THE CAPITAL JOURNAL MONDAY ...AUGUST 25, 1800. TEBM3 OK iSUlWUHnTlON. Dally by mall per year,... . M 00 Daily bv mall per month.. bO WeeUyTjy mall poryear, 1 00 S-If not paid In ndvnnco the prlco rnarsed for the Weekly Jouknal will ha tl&O peryenr. If pnpers arc not delivered promptly notlly tlie office. FREEDELIVEIIY DY CAIIKIEK. Dally for single week....... IS cts Dally for two woeks,... ............. '.Set, Dally by montb, . (wets. Collections will bomadoon 1st and 15th of montb. Subscribers will pleuso leave money for carriers at bouso or whereon it Is delivered, so as to cause no delays In collections. Tnit EVKNiNOCAriTAiiJouKJfAi. regu larly receives the afternoon associated press dlsprtchcs. k Dealers in Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Windowglass, Etc. Sole Agents for Epicure Tea and Big Can Baking Powder, A MYSTERIOUS AFFAIR. A Man from Vancouver, with $6000 In his Pocket, Disappears Relatives Here. LOCAL MARKET. Wheat, net CO cents per bu. Hop?, 2 ti 27 (cuts per lb. YkjTHBDAY's Hall Gamk. Tlie Highland Imll ground was open to the public yestcrd.iy to witness n game between four of the Snlem proft'tbsionntH mid five iimuuiirs on one ski.-mid alike combination on the other. The game whh free and worth the cost. The hunt work wus done by the nuiateurn, while the professionals "monkeyed" through the Hcven innings witli littiu npirlt or effort, occasionally, however, din playing what they could do if pushed. One side consisted of Mc Carthy, c.; Lcvequu, p.; Cooney, lb; Will Tarpley, 2d; Booth, 8li; Adams, ss; Joo Hocyc, rf; Nntrh IJrown, cf; Newton, If. The other p'kIo was Morgan, c; Crosby, p.; Huriiheiiti, lb; Bmltli, 2b; Frunk Feely, 3b; Olinger, us; Lute Snvuge, rf; Frank Durbin, cf; Mclleu, If. The features of the game were Will Tarpley ' flue work on second bate, whcie he put three men out iu splendid style; Frank Fecly's capture of a hot grounder and its prompt discharge to first base; the faultless work of Adams as shortstop; Morgan's base funning; Mellen's fly catch; thoease with which the amateurs could pass by Lovequo's and Crosby's curves, and tho sang frold with which wild throws were made and good ball missed by tho professionals. Tho chief fun for the spectators was the absence of good playing. The score stood ul the end of the seventh In ning 13 to 8 In favor of the side headed by McCarthy. Ernest Cat terlln was the umpire. There whb quite u largo attendance. FlIlK AND ACCIDKNT. About 4 o'clock yestorday afternoon a tire was discovered in tho same Chinese den on State where, tho last Are oc curred and an alarm was turned in, which brought out the department lis quick time and the bluzo was soon squelched by tho Tigers, who attached their hose to the hydrant in front of Capital engine house. Henry Trice, driver of Capital team, had n very narrow escape from ser ious Injury or death. After hitch ing up ins team they wero very Ini patient to go and made a rush be foro ho could get into tho scat, nweop Ing through tho door with Price alougsldo tho wheel, leaving not more than si:: Inches between the wheel and the door-post, but through this space ho was carried and without serious injury, though ho was squeezed rather uncomfort ably so much so that the paint of tho wheel left a decided streak on his shirt front. Hut ho hung to the reins until Jack Darr jumped to the horses IieadB and Mopped them In Liberty street. TJIK CliXHlTH ItUCOUNT. Tho headquarters of tho supervisor of tho census for tho special recount of Bulem will bo at the board of trade rooms, at which any person with business or suggestion Is re quested to call. Tho city and its suburbs will bo divided hit some twenty small districts, with an numerator for each, having his territory all Intelligibly mapped out and receiving complete and ex plicit instructions beforo beginning the work, so that ho can proceed rapidly and correctly. These enumerators will be sworn in Woduesday or Thursday and their names will not ho fully given be fore all are secured. It is known that J. A. Manning, Secretary Mitchell, of tho board of trade, and Henry Tironliy, night watchman at tho state house, have been chosen among tho number, and if all are as well qualified as those, tho work should be well done. LlTKllAHY AND MIMICAL. At tho M. 12. church to-morrow (Tiles day) evening 11 grand musical and literary entertainment Is to bo given by Misb Adolo Wymw, formerly a prominent teacher, but tho past two years inaklug n successful tour of California as an elocutionist. Who Is highly recommended by the best people of Los AugeliM and other points. Bho slugs alto, contralto and soprano and will reuder six choice numbern, besides reciting two or three selections. Hho will also be assisted by audi famou local talent m Mis Grace Scrlber, Mrs, I, A. Manning, Miss Kdlth Farrur and others. Mis IMcImBIicIUhi will play tho accompaniments. Thy admis sion Is placed at 50 ceuts, aud be hides being a meritorious entertain ment of Itself. It will be a help to u deserving iudy. bho Is stopping with Mrs. Ludiic while In the city. J. M. Douthit. from near Van couver, Wash., came to Salem on tho 11th with $G000 cash or drafts Intending to pay for a farm In the Waldo hills. Ho was accompanied hero by his wife's brother, John Jacobs, of Portland, who left him hero in Salem and went out to his brother's, M. L. Jacobs, in the Waldo hills, and was to meet Douthit at Woodburn the next day aud L'i on to I'ortlanu wltii Dim. Jacobs was detained one day in the hills longer than ho expected aud thought of course Douthit had none on, but ho has not been tceu since by his family or relatives and l here is great anxiety about him, Douthit is a brother of Mrs. II. A. Thomas, of this city, but he did not visit her while here, nor (Md he go near his wife's brothers, the Jacobs. He Is a large man, about G feet 2 in ches tall, welgns 22Ti or 230 pounds, II ht hair, heavy sandy mustache, ombs hair straight up in front; car i led a he.ivy silver watch, gold chain ind largo masonic charm. The last person who saw him to Uuow him heie was Al. Phelps, who says he ate supper with lilin at Helleubiaud's restau--nut Sunday evening, the 17th, ti hicli would Indicate that he wa icre or hereabouts some 11 v.- days, mil in all this time never neiit neat my of his relatives. He is not n Iriukingmau or caid player, and the whole case is shrouded in mystery. The woman who owned thi property he had bought lives in Se title and he said she was to send the deed to the First National bank here, where he was to get it upon paying the money. No such tleed came. lie left his wheat standing out In tho field and left some $2800 In his coat at home, but it is thought he forgot this in starting. Some think ho was followed aud waylaid, wlille others think he must have simply loft the country, hut no rea son Is assigned for tho latter. Mr. tl. L. Jacobs, of Waldo hills, and Mr. Thomas are using tho wires in every direction to-day, but so far without success. Immigration Coming. Secre tary Mitchell, of tho board of trade, informs a reporter of tho Journal that immigration to these parts has been more numerous tho past few days than during any period for sev eral mouths. He says he knows of some fifteen men of means and fam ilies who have come to Salem tho past few days from different states with a determination U settle here aud Invest Immediately. Among these might be mentioned Mr. James Bridges, of Eureka, Call fornla; Mr. Chas. Watson, a retired farmer of Red Bluff, California nnd Mr. F. L. Zlmberg, of Pleasant Hill. Illinois. These and many others, besides some directed here by Mr. Savage, who represents tho board of trade at Portland, are now looking around the city and country, far better pleased with what they see than they had thought of being and will doubtless make their homes hero. DOMESTIC I.NTKIilCITY. A Yound Wife Deserts JOHN HUGHES, ner iiusnauu Ti..i.. :.. ..,.:.,, i.,:... n:i and heaves Him Distracted ,7 WiiHlTw Ote Wall Pa- Wit Minef. nml jj0Mlprj Artists' Jin- , tr , , ,, i tcrials, lime, Hair. Nails and Chas. Harrison nnd his young i ci,iin, ii,,,. i,v,i , x'n n ,,, , , t, ujlilllfiiliii JiMJ. i mi nun rimi' California from Illi--nna4a i'i..,cc .ilc !N. XUOWI VII.IO'-. UVVU.1I AIV CycIiONks and Lightning. The number of deaths from wind storms and lightning fur this year from January to August is estimated at 1,109, against 1C3 for the entiro year of 1889. The extraordinary violence if tho elements of the year 1890 will lie u source of great study ou the purl of the meteorologist, Nebraska Ex. If the rest of tiie country could bo as quiet in tills respect as tho Willamette valley, or the whole Pacific coast, Ihe meteorologist would have u tame subject for his meditation. Important Meeting. To-morrow (Tuesday) night at 8:45 o'clock lliosu interested iu the early closing will meet at the board of trade roonm to take some action in the matter. Clerks and business men aro earnestly requested to be present, as this concerns all alike. It is hoped the busiuewt men generally will turn out and have a candid dis cussion of tho matter, as tho em ployes will cheerfully abide the de cision thus reached. Sad Intelligence. -A dispatch lo Frank C. Baker this momipg says that his brother Dodc, who has been suflerlng from hemorrhage for some time, is in a serious condition. Mr. and Mrs. Baker went to Port land on tho afternoon train. "Dodo" is troubled with consumption and his many friouds arc in anxious fear of tho result. N e w C o r p o it a t i o N . W. C. Smith, Geo. H. Durham and Irving C. Hicks filed articles of incorpora tion with tho secretary of state, in corporating the New England Investment Co., of Portland, Or., capital stock $100,000; object to do a general real estate business and build steamboats and do a general tralllc on tho Columbia river. Now In. Fall line of dress goods, velvets nnd plushes just received at llolverson'8. d-2t. Beady. Holverson's new dress goods, plushes and velvets aro now ready for Inspection. Newest shades in each. See window. d-2l. Notary. B. B. Tattle, of Borl and was to-day appointed a notary for Oregon. W. C. T. V. Regular meeting V. C. T. U. Tuesday, Aug. 2(1, at 2:,'t0 p. m. Newport. Persons wishing one or more nice, furnished rooms at Newport, apply to editor Journal. Light on the Suiuect. That is what Furrar & Co. proposo to give, Judging from tho fine new stylo hand lamps they have just received. I) o n't Fo r g h t. Tax-payers should not forget that their city tax is duo and will be delinquent after Sopt.Oth, after which time a penalty of 5 per cont. will be added. E.J. SWAITOKI), 8 -18-101 City Tax Collector. SECOND WEEK IN THE NORMAL. Small Accident. A piniill acci dent occurred iu tho engine room of the Salem cannery last Friday evening which caused a slight delay. Tho T of a three inch steam pipe, which conveys steam to the heating department, bursted by a fiaw in the iron from which it was made. Tho giving way of the pipe threw a strain on the steam pump, which broko It. Tho damage was repaired Saturday and every thing started oil tills morning as usual. Still They Come. During tho past fortnight Messrs. C. L. Dailey aud Henry Symmes, of KausasCity, have como to Salem to mako It their home. They havo bought land three miles south of tho town, of Willis & Chamhcrlin, on what is known as tho Crandall place, and will plant 80 acres of fruit trees this fall. These men located at Salem In preference to any point on tho coast after six months searching for tho best. More Hoitsr-s Killed. Sunday morning's train ran into a band of horseB on the track while coming through Watt's pasture, south of tho city, wounding threo of them so it becamo necessary to kill them. They aro tho property of a man named Ayres from east of the mountains, who recently brought a lot of them hero for sale and had them pasturing in that "graveyard." At the Business College. Mr. Staley, principal of tho Capital Business college, is now in charge of the work, nnd may be found at the college olllco eacli day from 0 till 12 in the forenoon, from 1 till 4 in the afteruoou, nnd from 7 till 0 in the ovenlng. Studonts who expect to begin on tho opening day, Monday, Sept. 8th, aro requested to call and register this week. 8-25.(11 Opeuiug of the Sale. The sale of seaU for Maude Granger's engagement at tho opera house Wednesday night opened briskly this morning. In her now play, Inherited, pre sented for tho first time to a largo and fashionable audience at tho Wheeler last night, says tho Toledo Blade (Nasby's paper), Maudo Granger has tho best emotional part sho luiB over attempted, and she playH It mast artistically. Whether or not tho emotional Is just what the theater-going publlo long for most Just now, Is a question. Hut thero is no question that for those who do want their sympathies swayed as a reed In tho breeze, Mhs Granger's Helen Carruthors Is the nno piece of acting that will do It elloctually. Mind you, tills dots not mean that there Is mad raving and tearing of passion to tatters. Net at all, Maude Granger is too finished an aetrvsn for anything of that t-ort. She appeals to you not only with the text, but with look, gesture, her own HUerb presence, and above all, with that subtle bond of sympathy which she HoartlstlcallycouicU her audience to acknowledge and appre ciate. In her latest role Mk Gruuger shows moro careful tlulsh than ever before. While she Is a hold, free colorUt, she finishes her mat eh lens delineation of her com plex character with thuu minute do tails whlcU, too often overlooked, are lifter ull tho chlefest charm of tho llnlalitid wlmlti. Von iiilttilrM llm work 111 IU entirety for tho perfeo Knight, U. I.Cadwell, Mrs. wife camu to nols a year or two ago, and Mr. H., got pinched In the boom down there, losing his starting capital of some $2000. He then came to Sa lem last spring and lias been work ing at tho carpenter trade, a moat industrious, well-behaved, temperato young man. Ho and his wife boarded at the Scott house, corner High nnd Chemeka strcets,wliile he worked around tho neighborhood with Mr. dinger, the contrastor. last weeic lie was woruitig on a job in Turner aud ou Friday even ing received a heartless letter from his wife from here, stating that she was going to leave him and would never see him, and nil such unwel come announcements. The young man could not credit the letter as being true and hastened home only to find that she had disappeared, and no one knew whither. Mr. Harrison was heart-broken and has since been wild with grief, eating nothing nnd at tunes almost unbalanced iu mind, so that friends thought it wise to have careful watch over him. They have been married some five years nnd have never had a cross word. Ho loves her devotedly and thought the feel ings were returned warmly, and he cannot account for the strange ac tion thus taken. A reporter this afternoon inter viewed one of t lie ladies of the Scott house and was informed that Mrs. Hanieiii had gone to Albany, where slip had some friends, and that it was a case wherein the wo man had had a hard time of it mak ing a living for herself; that her hustiaud had been a drinking man and squandered their means, etc., etc. Another theory, and indeed the one with the greatest appearance of truth is, that the liimlmud is a quit, easy going man, not making that amount of stir in the world that suits her rapidly moving mind, that her fancy runs in tiic line of dash and excitement, and finding a chap that filled the bill she skipped out with 111 in. At all events she has demonstrat ed one thing: That sho is not worth grieving over on Mr. Harrison's part, aud he would better brace up and go it alone. When sho finds herself kicked around by tho world a little while she will bo glad to seek his side ngaiu. new advertisements REED'S OPERA HOUSE. One Night Only. Wednesday, August 27, Tho Distinguished ANNtP, MAUDE GRANGER Uuilcr tho inaungoment of MR. W. M. WILKIHON, Iu Rlclmrd Dnvey nnd .Mrs. Lucy Hooper's Powerful Emotional 1'liiy, 25c WantColumn. Notices Inserted for ONE CENT PER WORD EACH INSERTION. No ndyor INeiuoiit lnsciled in this column for lees than tenty-no cents. nnd ue (( J INHERITED (L ilmtlTAOBU IlKLKNT.) ns originally produced lit the Theater do L' Application, Pans nnd Mudistm Square Theater, Now Yoik. A wlcrdly powerful nnd diamntlc piny, liken story by Edgar Allen 1 'ope, and wor thy the attention of .sru Uori'hiirdt or Mine. Plersou- M. KrnncWiiue Sarcey In Paris Temps. MISS GRANGER'S Company Co-rprises Mr. F. Kildav, Miss E. Williams. Mr. C. Mestnyer, Mi&s C. Klberts, Mr. C. II. Brooke. Miss J. Ell.erts, Mr. H. French, Little Baby Parker, and Mr. Harry Mainhall. Reserved seats on hale at Patton's. Notice. The annual incelliiKOf the stockholders of the Capitol Adventure company will 'ie held at the ofllceof tho company In snlem, Oieeon, on the 30th of September, ntUn. in. 8.2-J-td S. FRIEDMAN, Pros. ATOTICE. All whom It may concern will JLN hereby tako notice that I will pay no debts hereafter eoutracted by any person except niyhell. ARTHUR GLOVER, balem, Oregon, August 22, 1S90. tiATIHWIZI' Home Industry. J Mountain lt'ilm CoughCuie. Guar nnteeil in irlvo rellel or money refunded Mniiiirnfiiirnil llv II. II. Uro. Sulpni. Ore- con. Smith .t stolner sole ngonts for Sulem. l-sdlm A good family I mi Ire, IM? Com- t:vm N.VLK. Clicnn. I' boat, oars nnd wills, complete AIko a vhi winciiesicrrnie. tnercliil street. POUND AT LAST.-A PoIMi that will J' clean n piano without gumming It. l.'or sale at Diamond's music limine. l.lOR SA I.E. One house nnd two lots In I' South Salem. Inquire of V. II. Slmp- s-on. Price S'JVo. I7IOR HALK Team, cow and calf, aud 1 mowing machine. Ali-onii fcO-acic farm, call on or address r. C. Jory, Ilo.t 1)1, Salem Capitol Home Addition Is beautifully located In Kni Salem, ninth of tho ISIci-t i ic Ilnllw.-iy line, near tho povver house. Large lots, 100s KM feet, tlood soil. 1'iii'Riile by T. II. WILSON. Owner. 13(1 State Street, Hnlcin. W. R. C There will be a meeting of Sedgwick Releif Corps Monday eveniug, Aug., 2oth. By order of president. Annie Matthews. SELECT SCHOOLii MISS KNOX Will open her private school ou Moml.iy, Hcptembei l,at llit Little Central Mihool building. ' M'J-lm .!. ..fcJ. JTViKfUUmMM School Notice. All scholars living north of Mil! creek will lie ltqulred lo attend the North Salem school. Those 11 lag south ot south Mill creek will be icquired toattend tho South Saleni school. All IK lag between Mill cieek and south Mill creek, nnd east of Winter street will boituulrcd toattend the Hast 8'ileni school and all scholars using Mil' 1st. id, .'inland Jili readeas, and living li'lween Mill ciecl; nml south Mill creek aud wist i ( intu trcet will be required to atiend the Central school, while all sehola In ibc last niuned district using rearii is i.bove the -tth, will be requiied to attend 1 be Kiist Salem school. Also all scholars or parents must apply to tho scliool clerk at V. S. Dearborn's, -U.I Commercial street, immediately for cer tificates, at which time they will be re quired to give their address in full, stating number nnd name of tho strret whole they reside, lly order of Hoard of Directors. W. H. SIMP.soN, Cleik. frail ilk. Capital Dairy Co A. C. Knlrchlld, 11. J. Kelly and aro prepired to deliver tlre.sli milk cooled on ice, to any part of tho city. Leave orders at Mln:o .4- Low's stable. istire in Your limnc Company! TJ. n.3 j. rie aiare, a i SINGERSEWING MACHINE Office 181 Commercial St. All styles of the Famous tnger constant ly on h ind; also lepair.suml Uut-dUs foral kinds of machine. BURT CASE, Ajjent. Work was again resumed at tho teacher's institute this lnornlng in a continuation of the review of squaro and cube roots by tho written arith metic class. Prof. Kraps explained tho cubical blocks in a very interest ing manuei. The next on the program being grammar, the class had as their sub ject of review the personal pronouns. Outlines of these pronouns were written ou tho board and the class responded to all questions very read ily. An interesting recitation iu geo graphy was next conducted by Prof. Peebles In a general review of Asia and Oceanica. Tho mental arithmetic exercise was a continuation of miscellaiious problems which of couise wer satisfactorily disposed of. Superintendent Yoder now pres ented a list of books which all teachers should read. The history class reviewed Grant's 1st and 2nd terms, many interest ing facts being related. The physiology lessons treated of the special senses, the subject being reviewed with interest. Tho Institute will close to-morrow afteruoou with a musical aud literary entertainment. Judge Bouham is expected to bo present to deliver an address on the mauuers and customs of the people of India. All teaehew who have PIANO-VOICE AND French and German Languages taught at looms 0 and 7 Hank bulldlng-oiinndafterSeplembcrlst, Mlsscss LAURA (iOLTRA and ANNIH THORNTON. MUiw CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC Of the Willamette. UniMislty, Salem, Oregon. Tho past school year has been the most Kiiccestitul In its history 'ncieascd alien- dance nnd numherof graduates. The most successful tiiusle school on the Northwest coast. Tho couises of Instiuctioo include plauo.oigan, pipe oigan, violin ai'doichcs tral Instruments, vocal culture, lurmony, counterpoint nnd class teuchlni;. Dlnlo- mas given on completion of eourso The musical director will bu assisted by mi able and elllclent corps of tenebcrs. .send for catalogue . M. PARVIN, 7:25-3ni dw Musical Director Next term begins jsept 1st, IsiiO. ACADEMY OF THE SACKED HEART, Salem, Oregon. This well known institution ol learning will be ro-oponcd for the icccpitun of board ers mid day pupllsou Mnmlnv.Sept.'I.lMKI. Talents aro kindly requested to send their it n lighters at tlie beginning of the session, and thereby facilitate proper cla- niin (limn. Hand Made Brick fi Tile MURPHY & DF.SART, sui'eis,irs to I). Nasli, Iiavc a well estnb llslu'd llilck and Tile tactorv In Noitb saleni, near the lair grounds, and aiopro paied to furnish ltnt-cliiss brick nnd tile on i.hort notice. Samples of Uriel: or Tilo sent fne to any point desired, on shoit notice. Unlets can oe loft with .los. Flshburn, 110 Stnte street, where samples can bo seen. dJcw PENSIONS WAROF TIIE REBELLION Under the act of Juno 27, ls'JO, all soldleis who served ninety days in the I). S. service during the war of theiebelllonandaienou disabled physically (whether Injuries oi dKe.i-o was incurred during service oi since) aro entitled to pensions nt liom $ to fl'Jper month. tdowh of deceased soldiers arc entitled toSS pc- month and b'i per month for each child under thoago ofslNteen years. Knlhei or mother ot deceased soldiers whoare now dependent, mo entitled to pension. soldiers who nro now uvelvlug pensions nt lens than 812 per mouth should apply at once under this act. Applications underthls act will not affect any pending claim. .Make applications at once I).'.: KIIKKMAN, I', S, Tension and Claim agent. T. O. llox SSL s.ilem, Oiesjon. Heputy Count I'lerU. write for blanks, w Which has for the past six years PAID MORE TAX AS. IS3 'I'd Mof- Policies, Si-trivet! Wore Premiums. And Paid More Losses Upon propeity lii.'atfil In Oregon or iuuton than any other company. II m thi1 fiiVi. Company lo Pay all Losses in Fall and in Gasli fly the thivegrct eontlngratloiis of Beattl lillen-buvji'iiC s-po'cuue l'nll.s ttJiO. 51. HHELElt, City Ageul And Special Agent tor ".larlou County. Ottlce Iu the company's building Pioneer a KB r r T C S ! Kery a- :s. U 3fS M ii Vv st nmuu u 271 Commercial Street. G Stale nml High Street. G. W. ANDERSON, PROP. Successor lo W. II. COOK. Tho Cook llotol Is opposltr court house eonvelent to business pan of city and street car lino iimnim.' past tho door ltate.s 81.00 to $-100 ii. day, according to room. Mpieial terms to boarders and families. Notice lor Sewer Jid .. Terms per nuarter, (payable Iu advance.) Hoard and tuition. SiO: lhiv school. JV 5jl JS and flit; Music, ptactlcnl and theoretical, Willi Use ofpiano, gift; Diawlugund palnt- Saletn, Oregon, August 13, 1MX). Hlds will bo received by ihe billowing eoniinltteeofthcelty council up to:! o'clock p. in. on Tuesday, the UHh dayof August. Ing In water colors, $,; oil minting, tier1","" ,1,n construction or an alley sewet lesson. ST. Toreelain lutntlmr. ner ii.J,i, I through block No. 8 In the city of Saleni. ST. Lntranco fee, pavablu but once, M. TlansandspiH'lileatlonsmay boseen at the vocal music In cla.s-os, (ierinmi, Trench. l'l,y surveyor's otllce. Hlds will be opened Industrial Drawing, Tluln and Ornnmcu- i Ht - !' " l' ' LArORK, talNeedlowoik.fornipartoftliopresorlbod A K.sTRANl, course. Telegraphy, Tlionographv and! .... JNO. tIRAV, Type writing ure taiiKht at the usual rales. "''I'-ld Committee. I'orlurlliur particulars limulre at the " " J .iea.ieni.v.orau.uess Ml. M'TKUKIR. I ii-'Ollrt C Iv Hands fan UiiIa. VTOT1CK is hereby given that under the ' i provisiousoi nniiei oi ttie leguiature oi Oregon entitled. "An act to lnuoroo. kMVlllMllw JAY C. SMITH, (Successor to Galnei Fisher) PROTK1KTOU OK French am'. German Wheat and Ilyc .Breads in City Sslylea. Vienna Ilollf-. SPECIALTY OF FANCY CAKES. Pastry and Confectionery Baking in Full Stock. My now hread and cako bakers aio lli'Ht-olass artists in their lino, and I aim to have Everything as Finu as tho Finest. Mining Application No. '. I'siTni) statksj Laxd urricE, Oiieuox C'itv, Oregon, Aug. 15, It'JO. Vf OTICi: is hereby given that tho Capital lA Consolidated Gold and Silver mill ing company, M. R Chadwlek, piesldcn., whoso postotlleenddtcss is -alcm, Oiegon, has this day tiled his application lor a patent for :,000 linear leet ot the Capital Consolidated Hold and Silver mine or vein bearing gold and silcr, with surface ground GOO teet In width, sltu.ited in Hen lino mining district, county of Marion and state i f Oicgnii, and dt-lgimted by the tleld notes and utile ml plats on tile In this otllce as lot No. tilii. Kiid lot No. 21(1 be ing described as follows, to wit: Heglnnliig at a lock In place, with mound of stone, with bearing tree corner No. lj thence n 17 K tiOO leet to stone in mound ot" stone with bearing tree corner No 'J; thence n. 73 w , S0O0 leet to stone in mound of stone corner No. U; thence s. 17 w., (KM feet to rock in place uitli mound of stone, corner No. 4; thence . TV i:., :W) feet to iilaeo of beginning. Magnetic Miiiatinn 1U to 2j h , containing R.S'J acres. The location of this mine is recorded In the recorder's ottlce f .Marion county, Oregon. ny unn mi persons claiming adversely any portion of said Capital Consolidated (old and .silver mine or surface ground aro requiied lo tilo their adverse claims wlthtUeiegl terand iccelver of the l !. land otllco at Oregon City. In the stnte ot Oregon, during ttio sixty dnys' period of (itiuiieiuiou ineicoi.or uiey win oe uarriu y vlrtuoofthe provisions of the statute. .I.T. ATTKRSO.N, fcllMXM Register. Juarterly Teachers' Kxainina tion. VrOTlCK Is hereby given that tho nest ! regular quarterly eMimliiHtlnn ot ap nlleaiit.sfor touchers' certltluutea will be hold in the court house in. Nilem on Wed nesday, August '.'"Hi, IMK), nt 12 o'clock M sharp. Applicants must be preset tod at the opening session. Ii. lYODKU, County Superintendent of Schools for .Ma rlon Couuo , Oiegon. S.-ln-dw-td ratethoClty of Lugene and to ruttanl ull T HIE CLUB STABIJfi." i; k,'iir,,u,,i H,,,,M!,im ,n immiMit iioutl ,r",, lKWr1,Hl liyJHy, wek or Horses Bought and Sold, Cor. LlWrly and hVrry Bt. Slm, Oremm. WILLIAMS & ENGLAND HANKING CO, nets ami part of nets In csintllot here willt." rtled In the otllce of the sreretary or state, February ao, l!x), the miuuion cMiinell of the city of Kugeno wilt luoum! dishM)oi tho bonds or said city at iwr ' xulue of train SfcUMMo S-V),000, in deuoml- iiiiiuiuniii iroiii jiiw in iuiu H4 ine pur chaser may dostre, payable 30 vears after date of Issuing tint same, with interest thereon .t the rate not toexcid 5 per cant lWHIinum. IMvnh'e semtiiimiallr healed proHxul to iurcliMt said bonds will bo neetMHl by the undersigned V. liSK!",, ,ur!"". until M'ptejiiUer Ul. 10, aud all proposals res'utved Ji""1..,. "Jwiieil and ooiudderod on )l1,V oVi ' 'I'lenibr. ISO, and sld ImniU will b dU)HMt of to the lieivon or ihwwu, nmklnic the Ihmi oiler or otlbrs luetvfur, Tli ts)tnmon council reserve the right tor)eei any nd Hh proposal, lly order oftheoouuell. May ll.l, 10. II.K.DORRH, Reeordir for the City of Kugene. HENRY M. STANLEY Do You Play? Play What? rimio, Organ. Violin. Guitar, 5anjo, Ilnniiniiicn, or musical Instrument .' If You do, Call at any otiier EASTON'S And cxainiiK! tlie llncHt and largest assortment cvci .Inst received a full line of Band Instruments, display in our window. 'Splayed in .s;liein. rice the granil 1GZXJX3TSSZJ?. SUiilER IS GONE. Autiiiiiu is Tlie here and ViiUi Grand it lias come Hush As usual uoiih, Ready For the Fray witn tlio largest and nest selected For jronds at the 'Ai'lTOL ADVENTiTJO CO Sf IV'!: Wl lll'flri nnKL. - (lupnrtnientMire chuck full of the Latest and llest Goods in ii"." icaiicuiivu 11I1U.S. tli ire and Shoes. wicsh yoous nun lTiniiiiiiiKs. Clothiujj, HatP, Iioots oiaiuc uuii euncy groceries and rrovisious. As in tlio pas, f.o in tin? future we Will Lead the Van of Imv priced. With u there is no hticii word as fail. "We have m, Ik-Sv moic lor people of all clasps lo trade iu - BUSINESS IS BUSINESS. That's what wo nay, and that's what we mean. If you mean hnsi lieu call and ceo us. We will give you satisfaction. CAPITOL ADVENTURE Co., Opera House, Salem, Or, TFIE SECOND HAND STORE, Mooris & Osborne Dealers iu FnriilMiiv fandies and Nut, n nod itioiis. Qtieenswiiiv. Glasswun. riimrs Tv,i.,nn,. ut. All kinds of second hand goods, bought and sold ' old on conmiission. Cor. State and Liberty St. " ' CT3rsrrari3Ri3-itxATtLU.ErAja3rfiCTr73 avHcnncvtyiiu. r s Anjuin r. v b -' l O . W -l nr,.iim,,,. . i B3 ?-J -ntjiiuwrj'i.i.j, 17-' Coiiiinerclul street, IS m y '"erohniit tailor. The fines suits to order "i me lowest prices, a petlecl lit guar anteed. Iu-nairhi-tind eienning done. The only first class tailorinc es tiibhshiiKat in the city. " ' n ii J II 1 1) j HEATS I am selling at my markets on State and Court streets, meats at the following prices: HOILED BEEF from ...0 to 8 Cents ROAST BEEF s Ceuts GOOD STEAK StolOCerts BEEF by tho QUARTER. ,5 Cents MUTTON by the QUARTER 7 Cents PORK by the QUARTER- - .. 7 Cents E. C. CROSS, 11 1 iifpp '" " Special DR. MILLER'S Prescriptions. JIOPIE TREATMENT SELF CURE A Specific nemsdy for Each Disease. k, jwj.raiitm DS. KILLER'S HYDRASTINE nESTOniTIVE. Stimulates nutrition. I'urlIlest!icEloo.l Cures Dj spepsia, Constliution ami General Debihtj . A perfect tonic and strcngtli builder. Pi:. KILLEnANTNBII.iqUS .STOMACH JWjLIVERJUnE. Cures Ulliousncsi and a'l ULr Troubles, Chills ami Fever, Malarial Fevers, nnd all Tjphoid condition... BjHILLER'S CATARJ1H CURE. Cures Aeuto Catarrh, Chronic Catarrh, Catarrhal Deaf ness. Uiiaratitecd tocuro the n ort cajes v. hen directions are follow cd.oruioncy refunded dh. ilium's courh uie uinl i'.i..'i.iujuia; ruuetcaci nsumptlon D r!;'..LER'S DIPHTHtHIA AND SOnE THnOAT CURE. Villi... '.'."ul pc:tli cly euro any soro tnroat in from 3 to 21 hours Li- Cures Cold", Hoar!cncs3, Coughs, Bronchitis, 1'leurn) Contains no Opiates. Cures Croup in 10 minute - 1'revents and cun I '- Curos Quiinj 1.1 - S rF7ER C'J"E. Indispensable In all acute diicases attcmled uitli 1 nr tMAMaSiMMHUM r .n.i mris scarl.'t lever, Scarlatina, and Measles. Mothers to it on.--. P J'.lllhJr..Liif.y r' S0 E,S ' V 1 7 Y Q LI R E . Cures Nervous Weakness, and Los if I'.mii. Ncier fads. Send for I'mate Circular to HUIer Drue; Co., Sau Traniisco, C ! PR. FILLER'S RHEUMATIC AND NEURALGIC CURE. Cures l'.heuinatlsm, curaljla, - in i'i imiiBHiiii Miwwi urn ., m i.n ii hiiimwwi mini, v.out, Lumbago, and sciatica, b neutralizing the blood acids which cautu them D1. MILLER'S TEETHING CURE. AUsthesrowthand Jevelopmentof childftn diiriu,,' t o ii'ethinp; perioil, cuur.a painless tectMn? in ! sounJ teeth, anil proirntsau 1 1 Spotiiu, Itlckets, llralnltoubles and Bowel Complaints. A lilosslng; to mother an I P.-J'Sjy.HOgPING COUGH CURE. l"reients and Cures Whoopm- ' ire ml Note. With exoepflon rf Ilr. Miller's Hydrastlne Restorative, Dr. Illller's Rluuti t and Neuralgic Cure, and lr Hdlcr's Coujh Cure, the above remodies are In 1 ' fDrm, and, if not ohtainablo jour drusist, will bs mailed free, on receipt of pn e $1.00 psr Package. Six Packages for S5.00. Thesa remedies are the result of 25 years of professional experience, and sre cuaranteod tocuro when a cure N p wsibls. Ilr'e b'X)k of directions fir home treatment, containing la'.iuble instruitious is to lij'gleno and diet, sent irk. HILLER DRUG COMPANY, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, U. S. A. For Sale by DAX'L J. FRY, Drugnist, 225 Commercial M.( kh- - . , a ZfVSaimaailBa'JjriVixsxriYsaesarmtffTrrij jj j y yATfry ' f-'-f-1 PpTT1F'","ff '- ' " M tg m i Si rn El ! -o- Advertise Your Business! IN DARKEST AFRICA In ull lu tmiute. lion of Uh every part. ITJK" SLffLSfS ! WI- " (, aw) nitemi. An oxcvlk'iit iirogrum U, mwwun u k'uihhI iMukii buin ixitiiK liroimreil iul nil liitervwllng tlitio U tuitlolpatiHl. '!!!. ..-!..! ......11... . iiiu lunu L-iiruiiiuciii now num. iiuuii ara.KV UufeWr IwntlOl. Tiiivse who enrolled ItMlay i aro llattlo DuimiielU. Myitle . '.Mw.ft-'T0P&;.1M,-.w",ta.WfiWiu. Kn- . A. II, J-A. linker Dixld and Mm. Pooler lUKO. WILUAMa JVif.BSUW.Nll UlHIll MvNAItY. Vuii FINE HORSESHOEING Scriber & Pohle's. 1-rHiT,! . ,ItthiSSi,:g a"KSs lu,wfer,U8 ttua " Stock of Hand-Made Shoes Carried. Ylw umidj.. aliaut iu it'i t ry if Hti.l y's recent thriUlnf u -c u .in m uu aantaui '' ' ' J ' "M VV ' f U ftnt tia lu th .'.' k M. "Jf h f"u. iuw ,p1b ltutet l r;l 8U,1,J U -k." U UUUOIWI U '. ul m ami ' Tuimawof Uwwllu buidejf c Hilnbuwd llu... TO 'Ml iti naalion about Ihu tUtwMBt Mae rrl lu KIM7 wtnieuUr W guanstM lL ami mctu tt winicuUr Wn guanst tl. u; Jl I rty M-tlouUn ou aphcalioo. um lo 1. book U SCRIBNER'S urlUIIUil that Ula book !.. STi? pHat of CHARLES -O- THE WEEKLY CAPITAL JOURNAL $1.00 Per Year :IS Tl 1H lUnk iu ui-w 1-1. nucrriul ktrwi lunitfii I. link mi (' ll-lf We ijlvu pr iriiuiH aitf ntion nud era. , ploy luum but cxru In llii itciwirtinem. , tl ana at owe aireei, osiem, Or. pou SONS AaJ ftkAt IkA nMvln .u.. - ., .. M atansjr tiom us A. L BANCROFT & CO. 132 POST STREET, SAM FHAN .SCO. fieri. r Aamts for tho Pinfle Coast. LARGEST, CHEAPEST And Best For the Money on the Pacific Coast It luui a largo circulation in the i.wii. uiui aiuouif tbe bet fT"fi?i of Marlon, Polk ami YamUill count !-. A-.d.- from tlU It alo f.,nZ1ir wivumiiiui lurouguout I lie luteli-ru ft., Oregon w itli u fcw t .minir Yct . i , ff tr! 'll.,a ... ii i, , . . . umiriem'orn fa8entr,r Marlon . prodiet, also the market rtixirts. 1 1 is i .i. . j.m ! 11 11 (MA .l.Ji.titXAI. liwW Pf',ni u ui.ex.vlled a-liertmn iw i "loin ior n.e loonura,!,. and rent entate intoit-ti