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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1890)
' 'sr?H&xZ .. imnrr: .ffiU.KlvlJ?K77 ' K W 'UAH .VlS Associate; REST0RATIYE Hlf DBPATCOES. I'ress kpinift i "fowl r nllmpopfnni 's of Tii.Hu..- " HIM , WASHUXGTO. FIRES. '.AH0:i,OTRl(WKNm)lKl..,A. 'AUKSO.WH.I.E. Kl.t AiIg. -. .Murmv mn "j'nuu uuu violence which ine ho.vl ih, I !:,Jl!Tn! r,,mT;,Ien""8"vesoloR meted out, wnsournca The Colored Fritnil and Brother. . Catarrh Can't be Cured r i !..... . ......' u-iiii T.flC T. Minr.ii'ATinvo ' lore,! friend and brother I. &', , f stitutiouni uisease, and lu order to Carolina Is not subjected to t tie pro scription and violence which the thm morning IimiMtini. fifty guests in IxwJSWO.tXN). tht MISCELLANY. ntPCFnTll-UTRTioN-t rLill -"' HEALTHH-4. The only remedy known which will Stimulate foe Nutrltire Processes of the Human System. Eythlnaturnl and Implo means it quietly aj pcrmnncn: y CIKKS All Forms of pyjpcp'tai Constipation, Mental and yervoiis Exhaustion, Oeneral Debility, nrain l'aff. ot nny exhausted or went! ,ned condition of the system, from whaU vCr cause, Sfeln Eruptions, Jloll,, Jun. Bins Sores, Scrofula, and nil Diseases of jhu Blood, Stomach, Lhor and Kidneys. SI .00. SIX BOTTLES FOR S5.00. Pr. lllllers CI piuio book, descriptive of Hr. dnistlno Restorative aud his oiliir Hcmudlci unt free by mall. '" KILLER DRUG CO., San Francisco, Gal, rei: jjali: uv -.,.1.1 by Dan'l J. Fry, 223Com'lSt. BLACKSMITMING, hm and Carriage Making and Repairing il.iM"slioelii2 a specialty. All work cuar .meed. JOHN IIolsT, Corner of Cotiimet-cliil nnd Chemeketa sti . s.ilein, Orcj-ui reso lwt- IX THK houhk. V ASIUNOTON, AUg. 7.-A lutlon wh atlnptM clllnstli IllilMl..!- .,..! . - SvUOTI ,or copies ot agree wfi'rthetrauBport.Uouonte mail, between the U.S. and foreign coun ries and the conditions up5 which awards are made and rates of i-ju t-m, wnoie on general defioie,,. ey bill. SUNDRY CIVIL BILL Al.MOsT HEADY. Washington, D.C., Ausr. T.-An agreement has been reacbedlby eon ferenceon the sundry civil apnropri atiou bill, upon every item except an appropriation of 720,000 for con tinning the irrigation siirvev under the direction of the geological stir- ?i, unicii llie senate struck out of conference will MKlH.vTlOX VOK 1'KAtR IIKTwkkv ... .. . . - i -VHOI.VI.A AM) SAXSAJ.V T'A liAMITAD, Alltr, piomatlc "inking .. noil. -The dl- eorp$e of Guatemala, tu arrangements to mediato tne bill. Another be neceoarv. HIK -SJKWr.,.KH, I'.'l Court St. POLITICAL. INSURANCE mpaiiT, e and Mn. rine. j(K I Agent.- Hilem. Orejjon iraAIANDi YVM. WIOKEY, House Painter, Decorator, and Wall Tinier. Lea e order at John Hughes' store, State street. O. C. CHASE Artistic Paper Hanger and Wall Decorator. Good work, economy and sample work shown before engaging. S-Pay based on work measured on the wall. Leave orders at Sareent's, Meyers' or Keller's residence at Highland addition. TURKU it WILL Jin LONESOME. MoNT(ioMi:iiv, Ala., Aue. 7. Ite turns from the eiectlousshow demo cratic majorities, unusually large, but the exact tlauivs cannot bo as cerlained before Saturday. There are norepublie.nis or Independents in the senate, in the house there are three republicans 'and one independent. THE DEMOCRATS ARE I'KRNINST IT. Washington, T). Auk. 7. The committee on pmdeges any elections voted by a stiiet party di vision to report thr- national election bill to the senate. THATS THE KIND WHO MOVED THERE. Oklahoma City, Ind. Ter., Aug. 7. The first election ever held in this territory went oil' quietly yes terday. The tenitory "uas gone democratic by a small majority. manage-busniebs FOREIGN jkria s &&&& brick! BURTON BROS, are prepared to furnish a flnt-clasiS nrtlcle of Hrlcu In town oi country or anywhere nn.hiiinnnriw.i'.n II. Prices, reason- able Ya. ds ..n State street, oproit O. 8. I. All orders left with Williams & Eng land promptly attended to. Wa have the Exclusive Control of LJt.tMi i-Tyi'i. STRIKE IN ENGLAND. London, Aug. 7. A cablegram from Euglaud this morning says: "Eight hjdred dock laborers at Gloucester have struck for higher wages. A general complaint is made against the cruel treatment from captains aud officials." COLLEGE RUINED. Montreal, Que., Aug. 7. Word reached here this morning that MofTott college, on Isle l'errot, ten miles from this city has been j burned to tbo ground. Over toree hundred students were Ir. attend ance aud they are now quartered in outbuildings and farm houses. TROURLES IN SOUTHERN ASIA. Calcutta, Hindustan, Aug 7. A revolt has broken out among the Alehacaras In Caudahar. Troops have been sent to quell the disturb ance. t .. CHOLERAIC fcuui. jor peace brtween Guatemala and SnjiSalvador, auuouuee that tho following countries Imvr. i.rm.ii tii..i. ...i..,. . . " ; .ii ministers ami accepted U. S. -uunsier Aiwner's Invitation to par ticipate; Great Britain, Frauce, Ger many aud Spain. Mexico's minis ter, General Alatorre. it Is believed ui oppose it on the ground of iue.Mco's Hostility to Mi.uer, unless, Perhaps, the mediation has its birth iu the state department at Washing ton and does not come from the suggestion of Harrillo's government. CHANGE OK MANAGEMENT. JJENVEE, Colo., Aug. 7. Thomas M. Patterson, a leading domocratie poiiueinu ami crimual lawyer of Colorado, has purchased a controll ing inteiest in tho Kocky Alouutaln ews. nu win assume ment as oon tw his legal is cleared up. NOT DECIDED. AURURN, X. Y., Aug. '.-Warden Durstou stated this afternoon that he had not decided where the remains of Kemmler would be bulled. POOR CHOI'S. Toi-eka, Kan., Aug. 7. The state board of agriculture ays that re ports received from every county iu the state, indicate that growing crops in every portion of the state have been seriously injured by the severe drouth. Intense heatand oc casional hot winds prevailing Lave been the caue of falliug on" of the corn prospects. ODD FELLOWS COMPLAIN. Chicago, Ills., Aug. 7. There are numerous cases of friction develop ing in the Odd Fellows' big Canton ment here. California and other Western Cantons say they have not been treated fairly iu matter of rail road rates. DIFFICULT TO SECURE SAILORS. San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 7. , The new Naval rendezvous has been j opened aud the lieutenant in charge . is making strenuous ell'orts to enlist fceameu. Theyaio very scarce both i here and in the East. ' Would not he Without it. j Dr. E. S. Heldeu: Send by ex-i press quarter dozen of your Ethreal J Cough Syrup. PIjsimj be sure and send bv return ex iress, as 1 do not , wish to be in tlie.fioiiMJ without It. Piixp'ajry Hodokins. Sau Fraud. A, Dee. 1876.. Larue sie Jlsmali o0 cent". For sale by all druggists. to him. The democrats are divided among themselves nnd are lighting. Both the Tlllniau nnd rtrlstocratlo factious need votes. There are a large number of colored voters In the fttntl 111 (tint ,1 .fi!frwl lllntiiritv 1 ...., ... . VWI'.l. ..'.,. cure It you have to take internal remedies. Hall's Catrrh Cure is taken internally, aud acts directly on the blood nnd mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is no quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of tho best physicians In tho coun- i try ior years, ntul is a regular pre jscrlptlou. It Is corupased of the oest tonics known, combined with or tne total vote of tho state. Here-, tho best blood purifiers, acting dl tofore when It was proposed that reetlyon the mucous surfaces. The these colored voters should exercise & J?"!"0"!.1?!1 rJ!!? J0...1.1!; . , - . I 10 f lltlb 1JIUUUW3 OUUI1 V,tl 4111 UIU ItVlllUWtnii their those who now support as well as those who oppose Tillman, raised a cry against black supremacy. They usaulted, bulldozed, whipped, maltreated and murdered tho negroes and prevented them from voting or defrauded them if they did vote. But there is nothlug of that sort In South Carolina, for the tlnio being. The Tilluuuiltcs mul the ar istocrats have suddenly discovered that there is uo such thing ns tho race issue uo such thing as peril of black domination. On the contrary, they have suddenly discovered that there Is danger that each faction may get more negro votes than the other. The result is that both fac tions are cultivating friendly relA- tiolis with the very class of voters whom they havo driven from the polls by thousand-. Both democrat ic factions are getting up elaborate barbecues and feasts to which the col ored friend and brother is Invited to come and regale himself. Verily things have changed in South Carolina. The democrats are gol.ig back on the'r record for the time being at lea-t. But the colored friend and brother, how is it with him? Well, it Is said that he is en joying the novelty of a situation Iu which democrats attend caucuses, convention and mas meetings armed to the teeth against demo crats. The colored friend and brother is mining no demooiatlu baruecue in his honor, lint all the wonderful remits in curlug catarrh. Send for testimonials free. F. J. Ciikne & Co., Props. Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, price 75c. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. same like b'rer rabbit he is lying low, and waiting for election da . Sioux City, la., Journal. HOTEL AKKIVALS. COOK HOTEL. X Rogers, W H Ititchcrson, S Ebertson, J D Hill, Portland, Chris Kissenger and wife, X' Gal away, Geo T Hall, Eugene. .1 E Smith, II Brylen, Pendleton. C 1. Dlvely, Kansas City. J M Watson, Turner. WT Grimm, Hubbard. P Stevens, Mehama. II Symes, Seattle. John Henburg, Sublimity. Thurston Graves, Aurora. J W Thompson, Oakland, Cal. D A Sweeney, S F, F I) Seanmion, Albany. See the ! and 10 cent counter bar gains at Win. Sargeant's. -It JOHN HUGHES, PORTLAND. Whmt Vnller,fl 22)fcMl SS. Flour standard, W IX Outside grades, SI 60. Oats KVSSIc per bushel, .MlllxtullV-Hra $1.17; shorts, $17019 Kround barley, SC cnel feed. S25 middlings, $22 G0&3S, per ton. Hay -JIT per ton. Putter Oregon fancy dairy, 25c; fancy 27); good to fair. axp'JSH; Oitlforma 21c. Eggs Oregon SO to "Jijc per dozen. Poultry-Old chickens, So ?K 60; large spring, S3 avl 00. ltatoca Too to SI per eatital. Cheese Oregon, 10 to llc: Callforniu PH'toWc Stignrs-Ooldcu C, 4?ic; extra U, 6Ji: dry granulated, 1.; cube, crushed and Pow dered, W4C ixr pound. lleaiiM Siimll white, J.I; pink, SI; bayos, St 50; butter, $; llmas, $5 GO per cental. Dried fruits Plummer dried, 10 to lie; uudrled aud factory plums, 8)$ to tic; peaches, ,MindrIed,'10Jc; avnpornted, ir to 17c. Rice OJtI per ound. Hides Dry hides, 8 to 9o; i less for culls green over 65 ixninds, tc; under 6.1 pounds, 3c; sheep pelts, short oil, tX) to 60c; medium, 0o to MK-; long, 11 to 11 53 shearlings, 10 to 'JV. Tallow Good to choice, 3 to 3J je. Wool Kastcrn Oregon, 10 to Kio; valley, IB to.ISc per ixund. Nnlls Iron, $.1 20; steel, S3 W); wire, S3 W per keg. Reef Live, 3lj to3c; drcsM-d.Tc. Mutton Live. 3lI to 3Uc; itressed 7e. Hogs Live, .'k-; dressed, 0e. Veal s to Te per pound. Spring lamb S'Je.iolt. ' SMOKK1) MHATrt AND LARD. Kastern hums, 12'$ to 13;je;bimkrast ba- con, lSVilo 13V; sides, l) to .iytr. laid, HH to Illy ler lHiuiiil. HAN F.tAM'ISCO. Han KiiAsnsco, Aug 5. Wheal SI .'IT to 1 X) for standard shlpplngquallty. Hurley Feed $1 IT'41 14 Pr eenta Old brew lug grades held at SI 30. Chopped feed, S2I to 25 per toil. Potatoes Ecrly nic, TJp to SI; (iarno chile, T5c loSl per rruliil; lltirbanks, $1 to 1 7." per cental In boiv. Onions SI 75 to 2 0)tor red. PRODUCK KXUIIANtlK. Wheat lluycr'lKl; closing, SI !(); buyer season, closing, $1 filio 1 65. Hurley lluyer ', closing, si at; buyer season closing, SI 65. CHICAGO WIII4AT MARKi'Tl'. CllK'Aiio, Aug. A. Wheat SI IK). CHICAGO CATTLH MARKCT. ClilCAOO, Aug 0. Cattle receipts, 10,a; Dcev.w, SI SO to I KlV, steers, S3 60 to I 60; i stockeisaiid feeders, Si ait:i 'J.'ijcwt, bulls and mixed, SI 25 to 3 10; Texas cattle, S3 75 I to 3 M. Hogs Receipts, 17,600; mixed, St 75to3 85 heavy, SI li to 3 85 light, f.1 70 to 3 05. Sheep Receipt 6000; natives 8:1 K0 to 5 30; Texas, SI 00 to 60; Iambs .6 to 0 IS. GILBERT k PATTERSON, Groceries, Grackery and Glassware, Paints, Oils and Varnishes, Lime, Cement, Hair and Plaster,. Oats, Wheat, Bran and Shorts. All our Goods arc First Class and our Prices are Kolow' Competition. If You Havo any Product to Sell, or Want Anything in our Line, yon can't Afford to deal us. Het'oro Consulting BET ! PATTERSON. of Oregon i III! MEADOW ffll) lin ?oor Miles Prom Salem the (lanital One TlimiNintl acres of as ilno land as there Is In tho northwest, divided Into ono hundred small meadow and fruit farms. These tracts for tho FIRST TIME nro now placed on tho market, ranging in prices trom $50 to SKKi ier aero "lie third eaih, balance on time with Interest. ' No Better Opportunity for Investments In n small way has been ollered to tho public. Thousands of dollars will be expended within tho noxt V2 months iu Impioveme'its In the Immediate vicinity of this laud, whllo upon tho tract itself, In tbo way of roads, fencing, etc., a large amount of money will lie usod, A Free Hide to and From tlie Place to any ono wishing to seo or Invest. Cnll at the olllce of & CHAMBE .,...,. -t n. nvpratm S100 dully, roundhouse, warehouse, coal bunk ucaiu iuiu u" o- -. , , ,. ,,,..., i,.,i nf tim ilpn.l are not ers ami tracKS. iuu i iuu i... ... their dead menus. MlBC'hLANKOUH MAUKlTTa. ' Vim Vnuu A mr Ft T'ltfl'aA Kin firm up llimlii iti nimjiiinu litiilfu Oilv r.,i ...... ,r,..u wv v - lwni. icrxf. tM Asterian: It is said that the I'll- an(1 Qliiss, Wll Pil- ion Pacific company has bought the I .1 1,.(10,. Artisis' Mil-1 Hugar-Ruw, held higher; refined grin of the Northern Pacitlc ,.;, t,:,,.,. 11..:- v-.tio nllll OMio6joximC,6loi.W yciiow.w 10 o'icigranulatca iij. I'etniluuin W)c. CillCAiio, Aug, 6. Rye; quiet at -10c. Ilarley Steady, Whlsky-Sl 12 Hhoulders S3. Hhort clear S3 15 to 5 76. Short ribs S5 20 to 6 25 Iird S5 any,. ..00I-3.J to3Ke. property of the Northern I'acitie 111,.iv. t,:1mi. ii..!r. VmIIc ,,,1 Terminal company on the east Hide SIiIukIom, HaiV, Feed Mill FoiH'O 1 ot the river at Portland. The prop- p0SS( Grass'Sl'Wls, Etc, erty comprises about .w acre.- 01 land adjoining Alblua with a river froutageof about a mile, aim the M'.W ADVI.ItriSK.MHNTh. Cairo Egypt, Aug. 7.-Tho chol-1 shops erected by the terminal coin-, r1,TMV(, nnnn . iiaitqi; airing at Jeddaho and the !pauy at a cost of 500,000. nnd the WhU) S OIMliKA HUl'bL Just Two Nights, The relatives ablo to inter The situation is becoming alarming, in gros, earnings of .JOO.f.lO; opera- ,., ,..,, tinir expenses Increased .o,iii, LARaKAMOCNTOKMONEM,UKNL 'thu lumMf , 11L, mily Pumo JTmnce. Aug. 1. ine it-," Anu don't have to offer a prize '"".'' Good), for IU the BEST HADE. Entry Can hold ONE AND ONE HALF POUNDS, GILBERT & PATTERSON, SALEM. ORE. mm iron v- Paris. France, Aug port of the liquidators of the Pan ama Canal company has been pre sented to the tribunal. The expen ditures thus faramouut to 1,313,000, 000 francs; (212,U00,000) asset,. .March 3rd, 16,000,000, franc.-. (53,200, 000). CRIMINAL. statement for May shows an Inercai-e -YIuay Aj Saturday, AlltJ. S A.' i. SH-clat ei.gagement of the FAMOUS ELLIOTTS .ind the Japs Including 2 .lapaiu'so Ladies 2 Tlieoitgliial Imperial JiilMDCMt (,'lir nntliBtnmn Troupe, illiect froui the Mlka. JAY C. SMITH, there ar puree ' - thiss- (SuccMior to GilnM f IthcrJ PKOl'KlliTOK OK WILLS Kan N Court St., Salem, Agents, for Plats, Description and iiirthcr particulars. ju AGENCY; OF THE i i SWAfl FOUNTAIN m i e Tllli CLUB STABUS ORIS President Adam- Mty- Ihnerea.-oiis fort lie large $) lAHS - fc ' tk .f uperatlng expenses - a bill bund serviee, fast train be ,.hmi Oinaliu ami I'Ollliuni exflu-ively for the United States mail, which barely returned a new dollar for an old one, and the ex penditure of enoriiiouh amount of 05 Premier Artists 25 .... r K .-niviipunil oitlllliTlUMlL. monej iu. .... ,.. -";- ,,MiinPKAX,ii..l aMKWCJAX Hill t'P 10 t rpiTIHTI 1 1) UflJI I 0 ...". . . .: .:.::....-;..... i .mi li r. . . . i..ii. .. -r 1 fiHUii'iim. 11 iji ' (T. -..-... it . - . - - -..----- ,. , 000 was Cliargeil to ine luiiui u lt,(.u(. original and Helloed programs, liidnir all Increase of f6-W,t0ll eierollered Inntin perrormnnic. COlint, DCint uil im.n- , Ad. Uo. i) nn,i 75 cents. rUt. on comiwred witn tne same SO. do's l'ulner Tbwtler T0UI0 nwllely the onlyJpeneM.lJid iKirforiuerdn Amerlw, Together with Hm-o1iiI attt'iittoii glM.u to Iralisleut KUKik. Ilorsm tNNirded by day, eek or month. Horses Bought and Sold, l.or. I.lborly and Vurry Hts, Hulun, Oieguu. M I r - , ,, , , ,., . , , - n 'ZvHBilllrnBHBKJHLBijlilllv time In 0. D. IIUTTON, Prop. Costings or all kinds mnde to; order. MILL MACHINERY, PLANING MILLfe, CORNICES, Jl.lrt ""'- ,., T.WVS. ! OI1S W,7v .tvl. oM-H prison at Charleston ?enrn Jnlnoordrand I P lK F uaoio in eve y p." "."" A , y L'L.,1 IIFIIUT WT- l.ll..lf. .mi n i nun. " uuv. --- pres-en From January 1 to April 80, 81,700,- ML'ST PAY THK PENALTY. vJu- VnnK.N. Y. Aug.7.-The grand Jury t.wlay found indictment COn for manslaughter in the HM U-gree , i,s Newport. Petous wishing one 11.. .1 n.....u ... or more nice, lurmsneu ... . ewiwrt, apply to editor Journal. .....u.(iir Me.Gonigal. Mrs. bliaw aud Augut Harrison who were im Jcated in the death, by nmlprac- or I of Annie Goodwin a cigarette tale at I'Httou'n. Stiiiiiiions. lie Sure to Head and (let no Other plalnllt!) Hll HJC I1IHI tioe, piri 1 Vantku. Hradshaw, Columbia, nw nmneoltlii. tmt f onwm, jhi r '"' ...M.,vi. 1 "" . , ,, ... ,,-r,..lV KMniuandi-d U aij.ww the ion id other hue varieties 01 piums .inl'nWHn MidKirtHimtyouin 11. MAMACiiraBTOCO.vvicwniarw: Boston, Man-., Aug. ..--A " on. riot I. reported at the state aim theainnery. 1 ry- Salem Canning Com- 8:l-dw-2w. Uepair any Machinery ia kSw'-a. :!"', ir v"-' Turning lathes, engine. P V"",wl .. .,., nlVoreed WHO and bob stoves built. WllimaK-"..."" per, -- ... ... ,,u own paid for old Iron. Vou ean save money by buylug wr Musical JMerchandise DIAMOND'S Music llou-e, Kldrldg HI. hU. I.OL'I and lwr I .ttull unn uu iuw. brains Dlwuttoftetlmi witn deed. a rinsv. jL's,t Received.- Fine new block rUE. l. rtlVt ofniOUKlingS, uniton",.i. 4t PGTZI5L A BE ARM Instruments Kilfl tor Urtord ai ihf Cauiitv ISfrorder'i, Ofllrr. I'D Stewart and wf to V II DwwnluK &4.H1 acrtrtln d I e of John Tyktf wi 1 k t 1 W K 1 ijuluiby nml wf tu IMii'l Winter, t-i f It -. "Ik a -a "it" to YVoodburti. - "iM Hubuw to S4atoJ A t.yeluiwf UBI an4, nj cjirk ,n u, , 8 , r ,p, over r - ,0B. . a 1 want apu " In tb!elrcultcnirtoftbf.tU.of Urngon lor the eotimy 01 .Mitnoii. p. W. VanHuniu, AillBVaiillureil,dfMiidint)rti!tiitrBa IV. Alllo Vanlluren. naamoni! 111 n.r I- aiK.v inn, ...jii ii.i if vim full In Hn.ver ft atxive rrqulird, wild plttlntirt will apply to the court fH- Owr dlwoivlng lk marrteg' eontrnet now eiUtlng tammi '" un ,lin. and foreign. ...... , , TtiU MiHiiwuw I "ibHbl ay itrder l Hun. II. I'. HiH,-, Jud,loiliciiHHi,, Atuniy fr pin, gunulueTubulitr wvll 1 .ntr icl.d by putting rtown a thri Inch Iron .l, wKh rioopeiilniffc excopt bip and rxittoiii. No illrt chii gft ' nld only pure, water ohii ba tfotmil. TbUU tbeuuly kind of well thai 1 woruix and In wot eunnul gel Into, tlw.t U blHHtlutaly mrfiu-wlr proof, and that I la forced through the e.-mnl utriitn Uj , tlm (Hire living It l r.ltlvely the f.nlv kind of well Hint I worth billldlinrlll thU country Jnmm A. IfilMsrU, HIhiii, ve "ntlthM Milt, by tliTlmi day ofO to- (rwldenw nr Itatr ground.) uikkwi thw la THnn.t day r lli aoxt regular wrtU U-rma lOywin. erl. uolhaldivMirt. and you are further , enr. B.i.lm-UJSrii-w 0 feA"?r)ril ! Over Two Hundred of these favorite Pens are now in uso In Marlon county alone. It Is ono of tho very beat Fountain Pen uiunufutrlured. All IiiHiirance AgentH uso this Pen. Tho late iiiiproveiuontH render It still more I attractive and more desirable, A full lino of MAIJIK TODD t MAKD'B Hold Pens are always In stock, also PHOTO AliUl'MK, AI'TO AMJUMS, HOIIAP IJOOKH, HCItAPPICTI'ltKH, I'UIWKH, OAHU UAH1SH, VIHITINO CAHDH, WKDDINO STATIONARY. Remember th.e Pla.ce, Pk e fr.JZO July , !. ARAUKAPHS. jMKI im ill Imafinritt, untie. .. ,ner X !"" " Plumbing& Fitting to 'Xi of all kind. Lowprtoa"001'"" of U " -l ahftrt noifr. HMa an nenlrMi JlWILLBOYALOljji tr ,.. . ttwtm Vi u " TZi,. eaBt 1. tt. y- T. Mar( rv: ... .iu vleinitV Of MOB JITi VmJWv. Mn s1 d,,w8 kw wbiw-w. , Jt in ,r !Sm! bth tawland wtr. JOf , J2f is nml 14. blfc iop"i---- .,, wr on to 88. JJ". number of y-eU , Blld it u jotoa . lUowm ind vrt ut Lll Mil PB,MUl 'J! luff Iln. ITS-W I- t u" . - drowned or Ti,r i-nUwiuiM oh. Iowa SW' LVB"11 0DM' A rHl l l'rt.r. jr1KaWrf--a j-a . A . . - -- " . ; - - - '" ' alAAj . w BBmB atfalffta Obb -Tr-iMaaitor.Orr- " 5J-UST TU-lSifiTi-i&j, T Cttjatew: m' I.w.1 Pf A. MUMaU iaw".WT?jy". ;r ia BMBtfM wrul IZZdZdkuia H Aaav HhmmU'n It vuiy 1M "" . . A.. . .. y iaM. . - ... i4-aka Mag !" '. i . ThMattW YT. -K,T3VAlAAfcW MMaW- M mftlliH hMMMM immm. iun wwimnm u(tw.LM.i(. . tmu DU6AN BROS., "The Plumbers," Stilt -lwili-r in- Steam and PlumboiJ Goods. fmllluHaU Umaatutw- wr 4 rnt llw I blank.) np, ae SBinTRB YOCK T1CKBTS Before Leaving Saiom. THIr Tm YwhMm man TifMt. ywi m mttmt . mttf m -M w0 4rmtmotm'tn.'k tm Ss? m "2 v xy .JtiMtkV I f? Kfflfo'J.tfa&Onsr,'1 UUdwOJaaa OS State strisbt, Salem, Ore, '& m ft FT". :w: &f.?F MHALTH " . !. . It tu'i Ooldan Ilaltatu No, 1 . i . a cim( fir,'. ul aoaJ aUfc; f i. a. a 11m Lk ao4 IKJji Sort Kan, . pit, , rU , UEPptrt lrw BiotchM, Hm.l.i ' at u i h. tfUutA Hcatp, aa all .VVnair l -a tl ta diM knowa u .f.' U t'rlrr, 'SOU Vr Uollla. Um Ulibn.i'a U ldn tUltam Na. Oari Tcrtiifr. MawUljrl.iKbu. aw tt, I'wa la Um IImm. I'aJnilo t! t.. rt. l-.k W taa hV, rWaUd lUfa fk a I, y . 4 avia, liiim, aa4 n rrrsnrr ( .CHEAP MKATS. I am selling at my markotN on Hlnlo and (.'milt HtrcutN, incaLs at tlio following prices: IIOUiKD HKISKfrom 0 t 8 CVnU KOAHT 1JKKI' - SContM I hfiM f Mm Uwf. aa4 .Id fm tnm tM i;iUn, wj If imiitrriiim trt abiM . I - iHa Mut pufa fcd , a9 0U Mr l.llli, M U-Uirn ttnlaliAnlt .. wH-aa. Ht. MirrroN' tivtim ou a until Df. ' - WEBSTER THE DEOT INVCOTMENT fur Ilia Family, H. u'x!, cr 1'r.f'Mioittl Library. fwmTaftfTHr iVMBlUOCpiMSTiVIUWJk JOIOTMAQyf THCBESTi GOOPHTI5AK ;nHIFby the QUAIIT1CJU .'. i' rarl ml' wl all Uiaaa-y i rlra t'4 0 par S'i ul.lall Mpanl.b I . ' mM OaarrUaa Mfattaw,. I'rlc- 1.4 k . '. O .n Oluluiaul . rW krJui tk VWH, V-"$l to i-r ll. . V . Pit xm :; Umtt4wmrtyf- Mr iV I Alfilfaft. A - . -, -, iJilllvrirHU, POHKbytheQlMHTISIC .tolOCVi'U fl Cents 7CentH 7 C'enu 11 'wor I Ulry, and oyr i upe. w..ti luuatratiooa oa n,Wetry ikp Im t t many othar raluabt tupplamrnfalf. amr Hit' nmi.riiSlogrnpl leal Dictionary, a Mow claaattaer of ib World, and a lllrllonary of rictlou. TOD WEBSTER OP TO-DAY It Tht Itindird Authority in the Govramnl E. C. CROSS, frlntlng Office, and$uprmC0Uft. ii ia rwwfH I School Kg frtildcnn raoommaixlKl by trta ItilaSunarlntandantl (8J. au Ly the laatlloaCoU I School la 19 SU f !'. I H. and Canada. 74MIr ..ft .Mf. Ir a. ' $ 'Mp 0j mf, V. (1,1 K. BQHOlf ITLK, m. Cuiiimoniial at not, lor. Tint nnw auili, to oroer TI0KBT88.80. mmt, iaaa4 . I Ml I llflllVll mere haul tailor - i . . . , ,, nwuii nHoix. A iwriuirt III t'Uar. JftftffBSH irffl?fo'ti&m'J3L I ntwd. llerlriog U1 oleaninK done. Witt only tlrat aIwh ullorlnu o fjnvSifrSaliF """ I tablbhnifnt In tlieolty. DON'T BE DUPKD by buytaK tl.a baap phutulypa reprlnU of an cb Wll4 WaUter" Ou balDK foltd tlpon tl.a markaL Kr.-ru A U 7. lhay aro all allkv, boiox por raprcdueboQ uf tt.o flctlonary of over 40 year ago. Aunuiocarnenbl caneorstaic thafti ar rarv mwldlnii. far Initiate, tha auj plcinapl of Mi auHallad "new M0rdn waa eetnptfad by afiaath-man who baa bean, dead or twrty yun, ad m publUhed bafor bU ijlh. Oifcara.. alld addlltouarofcprlouora Ilka rUi. Tae luk ar all camiiaratlfaly Tahnl. TIm, IaataAdOnulHKdilioioC Webster's Unabridged Dictionary Umh en It UaVi rj? tbo tmprlat of l.O.MmtHlA.nC0..8prlnfllHld.MM. B.AI bf aH BwkaUw. TRuit rated fraphlt fM. fa :1 sl ". I ::i H, garar tabaxo 4 "'" '....nntt'S. jk m mm w "-c1 ' -0 Cm . St.. " SO 1TTHmm t 1" waawaac; rtwm-mmmmmK--"yx''rmm gwMj!!ljjyffltaVti'fiitfwir,wiiti ntr CTiMtiiwrimiLDi i ''tHHM i