HSSST'SEH 1 " BW"" o-. I thought oma of prao- irood open! riff hero for man aa under- CHben-So you think of locating beret rftwtcwn yea. tieratr among you. uuuen' -Sco here, younff man, thero's a stands his biz. but iro don't want no prae- tleino, or cjrpcrlmenttaK-doctortno'a what vwnt! Many times women ctUt on their family Fhrslcinns, sutrertnjr, as they Imagine, ono rom dyspepsia, another from heart dls cascy. another from liver or kidney disease, mother from nervous exhaustion or pros tration, another with pain hero or there, and In this way they all present, alike to themselves and their easy-going and In different or over -busy doctor, eeparatt and distinct disease, for which ho pro scribes his pills and potions, assuming them to bo such, when. In reality, they ara disorder. Tho physician, ignorant of tho rauso of BuKerinp, encourages his "prat tles" until largo bills oro made. Tho suf fering patient (rets no better, but jiroba- Wy worso by reason of tho delay, wrong treatment and consequent complications. A proper medicine, liko Dr. Pierce's F vorito Prescription dirrtfrd to Wis caut vvl 1 havo removed tbo disease, dlipellod ti 1 1 wo distressing symptoms, and lnsti J Jted comfort Instead of prolonged misery. It's iho only medicine, for tho weaknesses, IrnpiJlarities and painful derangements rwuifar to women, sold by druggists, vmlr a positive Kiinrnnteo that It will Civo satisfactloo in crcry cast, or prioo V 'M for it will be promptly refunded. nn. Pimcivs pellets regu- Isto and eieanso the liver, stomach and bowels. One a dow, Sold by druggists 53 ccau a rial. PKOl'HSSIOXAI. C.V11DS. OH. KNIGHT, micelle lhs1cUn,tmce ...IJTCourt street, Snlem Oregon. Fill mounrr diseases n specialty. DR. J. M KEEXE, Dentist. Offleeover tho White Corner, Court nnd Com. merclal streets. Counsellor nnd ember of the lln Ollleo UK 8tnto ktrect. TOHN A. CAltSOX. Counsellor nnd At- I lorney-M.nv. Member of the llnr of Ontario, Cnnnda. Salem, Oregon. PRATT . HUNT, attorneys nt Inw.Knlem, Oregon. onieooverlJan'sJowelry store, Slate street. T J. SHAW, Attorney-nt law, Snlem, t . uregon. umec nrsi uoor to mo leii the rear of Ijutcl A at head of stairs In Hash a banki TILMOX Full D, attorney nt lnw, Salem. Oregon. Oillco upstairs In rnitou's block. J A. AIT1.KOATK, attorney at law. , Krlrrs block, Commercial and State streets, Salem, Or. TIT P. WILLIAMS. STKXOGIlAPIIKIt l , and Typewrlllst. Omeo with Capi tal i i city nd Type" it'y. oo. HStatcSl. TJOHBltT McNALLY, Architect. No. J.V IS Slate Street. I'taus nnd specttlcit Uons of all dnes of of bulldlnrv on short k promptly notice. Superiulcntfeaceoriror, iookpo aiier. 25-tf -1Q11ALKTA WILLACH, j eers ona uraucntsmen. Civil Enstn- Itnllraadsur- vrvianrt llmntlncn rwillr. nniro 1.1 State street, up stairs, Salem, Oregon. HI'SINEnS C.UU1S. AM. CMU'dll. Undertaker. Knibalmer . nnd Cabinet Maker, 107 Slate Su. halem. TJ II. MORSK, contractor and llullder. J. All orcern promptly attended to Will Igh street, s.lem. JOHN OUAY.-Ointroetor nud builder. Fine Insltto finishing n specially. 4 iximnieivMi street, sniom Oregon. The Foarlh at Sllrcr Creek Frills. Notuwlthstniullug tbero wna no celebration advertised for this plnco tho caglo screamed just tho same. Over two huudivd people were pres ent consisting of plcnlecra from va-J nous points and local residents. I The matter of celebrating was not talked of until a very few days prior to the event aud tho program was therefore a sort of Impromptu affair. A beautiful grove of Oregon's statll est firs was chosen by a ceinmittcc of young ladles, who inaugurated the celebration, about ouo quarter of a mile from the noted Silver Creek Falls, aud the sturdy mountain boys got togothcr and cleared off tho rubbish and constructed neces sary seats, speaker's stand, etc. At 11 o'clock a. m. tho crowd having assembled, tho president, Mr. Jos eph Dunnclls called the meeting to order aud In some well chosen re marks opened tho program of thu exercises, which consisted of prayer by Itov. Kobert Heed; slugiug of national hymns by the choir; read ing Declaration of Independence, by It. D. Allen, aud au uddress by Uupt. S. B. Ormsby, his theme be ing, "The Union of States May ii beloved and cherished in the future with the samo ardor aud devotion that It has been defended In the past." The captain Is a natural or ator and his well chosen periods in referrlug to the history of our coun try and to our past defenders to whom wo owo so much of our pres ent greatuess, combined with ani mated yet easy delivery, held the audience spellbound. At tho conclusion of the exercises, President Mr. Dunnels made a pa trlotlo appeal to the younger elo inent present to study well the his tory of our nation which would ''In spire them for a love of our common country, and an intelligent solici tude for her destiny." The meeting then adjourned and a general picnic dinner was indulged in. The pro gram throughout was well rendered and elicited expressions of apprecia tion from many. Tho 'afternoon was pleasantly spent In viewing tho picturesque scenery about the falls aud in wit Messing a spirited contest nt baseball between the "Mountain Boomers" and tho "Whlteaker's," tho latter coming oil victorious, 11 to 2. In the cveniug thoso of dancing propen sities had au enjoyable tlmo nt the very excellent party given by Mr. and Mrs. Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold nt their mouu tain homes near the Falls. This party was a "free for all" and the guests did ample Highest ofall in Leavening Power. U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889. ' T. H. 33ABNES, PKES. RpYal Baking Powder &m&m ABSOLUTELY PURE breed, if the club Is not too large, on payment of tho regular fee. The keeping of the horse generally costs little cash outlay, some member be ing willing to care for htm in con sideration of services rendered for keeper. It is a good plan to have the stallion insured, so that there will be no danger of loss. A recent English paper gave an nccount of an association of this kitid whose club horse, during n period of four years paid for himself ami gave a dividend to tin numbers of the club of about30 per cent, nil the money ojiginaily advanced all this with out counting the improvement made in the xtock in that commu nity. There is no reason why this cannot be done in many bcctions where good horses do not abound or are held above the reach of the aver ago breeder. Stockman aud Farmer. The Shortage in Steers. "To-dav we discover that the country is absolutely destitute of sleer cattle of suitable ages for feed er. The entire list of corn-srowing states is bteerless, outside of the feed ing pens. The range country has but few, and the demand is increas ing daily. A practical feeder In Nebraska who has been engaged in the business for eighteen yeais in Unit state aud Iowa, told the writer only last week that lit- had ridden over three counties in Nebraska in benrch of fetdiug leers, aud failed te: cure a sinule animal over one year oiti. in oruer to get a small bunch of 125 he was compelled to take oue-half of that number of heifers. Thes-e he is now feeding on corn for the market next winter. A visit to the feeding yards through out nil of the corn-growing states will develop the fact that in a very large proportion of them both heifer aud steer yearlings are beng grained for the shamoles. Why? Not becau1; they are the mo3t profitable, but because there Is Toledo Items. Toledo Is a nice town, situated at the mouth of Depot slough and on tho Yaquina river. It has many advantages, bclDg situated on the Yaquina river with an outlet to the sea. With a small amount of work steamers could come to Toledo. There are many acres of tick-lands on the river, which, when diked will produce the finest kind of vegetables and from three to four tons of hay per acre. It Is all made land, which in time will be very valuable. Around Toledo the scenery is very picturesque, and it is a very desirable place to live. There is no malaria, mating it very healthy. Toledo has several stores, a good hotel and a saw mill. A new school house will be built soon, for which the contract is already let and work will be beguu soon. Several new residences nre being erected. If one is about to . - - ri 1 1 m A CI ltT r ---v- . . TJ. V . JMATTJULLi , XAXJUJ. v ji. jau w AUD pTTpT u0 ,aC( SALEM LAND COMPANY Incorporated 1889 Capital Stock $30,000. POSTOFFICB BLOCK, - - SALEM, OREq0 ilorion, Slate of Oregon, In the matter of the estate 1 citation, of Curl Ollbert, deceused.1""011011' To Katharln.i Gillman, Mnrrcaretta Be ha mm and all ot her heirs of wld de ceased, known or unki ownjind nllpe.-sons Interested In sold (estate. UKEKTINU: Jn the name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby cited and required to appear In the count court ofthe htute of Oregon, for the county o Marlon, nt the court room thereof, at S lem, In tne county of ilnrion on Mondnv, the lib day o," August, 1S8J, nt II o'clock in the forenoon of that day, then and there to show caus If any they have why nn order should not be made author Izlmrand empowering the administrator to sell tneionowing aescriDearesi properly belonging to said estate, to wit: llegluntng ntthes. r.corncr of Sec. 31 In townsulpSs. K.2 west ofthe Willamette .Meridian nnd thence runn ng north nloog tlieuest line of t-Rtd section 11.75 chains thence south Sir3 'i ea.U parallel wlih uutb llueof nforortld ccllent5.Cicbnins: thence ioulh U.Tj chain: tlience north "li' w. following the souh Ilnoofn.b aid sec tion ftj.CO to the placeofbeglnnlng contain ing 76.41 acres of Innd situated In ec.lon U! t.bs K. 2 w.. ofthe Willamette meridian. Also beginning nt the ". w. come.- of Simeon Smitb donation land claim, Not. 1130, elnlm No. 37, nnd thence running north 16.C5 chains to the s. w. corner of invest in real estate, Toledo is a de- S', .o'nVr'.h W of Sid" sVc. e. & sirable place, for it has a prospect of . chains; thence &"'.'b; y?L). ' . itheN.K comer of snldcialmro. 37; thence CituUou. In the county court, for the county of being a prominent town withiu the near future. Toledo was patriotic aud gave a good celebration with the following pregram: Music, Baud: praver, F. n.ss0 IV w. alone the north boundary ol arore aid claim No. 37, MS a) chains to the place of beginning, containing 103X1 nc.es ofland beluga part of Sec 6,t9s. R,:'w of the Willamette meridian. Also beginning at the x. e. corner of slim-on smith's donation land claim Not 1120. No. 37, nnd thence running n. .T. Kmu-n ronHlmr nf I1elnniiln,i nf , 9.45 w. on the x. boundary of claim No. 37 4n4S ctalns to a point In the Independence, Hon. R. A. Bensell;! angle 01 the county road leading irom sa ,iii., n,0i uj ,,,i r-in ni..t. ' leniloJeilei-son via Parrish's Gap: thence music, Cornet baud aud Glee club, ,.outn t E a0De tue center of the "Red, White and Blue"; oration, au,u?m2s'i?,eSJ:JiJ:?, t .,. r . r t-. , , . . along the center ol said road U.U! Hon. . S. McFaddeu; music, baud chains to the angle where the center .i ni w. i..i. us... ... u . . of -aid road intersects the east and Glee club, "sweet Bye and UMmdrr or ai.i claim No. 57: theuce Dinner Fine barbecue of U-nf s. 14-' W w. along claim line as r t boun- the laniel Holiiny donation land claim No. 00, 117 chains to the place ot begin ning, containing 1S.2! acre-, of land a .d THE YAOUlNA ROUTE. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD And Oregon Development company'i steamship line. S miles shorter, 20 hours less time than by any otheiipute. First class through passenger nnd freight line from Portland nnd all points In th 11 lamette valier to and from Sau Francisco TIME SCHEDUtE. (Kscept Sundays). Leave Aioany J-SSw Leave Con-allU J:iKEt! Arrive Yaquina ,?:r?i Vj Leave Yaquina - A m Leave Corvallls ;??5A?J Arrive Albany 1U10AJI O. C. trains connect at Albany nnd Corvallls. The above trains connect nt YAQUINA with the Oregon Development Cos Line jfSteariishlns between laoulnn and San Francisco. SAILING PATHS. STEAMKKS. FBOM TAQtJIlfA Farallon, Friday June 27 Willamette Valley ,.Tuc-day July 1 Farallon, tsunday " 6 wiaameite aney, i nursaay iu Farallon, Tuesdny " 15 j STEAMERS, FROM SAX rRAXCISCX I $10,000 For Sale- $10,000 Ten Thousand Dollars -worth of- Fancy and Staple Groceries For prices and terms enquire of Bye and roast clams. Aftcuoou, ubahy show, boat race and the Siletz In dians gave their ."Feathpr dance." It was a grand success and all had a good time. nothintr else to be had. Thi-j is the justice both at the lusciously laden ' direct result of the wholesale table and on the floor in the mazy slaughter of cows, calves au J year whirl. Many thanks are due thee lings that has been going on for families for their geneivus contribu-, three years in every part of the tion to tha fuud of enjoyment. : Tutted States, aud the resulliusr shoitage will become more and more appareut for the next three years. Growing out of this condition the r tl sboelug and repairing especially. Shop ' 'Ntbotorj.lbo't htree.,!xlcm,Oresou. i3Hf 17 " lands o IT lion, SOtrrilWlPlv. Contractor and bulMer. Well urepanM to do all or building nnu gtianintce sntlfra- i-:i-im Tills mountain celebration will long be remembered by all who were present, and promises to be the forc- ruuncr of what will perhaps next price of cat tie on foot must rapidly year ou our natal day, be one of the J appreciate Irom mouth to month grandest celebrations ever held iu , until there will come a veritable I boom in all clashes ot beef auimals. How high prices will go and when ' the top will be reached are questions uo man cati answer. That the Marion county. From Dallas Observer, July 5. The celebration at Salem yesterdav The always interesting Magazine of Aruericau History opens its twenty-fourth volume with u brilliant July number. A flne portrait of Sir Wil'iam Blackstone serves as front ispleco, its pertinonee appareut to whosoever reads the leadiug arti- cle, "Tlie lioiuen Age New York." One of tho most stir ring aud important papers in the number, however, is bv the cele brated Boston divine, Rev. Samuel E. Herrick, D. D entitled, "Our Relatiou to the Past a Debt to the Future," which, although specifi- beiuja part -f tlmeon Smith's D u c.Not ll.. claim No.", -ltuate In ."ec 6 :. 9 s. i: 2 w.oi the Willamette meridian. There, bein-: in a l of the premles hereby con eyed it l acres of land situated in Marion i county, state of Oregon. sui'lect to the fol lowing roervatlon or agreement, to wit: It Is agreed that the g.antors of said Carl Gilbert, deceased, shall Save a ri- ht of way one rod wide along the east side of said premises, to jet stock to wate- from said grantors remain. ng premises and when said right of way Is ed by the grantors ns aforesaid the grantee!" to be al lowed to use nr. equal amount of grantors premises between road and said right of I way. wiTt. tue uon. i.e. Shaw. Judge nf ("nlnninl . of the County court, of the state of Oregon. said court affixed, this 2d dav of Jul v. ISO atte t: F. J. BABCOCK, Clerk. i I. C. SHERMAN, Deputy. EAL - I Willamette Valley. Frldar June Farallon, Tuesdayn July 1 Willamette Valley, Sauday " 6 Fc-?jlon, Thursday " 10 W I'amette VAlley, Tuesday " 15 This company reserves the right to change sailing dates without notice. N. 8. Passengers from Portland and all Willamette Valley points can make close connection with the trains of the YAQUINA ROUTE at Albany orCorvaUls and if destined to San I-runcisco, should arrange to arrive at Yaquina the evening before date of sailing. Pmshkct aad Freight Rites Always the Lowest. For information apply tn Jlessrs, UULMAN A Co., Freight and Ticket Agents 208 and 202 Front su, Portland, Or. r C.C. HOGCE, Ac't Gen'l Frt. 4 Pass. Agt., Oregon Pacific R. R. Co., Corvallls, Or O H. HVSWELL, Jr. Gen'l Frt; & Pass. Agt. Oregon Development Co.. o64 Montgomery s:.; San Francisco, Cal Remember the Oicson Pacific popular summer eucursions low rate ticseis are now on sale trom all valley points to Yaquina and return. C. C. HOGUE. AM. G. F. and P. Agent. BROS., 201 Commercial St. iSSTGoods delivered free to all parts of the city.-j THE Eusene Citv Bonds for Sale. RUNS Fast trains wiih Pullman Vestibule ririiirlniT rwn cl(w,rK rflle, ,-q, anH rnflihp r,f InfAt rtlm HttrMn f'hlivic-ii ! and Milwaukee and St. Paul and Mlnne-1 sidered. All invited to cal' and R. M. WADE&CO. Have just received another Urg Spring Wagons and Hacks Of the best standard makes. aixills rasi 1 rains wun Pullman vestlbuled Commercial street. VTOT1CE is hereby civen that under the j drawing room sleepers, dining cars and HI O. HA K Hit, aillectlou, Commission I; , and Street Car Aderil Ins Ageut. Collections made at reasonable rates. Goods sold on commlsMon Adverlle menui Inserted Iu street cans at bedrock rates, aa Commercial St., S.tlem, Ore. SOCIKTV NOTICtS. SNianTSOFPTHlAS.-UoguUrmcet ln ou Tuestlay uUUt of each week at . iu. J. iVnnvAt.n-r o ... .. .. ... . T-- " v-r-- - - v was one oi those grand affairs that H,8t0PV of tbe lvut will be reputed it does one good to attend and can s wrto,n aud Umt the d of uowu oy me people 01 1 lum ,0 ,ow be banded values i$ in the far . 11. U. W ATK1W, K. or IU aud .. 0U E LODGE Sa IS, 1. O. O. F., meels la Odd FellwwV Hni upstairs. Co.Tiei Commercial nud Ferry k.rtxHs, every Sat urday at 73V n. m. J.UMiTctfKia I. a. Hewury. A. R.-5edgwiek Ivj, " uient of Oregvin, uieel rwninsaiin nail ovfi Manmxo, N. ll. No. W, DcArt if(,v Moudar lh O.ikuii linil comivuo's oaiee. Vmting CMurtvdes ar cordkUy Invited to attend. , ,U.C.SiiEKA., lt (.ximmader. 8. A. IU.NBLT, Adjutant. 4 O. U W,-lrote,lou ljodo N. i A. ii"i- -, "wm vivn. w.i rca tslnwday evening al It ball In mhi io. nranra block, corner Cummevclal aud Chemeketu urcets Vlsitlnt r ud s.Miru Ine bcetbren Invited SAlU.xpus it w liiA Ukb, Recorder. $1 WILL BUY A LOT OT rood at ot swrel W carry a full line orcrxx-rie..yi cnvke, cmuv, ot prMoHav au coaAwtlvuer'. t. nun rows, Na. 2 Cwmmerotol su, ?aVei, mat piace as one 01 me succees in , flUure ,s Mv cerlan- The mcn the history of the capital city, j wuo t ,u at the nt boUoni Buntings, dinners, transparencies I)riw3 aK the lueu who wlu and other decorations were profu.ve, Ul0 gunj resvard.-Northwestern aud all bespoke a oortlial welcome to 1 Llvo Stock Journal the mauy outsiders who attended, j They had a mpnster procession. J A Xew Era of Prosperity, baud music iu abuudance, thegrand-j It is the opinion of mauy closeob tst chorus of voices ever thrown to- servers of the times that this couut gether in the state aud a deeply j ry litis entered upon a uew era of studleil oration. The sports weiv ! prosperity. One of the chief reasons spfnteit and interesting. In fact ,' for this belief that they cite is that the whole affair was successful and 1 wheat values, which, with the e.- we'llallgoto Salem ou the 4th In ception of two or three instances of the future to enjoy ourselves. ! teuipury abnormal iutlatiou, have Our base balllsts were infants in for a uumber ofyears past been un til? bauds of the Salem nine of pro-! usually low. must In the futureiuev- fesslouals yesterday. Lackofprac- Itably maintain a higher range, ow- tlco rvsulteil In a scoro of 12 to 1. mg to the simple fact that our home Salem now has a good nine, if it does cost her considerable. The Independence baud played of wheat that tbere will be les new well In the Salem contest, and we land to subdu, less bonanza do not wish to be understood to be, uu lanuius, aul a greater! n.3vtlonorannct of the WMnture I coaches of latest desirn. between Chlca nf 4".-A.vA.. ....1.1., ..... .. . . . I .. j . . .. .. A , 1 1 ..-... ... m .. A . s,.,....., .. .. A ,,..,...L. Call auilressetl to the people Of rate the City of Ei-gene nnd to repeal all fhrongh Pullman vestibule drawinz ncis ana pan or acts in eon met here- 1 room ana coionui sleepers via tne forth with, nled in the office of the strcietarv ern Paciflc railroad between Chicago and of taic, Febniary 20, ls9. the comr n Portland, Or. councilor the city o'Ei'gene will iue "t Convenient trains to and from Eastern, diposeot the bonds of sid cilv- at t Western, Northern and central Wiscon valueof Irom SXi.OCOto S-Voo, in'denoiui- sin points, affording nnequaled service to nations of from ?1C0 to 510CO as the pur- and from Wauke-.ba Fond da Lac, Osh-cha.-er may desire, payable 3) vears after! kosh. Neenab. Menesha, Chippewa Falls, date of Issuing the same, with Interest Eau Claire, Hurley, Wis., and Ironwood theit?on .t the rate noi to exceed 5 per cent and Be-emer, Mich, pernnnuni, payab'e semi-annually. For ttckeis. sleeping car reservations. Sealed proposals to purchase said bonds timetables and other information, apply will be received by the undersigned to agents anywhere In the United States at Eugene, uregon, until September I or Canada. S. it A1NSLIE. 1st. 1SW, and all proposals received Gen'l. Mgr., Milwaukee, Wis. will be opened and conMdered on 1 J . M. HANFOP.D. ,.ffiv. .( c,i.,m Ti,l- o icoi r. 1 "icoju any 01 aepiemoer, i!t ana said ' uen 1 iramc lgr., ii. rani. umce at balem, JU1 l, ISW. Per- bonds will be dl-posed of to the person or H. C. BARLOW. SODS calling lor satne Will p'ease sav persons making the 'jest offer or offers Traffic Mgr.. Milwaukee. Wis. lunnui, LUl.lCI.ASlU.l. ine common council reserves the right . ass 1 uen'i Pass r ana Tkt Agt, MUwan- Southamptou, Long Island, may be taken home and freely appropriated by every community iu the laud. If lessons are worth committing to memory by all classes in the schools. 743 Broadway, New York. Letter List. The following is the list of letters remainine uncal'ed for in the nost- "advertised." Aunperle John Anderson G F Aslien Sam Bashaw H E Battuis E J Barnette E G Blackmore Geo L Baker A E Bradson F L Beatty F J Bridgtford Mrs J Bingliam L D Brown Mrs J 4 Brown Mrs R L Caldwell Frank Calvin Mrs W H Clement Mrs E LChilders Marv Couwav Sadie 2 Church J H " Clyde C H Dennick L A Donott Anpelo Fairehild Marg't Ferpursn Will Fisk Fordvce Fitzgerald T C Givens Dr J V Given Miss Mary Given Geo Hendrlckson S O Jones Ed E Kessler Henrv Lamb Rev M T Leadbetter C H hons A H ' to reject any and ah proposals iu iue council. May list. 10. R F. DORRIS. Recorder for the City of Eugene. JAY C. SMITH, (Ssctesurts Giises Fisher) PROPRIETOR OK By orderl tee. Wis. Prices are the lowest, Quality con esanine tliem at 2S2 2S4 and 2S3. Who do All Kinds of unir As Cheap as any Laundry In the Country Using White Help and doing first-class work. jjgyLndies and patrons invited to inspect our process of doing work. 230 Liberty Street. J Two Through Trains Each Wav ! O t 1 DAILY, VIA UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM. THE CLUB STABLES." ' n.l.mtlin Ij tnv,... --:.. K.....l. WMV-l,J,ui4 ? lUVIVUItU lUUl'U more rapidly than the production "klcklug" when we say they deserving of the second prlie. Morgan & Mead, City Draymen! H.wXk dB wHh pfuwM ad dt Ptoh. 6ly tlwbtwVreemSij. A Contrast. The London correspondent ofthe Liverpool Mercury furnlshesthls In teresting bit of uews: While all England i continuing to fete Mr. Stanley, It Is not pleasant to reflect that his groat predecessor in Afri can explorations, Sir Richard Bur ton, Is lying very dangerously ill, were , d'verslficKtlou of crops in the lulure 1 than iu the past. As the prosperity ' ofthe country depends upon that of the fanning community, it is easy to see that a steady, lesitmate ad ' vauce In the price of brendstutfs ' under the conditions cited would j inevitably bring better times to the Miller Henrv E Morrison W V Morrison CV McAndrews F Reynard Wm Sheridan Marv Shiplev V2 Smith Mrs C Tower Mrs H J VanDorn Wm Vinson J S Wheeler Willis WhltnevWm A.N. Mickelben: M Morgan Ed D McCrea Miss Elsie Mclntire John Strain Miss Reb'ae fcteuson Smith Snyder Turner B F Velker Martus Warner J B Wells R E Zon C A G I.BEKT, P. M. Commencing with Sunday. March Cnd. both first and -cvimd-class tickets will be honored on 'The Limited East Mail, tral is 3 and 4, as weU alo on the "Over land Flyers," Nos. land 2. -The Limited East Mail" trains are equipped with Pullman palace and co'.o special attention sven to transient n'st leeper. dinlnc cars, chair cars aud 5took. Hores boarded bv day, week or co-fneland r,un, d between Porter 1 month " and ihlcao, daily without cliange, The-Overiand Klyer"trains are equipped wiin ruuman pauce sleepers ana coacne, , between Portland and Council B.uff. and with Pullman colonUt sleeper between Portland and Kansas City, daily. w,tho-js chanse. IVnnections ere made at Positelia w,th through trains to and from Salt Lake, a ad an'beyenne with througb trains to and , from Denver, Kansas City and St. Louis. Tbe above train aSord the quUkest time between the Northwest Pacific coast and tJ-siern and outbern poinu. DetaUed time of man, rates, thronjh tickets, b&gzaze checks etc cn be pro cured npoa application tnanv agent ofthe Union Paa2c system. T. W. LEE, S-T-S- w Genl Pass, rent. BOISE MANNING Ajents, & Court street, .-&lem Oregon. Horses Bought and Sold, Cor. IJberty and Ferry Sts. Salem, Oregon. Xl ELLIS & WHITLEY, 1 LITERTaLEX, National Surgical Institute,) 019 Cush St. S. F- , Soutri of Chemekeie Hotel. SALEM, - - OREGON. STAGE LIVERY BARN. at nrofChekee Hotel, L. B. HUFFMAN. Pron. 1 Ftrst-eias Rirs for aU oceastoB-,. Feed- I injcaadboardiDsasreciilty. Conveyance ueglectiHl and aloue in Loudon Kxlg-. The foreign market will cut much J lugs. et iu his time and in his 'less of a tiaure In the future heretofore, audtbeooiior tbo.- who One or more surgeons reprwsentln; this institute wi'l b av the Ctieovekete hotel. saletu. July l-b. Tbe City Hotel, Inde-j llo1ae!SiaU,,3ulV(Ld.a,ll We MT"-t JgW " and .! o .non JHXipJe. I nerval of home COoSUmp-1 triitment oV"AirWreof the sptne: dlwift S-Rates Reasonable -Jl tio.. is the factor upon which theJ"" farmers aud millers must mainlv success In treattint thes troubles as well vj.. ... .,i,a.,. i,.i ...:..! I a all chronic dirfa- bat made tor the rviy to euhauce their prosperity. I institute a national rtrmtauon. iiipwoiQoa.t sucennt irosi any Union Pacific R. R. Company "0ERLAND ROUTE." Hi Ii S HBH i il WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY Uraauates Studenu hi Classical, Literary, Scientifie, Music and Tbeolqgy. Normal, Business, Law, AT MEDICAL COURSES, It is the oldest, largest and least P elve Institution of learning in the School opens first Monday In Septtakei; Send for catalogue to THOS. VAX SCOT, Presldeat it. Salem. Oreftn. ot Hm roBintaints. should not. tell Uiut t- .--- . . 1 7 tliau ' advantate or tnu o T. H. HUBBARD, .Vtat tor Cyclone Separators. Russell Engines and Saw MHI Machinery. KerfdweeaMCtwwMwtoiBt&UeniO. ever troddeu, were but preliminaries via the Chtcaso, Milwaukee A St. to the groat achievement of his Hfe, Railway from St. Paul and ....". " ." the dUMVory of Ike lngauyika .W Wlbute.i l-raiiis to Kansas upitai Rational Bank STrsrCTdSIKiriS SALEM - - - OREGON. CapiUl TiM f, . . 85,090 Sinks, ...... 15,000 DlltCTORSi W.T, Orajr. V. V. Martin, J.k. Martin. UaWsSw.' IV. W. AAViUk, J. II. Albtrt. Dconunltv Iter niitt. Kefefvoee may be bad to tbe .ouowtag reMenti; Jud e K. 1. Eate. ulem, tr Hon. Tbo. L. -UtkImu, sAleru; U F. Ui kna.kaietn; M. S.Goa,Indetenlee,ur; B,iM, Tarter, LewfevtUe, Or. T-.U-lSuvlK First National Bant owu way the elder t raveller aecom- pUshed even more remarkable feats j are banking s-o hevlly upoi it now than tho hero of the hour. His ro-1 arrive at an understaudluj; ot this mantle pilgrimage to Mecca aud fact, the more con touted in mind Klahedluah In his dlgulo of a will they be. The Modern Miller. f.l.. ,t.,v-F.ta, l,ta Ituirti.tv- tliriMicli ........... ...,.. j -... ........ j, , yror!CBIthtytlrtlutthaBaal IKHWrou iu nil' csicrvti v. u ih ii.t tur iiruricK nuuic iu rwauvos l.ll 1 ran, wnere uo otuer ininiet toot uas aau m. louis SALEM OREGON. Notice of Annual .riteUm:. wm. laduk. . dr. j. reynouiw, john moik, - - Predent Vice Pivsidct Ouhtw Pullntan Service to tSi eP. ivitaa. LOANS NITIDIS Tv Uraitn bml aud Ht,r market Africa, nud but for the failure of Ids resources t'apt. Burton would un doubtedly have reaped much of lite Ihmiot whleh has goue to others." A Stillio. CUb. Iu uulon tbHV U prortt as ve4l as ttreagth. What bettor plan for the Improvement of hon sttnsk oould Ih taken than to form a horvs olub In your cotnmuulty T ThUU doue la tome pcv with Kratlfyliig result. abto proAtwM, vuUxur4 or 10 atore. HUr tu wtvftl anukarktt r PWM KMVlkiUW, tlty" "lXHitiile Pallv St. lAMiS." Tbroush Coaelies to St. Louis." ''Through Coaebvs to lvansas tlty mi Moruliisattd Evening TralHs," "Klegaut iiA-t.aehs"' 'Magniceut Luuch t'ars," "Pullmau's lkt 8Uvierfc," "The Shortest aud Quickest Line," "Tbe lkt nmte to lvausas tltv,' The llet Koute to SU Louls. "The Be-t Route to Colorado," "To Kanfas, to lltfe-rui," "Tu tho Wet s.ud Southwest." -Douot ftul to try U, The Chi. Mllwauke A St. Paul ettsccfth locl. aatdr of lb j tiiai Gold Cl sll vec it IbIb; rvv. coaa,'Ui.- led of Ike cl.v ot &aiem. UrcKi, will fee 1 feeteal tlwoCKVO. toe coniubt in tiM 1 rtly, w ike vcod ThrrvS y, tbe IHh dr of AotM.t. Ik. . .MSo'cKvt , m.. mw ih 4etkMi o.' tu ctor asd toe tiek o4sr ktaevi a way coat tMare lh Kteetlae N.tMH, O.v.ob. J Hly IWi MMw J. II. sTRICKlXR. y. GENERAL BANKING. Kxo&ance on lvnkiB4. Saa FraMbM, New Xatk, LBdos a ad Hose Koai UMht aad told. .State, OMBty d City nraaa bouthu Faraaer are eodltalty iBTiMdu dKMit sad tnaua ba.tBeo with , Liberal adrastce bi4' ob mI. wool. kof4 ad otkr pvr-rty at re&MMMB.e rale. UruK ob aeh -irtty cub be ofcUtad al the hint la mot reUahle coaipiale. rrilru for the east leave toruand n 7x0 aaa and W0 pm daUy. Tie tts to andfron pnaeipal Lroinu In th United States. Car auii acd Europe. Demi XtT DiiiH Cjfi rniUAX PALACE SLEEPERS. Free Family Steeping Oar ran throarh aa Exprw train te Jaaaha. Coanei , Blast and Kaaui City withoct ehaaf e ! CosneUoBtat ronlaad tor Sin Fianets ' eo and rret Saand rolnu. FW nWHt panteeteri addrees any , aet of the company or I. W.LEE. O. P. A. ! C. s?. MELLB Gewcxl TraiSc Manager 9oke i MaaBiBC agcts 8S Coort treet, (vakB, Oresoa. I iJj DR. HILLER'S Special Prescriptions HOME TREATMENT SELF CURE A Specific Remedy for Each Disease. Capitol Home Addition t fcraaUArily located In East SUleat. buih f the KWtrt lUUway nee, bimt tht iviwer kMM Uxrtt to, KUxltiO feet. Good tL IVr it by T. H. WILSON, Owner, iSo Stat Stroct, . . rUls-. C0MtRClrVL PAPtR IHWCMBU4 at Anawa uvroot A number of ftmtwr form oootr- cu' ' 01. itmh ttati. rtuU,uiliii Ww.vv. guarantee iu excelieuoe. Sc atlvo aaoouao, advaiMfo enough cure accounuodailon from th Com. couoh Uoket il lA Cir WutuU Rudd l P mouey topay foratrtola uttdUoa, pany'a ant iu St. Taul and Mln. rnuurDMi. 1BrV and ouatw a reasouablo fee for IiV;1hU or frottt auy tlrttnift IVrtl vbK. i.uoj and ',i-.. ni,i,r.y.i,.v.i.inu.,m... wiinme.rilit. ,,..3y. " T.:. . ; .;. :. . . T7. .... , iw ma-hu. isw. i .w 1tHK.uniMm.1u11 11 iiia iiarwi luiou! iu hh tuiiuurn. 1 v r - URA.ttedeV.VVr7fiu "'.' . " .. . ; I. .."! Vy iV, (feftttii. ami noiMuetnoen are aiiw to 1 ti&t tjtH IVtUaad, Or. I". II PRINTING. aXK OK TllK UVKQtrr ESTABIOSU ueoU tu Ux buin. Uwcr rl iham J. H. HAAS, THE WATCmtAJvER, HIS CU1 St, . Silea,Gff. tNtxt dwr u Kteta't BpteiaHy r Sretvi, and rrpatetex CVwka, Wavh and Jeweiry. Oregon R. R. Company Line. lU aalied.) C. J. SCOTT, RECEIVER. Tteku tor aay point aa thu Use tor tate at th B'tfo. toot f Jetfenoa sittu and wt ttee Ostud tairtye ad tcaore Transfer eoopaay MOre. earaer ?eosd aad Hne ttreeu. OmuuuUm Ttokeu at 2 ceu fc atOe. Gr?U bOcm &arthwt earner Ftot aad 11 wreon. Fwrtaind. EASTSIBE Fran FrttaBd iwiiano. uml stock L&1 ttUak.. U- lhlatA.&.d ht-MttL ilbAuinl. n.l Au ktrat bUa&a. ... E. V. H Afrk. anBK.n.t uauBT ,n . ta-i , atr SaLtaa OW. -"":a " n-fuJ .,. IW . ,. VT. PUBLIC SAL-R r Sanbr& cnHI at WhMai:cr, Otzb. a Jny ma, eext. at 3 pbW b. i,nXivJ: ly: lU.ahariWnewf ibrtM-fctmit O , bad nM 2rtmmt. X. 4 Pana Kwii. Ur, dam Rexv d ttf a rvcMe.ed Ml, CK w Mrt VrUUr ewast Onia. ttrer-OaBwx new tvr i (O i w I Si 1 a) Tard PartUad Fert'ndPorfd maU Exp tTAX JtXMXIiV soo PenradSPCO S Hi); 9 ay La&dbir. 5 SS t IS i Wtkyttwa I 10 I 7 38I StaUosa. SL II ILilmw K ai t BrwaiTm T 3 a o. WIST MBK Akktaul Pwrtiaod Baalt -JrUB4 riTT. t M Ht JaaiteB I(B VBn ibIIu TS4 " SL mlj pg.Hll.UR-S HYDRAST1ME RESTORMH'E. 5amlati nauitioo. rxrthBka! Ctrw rrpepca, Cctudpauoo aad Gtoeril DJtOity A perfect taoK aad Krecpi bajU'- pa.HILLER-S AWn-BILIOUS ST3VACH AMD UTBCURE. Cora Baixanta a iULftr TrooUea, ChUj aaJ Fefer, juiaoil VTren, sd' aa Typfcotd cku-Mei- DR. HILLER'S CATABSH CUaE. Csrw Asau CUtrr ChrosU Ctarrh. Caurrbil P"1' &. Cci.isMed wcort U rsn'. cas who iirectieoi are Ukrtdt ocoey rtraodti PS. HtUER-S COUGH 'UIE. Co- CoJij, Uoarwaesi, Cocsbi, Brasduta. P1awr asrvvsAu,RvetciLriiiBptUB. Cactuai do Oputet. CUro Creep wWl,a,el DR HlLtER DIPHTHriA A3 SORE THROAT CURE. TnnaiM 11 ww r ! tta. Kiapomi cljcuuyun tau ia teas S tail tuan. CBi(iaii: '"- J1- Or HULCR-S FEYER CU'E. UijpeBiaMt la 3 a feu itwadei w h f '"'"" -U-T jcxn fertT, SarUUaa. aai Mtaslei. iletlwo y tX. HILtETS MERVOCS DE3''.'TY CURE. Cum XerwM W)ra, iad ! ' rs-wtr. Neir UOi. saj fc ITiru CinoUr to mtkr Draj Co., Sia FrxaoK-s ' DR. BILLETS RHEUMATIC AS3 VELRA'-SIC CURE CawKtwili..Ntu- f -e- s.t. "M iKWiw, Of KV-.ruca; ihUv! " " VI. HW.LER-S TEETHH.G CURE. Alfa tin rrawti ui JtwJ fat t tUH " Pn mw plialni tmiuui tai ioai teh. u4 pcermU 1 " P-Bw,eu,EruaTlwfciai&wticcii3fiuau. A tear " " B8. HH.LER-S WH&OPING CWCH CtfBE. rnrmu lad Cbtw WVvt ,4CE' trcet fvu deQwt, iU W auOfci In, oa rwf F- $1.00 per Package. Six Packages for $5.00. wet Ereia&eai. Mwn-n-if Tasufi BHrMk u to ajpaa aad Ji. HlLLER DRUG COMPANY. 5UN FRANCISCO. CAL. U. S. A. Ftf kle bv DIM J. FRY, Dnpist, lvo Cnmtitl M.. Mk 4S 1 1 Un lox r ! ! . PAINTING. PAPERING Eic rHe vrlth v' I XUIOUI 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 y Mi lfcllofa by N. D. JONES. Shop op itAirs owr E. C. 6mU' t