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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1890)
r?S)Pf jatw-pi . CopyrlfM, AN M0D MAID'S SOLlLOtyOX. To uke or rot to trtt it. ! tht fl";&,n,-..r Whthrr 11 ll better to Da " Mrinlj Cr r A SSSIw "Sra the unlit ot tbon wuo wonld tnitlt ;-.. .... That Uck of ioTcrj cued iny lonelj lute, nrrornea iiiirnT i" Ttiatrnodcld Dr.TliW FMpma rrrwrip AVonW bring bif K color to a lanra " Return tilt leiltli of one who pin wonld die To rlaliemlf of ell toe pain ne fel." Tho tforetaia rplnster took the remedy and forthwith took a husband n'to, havlnff rented bcr health and blooming beauty. Tnousanda of women owe their fresh, bloSmlnr countenances to tho rcetoretivo effects of Dr. Pierce's FaTOrito Proscrip tion. It U ft positive euro lor tho most Srtdl&ted and obttlnato cases of leu corrhea, exceesiro flowing-, painful men (tniatlon, unnatural gupprejilons. prolap sus, or falUnr of the womb, weak back, "lemilo weakness," ntorerslon, retro version, bearintt-down sensations, cnronia contresUotanammstlon and ulceration of the womb. DR. PIERCE'S PELLETS retrulato and cleanse tho liver, etomach and bowels. Ther are purclr Tepetible and perfectly bannlrgs. One a Dose. Bold by druggists. 23 cent ft vil. VltOVXSSlOXAIj CAKDS. J J. SK AW, Attorney-aHJiw, Hal cm . Oregon. Office, first door to tho lef nt head of stairs In tho rear of Ladd A Hush's bank. mlLMON FORD, nttorney at law, Salem 1 Oregon. Ofllco upstairs In l'atton' block. J A. Al'PLEQATE, nttorney at law . Krlern block, Commercial nnd Stati streets, Balcm, Or. TOHN A. CAUflON, Counsellor nnd At tl tomey-at-Lnw. Member of the IJar o Ontario, Canada. Olllco 1U2 Btato street balcm, Oregon. TJltATT a HUNT, attorneys nt law, Salem J Oreiton. OfllcooverBarr'sJewelryHtort' btato street. P. W1LLIAMH, 8TEN0GKAP11EI nnd TynowrltlsU Olllco with Cnnl tal city ll'y. Co., 115VJtato8t. CI). KNIGHT, Eclectic Phvslcl.nfllci . 127 Court street, Salem Oregon. Pul monnry diseases a specialty. DR.J. M KEENE, Dentist, Olllcoovei tho White. Corner, Court nnd Com merclal streets. OHEHT & McNALIiY, Architect. N 132 State Street. I'laus and upcclllcii tlous of all clauses of of buildings on shor notice. 8itpcrlnlcndancoofuorkpromptl looKed after. 2 6-tf -lOHALin' & W11XACII, VJT ccrs and Dnuightsmon. Civil r.ngln IlnllroidKiu vpvh nnd nntttrmtlmr n unnnlnlt v. Mlllm 1 1 State street, up stalra, Salem, Oregon IIU.SIKCsS CAllDS. A.Sa bale in. CLOUOU. UnderfnUer. Embalme nnd Cabinet .Maker, 107 Stato St. EH. MOUSE, contractor nnd llulltler , All orcein piomptly attended ti lUllllgli street, Salem. JOHN' QUAY. Contractor nnd builder Fine Inside llnlHhlng u specially In Commercial Htreet, haleui Oregon. lOMN KNIGHT, lllncksmltli. llnrt.1 J shoeing and repairing a specialty. Hlui) at tho foot of Liberty street, Salem, Oregon i'JOt? 11. SOUTHWICK, Contractor and And builder. Well nronnrcd to do all Indsof bulldlnc and iruarantci) antliifcu tlon. l-il-lin Jhf J,IiAllSEN,aiauufacturerofnllklnd of vehicles. Hepalrlng a specialty the beat work turned mil. Shop V Stato street, noxt door to Bcrlber A roll ilile TX O. 11AKEU, Collection, ComiulsMoi L. and Street Car Advert! lug Agent Collections mndo at reasonable nite Goods sold cm commission Advertise meats inserted In street ears at bedrock rates, ail Commercial .St., Balem, Uro. f EO. HOEYlIlar V. ngpii'lnrn. Mr i.ttiiinnierclal Street, Ilarber nud Iluir-drcxs InestbivtliKlutlieelty. raiein. SUCIiri'Y NOTICI. (J A. K.-Hedgwlclv Post, No. 10, Depart " incut of Oregon, meels uvery Mouitui ovculugiiltho hull ovet theOiegon Unit oompauy's otlkv. VUltlng oumnidia ar rordlally Invited to attend. l).C.8iiHiiMAisPoHt lommndcr. 8. A. IUmilk, AdJutaiU A 5J' M- ,W.-J,n)tcctIou lidgo No. 2, A. Jty.O. V. W Salem, Oregon. MeetM mcl. t'dnokilay evening at Uh hull In statu In xumnco block, corner Commercial nm. (Jhcmeketu stncts Visiting and Sojourn lugbgothrenlnvlted F. 11. south wjpk. Ika Kun, Uccorder. ,M V Morgan & Mead, City Dray m en All work done with promptnoKs and dl patch. Only tliu bm men are vtnploed T. H. HUBBARD, Agent frir Cyclone Separators, Russell Engines and Saw Mill Machinery, Jtwldeuco HXJ Commercial Ht., gtilein, Ore. iktWim Capitol Home Addition Is beautifully locatttd Insist Salem, wwth of the HU-otrlc Hallway linn, nwir the rawer Iioiim-. targe lots, IOOxIiO feet, flood soil. For sale by T. II. WILSON, Owner, t-W KUte Strwt, SitliMn. Hoard ot'Kqtialiiitiou. To the tax p.iiTf Murton ootuity,Or gen: Ibr Voanl uf ItniuitllsHtlon will inewt ntthoolllce of the eonnty clerk, at nw court house lu Murlmi wi'inly, UrtMun,iiH tUe Ihi Monday In Angust. lt0, Iwltw Uit tttth day, at V o'clock u. in. and nuUilrty miiimAnrA thAiiKrtiiiliiutlnu of Iho hm- menl returned by thu ukMtr for the year ISC, currwlliiK all errors In lulue or dkcrlpUunoflunda, loUorothur iuuprty, Hulrt board will rviuala lu soIon fnuu lUy to Uuy ror one wwk out, nil lux iuvrr or owner or nly Tliwr Of M1llHTt In MldMurtonrounty urunotlllMt to up"r htlhe tl-iio und plueo hrrvln taeutluuwl and tiow o-iuse If uuy they tmvwwhy their Mtneut should not roiutuuuUkn by thebuetoor. A. P. IlLACKBllllY, AuwMir, Muilon Oa. ur. Dated tltU Stb (Uy of J uly mi. . Tax Notice. The uxrayar of the city of tuiwu hn liercby nol by nolItlKl Hut theoJt) tnie. nro unw uudiurubleui theortloeof Hie r- .'liM.Jlt uueum urerjit will become cuuuiiuoii nfier tsiiteiiu-r uth.lsva 1 J ih l fultli. 7-lU.lOt I lv lll t ilin'liir. rfj5sSJJ .mum-l " "thMnii-ork fount UflXtontoncIit in Tain ia ri"iiu ,..- -------- l Aft hiri hrant E STATE FAIR RACES. Several Classes Filled nnd tho Entries Embrace Excellent Stock Other Fair Notes. Tlu entries oIdsumI tho 1st of this mouth for tho nottlnjr races at the coining state fair and arc clipped from the Orcgoniau of Thurauay, which says: "Through the courtesy of Secretary Greir, of the Oregon Stato society, the Ore gonlan has been furnlsheil the fol lowing entries for the trotting races to come ofTat the state ftilr:" RACE NO. 1, 3 MINUTE ChASti. I.M.Anderson names Delia A., s. m., by Metropolitan, dam Nellie lUissell. George II. Thompson names Anita, g. f,, by Itockwood, jr., dam by Vermont. T. II. Tongue names Tenipleton, eh. s., by Planter, dam Springfield Maid. It. A. Frure mimes Ij.idy Spo kane, s. in., by Lcmont, dam Codi cil. KACB NO. 3, 12:40 CLASS. L. r. W. Quimby names V. H. Bully, b. g., by Videlte, jr., dam by Oelmotiico. I. M. Auderson names Oneida, b. 11., by Masterlode, d 1111 Nellie. Clcorgi H. Thompson names Rockwood.jr. b. h., by Jtockwood, lam by Vermont. V. B. DoLashmutt names llnm iln, s. g., by Hambletonian Mam irino, dam by Snowstorm. Charles Wood names Beulah, b. n., by Altamout, dam Tecora. W. L. Whltmore names Lady Mac. b. m.,by Lemont, dam Codl ell. It. A. Frure names Lady Spokane, h. in., by Lemont, dam Codicil. Elijah DunUan names Carrie A., oh. f., by Antelope, dam Gold Elsie, oy Sam Purdy. RACK NO. 5 2SiU CLASS. L. P. W. Quimby names V. H. Bailey, b. g., by Vidctte, jr., dam by Jolraotiico. Wm. Galloway names Lady 'each, bl. m., by Altamont, dam rlollymead. T. H. Tongue names Kitty Ham, 'r. ni. by Hambletonian Mambrliio, him Kitty Lewis. L. B. Lindsay names Palatina, nptd. m., by Milton Medium, nam snowilake. A. A. Newbcry names Edwin C, by Cuyler, dam Itoyal George. Win. Glusford names Antelope, h. 8., by Nutwood, dura by Jorsey uian, he by George M. Pachen, jr. KACE NO. 02:20 CLASS. P.J. Mann names Altao, b. s., by Altamout, dam by Pathfinder. L. P. V. Quimby names Harry Ilowe,b. g,.by Swiggcrt, dam Amau la, by Western Chief. Frank Euos names Alta, b. 111., by Altamont, dam by Mike, by Ver mont. V. B.DeLashinutc names Bloudie, eh. s., by Lemont, dam by Frank Chupnutu. Win . Galloway names Lady Beach, bl. in, , by Altamont, dam by Hollymead. T. JI. Tonguo names Kitty Ham, br. in., by Hambletonian Mambiino, lam by Kitty Lewis. J. M. Dougan names .1. Kenny, b. i., by Alwoinl, dam by Belfounder. E. II. Mix nutnes J. S. C, b. w , by cho, by Hamblutoulau Mambriuo, Jam by George M. Pntchen, jr. hack no. 72:30 CLASS. P. J. M'ann names Altao, b. s., by Altamout, dam by Pathfinder. I. M. Anderson names Oneida, b. tu., by Masterlode, dam Nellie. L. P. W. Quimby names V. H. Bailey, b. g., by Vidctte, jr., dam by Uflmouico. . ell. I J. Sorenson names Susie S., ill r H, iii.iitii, ,f, ill,, (I 11 ,,1 iiriiiri , I v I. . , ... , ilam liulfoutulor Qirl. T. II. Totmuo iituiii'S Ilniinlbal, jr., k. fi., by Ilauibdl, (lain Mullie Welch. J. M. Dougau uauicd Jo Kunuy, li. k., by Alwood, (lain by Ilclfomul er. W. A. Frconmu inunofe Muud Ivnox, oh. in., by Wlnthron Knox, lain by Puthtliulor. R. A. Frure nuincs Laily Hpoktino, i. in., by Ltmi'Hit, ilatn Codicil. Tho churactor ol the Iiokvh naniud above guarantees great racing and will without doubt brliiKtin luiineuhe crowd of spectators and furnish It most IntoruHtlne; Hort. The other departnientrt of the fair Ive promise of being superior in iiiitrii riwmuit. ti niiv I1M1I lii riwsmt -.u.j .vU vs.w . .j v. I years. From one of tho ollleers of i.. ...1..,.. ...I,, i ,.l....... ft, Hi. in the Hoclety who In alwajs fhy formed on what Is golug on, the ., , , ? . Joi'iiKAL receives this inforuiatlen: in.v..,,, !... ',,ia ... i,i,,i, I,,,,... ,1iki.i I "lrom the .acts w moll liae come to my knowledge I urn uutw'ied we uro going to have A very line exhibi tion of stool; from dllloruut parts of the country. We shall haye horses and oattle from Dakota, MlnuvtMta and California, ami of course from Washington and .Montana. " The big posters for advertising tho fair have been printed and are In tho hands of Secretary lliogjr, who will Mind them out soon ami have thum put up lu all ports "f "" Northwest. l.urK'( llolsteht iolil uu ltfcotsl. M iu lluttdi lu 7 lluj. lids. Country lieiilUiimn -We have Just llutkhetl a good butter ree ordut our dairy, for the dutalls of wliUh we ask kp4itvluyourtMihimus. As will be been Uy the follewing: The oow Nntwy 'M, H. H. ., has Just inuilonu undoubted record of Si lbs. Htut. of uusalted butter lu be veil days, which Utts Uuly Uak urH rovMinl of lust yttr by it outuvs, ! uiiu v men, vn uuiieve, is uie ureal i .. 1 1 i 1.1. . . . ... . -..,,,, Juyh' re.t)nl over made bv ti eieu uujb rueum u t r iiiiiik uy MoWeln-FrleMau cow , tne louowuig iiuuu giiea uo wi-tgiitH rf caeh da h ppkIiciIiu tf Highest of all in Leavening Power. DSVa I Bakin 1 jass ABSOUUTELY PURE milk. The cream wa churned in two separate lets: Milk Butter. 1 1890. lb-. ' June 28 8IJ " 29 79 ; " 30 60 July 1 79 18 lbs. 13 oz. July 2 -" 3 -" I .. 151bs.12oz. 34 lbs. 9 oz. Total 543 lbs, 12 oz. milk made 34 lbs 9 oz. butter; 15J lbs. milk to 1 lb, butter. The teat was unsatisfactory in one respect. Through an unavoidable accident in handling the cream of the first four days, about one quart of it was spilled and lost; this would have added at least seven or eight ounces of butter to the record. This, however, Is our misfortune, and we only claim the actual product of butter. The cow was fed grouud corn and oat, wheat bran, cottonseed meal, oil meal, alfalfa and green clover all the alfalfa and clover she would cat. She had no drink except what she obtained from the water trough in the yards. We will not take the space here to publish till the affida vits of those who had tho cow in charge. Suffice it to say that we have them in due form in our pos session, and copies may be had by auy one desiring them. Natsey 22G5, H. H. B., was bred by M. S. Veemun, Marssum, Fries laad, calved March 5, 1SS1, and was Imported by Thos. B. Wales, Esq., July 21, 1882. She was sold to II. A. Morse of Genoa Blufl's, Iowa, who sold her to H. A. Brown of Marengo, Iowa, and then Mr. Wales bought her again and sold her to us at the Chicago sale Nov. 11, 1SS9. In June last year, Air. Wales tested her and she made 31 lbs. and 9 0. of butter from 473 lbs and 15 oz milk. He says that "the circum stances of the test were unfavorable, and was quite positive that she could surpass Lady Baker ut-der equal conditions." Her advanced registry number is 040. She is a magnificent animal, and one of the strongest and heartiest of cows wo have ever seen. We propose next year to have her make a year's record, and would have done so this year had we been prepared. Speaking of Lady Baker she is also in our herd, and will be tested aualn this fall. We Im have her 1 son Judge Baker 11SS1, H. F. II. B.. A. It., by Tiolwoods Piide 217, II. ' V. 11. lC her daughter l.tuly Baker 2d 2173, II. H. B.. A. It. 811, by Dal I rymple 012, H. II. B. Butter record 18 lbs. 0.4 o., and Baker Lndy 10031), 1 H. F. II. B., a daughter of Lady Baker 2d, by Elbert Boy 1874. II. II. B. Eiuticu & Wiiitk. Colorado Springs, Col., July 15. A t-iiHiblc l'recaiitlnii. Though dUeiiMj cannot nluayn bo eon mteied, its tlrst approach can bo checked, llut not only Is tho u-o of a medicinal Mife guard to bo recommended on tho tln-t aiiDearaiu'Ciof a inulmb. but a wlso dl cilmluatlon should bo exercised In the i choice of a lomedy. Kor thirty curi or more iioitiuer Hhiomaon times tins ueen tho reigning specific for dyspepsia. feer' I .... .. in ..I..!. .!.. ......... ..!.. II. ..k lllllL .liillli H ni-.ui mjniiu r,iii(, 11111,11111 ..f .... . .. ., ..1 ; .,1 1 , .... complaint mid other disorder, and hits been most emphatically Indorsed b. mod leal men iib a health and strength lestoni tle. Ills Indeed a wise precaullop to uc ihlsKinerolgti fortifying agent and altera tlio In the early stagi-i of disease, for ll of lectually eounlenuls It, ll tho mnliulv lielougnto thas large class to which this sterling medlclno Ik adupted. Not only Is It elllcacious, but puroatul harmless. COXSEUVATORY OF MUSIC Of the WlUninetto University, Silem, Oregon, Tho past ch(H)l ear has been tho most Nuccoksful tu Its history lueiensed ntten. dance and numberof grudiiatt!. The most successful music school on tho Northwest coast. Tho course. of Instruction liuiude piano, organ, plpo organ, violin and orchw. inil Inntnmu'iits, mh-hI culture, harmony, iMiiutoi point nnd clu teaching. Dlplo maiglen on cMtupletlon of courso Iho musical director will bo assisted by uu utile unci etllclent corps of teaeherx. M'lul for rtitaloguo .. M. I'AllVIN, 7:'Jf-Jin dw Miihliwl Director. Next term begins hept 1st, lw). Stock lloltlei-s' MeotiiiK. rilllllniiniml iiipptliiioflli,'uklmldiisi 1 in tho .oid Mountain and Dry uuieh lonsollitatml Uoldaud hllier Mining Co, win beheld at the olllco ot tho company iMiei'-iOrwui.oii iw i iwh day of ,u- gust.istK", at the hourof'J olool; p. in., lor mo puriso ofeiectingrivodinvtor rorthu 'Uulng)wir. It. 11, CANNON, Pro. M:nl lt HAMMi:it,evn-try. T:U:i STACJE LIVERY BARN. Ht Item of Choineketo Hotel, 1,. H. HUFFMAN, Prop. I'lrxt-vlam We for nil (KvosIoub. Poetl lug und boHnllngasiHX'Ulty. Conoyuuc for cotuiiu'rulal inea uud otlunt on short notlftv 4d"Kutusi KmiBumiblu.-SU - 1,,1-i. HELLENBRAND'S Wing I'arlots i f atuly .Miiniiliu'lory, UOO Comniurolul Straui I1ILLOP KAUK: llvCrrtllll HVl , ISA Rlld OHltn UtIIVt), T or CluHMlatoaud Cnktv. W Mats .Mo. b and Milk IDeoHU l'Ul of billll) HMMll Hut Oak o, LiilU-e or 'IVu liixuits IU,&tonk utU lr wuu lVrk Chop u ad Vfatv' culii Multoa Clioputul UV-g .SftpwMU VoutMm aiui K)rg lleeuu IvtUMige and ltg oout Hum unit Ktnr Knhu FrtwU Oj trs uuy style ... eMlt J5CMRegUrD(fltrSrtJFromtlto3 0'(M.. A ulra tnrtoty of vectble. etc. ttto. iuii wlih.mi tra ihw uwittiuul eitr vouTd ' AImiIvu, cotti or milk with all ckmU charco. IKirtod and Domtlc. ivrr House Mcakaud Vint lu-vri 'uni-iKrt i- M o uta WrrnK U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889. )Zjm0) 1 Powde PENSIONS WAK OF THE REBELLION Under the nctof June '.7, li-VO. all soldier who Fprved ninety days in iho U. S. service during the war of the rebellion and aio now disabled pbjslcally (uliether injuries or disease vn Incurred durlue tervlco or since) nro entitled to pennon at from $fi to $12 nor mouth. widows of deceased soldiers are entitled to SS pc month and S2 per month for each child under thejj(,'coflxten ears. Father or mother of deceased soldiers w ho are now dependent, arc entitled to penlon. oldler-j who are now receiving pensions nt less than Sll per month should apply nt once under this net. Applications under this act will not nfli'ct any pending claim. .Make applications nt once. 1). 'J SIIKKMAN, U, S, l'onslon nnd Claim agent. l O. Box 2sl, xnlein, Oreton. Deputy County Cleric, write for blanks. dw Wlw Don't You Subscribe for the EAST 0REG0NIAN ? Dally, $7.00 a year, $1,00 for Mx months; Semi-Weekly, S2.J3 a year; $1.2o for ix months; Weekly, $1.73 a year; $1.00 for six months. THIS EAST OREGO NI.A.N will give j ou the news, both local and general. It is Democratic In every thing, even In politics. It alms to be Just and falr.evcn If It hnsto be aggressive auJ "step on corns." it would rather be right nud lose than wrong nnd win. Taki- t! Try it! You won't lose auy sleep o-i ' Addre n cp AnPfAVi I v ') i f' D:OlUIlLUUilAl I UIJ. Ui IViidleton, Oregon. ELLIS & WHITLEY, LIVEBTMEX, i South of Cliemelceto Hotel, SALEM, - - OREGON JARVIS CONKLiN Mortgage Trust Company LoanN money on Improved lurms at a low rate of Interest. No dela. Money ready u hen papers are completed. Piivi lege of p.iyiug In instnllmems. V. A. Hamilton, Mgr. Ofllce with Hunt A Pratt 103 State h't., Mtlem. THE I RUMS I Kast trains will Pullman Vestlbulu , Drawing room hleejn rs, dining cirs and coaches if latest design, between i hlcagu , l and MtlwaukeoandUt. Paul and .illnnc- I apoli. Fast Trains with Pullman vestlbuled drawing room sleepers, dining cars and coaches oflatost dpslgn, between Chicago and Milwaukee nnd Ashland and Dultith. l'hrongh Pullman vestibule drawing room and colonist sleepers ila the North ern Pacific railroad between Chicago and Portland, Or. Convenient trains to nnd from Kastcrn, Western, Northern and rcntiul W'lseou. sin oliitti, ntlordlng unequ.ilcd service to nnu irom atiKesna Kino cm iic, uin kosh. Ncenah. Meneshn. ( hlnnewa Tails 'I liui Claire, Hurley, Wis., and Irouwood anil llcssemer, Mich. Kor tltkcl.s, Klccplng car re'cnatlonc, time tables and other Information, apply to agents nuyn here Iu the United Static orCiinada. S. It A1NMLIE. Geu'l. Mgr., Milwaukee, WI-. .1 M IIANKOHD, tien'l Trofllc .Mgr., ht. Paul. II C UAULOW, Tratllc Mgr., Milwaukee, Wis. LOlJl-sECK&TKIN. Ash't lieu'l Pass'r nud TUt Agt , Mllw:.-: ke. Wis rwo Throiifili Trains Each Wa IIAII.Y, VIA UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM. Commencing with Sundnv, March 2nd, bth first ami sesiud-class tickets will bf honoivd on "The Limited Kust Mall," tral is .land 4,as well also on tho "Over. land Kljers," Nos. luiul.'. "Tho Limited ist Mall' tniins nre eiutpHxl with Pullman palace and colo nist sleepers, dining cars, chair ears and oviehii. nnd tun solid botweeu Portland nnd Chlengo.dallv without ehuuge, The"0crlnnil KIer"tmlnsnrotHiulpi)eil with Pullman iwilaco sleepers and coaches, iM'tween Portland and Council lllutls, and with l'lillnmn iMlonlst sleepers between Portland and Kaiisas i'it j , dully, without change. Conuevi ions etc ma "t at Po utelln with throilgh trolns to unit tioin tsdt Uiko, aad at Cheyenne with through traius to and from Donver, Kaiisi, citj nml M Uiuls. Tho above trains ntlurd the quickest time between the Northwest INtetnoooNst and ICustern and uiillioru Ihiiiiu. DotaikM Umo of trains, niios, through iieuois, uHgimite etteoKs ele., i,n bo tin cured mxiii apullmtlou ian unt orthe Union Pacirle System. 1 . W , LRU, -7sU.w tlt'ii'l I "in, gent. 110ISKA- MANNINU Agenu. Court street, Salem Onou Oregon II. . CompMny Lino. (Ltiiilled.) O X. SCOTT K1SOKIV1CK. 1 U'keu ftii- any pointon ihu Uu tor sale thoDnliM imn and liwnn fn.i,sfr oguwuyome. ourntr sjomfl and elne . rr. - - - ibv nlklj, ...w C-" ... V ...17" I1"1 vMMiuuiauon iwaet at I mm per Uille. nml Wiie nwik. istrtiand. hST slPl Pnmi lortluud SllvtvsCotmrg louuc mall Toward l"urtlaiul rwt'ndJVjrfd HUkll Hxp tilMlttUla I.V J- LV ,N .u I. . 'W i(H I WU'Hil S lHto ti AKUbl 10 tJ 9 t S 7 J ?K g-lULy" lj4Udtuc. t SS : K SttS-" "Smwm ... I 4$ vu II 41 MU1MMUU I a iw. yxtu lit w cutHtnc - -. U) WlkT Ml UK Atrtte waU Portlaud mall "V AM AM l'U .iMtKbtHd riwv. DMB4S) JUBCtlOM ... tibaridan .. 1U1U Mounvtutt) Vtrlie 4X t WJ7 S2) eto I swlv lw ill 1 T. II. BARISTES, PI?ES. SALEM LAND COMPANY Incorporated is S 9 ---Capital Stock $30,000. POSTOFFICE BLOCK, LAST AND SOUTH VIA Southern Pacific Routo Shasta Line CAX.II OKX1A LXl'REM THAIN' IlUN DAIIA BETWEEN 1'OUTl.AFD AX1J S. aonth. NO' I 0.(X . in. S.1! p. in. 7: lou. m. Tv7 I'ortliintl balem San Fran. Ar. Lv. Lv. ti lu. in. 7:l'.l.. in. !)-(0 p. at. Lv. Ar. Above trains stop culy nt follow lug Ma tlous noith of Koeburg, Enst l'ortiand (irgon City, Woodburn, istlem, Albany Tangent, hhedds, Jlaley. UnrrSbmg Jitnetlou City, Irving and fcngene. IlOTEUUKa MALI. OAIIjY, "M n. ni. 10:52 a. m G.OJ p. m Lv. Lv Ar. l'ortiand Salem Eugene Ar. Lv. Lv. 4.00 p. m, IKK p. in. 0:00 n. m Albany Loral, Dally (Except Sunday.) fl.OO.p. ill. 7.62 p. 111. (00 p. m Li. Lv: Ar. 1'ortlnnd salcm Albany Ar. I ti.uo a. Lv. 6:03 n. Lv, 6.00 a PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS. Kor accommodation ol second class passengers attached to express traius. tYest Side Division. Between Portland and Cervaliis: DAILY (EXCE1T SUNDAY). 7?.a a. ni. I L"i Portland Ar. I 5:no p. in. '2:10 p. m. I Ar. Corvaliis Lv. 1Z55 p. in, At Albany and Corvaliis connect ivltn trains of Oregon Pacific llallitiad. .i'i:L9- tkais (daily exceit Sunday 'i'iJ p. lu. 1'ii p. in. I Lv. I'oftTaiid Ar. I Ar.Mc.MinnvilleLv. i SiM a. iu, b:v:. in. Throueh Tickets To all pol ts EAST and tf'HJTII Kor tickets nnd lull lutorination regard ing rates maps, etc., apply to the Compa ny agent "alem, Oregon. K P. HOGEIIS, Acst. M. K. and Pass. Ag't iy KOEHLKK. Manager. From Terminal or Interior Points tho Northern Pacific Kail road In the Hue to take To all Points East anil South. It Is the dining car route. It runs through vestibule trains every day Inthejcario ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO ! (No change 01 r-ai-s.) Composed of dlnlngcnr-, nn-nipu ed, Pullman drnwiiw toom viceueix Oi !at -.t eiufpment TOURi ,- r s. O Sleeping Cars, l!i it that can be constructed and In which accommodations are both free and fur nished for holders of first and secoml-clns-tlekets.and ELEGAHV DA.V 'JO ACHES. A coutlnum -. cn-' :!lng with all 'r-'t im uninterrupted . r"-- !ops can be se ,. i- any agent oi lines ntrordtn service Pullman sit . mod in .idi the roirt, Tluouu'h tickets tonudfiomall points in Viuerica, L'nglnnil anil Kurope can be purchased n' any ticket otlice ot this com p.m. Pull Information concerning rates, time oi'trn I ns.routes and other details lurnlshed on application to any nirent or A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant Uenerul Passt-usror Agent, No 121 Klist stitft. iir. Washington; Pott liind.iiu'gon. HIE YAOuiNA ROUTE, J DAPIHIP UAIIUllii AUll'll' imiLiiunu Ami Oregon Deielopineut compaliy'i sten.iishlp line. "Ji'i miles shoner, Uu liourt less time than by any otuei loute. Kim class thiough passcngor mi freight llr from Portland and all tou.t in the i l.imctte allev to nnd Iron, Mm t'rancisci TIKE SCHEDULE. 'Kseopt Mindnys) I.OU10 Aiuuni 1:00 l Ix-avo Corvaliis - - .... 1:40 P il rrle Yiuiulnii SmOPM Leave 'iaquiua 0:45 AW Leave Coivulli 10:;A3I Arrive Albauy 11:10 A V O. & C, trains connect nt Albany a it. Corvaliis. Tho nboi e trains connect at YAliUIN I with thp Oregon Doielopment Cos Lli f istea'iislilni between nnulnii and Sr Pranclsco. !;inM I'lA.SS. STKA!4E1U. FllOX VALJUIWA Kiinillon, Friday, June 2" Willamette Viilley,,'J'uusday luly I Pa nil Ion, Muul.iy " Willamette Valley, Thursday " 1 Farallon, Tuesday . . " 1 TK VMKU.S, FKIIll S.VS KRANCI.SCO Willamette Vallej, Friday June X Fanillon, Tuesdaj iu... July 1 W lllaiuetto Valley, Sunday ." b Farallon, Thursday 10 e. Illamette Valley, Tuesday " 16 'Hits company reserves tho right to cii.ingo sailing dates without notice. N, R. l"asongers from Portland and nl! Ulumette Vallev xiluts can niako closi eonnivtlon with the trains of thi YAOUINA ItOim:nt Albauy orCorvallls autllf deetlnetl to bui hi inclsco, should arrange to arrive at YsquniH the eveuiUL before date of sailing. t'assritgfr nn J Freight Kate Alnnw tbi UttMt For Intormntion upply to Messrs HCL.MAN A Co., Freight and Tleke AKnt 'AX) and SB Front st Portland, Or. urto C. C. UOlll'h, Ae't (,'enl Frt. A Piis. Agt., Oregon Pacific It, H. Co.. CorvallU, Or C II. lIAS'ULL,Jr. Cien'l Frt; & Push. Aft. Oregon Development Co., sot Montgomery si.; sin Kranoisoo, tl Henieiutsar the Olfwou Pacific populi kunuuer wiourvains low rate tlekels a now on sale from all valley points ' Yaqulun and return. C. C. IIOGUB, Art. O, F. and P. Aja Union Pacific 11 li Company "OVUULAND ROUTE." lTulu for the east Kaie Portland at 7.-00 am und W nm dully, lie its to and froo prlnelival wrtnu In th Unllwl Mates a ada aud Krope. Elcgi&t New DioLsg Cars. PL'LLMAX PALACE SLEEPERS. Free Family Sleeping Cars run tbroazb oh KiprtsM train to Omaha, Cfeunetl lilutts uud Kansas city without change Counrattomiat Portland for San Fianets cu ami nun ouuua toini. r"or lurthw partleulara addre nnv Hk-ouiof Ihecomimuj or I W UT tl 1 A C S.MrXUvN UeneralTru'ni"cMauar H.lrm Orejon II. V. MATTHEWS, i:ngene City Bonds for Sale. OTICtl is hereby cnon that under the , i provisions of an act ot the legislature -0 ' ' ii.ii ,vnrf tn lncorno- of Oregon etitmeu, -iinici """". ,, i r te t laty'of ' I-genc and to renco I "jUl ity t'l' ..., nm with." filed in the olllcc of the secretary IV'.!.. ' iii...,,- in tssfl. the common council of I he clt of Kugene will huo and dispose of the bonds of said cltj at par valiieofIror.iSao,OJOtoS.V).(XX), iu dcuoml nations of from ilOO to SUM as the pur-! chaser may .Scsli". payable ! lycarj after date of Issuing ihe Kline, with lnc; I hereon t tin- r'te not lm i"od .1 percent Iter annum, pv.t e eiiii-uin-i.ill . Cealeil piopo- il to pinch i-c said bonds will be received by the undersigned at Kugene. . i.gou, until September iRt, im and nil prolK)nls received will tic oix-ncd and considered on thePth day ot September, ls, nud said 1 bonds will bo disposed of to the person or persons making tho best oircr or oilers t twrffor I Tli common council recries tho right; torejectnnynnd nit propo-nls. Uy order Of the Council. ,,n,,nru May 21t. V0. H. V- UOfUUH, Itecoider for thoClty of Kugeue. Citntioii. In the county court, for the county of Marlon, Suite of Oregon, In the matter of the estate lCUatlon of Carl Gilbert, deceased. -""' To Kailinrlna Glllmnn, .Marjmretta Schamm and allot her heirs of Mid de ceased, known or unki own.nnd all persons Interested In sold estate. GHEETINCt: In thenaineof the state of Oregon, you nre ln-rebi cited and rccjulicd to appear In the count" court ofthe state of Oregon, for 1 thecouutvof Marion, nt the court loom I thereof, at Salem. In the county of Mailou on Mon lay, the Ht day of epteber, l'JO, at II o'clock in the forenoon of that diy, then 1 and there to show cause If nny the have wiir nn nnler saould not be made author izing nnd empow. ring the ndinini-lrator to sell the following described real property belonging to snid estate, to wit: Heglnntng ntthes. w. corner of '-co. .11 iu township s s. it. 2 west ofthe Willamette Meridian una nience ruuii ng uau.uiws the west line oi sn'd section 1 1.73 chains; thence south Hi IV en pimllcl witbsouth , line of aforesaid section lO.Oi chains- tlieuci south 11.7.1 clioius; thence north Ml0 IV fnltnwlnir the south line of afnri-ald "( s 1 tlon (ioOoto tli ' nlaceof begluniiig.coulaln-lng70.4lncie- of land situated 111 section .11 T.Ss it. 2 w., 01 the Willamette meridian. Also beginning at the N. w. corner of Simeon Smith's donation land claim, Not. 11U0, cliim No .'7, and theuee running north 10.63 chains to the ;:. ".v coiner of sec. 0, T. 0 ,. 11 '2 w ; theuee south ! IV E. along the north line of said fee. 0. 01.JW chains; thence s. 14 00" K. 10IU elnins to tucx. r. comer of said claim No. j7; thence x.SU1 4V w. along the nortli hnund-irj ot aforesaid claim No. '!. iiO'Ji h lins to the place of beginning, containing M '1 acres of land being a part o, si 1 ti, r. s C. a w of the Illamette meridian. Also beginning at the N. k corner ol Simeon smith's donation land claim Not 1130, No. :,7, and thence running ?. S0.41 w. on the v. 'loundnry of c'nltn No 7 K-i- ctuiiiK to a point In tho niu'i'i t tlu'coiintj load Lading lroin Su lem to lellui'son via ParrUh's Gap; thenco south s." to' 1 alon'j the centc: of the , iiiii! 1011I Jls'iclnins: t'li'iiceu 01 If r 1 torn- Iln 1 'liter ol mud 'iJ.lW in.1.' ' 'oe ni.,' whii'" the 1 1 ntcr (f sim 1. ml intersect the eistl b.iundrv ! ai'' claim No. .'17; theu.'o 1 s 14 "JO' w. j.loug claim line as east bouu drvof claim No ."and we-t bnu idnry of the Daniel Ueluuy donation land 'aim No. bO, 1117 chains to tho place ot begin ning, containing 1S.2J acres of land and beluga nirt of Simeon Smith's d i ('.Not. I1.M. I'lafmNo. 17, situ-ue lu sec. (I T. I) s. 1:. 2 w. ol the Willamette meridian. There being In all of 1 lie preml-es hereby con- eyed !00ncr s of land situated in Manon county, state of Oregon, suoject to the fol lowing reservation or agreement, to wit: "It Is agreed that the grnntois ol said Cm I Gilbert, deceased, shall hao a li lit ot wav oue rod nide along the east side of said oremtsos, to get stock to wnte- from said gmntois remaining premises and when said rluht of wav Is used l. the gi.mtors as aloresald the grantee-to be il-1 lowed to use at, crjual amount of gr.iutoi s liremises between road nud said right of W"ITNEs, the Hon. W 111. Waldo, Judge of th" Comity court, of the state of Oregon, for the county of Marion, with the seal of said court alllxed.thls tail day of Aug. ls'W attest: F. J. B MU'OCU. Cleik. I I). C. ."SHERMAN, Deputj Slieriil's Sale. VTOTIOi: Is hereby givcu that by virtue JM of nn execution dul Issued out ofthe Hon. Circuit Court of tho Mnt" of Oregon forthecoumv of.Mailon and to me direc ted on the 11th day of July, lstfO. upon a Judgment and decree duly reuueicu, en- icieu 01 reeiuu uuu iiin.'i;icii m um. ,v said clicuit court on the I .Mb, day of 1 cti br, IsSti.ln ui"rtnln suit then lu said co it pi'iidlng. h''reitiGeo. ti. ilingh.1111 was plalntltland ij' 1 A. Vnwters was delend faMirot iii.ilntlllaniliigainst defend iut.b Mhli'h eMCUtlon 1 am commanded to sell tho K'll property hereinafter de scribed, and out of the proceeds of such sale to pay the costs and iprlises ol sale, theeo-ts and dtfchur-e.ucm- of snld suit taNCdat S.')l.iaud cifSo.'.OOInU . gold coin and ir.tere-t tli Tf-on at the ra'e of h (er cent peranum. from Octobei 15th lsjo I blue levied .im nn 1 will ons 'nr day, the'.'trd day oi Auust, lblK), 'at ibe hour of eleven o'clock In 'he forenoon of said day, tit the wrst dcur of the coun'y court house. In ."s.iien , llarion county, Uiegoii, sell ut pulilie auction to the high est bidder for cash in hind on tho day of sale, all the rialit, title, interest and estate, which said defendant, Geo. a. Vuwters, hHdonor after the 1Mb day of October, lsstl.lnor to the following described real estate to wit: It belnt a part of section 15, t. 1 s. 15, 1 v. ot the s 111 niiette meridtin, Marlon county. Mateorureijon.ftnd Known as noildCHtlou No.THO.und more particu larly described by iK-ulnuing nt a (juartir post on the llm betwetn section llaudli of the utoresHld township and range Thence soui h2S.M chains, tnence west Ul W halns, theuee iiurlli2ohl chains, thence east IB 80 chains to tho place of beginning, containing tsl acres of land, more or less. Da 1 11 July as, im. k, .11, l'huisa.n. siherill of Marlon County, Or. Slieriil's Suit1. VTOTICK is I . herbvKivc itiven fiat Viy lrtue of J uu e.eciillon duly lsuel nut ol the Hon. Circuit Court of the state 01 tireeon. for the county of Marion, on he 21st dur of June. ISM), and to me directed, uik u u i ment ami uecree 01 loreciosure uui rendered, entered of record and diwketed In und by said circuit court on the 1-th day of June, lstio. In aeerwlu salt then iu said court jK'iidlng; w herein Alfred It. nr raway iu pUintitt Hnd W. K. ilurje, Misn W, Idiwk'a aud C K. Benn weie ilefeiidants lu lairof plauitiirndfcgiiint ileii'iiilant by wh eh execution I am com manded tosvll thereat prorxm lterelnfter ileseribtnl, and out of the proceeds of ucu sale to pay the ctstt and expense of sale; the costs und disbursements of said suit. taxed Hl.IUand $10J attorney I'eesnuilthe 1 luniiersiiinoi joh'.vjwiiu iniereai iHirtsiu ut the rate of ten p n-eut )vr annum from Juue Pi, IHO 1 have levleil upon and will ou samroay me wu .lay or ugust, ihwi, at I the houi ot ties en n.cloch a ni., of s d day at tue west door of the county court house tu Saielni arion county, Orvon, 1 sell at public auction u the highest Udder 1 forettsh lu hand on the Jay of sale, all the rigM, nil, iniere.1 una e.ate which 11. Mar) , Sttsau W Ilowles and C. K. Hen 11 or either oft Item had on or after the l.'tli day of Juue, 1MO, lu or to the tollowiugde sortbtHl real property, Vli: hituald In ihe iMHiuly of Martou, stateof Oregon, to wit: The south east quarter of rcito s In T. It S.K.4K. of the wuiaaieite niuridlau, UU aerwi txHight by W It. Mane, from ttM Called Status as shown by Aaal rweelpt. No. , tnuii the receiver ot k(1 laud cNtteeat UreKOO City, Oregon. Datad, SaMmi. Julj- ii 1SV1. . . E. M.CltU8AN. T II sbartO ot Marion Co., Or. Notice of Animal MeeliDi VTOTICE U hereby ctvn tbat ttMt aouual XI IUVWIIHS IH l MOCK wiwr Ol III KM anltoi Uoid.smr Mlulncii.,e0Bo:ida Klofthe etiy of nim, oNgoti, will U tetl ' h.1 iheortWot ibe wmimuy Id snul mj.oo me wnma inursOay, iliellhiio 'ugi, fJ 111 TO, l K'K p 111 , lor Illr ,lel"0 "' diiwt..r aud t..r m n mini "inn 1 l( hTlt.i KiKH v. TEEAS. 110,000 Kor Ten Thousand -worth of- ancy and Staple Groceries, For prices aud terms enquire of 2()1 Commercial St. iSS-Goods delivered free to all parts of the city.Sa TaisrTsiirT.'iixvaai'tJi-rgyj'aag Vf iBb: $&fai$&s&' Lir- dy & 'f. - - , .y- , Have just received another large M . WA. L) E & CO . invoice of JR. orincv vvagonsana nacKS . tin' ! ' sr muni iii.ikfo. sift, "oil. A ' , 1 lKd t mil and 1 t. uini.'i teal 1V' HWWittgf Who do A Kim,s of lgBWL;;ilLALiln lull 1 ,fy-;f 1- mm w& -?Ti; am Asmm doiflrst-c,a5;s k- f?iisHSCSiMsk, ,VWftA,iiSS'g rg?-Lndies and natrons KSSKffliaWJyi- v? & to insPect: our prope!' KKSK.'VTKEXr2, .sjtm-J sCE.-,siJSiwCn'0 Ul l. fviwvmwwir- 'ff.wwr-rr i m j m Jii-u-uwwgWtW.J-. .-1njj--miL u:rm '"wm I id'SSSV . .WMSSmk. Uraauates Student. In ?iri I 1 r ? "i -'" ,y- 1 1 : BBSS?! A I ( OS KILLER'S HYDRASTINE RESTOITTIVE SUrauUtes nutrition. PuriflcithaBIdoJ. I Cure Dy"ppsia,ConUpaUonanJCeni"ralI)jbillt. A perfect tonic and rtrength Duiuf r. I i I OR. MILLEIAJOIBlLJOlJTOVlACHJrlRE. Cur BUIoiw - ' " .! Ucr Troubles, C&ilU and KeterTMi'"! FtvH, ind all Typhoid " u DR. HILlfR'S CVTAR1H CU1E t:re.MtoOaUnh,Cfcriu Catarrh, Catarrhal ' nc OuarMtiid toenrethd vTor-: c.ti ihcn JircUoaarefolfcedrmor.vri"fii Jfd Dt. HILLER'S COUGH U1E. Cure Coldj, HoarseoMS, Cotiglw, BroaehitU, rii:rM) luidlveumoliu; rlVie'i iw'c" n','u"mitlon. Contain! do Opiates. Our Craup in 1 1 ' OR H'LlErS OlfHTH'"''! AND SWE THROAT CUriE. lreveU awl -'" th! r 1. Vi 1 1 ,iq..ii elj care anj r taront la frm t illiours. Cure Qui'" 1 t frycij 2i'-c Injjtpeiwablii la aU HMSWUHiBMUW a uiu aoarL't fever, SoaiUUBi, an . Dtt. HILLEW NERVOUS DEBILITY OtKE. Cam Nn-rt WaU. J I " Fw5. T.w fadtT oiiod for iVtiat. ClrcnUr to Uular IH .- Oa,, San r"r" CI ILLER'S 3HEUMATIC AN0 NCliALSIC CURE . .. Luaiia.i, A..4 .v.-i .net, b ueu' - . MILLER'S TEETHISO CURE. AiJa the o'mUuur prioJ, oun palaltM thl! mi J th. J '"" ". turn, lllcivW, Brtia Trouble aad lk.tvl CawpUaU. A MMoaf ' - SpaBi DB. HILLER'S WH00PIN6 C0U6H BUIC. XatE.-WUh axwptieii of Dr. UlllWf Hv-'rartiao ctorti . Dr. HUWt . ' and S'turalvie Cow, and Ur H ItarM Coujh euro. U. abi wrin ' '". fona. aad. it aot obutuahl f roai your dntsfut. UI -xi mad' &, oa n1 r $1.00 pr Package. ttm fMiii an Uu iwalt o H ji I - I - "Jf ",JSi M nanilii I -e carv h a our i aatWj. Ih lia. M -" 5L iirt kooM tiaii I. w.taima laJaabla ua avifcwtt a . "J M' " HILLER DRUG COMPANY, s ' , .CISCO, CAL, u a " V NUr bv HAYI J FRY, DiwIk 225 t'tninieitial 'al,IL Vni. nOABD PHELPS . SALEM, OREGON, $10,000 Sale- wa oliars ;-lJ-lll'liUUJMJllll.aTrrrTrrrai Prices arc the exanine them lowest, Qualitv con at 2S2 284 and 288, As Cheap as any Laundry in Countrv Using White Help Invited of doing 230 Liberty Street. WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY Classical, Literary, Scientific, M'jsic Art and Theology. Normal, Business, Law, medicaE'courses It is the olde.t, largest and least expen slo Institution of learning In the onn- School opens first Monday In September' Bend for catalogue to TIIOS. VAN SCOY, President, 7: Balem, Oregon. DR. HILLER'S Special Prescriptions. - HOME: TREATMENT SELF CUR.E A Specific Remedy for Each Disease l,tMi aueiu. " s4s. SlkT t ' Cat Jieuatia ' " niims . kv-l J " .Tith lud Jwlooiot ol i-U dirt -U'l lY.-vtau anJ Cafe Whuor . b Six Package Jer S5.00. .. A