a is SiTiwmsr I Assoi-in(l.li p ,,lllm, , Jfet f all Important w r To-lKu. ii'ISCELUNV. uailuo sriiiku. Xi:w York, . ue- 0.-Tht- tint tr.iln ,v1,ll, ln l-. "011,1 "...,. i. I i - , . ....... i,iui:u ui -- vvmrai ue- The only remedy known which will pot this morning passed out (it j stimulate the Nutritive Processes of the " witb fourcars wiPii "" .. . by mail sorters. There irern Human system, ZMMWt? T EIHiilZ. I a qmsJbv r Wmmk FOREIGN. KI! MAKE IT t.VDKKIN JOHN HUGHES, "K, Fratuv. Allir II T.r . .. SJ .vsthee.,r ,u, ordered I r ,nnU JW, Artists' Mil- " ! n it,-,. i "nurwi n. , ,. Jr t.i, n.,; v..ti i remedies r willlin . aUti'.If.VlsIl l,n.. . i ... .". JJ....V, J. .111. I1.lll SIHU ' lnlsoli " " " year. ., . V,' "V. . ... '"' "u Ul Posts, Grass Seeds, Etc. , Hall's l'- .-. . REST0HATIYE PERFEOU NUTRITIOm EAlTHi By this natural and pimple means It quickly and pcrmancn- y Cl'ItrS All Form of pyipcpsla, Constitution, Mental and sjcrvous Exhaustion, C.enornl Debility, jlroln Fag, or nuy exhausted or weak ened condition of the system, from what rtr cause, Shin Eruptions, noils, Run nlng Sores, Scrofula, and all Diseases of ;ho Blood, Stomach, Hi or and Kiilnejf. $1. 00- SIX BOTTLES FOR S5.00. Dr IHHer's 61 paijo book, docrlptlvo of Hy drnstino Uestor.itive and his other lteiaLd.es, jentln.ouy win. I iTWiiiKn, l0., Alltf. u.wn "" Mr-am. a u.iini liwlnB lwK "uulbt, illwl ihN .nerntwii. ORDINAL. AcvnriKD or mukiikk. Sax FiiAXcism. Ainr !... the road s eompUte. livery train-1 ulu:eol,t. charged with the murder mail, switchman, eoulneer and j "' "tur. Meuert. one or the striking conductor except tho-o necsisarv to ! moulJrs, was aecquitted to-dav bv attend to the mail trains have ,fie I"nv'-,r- stopped work. Five freight trains hf. oyer West Shore road last night. V llTIVPTnV The strikers all conducted them.' " AOIlliUi I Ul. selves in an orderly manner. They . oy man sorters, 'mere were no pa.seneers aboard. The tie up on Catarrh Can't he Cared I m ith LOCAL APPLICATIONS, ns ' lii., . r, i i .... , '"- "iuihh reaoy mo seal oi ;ue l'cnler in Grnrorir. Pnitif.cO!if.'fiiw. v..rri."i. 1,1.1 iUta Window Gloss, Wall l'n- stUutionnl disease, and In onler to. 011 nave to take Internal . Hall's Catrrh Cure is Internally, nod nets directly moon mm mucous suriaees. Catarrh Curo is tin nmiek tiiediclue. It was nnserllol hv uno xkw invr.RTisKMEvrs. oftliobest physiciaus In the eouu- l try for years, and Is a regular pro 1 M-riHiuu. ii is coniimscii 01 too ! lwt tonics known, comliincil with 'thelvst blood purifiers, tictiug di- I reetlv on tho nuieiius .xurfrtera. Tin, perfect eoiubinatioti of tho two In I jjreiiienta is what produces such I wanilerful results In ctirint? catnrrh. 1fi.t.i. i. ...... 1 Slcurl ft trwit ttuntitulb rMvrt -mi hip lunnnseiuent or tne Onftott "; .v......,...,... "-- State lUKird of Arlcultim, irllll held i 1'. J. C HKXI'A Co., Pi on the state fair croumls near Snlem. commencliijr on Monday, September Intli. ISflO, And lat!ni;one wpk. UILD I I cnoUli Oiwii , Fair, TIMIlTIKTIt AXXIAL EXHIBITION n M'flPIWCt III III 1 ll II In Glassware , roiw. l'oledo. O. Sold by druggists, price 7oc. M.UIKKTS HY TELEOllAPH. Over JiiOdll. 00 say they are determined uot to go to work until tho discharged men are all reinstated. Executive board of H1LLER DRUG GO., San Francisco, Gal, dJf trif rmrhy 240, WM in 8eft,Ion tin iiiui. liiiiuciur jne I'-OK SAI.K liY "Ktvcl by Dan'l J. Fry, 223Com'lSt. 0JLACKS3IITIIING, Whm wt1 Carriage Making and Repairing HorseshoetoK n specialty. All work guar anteed. JOIIX HOI.M, Tornerof Cominerclnlnnd Chemeketa sts "'nalem, OrcRon .... ' 1'Ol'ltT 1 ,..,,..- r. W Court 1. le- tniiiiH'd at iris post all niht and io ser'en are iifld at iuot of the pre ciurls. To-day he has detectives all along rho bridge and in the tunnels. No fieiht ears are run to-day, but Inspector JJyrues ha received dispatchi"- ' the elleet that Ihe officials i 1 iry to run pas-enger train. There i co'sidernhle improve ment in thi'xiMititloii at the Urai.d 3tYSTKniOl-S MATTKK OK STATK. Washixhtox, I), c, Aug. 0. The department of state has received u dispatch dated LaLibertad from Miuister Mizuer to Guatemala. The department declined to make public the telegram or the instructions in reply. A HIOT KEAUCD IX IXI1IAX TT.KHI-TOIIY. ASIIIXllTON, U. C, Aug. !. The secretary of the Interior re ceived a telegram from Mr. Heuuett. Indiau agent at Muskogee. Irdiau Territory, saying Chictssiw situation is serious, There in great danwr of INSURANCE Com pany . Klrc and Jla-rlne. JOS. AliMBKT. AKPnt. - Salem. Oreson ffl (Jvutrul depot till, miiriilng. No-' an outbreak on the Utli Instant, the tiifniiouueini! I In-temporiry sus-'day of election, on account of lhe PfDs'um of avng'-r traffic hasdisfrauehrmicut of "Squawiuen." WM. WIOKEY, HoUsSe Painter, Decorator, and Wall Tinier. Leave ore'er at John Hughes' More, State street. . . O. C. CHASE Artistic Paper Hanger and Wall Decorator, Good worlt, economy and sample work shown before engaging. jo- Pay based on work measured mi the wauV Lave orders at Raruent', Meyers or Keller's residence at Highland addition. R m -A".yjgaiftiaBes . - : C4 'C&P1S& bien tjiken dov. :i Hetw 08D sli ud tea o'clock ee'ien tr.iin came iu, some through tralne, others 1 eal, made ui of cars fctuiltd it li.u'epj and Mot tha ven. VI.- President Webb said he did Hot '.Link matters would HsMime .-.-e'i qiantic pro portions but thai itii-n can be found to man the Mains. A majority of .fctttUHer Mi-Arlliur has left those who have left are switchmen and yardman and their places are being filled us rapidly as possible. TIII'.STKIKK AWH'T OVKH, Vlee-presideut Webb estimates llie uumber out at between four ami live hundred. At the yards of the West Shore road it is reported that ail trains are arriving and depart ing ou time. At 11:00 Webb said everything was running smoothly. There is more applicants for work than place.-! to tj it, ASSUMING A SKUIOUS 1'ltAfcti. Tho engineers and Knights of Labor hu ve arranged fur a coufer- Troops will be at Fort Gib-.ju iu readlue.'S to res-pond to any order necessary to suppress a riot paragraphs, The I'lilted Elates coast survey ?'an FwneiM'o for Santa Barbara ehauuel to not as a stakp bpat during tho official trial of the new pruiser Bap Franeispo, which is expected to oc cur there next week. Tho Porroco tulue, near Ilcnunrilr lo, iu Sonora, has been tlooded and twenty miners drowned CASH PREMIUMS Offered for ngrlcuUuriil, stock aud ntc chanleal exhibits, ror works of art and fancy work and for trials ofspeed. lieauci a rates for fare and freight on all transportation i,.i Ktoaud from tho fair. Importun1 ,,.. ivemcnts have been made upon the ground aud Increased faclllllrs ureorfcreitpxlrhltor. Tk Pavilion Will lie Open Four nights during tho week. A splendid Held for horses entered In the speed deoarttnent, and tine exhibition of racing will be given each day. Entiles for premiums cloe Mouthty ut T::0p. in, Kxhlbltors nro ur;et tn ni-iko m tunny nrthelreiitrlr-. on Sttmhiv l-n,re the fair as iosiilp. Hoods, animals aud urtlcics f.ir exhibition must U in their places by 10 p. m. on Mouduy. PRICES OF ADMISSION: Mit'.l.j llcket fio,. i'uuiii s i m y iic-Ket MuN skivou 11,-ki-t Woiuiiii'h M-a.io ticket SI 00 M-nd to thesis- t nynt I'ortiiitiiV.l'lrccou. forn premium 1M, 1). , LUOXKY, J.T OltEoO, stctutary. ,lw-tit NOTICE: To My Patrons. J. ll. HAKIMS' Nn!i-iu l-;.prrs wagons Xos. l. and II! can bo piiiml on rui-ner Couitund rommorclal stivou. l.eiicull train ami bom m tli-rmit I..S. lulcis' ero eery kinrii, 110 lnutt t-tii-ct. All onler pruinptl) iittemled to. l"OKTIiANI. Whmt Valley, 31 2JHI aft. riour siandard, S Tft. Outside grades, SS60. Oats-,VV5l-5 jht bushel. MilNluils-Hm J1B1T; shorts, iK&V) ground kirley, Sti3 enop feed. Si-, mlddtltijts, $ .VV-, Iht Ion. Hay -317 per ton. Uutler Oregon fancy dairy, aVt Diticy KS; g"d t rnir. aLvJK: Oiiironua i'le. l-'-ggs Oregon 10 to aije ht doen. roultry Old chickens, M O.V-" fiO; lai-gti sprlnii, SUK I W. Potatoes T.x' to SI per e-ntal. It ii'se Oregon. 10 to i:)c: Oillfornt:. V'toltV. Sugars UoMeii C, 41-; extra C 6(Ji: dry Kmaulaled, (-,',; eube, crushed mid lv dercd, 0Je jht H)und. lleuus Small while, sa; ulnk, 31; bayos, l W, buti-r,f8;llums, 35 00 per cental. Drleil Irults l'lummer dried, 10 to lie; undried and factory plums, ."$ to tic; pouches, .stindrled,'10i- evaionited, ll-)j to 17e. lllee 6,le per pound. Hides Dry hides, S to He; J; loss for culls; Kiccn over ftj pounds, I?; under ."o pounds, 3c; sheep pells, short wool, HO to 50c; medium, fu to KV; long, im m l ai shearlings, UHo'-W. Tallow ittHid lo choice, ! to itjje Wool Kastern Oregon, 10 lo ti valley, 1(1 to;is ,icr pouud. Nails Iron, $.1 )-, steel, M fW, wire. Kl IW kt keg. lleef Live. 3V to ac; dressed, Tc. Jl iitton l,i e, !l-( lo !!c; drtwscil 7 It-Hfs Live, Ce; drcs-ed.t's-. Veal .1 to To per pouud. Spring lntuUs 3-Jeacti. SJIOKKl) MKATS AND UAltl). Cistern hams, 12 to l.'ijc-, bnstkfast Im oon, 1-Ja lollle; sldes,l, to Vty lard, t' to IOV,e per pound. SAN I'llANCIll'. Sax l'UANctsro, Aug . Whwit 31 :V4 to 1 :." for standi) rd shipping ituillty. ltarley l-'eed 31 17)61 'J2 pr eenta Old liicwliuj gradi-8 held at 31 :. ERT L PA Crockery am Paints, Oils and Varnishes, Lime, Cement, Hair and Piaster, Oats, Wheal, Bran and Shorts. All our floods nro First Class and our Prices aro Below Competition. If You Have any Proditcn to Sell, or Want Anything in our Line, you can't Afford to deal Helbre Consulting us. ulL IT k PATTERSON. i Chopped feed, 321 lo 25 per ton. Indiana reports to thestateagricul-1 SINGER SEWING MACHINE l'ZZ 1 75 per cental In boxes. tural board that the wheat yield is about Co per cent, average crop, and corn will mature half a crop. Kruit jsa failure, According to the report of the state board of agriculture, of Ohio, the present indications show a de- Office 181 CommercjaJ St. All styles qf the FnmounSlngcrcoustant ly on hand: uW repaint and needles Coral klndiof machine. BURT CASK, Agent. euce. Everything looks us if tlio cii,ie 0f o ier cent, in the wheat engineers wouiu go oui lo-nigiu auu l)roSj)ecl bn&! the estimate of J u y l. Henry George in an interview brick! BURTON BROS. - prepared to furnish a nret-classr article Brick iu town or country or anywhere are nt I) In "!"!.'y?.i" ";'."... m Ti "Prices reason able. Ya. ds . ,n State street, opposlt" O. a V. All orders left with Williams A Eng land promptly attended to. this w.ll virtually stop all traffic. TJIK CONDITION AT ALBANY. Aluanv, JT. Y., Aug. O.-Tliu sit uation of the strike here is more firm than last night. Tho only jni-'n 0t work are engineers and a few lire men, Western trains which came before noon are still here. Ou the first western train was attached a passenger coacti having aboard Gen- REED'S OPERA HOUSE. Just Two Nights, yesterday with London people, i YvWw - Saturday, Aug. S Jc J). talked enthusiastically of his Aus- ; on,1,(.mcllt of lhe irauan lecejiiiuitK, ninvn v ..fei... ed as more llulteiing to himself anil favorable to his theoiies than any he had ever received. Mr. George declared his belief that the imperial federation was waning. Arrangements have been concluded FAMOUS ELLIOTTS and the - Including 2 .liiiiaiiese Ladies 2 rim nrk-liiMl Imnerlal Jananoe ChrvH- .-.,i Abrormif n.-irtvon tne r way to tu,,,..nn t m s'mt iern rae no aim i nniiiemum iniiiw.iiiiiei innu uui m ciuwud---i . - .....,v -- i , .., 'I'lu-iitiT To in riwlUve v )iueut at boston. 1 11(, Seattle XoitherK ruilroail-40y,H,ll.m.k(.iJnr)y peiiormeislnAiuei Togetlu-r with Premier Artists Onlons-Sl o lo2 OJfor red. l'ltonucr. KXciiANni:. Wltw.t Iluyer'l);elnsliig, JMil; buyer KOAKon, closing, 31 Alto 1 M. Hurley lluyor 'Kl; closing, 31 1st; buyer scnou claslng, 31 -Vi. CHU'A(H) WIIKAT MAItKlTl'. riiu-Afio, Aug. r,. Wheal SI (M. I'lIK'AOO I'ATTLK M AltlCl.T. C'lllCAdo, Aug 5. Cattle receipts, M,l; beeves. SI US to I NV. sliers, J.'l fM lo I 00; Kloekersand feeders, tS alio II '.'.1;o I, bulls and mixed, SI 'Jftlo,'! IO.Tomih eiittle, 3J 75 lo .1 IM. Hogs-Ueculpls, 170; mixed, 31 75to!lK1 heavy, Si to to .) s" light, s.1 70 m a us. Bheep-Kecelpts Tittio; uallves S-l SO to fi ill); Texas, 31 HO to 1 W lambs Jt In d 15. M lf-CKLANKOUS .M. UK KT8. Nkw Yoiik, Aug. 5, Ciitlbe, Hlo tinner; fair cargot, SO; No. 7, tint bean, ts).(c lo Hugar Haw, held higher; rollnril gnu 'tho 6ito6'giuslniU,8tlo Wte? yellow, y, lo America, ftjie; grnnulaled ui. I'etroleuml'Oe. ClIlt'AiiO, Aug, n.Ilye; quiet at ll'e. Ilarlej steady, Whlsky-51 Pi Hlioulders Sft. Short clear 36 litoaTfi. Short rlbs-.?S ) to fi i!.". jirdr- bi!H. OOl 111 tOllM'. 25 tltoG. A. R.encauipm Onlv oue train started south and I wi,iL.n aiVva the Northern Pacific that was made up of mail cars and , the right to operate the Seattle mid i 25 two parsenger coaches, 'juestrifcere, Northern road in tho tuiure. Fruoi'FAXaud MKKIf N whou the train was about to be 01vm,)ja ,mil sifi.000 lire yester- MtreluUl,m. ,'', ;,, Nm,f switched OVtT the bridge across the ,iuv ..fmrtiouil. Unlcpie, Urlglnul and Itetlned programs Hii,i.iii.ii", ...,..,., . illij aiiLiiiKun. c.i.riili-rcil In one performance. HhaVO the EXCIUSIVB Control Of , river, refused to let . O H , s Y k ,e op- snAdn.;n am. -,, cen,-. seats on propel ij "" - I poseu to tiaviug iiieireniiiiuniBi-c- called on to disperse them. cute(1 . electl.lcity fln,t Will petition EVEinTHiNa GOE.. tm? next iogisaturo to repeal the 'ollt'0 of Assignment. SKWYOBK, AUg. 9. 430P. IU.- aw JUMV. l,,m,nce. ,lol.,g business a A n'.lnek this afternoon Hie -tw ,..,.... r..r... ,,..-k. ..nrv cnnnlv niiilerMiiiIlrmtiameof Dornince Itiothcri., n""",v" ,...i.. AHlin inmuiuv '--'J - r. ". i.... . ..,.i .. n....r,. ifiini..,,! in im,. York Central is almost corapiueij yf yel)r.,Bj.n( hww the pi fM.r of all their ciedtiois Notite is pkopkiktok ok tied up from this city to BuiIhIo, of u fur Mf)W ,0 l;;;Z ........ fl, Tn mu n, m , onlytju.toranlBtUyro; r,vt.ral colinu, u-iu, en- -M tl (I, S i UK inemail. The strikers lnciuue an ., , ,, ,., ,N ,ot Mim. in ilie .i,;,n.i.bt.d to said iirm win be rt- 1 1 1 1 J UljUIJ rJlIlUIJIJUi ,o aroont engineers aud tlremen. r 3 iN1IIlltl. ......... .u.iwii.rh"JW.,l,'2!!r nun v...... - u II frulirllt e.Miei - isuieui, .ir.-yoii.niiK. ""i . . ni ii noi i i inn. nil ni,in.' . .i ...-... i.iiui,i;i V llfill . t'li'ti-i JAY C. SMITH, (Sucetiior lo Gilnet Fliherl m I WM MEADOW AND HIT MM ?oiif Milos Prom Salem io Capital of Oregon. One Thousand aeiet of as lino laud as thero Is In tho northwest, divided into ono hundred snitvll meadow and fruit fauns. These tracts for the KIHBT TIMK aro now placed on tho market, nuigliiK in prices trom 560 to $100 pornero one third oath, balance on thuo with Interest. Mo Better Opportunity for Investments In a small way ha-s been ol'eroil to tho public. Thousands of dollars will ho expended 'within tho next 12 months In Improvements In the Immediate vicinity of this land, while upon tho tract itself, in tho way of roads, teneing, etc., a large amount of money will bo used. A Free Hide to and from tlio Place to any ono wishing to wo or invest. Call at tlio olllco of & CHAMBERL Court St., Salem, Agents, tor Plats, Description and lurtlier particulars. W LLIS I 11 n eAGENCY; ONE AND ONE HALF gUKDS. GILBERT & PATTERSON, SALEM, ORE. m in f 0 I) flLTTON, Prop. tmo'faHd,". order. MILL .MACHINERY, ORES It is now announceu luam.i .-.b- N ,lll ,, eugtueerfi W expecteu io Su u. night. -- ----- HHSsALEHAI'IWLJOyilNAL wad-iystlU'tHnirch will be made ll!XXVi: ,n California for the widow and 1)(, Y(m Gl1 :l I,niy , Weekly rpJji'iRVeUsaTf. ftUV." chiidien ot io, l"c'" ,":,,,. From tni hooiiuhs; . uimii millionaire, over uo -.- (.j( ofOrogOII. .,.n,li. IO Le HIIUU31 l .- -" .11)11 N M. l'AYNi:. kimo-IhI iiiii-iitlon ulveu to tnm-lelil I Asslgiifs'of )(irrnnce llros. stock. Horses lioarded by day, week or - - month. OF THE v SWAN FOUNTAIN m ut- Stock HoliU'iV Meeting. rnlll-'. hmiiiihI ineelliig of tliestm-k holders I in tliei.old MiiiiiitHlnand Dry (lulcli UiiKulliluU-d (mid and sIHer Milling lo. Vill ic lielil at tll omre oi uiu siimhh.v i .n ck tilmo- 'r: oust as over that of the Wythe estate A HCSCILISQ LAW AT JJEST. , x vu-. K. Y.. Aug.9.-Lead ii; lawyers awert that the Keinnaler sirill It. HAMMKK.rerti1ry. 7:llw:l Notleo of Dissolution. Horses Bought and Sold, lor. I.llwrty and Terry His, 8mittiii. W1UT ISA TUBUUK WELL? lie Sure to Head and (let no Oilier A geiiuliicTubulHr wH U eoustr ictrsl by imltl-ig (Kiwiiii Ihrew Inch Iron pisi, wmi LBIi . . ...,.,iavi r.i cants a inaiiiii ' ... ..... , ......... ...i.,i. i.. umiwii ns i-x.-Htii ton ami iiiioui. aii -3ii siS ,7tM .sZ T W K. ( K :l i m - by ' ; mm irt in n. on r ..iis .wUr.. l . ver. and Oovwnmwii Kr i """" mMIim ' it. .ai-h. mkkb 7. foriwi llin.ugh Hb. emwit tmt to itt ..l.ilnlt 7 f"(,?T ... ... ...... I i ...lllilu flu. LESS THAN 2 CENTS A WEEK! .j B,l,MI- 'cisiw ritVL'SSi ' ' ... ' (rwtlilMKW nwrfHlr groiiniU, innkM Uimo It Ih one of tlio very bebt r It still more i,-.,.- t, li, ii.ni.it.-ii ..r tliisn fiivnrlin Pins nro now In use In Marlon i-oilutv nloiie. Koiintalii l'eii iiiiiniifaBtiiied, All Insuriinio Agentu uso thin I'en. Tlio Into Improvement, ronde iittrnetlveaml more desirable, A full lino of MA III K TODD .V MAltD'H Oolil lVns aro always In utot-k, ulso IMIOTO AIJtUMH, AI'TO AMIUMH, HC'ItAl' IIOOKH, Hf'ltAI'I'ICTmtKH, I'UJtBKB, OAKD UASES, VIHITINO OAIIDM, WKDDINfl HTA'PIONEIIV. ,...-!ll.. .1-11 IPIH1 Al iillllllllll 111 l,vv.'- m ....allt I. -w..w -. ,-' -----. .. ... 'mbmck bringubout.hedlscharceornv. mur- A READNQ MAN QR WOMAN I A R T I S T . WS "r"" """" JRHZZtiXT' VrtUiAr' PilOVTSi . ,,nu-iiwailiUK death. Ii tne .. tre , rmidlnK lostrucHoo. tvn and PoMmll eiilurgr ald lor oia iron. Hteirn' Tk 0ftM a a Mm - ,ZL"Hi ,'ii. An. u. iiuni. '"Ti'B rCSS HM lAft VI Remember tlie Place, tn ?d OS State strisist, Sax. em, Ore. JeopMI". tw Tmi fH PMtnu: ---,;. k 1 JoUd .. .1 i .l..J l'.l.- .-. i, iiMifflTll.dcatlat.nMleeln llh Musical Merchandise t:t- wi, aat -jb DIAMO LS!matI'oluJU.y8.Ca'forna: Auy u fur ,. vr IX ., - Mu.tc House, Eionu.r . fttC, tUat ueio" "" ni f k Manev n OfOZOrt, ,vm si.-a ,4Umt UisW. i lua;''rkwl"dt,rtef... .,' a .. , Psfl0W't Mf"! LiiT3,rIJu.rn. "M- nnrnnnr t ' J W . a . ier:uvw . .. n ui.k"- - .. ' . . .. .. Jl"" ' T ril.nrt Hill. rnwu"w"7' i.r a male. i...ou. ' i uii'M (ii ttm ui tr . -- . ,t ,. .ad, dulw ftfJftA HeAUTM. Kin. yM, f 'x , (,tW( Ma ' '. .s - - -nV. tflMsu MfiMftry Iu it W Ik fcy-t.i. J'rlrr, f 3 0 U. lllrlinn'. (1 liUn to ' irnrmr P. n, , . ti j ii In basement, nur '' ' . . lillVf lWl .ZMB ojirio.' - Work ut m rifrr"i ni i . 0. Litirttfr w" riumDinotruui.6- jrwB, .rf.i,U.dt.I,ndOOODWOKH. r ' ..!.. .! rtrru-UB...--r--. ,fc , oU,.i? not Tta. :. V,r Harden, u '-.""" Sr'SS JlA'SiMkUtt ' !' . .. ,.i tmB-HiriuBifwn r -- i.ji.B,' ii "?-. r-r7 - nni'- , , ,.;.. n :...i.i, 1. .. ..-, aii'hUrSN 'ZLJSwm M4 '"'!!!zr:'Jtttti .v- ..... ,l.. l..,L.i lutu- liu. ' lu-'i, ,'i . u:. tUoiM-rlMM. OssM. s-f-rL.'ttTd ....'!i:r.,!""j,;2:biik:- p?.- . " i---7k k nUHI. OI I""T - IIHUIIKIIHIII. m"- ,.... - - -- W"''1"8- 'Mr,. LI'MU.- : ..... era "" '"Sil V -r t s k fr.u- AttBluutrawr jriiw oi ni anur- Il.vliiu Oalil.n Ilal.aiu Xu. 1 . u him. Art' kl MMsi (Uatti snB th IK IBd HSflu iUf tVl, r.i.. ... r- i VTrrM r.sj vwowii .1 . ., . .r.ii. oiwsiw mip, na u OU r Ila'tls. U lllrliitii'. (1 liUn llal.am S. 0f. Trt. r, McrauftallrypW-MU KklU Umb, !'- i I'm HA4. I'linila lb MtUTHsk it th Xk, nnU4 ftr. VlMML n .4 Huh, tm)'. t4 u WvU t k-iSiMM ( Mm IJwiIh, -l -i4Ii Mi I !.- lion Um ft, IM r c . -I i ImI Kx-tr r Imm I Mi v. I .'iJr itaUal Mtr - l-.l ' I' 'U Mf I MI, n ani.it An is iif-tir u,"-" I'rli lis r "fkU 7 r..r-, llHrr. SUfT. -KSr iff cant) KrW vp1 STww- trir.i. r. WAt. ftw M umU - '. (kMH ' Moll sipsnl.li In J : .. f t M-f n.miwi. 1t Utritf rvU, I'rlc Cll BAP MEATS. 1 am Msllint; nt my iinirkctM on Htuto and Court HtreetH, meatH al tlio follonlu jirlfCH: iiOIMSI) liKISP froni . IIOAB!' IJKKK... (JOOI)bTKAK IJKISPtiy the QUAHTKIl.... MltriON hy tlio QUAIITHU.... I'OKK hy tho QUAlWltn...;-,. WEBSTER THE UtOT INVCSTMCNT fur Ibx I "- V ff Mf!mi I Al I ibrary Wasit?:. 'v.mMC(i YCKTMAiH iii .it i, VX""" THE Jm V- Ajva V I r sBEsrjmi JUX333EBw fmmm- .... Oto H C'ontH ..m.. ...... ..- 8 CuU ...... rJtolOCopta ...,.... 8CnU -- 7 WUWtM 7 Cent Th. I at. uUry, mi l i i (Marly i. y i uiitrm-nuii Irai DIcllotiEti v, M m bit d' " Fr-h. 11,i!U'T1'Mf, "" .... "":. 5..04 W J Ct "T t JT' r s. . "" ijarrJr-1t,3 55.5TS t-.( .ma tta tmn tC our " - SS?s5SiS5ffaE &W XI. hMMM " "J"?! 73m3.T, n - I. J f',1 I. ' . Hl. '. O k.'irHi rf tka aiur fck tiFv&m: J.fVLuL2Xtei TliH M , ?Pf,""LlTTrL7IZi . .-- BrlaiAal liltMii Uj AUttf HtfJBHU'. HMI Mft PH ipp liwii i j !"" : a Of n.SM. fersl. C",i,,'K Li.. O ' r. I u. n I . l - ..'.' jbTMM. 4. f- .)! ( r.iu. . a ( v-!11 i rl A'. . Vt4llr 1 -,... HMfMBs, f U 11 vr Il(. V It 'I vIh, I tf, ,4H,t " l irff Iw e. c. CROSS. HOW TAILORING si KOlIOlf I'PI.l!. !7- Coiiimeralal utrisvt meroliaiit tailor. The tine Mills tf Order . . ... ..i .a. ml... A..I.. .li .ii..u ttlf.ltif m. BlltfWl. H0initt 11 till (MtfUIUUK UUU. lllOUIUJf IIIBV UNI"""!. - inWl.hmeiit III tlieiity. 1 - in lis voetu 11 1-tmtiomi mi r vkIoaI'U illloirmuh. .. I..i(ltr of llm World, aud a I'll iioiik -y of l-'iellua. TOC 3iJih"0FT0.DAY I. Th Itindird Au.ia 11 in tlio Goernmnl MnllnaOnic, --I-. 11 U 3.3uprmCourt. l I. rHrnriii -1 ii, ii. ttiutuprlnltndnt irseh&oltin it mum, si.l t.yililr.llngCo. lg lMldai ('! 1 h ami Canada. DON'T BE DUPED by buy lag th ii- h 1 iwiutypn r prlnU of an ob. wUui " W.Uiir u w lxiu,( fui.teil npon tho market, tr'rutu i iuy nil allkn, Ulng Jsitvr Mprwlucliun f iik I wtlooary 01 over O year eu Ann-nMi'snuiuU concerning Hi 111 ar ry mtlaili , t-r Instance, tha up iIidoi ef li..io - -l "new word" won eortiptlrd by agoiU-niu viho )im been dd oir thirty yaafs. ai..l. u.blih4 Ufur hi dth. Uthar Mx aUr.1 a-taai.m. art, reprint of a Ilk ralurs. Th tsjk ar all comi-aratl? ly TalHilt. Th Lair.i ttft-1 lUnulna Wttk-a of Wobstera Unabriuged Dictionary UMr en II till pun lb imprint of O.0.Mi:UUIA,M:aiCO..8prlDgntld,Mm. frldbyall Itokn. IiliMUatvHtpnialctfrA iar, tobateo uud e"0 . . T BL'ltHO8' 3rWii. upHy'"-1 .Cornm'' Nb.2 mnvjvwmitmmsmsa I -r -.V " " '& JJt'. -i.. ,. , 1, jrfla.ij- , . .,-, "-" , fl J" 'l. -"