Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, August 07, 1890, Image 1

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'- ' -iiihh.
VOL. $.
NO. 135.
HOFER BROTHERS, - - - Editors.
These Goods Must go While the Season Lasts. We Want the Room for Fall floods Which will Soon Begin to Arrive.
nniusii i:i) oai ly, exckitbunday,
Caoital Journal Publishing Company.
Ottlce, Commercial Street, tn 1 O. Hulldlutc
KnwrtHt nt the ixMotnco nt Halcm, Or.s
ipcoud-elass matter.
Great July Sale
Boots & Shoes, 118 State st., Salem
Prices newr nefore heard of in Sa!em. Exervthing utiL'-fourtli So
oneiialfle-is than firmer prices. Think of these price. Think of your
future wants. Yuii'iv an extravagant person if you don't buy a year's
supply nt tlxwi- reductions, for example:
Ladie-"' ccnuine French hid liuud turu button, in (,'oniuion Henseand
Opera, :tll 'i in.-, .-uribley's Ciucinuati make, former price fj, now S3 25.
Ladies' Berlin kid button turns, any style, all width, Roches
ter make, former price 4, now $3.
Ladies' Paris kid button hand sewed, any style. Ludl.iv. make, all
widths, former price $5, now 3 2.
Ladies' French Waukenphust button hand owed, Laill-iw nmke,
and D width:), former pi Ice W, now S3 SO.
Ladies' genuine Dongola kid button patent leather lip or plain toe,
former price : ou, now yi ou.
I he Oregon Land Co.,
with its
Mome Mice at Sab, tap,
1 Vk.'
(In the State Insurance Building)
and branch ofllecs In Portland, Astoria aud Albany,
for sale a large list of Grain, Stock ami Fruit Farms; also
; 'City and Suburban Property.
The Orejron Land Co. wuseMiceiallv organized for the nurnose of buying
Ladies' genuine Dongola kid front luce, M. 8. and IklnwraN intent a,i sub-dividing largo tracts of land, and has during the past two years ' ,r ,' ,',,, '",, ,,,,
i facingaud tips, former price S3 50, now J2 CO. , , , , qlli1(i,v!l,, ovw ., ., ' . ,,.. ! i,si'lr t0 b,,-vi,, ,m oH-llelil
Ladies' genuine Pebble Goat tan color button boots for the sea shore1 l)m"-'" alut slll,(mltI ocr .1,-1,0 acres into legislatures; crushing our coi
mtaius, tormer price j;i oo, now $z. 1 V i m I 1 H 1
s,m tn wftiifv Afirft arfift s
dies' Bengola kid button M. R., "Strioley" make, any style of last, ! 1 1 I U LU lliullt U.V I J 1 III J V 1 1 U
price $2 75, now $2. j V
n.njint.miQ fupmnf 111-Inn -IT n( nmv K
Ul IUUIJIIUtllliI w. ... ,'..1. V" ""I ... v.
sstyle of
former uric
Ladies' Doncola kid button M. s., Rochester make, any style, a good
wearing shoe, former price ?2 50, now ?1 75.
Ladies' Dongola kid button M. S., Koehester make, former price
2 2-5, now ?1 GO.
Ladies' Dongola kid button, this is a bargain, any style, former price
2 00, now $1 55.
Ladies Tampice pebble goat button, a solid wtnrwg shoe, Common
Sense last, former price $3, uow $2 15. ,
Ladies' heavy pebble goat tiutton, worked button holes, Common
Sense or Opera, former price $2 50, now ?1 60.
Ladies' best Milwaukee grain (seamless) button, L and EE, former
price 2 25, nmv $1 60.
Ladies Glovo Calf button, Common Sense, tormer priced, now H 00
All our men's shoes, Misses and Children's rcductd. Don't nuns this
opportunity for bargains. Don't get in the wrong store. Remember 118
State street, opposite terminus electric car line.
The success of this undertaking Is shown in the fact that out of 2S0 tracts
placed on the market, 225 have been void. We claim that ten acres of
choice laud in Fruit, 4
Will Yield a Larger Income
than 100 acres of wheat in the Mississippi Valley. Wonlso make valuable
improvements in the way of roads, clearing the land, fences, etc. We
can sell a small tract of land for the same price per acre as you would
have to pay for a large farm.
Send for Pamphlet and Price List.
Churchill Sash, Door & Manufacturing to.
& Scroll Sim in;:.
Sash Doors, Blinds & Mouldings, Turning
.. ...... ..I j.. ... . ......
'ev lK
by which we can always keep a full supply of an
tural Works, Cornor of Trillin nnd JIIrm turrets, t
of scaxniicct stock of nil
Siilcm, tjregoii.
taiaoKtmuuMa k
on stiitK Htri'i't, snlcm.
Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Finishing Lumber, Mouldings, &c,
All orders promptly attemltd to. 1'rU-iius low n tUu Uwoiit. Mill on Murtlii li.-)
i miles northeast of Sulfin. Ollloelii iwnncer uuuciidr
Wc now have for for sale on easy terms the most desirable Farms and
City property.
The celebrated Ankcny tract, comprising over 4,000 acres ,ot 'the finest
in v!r. nnd pasture land in the Willamette valley has been surujc
into small tracts to suit purchasers.
You ne,d not ouy of us. We will send you direct U .the owner of an.v A
land we have for sale, and you can make your own bargain.
W. M. Sargent,
Dealer in
I.ISIt .V I'AtT.U.
The "sagacious monopoly" that
occupies several N?ats in tlio United
States senato and on several of our
hightst courts will start a dally pa
per. The following information ai
pcarsln one of the syndicate- letters
from Xew Yerk:
"Another great daily newspaper
is to be started in Now York, with
money enough to keep It going any
length of time. Henry M. Flagler
is the moving spirit, backed by John
D. Uockafeller. Dothofthesogentle
men arc millionaires many times
over nnd are all well known In con
nection with the Standard Oil Co.
Its principles Mill be prohibition
and clean politics. A full stall has
been engaged and tho paper will ap
pear about September 1st."
No doubt the Staudard Trust
funis it cheaper to print a daily
newspaper of its own, than to go to
the expense of controlling so many
great Journals as It does. "Tho si
gacious and beneficent monopoly,"
as the Oregonian has lovingly bap
tlr.cd it, is not sati.'llcd to confine
s and
tiou in rellncries and transportation
charges; it propo-cs also to go to In
structing tho people through its own
The Standard would not only
look out that the people get oil from
no other source and see that 'egisla
tures and courts are all right. It
would also furnish opinions and do
the thinking for the people. As au
apostle of cold water tho Standard
oil organ will not tend to popularize
the prohibition cause. As tlio ex
ponent of clear polities, Rookufel
ler's uow paper will be a novelty.
That this organisation of million
aires, lluit hits done more to corrupt
I Aiiiwti'.iu politico in high places
1 than any other source, should now
turn evangelists of political moral-
, ity into the triumph of mockery.
No doubt this arch-humbtiggiiry will
have quite a run, as owry colossal
fraud seems destined to bo well re
ceived when presented as tho fruit
of great llnanclering ability.
. .i i
m irtNTinu VAi.tn: or tiiic iiiiu.us
oi' i.iTH.itATimi:,
In one of its raw, swooping dia
tribes against the bible, the Oregon
ian eompares it to the masterpieces
of secular literature, as being no
more inspired than they, aud says
of them: "Tho great works of Ho
mer, Virgil, Dante and Shakespcaro
are not histories hut poetic llctiotis
that huvo uoHciuntillc value." The
sweeping assertion that Uicm) bibles
of literature have no uclenllllo value,
will be uuwu to the historian and
American flag. On the Pacific
coast tho Jew Is still more cordially
received as a full Hedged American
citizen. He marries aud Inter
marries with Americans, sends his
children to christian colleges and
Suuday schools, and fully accepts
the American teudeucy to perfect
nice homogcnlty. Socially and
commercially the Jew gets full
recognition. It Is only In politics
that there Is any Jealousy felt of his
abilities, and ho hustles to hold his
Officer Searching for Banta Further
Particulars of the Trouble (liven
hy tho Albany Herald.
Hon. Money-bags Brice.who'brlbed
his way Into tho United States sen
ato, has been Interviewed as to the
pending federal election law. He
solemnly declares it repugnant to
democracy and full of danger to the
republic. Its passage would bo a
dark moment for the whole nation,
it Is calculated to maku the tomb
stones smile at eacli other to hear
such corruptlonists as Brlco protest
at any movement, for an honest bal
lot. No one suspects that Brlco has
ever been guilty of any study of
tills branch of statesmanship. He
has not had time to sp:rto from his
thorough Investigation of how to
Insula Houatorship,
There could bu no higher authori
ty as to the dangerous character of
this law than Mr. Bricc; who has
such a delicate sense of honor that
he Is oven resisting In thu courts the
collection of taxes by tlio state of
Ohio, boeatiso ho swore he was a
freeholder in Now York but a short
time before his purchase of a seat in
tho senate ut tlio hands of tho Ohio
legislature. His scuslbllillt. tiro so
relltied that ho may tvlnii If this
law is passed!
There huvo been hundreds of pat
ents taken out on Inventions to
facilitate the usu of tho weed. A
notable one is the pipe rest, by means
of which tho weight Is supported
partly by a brace running down to
tho chair. It is well known that
holding a heavy pipe with a straight
stem is a severe strain on thu Jaw,
causing the lower Jaw to protrude,
and developing the prominence of
the cheek hones. If tho facial mus
cles aro not strong the result Is often
a twisted lower law, or a siigni
crookedness of the entire faeo If tho
plpu is held too much on ouo side.
These troubles aro sought to bo al
leviated by thu patent plpu brace.
Another Invention that would bo
valuable to many chewors, would
be some kind of removable
cover for a white shirt front. A
portable pocket spltoou, for those
who Hud it incouvenloiit to ox pec tor
No arrests hayo yet been mado of
tho participants In tho shooting af
fray at Lebanon Tuesday ovcnlng.
A warrant was Issued for Bantu's
arrest on tho evening of tho shoot
ing, but the officers did not attempt
to arrest him until tho following
morning, when ho was found to bo
conveniently absent. Sheriff Scott,
of this city, went out yesterday
morning to search for Banta, but
lato last night ho had not been
caught. There Is n conflict In the
reports as to whether Banta or Ills
father-in-law, Williams, shot llrst.
a. II. Walpole, n young man who
was with Banta, was In this city
yesterday, and sitld that ho had
been run out of Lebanon since tho
shooting, because, accordlug to his
story, ho would appear as n witness
for Banta. He said that he was
warned to leave town, aud barely
escaped with his life by leaping
from a window at the hotel after
a mob had broken Into the room.
Ho has the reputation of
being a tin-horn gambler and wa
very much afraid ho would have to
go back to Lebanon and kill sonic
body. Ho appealed to tho district
attorney for warrants to arrest cer
tain persons nt Lebanon, but this
was not granted. Ho then wanted
a long article in his defense publish
ed In tho Herald. Ho said that un
less protected ho would bo forced to
go back to Lebanon armed aud
ready to kill three or four men.
All this fuss seems to have been
madu over the simple fact that Banta
and his wife had separated, and that
the husband had tried to see her
against her will at tho home of her
parents, and u shooting ailVay fol
lowed, In which Banta was slightly
wounded In the hand.
Which SppcnlntnrH nil Along tho Val
ley Would do Well to I'eniKC.
Corvallis Times: Tho fortunato
speculations of a few Investors on
the Sound has a tendency to Incite
tithuiH to woo this cruel goddess with
a few of their shining shookles.
Corvallis Is not unlike other towns
and , has many citizens who ureal
wiv willing to try ami win tho
fators of dame fortune. Thousands
of dollars have been invested lu
"wild cat" property In "cities of
destiny," that might huvo been
spent to better adyaiitage and prollt,
right hero at home. In fact the
money that has left Corvallis during
thu past year to purchase suburban
ate lu public places, would not bo a j property lu some of the towns In
bad thing, tlio' It might not have a
larger sale. The best Improvement
in tobacco using Is to not uso It,
at nil.
156 State Street.
r i.... r (.'tniilmra and Ktiirravinir. Oil PaiutiiiKS and Chromes.1
Prices tl e very lowt-t.
.'ffKSf.Mi" mmiri
Moore & Osborne
Dealers In Furniture, Notions (Jueenswure, Glassware, Cigars, Tobacco,
Candies and Nuts. All kinds of second hand goods, bought and sold.
floods sold on crjnimiil"n. Cor. Stale and Lllxirty .St.
Groceries and Produce
Capital National Bank
k'uitall'sidn. W0
I Surplus,
The Best Canned Hoods.-
Choicest Fruits and Vegetabl
in Season,
. a trwi1 AU
ffl T!gZSt& $s
The Grunge
126. State Street,
Salem, Oregon
-.!. "' "-" I
Wall Paper, lVlouldings,
. ... ... ....!.. 11 .. Ill V.ll ' 1 ..I.II..I....I .1 ...I... I. .,.,....., .....I
I'icttirts Frames, Window Sliaues, Jjaoy aus, repress ngus, autumn i mm iimuuug'-H , .. ' uahui,
ami io-m oi an mini. irom inuiii tue tacts uuu continua
tions of facts, "proofs as strong as
holy writ," of the social nnd polltl-
uul conditions of mankind lu the
ages depicted.
In the case of Homur thu great
critics all agree that no more perfect,
almost microscopic lu its compiuto
iiwh of dutull, picture of the life mid
manners of a people has ever Instil
pre-entiid. Tiioc legends aro not
history they aro more, panorainlo
pictures of life and. iiiauucra ami
morality. Historical credibility is
not aimoil at, aud therefore, the
historian, Oroie, points out they aro
Just so inuoli nioro valuable as rotd
life pictures.
The historical critic reuoiiucusthu
idtxi of chronologizing the events
In Homer's poems, but he doos not
full to find valuable Milimtlllo facts
as to the oxaut state of society, the
fMlngu and intelligence oi thu
masses, Tlio home life or the liiv
roos, the diet, devotloiiH hu1 fund
nos for hi do of the swine herd,
who wm no faithful to his nuutor,
UlysM, alt hocIi rocordxus thut,
the mure dugmutle niuterialixt is
pltMM.1 to term soieutllic facto
Is science,
XI'.rilHSK .lt:V, Mill (IILSTfl.U
wur.Af'H. . . rrttdtit.
W. V. MAKTIN. VlfvJ'rlent.
j. . AMIKHT, GutMfT.
It. s.
Tim oUltl ami htroiiKMt Hank mhiIIi of
i Portland ami north of Kan Hmih-Im).
W. W. Martin.
It. 8. WalUw.
J. II. Allrt.
J. M. MarUn.
n- w A.fuktak
To fcrinw on wneal and otnw HmrkH.
?We produce, mnrigned or in .lore.
elthwr In private irraBarfcr
public wttreiMHj".
Stale aid Cwstv WarmU Boetbt at Far.
I IHMOttBW t rtMibIe nJ. i"f
'TV7-. -. Vnlr. ttiatieo. Hun
?3K7Md: rde: w.twi...
Bankers, Iron Building,
Seilem Or.
Tho IMltorial Assurmtinn.
There is a good deal.of truth In thu
following from Tlio Dalles Times
Mountaineer, but there Is no wisdom
in or necessity for invidious com
parisons. Lawyers are nut all
heartless or solllshly grasping, no
more than editors are all angelic
souls who work for glory and thu
maintenance of right without fear,
favor or Iioh of reward. There are
thousands of cases wherein attorneys
have put forth the most heroic
dibits to wive fillents without thu
least hope of direct pciMiuittry heli
um, and theie aro Just as many
thousand of caw where the utter
ance of the press aro hut the dicta
tions of venality lu high and low
circles, paid for by the accumula
tions of the most questionable prau
(let and written and printed for
their encouragement and protection.
It Is till iiotiMiuse for uewspaiKT
wriieiM to urrogatu to themselves all
the virtues, and sacrifices, because
the olslni Is not well founded and
mills not one lota to public respect
fur the profession. But here Is
whut the T-.M. saH, and In the
main It Is a good article:
Thu editorial uwoelatloii. which
meets lu I'ortland Aug, 1 ith uiid
lAth, promliMM to be the most Inter
esting f any yet held, i'ortland,
lu her geiieroklty, Iihm prepared a
royal outcrluiiiuunit fr tue editors
of the Mule, uuu
the state of Washington, would
have made Corvallis a better town
than any of them if properly Invest
ed. Wo cannot expect our town to
grow ami prosper If our own citi
zens have not the faith to Invest
their money at home. But It seems
to bu unfortunately true that thu
olly-tougucd real estate dealer from
abroad has more liillueiice with
many of our eoplo than the legiti
mate inducements offered by our
own town. Invest ami Improve
your own town and it will not only
return good values, hut Increase the
price of your present possessions.
There aro real estate men who
would feci hurt If dishonesty weru
declared outright, yet they will not
ucruplc to put on the market and
sell outside and ''confidence" pro
perties they know to be the veriest
swindles. There aro now over one
hundred "wild cat" cities on 1'uget
sound, says tho ItealKstate Hovlew,
and from evidences In hand It would
seem that the firms holding them
are doing unfortunately well, as thu
hale of n few of these lot.", lu these
"cities" Is ipilte sulllclcnt to pay for
the whole townslte. The firms who
handle these now towns, In nine
cases out of ten, ueyerseo what they
are selling, yet by advertising In
places remote from their place of
operation aud by Ingenious aud
sometimes not so Ingenious fabrica
tions of facts, they manage to draw
thousands of dollars investment
money Into their hands, and there
Is a good liliiety-uiiie per cent of It
remains while the investors title Is
plucwl In "loss." Investors' cannot
A Bo-oilied "Webster's Una
bridged Dictionary" la being ottered
to tho public nt a very low price.
Tho body of tho book, from A to 'A,
is n cheap reprint, pago for page, of
the edition of 184", which wasTn itu
day n vnluablo book, but, In tho pro
gress of languago for over forty
years, has been completely super
ceded. It Is uow reproduced, broken
type, errors nnd nil, by u photo
graphic process, Is printed on cheap
paper and fllmslly bound. It la ad
vertised to bo the substantial equiv
alent of "an eight to twelve- dollar
book," whllo in fact it is a literal
copy of a book which iu its day was
retailed for nbout J5.00, nmf that
book was much superior In paper,
print, and binding to this Imitation,
aud was then tho best Dictionary of
tho time instead of au antiquated
otic. A brief comparison, pago for
page, between tho reprint and tho
latest nnd enlarged edition will show
tho great superiority of the latter.
No honorable dealer will allow tho
buyer of such to suppose- that ho is
getting tlio Webster which to-day is
accepted us the staudard and the
There aro soveralof these reprints,
dlU'crlng in minor particulars, but,
don't bo duped, tho body of each Is
a literal copy of the 18-17 edition.
Tlio New York Times says:
"Only those who are Ignorant of
the great advances that have been
made In dlctlonariesaro likely to buy
this reprint at any price.
The-American Bookseller of Now
York, says:
The etymologies are utterly mis
leading, and nattinvly se: for when
the Webster of 1847 was U.u-il Com
parative Philology was lu Its iradlo.
The deiliiltlous are Imperfect, re
quiring condensation, rearrange
ment and additions. The vocabu
lary Is defective, suino of the com
monest words of to day, especially
sclonlllc terms, for which a diction
ary It most often consiittul, being
entirely aosent. In not one of theno
threo prime requisites of a iliullmnry
Is tho Webster reprint a trustwv.ittiy
guide, or, rather it is u misleading
one. This 'reprint' Is
not Intended fur Intelligent men. It
Is inado especially to bo foisted by
all the arts of the book canvasser
on those who have been precluded
from a knowledge of what develop
ments lexicography has undergone
during the hint forty-two ycai-s.
This Is the crudest feature of this
iiioucy-iuakliig enterprise.
Tho Btifmlo Christian Advocate
says: "Don't bo duped. Thousands
are, or are likely to be, by the llashy,
fraudulent advertisements of 'The
Original Webster'a Unabridged
Dictionary,' which is oflercd for
three or four dollars. If
any of our rcders wish to invest iu
ajiiircliaso which they will bo likely
afterward to regret, they will do so
after being duly notified."
Tho Journal of Hiiuoiitlnu, iioston,
savs: "TeachciH ouiiiiot he too care
ful not to bo imported on, since the
very things which tiutku u diction
ary valuable In school are wanting
lu this old-tlmo reprint. Any high
school dictionary which can be pur
chased for a dollar and fifty cents is
worth more for school use than
Many other prominent journals
speak iu similar terms, aud legiti
mate publishers write us lu strong
condemnation of this attempt to
foist an obsolete nook on the public.
Thu latest uuil thu best, which
bears our Imprint on the title- page,
has over 'MM pages, with lllustra
tlonsou almost every page.
(J. & ('. MltltlllAM iV Co,,
HprlugiU'ld, Mass.
Supplied by T. McF. 1'atton, Fa
loin. lin-d.vw
Pioneer Bakery
271 Commercial Street.
llit Kook nd Culrull.
-Deal1" I"
first National Bank
Furniture and Car
Awuuuli kfit, Uttn u4, iabU n
rf part lA IU H'4 buocbl iul .d,
WMn of rtttlU U.K-0 Ui lravin, euMt
Sem wnAt (MNMiKtMwt ltt I'nlUil huim,
Hflttati Aiwrhaaul MiK.
TliU bank mw .mniMwr)- ttmuuifeMM
wfch loiakt l Urtrtm, WwMmIim, Idobo
Fwt MoutoiM, Bii mripunilwtU la all
It prinrtp Utwo of thaw lUn. -liu
u'M. S
rB J. R
. iw. I'M
V MM fthu liruJ
j-)S Cornniei
-cial Street,
m rmnc
Hone ftp
no doulit will ex
Jl, tuud to these knights of tlieuulll a , . iri,ii i,liliiiiniii ..vi,lnm..
I most cordial welcome. There sre I . " " c"r10"" '" ""'".' ovldoiie, i
no workers lu any Hold which ro-iofwlmt they are buying.
:!!"!!"!"":M!,:!!:!H,:::. Hiux"ciTyjun.Kh The nw
i U It I t vJ t t vivtl vlVMIr hi mi i n I
itent'Wtsl rseHitlons of the Jews Willie lawyers defend or prosecute i York Star Is a rotten enough parti
In Itutwlu oulU attention anew to; mlwlsmeauors aud crime with an . wtu to Insinuate thut the louslaua
the ubseeucc of the spirit of ttonto-' W ""K10 i .me biiiouih or too fee lottery swindle bus noinu oeoult lu
- I ra.m.t I.1W a. j ira Itl I 1 1 (lit. lllii . -
outiou against Hebrews iu the wr,)U1, H'
um ul HUtiM. DUrim nations, ..Yirftfiiiitiiiii r.r wui.iurv r.,u-i.r.i inlnlKtratlon. "It bus taken it year
-..-,.- -- -- --. .--.. ... j ........... .
bAMri uimiii KellUli wineiderutions In lU argtimiiiit U-fore u Jury ! and a hulf," says tlio Hiar with In-
MlU. (OUBl
K.rnN An
sl irabet InuUmmi
i 4aitc turnam vb
wt. '". bi DO "r Tllr
iM1iinn-- nw iwiw " -
cerity "W'4
ibuU rnibl ripit
buUCbt d W10-
.muu buuebt
IDVItedl" dp-
ion of iwcuiiiiiry reward. ! Milnlntrutlon. "it Iius taken a year
artitimiiiit U-fore u lurv mid a hulf." savs the Hiar with lu
i may In home p!aeM le pruetleatj. I U liMiuutHjw if tli lawyer limy Milting liuiueiido , "for thu infonna
,. .. ' . . . J'mjoii be ferifitten: whatever i .... .7 ... .. .......... .
lPlllPUV HP TliyvIK'ltWl IIkAHT ,wnprouiMMin.in,rwm:iiMei.(howlu,r flJ ,,, ,,,,,, U'iiini iiimi ihh ornery eoiupuiiy is a
.H..IKIHJH wi iiiu K.IHIW """"1 ' by tlio giVerilUriHl
Salerrii Oregon.
IbV wtl liMMro iuUUutltM ul bwrslar
IU if int4 turtk"H Wi
lK kM KliMtlr rUBU4 Ui Mn4
Ihr ik 16
M mm! ir-tmtkHam MoMtor.f 'l.'l-
rvrMiW turn Ktuuir miiumm ut hh
Ulr 4ublH at lb Imv1m4im M the
ion, kMt Ibrrvbr 4riliUU tff-r
mo 4 mr frwii rwtd slid referral ti frtniufiilly. and '"iie evil in jieriiieaio uirougu tlio
thjM thiiUKhl of AiiifcrUMitH as the thf U no opportunity for him to exvcutlvu skull." It might bo ro-
rtHMtublMiitwiit of sluvery, or the . w1 w"ul I"'l hmhimiiii tortwl tlut It took four yir fori
iuslitutkMt rf flraey ihi tb. high tlaJnma ueh lfi""Mo !" Orovi
mmm. t tru AiiivrUKiii pint th UrrfcU-rv uwX tbr tssir over-, LivveistKi'M hituii, ami even lliou it
kuows neitlwr Jw mr (UuUe, sud ' worKul wiu-ll rtiln-r, If lie U oonoJ. didn't iniriiiwUej and, furthermore,
tlmt he iwtl hardly got nut of otllwe
does net rnl- rm dibilw4U. f!EArJZ !'1 "Til
wrtwtttvo ww( i vnw tw nivn mii i
tto F SMITH,
COMMKJlt '"""
.W COM.MK"' - , 0-'-
Tents, Awnings, Lawn & Camp Goods,
' d I H B r k I I D iaI f ' M ''W'1 tb oa. iwmr frtgii irtmtMiM lu p
y K i 111 I 9 111 B-S SBXTmTilSr tten M the mpMljr wUi w
911 I I nUi M.e?,elELi?.iir,M, m proMlu, tltoroutfttlr
I V".l Ja tt Jm". i ii i l.-WAk Tmtmkt bana.A I libMijlut
,'-'"r-"Z IZTZZZoirm JnU.Ur--lhJt.w bwi
IU H fouutltilMM uf U(JodlM HgallMt
HHy lwt. Tme AriMrkuiM wiH
eofU f lhoK wliu should be hV
frUtwl. It Is ualurul tliot lUtmv ,
WtmIh UiWtm kUould look forward to
tbWMlloH with Joyful autlelptt
l loo. mut tin iimwOhk In I'ortlund
will t uiw of tmi bHtfrtNkuiienitloH.
iiiM are ovur oih uuutirwi nuwi
mi -" i-J lUMik ii a. TatMiaTfcy
d tHtf duojubi. aM4 fw ' TTjm vnumt
t. (.riuU.,M4 VT '
k. K . WW l I Wm,
Um, frtnl Hla Onfia.
iuac ia(U M iIm mm ra
(Mftt-M In Oregon, mmI a majurlly t
lh will t nFiirtMtwL With
I.I... I ..- . lu ...IJI.U. . ,-uJ.
.....j .., .r. mwra Bjwn, j, uUIUL,,r ..f uuul.l , I,
buMiiM ImMK atJul atiliwre anil ,,IM iwt l(tt iMnmuy a, mfa
MtwiMUjiw 'uwng iwH4hh w wjmity u in MimH.nK.
Iwforo lie hiiildeuty apHar us the
retained law. r of the huuvloat pn-1
prletor of till yery lottery swindle.
If rwpiililloHiis should uttnok Cleve
IhihI iu dumocralle organs utUek
(Jen. HarrUon a gruut howl wmihl
go up. TUi fact 1 that Uuu. Har
rUou la niovwl mora rwolutely
nijuliut thU lottery hwlndle than
any other prekldeiit. republloan or
democrat, hu dme.
Freneli and Gerinaii Wlieat and
Bye Broads lu City Style
Vienna Bolls.
I'ustry and Confectionery
Baking In I'ull Stock.
My uiiw bread anil cake bakers
aro llrst-olass artlsU In their Hue,
and I aim to have
Everything is Fine as tho Finest.
Capital Dairy Co
A. U. Kuirobtld, II. J. Kelly ana
nrw rarHl to Ullver metli milk
puoIihIou tm, to ttuy part of the rlty.
LmivaorUara st Ulllto 4 low' uibl.
Ciipii.il City Hcstauraui.
Jas. atcholor, Prop'r.
Warm Meat at All Hours of tho Day
None but white !U)r employed lu tll
A Keml UtiiUal incut eoekixt In tlmt-
Twity-rtvii wnlt par intsal.
(mirt utrtwt, li.twMu Journal Ofltce anil
Mlnlo'M lavery.
tlJ W Bx3 v. i.
.t "iItaiMnil BooUUro1
ur iNUniniuUhMiu
- i unnlletiwu (a Crr
I ,-aaaaaafiaaaaaMMpnirnitrofnn
Vj. jMJt ..
ikAJJkM k, t&tfMht&mto.,