Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, July 12, 1890, Image 4

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    fffr leVgifMmvc
Highest of all in Leavening Power. U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. if, 1S89.
A Claim That They Will Not
Stand .Monotony.
k &m
Various Ilcnsous Given for This
Restless Tendency-. ere
the Girls Como From.
tt&Tig amorqr you.
Incorporated 18S9 Capital Stools $30,000.
So you think of locatln beret
Phvsictanxt. 1 thought eoma of prao
Glebe: The question of securing
Roott Household help in Tncoiua is, as
cvtren-too aero, young man. there' a n evcrv Other dtv nn intrnxtiim
Reed oprafnir hero lor a man as under- uwur uij, iiu interesting
jMBd las tit. but tro doa't want no prat- oue. How to find a Reed domestic
wint; , uu now to keep her, even when re
Many times women call on tbelr family Infirm r,....o..tt.. ..
physicians, juHcrtair. es tlsey taadne. ceo ' " !'-". '" vteij u. a
from Uyspcpela, anotLv-r from heart dU- , satisfactory have been established i
oinnotW from lmr or kidney disease. , . ,J . w." - nuusiieu suc
another from nervouj rxbauttion or pro- not ween her and her mistress, com
tbeiajelvn and thr vaay-irotnff and uv
t ration, nnotuer via run hero or there, nriilvi.K- f... -...... i... ...
and In this way titer ait present, alike to P9r'x-'l "? M"em ! KlivW.
in mind of a girl who wanted to be
allowed to eat at the table wltb tbe
family. She was n good girl and in
order to keep her the mistress was
inclined to yield. She spoke to her
husband about It, however, and he
objected to it so very decidedly that
she was forced to tell the girl that 1
could not eat with the family,
up her
different or crtr-busr doctor, separate
lor which be rrc-
year or so ago it sucs-sted
by several prominent citizens of
and distinct mm.
setiocs nis r"s nna vw, srsumina TV, .1 ...i ........,
thca to bo en Xtvln, t.i ntllty, .hey are "" '"i --ur. irciuteu servaut
3t5SS.s5ailgS?fi:JSSfo7SS B'rinlw tocumeto Tncoma
taujoof suff-rlnc. encourayr hlsprae- ironi bcotlaud, aud several offers of
tire until 1-rjo bills are made. The uf- o,i,. .,,i,.., ... . , ,
ferine itiUrat gets no better, but proba- s'?' employment were made in
Jlr mr by muon of the. delay, wrontr 1 ntiticinaliou of the time wlmn rnrU
ircnirnvni ana consequent cornmimuons. I . - o
A troier medicine liko Dr. Herce'8 Ka-
vrlto Prescription dirrcnt to Ui taut
wi m iinro remorca too aiw&se, au
!' hoRa distressing ertnpumn, and
tutol comfort Instead of nrnlonml rr
IV- tho only medicine for tho weaknesses,
" rtilarltles and painful deranftments
ir o women. Kwa oy arunruts.
whereat the girl picked
boxes and U17 and left.
"There U at least one man in Ta
coma who has none of these scruples.
He has his setvaut eirls sitting out
on the front poreh with his family
iu the evenings, and treats them in
every way as If they were members
of the family. But there are not
many such cases. The girl general-
of her
vlnlnllnn r.f..ll..M ,..... i.i. .... mistress meutaiiy, y custom com-
. ....vn vvutl.llk lilUVl il"
I and couveutioualities, from which
, shoultl arrive. The plan was all
Ml! formulated and propping finel.v " fUC" , S'gen
?mbVi ' whc U d-n --'IHrn tbe gentlemen ' -v und,;,ands tuf ' Ue she 1
akSSS: that their scheme would be a direct , equal or even ,1P,rr. ot
i t a posltlro ctinrantce thatit wtU I n, ii, ,.,, i,u.i ,., i ,.... leis tue ooservaucv 01 ceriatu ruies
luiactioa n terry eiv. or prico . ; " g-"-" " ..nil rvmvnntlrmnlll
r it will N rromt'tlr refunded- I As n ru e. hp n I Mn in Tni.,. aml COUXeuilOURIll
OR. PiKncr. riiiaEXS resu- , ,',, .. ."' there is seldom anvesestpe."
11 i'ihhi iiri ifiTiiiiifi iifi rmvr, v'ir.t '
U:e and cleans tbo live
upwcis. one n dc
ivA-. stomach wi I ad gol uirls commiuid I
SoH by druesiitai 530 jr nionti,, and are st
from f 20 to
, "v .t luuiiui) nun itiv pure ui per-
- ' maneut positions if they suit.
To the question as to wbetherglrls
"That a girl gives satisfaction in
oue place is no reason that she will
do the same iu another. Often the
p a KNIGHT. Eeic-tlc PhMcl.
,. rc. oran street, "'.tlem Oi
' i, .t ,!,.,. 1 . ... . .girl was obliged to unlearn what
who do domestic work are prone to & ,
iei-i om. t,nnn. ti.-t- ,i.i t .1 ' w tausht her in a former place.
t-2r i?..T ! ,,ange their positions frequentlv a 1 .... " , , . . ,
regon. i ai- . . .,.. . , ,. " hen a girl comes to meaud speaks
j local employment agenev said to a , , t
monnry dieves n peefclty.
DK.J. XI KKJCK. IVntist. Offlceover
the- White CVrner, tvurt and CVim
merc'.al streets.
nnv nmwv rx......ii . ..
t.rney..Law. Menlerofthe lUr of oen they stunetiuutJ make but a
Siem Orn.d,U 0m "U StJ,, tIX',!:, I llorl ?ta-v- Aml u? fact that a girl I
! News reporter to-dav:
"Good girl, as a general thing,
stay a long time iu a place. But
of going somewhere 00 trial, I lee
Lead me, O my father, lead me.
All akins thin desert way:
And with neav'nly manna feeil me.
As I Journey, day by day.
Let thy glorious presence lighten
All the darkness of the way,
Tl.l this earthly life shall brighten
Intoeadles, purftt day.
Thou art rich In grace and blessing;
All the stores, of heav'n are thine:
And In thee all good possessing.
I rejoice that thou art mine.
Tho" my pilgrim may be dreary.
And my Jonrney hard and long.
Thou canst make it bright and cheery.
And all Jubilant with song.
Keep my heart from sad repining,
With the Jy that Is In thee:
And, amid the darkness shining.
Let me still thy presence see.
So my life shall tell the stoo"
Of thy faithful loving care.
Till I see thee In thy it ory,
Andjthy heaValy Kingdom share.
KEV, II. B. HAKTtrp,
and tbe remark of one of the young ;
men at tbe mass meeting of tu- In :he ,,,. curt, for the county of
dents bit tbe mark exactly 'that Marlon, state of Oregon,
if tbe public sentiment in tbe college Inhe ner f citatlon.
To Katharina Uiuman. Aianrareiia
mm ana an ot ncr neirs 01 mui ut
4 vna n nr unki ownjind nllnersons
"As this tendency to brutality in
bad not been very low such an out-
rsire would have been imoossible." Schamm andnllot her heirs of wldde-
--0- r ,Hi. fcniiwn or UDKI ovraano an cere
interested In Mld -esUite. OKEETING:
, . ' In the name o. tne suue 01 ureguu, j ou
i sports iucreases. extravagance IU- , ftreherebv cited and required to appear In
I preLe-s well V ueee.fill base the county court of the tnte of Oregon, for
1 creases as wen. -v.ucces.uu ise the countvo. Marion, at the court room
ball pitcher commands a salary as thereor.atS lem.m the county of Mnrion
, , ., . . onMonlav. he 4th day of August, ISO, at
large, or nearly so, as the governor Xio-x In theforenuon orthat day, then
of tbe commonwealth, and through , T.&'ln
the summer season commands more uiricand empowering the administrator
attention from tbe public press. $KtSJSZl&TlVt0'Itr
Tbe national game is lecoming In .SVuifSitS
man v nrpeets a great gambliuc hell, , MertdUin and thence runn ng north along
. . . . "". ihn-t-i linn ftf K.ild serllon 11.75 chains:
where pools are sold as at a uorse ltiWee MUtn s: t-, east parallel with uth .
race. Yachting has become one of fSSnhw.
thecommon sports in which larsre following the outh line of aforesaid see-
,.. u, Kvn -r.,rt , tionSJ.Mtotheplaeeofbeginnlng.contaln.
amouuts of money have been spent. lncrut acres of land ituatedm section si
"Now, I do not speak as the eue- t.s -' pfthe Willamette meridian .
' r Alo beginning at the . w. corner of,
flJY of out-door amusements. I Simeon Smith's donation lanfl claim, Not. I
... . .v. lla) eliim ro. 57. ana thence running
speak only in warning against that no7;h iChain$ to the n. w! corner ot
iiu.uuu $10,000
For Sale
Ten Thousand Dollars
-worth of-
Fancy and Staple Groceri
For prices and terms enquire of
-...-..,.,, ,.-:t, n,,r3 komt s. a. T. 9 . R 2 w : thence south S3 iV e.
""""s"" """" "" """ along the north line of said sec. 6. 6L3S
and in many cases overthrow. The i cham: thence s. u-ar e. isi chains to
, .. .l.-r. .s...tt :. they.K eorueroraidciaimAo.o7; tnenee
great purpose of life, after all, is not j, 4V w. along the north boundary ol
Sermon of Rev. Loai Albert Banks, at merely to -have a good time,' but to ' d im JI-ti&nVre!
build up a noble character and to of land being a part of sec .t. 9 s. R. 2 w.
. ! of tne Willamette meridian.
nonesny serve one s age. me aan-1 AUo beginning at the . e. corner of
irer to vounsr ivoole eineoiallv. is ' slmeons-mlth's donation land claim Not
Phitrrh " . laj. 0- 37 ana tnehce runnings.
'- --'' rrfi'Tripv- u-tii im nrt
-- -. e--
St. John's 1. E. Chnreh.
At St. John's M. E.
Broadway, South Boston, last even
idea of the importance of what is,
itureher. If she keep of the same! iu-v'-the P5101-- Kev. Lonis Albert after all. onlv incidental to the sen
- has stayed a lone while in oue plax
-v t W . 11 t V-l ..- -.. a - i
Biv-BAaxat. . i . ii i uirnrvi n a mr : im ; .
I Orecon. omceorerarr"Jewelrystore; j does not necessarily Imply
State street.
that she
mind I refuse to recommend her.
"It takes fully a month for mis
part of tbe ladles aud more applrea-1
Banks delivered the sixth in his
series of discouisesou social topics.
and maid to gvt uod to each j hi nie linS "The EstraTagance
-'swavs. MoreptkMiceoiithe??dru.,u,:v of Modem Sports."
ous and
imoortant mission of hu
1 will stay at the ne.xt. I bad a ladv
tion on tbe uart of the girls arei
Mr. Banks chose for his text Trow
jxvi., 22: "A merrj- heart doeth
I5ut She Got It. A Sample of Let
ter Dally Kecelred.
JJ. SKA". Attorney-at Law. Salem. , COIUC here for ft girl not lonr 3RU.
. Oreson. Offlee nrt door to the len I , , . , .
nt head or stairs in the mr of Ladd a anu gave her what seemed to be a
Bun Dank. . veo. g00d g,rlj whQ ba(, hwn threc
TILMON'FOKP. attorney at law, Salem, years in her Int nlaee The ltttlr '
Oresor. utMce nptklts in Wtton-si. , " " , . , , ,
t. nwuviiutru ttiiu me ert wuue
T A. AITI.KGATK, atmrney 7t"taw w at tlie office. The girl twk VLTJZ LjS
e." tRlt"l " 8te ! ' H. and in just two weeks she j L I. S'HS 7ZZ
,. .r. r. cr. : tis oacs tooKiac tor .another post- ar ea instiae
Y. VmiTvSSHiS.. nZuAVX. tion. She made tbre. or four trinU ..a! .'"r"'.!
talrityRy. cv. 115 stalest. lefon. she fiaa,v fol,nU
poHKRT a McNALLY. Arebiteot. Xa where she seenied to lit. And there
IV lfi state Street. Itan and peHOca- . . , , , ,
tlbiw of all etas.- of of btiiwi&ct on short ' J SWt deal iu that. The strl and
iw1ti?rin'fn',c'or,TOrkps"iSfr ta? mistress must lv coneotal to a
tfVfftn .T'f.rtt aitil l-i - wilt
GOllALET WILUUH, Civil Kngtn- J"' " ucum.iiist!
eer and Draughtsmen, itaiinxidsur- oetter treatment and the Other let-
sxxJ like a medicine," and Aet
xvi.. 2S: -'Do thyself no harm."
"Paul, who was the author of tbe
second script jre," said the speaker,"
"was, at the time of its utterance, a
very happy illustration of tbe firs: ieeCreaio ifc.KV. and s cents
. , . . . CoSee, TorChcola:eandCake10cent.'
provero, saowtus; ine vatue OI a MubasdMUk lOcent
40 cents
13 cents
EaliK Parlors i CiEdv .IJaDiifafiorv.
2Q5 Commercial Street
201 Commercial St.
SS-Goods delivered free to all parts of the city.-
eheerful heart in the most trvinsrex-
Plate of Soon.
Hot CaSe. CoSee oc Tea
itft;t..-tfi ttli.t ton.llr,-. fto.r iTr4t c-- n ".t-
w-.- .. .. .UU. . .-k.... V ...V.. w
veys and et-timatinc a sivetalty. Office 1SJ
siaie stTei, up sMtr, sitiem, uregon.
terwork. But tbe tmuble is often
that the girl is kuy or tle mistress
is trilling and bard to uit. Then
the girl will probal.lv make shoo
t M.CLOrutl. 1'adfrtakw. Kmbalmer sta-s. Just liow thU ela il :v
girls are alleging the best and out of
their places they go.
jt. and Otbinet Maker, MR Slate St.
11 XtlMl&W MnlMJrin amt t.,lt
i:,. ah otrers po.Himr attendett to iey iiseiy to do this If thev have
lcnilshtrvt,sarni. l,,-,,,,. t tt.i.iv, ,k.. ' ,r ,
-....v- . .. ,v.. ui. .ju gu, ii a
tam a luuf ijea of tv retx ib np
rili. I i red i-e :r n s t.-TC.rr.
iL I t.xt Uttee Kvuy-s beix ifTEl-
keaee I sesd si! lie war lek Jo CIJorn.a i something about with hiia thtt was
far B.it. it was : befere I lt iT. . .
City. ab a yr a. t&at I beaa fc feeJ worth having. Tbe MMe Oi-esj not
set iuelf arainst amusement or in-
iiAvnt U.&lnAtl -rrr ftfwr m
. .. ... . -, ..--.... ...,.-... . ,---" v m wa
atedx.a wteii reheed tt someTat. women need auvl must hive some
w? -behal s:-i ttate ?; VectUe ! laa recfealHMl. we carrj in
sipara. aad a i.-4 e bj .s. I d. ' orstl ve, bv the verr ebar.er of oor
aeJ with sc'l go; mSk-: tia: I : w le: . ,
uie a new t ae i lt ir-cii- wc' .creauon, th ncht to pk&sure from
t neirtS-VS bew to taie is. so pars vt taj .. .., - w-u- .--r.ii
is - je aad r: f s- aivii many sources. e are as certainly
Htoc-ll:llSwM. ' uPPd fuf n"K'.vEwnt r labof.
t riA w vt -m 1'. v ., The human lJv is constructed like
Esjcally are wwkxkTwriejwrtittiii..-.;.! soBe d-elicate muskal instrueea:
on i r iiiioa ifiMa.
penenees. Tbe man who eouW have g1 D,,prv S pcn- ' granto
-f ,. .. . ,. .... IVwt Chop and Ss-c 2S cents i inwiv
. a cood time in spite of the uiidni-ht Muttoe chop and Egs sm- Sni
25 cents
snse and Eccs
Ham and rg .
Fr-h tytr any ty:e So cents
25 Ct Sjgu -D aef Snd Free II 43 O'CJkV.
A alee Ta-tety of regetables, e., etc
AJxcttea, eoSee t milk with all 2i es:
meal witho'j extra cttrge.
Cttoace t. .gar-. Imixrted cd tSjcvestlc.
alway oa f.uc :.
IYr:er Hoc- -I ari Esrr J cents
Tender L.a ?teai :.n Lcr 5 cent
V.5 w. on the s. boundary of claim
No. s; lii ctalns to a rxint in the
angle ot the county road leading trom Sa
lem to Jefleron via Parrih's Gap; tbeDce
-oath sr' to' e. alone the center of ihe
countv road 24-s? chain; thence s. 615 OV z.
along the center ot said road ilW
chains to the angle where the center
I of said road lnter-eci the east
boundry of -aid claim 'o S7; thence
1 x. U: 9f w. alone claim Une as east boun-
', dry of claim No. S7 and west boundary of .
the Iianiel Delany donation land claim '
; "o. W, HiTT cluio to the place ol begin-1
nlng, containing 1.2J acre of land and ,
oeing a pan 1 1 simeoa smnn s d i c.7ot.
llax "claim No. XT. 'ituate in Sec. 6 t. 9 s.
k 2 w.e: the Willamette meridUn There
i being in all of the preniHes hereby con
, veyedSOaerejOf land situated In Marion
county, state of Oregon, subject to the fol
I lowing re-ervatlon or agrvement. to wit:
-It i agreed that tbe grantors of said
, Carl Gilbert, deceased. h.Ul have a rl--ht
of way one rod wide along the east side of
J I said premise, to get tock to water from
sale grantor remam'.ng premises and
when said right of way is ued by the
rantor as afore-aid the grantee to be al
to u-ear-en ual amount oferantors
premles between road and sa.d right of
ITN'ESS. the Hon. T. C. Shaw. Judce
of th" County conrt. of the ate of Oreon.
for the county of Manon. wlih the seal of
said conrt atttsed. thi- 2d day of Julv, ISO.
attest: K.J.BABCUCK. Clerk.
( . , D. C. SHERM.VN, Deputy.
- S.KAX.
gtUILLM.IMB)! IlLWeagMMI '1 'F uim yi nuii pi.i ' I I IIWrTTTlTB iLMjmij, ,,-
TOHV c.ILW. Ovntrwcior iki tmlMrr. thecouutrVfQ much the better, for
riuriHMw mtninc a IW-Allv. s t . . Vvtr OKV
lllfV Zirt H U'HVi fMIl Trt t-fhl-an A . . - . .
.---..... ...wv u jottn liotansoo
U FlselasMe alhtHg a speeialt,
vurafueivnu mit, mkh unyoa,
A ShsII Arar
Over 5W people are employed
; hlch may be pitched to a thoosaad
jkyoos inn s. The eye, tbe ear. tbe
ri,j, ' mouth, indel every orcan and
creat exhfbttion ia ,' ase are so many windows through
TOHX KNUIHT. Ittaeksmtta.
tl sRowng and rwlrlag a siwtalvy. shop
aw of Ubert- Mreet, satenoWgvkB.
- ta.ira ixur oi nantis in tne summer ils -arious departments. The show ' which we mav eniov tbe tanik of
;r2 me wuuiry. travefs oa its own train o sixtv-
"One came that does a creat deal four car' an,i s' 'H?ht seep
tn xr-t rj-.- s.. ...,. .,. : .x. . ? car for its enivJoye. edns-
SreaS. Influence of the factory or shopgirl. hibiUon at Salem.
rateaultt- - a gnwl thing she cvtusiders
i-a-im herself above a 'hireil girl,' but if Alice Ataerte tke Pfahr Aetre.
ays. Jr- s. iiehieu: tHirtnr tne
P 3 l-VltSR.N.MatMMttrerofallklrd she dues del-n to stoop so Vow as
L . of vM. Meratrtag a tMvWtr. . . . ... . , .
my the feeM wtwt tuiaed oat, shop u associate with her it is time to
the wwrld. Christfatnity dc ne:
undertake qoeoefa this desire for
rtvreiatkm, but to control and direct
it into sale and healthful channels.
"But from tbe Puritan extreme,
which would suppress all aniuse-
nrwviiinc u.i w.iK- t K-i .. mots. we are taeaiesca witii
. -- .- ..- -.a d-v a, ac i v- -ua-
CT ffawwl fwan uktuiu rfWMiK T aim nL. ( nfhv in itft TV'wlal V Tvwfc-Jd tw-vn
156 Comme""c:V Street,
Hoo-andflar-rA tx - t:.T.!;5'
paper !unrr:. drev : ag. tra'l t ntmg
uc EaieunmiQ;. A', wv. r don
etas', camafe pa-ntiaga-p.xiaLt
ges szerate.
p. a mm prop.
Easeae City Bands for Sale.
""OTlCE t hereby given that under the
provt-lonofanact ol the legl-lature '
oj urectja entnjec, ".n act to incorpo
rate the City of Eugene and to repeal all
a! and part of acts in conflict here
with." filed in the office of th: secretary
of 5tatc. Feb-nary a), IS, the common
cooncUof the Oity of Eugene wul lsueand
di-poeo: the bond- of aM c:tv at par
value of from YL."0)to S.?.0X m denomi
nations of from SICj to HuO a- the pur
chaser may desire, navable 30 rear arter '
-.. ..-. .- - .r. ;
arst , u"'e OI iumg tne same, wttn interest
char- thereon at the rate not to exceed 5 per cent
perannur . payab'e seml-annua II v
seaieo popo-ais to purchase said bonds
will be received by the undersigned
at Eugene, uregon. until September
It. lMX and all propoals rece.ved
will tc opened and considered on
theoth day ol September, ISO, and said
bond wi:i bedi-po-edof to the person or
per-on- making tbe best o3er or offers
i Th- common conned reserves the right
to reject any and ah proposals, Bv order
of tneeoanc 1.
May il-t. :! B. F. DORRIS,
Recorder for the City of Eugene.
JR. M.WADE&CO. Have just received another kp
Spring Wagons and Hacks
Of the best standard makes. Prices are the lowest, Quality cob
sidered. All invited to call and exanine them at 2S2 2Si and 2$.
Commercial street.
p O. UAK&K. CoUeeikw. amttoa ?? gin paint uer lire lu glow- trom tue u.ot your fJfH-real Hun : a-trov both Kxlv and oul Tbe ITr"
inxxi sow oa dMautssloB Adrenis drudcerv of iaiiuwV .t tt... , """. " .. v-r "r. -. -" ... , ., , ..
nwu lascrted la ie can xi tjr-t .. ""' : ' "v ijirge sue si.tu, sroau A cent.-. J-or popular sporis oi me last lew years tivf?
ml. S CtMHfvbl L, SaKmm. Ore-
socttrrv noticis.
first thing you know the house ciri salebv all Drursists
i Veoomes a factory girl.
Then another cause of tbe ciri
A Cire for Siek Heaickf.
MifHtw(.1lwsttwt ioW, clu kwfcln.-6m- ,,wMt. .,! t. :.V. :7.l;: tT- Tl, ,u.,rXr;! .. . -. . . -- ': xa oregwn IVveiopment eompanvs
, ... -.-... j... 'r .u. iiwn-tri 5iti ieitef . wiucn, instead OI recreating, would stm-tup line. i5 mile- horte. 20 bour-
.metaan oy any otoei tocie. Flrt
throogh p--enger nd fretght line
Iraaud and all point' in the Wil
vjmev io ana trom sn Tant-eo
CHEDUtE. .Except suncay.
Leave Aioaay - IKOr'il
Lemve Corvalli L-9 P M
vmve aiaa &.
ueave 1 aquina 4 .
Leave Corvallis . KS.
Amve AlUnny ....... ltio.
O. .t C. trains eoaaect at Albinv and
The above trtua coaneet a: YAQCEfA
with ibe Orngoa IcveioMit Co Ua
itsM'Aihfn. t-tv.- n knnlna aad sn
cannot Iv but a serious redaction to
any thoughtful mind. Tbe decline
Al Tjaat A. h. .. - 9 k m kaa h
leaviag places is the finical manuer ySSTTiShii con" !of Iter dwutecration and ruin was
K'NIOHTSOKI'YTHIAS. Rfla;ieet of mi-tresses. You will llad -.uiw ,r' tf deraawe. the suvnacb and , . , i., ," , ,
RswTwtoyatcaiof(rkwrat ""-"-- ' se lMuV thP KTOQ, ,TMS Ma.1M slgnalued by bloody and cruel
r a. ia a ihihii a.a nn ru Ta v-v & a w l-& j.j .aa.v . m - j it . . i. - . - . - .
..-.- :, , """-- KoKei To o ai .? - itevereoce tor Ule i one of
nothing a girl does pro,. They T Ti'iJSSja .be surest indications of civilUation.
arealutys eompjaiaing and nas- J&Ztf Sensitiveness to tbe feeliucs or
fi!!lhe' Thfl-fa KUwfrSr5as2aiL"e: tlVnnc of another is tbe hkhest
v. .,.. ii iu; i,,,, pais oa dt vtadmiMad5reitIetBihir aeuoa tviv ofhutUftK life. But we have
hat and sail out. Tbea tbe h-ohm ao iiseto mand tbai wtU Hirii '. , . , , . . .
!j!i w u wontn awtjjy ,t aaca. snt a ' whole cirrle of society to w bom tbe
iwimiwiwtna Bevter eep "- - Jta star. ; ,H tin- tvnr.nt. tlv
f a U . m. a . . .. - (I..J. k -1 "" i CI
iaiiTKiiVvu'r; "' CTp" Wai CHKAP.-Call on Ueo. D. , ideal ot humatt
eSiv0"21 .a. -T "' IO kX'C Upa Ckitai State street, if vou want' m f have columns everv dv SSSSSSS
ciBury- Mare. Uag coaawUn ar lhtnrlsiniiai uLiim iw .. i... , . . ' .- . - t.uont.1,J7J
tvMMamy laviaea v awiaa. ? " -- - -. lo M y m your winter supply of iser,et up tor their delectatiou
- . ." -a--. r vmrni j ir ww e cvea tae sawe K.M as to vi v. t.i. ... ... wl.ii. ..... .-. -n t .w . f,r.r: .---'Xf-'i :
... . .... " 1. ...n iiiuiKvuini iu ouv "w" " i uuu oiuhii ut iiir uuiuanw JUJJ, XueMiay
a K.
wlh. wATi-:- -
nwvKipjviK na m. o. a r,
y iwrnwmi lauiptwn, Cmae4
f"wW aad wtt Urrvrt. ewey sl-
1. A. Ma.vus,
Saccsr it Gfciet nser)
Special attention given to trans.ect
-t-eic. Hor-es boarded bv dav. week or
Horses Bought and Sold.
Dls, hest KaraUoa. raeday
eeioyment. Tne
WiUaniette VaUeyToeMlay Inlv l .
Fantltao, unduy .. ..
v ulamette alley, Thnrsday - M
UJameue vaijey. -naay lane S
B Inlv 1
W.Uamette VaiSey. sacday - c
"raiJoe. Tharxtay - w
-. U
tae n;nt vo
v.... . ..
v m ail in .aaaB- ...
. -..wZZ- -TT7-TT-- rL;;!-,rW!re y irvrorlndlflerenl parts of ' eJS?e SaaeTwSat'
A .V. VV- J'.Vr"".?" pr -. S..V. --. w wc giti wl WT rVMt mm it n i-mi , k. i.v. Ui. I ih .Mtairv ivliii. .avwhu nun N. B PkiK (mai nwtluul uii .1.
wveilLT.niTSitSr are stale or in -owe Um wav aaafe- --'' .w-i. " tv. u... ..' .... WUiat ValTey pouiu eaa aaaie.de
saraae Uv J- TwT.STi .t l.i. v- L.. . ... Mn t lr ...... " u" "v "v" "" ,H"' rmui eooawuon wiin usj or ue
tNKftM n vwntMcaa4or. i--i "" w- " "? wounds, in some eaes into inseosi-
iv?i!m: .vavau,xw a Sn wm aot toMraie, nor oo 1 AtwTmi a nervous tempera
taAta.JUyrr b lUog o tbe ibe f?"' "' mk know ,iu m"
-wq , n .-- -, ,- rcw? ftrtVOIk ttaMti If II fklU t
Somh of Chemekete Hotel,
Erin AT r SJ5 Lthp U$.
in n i . i rx&? c.ii
K7 i - nl
1 EIlI Pjpp!
IH: all BrI 9PlflBll
i. A
TVho do All Kinds of
uraur in
As Cheap as any Laundry b
the Lountr.v Lsmtr White Mm
ana aoing nrst-ciass wors.
eS-Ladies and patrona inrM
to inspect our process of fen
230 Liberty Street,
u raauates Stnaeau la
Meal, LiferarY,
Ifasic and Theolip.
Normal, Business, Law,
It U the oldet, Urges: a4 kart g
sive Institution of leimlrg Is tu
School opens flrs: Mondij la W& I
ssenc tor caiaague io
biiity. for tbe sport tbe so-called
reereatioa of other mee. Ooe of
tbe -dde-t of ntcts i- that tbe en-
. ,,T. -r ,.. , - "m sysww. ii u nuts t . uk . acts tnat tne en-
$1 WILL BU -V LOT V1 tl" "" thpae vernirshiuBttburw brimtif thk brutal au-meot
L-. . .. VX for tbe girl. Iittuu iMktiNot IU W tbe irst t erj 't. LV--C a to tH ,.-, .
SJTr??"1' wryaaUBe ikfu ttt w,w tkiai-i 1:wm1 .Lr "UWTS Ilvdi
raw. afcafe aaa owaiaLy. iMksadUr. "?,,V Pf""
a lao tak it. inA n a il i
The RtatriwMaial ve ipts hit tbe Mwd KxJy cannut b arvotts.
girt toanet sottede ad tbea of D. J- 'O '
core, yen lix bar. But for tbat
you doa't r ratbar. sbouMan Kl UocXMYoJ.
bkaate bar, if sae ly Mtarrlas
Hvdnuilw Rstoraiv -- --- "" .5mm
BUtriuoa u
dav onb". out these
brutal human nulls are aueeuW
Par by many nteu who are -p-
poMi to b rlitab)e tueoiber- of
i MtMy. Wbea th btc brute Sul
livan went ovw to Kadand tbe
KAnrTn t. Jtl.J
vj i twaw , u at w mamas staaae i.T M im .. . .. ..- . 'L. T7T?T': Pnns nf W tui kin ik. l
Cit y Draymen! 4xwl ' w0- rrrTr?e?M.r? s?.1! . to mil bim and av him .k
t. 1 1 i. ..... . wv,' w t. . inmi 1HIL. I -
VAOriXA ROCTEal AltMBT wiYkrn.nk
aad if aUMt to San I- ruMfeja, hcM
xiruure to amve at Yaouaa utt trtaisu
tur date of tailiae.
P-.-aM- ai rmcli Kaies tlrus tie
U'M. Fw iarmatVo apply v Sears.
HVLM.VN Jt Co, Frcat aad TV
.VcMtsaOaadaatFrct -i Fiattiaad. Or.
I'.C HOUCS, Ael trt1 m. a
Pa, .vcw, OrcoB Padc R. R. Ov.
f H. H-WELUJr.Gea-l Frt a
Pa-. Acv Oiapi rteveiopmcat
On, JM HoaKooMtT k
ym FraK-. Cwl
Ibiaaawti- the tievn Paeide yonor
lamawf eoecrtaae vw ra e tkeu are
mow xai frooi a.' va y potnu to
YtUka aiMl retcs.
t C H-V.CE.
At. . r ailv. Atvat.
Rear of Cbmeiete Hotel.
L B. HLTFMA.N. Prop.
Fux-eteM Jtip, r an constocs. Feed-
iactatK.anfatt-xjw4.ttT Va..-.
tot eooaaoereaal aaa aad otKx oa aort
SS-Rte-a Reasonable -a
irst National Bank
;' Sy'1' DR. HILLER'S
: J Special Prescriptions.
PffZ A Specific Remedy for Each Disease, j
A Specific Remedy for Each Disease.
. Or. 1 lae .vatikktnar u4 kooar
wash for a " maTM lm " .a al aaiM
. a an .-... .!.
t-auoa ra Axaiaacaar -araa aava
a straanre Utii; tbat tbo-- wrv
C)tieeSpfaTfS.Rss Engines w Wav Wea nirvl girts
a8 jiw aim afhnicn. """" ar l ou mi
K4UMq.(. ,.. tm. or. barxl, an tbe siri ami pe tbe
Ma Mt aftbam. They do t seom to
- - - - . bave any tvtuetuhoramv of tbe toil
Capitol Home Addition ?""' "'
tobMaaaaajhtaaasJaiiQivi. -t, " v t ai tbe s-
M rAtr fturw
W 4s;aKd, wbo will eApe bc-r
wmarr for lave and
HyIm. la soaae eas. tlwv amah- aaa
.-wt i . K..L. .. L-tLa . J aavtij j ia. aaa. Ta aia-
" w s-?a mp am tss- inaw wi.i aao ae iwauwa to rarataa
teO.t-hlU'Nlt ami keeat a atrl . tlw4r aakMaat r tae wau-Mt k ,
"" ' fe, a1" IOr cmwaiMiktmiiKit of ta aiMta. to a I
o n. IUii it ba c-sett remarld a mat ! r of av rar ta4e taTwJ-
a w tta iiBiautit t at ar ot-
tii IW ai
tW fttmata wta a.
a 'atftT i. .
Tmaau-aot ait-waar.
taitmi aay aa4 aU atd
F. K.VtTH.
SrUtHil B-jsks.
X ta
rr ilUnr.
na. aaar tae IhtWr
eourtesy of a unrata aodiMice. Tbe
most bonored -xitaeator iu Amencs
aoutd not have toen s ravore-t t v
tbe bair of Kn$mmt's tbrone. hat
a window tbis Is into tbt bmn of
s4cfot-, sboaine bow mneb of brut
ality. mr and wolAsb, is stiU shut
nnaVr tbe batcfow of mom I and ietrtl
msUaint. Tbe Hall MaiHiaiet!. ys
tbe pottee cwa nail down pr.rr rJj:ht
Ing. bat tna pnm nbtimr cult, tbe
worship of ibe man wHh a la-lneb
bam-na as tbe ideal aua, rmaia as
tO-Mur rt erc. It W acainet that
vaTV1liiti,MSt59r vT iwiiEi . ,,l kcutaJMj that al jomI men
taytr. Ugaaaa. a taay. Aaataa i.MWi ' ami a umin mM trnma-lvas.
arx. y.
Jk - -
KnL' .
ttratrjkf pra
tr - f.
Mwaot at'- ie.ro :
ar4 MuttaoAe aJ St. l-
Tiatt Titk-a v.th r...aa
' if - aad
tAt i. t
aaa M
- - Preaacent
- - - Qksawr
g! !!: J.OaaayadCny
waat la-aca. Paater a eortUally
. Lix-raJ advaace. maa an
vataa. tttaat. aa aaa tar aroaeny at
amjr eaa eaauat-t at ta wtt E,
i wraxmt aamaaalM.
T. II. WILSON, 0 uer.
k .V a a . a -ft - - -. d JT7 aTT A. .
bamoxvwk are intr- crK or are SttuTam' XmaTala1 ' lilfc- bw,J '?' b
oklor ewuntrie. The elty crt Km m -aItIl
to breath R wth tbe olty air tbe Idea at " yra5..
aatrtac tusai ittnairr. d-tac aart aatd
attfhot Uw oa, min rtiatat
talVUl,t, aad Aaiaa4aaa laataab.
fUaat v:.aaa) iai tlai
ui rauat
mmwM taninw Tta ta Stanav
t taumut WMiai Chauttat
. CaavwaaHai uatm aad
. NoeiWra ami ewatmJ a
ii Mtt (ftiS.
in Um caUaav and v-anaau
j sa af tm Una. I bam in my
baata La. tatniiln . mf iv. v..
.t... 1 v. .. .. ... . ... . 1 " - r-.s
ttt miiiHt ta utrautitK. aatt f....t. V..t L.ttut. that taav. ia ta - - w.n kaA-nai. M
h cvuerally xw ta b foetarx ar i 1.. .w .. . fit!?; Mt
. t. .-,..... -......"!... inHKMKUMaaaJ uutu tk- u.. -- - wwi mi. himot, aaa.
..nvv.Hnmiii. inrnmiii i w . Me IWak vrkaw iu kvu "?
vlrl U ImIIap luuiuhl u.v .uJ I- 'TIT' V -1 TT "f - 11 Bt urmaat i II i . . . -,
ltat . ttrtVutlvMlv- '---' - ii 5aaWMl
- ....-..' . .....v. ..,-wwr. . j-t? T v- . iiiiiB mm rmmm kLMm. ci.ba.va i. ..... f - - &.& . . -... i
aWtfJmSalSa M-H.d?Wr
revmt euae&sa mmnaai 1 acavpuv
i ' amt Tfc A
ther am eHi4ye4. 1 haw a etv
fattnbttm baaaWMatt.
i hmC.
a asc mkw, ami HNtrm af
ntHr "warn ami maka4
vi ittaatTt AaUaatatmtvmfthksfatit "tiipC
fraaa m ititi.
t a Lw.JMk
fkAMm ha
aaJ baw2
I St- Sllea. h.
,Nn aar a Ktria a.
af -rinaitu j
CkatU. wamacs aad Je-rtaxy.
Pamnm natlbi 11 tta.. .
W aT aTaTj:10!?'
" - ,r- "- bi.t
Crm Dyaptjaa, ,nir7p iniaj GtatnilSicU ArrK:esiei3iar'"ibift
i Lin Trxiio, Ci it aad Few, kiianil Fttws aai aB TTrS eeeiw
D. KlUin CITaMH CtlSE. Caret Arcv CtUrra. Caiaaw Caarra. C""
aoa. CfUUtcitttrttcsjnj2rtMaiarriiatBatrt'0
0t- HILLErs WU5H -QSE. Caro Ooiit, HsarMawa, Cmjat. SaaiB, He
adi-sn3csu,rue.cci-4aafc0B. Cccxuat ac Oauatt. Oafl.Mp,,
tacra. W J pxcntj ecrt any xt uruu at tnm. i w i atsra. Cartt ?
P. HULgrs revts CU-Z. Uz. mi al uat eaa ttu
'"""J -" cart scant; j-Citr ScarUtsa. aai ifjfaa J" BT1
P- HlttErs aEfiVQVS DES'.TY CUSE. Cvrt Vtni ata-a a
fs. Wlvi saiKr.TLiCJ3Uut BBJC&rarO. sia rrtna
P. "ILUrs BHEUtHTIC ll HEWLStC WBE. Caw " SwltM'
te- Lt. aaa soati, tj cmnnmt uaa- - "'
PL HULErS TEETHIS6 WCF ju t rtk aai iwal. ?-Ha4 toB
F P"5 tcr ,ti tciii; mz tomi a- aad frt'r7.
fKwa,B.-ii.Joj-,4aiSsitljC;ir-at jtMawarwaaaaw'
BL HW.LEr5 n-Hi0Pl6 C9W8H CtlSE. Prstiau aat Cm -
XT a
.. !CS'v1!?,i?r5, P HaWt Hriruaa KtMartata t
EZ. TVy VV' 4M 1T un Cak Caia. Utt law ""r j in
te, aad. a as( fi -,w b. , .lX. mm a ild are. p
- . -- .
51.00 per Packae. Six Pcks fcr S5.00
Ta reseaet art ta mat tt V y.M a iiiaiiaf 5?
' I7Mtf.l ... . 2 if. ..... - . M,
- ' -. v.. mt g uuh ia a u i aft i
Watilillir aaaatm mn-nati llta aaafaf
a7iy-'? a ar a rwataen.1 h . .
Siia traMMMii.. Wki
. 3uvaa-
HlLLER DRiir; rru.iPi.i,v tv zai.ur.$r.o. CAU U.-
Fir Stir ly DJLVL J. FRY. Drt?k 25 'Vttrtkl ttJj
afsam Tt
T m
as a
. y a jpwk W
. Na- Parat Rejta
f a rattrfi .t kM
te TnoatVt m. CnTw
atlreai. iu
IValSOminin eamidispateb by X. I itt
lf mtf BmmM mi -