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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1890)
EVENING i..trir in. - imil . t;fj. -. - CAPITAL SALEM, OREGON, "MONDAY, AUGUST 25, 1890. 270. 150. J J Li J1NjLJl1o' WpAlb s lie UltgUII L 20 PER CENT. DISCOUNT Oa hoots and shoes. All Previous Olfm Onto and Co., THE CAPITAL JOIMAL. OREGON CROPS AND WBATHBR. HOFER BROTHERS, Editors. llomc cc ( y Salem, UlWL dim ViCIITlcU 20 Per Cent. Discount TllJtOl'dllOri' THE ENTIRE STATE For tlie Next Two Weeks. Everything sold subject to 20 per cent. This 20 per ccut. reduction really means more than 20 per cent.-A GREAT DEAL MORE. Have Been Dropping Prices It Along for 39 Days, -AS YOU PI3RILVPS KNOW-- nd have been piofUIng by it. Rut tills 20 I'ER CENT, reduction the next two weeks is really n Reduction on all Reduc tions heietoforenmde. j&y-Sni'ill Profit', is a ruling primipleof tliis flrw. for 'In the State Insurance Bulldimr) and branch ofilces in Portland, Astoria aud Albany, Has f.,r ale a large list of Grain, Stock and Fruit Farms; also City and Suburban Property. The Oregon Laud Co. was especially organized for tho purpose of buy lug 'u sub-dividing large tracts of laud, aud has during the past two years bought and subdivided over 3,200 ncres into PUBLISHED DAI L,Y,KXCK1TSUNDAY, BY THK Canital Journal Publishing Company. (Incorporated.) Offlc, Commercial Street, In r.O. Building (entered nt tho postoffloe nt Balem,Or.,'n3 second-class matter. n five to Tweii j J AS. DENHAM & Co., 118 State St., Salem. msBsonoiiraDi Mjuuyiaaaj $10,000 $10,000 lore Parcels The sueeefs of this undertaking Is shown in the fact that out of 2S0 tract placid .n the market, 225 hae been sold. We claim that ten acres Of choice land in Fiuit, 1 ill Yield a Larger Income 1 I than 160 acres of w heat in the Mississippi .Valley. Woalso make valuable improvements in the way of roads, clearing the laud, fences, etc. We , can sell a bin.ill tract of land for the bamc price per aero as you would I have to p iy for a large farm. , Send for Pamphlet and Price List. tacttmnfwjiiirw Dnturrvnw y For Sale- i Ten Thousand oiiars woith of Fancy and Staple Groceries For pi ires and terms enquire of CAPITAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, First National Bank Building, Salem, Oregon. A. . ARMSTRONG, Manner. I. STALEY, Principal. feDaj and Eening H"-sions begin Monday, Sept, Sth.'tBa BUSINESS, SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING, PENMANSHIP AND ENGLISH DEPARTMENTS. ' M ake persrral inquiry at the Co lege for further particulars, or send for catalogue. O , "T I J I O QTT IT ON is a practical business training school, I uu -l.l ., " "cro 3'0llnK iweu and women aro ' thoroughly lilted for commercial pursuits in tlio shortest time ami at the I I ast e.nuse. 1 hi success of former students now holding responsible portion, both as ROOKKEEPEUS and STENOGRAPHERS, attests ihe quality of instruction given. m m a non n n ipa 201 Cominercial Effi-Goods delivered fiee to all parts of the fun umiMm Groceries and Produce The Rest Canned Goods. Choicest Fruits and Vegetables in Season. None but First-cbss Goods Handled. Every article guaranteed as represented. If you would be well served patronize The Oranga Store, -1 o o street Salem, Oregon. Jv vjiai. , "i!!r"l ' riii iry H I mgMifliattmim"""1 nmtim WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY ornauntesbtudeuu In Classical, Literary, Scientific, Insic Art and Theology. Normal, Business, Law, MEUICALCOURSES H .stiii nldckt, larsest aud least ox pen lie Iu-.HUitUm of learning Id lliu North it school oponH first Monday In HeptO'iiberJ t ml lor ontuln jim to Titos. VAN SCOY, President. 7. Nnlem, Orcu'ou. B. -Dealer ,n" Furniture and The VANCOL'VEH, WASHINGTON. St. James College For Boys and Young Men. MACHINE, On MANT Tho real problem Involved In tho great Erie railway strike Is whether au employe shall bo considered an automaton or a citlreu. The passing awny of tho earlier geucration of railroad presidents has been a chief causo of tho strained relations between corporations and their employes. Tho personal element was eliminated, and a newer crop of magnates, creatures of millionaires or products of stock gambling, men who did not rise to their station of power from the ranks of tho workers lmvo been put in power to treat thousands of skilled, intelligent laborers as mere parts of a stupenduous money gathering machine. This is one causo of tho great New York Cen tral railroad strike. Another causo is undoubtedly of political orgiu. As Powderly states, tills road's enviable reputation for liberal treatment of its employes dates back to the elder Vnnderbilt, who was once a laborer and whoso personal Interest In his men was abated only by tho hand of death. Dcpew's failure as n presidential candidate, and the storm of indig nation aroused at his daring and ilippant candidacy, has taken away all hopo of tills corporation's polit ical aspirations and tho management nre Indifferent to tho Interest of the men, caring only for tholr slavish service and luslstlug that they shall extinguish every Hpark of manhood In their devotion to this great cor poration. The eloquont appeal of Grand Master Powderly touches the patriotic ilbro of American man hood. He proves that tho Knights of Labor employes were being stricken from tho Central's pay roll from one cowardly pretext or another. And why? Recauso the order had laboied thro' committees to secure certain laws for weekly payment of wages Instead or monthly, a demand which was re sisted by the corporation, as a matter of courso. Its managers prefer to employ tho millions of earnings accumulating each mouth In Htock-gambllng on Wall street, to disbursing It weekly to their em ployes. The unsupported statement of the railway magnates, that no em ployes were discharged on account of belonirintr to tho Knights of Labor, but for good cause, ought not weigh for nioro than It Is worth by fair-minded men. Tho facts are acalnst tho claim. The discharged men say so. The railroad company declines to trlvo tho facts as to dis charges. Mr. Powderly, who has uever yet ordered a strike, asserts the contrary. Newspapers that too readily conclude there is but one side to the story, and that side Mr. Webb's nre following their Inclina tions rather than their Intelligence. ?9S Commercial Street, Oregon. nuA i i m pej-BBrnnayzgaMg-aMiMMgiiuMM !' -. ..... -,.i ' J. J. DMM ft 1, I CjpnPjQ KEEPS THE LARGEST LINE OK rM.i ( r rr nrA u v uuuua anu Salem, Ml 5- Tie World's 3 .hv thev arc the best There are many c;We.ntheartof stove making. ey q( onJcr Thcy 'iney .-- Trimmings, COURSES : Preparatmy, Cmuinurvlnl and Classical. Eay to reach; hourlv trains run betvuen Portland and Vancouver. All denominations re(i'ied. Number of boarders limited, early anpllealion ueeosary. During tho past j i nr students were In attendenee from California, Ore won, Montana, Idaho, Uiitiili Columbia and Washington at large. " For Catalogue and detailed information address: REV. DIRECTOR. St. James College, Vancouver, Wi sh. THK JOUllNAI.'H WATKIUIUU Tlio fltrnnge visitor wo found lying on our desk one morning, and by us sent to thoBtate Agricultural Collego for a diagnosis of IiIb "herkomman" or pedigree seems to bo n puzzler to tho educated gentlemen In charge of that institution. He knuwed his way out of tho bo and does not di agnose worth a cent. Prof. b L. Washburn, A. U Entomologist of thu Experimental Station ut Cor vullls writes us that our contribu tion to his zoological laboratory Is still to him au unknown variety, and If wo can find another our name may go humming down the ages attached to a new specie of bug. If he were a pluln common kind of bug wo would not object, but we have a horror of huvlng any con nection whatover with a big-bug or u. hum-bug. Prof. Washburn auks us to send a description of the animal's habits. The nrofewwr muitt excuse us. We have seen this bug In tho east as a jsmall bug. Of course he was a I great deal smaller there, an In our ! Oregnu climate everything grows so J much larger. A man of small men j tal calibre there often gets to flgurn 04 an Intellectual giant In the W. I.....IW W.-.1 V uilnrvuu. It hart ShsIi I)oor Winds &. Mouldings, Turning &. Scroll Sailing. ' the wmo eirot on bug, and even ft r iAkd i a4a i - Jk fe Ladies and Gents Furnishing Goods, Clothing and Hats in the city. 277 and 279 Commercial St., Corner Court, in Bush's New Brick Block. GO TO GEO. !P. SMITH, 807 ( OMMERCIAL STREET, FOR Tents, Awnings, Lawn & Camp Goods, The FliMl Su4. in Halem. lialletiu of the Oregon Teathcr lt't- renn, for Week Ending; Angnst 2H. Local NoIe. WK.VT1IKII. Tho temperature has been below tho averago for the week; it ranged from 45 to 90 degrees. A n occasional sprinkle of rain foil. Generally partly cloudy weather with some smoke, prevailed. CHOI'S. Tlio rain that fell was not sulll elent to do any material damage to tho harvested crop. Every section reports, yields better than were anticipated. Luto sown spring wheat, it is thought, will not be an averago, Oat and barley aro generally yielding more than was expected. Hay i, as rule, better, as to quanlty and quality than was look ed for; tho third crop In many sections being very good. In Yamhill county from a Held of COO acres an averago yield of ."S bushels per net owns obtained. In Benton county it Is estimated that winter wheat will averago .11 bushels, and spring wheat i23 bushels per acre. Late sown oats has yielded as high as 05 bushels por acre. Throughout Linn, Mai ion, PolK and tho other valley counties tho general averago has been far more than was anticipated. Tho hop crop will bo about ,10,000 bales and of good quality. In Dou glas county fruit is plentiful, wheat and oats lu sections a good crop, In othersonly a fair ciop, In Joseph. Ino and Jackson counties water melons aro rlpo and tho crop Is tin usually huge. In the latter county white grapes aio ripe, other varie ties promise well. In Wasco county wheat, oats and bailey aro neaily all cut. Tho general averago yield of wheat Is 25 bushels to tho acre, oats and barley -10 bushels. The county, as a whole has a tlrst class yield. In Sheiman county wheat aud barley aro turning out well. Corn and potatoes promise well. Good accounts of grain come lu from Gilliam and Marrow counties; lu the latter, barley yields of l!tl bushels per aero are renorted. In tlio neighborhood of Eight Mile, orchards are allected by green aphis. In Umatilla and Union counties tho wheat crop Is all that could bo expected. Tho valleys of Wallowa county report most satisfactory yields. In tho Powder River valloy more than aveiago j lelds have been secured. Tho hay crop In tlio stock country was extra good and more than enough Is supposed to ho on hand ror any winter weather that may occurr. On bottom and irri gated laud through Klamath, Lake, Harney, Crook, Grant and Mulhuir counties, Wheat, oats, barley and rve yielded above the averago. .Satisfactory jiolds aie generally reported aud fair prices, with nn upward tendency to prevail. Through I'olkaiiJ Yamhill. Cai'itai. JooitNAi.: Tho writer lias Just returned from a business trip through tho north part of Polk county, In which I llnd that met all tho crops have been cut ami are fast being threshed, w Itli a fair yield, and tho farmers ftel more eonlldoiit about good prices than they did at this tlmo last year. They are faHt hauling and storing their crops at tlio various warehouses. At McCoy I saw a great many teams stnndlng In lino waiting their turn to unload and the warehouse was being l tin to Its fullest capacity. At llallstou and Bhorldan it was thu same way; every one seemed to bo busy and at their K)st, doing all In their power to house tho croH, At Hherldau It was notud that there was quite n boom in real estate aud therefore many new building were being creeled. The grist mill and warehouses aro being enlarged. The grist mill wlien completed will have aluioct double the ciqHiclty It had last j ear. This town Is built on Itotli hides of tho Vaiiihlll river and consequently Is In both Yamhill and Polk counties, as the river here Is the county line. There aro Keveral stores, livery stHhlt, hlaokiiiUli shop, good school Iioiiho-hikI ehiireh, and tho town seems to have luknn on a spirit of thrift that It never had before; In fact th whole country J around this little town seeiiis to be 1 IiImmmI with an InKdllgeiit, high i minded, enturprUliig ml of dtiwiw, who are In favor of all the modern the onr Rre.rilroetly undr tho cen ter, a double llniu'0 grnpltifr the rail. The oar Is prevented from toppling or bv double wheols nt luched to the topof tlie car and nut. nlug on each side ot a eontliiuouH wooden beam held by tho frame work on elthersldoof thetrnek. Tho engine employed Is n bicycle one also, and tho whole train is run on tho principle of ahoop lu motion, which Is less likely to wobble or fall over as tho speed Is Increased. Tho Inventor, Mr. Royuton, claims that a speed can Iks attained of 100 miles an hour. tiii: Nt:w tkkasuky xotks. Three million dollars worth of tho new treasury notes was received nt tho sub-treasury in New York last week, but as the shipment con sisted entirely of one hundred, and one thousand dollar bills, the geneial public has not had much opportu nity to pass upon their merits. Tho notes aro said to bo plainer looking thnn thoo now in circulation, but the work upon thein is finely done. The thousand dollar note Is adorned with a well-executed portrait of Gen. Meade, and the hundred dollar note with a similar likeness of Ad miral Karmgut. The back of tho notes is printed lu green aud has the denomination plainly net forth in large figure across tho entire length. Km titer dlscrlptlon Is un necessary, as all will tie ablo to fee for themselves when they draw their pay on Saturday night. That soiufi from .want to wealth rlo, l on mutter of Mimrlno. I'm siorot In n nut Mtrll llcv, 'J'Ik Hliuply UiIh thpy iulMrtlc. nitr.miN curs. Capital National Bank SALEM - - - OREGON. Capital Paid op, - - WHO Surplus, .---.. 15,000 It, 8. WAI.IjAOK. President. W MAItTIN, Vlco-rreshtcnt. J. II. Al.HKHT, .... Cwihlor. DIRLCTORSi W.T.tlray, W.W. Martin, J. !. Miirtln. IU K. Wallace. Dr. V. A.Cualck. J. H. Albert, T. AIoF. l'ntton. LOANS MADE To mrmcn on wheat and other market- nblo produce, consigned or in itore, either in irlnte ernnnrtesor public warehouses, Slalo and County Warrants Bought at Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted nt renitonnlilo mtes. Drnrt drawn direct on New York, Chlcncp, H.ui Kranoloco, l)rtlnnd,Indoii,llftrls,lJcrln lions Kong and Calcutta. Firs National Bank l(! Ill IM SALEM OREGON. vm. n. umi:. - t)lt. J. IIKYNOL.D8, JOHN MOIIt, - - . Pn-fn cent Vice President - l':i Bluer GENERAL BANKING. KxctinuROon lMrttond, Ban Krnnclsco, New York, Irfinilnn and Hour Ivona iHiURht nnd mild. Htatc, County and Uty mtriuuts boiiKht. Fiiriiierii nro cordially Inxlledto deimklt tind transact liulnts with uh. I.llKirnl ndnnces made on whent, wool, hops nnd other property nl reiisounbio nte. liuntmnro on ucl v curlty can ho nhtalncd at tho bunk In moat reliable conipnnlox. inopcration. acJ . ,,wr hakinsU perfection. -,, ,.,i ol, rrmr 2, Maniifnpf i irmrr in ;veaunifonnhc3r,3nU;r: - fae bnUUm OGSII, uuu. vx munuiuuiui m.& u., In short, the Garland g mone) verv best that can be P than evcr before , r' u.v. been bougl "'" ' Cottage Grove Is soon to havo street lamps. Tho Appeal wants Sllverton to or ganize a board of tiade. Tho peoplo of Cottage Grove are in ranging for an agricultural fair in October. The Dorranco Lumber Co., of Hudson, has straightened out Its af falls nnd It now running again sns tho Kugeiio Guard. Tin oo families of Belgian Krenoh anlvcd in Sllverton last week, hav ing crossed the plains In wagons, ilioy think of bottling near Silver ton says the Appeal. Stephen Fmecd foi warded -liKM) pounds of hops via Biiuramento to Milwaukee by fast freight Thursday. Tlie-o hops weio of tho 1M)0 crop and the pioduetof two and it half iierus. Kugono Guard, From the best advices at (no lid gone Guiird ofllco, It would seem that Laiio county will not have over two-thlids of a crop of cereals. However, tho yield Is consldeiably bettei than aiitlolpated u mouth ago. A daughter of tho deceased Dr. Ryland, of Woodburn, who lias been recently living ut Bpleer, Or., attempted to start a lire, using coal oil as a means to hasten matters. Au explosion was the lesult and tho young lady was badly burned. The La Grande GuottoMiys that some two months ago John Mum 1 1 toy had Ills hand sawed oil' below the w rlst which hung only by aslired of flesh. Tho attending physician desired (o cut It oil but Mumniey Insisted that It bo replaced and ilnhMid us good as possible. Now the severed member lias grown to gether and can bo moved slowly. Hays the Hherldau Com ler: There are at the present time about fifty white men aud one hundred chliia uieii engaged lu rallioad work on tlio natrow gauge at (his tiluco. Tlio extension to (lie graN el bar Is com pleted, mill tho gravel train will bo put on as soon as au engliiu arrives for that purpose. Thoy nru'nlso Mtirfaeiug tlie road aud putting lu stuudard gauge ties betwioii here and llallstou. It Is but a matter of a short thus until wo will havo a ilrstwias narrow gnu ho road, and in a year or two it will Is a standard gauge. TIioh, Anderson, a woll-known farmer living near Tuugeiit, wnsur rested for jwrjtiry and arraigned In Justice Wyatt's court, nays thu Al bany Hti Ailay Herald. He pltmd not guilty and thu time for Ids trial whs sit for to-morrow at 10 o'clock. A cjvll milt to rwover money was brought agaliikt Mr. AiHlemniwuue time ago by a man who had Ihnmi lu 1 his employ as a farm hand, and he swore tliHt he had w.rkwl during 1 tlie mouths of April mid May hut. ImproviiHtnt common to our oivlll-'Thls Mr. AiiiImhui tlenlwl while on nation and therefore are pnjwnMi. ' H' wltiitoMml. Iwnra Ills rrest f.rmers, mwohants, artlwus mid on tho ulwvo ohiirge. mechanics. A TitAVKi.KK. FOUNDED IN 1868. Thooidostnhd strongest Hnnk soutti ot I'oitlnudimd nnrlli of Hnn rmneUeo. il)lkl. Bankers, Iron Building, Salem Or. AceounlH kept, loans inade.nxchniiKO on ever1 purt of the world boiiKht and m nl, letter ofi'if dll hxtii'd to trawlers, rollte tlinisinndotlinaiBhiHiltlio United Htales, llrltlHh Atiinrleonnd .Mexico. This bun It him .minrlnry connretlons with Imnloi lu Oretioii, WnslilliBtnn, Idnlio and Montana, and eorriwpoiHluuts In all tho principal umnx oft hero stale. 8.J-lni Why Don't You Buboerlbo for thu EAST 0REG0NIAN? Dally, ff70a ear; SUM ror six monlUs; Heiiil. Weakly, JlW)a carj Jl.M for six months; Weekly, 91.75 n )Kit) tt.00 fornix month. 1MIB 1CA31 OU1COO NIAN will glw you thu now, both local and Keiiuml. It Is Democratic lu overy tliliitf.esttii In politics. It alia to bo Jtmt aud fair, even Kit has to hu aug rtwilw and "Mop on conn." It would rather bo right nntl Ioho thnn wrong and win. Tk III Try Ut You won't lo any sloop ovet It AddroM EAST01IBMANPub.Co.9 I'finillcton, Oregon, WHAT ISA TUBULAR WELL? He Sure to Head ami (let no Other A ffuiililoeTiihulnr well I eoiutr Jdcd by puttluic flown u thru) Inch Iron plw,wlth nooEwliliiKk utit top and Ixilloni. Mo dirt can t lu mid unly pnrn water enn bo Kiitmit. '1 hU U thuiialy kludof wull thai worunt and Iiimn'U mimul k'ot I ti to, Jlmt t.tiMilutely surfaetvwaler proof, and that I forced ihroiiith thu eeinuiit strata to iho niirullMnir water. It U iMMltlvelv thu only kind of well that U worth hiilldhnln llil niiilry JanioM A. Itoberts, Hulum. (rtwldeiu near fair roiiint) nmki'i these wbIIk 'Inriio. rtohalilB, lOyearoexperl oaeo. 0e3I-liiHWni-w $1 WILL BUY A LOT Of k'oodnat our stort'l Wo carry a full Htm of KriMwIw., fM'd. e rookery, ulankwaru, cl Kar, tolmtSHj nnd eoufeetlouery, T. HUItnOWH, So. M Coiiuuiiriilul Ht., ftalom STAG'K LIYERY BAUN. at Itwtrnf Uhsnisknto Ilolul, Ii. It. HUFFMAN, Prop. I'lrnt-flivM t'K Air all oocnMmin Feed lnicad txHtrluitf M.'iuy Convcyanrt fur ooiiiuiur. ail men mid otlur on uliort Willi rHmu HtfOMiinnbtu WEBSTER THE BEST INVESTMENT fr tt Fwny -v ii k,i, or I" f-l"nl I.ibrtry tWEBsrePZsTiit IVNABIUCCrJMSTWWJk -ir h.'n WorMAiJg'TkrBEsrI Beware m TV" the history of a s" 'le sean " "CI ' U tfc Grt,U' -' '" C-srJ" iirlJ." R g WADE & w.f Agls.,Salem!J1- .. .,..,..( I V ,rVTY V"r ii . ..ut Kll V 1 s WI K kind U- " ' ft ' l.inr litad to odw , ran tuppiy of immx h or an i .,., . fMiu a if II wm I r.iaf h nlin lMpta. .' Who do All Kind of One llmdrMl VU an Hour. A new style of mllrfwd lift junl boen ueefully tMl inr N York whieh It U tlnwuht may mil inatoly reVolutlu4lw tho rraritt Catarrh Can't U Cured Tli l,lt tii n ha.1 uUry s j :it t JM-im with LOCAL AIM'LICATIONW. ihiry oniiikit roy tb Mt ul the dUooo. CitlarrliUa Monti ut eiu tttUuliomtl dUxmn-, nnd lu onlmr to wire It you lwv to uki Iniwruul rentiMllMM. HmIIV Cm rrh Uur is taken 1 1 t- ititlly, ami urti dlreolly newitpaper tntn may not be exempt this climatic extension of In tellect. Hut, really, profewsor, you are coming back at us lu a way we, oanny rvm. .u. " --- (4JIJ, u ftBMHJgBr trWjmrtiil.Mi nig w an eouor ior in very IMu....t j , ,eW4v By-Im,d fMi tho 11 Wud iuhnm MirAicu r I lTT1nT rf7l J K , ' , , ' party of newspaperman wewfwiilrwtl '"". "" r w no i wkbk I I 1 1 1 J V f I II yousuppoMj we know everything? ', ,,jr ,,,' ', ,,u ,.A , ,., uMWue. 1 1 whm preribd b one I 4 I I II I Willi K Or do you expect us to dive to tho ft,', ar th ' ' " l of th tml iliMriM lu Um omhi- , IXrtUHil 01 ine lliametie niiu muu u-i-1. M lih-1. kHi.iU.ti. It U n.mi..1 irf lib tl.U trig's hbU. ' diMililMlrfwr w lib veo ,- ' '., imMimnI with IIILb.r-. llluUe kud IJr I'lll prtMetlt OH MMNI . ! rtly HU tb IMIMHI -Uitu. TIlO Thrf"."1 "iWHy"! oHiipHit kbjr Hrlf mwI 'u- imrfHttMHuUtMihNi irf ilw two ti- """S " "" i l"n CT . .,.... ..... j.l .l. 'Pi!- u 1.11U U 1... . .....I. iv iuUBitir mm ut ran, ittrbu irutii i mntr t s. r. .. .-.- .nvI. . r . r. .. . i'-i.u . r.. ....&... .......j.i. t' nr tl III II tcb i. w tn niUKtrklna tat BMrtyrrry Ilc-U mkiiy other Taluhl uiMinuif kiur nl iiipriIlioKriiili' Irkl IMclluiiitry, Hvvt (iuicllcer ut Ui Vurld, kOUk lilctlnnaryor I'Ulluu. At C1h Mt nay Iuwlry In the Coonir l'h4ng While Help ai.d doing ItrktluM work. trljkiUe kBd ptre luvlted to n.ii our pre m ilulm?. " ' turn M, THE VEB8TBn OP T0-DAY U Tb ttindtol Auibedty in UiGommenl frlnllna 0IHf , k4 win. tl. U.S Supreme Court. It U rWHiinuU'l by Hi 1UU luprlntndnlt r School IB 39 ltil, n. by lb Ifkitfair Col 19 ffldnU f tin I B nnd Cunmliu" DON'T BE DUPED ty UijIdk li hp pit ityp reprinUcf no b. wUla'Aibilii now trtinK fuuttd upon lh ikikL f rum A lu Z thy r all Hllh. bln ior tpradulian of tl twtlookry or uvcr io ykr ugu. AiinouacJintnU coacornlos Ik in kra 7rr iitUkkiiinK, tor Instkne, tli Uw !UuMMt of bvio lld "new word" vru omptltd by k genii, wan who hi Un Ue.t r 8blilyikr. tml wu mtiuliod twfurk ht Jtb. Oibf MMKiltwi k.1 jitliin ra roprloU of lfk nwr. Th book kro kll rompkrktlTtly . TIm 1aiH and tienuln Edition of .r.U .Lkk.tft.i tlm mm Ul WMM lAsPftl IFIftlll I1MI BUS IH IJloW ni M tfeV KIJIVIIM Ml T IIHft IHIRIUIV WtWii TT"V'?7T ". rJI7!3kHl . .... . ..u..i. i.. lk.... .... i. . Vwl SXTfXSriSSr wM,.iy r n. hn- nm i . u fir tiiiwi fh-- Webfitart Unabridged Dictionary .riT,rf,22,3llS ,- mimIi Kll.-r UU4-IUW u, run .vnmmw m v.,i r. 0 A O.MKUUMM 4iCO..JprtnflnM.MM. 230 Uborty Street , 4W WvpkfklMHl ah jiKn rl. TIh wIim al B4tlly drugglnf, jtrlw 7. Ml by kll UMkiotUr. ftUiitiktodparophlttfr, HFBHUk BUlHW.lAt1- m LSiL uw- JAtciagiaajc.iiift'iMli ii y i ff! mzgiTBmMmmMunmm i ii ij Oulv Abstract Book