WENING CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OEEGOiN. Is OI?EGO FRIDAY, AXJG1TST 29, 1S90. NO. 154 I - ''"'"'""''"'"WUMlWiMMWtwaMWHIMawBiit.TUillOll iU'uuu $10,000 For Sale- Ten Thousand Dollars y- -worth of- Fancy and Staple Groceries, For prices and terms enquire of The Oregon Land Col wilh Us F Home lee at Salem, Orai p LtfOFER BROTHERS, - - - Editors. (In the State Insurance Building) ami uraucli ofllces in Portland. Astoria and Albanv. nil CAl'l'ML JOCNML. T - - - rUHUSHKDDAH.Y.KXC'KITSUXUAY, BY THK Canital Journal Publishing Company. (lneorHimteit.l Offlee.Commercbil Street, tn 1. O. llHlldliiK tsutered at the poMolttce at Salem, tr.,lw second-Ola mat tor. Ha for sale a largo lKt of Grain, Stock and Fruit Farms; nlo City and Suburban Property.!- 201 Commercial St. ESTGoods delivered free to all parts of the city.-5S) 111 & I SB ' oo CO rJ- i - CD CO 11- T a IWT.lpMTI CD tt IT go OUR llHl'IiCTlVH MONltV SYSTltM. The constitution makes it the right and duty of eonrv to coin 'on gross is the sole moiiiv power representing the Congress should not only The Oregon Land Co. was especially organized for tho purpose of buying Mlly to people a circulating "'""iiiwiiiug large tracts or laud, and has during the past two years '"euiuin out snoiiiii tieiognie no bought and subdivided over 3,200 acres iuto part of this duty to any other ii .. iiiiiiioiny. ..oiiiiur snouiu tne J 1 r n In 'l',,Tnil. r, .. I ) ,, -. I circulating niLHliutn bo bed upon mp to hunk Acre raitiJs.ssi V lit-.. i,nriucQ pi . !vintrf'i.ei i ue success ot this undertaking Is shown in the fact that out of 20 traots placed i,n the market, 225 have been sold. We claim that ton acros of choice land in Fuiit, 8 I I I f I I I field a Larger Income than 100 acres of wheat in the Mississippi Valley. Wo also make valuable inproveinents in tho way of roads, clearing the land, fences, etc. Wo an sell a small tract of land for tho same price per acre as you wotlld have to pay for a large tarm. ' for Pamphlet and Price List. CAPITAL JOUKXUi JOTS. Butter uuRdorued is adorned iiuwU the l'lsco-seeklng should inset but one reception "mt8." with Ventilation is vnlunlilo In any de portment of luinmn activity. The cultured oast has oyolone with connttlrmuU) regularity. Tlio Dalles has an available oppor tunity to secure a woo'en factory. Tlie hop crop in Now York anil otho; ifwtorn regions will Ik? quite short. The Salem mnnury ls locnipU an agent t Albany to buy Harden Mjars. orviwu 9irjivBTma'.wmaFVjiirfiiwmr.vm 2X3B3 EASTERN PRICES Cpp, Terminus Elect ic Car Line. CAPITAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, Firs! Naiiomil Ilar.k Huildir.!?, Siileni, Oregon. . P. ARMSTRONG, Man ig. r. V. 1. STALISY, Principal. R?" Day and Kvonlrr.j sis-ions lu'iiin Mnuiiav, Hopt, Sth.-ffia BUSINESS, SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING, PENMANSHIP AND ENGLISH DEPARTMENTS. M ata ptTf.i al ii,r,uir at the Co lege for further particulars, or send for catalogue. o THIS IMSTITI iTIOM i"niirac,li:ii,bu-'lm'Mtn,l1is'!chooi, ,. ...... where young inen and women are il pursuits in the shortest time and at the i hut students now holding responsible KKS and STKNOGltAPIIKliy, attests n-tmi"m hoiougldy tit tt il furi-nniiiii ii'irtl pursuits in the shortest time and at the I at .p use. 1 lit Mif-ov- ,.f tuin iiw.tioas, both as BOOlvKFKl lie (jii.iiuy ni ii,ntiiifiiiiii u in. wwmTtwmrrmt UIMJlff lJMJHMiliUlllJUMIIMl; JAu Groceries and Produce The Best Canned Goods. Choicest Fruits and Vegetables in Season. None but Fhst-elass Goods Handled. Every article guaranteed a, represented. If you would be well served patronize The Grongo Store, 126 State Street, Salem, Oregon. CD CO - ''. (Hpr WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY l.nuuiHlPX StniSuuts !n i I HIRES -Dealer In- r, urniture and Carpets, 298 Commercial Street, Oregon. Salem, Beware The World's S"1" There are many reasons why they are the best There are m j rogresiii c in the rt of stove making. Tbe ThfJ. in the iWZZZ.-. fK" assic&l, Literary, Scientific. ll'isic Art anil Tlieolouj'. N'oniial, Husiiioss, Law, MEDICAricOURStS It is tin' nl(l?.i, iHrstwt nml Iwihi fxpen lvi' liihtilullou of liwrutn 111 tin .Ninth WlKl ScIidoI onns rintl Mnnituy In Stple'nl'er rud fur cii!nNctie Id THUS. VAN SCOV. I'rHiidfiit. '7: HHltrn. Hipkoii. VANCOrVER. VS!IINGTON Colleo:e purpose Tho curlier lu money in New York Aug. 20, when money was loaned at a premium etjual to UK) per cent per annum, was an illustra tion of what may take plueo in any city, or even in tho whole nation, whenever conditions are favorable for tho manipulation of a moiioy eornor. It also discloses tho fuot that tho boasted tleibllity of the national bank system of currency h a fiscal myth. Tho j;ovoniment had to coino to tho relief of the money-market and temporarily bridge over tho financial stringency. All this only pies to show that as a nation we are liobollngalong with a very imperfect and lamentably inadequate llnauclal syhtein. llo llef fioin the present oxpen-lve method of supplying currency will not bo had until our govern ilient lakes upon itself the enliio re sponsibility. It cannot delegate part of its duty to private banking corporations without Hubjeotl"g tho people to tho dangers of mouopo INtio siiwulatioi.s. Tlie St. James For Boys and Young Men. COURSES : Preparatory, Commercial ami CInMlcal. Himy ti reaeh; hourly trains run Iwiween i'lirllaiiil and Vancouver. All denominations ecoivrd. Kumlier of ImwhUth limited, tarly apphcaiiini iieci-jniary. During tlie puM jar siudents were In aieiidciic' Irom Cullforuiii, Oio .'oii, Mimtaiia, Id.ilni, iiiili-h Columbia and Washington at large. For Ciititbv'ui nml de-iiuli d information nddies: ltKV. DIHKITOH, St. Jnliiit. College, Vuimnivi-r, Vi sh. n taaariiariTaaiiMwuvgoCTinmnr w mntiti tiikti:vim:ncy to (mkianiz ition. Orgaui.ation is tiio unmistakable tendency of tlie age. Not only aro tlie fnruiiirH organising, and sor plic ations are organliug Into slill larger corporation syndicate, lint the cm plo.Nos aro all going Into one viwl iiutional army of orgaul.ed lalior. Tlio tondonov of tlio age is certainly towards ISellamyism. Tho tnili operators of tho .South orn Pad Ho rsllwaysystoin aro now (Mimpletely organized, embracing nearly live thousand men. The en gineers, llremoii, eoiiiluctois, brako iiion, hu itcliiueti, nii'l trainmen each have their separate older. Iteprc K'litulivoH of tlio wpuralo nnliTw have Just completed a fulcrutlon, styled the Or;iiiiiul ICuipIoyuM of tho Southern I'aeltloWystein. Uacli brotlierhood not only oujoyu tho ooiueioiisueiM of us own strength, but rejoices in tlio gn-uter utreuglli of tlio ooworfiil federation. The I grievnuott committeo of ouch sub jdMsioii is now Inylug liofoiu tlie managers sueli huggetlous as will leuil to luttcr protect tlie lulertwtH ot tlio men, cqiia tliolr work ami tliokorvico. Tho millennium proKWtl by liol Ihii.v would now lx!Hliiiolierl'eettxl, It (ho rett of tho people uould bo taken into th orgHiilJitlon and ibelr iiiteriwlH irntoetvd. Certainty I ho lunlixaiioii of HelUinlo drt-umi nh.'Ii.h nut bo very lar oil'. While oiga tilled labor in demand ing better wage, it should not forget to urge tlio noctMoily of bettor uo of wages. Tlio Monmouth Democrat editor is a funnyman. Well It roqulrc it humorous constitution to bo a dem ocrat nowadays tiny how. A good appetite will convert plain grub into a Dolmouioo dinner. Hut like other good thing It cannot bu enjoyed unless it has boon oornod. Thogrowt and growing dnelr of tho American people to own a homo is perhaps dun more to roal critato agents than any other cnuso. Pa clllo Farmer. You oou ifely sond the .Iouiinai. to I'Hslorii friends, and run small ohunoo of mlsrcpreentHtii)ii8. Wo try getting at the facts ami let llitmi speak for theniBolvo. What ni'iral ilglit Imvo liquor denlora to sell into.sleaiitM to pcrwuiH Willi an iiiitHiulnillalilo nppetito? If they only knew it, that is wlmt is killing their bimiiatm. Why i many iiowhinhht nion mu worrying about .shipments of gold to Kuro pc, only shows how disinter eHled they eon lw. Of uotirav, It U not their gold that Is going. The last excursion of tlioftefiwni to Newport at jMipular prloes will Ik given Saturday, Beptombor 0th, tho train Waving Albany at 2 p. in., re turning lwiiviA'Hiiliia uLfiiiii pJii.. tlio following Uy. M3 tho ilulnll of pay, and improve TU MP rj i -j r f K UN U m 1U 'li- bl I a KRAUSSE BROS., 275 COM. ST. limy tir. Siiiie of ibe Chililren's .teoik'loili lind Wafer A School fir i Pmf. ill Cp till: I'.Ml ())' AN OltNAMICNT. Tlio New York (Viitrwl luliorcon trovory has had ono gotsl ell'tot- It Iiim dlaoloMtMl tlio re I ebureier of Chief Arthur of the Hrotherhood of , Iocomotlvii EHgluuer. I ''or along I time it wun uelt-i that ho ww a lrsniiuge oriiMiueuiHl rather tlmn i4'fol i the iiilertiU of orgMitled labor. Of lu il liu Imwii h gm?rl i twlief that ho wmi tHleK Uttrayer of tint tMMl lnlern of (lioati uudr i him, k man who oarrlwl on oorrtw- , Muluei with Imtli idw, kMiHug , water oo both auouldvra, a liotmob- rill nr U uwral oourag that oiuld not b Iwilliw m ) JPtl a lltlk liallifrjr I'oet.lohn lloylo O'ltollly, who died suddenly of "hum L failure," was found holding in his cold hand a half-couhuiiied olgar. It Is a text for tho iiiiibtobaeeoiilita which they will not be alow to make utioof. Gonornl Jaiiuti II. Woavorof Io, has heeii nominated again for oon Kreaa by the opHllloa. Ho was rejooted by hluowu dMrlct, but hoa allowed hi name to I hi put up by tho deiixiurutM to hoatl oil a Inbor OHtididato, Hualor Hrlw whiiU to w presi dent; no dot Oovornor Hill, il r. Ulovohml la alao willing. Coutle iiilmi, takoyiMir ohole. I'.ut let tun nk: Uelthurof the thnxt aotimlly a repioaentallvo of tlie jrooplo? We ImIIovo not. It In not claim!. (lall and looniNjtni aro usually not found fur Hpurt, and the i.nrikT the MNlUoii toliollllfd the greater lht anion ut of gall culled Into requl allloii toaectira It. Thla U notably the cane with aome of tlio applloauUi for the pnitdpuiaulp of tho I'at SaUim acbool. ( Advice to euttgreaa: You have paaaod the silver bill mid It li a good thing. The oou iiiry Is feeling the benefit of It. Now twaa the tniitr bill mill give ua free sugar and quit. lU-tler prices for wheat mid cheaper augar Is more than any coiigrews baa aoooiuplialtMl before iu ten t-ura. to tho task and that much got d wilt bo effected in tttut dlreetlon. As near as ro win louru tho next legislaturo will lit comtHHnd of the very best element of tho republican party and wn exiwet many useful ohanges in tho laws of Oregon lu keeping with tlie progressive ago and wo hope wo may not be disap pointed. Tillamook Headlight. Catarrh Can't b Cured witli LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they onnnot roauy tho soot of tho disvMM. Oiturrh is a blood or oou- stituUoiial disease, and lu order to cure it you navo to ihko luieruai remedlos. Hall's Catrrh Cure is taken lute nnlly, and nets directly on tlio blood ami mucous surfaces. Hull's Catarrh Cure Is no quack medicine. It was proscribed by ono of (holiest physicians lu tho coun try for years, and Is a regular pro sorlptiou. It is compoM'd of tlio tie-it tonic known, combined with tlie best blood purifiers, acting ill jwtly on the nuuiius -urfacosi. Tho perfect combination of the two lu grwlleuts Is what producoH such wonderful results in curing twtarrii. tsait for tostlinonlals free. V. .1. Ciiknk A Co., Props. Toledo, O. Sold by drugglsls, prloo "Co. Tlio National City match factory Is tnrnUg nut strikers at thomtoof 1,110,000 per day. The homo of .1. K. Tipton, at Ban Jose, was ileatniycil by tiro Thurs day. Tho liM was $in:0 and tho lusurauco was $1100. San .loseolllceis aro making stren uous ollbrts to Bupires.s gambllm:. iMiurti'oii men were a r lasted lu ono raid Wednesday. its Mulls Tlinrotixlily Tcstnl. Dr. 15. S. Iloltluu, Dear Hlr: Tho KtheivHl Cough Syruji roeelvid. I have twit this yrup tor oooghs and iil(ls foraoverHl years and ouu truly 8oy that li la the best. If not the neat cough medicine that 1 ever used or known of. J.S. ICKHK, Oakdale, Nov. )!, IS7S. L-rgcsucfl, small M cents. For sale by all druggists. Tired of being swindled, tlio grocers ofSpokuuc Kails have organ ized for mutual protection. A black list will bo kepi for all. delinquents. That part of Oietron'a wheat crop which will bo shipped from Poll laud will till filty-oue vowels and will bring $2,000,0110 to tho producer. The tailors' striko at .Spokane Kails, which ihieatenod totioaerloim at olio time, has U'ou HiitUfuotorlly arrHiiged, and tho moo haw ro- rturnod to work. The illnwiVriy liy th nlmUllaiili or h Utnillty InllienouiivUlleil liyllie prvtlltrlil kciuraour Tatar unit iiud, I hut It rxUln In Ihclrvwry mliUl, in ilwlileilly hUiiIIiik. Sik'Ii itlrvoifrln. nrt. niuilfi al I'Verjr miii, In awry Mrt uf lliv Union MiiMtxiiii'iitly, win u It U urtwilHluiMl iu It liiVHiislily U hi aut'li liiiu-, t lirr-UM li lit' vtiluitlile -rlfiitvof moiii.'oiki win, linnlh en linncrtiud hiiiI rurtHl, tluit Hnrlllli'r- nloiiiiuli llo lr In a ilioroughly .riH'.ii'loti urinliratoi ofthti in.iiiir'Hl kiIm,ii, Mint ii iiii'miix or fur lirylng tuyiiu HKMlui.t i, n fifllna or in r MH'itrliy io.'I liiiiiiiinlliy iign Ihrouulumi ili mliiiln ii.,(iil,orliiMMl II Nld' libilln furiiiK nl iniiliiriiil iliiiw, dumb hkiio ''"'I iiii' iitki am ii im.M'il liv thv IMiltiiil allon ( lliv llllliira, lu wliKili wlciiif hImi kU ll Mini iidii hk .ifl"iily lor rlnumaiiin, dyM'wiH, iiiiifTwiloii llvir c.iiii.iulm, tlthliliy, klUnry IkhiIiIu, and nil dlwwMMi liuunlruiB tliu oiuhih of Ulaiuiii auct awlnoliiiioii. Tho aohooiier Jnmta Jamm CI. Kwan aafoly oarrled !XKl cnaos of dynamite fur tho Treadwell flold Mining company of Douglas Island, Alaska, The cargo was lamlwl at .Itineaii. This schooner ta ownnil liy two Makah liullaua. Haeramotito Udlea of (lie upper (ilua are itroulilog a riding aornl omy and have nttiKJted tlie divided skirt, atrfdlug the horses "iiihii fashion." 'i'ney have not yet ap peared lu public, but their advent upou the street is looked for dally. A llMHtlly M'Hl,ll. CarclaanMM li puiiry Ing lh blood lnav you hi lit mn-ry i.f that tnlduuoa winy HUHUI 1'itWiN, wbloh wmjimii nr lalar will atrlk IU fHlal blow. Hlbbard' KUi u iiiatut nytiip Iim mi tqual u biutid ram. dy.MndclMiutd bo takon py cvry perton pt ihniia lu elttiwniy Imm Imniu provmi lwlnp Ueiill-mmi: I liav brno si-wit mimrr r.iriivo iwn ywir. My wlto. yn.m b .Mine diTungwl fniiu dlaid bloMl, aud I ww alUM-brd ullb lb wrl runua ul bldiivy and liver iroulil, dyapsi, itaa ralgla aud rheanmiUin y ulleHH rwniwil lf iMrltMMt, Tlw mllownmi of my akin dl-fbjurad in, 44 ili ntmralaio pain am i wvcro tbal 11 i,ulrimla lb lituiwifli oi roy im(i( n,iiiijr .(.Miiiy wy rlvhlokti. Tb ublMl diM-lon aatn noie- jiff, bul I am uwtintlrly cured by llll-1 , iHtnl'i HhuinHll Myrup. and Ub to r'iiinMiud ll Ui all aa a wuodarAil blond I inl-dliltlf Mr.. A. l. NilH.K, iVtr IM-Itaitleana Haau Mra U.Jai'kiua, Dyspepsia M ikon many people mlsorable, and often IimiU to aelt-doittructlun. Distress attcr fntlng, sour stomach, slckjicndactio near burn, tons ot appcttto.o taint, "an gom ' reeling, bail taite. eivitcii tongue, and irrt tilanty ot tlie bowels, ar DlStrOSS tlie moro cunuaon nytnp A ft or tents. Oynrepslaitoesu.' T. Bt well ot Itself, it ro- Eating rpares o.irctui, perststo:. attention, anil a remedy like lloort'a Bjn.j imrllta, vhtch arte pently vet alllctcnt.y. It tomw tlio stomacli and other orpin reirulatM tlie illBetion. creates e gooi. aj. npjietlte. ami. by thus Sick overcoming tho local u -t,-, symptoms, o tiros the HOanacnB heailnehe, and refreshes tlio tired mind. "I Imco licen troubled vlth dyspopsU. I had but little arpetlte, and wlmt I did Mrm.. w1 ltresscd mo, or dttf lioarc ni mtte good. After e.M bum ing l would oxperlencr i fatntness, or tired, nll-ipmo feeling, as though 1 had nut oaten anything. My trouble, I tt.lnk, was acgraTateil ly mj biiIiisa, pnlnlliie, ami from being more o? less shut tip la; room with Sour freh pulnt. I.tut spring e.X.oU I tiwk ltixHts SaraparlUn osOmacn and It did me an Immcnra nmoimt ot pood. It gavo me an nppettto, ami my fond rol tslied and satisfied tho eravlng I lisil r" vlounly oxperleaced." QKoliaE A. 1'aok. Watettonn, Mass. N. II. If yoit declilo to tako Hood's 8ar wqwiillado not tie Induced to buy any oilier. E-2ood's Sarsaparilla BoHtiyilrnprltlt. fjllilxforrv rrrn",,l',y 0,1. HOOD X to., .Vithecarloi, tow ell, Mm. OO Dosoo Ono Dollar Capital National Bank SALEM OREGON. Capital Paid up, - - $75,000 Surplus, ....-- 15,000 It. H. VAMiA(M, - - "resident. W. W. MARTIN, - Vlee-rriwldent. J. 11. A1.1IKIIT. ... - Cusliler. DintCTORSl V. T. Clruv, W. W. Martin, J. M. Miirfln. It. H. Wnllnce. Hr. W, A.Cuslok. J. II. Albert. T. .Mel', futtoii. LOANS MADE l'o mriuvr on whwtt and other innrtcl- nblo iinnliiro, eoaslKiiiHl or iu sUiro, oiliivrin iirivuiounimiri IHiblio M-ureliotlkOfi. Slate anil County Warrauts Ilouglil al Tar. COMMERCIAL PAPER Dlneoiinte'4 nt rwiMinnblo rules. Trans ilniwi) dliect on New Vork.l IiIchko, Him fmnolm-o, l'orlliiiid. Iuiitoii, 1'iirln. llvillu limiK Kiiuvatul Oilonlta. .W National Bant 8ALKM OH1500X. VM. N. I.AIH'K. -Dlt. .1. IIKYNU1.1)H, I011N MU1R, - - I'wirirnt Vlco PrmliU lit tUistner GENERAL NANKING, K.M'lmngt! on l'urtluud, Han Prnnelsiv, New YnrK, Lnnilun mid llonit Krini: liiuiglit nml sold. HUto, Comity nml City wi.rrnnN Imiiijlit. I'urnuirn nro iiiriltiilly liivlltiil to iltiiiimlt nml iriuiMicl bimliiesM Willi int. I.lbmiil iiilvuiii'OH liiudo on wlmiil, wool, liops nml nllmr property ul reHHoimiiiH intiw. tiiHiiriiiico on kiicIi ne iMirlly i an bo obtained at tlio bank In iiiiikI rolliihlo coiiilmiili'H, IN M, The ulileat unit atrtuigeat llHril: enutli ol I'orllund and uorlli of Him KrancUco, LADD A BUSH. Bankers, Iron Building, Salem Or. Aromiiitiikeil,loHiiii iiiiulo, exrhnnifo on every jiartf if in miitIiI limiulit and n),d, lallan iifrKUU Iwuid to Iriivoleis, rollic Ukii niMile iluouifhniit United Minted, IIMUnll Amerlou mid MmxIimi. Tbl Imnk lm iiionelnry Connection) Willi IwiikH In Urtwoii, Wiuliliiutoii, Idaho hiiiI .MuniMiiH, nml eorrm)oiiilniiU In ult Ilia prliii'll lowumif lliiotiili', H J-tlu WILLIAMS & ENGLAND MAN KINO CO. Call'ITAL STOCK, all Subscribed, $200,000 Trauaant a eyiiaral bankinc btiiiir(a In all lu bntnslMM. OICO. H'lf.MAMH An. KNlll.ANI). llfJUll McSAItt I'rculdent ..Vwi t'riwiilt'iil I'linbier ( IK SrfliK lAIStV Boots&Shoess Lower Th a 1 1 Ever. A glance at Ibe piwa lu our wludow. will co.-iviiin ytti that thla ie uo "fas.," but eukl facia. A call will cuoviitc ail. ItosiH., KRAUSSE BROS. Kiuier Hlmuiller, a raiirntvl fore aiao au tlie Newman branch of tKe Houtbf ru HfMFtlk), bail lib fool crush ed aud tils back burl by an evident & t0. j Agts., Salem tOr. R M.WADt g it I MtuMmwuei Wbudo All Kinds of AMlrllM Kalltf Hystw 'fl. uaavaa of lawn fur tlu. Ini. lie la ,.rt,mtUUtnt .... ,lU, MVMieu, f lIIH.. i Vut n by wHb Htolaer ...........i..ui i.u i " t -" -""- "' ' uuwuwmu j ( (ng W( nwfr m ,l,ih lu the reuub- lUmn platform at the hurt election. Now we expect to see oar repuhll an member lu tbe next Wglshitur ouum fowo to liUslusBM ftiia pes ; at Iitbrop Tburstlsy. wbolianri. U i if.verii our eleo- Wl,,u, u'.iuUug tumpa Willi pow- ikiiti. Tbat our prnksutsyetom b ft Br-r t'lelmii bay, Waab , i,ulllvl 11 ititva uf uumtututMM fa .. .. a r j t. ... ..i.l .uiu,.i,.ailiu, i. -. I : "-.'- 7- -, i iiunHBS Manna iuu Jiuin mviw- euLlLtliaTr ZlijLuZ thib ,""" liUlmUM unu bmu ",,;W wi-f. dlaDgurad tot life by tlio eueie ut tbetr eprsto bat ttosty rf mimulug totlu to , to, 4uUk.. uf one of the are llieebe.p and ey vlotloat lUm& , wbnni lb pe,pW I JiT"" ! Ibstty. Arthur Iuu. tad In t-.oi,, tot uo mmM9m0f , ,w ,u , ----fr- CMtWfc, but us-biy t. verily , UBwriby of lb. plac. Ilrll ,JJZ s.V....u a btlteu ebb-r. HU rudloK Uld ( whu,h ltu,v ff Kv. .1,1,.- u iiiaM7jpwifc.ulit ii.ioua .. . ... ...-., . m wijrtt srwi ibis iufm an ! biiihj honorable m war or poUllcs, ta i litw4iMia4iru4la,yleil at-.m. i.. .infold -... 1. 1. too oftu AirvU.mJ:i':x: ' a wAMu wi.h ft i-f ." , zw&rrEtrs tzz :.rr::;. ! a tlireahliiM out At lu Mafbm inuutv ' Mroes WSSS ptaMibillly t lb polle jrlb Mra. Jjr. kMko, P ., . i, Sold i a turswniiif oumt lu Xsvrtnti owiuty ,i.ii,,k -i .-..i.- ""'MM.i..r. i www com iiletelr ' Powderly. i Tlie aaioe disease, kirt -glove i Uvlly, seeios to lufeot lu uf at-veral oilier orilvra who met lu ooumll at Terr Jieut. nrpnaitiiug wurklug- Nica, but blowing uotb but tud Il ItlWrroil (Mat. Wllllnw.Viii i:n lauii, lr J. A. IUlwnliii, J. W. IJotnou, J. A. Itakar IhtHh Ih ihtw Kxetiaoge Wok on rum marrialMMet. .IU I.LACKS3HTHING, , WaM utl Csm&gD Makioi' and Hrpairiog IInrMtuMliM( u (iwelnlly. All work Kunr aloMl. JfillN Hi I M, Cofarf I'oHiiiiofiUluiHlChiiHU'kcIn ta Halam, Orrtjoii WEBSTER THE BEST INVC5TMENT fur il tmi - i ,i. ..r l't js fii J ibrsry. 'WB3ffi$S7Hr 'WMniQCzJDSrAMMOL aua. ..... . -a nilv YmrwiAliM tHEDSSTL i b bjh iotrunlv exftaipl tw uibfa lu autbtirity. i hat equal a cirrus in MguUud. titaptsiiTaJliHlr where purity sa iL'XDBy WORK? A(1m-i as any Iuiiidry In ami ibHiia; MrsfcUaa ti.r (..rtjiiUn Uaiti White Hell ltaaa wufk. He baa twetily-liflit lueli. two HiHtmu eoutva, twenty burava. thnastter -ud atMiiu fUfciiM, aud mrrtea brdiug iol tur lb etvw ctiaraim ibe raruwr alx ernis bilirl Uf tU aud a vest iwols l"T brl, aud lle sVed fur bis lweily tvaes. Aa hi rspviiawa aoMiuat lo Ilia dally, and It Is wily uti larire lariit that b tu vtin rune u lu bMuld prevail. We ihluk tbat al-1 iiMiat any WgWlatbta auuld But help ' but be au Iwpri'vatwant upon the , prasant eyateiM, tut a wfaa auuM mu m furuiulald. Tbs-iwfure lot oar neat b-gUbitorv do mtixwiUiu.' ti make a rewrd (ot Ibe r-.ublb an utalwrti, thai tlie alale ufOn-uMi WHAT ISA TUBl LAR WELL? Be Ku' h Read ant! lirt u Otkr ftr Ladle aud pairon luvlied to ii.apect uur prCaaaa of siulfag Murk. 230 Liberty Street ill full mpjMsiiy uf bU oatfll, M hukW lu bulb brauelsra of llw l.i l4Mlrluf wiM-ai a ty. It at readily laluraai d weduubt out lliat wnw krriiitsat. Uktag lwM .amiut wf 4 m p.mn. VV do ut at. mtnt irar 'iww are esass tin! ib klug f CuyCWrW. 11. ,. in .1 1 . H,lt ( l 'II'. I l ill. rf- 'l dill 'VI. y. I 11, ui. I g. ,( ! I 111. . Hi. 1.1. l.h 1. '.iilr 1. td by . I, if. mi 'i'. aula I UMUilii. N i.t r wiii ...e bit Hlli.l I 0 itwl ii. '- ..tiiv-.i At I lltl.s llwt m K.'iil miImxi'ii !""''. ut Itwl U liuJ tlilU4b Ibv cM"ii lrklii to " VI T . i. si win iuit. we wi o a, lawiwi ilia wim n i inn.rijf V&'JBXfe'SBl i- - ssh&'7UWLg$a il-tJZL-0i W V beUsve tly wtaaiusu SJffJSaOSTVSS:.S m Mtf bjk4 aMiaaaUMv wtH ha aetHsl aaT tial lin rt lm rr Th I t.t r. !:n t, ',. u, K r 1 It T l.b ahwr. mmI oMiijtor., ( . 11. , (r3t --cii en BrMly iry f rfc-i.l.n.aiiy mi, -rahl MtpeWm. nulf Murrit, ..iniiii.rtAJUoisraph ll lMll4i(Mirv. m Urw IMncllrvr uf the 11 urM, Mti uwininrrni tlclluu. TH8 WEflSTER OP TO-DAY u Ths HsMlsrJ Auifcerliy in IMoGovtrnmenl frWOaflOfllM, uniwu'i li.-U.I 5uprm Court It U t- 'M.,mB.. .1 iy Ota SUituprlnlndnl tl tSmi la sa !!. tail lv ih. Im..i,h a, k PribHaU ' 1 1' I' H nml fmiau. DON'T BE DUPED '"'" bHip h.iyp fpr nUcfancb .! Wttrr ' ni.w iihk fm-ie 1 upou Ilia Mrtmt. ri-ui AU.iiliyaie allullk. balng Four rsruiu liua ..f O1.1 I l.l....4j-y tf ucr 40 Mtra K- AniJ.Mioiuol tcn-eruio Uvai M r nilU.iin, i..r iaUni--, 1 a ma nlM.-... . Il.ia.a . .. 1 I I tf . .. .-.V tw WMurOnl by AinilH.n wb hit Un de4 lu, mm ll.lrfw Mr. a.... uikb n... i....l ........ .... 4Oi. iln aife 4 ldMiocn ra reprlnM -f a aaiaia. I li.4i art all romparaiiyaiv !-. Ti l.ot'.t aivI Otnuina KJ.tiun cf Wear's Unabridged DlcUonaiy WroNua4iiu th imprinter n. h c. ttmtlUAM ft CO.,trlBgfl(1, Mill, Md ay aJI IfeebaaMM. lUwlraiodpwtiphls t. 1 On ly Abstract Books Cl HO UFBAN K W A i r.. Aw -asMaiara'i.. j. ,;. ., ...k... ..- j. jddl..i--dtiatt'''. . I '1 iss r tf.-iiawyaT4yBlrEjaiff