Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, August 28, 1890, Image 1

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TT v T- T-TT-k "T&. T A IT
II k A i
I V r JL vJL v JL Ja-
VOL. .'i.
Jin ! nimrii
NO. 15.
aufarn'nffwWHWWWl iw wwhiii
-worth of-
I m Oregon Land Co,,
with its.
loine ice at Satan (taoiij
the cjmiL jstrsal
Fancy and Staple Groceries,
tin the State Imurance lhillditig
flllfl lll-Allnh r.lti.fs? In P..rfl..wl Aatiirtn unit AHyuuv
v" "vc ... ............. ......"... ...... ... .-,
for ;lo a lartje list of Grain, Stock anil Fruit Farms; nlo
Fi pi ices .ml terms encpiiie of
City and Suburban Property,
Tlin M.. .. T t ,1 .. .. , .11 . i .1.. .. I.... I.,,.
Canltal Jowntl PtJolWiirtg Company.
Olttce, Commercial Street, tit I'. O. Mttlldlntc
Sntorert l the potolBc nt alm, Or.,
econd-ola matter.
A llKCll'l.li Ol lK.UOCIt.CY.
j The Kindcreartpn ntnl Its lntlucnce in
the Kilnrntion of Children.
i Inasmuch tho Kindergarten is
1 u new fait tire In tho west, and Just
J uhout to to ho Introduced hi our
j schools, wo clip tho following from
the Hull, Iowa, Advance, to turther
raiiilllurlio tho Jouunai. renders
with the nature of tho werk:
Tho following rroin tho pen of
Mrs. Urant 1). Harrington, In the
Kook Valley Keirtstor, tHnhhxIi coin-
pllment to tho Kindergarten school
201 Commercial St.
SSTGoodH delivered free to all pirti of the city.;
tHlBua'li 'UlNHs
mm m ij
a vmM , j a
Mi ill UV V J
"ti I'Jiwwicg-aaf wxu u .iirracrjt
II 4 His
mi ..! r ii -,. ,.r r?....
liivnGiiuu ui uiv i-iiii'ciui " ..ii
innnvln sending two special men- !" Hrrliigtuu. aside from being
semen, to the Ineashlre Federation 8'f writer Is ono of 'tho lest
I .. 1 .... ..T ll. ..I..,.. sJ.s GI1VG1
m. (,l.l.,,, ..,. ,llw...tlv liiMir niuraiuin vi ui" ci...v, ..,..- . ., -
i ue uregon i,nnd Co. w as especially organized for tho purpo-e or inij lug - " " J
and sub-dividlng large tracts of laud, and has during the past two year '! "f Vm Jlw
bought and subdivided over 3,200 acres into , moiiern woild.-tbi t ' " l
iHrsiomt Mi!sMuucrs from the VOUUir
"V I Til It H , ruler of tho Gei man Knipho solie-
1 0 TO I WO 11 TV A PV 0 nVrO V ittHlinfoimatl.m as to the condition
111 I U Ml I 11 I ) II V I V I ll 1 V V L 0 i or British miners and declared It to
v bo tho deslio of the now Gorman
Che success of this mi.lprt.ikiiii' la alinu-n In ( li. f:i.f tli:it nilLof2S0 tracts , nuiniirnh to ilo nil 111 his DOW Ol" to
placed on the niarktt, 2i'i liiwe been sold. We claim that ten acres of i advance tho conditions of labor.
These envoys to a labor congress un
hesitatingly declared that since the
hand of Ilistnarck had been remov
ed from German aflalr, the tend
ency of tho government had become
highly democratic, and that this
was entirely dim to the views of the
1 pla
I choice laud in Fruit.
Will Yield a Larger Income
WW tHM'lLlj
I than 1G0 acres of wheat in the Mississippi Valley. We also make valuable
improvements in the way ot roads, clearing me lanu, icnces, eic. i
can sell a small tr.iet of land fertile same price per acre as you would
luve to pay for a large t.irm.
Semi for Pamphlet and Price List.
First Nnlioiml Uiuik ltiiildinu:, Salem. Oregon.
A. P. ARMSTRONG, Manager. W I. M'ALUY, Principal.
ZSaTDav and Eveulnir sessions begin Monday, Sept, 8th. "Wn
business shorthand, typewriting, penmanship and
, english departments.
H ake pusoral inquiry at the Co lege for further particulars, or send for catalogue.
1 O
Ileal business training school,
young emperor, who seemed deter
mined to cast oil the aristoenicy as
I completely as did Clunk the Four-
iceniu in owetieu.
The fear of the aristocrats was
wll shown in Germany when tho
had it announced in the press im
mediately after his coionatlon that
thooung emperor showed signs of
insanity. It is the ame kind of In
sanity made manifest by Thomas
.lell'ersou in tho Declaration of In
dependence. All hail ! To tho ad
vancement of democratic principles
lu tho most powerful of Kuitipotin
THIS institution;
0pp. Termiius Electric Car Line.
exw3xmtrjmazt3itV'raxmYri srmtggg"
f 11 3 U Da Ixxa u
Groceries and Produc
The Best Canned Good.
Choicest Fruits and Vegetables in Season.
Tlie Grnnce Store,
. c, catt Salem, Oregon.
lO OLtaLc . ,
llr k1'!''?'5I WfiMW1
oung men anil women are
thoroughly llttfil foTeotmiu i ial pursuit in the shortest time ami at the
. . f. . .. i' u ....I.... I.. ....... Iw.lill..ir rihiimllu1 ill.
ii as( l'MK-11-e. Jill SUCIM'S 111 Illllllll siuill-llll llli II.M.lMiJ- .. -..... 7....v
positions, both as noOKKKKl'KRS and sTFNOGRArilKUS, attests
the quality of instiiK-tiou given.
TvrairTJJi rij'imiiiumujiu Hmm-1'KHi.'mjiiuKiiJumwiRna.i
OriiauiiicvHtudcuu in
Classical, Literary, Scientific,
Jliisic Art anil Theology.
Normal, Iliisincss, Law,
II h t!ieol(1et, lurgwt Hiid lent.! rxixn
mi liiHiltullon or learnltiK la tlie Nurtli
s-cltool open rtntt Monday In September
send for c-hIhIokiio to
7 h1.iii, onnrun.
r,r-.ruTT.ji. i inK.TjnaEtgrgjugrranciMJ-liiik iimm!B!rmaxw.iw rnimramw
St. James
Boys and Young
-Deul" in-
niture and
B V 1 1
I J U 1 1 til -1- M ' i
i i l r I
COrRSICri" rieparatorv.Cuniinorelalanill 'lalmi. luiny u mon,
i.ri. .r.na mo iH-iwii-ii lV.rtlm.d and Vaticouvir. All denouilnntloti
, J . x. i ... .. 1.......I..-, ii, ..iii.it i.iiiv Hiiiilifution nn't-Mwrv. van'.
nuiiiiL'therwst veurstudeiits wre ill tti'eiidei ce irnm CalifoiniH, Oro-
KOI), Jlnlllairi, Hiaiio, iriuii ...uiii..i.. - r r
Ft-rCataloiiUeantl drluilfil inforuiMtioii adilui:
UKV. Dlltl'A'Illlt, M. .I.UIU'H l ouege, niiroui'r, m mi
Mini iwnn n mmmtwxM!
Some authorities convey tho Im
precision that It is tho duty of each
cilijuni to constituio himself a fun'
gratis assistant census-Miser, and
help the government In every possi
lIe way tosecuie, on its second at
tempt, an accurate eenius of Oie
gon. lleyoud coireetly answering
tlie gowninienteniiuierator's piopei
(pipstioiis, wo submit thoto is in
obligation upon lilm to help taki
the eeiistis. It is only an uxteuninu
of I lie dead-beat nystoni lntrotlueed
at the start.
If our govoinment OAtinot proper
ly peiform one of Uh Hist necewati
fiiuctlotis under the eoimtltutloii It
disHTves our contempt and eonilein
nation, rather than our aid and en
coiiriigemcnt. Having admitted bv
nnletinga recount tliut its Hist at
temiit was a worthlw Merforuianee,
tlie obligation 111 tho more n;veii
Unit now il should show Its nbllil.N
to provide a correct oouiit of iioik-.
There Is no greater laxity of pub
He morals than a fnllutoto denoiiiue
ItioomiKitoiiftt In thoguliw of popu
ltir irovcrnmeiit If each oilUen
C I would coiiHtllulu lilmm-lf a rapldl.
O 1 log revolving iurnst-liip of erilielsm
" aimliifcl well-paid work inUemhl
lYieili ! iwrfiiriiii'd, bettor renuliM might b
reached. It is tho government's
luiiu to enumerate, not tlie ell-
WII.IIT"."11 ' - ,
r u n v ) i
h V V. i i U t I i 9 i ) i It XT 6Bh
. u ,nf , r , i
fit ViUJU' i ill" iJU vi vui,
i.'i.'T.'Pss 'imik r.vtuiMST LINK OF
"" I
AN l.MI'OlirAM' MiiMiscrr.
I ri.u HnUi.r r'lir Itluld toiichea a
ijucMtloii that will lw Hkoly t int
uitu the stale of Oregon In tho vera
near future, and a the lilade In an
i ably conducted iiewnpaiier the il-
lowlnif oxiirewilon will be a goed
l starter for the coming iIikximIeii:
The pnitnt metlnMl of wmtraut
priwni labor now lu vogue In thl
"Mi- ll'ssuiiuner lslndergarten In
Hull Is not only doing n gram
thing for tho little folks or tho town,
but is teaching something of much
value to tho older people and to the
parents. Tlie school attracts many
visitors' all of whom show the great
est Interest in tho w ork. Each day's
program seems to ho a sort of
"inovoiiiile feasfwhlch shifts to suit
tho vaiiahlo demands of tho child
ren. Ono forenoon's visit In the
school however, can not show ono
all that Is being done by and for the
children. The singing and mulch
ing and games me all things to be
counted among tho delights of the
childhood; anil all the kindergarten,
teachers included, participate In
the happiest way. There was a
good deal of merriment nlloat
iniong the Httlo people which was
not repressed so much as turned to
good use. Tho kindergartens over
our laud are depriving h-atan of con
sltlerable idle hands, that would
otherwise find plenty of mischief to
I a Kindergartener lire .isKeil "
numerable qtnstlons about their
wuili-what tliey "teacli" III tlielt
schools, elo. Among some of the
esentluls of education which we
noticed In onoshoil visit were In
dustry, patience, consideration of
each other and a combined elloit
una Interest In tho work and play
I'he l.ludergai ten seems to bo plan
ned on the great ronubllo plan ot one
lor all, and all for each. There are
no uiles laid down and there Is
no capital punishment for tho of
omler, but an opportunity is given
eiieh delliKiuont in duty, to cliooe
between light and wrong; and a
kludeigarteii child is taught to do
light for the miUo of ilglil.Tlif
habits of.pidlteneHS, klndnoAGkHU'
Unci's and rectitude that are taught
tho littlo ones w ho ale tho renewed
life of the woild, will grow and do
volop with tlio llttio bodies) and
iiralnsainl set otl'tho growing man
or woman; Just so Ih tho Inline
ilv.wl In t litt nrcMetit. All that will
warp tho iinnal mmimm and dwarl
lite heart and biuln Is kept iiwnj
from this "child guidon." 't he
value of tho littlo llgiircs made out
ofpaiK-ror tlie rings, tho design
picked or neweil on tho paper nurds,
mil the objects moulded from the
clay are not told now, for tiny are
problems, that await future hoIii
lions. Tho kindergarten boys like
"sewing" as well as girls. On Friday
nil weie allowed to choose the work
ihoyllkodto do beat and a unani
mous vote went up tor -Vowing."
MIm II. has a happy way of work
ing among the children and gUot
one the picHHantlinprcwdoii lliatMu
Iihm ehiwun the work foi which abe
u-ioj doBlmied Hlio brings the best
out of everything anil Ih asartlemi as
a ohllil. Nature did a great deal for
hur lu fitting her ho perfoetly to
work out l'nibl'n conception of edu
cation. A cordial Invitation lb ex
tended to all who are Iiitoriwted or
Mho have never bofoio done ho to
visit the Hull kindergarten. There
Ih a twrioiirt wish on tho port of many
to have a regular winter elawof
Tho pros of Oregon evidently
I appreciate Portland's SO.OOO hnspl-tallty.
It Is always tho good swimmers
who drown In tho surf and else
where. Deer lain tors who slay more men
than deer should be called lu out of
tho woods.
Young men afraid of tholr shad
ows, and whose hair raises nt tho
rustle of a leaf, should not bo pep
untied to go hiiutleg ami iiispatcn
valuable citizens by mistaking them
for deer.
John liojlo O'ltetlly.
The deatli of John Krjylo O'llollly
stirs a throb of sorrow wherever
there Is a heart In sympathy wltn
Iilsh patriotism, splendid genius or
true manhood. To those who have
followed his career In Ameilca, who
ha'vo heard or mot him, the an
nouneeniont of his death hrlngaa
sense of porsonal loss. Ills heart
was so brave and true, his uatuieso
suiiNy and pleasant, his genius ho
versatile and brilliant, his patri
otism so genuine, so natural, so In
spiring, his spirit so conciliatory,
his counsel so wise and so practical
that his death comes like a national
uillieiloo to Irish Americans. No
man, I'arnell alone excepted, could
bo spared to tho Irish cause less
than O'Reilly. His confidence in,
and allegiance to tho great Irish
leader wero unswerving; when tho
latter was assailed by designing
and unscrupulous men; or his
policy condemned by the advocates
of physical force and violence, who
Injured both at homo and abroad
the eauo they pretended to help,
Mr. O'Reilly was true to tho Irish
Ho was the friend or the down
trodden and friendless of every race.
Ills views of tho race problem aie
more radical than those ot Arch
bishop Ireland, and his sympathy
with the colored man Iiiih won him
the warm fiiondsliip of the lending
men of the race In America.
Ah a poet his rank Is accorded
lilm by those who wore not disposed
to discriminate kindly In favor of nn
Irish political convict, hut he won
his place by the right or true genius
alone. He stood among the llrsl
lournallstiiof the day.
Tho resluilng social Ills or Ireland
and tho brutal treatment of Irish
political ollenderri rankled in O'Rell
ley's soul, and when ho became ed
itor of the Boston Pilot he lashed at
Fnglaiid. her filends and her admir
ers with a fury which tho majority
of AmeiieaiiH could not untlorHtuud.
In his conception of Americanism:
"Theio are no oIiishch or races, hut
one brotherhood. There are no
creeds to lie outlawed, no color or
hIiIii to bo debarred. Mankind Ih
one, wlfli Uh rlghtH and lt wrongn
one right, one hope, ono guard."
Mr. O'Reilly as a platform Htieak-
or was eloquent anil forcible, and
his lectured were attended by Im
mense ai.d enthtislasliu audiences.
In private life lie wiih a eliui tiling
gentleman. PosohmmI of splendid
physique, a voice full of melody uul
a manner of wonderful allablllty
and courtesy, ho Is at once the Idol
of his filtmdHuud tho darling of his
Ah his genius wan unique, his
place can not ho filled, and Ills losa
Is nl mo t Irreparable. Catholic Ben-thiol.
Mil.es many peopto miserable, and ofton
U-.is to self-destruction. .Distress at.
ratl.iif. sour stomach, sick hcadacho nrr i
bum. loss of appetite, a unit, "all gone
reeling, bad taste, coated tongue, and trr"
ularity ot tlio bowels, s.
DlQtrdSS tho moro cummoa syrrp-
Aftor wn- Dyspcpslad0091' -"
pet well ol ttscir. u ic-
Eatlnfj quires careful, perslstt 1 1
attention, and a remedy Mvo Hood's S.:r- .
partita, wlilch act gently t enil.
It tones tlio stomach and other orgai s,
regulates tlio digestion, creates n goou ap
appetltc. ami, by thus SlOrC
orcomliig tho local Mrtncuc
headaeho, and refreshes tlio tired mind.
"I liato been troubled with dyspepsia.
1 had but littlo arpetltc, and what 1 did
. cat distressed mo. or did
MOart- me mtle gtHHl. Atlercat
burn nig 1 would experience a
falntne.s, or llnd, all-gono feeling, as
though 1 had nut eaten an)tblng. My
trouble, I think, was aggnoatcd ty my
business, painting, and from being more or
less shut up la a room with SOUT
fresh paint. Ust PRefnmnpu
ItiH,k llood-s Sarsaparllla StomaCll
and It did me an Immcnio amount ot good.
It gao mo an appetite and my fuod rel
ished and satisfied tho cravlnir I luul rve
vlously experienced." GnoiiaRA. 1'aiik,
N. 11. If you decide to taKo Itootl's S.-.r-sapir
Ilia do not le Induced to buy any olla r.
Mood's Sarsaparilla
Pot.ltiyitrtiTl'M. 9lUforfV rrernrertbr
C. I. HOOli A lO., A)iollicciirlM,I.iwjP"' 'a,,
(OO Doacs Ono Dollar
Capital National Bank
Capital l'aid up, - 575,000
Surplus, .--- liyiuu
It. H. WAMiACK, rrcsoonv.
W. W. MAItTIN, Vlce-l'n-nldcnt.
J. 11. ALUKHT, - - Ciwhler.
V. T. Orav. W. W. Mnrtln,
J. M. Marlln, K. ft y!"'iee.
Dr. W. A.Uiim etc. J. "- Amen.
T. MoK. nillon.
To tiiriacni on wheat mid other market-
able produce, iHinslKned or in utore,
ultlinr In iirlnlo graanrlcaor
luilillo wnrolioiise.
Stale and County Warrants Bought at Tar.
Discounted at rensmmblo rates. Driinn
ilmwa dlreet on Now York, llilenao. Han
Kmiu'Uco, I'ortiand, Uiadon, larlH, llortlu
IIoiik Koiigaii'l Culcultii.
First National Baal
VM, if, IiADl'K,
1)11. .1. ItKYNOhiiH,
VIre 1'iCPldiui
. . . Cui,iur
lUclinucoon I'lirtlnnd, Ban Frnneliro,
New orl(, London mid Hong Koiig
iiouxlit and old. Hiule, I'ouniy anil l iiy
wnrriiilK bouglil. riiriuern uro lordlally
Invited to d I uMt mid Ininmcl blislnets
with us. Liberal iitlMimes iiuulo on
limit, wool, hops mid other property at
reuHiiuiiinu ratis. Insurance on urn a se
purlty tun be (ititnliiid nt tlio bunU In
inimt relliible coinl'illiU'ii.
oqr Commercial Street
Sale rn,
Goods and Trimmings
iifii1 lirn
lilies ami Gents Fiirnisliins Goods, Clothin
in the city.
Illlrl Ujils
....... iu .. .iinMiui i.. iiin. iii. t,i iii.all h
1 IUI1D II N HIMIIilT mwilHlllw"".".." I I ., , II..
1 . i. .. i,..- ,i,-r Hit leone to go on In till line
or ooiivk-U employe.) lu th nn ii- ol"- of twenty or tweut-l v
f-elur. of love. They mknin thU ehtldren, from three to mtvuii. uuulil
..... .1 ...i.. 1...1 luaure the siiniMirt of a kwmI hinder
prw.iH muor.v ....., --'-.. i11iu..r i.l. .
gfkll HUH WIT I nil, III. .... w ... ...w'
lug upon all the familleH I herein
CAl'lTAL STOCK, all fn'wcrilieil, $200,0CO
TruusHut n Kiurol Imnklng builness
In nil lu brunuiio.
nitO. WII.MA.MU ... resident
Wm. ICNH1.AND view l'resldeut
UUdll McNAllV.. Cushler
DlltKOTOItH: (loo. WlUliutin. Win i;nc
IiiiiiI, Dr J. A. UleliHiiUon, .1. V. lloboou.
J. A. Ilsker. . . , ,
Hunk In nvvr KiuliHiigo liliwk on t'om
liieiMiil fclnit. K.i4-lf
j I
I Mini, tiud bealdeit throwing hundred-
of houetit UUirvn out of eircirtoj
i iiwttt, iiuoiufecturvrM doing a lglll
i mate LumIihsmi re uuabU to euot-
with them. KniiM of th-'
t'aturrli I'aii't lie t'lirnl
they cannot ronoy the seat o tlie
dlseoso. Catarrh Ih a blood or eon
MtUulloiiul (IImoiim-, and in order to
euro it y on have to take Internal
romedloH. JIuII'h Catrrli Cure Ih
taken ItiM uully, and acts directly
on the Hood and iiiucoiih surfiKos.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is no iiuaok
medicine. It wiih prenerlbed by one
of the bunt physicians In the coun
try inr yours, ami is a legiimr pro
-Li. t .. ( I. ....I .. iIm
lu an KbUwillorlal on the llllhy
-n . plun by wblclt Um coovleUi art-
' Ukfn idio lua vanu ouwniica "
Tie World's 0
...fcv thev are the best.
There are many "" c in th. art of
s.- j- A r7.Tr )uadiUi Mork uotli ttUU roisd
rO TO GjO. IH . OiVll I 1"1 , , A M ouumqwtuem, lUejr Uv tpleu
- iil niia. mid ib fanners. th tiro
i4iMsroi' the ouuulry, lln-
mud of dolUm erniU )r Intli
wntr and tear of vehlj. Tlila
iiUu eiMihl be adoiMHt la Org
307 t )M M E J IC I A L Jfl'RK ICT. FO U
Tents, Awnings, Lawn & Camp Goods,':
The Kinot HUsk iu'Hu'etu.
A ! 1 ' I . --.
.'-,i-inf. They arc i. "... Th-,
stove in- --o- "ever pet out oi oriwi. . - -
inopcradon. W t .thdrbtkinBU perfection. , ... q , rjnor fr ManufaCtUrinff CO..
.. . rUnd croods are aD5o uic, ...,.,... M, .:.... j. y..ii cl.
In short, the Garlanag
i nrodoeed for the money. , vj, j)M?, HliiiiN 4 Moulding, Tlinilllg t .srnU hHWIIUf.
- .. l. OKr imzmmj n r u ua ia '
"" . ,..-, nf a single -
them"';" . m
"- L..l MBlrVW-v-
...tot "---., j um-w"1
with Lite IWl fuvorabl rtwUlta
N'otbtug wkU toni to lu wwiltb of
a tNt tbati i"ott, uiMtUI rtUl
bwltitH lb Uoor of twotuntUiry
eoavlcte Mig to ttM uitt,ul U W
a violation of fuudtunUl orluet
' ,Ja of our auveruilMrUt to Ut Otlf
SltfCB. "
iMlaM (lwp u h the
i. - mm Mck auar "
B ii WADt & wm
' ..SalerthJ
! 277 nd 279 Commercial St., Corner Court, in Bush's New Brick Block, j L,..,,,, ,uu ,v n wimimbi--1 oooditioii of I'urUmiii'a troet. the
' . . . ii... '.1 I;.l .h. (iMMMIilllUI MiVM!
What In umhUnI lu I'ortiand U not
inoreofdloaueoH, hot a (MHiraRwant
public ,Mrt It tot will elot a oily
nvruioal with uoMcUiKSoii(Hig.h,
with a kuWcleiit mom or wttilt-ry
liMwuay not only to iimiIm China-
1'iwii obey the uMillh ontlMaiMn- we
ha, to purg t hinalown uf Its
tuoral etMOooU, Uit to make Port
Uud. oouhle of Cbiuatowu, Ih
mrU and litoe by eotiiMirbiON of U
uiwrlor imI ami phyateal umn
lioea autt liMiltbfuloeM over China
mwit. At tttut tJw a4tMr rae
iIom wtat fuloatowu a ihmwni ex-
Mupl of efarftalloiM In MUiliary
tuauoeni, or MmraU. Oar drooken,
fcrocloo. ertMilMU vagranta furwadi
w.t of IM bualMMa tut our iImw
eowrta. Tlt inuat oVgfuhd Chlna
auau la not a wont gr- wIIWimW r
aaiut Ut lw of labile baUli,
tuoralily uA uWr tkau ittat Urge
, j . . krrp k ful upp1f "T
tUamuV,nmltkur,uT BM"' M,IUB10
i K-rp rut wv mum u mwrnm m
r I r.r ud MUD trrt. teiMu. Orro. , curtMrttkMM Mid UUU.
.iiimrn amr VtPilTiSVftMv-TiVrtl i-i... .1.. ill LTIit..
9&lmWJI9G&mettiitTwmnrdn " .s..r -
mi umm.-1-a -miMj o?izivn h.i 1 1.' i (. l ki i .r. 1 1 1
wmmtZTiiKrzjmmiiMmatti. ,,-,.,..,,, ,.rA ,m.
. wxTz&mzrML m m
&Saa ' figiai
rR'ff Stp k a i r?OTL
KaJWwitw, ldVimjUsSi
- B3WW3F4EbX VJ JfaVS2tl?e '
Ii('J,U'ti.Vir;k.M,W K&T.'IXZriKL H or
'I he oldiNit and Ktronuwtt llaak noutli ol
I'ortiand and north of Han KritncUco.
Bankers, Iron Building,
Salem Or.
AeroiiuU Unpt,onim Hindu, exchunieo on
nvi-ry prt of Urn Hiirld iMiutfht unit m,u,
Uillers of mwlll hmiril to lnivuler, collee
llolisiuude lliniUKliuiit the United Htut.n,
llrltisli Anivrlw it nd MbxIwi.
'I hi Imnk bus .iiuueuiry itmnoetlmiH
Willi Iwiilm In Uroiion, Wunhiiiidnii, lilnbo
.. , .1 ....... .....i u...iu.niLiil. In ..it
H. Hllll IH 11 lUUHIill MMI BH'I IIIHIHIMI, Bllll K-F,W",II. ,v..n u
Mflplloii. H Ik ooiiiMiMd or the " jlnui,l towunrilietuiM. B.ua
imi touioH Known, eomnineii wmi ,,-,, r Ts.rT-- t rim
HioboHt hljHid purlllaw, moIii.it .11; $ WILL BUY A LOT
raetly on the iiiuooiiHHiirfaeee. The T
iwrfiasteoiiiblnailuiiof the two In- ; KiMinatiwrainraf We oarry a fulltlne
WHinlerfiil re-ulla In ourliiK catarrh, ,., luriiltOWH
Head for ltttiniilHl free. .. M '..r ";,,"'.,
rur nrsr inurTMPNT
(ur Hi iiiiiy ". i. iol, or t'r f.ttional Library
yoiowNAnyl nU-BESTk
W .1. ('MIMI1 it ('II.. ProiM.
Toledo, O.
Hold by ilruKfttol") prlee Ttkf.
A mie Cut fur 1'IIim.
luilona ltl i heoMa br iauutur
liaut.Hrilla, aaaatwK latMMt) llrbiuij
wbrtiMfiii lata feMM m Uaa luiad
HlMttiM and prMnittlaK, rMit at m k
Or. HiatiNkWa rtfai MMMdy. wal eb Us-M
dlrtly no iim mtu Hlttil. alawrlM m
MMin.HUaririrblaKiOKl wfcc h iwrifMit
mi eui. Ih iu DiuiucUi or aiMii,
iriiM lr. Iw. Hnlui. TKaa, o,
b Minn b HU04r.
Ih. Ui-u ii iiun "'W.-r in in Ttxali
uUry, mi otrliu'ar'. w oi lllu.lrktiaiu mi
Barljr nry n 1 ri uamai y oltmr vaiuablo
i.ivMu r.ull ktar Kit "mpralllaBrHph.
Iml lllatliiiiur, a NuW Omettcer ot tb
Wurld, au. a Dlclliinarr ? I'lollou.
mtMMUmm lHmmtrrr
TV; tsuay lit ttw lataMtanU
i. mi -.- .mm. H4a ai.1 MVHi aattmawril.
A ' !.. i-Mu(lbUjatM mulMmHUmt,Vf.
i , viwa it a MMrnw4 aa n tn-vimmr
I tlHn.il IIMia,lBi
.Ba iwi. lkv.1 Hruiiav awiaaw Bit-
A Ch-a aa any Ijium
ii. i.-uiiir' i nui mo
a. id domic flrs4fiaaa wurk
( - lannvw. -- w-. . --w --T i- -
MTiiara and '"rr sssrssiiis5airt
1 1. ! uur jHimmm im ta-w (fcr araaiil 1 T J '-- aviaam, wbj
K ii laai t aan a a " ao TT. "... ?
,a rMunara nwi '' .
230 Liberty Strast
.wi.ihu r.ul I Ktar nn 'rfiiriKaainogrHpti.
"run itrpnn'ppn op to.tuv
,. i ii i i i . ml I t Th tundrd Aulhonly in IhaCoyarnmanl
lU fp U llWIll laH lift M tllCr I frtnilMOM,.miii.ii.-U I JupraniaCeurl.
DCOOI6U ItOVl M IKt m UII1CI l.,itt,H,.,,,il,i.rii,.stjtaSuperlnlaodantt
a awnalnaTutNilar wall U auoatr iril by ' lag frwbtanli t ' '' H and Canaila.
uuincur ottwaH taraw itueu irua ww.w
aunkmlaaxuvtl W aaa auui
4ln nut la
I by I
irllU I
Mtttoa aaa mmomm. UKJVa I taCi UxtfK.U
.l.n. .L-ui.nl aionua- Ua that will I . !J "? Jf!.2r: .VMii.l. mToTaL iw a w z ih.r a? aUallui.. Utlmc
w ..s. -. . -- .. M.IHIH t Hirawvitaiw PPM, mm w.
laraaaa ia
iMmm mm a mmtw ------ m mmmww . t
'- -Bmwv - r i a- .aa a- -a & ut u ni.ii u i a Mk - a - - - - - - m auaniiui aia M&aja aai
i . i ..m.mM mmmm . . mmm iiruua ar tacii ii i a iBiaBiaBBBiaB BBsnaaiBaM aasv anai rwmwrwm v-
..a iwi. ikv.i Hurutiav aauaaaia Bit- .... jii- ii. aunuawt at tiaa 5?. V'.' iTZJuiZl. w LJTrT..iSu i.
ar..1? ri.TS2!ar.7ft; WlMUbi.; ki.owa oolk ,-"; tl.i-JJ1-,lLS. I
. faTCiVTjSS ol l.u o, footlly, betiiHae Hoi-1 fu JtiZZSZ?'
--- k aa. tu ainaTlaaWaaTAaCliaH BaV -a. . a . . .1 a . . au.lklnlaa PWW,
IrrvUIOrilM imnMtivui yrm. . -. i
. i
stymie Ui li'ap ilu.wiyp raprinUcf an
Ssswm - ntwi.1 ii.'w iiriiiii i.mhwu uvh ii
nun U at Fr-.ui A W.Zihsy am aUallkv, bolngc
a-m. A&amkiMi i.na nt tKaa I tXtLiii.trif ff naat
IWfori- yiai aiart f-f ll m attorw '
or mHiitliia doii'i fiirat Ui order
i.. .t... .-.i.i ii.mLh lii.ii t t,. ,. i..w.,. i.diai. 1 1. in war ! "
ulul iaaaa lawlawriaa taw tanuaaa d ' '
TtTI' K.-AII wartn ltwMtra'liawM
Ml I win mm
hw .1
bxfwr ak iw.ter taal I w
awaaiiw auaifwms.
uur laarwluri una f tha ttetlunary of afar
40 yr mi(u. AMouuaMinnl coiiuirnln
iaiw af .y Himu wiipi, iur iii.uincT, iim aui
,iliaaat -t l'V" a.-altd "nor vorda" vi
aawflhsl by aganO'nMn who liu baan dead
ar ItOHy yaars, and wax publohad bafnro bli
daata. Otbaraa-calloilaJdiOonaararaprtaUera
Hk aMuia. TKraa Inuka ara all oorniiarallfaly
HlwaM. Tm lil al Utnulns Btlniou oj
Welaitefa Unabridged Dictionary
Vmvmm U I ltitfo tha Imprint ot
fcaWol. Of mtea, j g44 by all UaoVwM.r-. ll)uiiratdrnivbUi (ws
,... W.rt pn"t"'
,m aaya aaiaawaiHiai
Only Abstract