollk.e r thu bl.erctftrj. ily will pitch for the McMinn-1 01 staic, Kebruary -M. lssi), tho common ;,, , ", .1 1 , .1 1 I councilor Iheclty of Kugeno will Issueand vlllcsaiid they think they can make iiispose 01 the bonds 01 said city at par it Inlorostlii" at least for the homo value of trot. 1 .to.oou to S.'0.00(), 111 denoml 11 inititsiiiin .11 it.ihi 1111 uit iiiitiiui lltlin , ,,, Soo u, jitoo as tho pur- teaiu. clni-ci iiia. di'sirc, payable 30 yeats after . dm "t inlhg the same, with Inteiest ,, ,r ,, ,,., . . th. leon t Hi" rntii not to exceed S percent N OTA HI l'A 1'. M. Power, Silver- p.'.-.mi.um, 1Myab u seinl-annually. t,m W 1.' Wllil siiilimi' Ci M 1 scib'tl p'l.po-iils to purchase said bonds toll, li,. I'.. UU, htlll'lll, U. .I.iwlli ,, ,,.,'ived b tho underslBned Smith, Salem; M. (.'. Ilairlson, Port-1 '." iiiwuc, uugou, until September . , 1 . 1 1 ., ,sl' ,VI"' "rt "" proiKJsals received land, were appointed by thegover- ili in opened and considered on ,.,. ... .i,,., I the ot 11 d.iy 01 s.cplember, ls-M, nnd said inn iuuiia. bouiN will bo disposed of to the person or . . ...- 1 persons making the best oiler or oners Mour. FiuiiT.-Soiilie Furrar k , therffor. 1 ' Tt iltlttlliAM ijUIIWill liiLiM.nu l.k .!!. Co. aro buying all tho fllllt that ' comes their way, ooui.oiiucn.ly have the best in market. ' 11i:mi.M!IKHIU). W. A. JackMin, of Ashland, is in Salem today with another ear load of melons. Ho has tho thanks of the Joi'H.wu, of-' flee for another flue melon. D o n't Ko H ci K T. Tax-payers should not forget that their city tax Is duo and will lie delinquent after Sept.llth. alter which time a iH'iialty of.') per cent, will bo added. K. J. Sw vrt'oitn c iu mi ( i 'ivi',iii., .,'., Sln IUI Llty lax Collector. , - XKWi'OHT.-Pe.sons sM.hlng ono or mow nice, furnished rooms at Newpoit, apply to editor Joi'HN.vi.. It Is said that about nOO bushels of haxel nuts, worth $5 a bushel, have ' been gatherad In tho vicinity of In dependence this season. nii:t. Sl'VKK. At Suer, Tolk eounty Oregon, Wednesday, Aug. 27.18M, Jas. W, Stiver, ae,ed 70 years. DeeoMsed was one of the oldest plo- neurH of l'olk county, and a weal. thy and highly rtwwcteil cllUon, He ohiiio to OrogDn iu 18U and settled In l'olk eounty whore he' has made his permanent home ever since, lie was inariitHl to miss Vv 'burn of the same county lnI8.il. He hiiveu two sons nnd ono ihuigh- ter JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in Groceries, Paints, Oils ,1 U'l...l..- fll.ieo W.ill ln. nun MiuiMiii "",",.,. I linl iltlfl mtt'llOI-. APIlIN illtl IteriaN. Lime, Hair. Nails and I Shingles, Hay. Feed and Im'ihm Posts, Grass Spoils, llic. ni:w aivkutisi:mi mi School Notice. All pupil" west of C'npltnl street and norl li of North Mill creek; ntitl nil enst f Oipitnl street and north ol the county rend, lend Ins enitward from Capital street through Euelcwood nddltloti mid north of lAe. Mis sion ccinei cry, tire tequlred to attend the Norl h Sitlein school. All pupils south of South Mill creek nnd west of Hummer street; nnd till between Summer street and the railroad nnd nouHi oftho county rond, lcrtdlnc p.ist the resi dence of A. Hush nre required to nttend the South Knleni school. All pupils be longing to the first, second, thltd nnd fourth grade and residing west of Winter street nnd between North Mill crick nnd South Mill Creek nro requited lout tend the Central School. All othersnte required to attend the East Salem school, Thonnmeund tesldPtico of ench pupil desiring to nttend school must be regls teted with the school ele.-k before they will be admitted. Ilv order of I he board of directors- .V. It. SIMI'-OIn, ucluol clerk. s. a-.: d w tf Notice. The annual meeting ol the stoW; holders of the Capitol Adentmc eoinpatiy will be held at theofticeof the cninpnn.v In xtileni, Oicgon.on the .'Mill ol fii'cmi r. at !n. in. H:'."i-td S. Kill (COM AN, l'res. SELECT SCHOOL!! MISS KNOX III up- ii her private school on Monday, Sep. i mhor J,iit thr Little Ceulral school building. S-22-lm PIANO-VOICE AN 1 French - and - German Iincunge" taught at rooms (i and 7 Hunk bulldliig-onnndaftc-rPeptemberbit, HY Mlssess '.AUKA (iOLTK.Y and ANNIE TIinlJNTON. H:M-2r ' (J0.Sf!!l"t AT0I1 V OF MUSIC iiflhf Wlllnmette University, Salem, , d'l'tfiin. ThP ,,,. .,u-,u .r has been tho most mut.".mi m its intoiy iiicieused ntteti. c an' tj j, i i.i tin i bt" i yradiuite. lhemost . m-ti sn,i music -ciiooi on the Northwest CO'ISI. J IIP COUlCS CH 1IIMI lll'llllLl IIIUIUUL' plaiio.otgiiii, pipe oi gnu, lolln ar (torches tral Ittsttuiupiits, vu'iil cultuie, harmony, countei point nnd class teaching. Ulplo mas given on completion of course The musical director will bo nsslstcd by no able anil clllelent corps of teachers. end for catalogue X. M. l'A HVIN, "ili-siii dw Musical Ohector. Next term begins Sept 1st, WW. ACADEMY OF THE SACRED HEART, Salem, Oregon. Till- well known Institution of learning will be te opened fortlnMci fpllon of board emitid il.iy pupils on .W.iuc! i.v.ept. l.lh'K). Patents aio kindly nijiicted to send their daughters at toe Intituling of the session, and theieby laclltticlo proper clas sillratlon. Terms per quarter, (payable In ndvance.) Hoard and tuition, $10; Day school, $0, li, ?S and 510; Music, practical and theoretical, with usoof pluno, 315; Dr:iilngand paint Ing In wnler colors, as- ml painting, per lesson, a I: I'iri-liitii pmitln;, pel lesson, SI- hn'tii . lie, p iMihie bin once, S5. s 11 iiiiimc in in-.- -, (. 1 num. Ficnch, 11 iiisiii.n nniMing, i nun ana uruumen ii Ni d' urn u, i-" m i oi the presciibed ci ur-e li ligiti; liv. I'liouography and t m- uiiting.ire imiuiit nt tho usual rates. J 1 r Nmli.'i p.11 lii-ulnis tmiuire al the Aniilciiij.oi address ML SUPERIOR. h:S-wlin-dlw PENSIONS WAR OF THE REBELLION Under tho net of. I one 27, Ib'M, all soldiers Wlow,rlC ninety days In t he V. s. service darlnsr the uuroft hoiebelllonnndarenow (1K!1)ll,(I ,,i,vsi0ay (whether Injuries or disease was Incurred during service or m nee j iny enniieu 10 pensions 111 irom su 10 il.'pcr mourn idims of deceased soldiers are entitled to S,S pc month and S'i per mouth for each child under tlieageofslxteen years. Kntlier or mother of deceased soldiers whoare now dependent, aiu entitled to pension. soldiers w ho are now receiving pensions nt li's tlmn SI'' iinr mnntti slionlil nonlv nt to reject any and all proposals. Ily order ill llltt riiuui'll. Maj 2M.1N10. n.r. noimis. Iteisirder for theCliy of hugene. COOK HOTEL $Uhi and llfch Street. ( ... v .,. ,. (J. Y. ANDERSON, PROP. , ... ' .WCCSSONO . II. LOOK. ric('iH)k uotoi is opHsitr court liutuo ft,"l,l" I" liiine part of city and street mt lino rntiiil..i past tho disir. Italics Sl.lM to $.100 a day, according to a";;:ni-.ri""1 t0"M- ''w - .. ., . , , ., , irivuillilll liilll tUMU t, Kill Jl.'l IIV. Udtieml oillciw uorlhuost (Miner 1'lrst R,,,t I'lne streets, Portland. KASTSIHK .unions. From 1 '.inland Hllxer-Cobiitv Urn me DM II Toward 1'ortlnnd l'ort'ud INirl'd , mull lixp ' -V.. AK1 Ah.1'4 SVX ,8 2 IwII'uiISI'IM IU Wis ; '. !T " ffHiiiitni... . t tti s ,9 'J -SHrton li 0i w...llniwiuvin... 7 0 f Ouburt CW 7 W ti U WIST HUh. AlrtUi uutll itai.... w am Xh "m ,5 iU'aoa ffl 1H hiriiUi . 9oj U IlrtlU. u - Monmouth"".".". 7 IS ftJUt . ... AlriiM ill Tlckulj. for Wt Side Ui"tioVi for kale nt 'ii'.mi'fJir wl'o i ,?Vk,H', ft,r -"l 'd "i J "rwt " " n chasIIs ' a vrr,U i-WrUen BupL "'" K, 'kl' '' 25c Want Column. VntlKM Inserted for ONK CENT I'EK wrmn EAlMI INHIBITION. No ndyor- tliemout Insetted In thli column for leR - ' ,i, i,...,v.nin rpnt I iwT.Nenr corner of Commercial nnd I jMnrlon nt recta a SnnnlHli drawn worked ' .. t m 1,1 1 . ...ill 1.,. .. swl ll ll .?... iin.i,tnr k'ln.li.r u'ltl bi rewarded bV leaving same tit N'.E. corner! Commercial nnd .Marlon streets. inOl'Nl) A pocket account book bearing P ihe nntnoor J. M. Suiter, Salem, can be had at this olllce by paying tor this no tice. mO RENT OR FOR SALE, cheap for cash, :i good upright piano, inu in .u m- U.r street. tf T-kiMVATi: inAitniNT JL wth uleelv furnished rooms, in the tlncst pattof theclly (right by the street ctirimuv be had at reasonable, rates, by calling at :m Winter stieel. It 1"ATUO l.E Home Industry, nnd ui-e Mo 't.iln Halm Cough Cure. Guar ahleed to ,io relict or money refunded. Manufactured Ily 11. II. Cross, Salem, Ote gou. Smith A stelncr sole agents for Salem. 1-Sdltn FOR SALE -Cheap. A good family boat, ours and sails, complete ANo a UVU0 Winchester tlfte Inq Ire.sWl Com mercial slices. HOUND AT LAST.-A rolli.li that will j' clean u piano without gumming It. Sorsa'catJ'iatnotui s music uouse. lOR SALE. One house nnd two lots In I' South Snleni. luqulreof W. II. Simp- hon. I'rlceStUi. ri l rnnirlnir machine. AlsoaU M)-acie farilV Call 011 or address T. C. .lory, Hox HI, balem Capitol Home Addition Is beautifully located In East Salem, south of tho Electric Railway line, near the pover house. Largo lots, lOOxlW) feet. Good soil. I'"or sale by T. II. WILSON, Owner, 430 State Street, Salem. SINGER SEWING MACHINE Office 181 Commercial St. All styles of tho FntnnusSlnger constant ly on hand; also repairs and needles for nl kinds of mnchlue. BURT CASK, Asent. nsurc in Your Home Company! "The State," Which has for the past six years PAID MORE TAXAS. Issued Mo'e Policies, Received. More Premiums, And Paid More Lossei UpoH property loe,nted In Oregon or Wash Ingion than any other company. It was tlio First Company to Fay ail Losses in Full and in Cash By tho three great conllagiatlons of Seattl Ellcnsburgnnd Spokane Falls. GEO. M. JJEELER, City Agenl And 3peclal Agent for Marlon County. Ottlce in tho company's building. Pioneer Bakery AMOS STRONG 271 Commercial Street. French and German Wheat and Rye Breads In City Styles. Vienna Rolls. SPECIALTY OF FANCY CAKES. Pastry and Confectionery Raking iu Full Stock. My Ubw bread and cake bakers are iirst-class artists in their line, and I aim to have Everything as Fine as the Finest. Mining Application No. 2. I'SITEI) 8TATF.S I.ANO OFFICP, Oiieoo.n Citv, Oregon, Aug. 15, IStfO. NOTICE Is herebj given that the Capital Consolidated Gold and bllver min ing company, S. t Chadwlck, president, whose postolllcenddtess In "uletu, Oiegon, lias tills day tiled his application for a patent for :XW linear leet of tho Capital Consolidated (Sold nnd .-silver mine or eln bearing gold nnd silver, with sutfaeo ground 600 feet In width, situated In Jlen lino mlnlngdlstrlel. county of .Marion and state ,.f Oregon, and designated b tho Held notes and otllclal plats on tile In this olllce as lot So.Slll. Said lot No 210 be ing described ns follows, to wit: Ileeiunimr at a lock hi place, with mound ol stone, i wiiu oearing nee corner ivo, i; inence '. 17 k 000 feel to stone In mound oi stone with bearing tree corner No 2; theme N. TJP w, ;XX) leet to stono In nic.unil of stone corner No. 3; thence s. 17 w, (JUU feet to rock in place with mound of stone, corner No. 4; thence s. 7.1 :., :i00u feot to place of beginning, Mnguetle variation lu to 2 n , containing 41 32 acres. The location of this mine Is recorded In the leeorder's office f Marlon county, Oregon. .my anil an iit-rsoiis ci aim tig aaveise v any Krtlou of said Capital ConMilld.ited i ll'ild and .silver mine or sutf.ice ground areicqulred to tlio ihulr adverse cl mils with tVio;cg.teruud iccclvir of the I s. laud ottlce at Oregon City, In tlio state of Oregon, during the sl.ty d iys' period of publli'iitlon thereof, or ihey will be tun ret! by virtue ot tho pro Islons of tho statute J.T. Al'l'KH-O.N, S:19UM Heglster. ORY M. STANLEY w IN DARKEST AFRICA Th-crtiii!.Ulitoryi,f KUnl i rwrnt thrilling a.lrulu , u i. t io d.Ku ua tif hU ImiuftAnl o.',,f,Hvi.iUri'r for On, tint Uaio in t'is vo k rila by hiiuwlf. witltljU "to Irl. VV"'?. o.'M "". ? d-lTl by ny ot tbe Ul HUi.lei l..-u.w betas 09rd ' fen iilita 1 14 a it. uw Tuiuom ot than hi, hUnIy0uilobuiMt a Hni, Th r.lt no qunUou about thi ttwunt be nr "" III ffJ panto .lar We piamutee It. aud X 10 J" ,1',,U1M on awlirauou. RAIITinN In onUt ""' ta ' mbled.x-4 UrtUIIUII tut tU booi Um tbt In p-lutof CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS kai that the canfaulnj aiwol canin a certifieala at ajMiy tra iu A. L. BANCROFT & CO. 132 POST STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, GemrM Aa'nts fr tto Pacific Coast- mn'lSrir1??! etnt for Marlon county. HjLleni, Oretan, ww D o You Play? Play What? Piano. Onsmi, Violin, Guitar, musical If You do, Call at EASTON'S And examine the llnest and largest assortment ever displayed in -Just received a full lino of IJuud Instruments. See the cr i " display in Autumn The IS here, mid with Grand For goods at the CAPITOL ADVENTURE CO Ready For the Fray With the largest and best selected stock we ever carried Our tu departments are chuck full of the Latest and Rest Goods In their respective lines. Dress goods and Trimmings. Clothing, Hats, Roots and Shoes Staple and Fancy Groceries and Provisions As in the past, Will Lead of low prices With us there is no best, store fnr rinimln BUSINESS IS BUSINESS. That's what we say, and that's what we mean. Tf vou mean bmi ness call and see us. We will give you satisfaction CAPITOL ADVENTURE Co,, Opera House, Salem, Or, SAP L sun selling sit my markets on Stale and Court streets, meats sit the lbllowiug prices : ROILED REEF from 6 to 8 Cents ROAST REEF 8 Cents GOOD STEAK- 8 to 10 Cents REEF by tlio QUARTER 5 Cents MUTTON by tho QUARTER 1 . TCeaU PORK by the QUARTER 7 Cents E. C. CROSS. -KEEPS THE LARGEST LIKE OF- Dry Goods and Trimmings, Ladies and Gents Furnishing Goods, Clothing and Hats in the city. 277 and 279 Commercial St,, Corner Court, in Bush's New Brick Block, Churchill Sash, Door & Manufacturing Co,, Sash, Doors, Blinds & Mouldings, Turning & Scroll Sawing. House Finishing made to order. New 1K Kir.V, by which wo can nlways keep a full supply of seasoned stock of all kinds. Agricultural Works, Corner of Trade nnd Hlgn streets, Salem, Oregon. SALEM LUMBER CO., DEALERS IN Rouigh. & Dressed Iurnber, Laths and Shingles. Call on ns and save money at our yard In NORTH SALEM. THE SECOND HAND STORE, jVLoore & Osborne Dealers In Furniture, Notions, Queensware, Glassware, Cigars, Tobacco, Candies and Nuts. All kinds of second hand goods, bougbt and sold. Goods sold on commission. Cor. State and Liberty St. TAILORING anteed. Repairing and cleaning done. The only first class tailoring es- .Muiio.iuKubui uiu i;i. HOME Mi K I im Miji i mi, ,...,,...., j !!wMHJiu)iii!iV4,,:!l A i i i a.fcfc DB.JULLCn'S HYDRASTINE nESTDnTIVE. SUmulites nutrition. Purines th6Ell- ( Cures ll-Tspepsli. ConsUpatiou and GencralDebility. A perfect tonic and strength batikr- t DR. HILLER1SANTI.BH.I0US ..5T3MACHJIND.LIVER.CUnE. Cure Billouwen ' U"Ui erltrouHercbllia "and" Fever, MilaruTl'TierJ,' 'ani' all TTholJ w""""0"' P-Jj'l-LER'S CATARRH CURE. Cures Acute Catarrh, Chronic Catarrh, GiUrrlnl IvJ iiesi Uuaranteed tocure the wont cases hen directions are followed.or money renin DR. HILLER'S COUr.H 'UIE. Cures Coldi, Hoarseneia, Coughs, Bronehltli, rlwHl aiiU I'ucuiuunia; rciieiucun.umpUon. Contains no Opiates. Cure Croup in 10 mim"' PR JjjLLER'S DIPHTHERIA AVD SORE THROAT CUjlE. Prevents and mre. Uiei ia. W ill Ktaitn el cure anj sore throat In from 3 to 2 1 hours. Cures Quinn m 4 s PI. H't LCPS FEVSR C'J-E. Indispensable In all acute diseases attended ih '"' lririi.s am Hues acarltt fever, ScarUtin. and ilfasles. Mothers try It " DR. HILLER'S NERVOUS DEBILITY CURE. Cures Nervous Weakness, and V- l)tr. Neier tails, bettti tor ITnate Circular to Uiller Druf Co., San Fraud'00- DR. HILLER'S RHEUMATIC AND NEURALGIC CURE. Cures lUieumatUm, XsaJj l. out, Lumba.-o, auj auaiica, by ueu'.rtiizin: me blood acids whieli ' DR. HILLER'S TEETHINQ CURE. Aids the frowth and ioielapmeat ol cWUri t' e Mtntng lerioj, eusurv painless teeUiin; and sound teeth, and pr" Jf, 'l, i 6u.ms, Kickets, Brain IVoubles and Boel CamplalnU. A hlessiDj to WJtbsr an DR. HILLER'S WHOOglNO COUGH CURE. Prsvsnts and Cures Wboof""'' lo,,jk Nort.-WIth exoeptlon ol Dr. HUler's Hydrastloe Rsstonth s. Dr "''''J SoW and NeuraMc Cure, and Or Hdler- Coujh cure, thj itonJ"'jMif lorm, and, II not obtainable Irom your drujW, will be mailed free, -o resip - t $1.00 per Package. Six Packages for $5.00. These remedies are the result ol S5 years of irtnlsstianal !?",,., u ruaraaKe.Hoourehena cureispdbli f.r llilbri Si patebook at J'Tjut home treatment, coutalnhv laluable uutrucb. M u to byeo and w " HILLER DRUfir.nMPArJV i.i PRAMr.iCO. CAL, U-S. A- 'V itile b FAN'!, ,1. FRY, Hriiait, 225 Con mercial M ! Banjo, Harmonica, or Instrument: ny other our window. grand lias come Rush As usual upura so in the future we the Van such word as fail. We have ti.. nf nil r.lo..,. ... ....!.. ... ""L u'c HITS rmDViUDTIr P ffl lMlMrlJi li E. SCHOETTLE, 272 Commercial street, merchant tailor. The fines suits to order nt rim imvput nrieps. A Derfecl nt guar DR. HILLER'S Special Prescriptions. TREATMENT SELF (SURE A Specific Remedy for Each Disease. i