fl 11 m im ' kl r if fJIlIl' iill itWP "B Jmmai m ! OOR3TANDXZINO, r OTtreatlnr, or tlip partaitnff of too rich and IndUretiblo fooJ. U a common cauta of Ctaomfort and uffrtnr. To Iratnetll. atlr relievo tho itotnarh and bowel from uoh ore rloadlnr, a rxtll lo of Dr. Pierce' IanraUrolVltota It the et remedy. Thr operata a-cnUy. yet tnorouihly and with, out rrlpJar, nauxoa, or other unpleataot It tbetoofreeindulscnevtnturH intern. prto eating has dernnced dictation, cant lax dytpepala an J t.Mousness, attended with a tenfo of fullness or tiloatlnr after eatinr, coated tonsuts bitter or lad taste In mouth in the- momlnc, on arlilnr. drOTnJnM after tneaU. ladrsCTlbabla feel tnir of dread, or of tmicndlwr calamity and hypochoudrla then you ueed to fol law up th u.o of thn "lHflleU" with Dr. Pleretfa tlolden Medical ntxeortry. to toe up the, stomach, tnTlcorato tn llrer, axil tel all tlio procewea of dicettion at work. Whllo curlnit tndljsextlon. It purl Bet tha blood, cleanilnir the jitem from all huraori and blood-pouonj-no matter of what nates or nature, or from what cauio arlttnr. There. U nothlnc airollar to It in corapotttion or arproccblnx It in rcaulta, Therefore, don't tx duped and Induced to take eomo tuoititute. taid to bo "Jut as nood," tbt ths dealer may mabo a larger profit. $500 FF33SIED hy tbo tranufacti curable caso of Catxrrh l.t the Head. vnovt&ioKAi. cvnnt. H. KXiaiFT, Kelrollo rie'loUa.offlw 1ST tvurt ulreot. Salem Orcotn. lai- iary dlte a sjHVlalt. DII.J. M KKKNK.IVnllt. llflloeowr the White CVwner, lnrt and lm- wercial street. -innv a. PAIlSilN'. iuinMilor and t I toniey-t-Mr. Memberofthe liar of Onlarli Otnadv Omce uh Stale lr.vi Salem, Oresvn. J)HA.TT A Hl'NT, attorney at law, Salem. Oreom. Omooovtr Witrr Jewelry tre. state tree. TJ. H1IAW. AttorneyHtt tw. "vtiem. , Orepn. Omee nrt Kvr (a ih lett t head of utatn In the Tr Af ltit ,t thuh ttank. mtliMON hXUirt.atlorney at law. Sam. L Oregon, tltleo uptalr In ltUow' (ilook. 1 A AriU.KOATl att.wttej at law U , KrltTt hlvk, CVvnxmercial ad Male atrocto, S.ilom, Or. WILLIAMS. STKNOaiUl'llKK u . and talelly Kj and TypewrtlM. Oltloe with IMl talellylty. ix, HiSialoM. nOKKKT A McN.VI.IA", Arehlleet-, No. IV 1S2 State Street. Han and nevtltoa ilont of nil elasse of of tuiildlups on sbttrt notice, Superlntendeaceof wvrK. promptly Uvxed afler. 2 Mf nOllAl.KT A W11.1.ACH. Ovtl Kactn- JT eers and liraushlamen. lUllroadsur- j i vyu nuu rsiiuintiuf; n tptviaiiA . imHv i.t. Hlato street, up stnlr, Ntlem, OretvMi III'MNIXS CAItnv M. CLOimil. Undertaker. Knilwilmer nna cabinet Maker, UK Slate st. Siilem. Silt 15 II. MOUSl nnitrnetor and Builder. . ,ii orterM prouipu iiiieuiie,i io High lreel, S-tlen TOIlS tlltVY.-tVnlraolor and builder. I Kino Inside flnlshlng n sivvHItj' 4S vS)mmerel il street, vtlem Otxigttu. I01IN KNIUIIT, fl snoeinitnn drt-iringasivivaity Mhj d lilvl. e may peaceably expc Jlverty stnxM, salemlrejtHi, , y, M ubJ(tf y UUe f.t of Ultert; i OlTll K'K. CVtnlmetar. ad , 1? " L'. M kind 0 builder. Ve4l preivtred lo ltt all of building and guarantee saUsAM' lion, t-Vvileei 4-31-im llAKKlt. CVUkelton. (WhihMiw. and Street Cr Advertt.Utc Areo. cllont HUtite a! nMLvMutwe tn. (KxxU tttl oh coMWklMHi AdvrUv uients Inworted In street ear at te4twk ntles as Oommerolal trt . slk. Or. Micurrv noticjsv KMHTsOriTlUAS.-Hxree Ir o teJay t of erne nrk at 1 at. ..... . J.TiVVNAUUCO. W. H. II. W.VTUHn K . K N. VUVKUMK1K N. Mv L O. U K, w U lvVJMlI.VHUVtT, CVATM4 tMMaervtM a4 rn mis eary sj. VMvUyt)CDM.a. i, U MneMtscx, i . Ma..,-. ? ftVttHTT NTH fj A K.-4-v IVV N. M. ivfuhr. tiMat irwptft. ay etvty .VliMay vtag i ilw )mC1 v vaw tfewpa tJtas evtHuujtv v ea. Vfeuw wart,w r evedUKy iattM l c satat-n tN. ivt -ui wi tw ?v A. Kvxtix A4)).m. A K - -''" Lrtf N. t. A. rTVv5v V.J.vVicm !4nw vv nVhvat nuc a mwji m t. ww (!. MMr Owitrti.1 at tCtrkrtlT A R.t.via.t.inv txjt tlxa, Kevr4r S1WILLBUYAL0T SrZ fKNWwwiaiNrtNONHH, T. !OlWV& "va(mnaii!t.ritaa. ' i MiTa i Meed. Cit V Dl'av m e ll e me-xwnij, i. T. 11 HUBBARD. QkittSafklttfcs$afl EamAS M4S4KHiirWfiv - -TTw i.nu t. f",W -ri Capital National Bank alD4 - - ORDCKVV. SKjte, ...... m 5., V. w 1M.X1 v: f 4 M V. AJOnunl. . X S. Absv t. xr, tUMJva. LOANS MADE T vUQBWt aja ii ur ka.vt .,-tVXHH Mviei V4 c vMee. H5W.,i. r SauiteatWwAiataru. aoaaM M rjtmtH .. vvA aw rnwt a Net lwi.CVwuNu va iwwp a . p t wt BOOK RKVIRW. THESTRUGQLEFOR HIIBAD. -An Impartial discussion of sonio of tlio wrongs nnd rights of capi tal niul lnbor, etc. lTy Leigh il. Irvine, editor "The tlu1,,r Onk Ihiui, Crtl. San FmticKco Xcwh Co., Pith. Trice Mots, Pnjwr, 1H; This little woik of eight chapters discusses In a frvts manner the trite modernising known ns (.'npltnl-nml-Lnbor, The-StruL'clc-for-V.lth. ' Until,-.,,. Dr.. 1. 1..... IT ,.. .....,. j-i itiuiviu, xitMiry-vUtJrm' Ism, lrotU-SlinrlnK, ete. The work tuny interest some the more if they know that It N going Into it 4th etli tion, Is lelng iiih1 ns a text-book In several Universities. The author makes no claim to originality of mat ter produced There is such a nisi. of facts nnd statistic current in the literature of the age, that no one can claim hit own, that thN au thor Is quite light in being hhkIcsI In hU claims of orignallty. He as serts ami prows that this ouiutr.t has .seen haul liiiicu In K?7, Mr, '57, '07, '73 to '78 and 'Si to "S7; that the new XutloualUm N but another name for obi oclulUiu and would result In the overthrow of Individ uality; thl writer dies not believe that hard time is the constitutional laziness of idlers who growl beiu-o thrifty men become ileli: thai in 1SS5 (hero were 7J iorcenl of mines ami factories clo-n-d, and one mil lion people idle during the whole year, crippling- the consumptive p - i erof the country by a la.s of $.KV, ' OOO.fXX); while Wall strwt protittHl ordinary person ewmmt rvndily fSO,O0O,O0O iu that year: In view of lesuu and tnaiiage; and that atwen pages and psgos of facts like thrtej ty acrvjborry farm will pay a greater who can view with cold uuetuiivru the Miflcrings of the poorer ptwpler ho c:in hear unpltyingly the cry of the oppressed, the hungry. the downtrodijiHl, who cannot get trvnt it accordingly, employment In this great nation? ' MeAuwhile the berryman con lu the second chapter this writer j tlnues to jxvket the prvveetN of his demonstrates that the prohibition of JtUvr, and his work is uot hard stook-ganibtlng, trusts aud svcula- j Uor hi ri?k as givat while hi- tmi tions in food pnxluct and pooling is nes$ isplcasautor than hi- two or as proper a function of government thrtx hundred crv neighlwr: and as to punish counterfeiting. Sucar while I am not di-ivi-l to "ro-e- trusts, oil monopxdies, tvtl syndi eates, and similar combination, clo-e down "large works, thiw thttivndoutof empk)ymeu; toad vantv price and lery additioiMtl tajces n the neivsiiies of life. On the other hand laKrvr eon mi it w miuv and letter ftxl prvlets. Wage have advaneeti. In one city 0,t eiifofiNe hotue were built by co-operative sAvtucs. Tliere Are over build- iur and Kvtn AviHo ia live L'niteti State. Avrase vvr in Kuin are U cent a vkiy. lllinot " skillevl labor pet fil i a dy. Yet, uuvvholeotnecottthtitnoftrrwl rob the masse ami the ,vtitui of many branche of the puNie s-r- vices for private rrln artvt -enoa- ly the prosperity of the in. We shall not now review the chapuronrailtt.v-N nor ou trt, nor the others Thi little vniue b vivid with HshtWRs ifesbe of fact.. It houkl to wide,v red. There is no limit to the free oisc- ion of pulak' tuestkw but the law volume l a wekotne visitor. Wb- .,wr .u it n-ill tHV th hUi..1 compiler fivr his original and vwr. , fill prosentatfcwi. KKtH .U'XSVILLC KIX.JOCKNAX. IB tbe JtH'K-'t.VL of June 7, 15W, is an aKe entitled Oreson Small Frsit.V whk HMtts obtain se statement .....v.?.. v...t.. ,...,. tTs.Tariti to --prvtkt is toe sraipsr a vmikv" Tat Otru efily Pvit" inuetixiyeAr tbe WlllaMette valley i an A. Xv Tbe. Iberr i a swi dwi of r-dy l, rrtwt coauitA "cvs vritboat sv-. mooey oe into UueJe Sam's po int:;" but bavitt; Ke here thirty ses.. A sawe antocnt hs eve v-Aars mkI rM some little f J At ai bers attedtkwio tnii myelf. th-.tate- i tm piaremt of mr lami. and mettt recarditr lof AnoMV Omr swftmml fcufcl Tfcemotof eberrtfts tbat 'mnv ef tbe Royal - -M tbe. No wmAfc money Ann ebemes meAore t wo and a half ujU Tbeooe urn lbi a W inebesin ditnteter;" baifan inea low, or two or iKe Wk rUe wove tban tbe width f tbb eohtmn. TW sif of a Vug orange, wmin me of tbe prtebw bo bad tmveJed on tbe Am.iwn river; nd toM bt eon great lion f tbe wonder of tmrf wttnnwrM regis-w, and, eertbis tbe mttsniWtK Ad tbt "mny ef tnem vnnl weneb a ronnd tbat tbey wonM -tmmb tbe tre " ?- by." Ye m fefae " bim to fc Alc bmiree,"" be ,,,v '" tnt n smtement. vvapizwi I mi n&tHw xi ia'.ih --- -- . v -- - ' --- wffn a panmt, mm m wa t,te a peeu majtx.ami tbt tbej miw Xh " 'k lky ltafc4 tbe ire. Seet -A mntnt . siAteen bnmtre4 ons"-f M.xerb erf tm Vs X -ma' mMnneare 1 kaw M n xfMre in mbtnx aoms in Oncm mi rmi . vnttil 111 be wttb ntbW f tnl. "TW wmm bt tm y. x amrfnw ami WibMAM-,M tne.vtomwen of tbe NVeM a li imin. o tar I Z m . Ami mx it smn itm xrete I bave onb' mnn4 on beb ptomW to af In ewnnrti- una wtib tbe two "n ubi.bb ;" ami imvt ne m matW nmtery to ea4Amn ami ne rbm m.vnr. v " run tmr cmh . mv ...w - 1 WA 1 l1knA ., w - - Nomber Wtvl tHed tbe Hnbub; not boar It Mon (. it be bnene In mmm n- vwr, tbat. vaHevWo tbM nn 4. one ivUev 4 not meeeoa in anmbwr Cbacv f WonV or c mala often vvmvxvn or lamwi. ami xtbav wr vn a-v vanvvjt a.i uv.i- m t i! Vet taeltocy men 4 w bum ' vnlonm mv vmr ..iiut Vnio.. - tvvetnaAe Highest of all in Leavening Power. M ABS OUUTEElf PURE petition with the Kre.tt staples wheat, corn, cotton, etc., in the markets of the world, consequently can pay but little, if any, better than tiny do. Wo have no "protec tion." nor "subsidy." in our in- Kiu try. And the market has been "glutted" every jeur until this. The cmiueriert otl'er us little en cotinigemeni, as the prices otlenxl a rv UMinlly ImMow thectxt of pro dtK'tion, and we only end them our Mirpltis when the lotlom drops nut of the UMrktt Fuels are fncU, gentlemen. That the fruit at.d Ivrrv bu-mtx is In it" Infancy in tin valley, there is no iution. As Hipulatiou in crwves, and facilities for tmusiH-rta-tion are multiplied and extendi d, lnrry culture will grow acoorxllugl.v . That it is a better bu-int-s than gen end fanning for thoe who uuder- taud lt.) i ako true. There i- uothing about the bu-iiu that any prolit qulnxl e.-txci xvurtl extlor" tbt- -uiie?, if I were yonng; and beginning life anew, with mv , preu( experience, I shouKl tv a . lerry and fowl fanner in tld Wll-j iMiuette valkv. the outkv5; now-1 ' , ; , lo 3i is better than it ever hs fore but I am petting too it. F. i. MattrsON. Ar.v'n.i.K, WW-'W. , 1. S. Th.v Chinei tthiaant rhieen are U ruauin- aKui the jti with the hen and r tmoe ofxtlntry chtekeu, it. Mmv i ""Ti;kt." j,,. Aiert: While in lvt- Uad , tb1 wrtler JaM bv !hjl ..mvW. Jj;vttMl lfetou- jt be vvat sweiKi ta ,f bs Utev d - o. t,. n?fcu M(,v -,tjfcs- m K-tUod toay. TKt , tf v doirms ib , -m rf,, 4 - ?titirr.Ue0lf it Ttwce" sroilWeilfcoet &- xu . .,. t xv-l.-. w.'.u owe the state. TV w-nter h xvauvi v-no rw.s isti- HehSeee Ihtvt it is teeai so aeK& of it t tsed p. Te vVeooaaa It U-cO rcom ittf Wi.hinto At .- mu.ii i bcax the kkt two yj. A ?ret deai of Oreson xttooeT h teea divert -d that way Tlu t no entKtsan. 1: is a Matemea: tV what is tebev! to Ire a feet. Peopkr bare a rtfbt to K ey hk- Fndei tbey dtw't , - r5' c tisof dolWs haw Ua invt- ik.ui..i...t. .. v... i-t - tbvnlnof ben tbey wuat to barrow it. MiCWrx ISltor. Times-Monniaineet.-. The laUles: A rvamtvrnueeAcbnnse y; It W intended tbnt tbe -ystbem statec- sbC b4 renblou to eon .. - m. u miif kw iWnoaW hit vv 1. (tvrmec times ibis Wt vn evaoied bv bayonets, on tbe bm ibM sontnm eotOe wonkl ve bUy ne4 Mtmnnts at IS mtnaa, xt WP piffsni ivttmai wnfr - . . .... . ..& .. . - - --- n, wUboa tbe armed at. Tbas fc wrr eierer nrerarteuins. wonWl'be nbolnmlj ll WW4 "nmibbfnn " i eomtct if cbmr J id -AfanevwiN. Brasvtenaof rmkeK. ami intxmUtvn. nlnnrn m eitibnrn eoanum. tbe nmwtrnts M k , wawiw Awman eitinrn from eirrtins: ,k. .in. twnat ki. .. M mmttt in tbe mt braml bm It b a mrt erf bfennty mr j,, na(r y, n krmtMm enl tbmv m" by ur mmv m. ! u kt- aMWrftrj, u n t tant far .-MMtaratiWiatfcbfc.-a.n4blimi ,,, frwi( ln upbWitin xt rV UrU. mt n vbnt vr -nnt uty njMI. anm t IT IWMa mmes - - .. K-A- .a .. ' - - NffftlvVTM vav. JVm VKW m Jbvj,-, Tbs b tmnnrlmi In e- bxttos emtbe. ami vn net tbo ben- bjertnp emtbe.. ami yon et tbo I v 4 tt at Onnw4a. At ina ii,i'va vi va vaw a MM vS wi a mb-w aaa V-v wma av?x,Kv sa.tv, K tivAaw bt wmaiYt tov- ZHZVZTS 5tlS nTKv vt vk rwi. vjw nipi ou the labor and capital re-!sulHn,UH eKw. .-aumeu !h diitwheeiid.iwiwi. I Inc.. ..,-. .tniil.t Volinnnv III! 1U-1 UHllilllUl lOC.tlUV, Willi. .Muuuajinur.. , I nave UO tlouot. ietmanv, -' . KOftvtqure rubber Utcietl vicklaj ."0 ally grain and -lock farmers,!" '- w io .uuB r.xu , w ..sfl'.iMu, . it n, a Uitl iHHlnts. nd "- on rt navigable nver, at least S S liaiXi iSw iw-MtSr' Vana nmn av a - at tyiaw i -aut uawsx nuat u ax4 avivMfcnat'vivaa.vmV fWnc kutauCnrvaxsUiti. vutvnfi. aavi nir tV " vtati fvt n tvxtox U. S. Gov't Report, Auf. 17, 1889. Lkikintj Htlla,I Womnn .gnin to the Front. The only Harvard Collece prize open to competition from both men and women is the Sargent prize of $100 for tho bet metrical translation of some assigned ode of Horace, and n young woman ha captured It this year with the same assurance that characterized the recent prize-win ning of her sex at Cambridge I'ni-' versity in Kngland. The Harvard young woman, an "Annex girl," is! Mi- Helen Le.ih Reed. SheiMines, from a family of literary tastes, has already done meritorious work in iui-.tiiiwi.iii, suu uupva iu uiakr I.I.. .1I&...U..!. ..u.i i........ .A ...... k writing her profession. Although a1 ... v-' .i.A,i .,i..v.i .it" iMuiirnu, 't"i- -.iH-nt imifli of lior lift' In or no-ir ! pjnm muni oj tier int. in or m.ir Jtotoll. 1 The Yamhill Co. Ledger says of' Hev. J . L. Hershuer's mauagemeut: ( Onh one short vear since tho La- ,. ",. .. , . , rayetto 'miliary was tirt openeti and to-dnv w e an eon vineod that it .uivitu-ti.it ttt .in ttiiiMiitvu mat u h- tn the hands of a prudent and , . , , ' .L auio i.teuuy proven a success in tne It cxMild tv made navigable with but a trirliug cost, a high rollincountry, excellent pura water, surrouuded by maguiticent farms, that for beauty and richuec of soil ennnot be r PHssOti in any country, and in the banner county of the tmuer tste of Oresjon. I.inue It. Kead publishes a letter on "The Cruel Cheek Keiu" io the . -i ..t. . i . .-.,. .-i ..;.; L i.;n It. taatl trHrt. : Algotirt KepublicAU. she avs: ""Ajjlj !,vrt .v.,.-.!,, ts l. ,.,-, ,rt.t t .-a . . . . . the grouml where be i pMup to put bead too low if the overeheck is re- 'moved? Certainly not. Hi head 'is hi own, and he :ro how to CArrj- it. Iltv4-e have njiht as well a other people. IXHU.u.oa over aa- imt.U does not include the right to torture them. Bkvsed are the mer ciful, for ibey shall obtain mercy." We shall all need a littk merey. so let Ui not debar ourelves by a feol Kh peUee whleh belvv ne: as but maes the txr boro sd indeed. Abeo :be noble .niial ball ive' ui hi testimony let u ne: be found wnuB ie hamanity to bim. Wbea the bcce sad his driver lsJl staad telore tbe Jedje cf ail. ho- a.-l.? t- l.V r. Kst- K K.v rw jrLr .be saoce bssaaeofthe two i-i-vts Monsy A letter from Qaartiville to a geatkexan in tiiis i eityi ssys: "Tbe Albany Co. will , pet th.tr mill up at their eabin. Tbey ,bave jut received retsrn froci oee of their rock seat ; i: j 50110 a aBi 3- oen silver to tbe ton. Tbey are fceba hippy and there is no doubt bet Jbi: tbey will pa; in a mill ri;bt away." BUag asA rVij-k. 3fc b&rcaiBs in da buntis? and t k v5 t T3! 5t Ako an Mt 3&;or sale at a b&rc&ia. ttirreTer Xslarii Eiits Tb Jk"jo - u eertais jirey la iat t-ttect aad raaa-.ttent lewr. demb ij-je aad re 4.ke. tne l.rr i jarr unent. ty afeMtl. ii vbe xw.d cu:mt:ttw; w-tk Wv te t tbe ewf rLia trfcr Hvseter mmuHi Hiijt ii sK-i: a van iHt iuii) rtt.il, ji ret r al Try arm f nwWnU 4&ei iv tavtt :t Joe avsy nti ine tut&Uty of le ae. kr rrOaa; anfcitUrivy o tfce b.jtiry ot-at ta Mlvaee t tbe arr-.tl of llx xmiot -kw tax- AMe i rTeat. T&ere it aer awufjiac rre-eciuive .v tlKe jkect raxij -ntirrtmr w a kv-Jklity vnere tne n,tTr t at eii.t,. Tfeere u e nrlu uata.-j trow tiiMit ,x as eaaaear fr4tmie araa. to t xcre4 f tne xte t the vrr vatie tjfct aat H iic lie. Bttt viMre c.a-e ti tt Sro aceeeie ttk .a pretuac a ennnc. Morvec n rwiw evwr tn licy- e ityffi . vi OTeev a r r ctwitO-. um. rttma. twLeuvtty oc mr kd tj anA hunaer. tW irfcntblue asd nn(lt tax rrma yeac. vL I ui 1mSj. k k' I usmbv VWm l " IU lU ! "OVKRI-AXD ROrTK." nun xar ike tu leave jaruud at IV uuc(9A!uutr. rw ittia r- tt"j - -ft m4. fitreip Dtful Xrr ImMf Ctrl twe PuaHy anfjnic Out 3a tneontfc xxyriii tnoa w ii. Oaanal mill umi. Kfc Car nHW ekwfcrr vnaini kiwi m rvartlMkA nirPnatftt um. rgn i an , r waUiw janatonu i tafr ay jjwan iaiiTj r I. W tvy tf a. C. XvaJKV. JiwiU Tdkr Jku( 1m r Jt mnnit fcfiani CVoan , i ma.a Tii T- Tm M W.v union iAcinc SYsrsii ilnminiiT --rti svatAwr VMkIM aarf ivva rvin mitm w-X v aaa untt.aat . VW -rj tiai Hwv N Jik 1 ui 1 vtim u twiwn urt vMae4 --a -'iialIMi tt-aa rwilviia jMJae aaA Mv- 1 . - . - .- - tWM.. ti t ntasM. ju-tj wi r. JSTrJ-SiSS: tVrUta t Q wt ma. ax ik ravXviii wawm iefvf xvtvt ywoi.wt ac vuuu v"tvy aaf vsmua ntr. HwmavO.wtlwsta LaA. a4 aivVtav) ui & nJi.. Wwjiato. ta. e m 5K2a7?ZvX TiSS uwtlW xne :.ivamt ri ntir T. II. BAK2TES, PKES. salem land company Incorporated 18S9 Capital Stock $30,000. . POSTOFFICB BLOCK, Proposals 1CS. rniiK noAiti) ok trvstf.es ok the I Orrson Mate tnane Atylum Invito tled prorxxaU for ftirnUhlni at the n-y-lum near fcalem. Oregon, the following mpplle tor the U month ending lHvem ber 31. lWt PAINT ANP Oil?. 105 So lloner white lend. 10 catlont 11 Unotxl oil. ij turpentine . ,. tioxe sla. 4 boxe lfixa 1 11x31. 1 Xxit. 10SiIrih clue. PLUMMNO. fV. diw elbow. dm lv, ineh. 1 dox 1 Inch, i do 4 inch. H dox i Inch. 1 dox 'J im-h.SdoiS ineh. 1 dox toe. 4 dox Inch, do 1 Inch. I iiih nun. i uiu . j dox olur. 1 dox ii Inch. I dox 1 Inch. ; -, t "?.?-- Ul. , ,n-.h , i tov4.in1to.ilnch tti. l, dox. each 1 Inch. Inch. S Inch. S . IUCU Ittcticap -do, return bend cJoed. t t1,w h i iDen 4 inch. S Inch Hand Ltvkei. IS dot i Inch Jeakln HroV vah e, mov. v,3ox sinch Jenkin B-v valve-. mo- , f uer-ion bo bib flnUhed. it uhiv fri ritdurlam sheet packing. 1 older pot v Inches In diameter, piun.ber metal for wipe joint-v v clvtniied lrn pipe. 1 pch. ,vjf,et ptlv. united Iron pipe. 4 Inch. &.v feet Nak iron pipe. KOfwt i mch. mo feet Much. .Jfv: , ineh. cj fvet1; incb.r-O feet lnh. .- feet It, lead Dire. J dox bnvs pi elbow bamer cock. ; dox bra. tellers i dox lav-A tips. sootch tnujro 5la.e 4 inch Is inche ton; Ssvoth Tiafloe llsch, 12 inches I""- . . . dox eaeh , inch and S lll'& vukantred ruber wt-Bect. , tt.tx e-h wheel cutter for No I and 2 .:reSj pipe catttr. OR Y GOODS. a.v -- yarn, all wvo!. wh.te. HX' vr eantoa tUnnei. Nihua XXX. K ' IVjuo4 beetinp.SM. SO Ms-.ner -trlpt'. Axo-in .HO Penuot neias heavy jic-eh. A ?S inch ' -VO ajIicvv iicffi!! nil! iauiru - dart j km rri bin denim. A.iKktg, 9 at, au toweiiag. Wwwhevt. uan. l men. d. tvtirsii-!.-. 1 1 ?TiiISt iS2j,ihiVN -v IKSliSitvVK" vS 2i oi . if hi " "" . S'iS?" iJttSJSi-, , --7, , . , "- -,,y tt i Sil'' T - psts efotJs. -4 i -e. r i W i pr day norearleV:aavltat- tta rotiairt is ecuJ irt of are X3i hlad Qoartec. i CtrrEK. ' Po twiiitJsv. j--.i u-wc t"Jieocy -" -.---.-. FLOCK. V harrW- t?t roOer prtv:-.-, dettvered TMet. VINSGAK- 5.U t-s2is pcre r4driAr.ifr. AAt. Snppl ,, 1KV pocads Kirk- sJtvoa sc gtoi. siiOGs AND LEATHER. 1 dsaeox eUf kii. Cir.r O-k. K paar li.-i)f s &oe No t l, roll ei Miie iftitbec. from 5 to 17 pood per d, suvktoc exira heavy. DKCGOIsT LIST. J t 4Cd fcOitJi. 5 - Aaocjit.s. i - Aatlpynae-Caorr.' i - Otteua 2! fuicofcinpboc 31 imwes rowtier. J cxiie tiae. S per-chntrtieelrsm. 1 pyre PaN.ofiroQ,"-Ka-iJv."" S p-?iiaea,h.-?'v.o3r."- o) zpaeaflrtn. J taafOeal -BAyr."" JO - ulu ;. J wa bjnie pjwi- -rihb. 1 ab utnie jsih. ! ' rwi&i: xilx-e. 53 I I Ctkx MeelsMa. nud eairet wOd ci erry, -p 1) A On. p&rfcieyc lci eitrsct cxMtra Kifra Kcat-.uex l-S - IAVt-vWTp U.. .-n)M, inl. f - U 1-: cm uyeniajse miy. I xto ctrt riefe .No 2. tacd C li j. aleobot, -Eaf terss." 5 Cod UtwOU.-.Vr.-y tXKr oxl. -Rtter V .V." i Cv osl. -Pure " It torpeauae. i rtveenne. 1 Am ynnewj. ItTa No f. )ax eoapty ofcfouko tvrfi: No 1 af a. ?.ojt j. ci, ip XVO ku-vvtir4tcts jifU. McK a B. XXV) aionB omv mlK 5i aeortife pUK, Brotrx s-swt-i. M r K R. a.V tj ipk pvU. rr 1. At Sta oxMe aaxx.c.sai pUU. ir i. &.V . IljTvvi uhiM nyey-ajnt a)pfe lOtr J v vtifaSMk-NotJc KV Morpfcia lfi Vt vtMMi j(. Ilvrd, P Dactv 0 Uta ; roil i-agfafci kMr, tarxvont ttk. .i j. i sKClS. , 3e ptsr. .-O - elaaaon. 31 - macant W ' 3i.-e.jJl mmrf rrinf. 4 ' Tr jMca-i - e f MWi JtUAi Ht. W O. I ve-firiaMe Ane. W G. 1 - et rs anA fcimwru VT ti. STATIONERY ray MkMIWt ink. J u roaM ik I a.x !tt fVneO. t Mitt Loanaat latttAei tzX IVs Oa'i N 2 mn rtr ynywr. Liw CJk ec tvvxl tUOC!BvU& VO Ixvrrivdl aJx. 73t ua.rsVnatPMCBwt. KO - MvMVtt, tmi t. or a iXt. SV - ervf twv. atn. aea W nkoi, Ca! layrr. I4AV & xaxtar. sAV S. ii4va -T. &VC t cnauui re kiefc. Si t easN. Oi n r v nW. XVO wr vw .. vivM Dati. ae ceC tv - n.cc wit. vat ate mux kMuay, svv JJ XO n xve J ta tM m4v CXO a aaat X keamL i w.-.EvhLNe : utat ms Nr na. t eavee n vat rr, N I. i vi at. na tt -- ecu. I crmua ci ujtt. J tr; jitnn. t-Wfc tavre. Cwtneca, I arx rtuefc. cw-vrj-. 1 rw aatlvaiei. inf miav aJtr. vMknuaa. ! at a a: W eeea-)at b. Axanwraa. a eam ec WteJrv ( V fna t imi, ova ciaa rrfisei .VJ. J sir txjn.vutWS. 1 3.V BMftuisaffL OeWxa txtn. . aawiearvax, N t. j Sunt wtwiwn. N t, !tfiiS- M ntrnmnMty.amv KXKBWAKJ-. tt.9(aatS r WW bfe.4 trxxMnnnAVinvRafistiL; l kn awn vai II. V. MATTHEWS, lwaher cutter for cutting frm,.S toe1 to 5 Inch. 30 ctllons Albany spindle oil. S , ' cylinder oil. M pounds compound. No S. 335 feet mund Norway Iron, & feet each K. 5l6,s.T-16andSinch. 30 feet round Norway Iron. . M Inch. W feet flat Norwny Iron M feet each lx, l,xi. Ixi. ltH, lWlf. lxJ and lK x'J Inches. . , , , w 30 feet Jlat Norway lron.CJ Inches. i kes No 5 front hore shoes, Bcrdcn. S keg No5 ulnd hore shoes, BerdenB. 1 kec No 4 hind horse shoos, Berdens. 1 keg No -I front horse shoes, Ucrden. v, kec No 3 front horse shoos, Berdens, y kec N"01 hlnd hotse shoes. Berdens. 10 IbsNoT Putmans hon.e shoa nails. 73 Iron wmhers. o Bs li Inch, 5 d 5-18 Inch, 10 S , Inch. 15 5s inch. 20 fcs 5 S Inch, 20 lb Inch. 35 &s machine forged blank nuts 10 D each 4 iHh and H inch, 15 lbs J Inch. S fc lSx-4 round head rivets. 2 pkg of 1 m tinned flat head Iron rivets. 10OJ pound blacksmith coal l ream emery ciotu.stirtcu uuiuw.-. i i Rs flour of emery. No- a 1 dox pkccarrlaee bolts. 3JTJ. apfcjrt each carrisge boiu, XJS inches . and I inches. 2 pkg eaeh carriase bolu, if. IS. 2', JS and Inches. i 2 pkes each carriage bolts, 5-16, 2, 2 1-2, i S 1-2, and 4 Inches. S Sis coarse boras. 1 saw gumming emery wheel, 1 Inch thick. lOlncht-t diameter, for i shaft. 1 piece si.ver spring steel, l4x2 inches 5 feet lone. 11 kept nails, S kegs 20 d, 1 keg;40 d. 4 kegs 10 it, 8 keg S d. 20 2s wire brads, 10 Ee 1 l-2.lnch, 5 a 1 Inch and 5 . 1-2 inch. 20 rro ciew. 4 grosetch 1 1-3 in. No 14, 2 Inch No,l4 and 11-2 inch No i2,2gros each Pj Inch No 10. 1 Inch No 7.;; inch No 7 and 1-2 Inch No 4. 5 chisel. Keen Kutter brand. 1st quality, 1 2 Inch. I 1 1-3 Inch, 1 1 Inch, I JJ Inch andl I-iincb. 6 hammers, Maydole brand. lvj pounds each. 3 hatchets 2 pounds each, 1 hand ax. 4 round K K brand. S Jennings bits, 1 7-li Inch, llnch, 1 3-16 Inch 4 gimlet bit, GfrTwn brand, 2 inch, 2 i Inch. SS rnnth-ttrid kvks io dor files. K and f brand. 2 dor S Inch ! lim taper, 4 dox 6 men do, 4 dor 4 inch , da. i dox 10 inch mill. 2 dox 10 isch K . ri. 1 dor 14 ineh , rd. 1 dox 4 Inch rd. I ' dox s inch rd. 1 dox 4 Inch flat, 1 dox 6 inch flat 1 dox Hanks silver Lake No asa cord. 6 ' tsble knit e and forks. Iron handles. 6 butcher knives. H ax handle. 12 pole. 12 doable bit ' SO feet rope. manUla. ? Inch. ' wf3 r I SAnipie mav tw srea at vae oairc o ice ba.-d at the cspit!. gooes cin't be in ac cordance therewith and must come In isAl packarswben possible. lrftvery 1 L-f",- " 'ilTirV";"'." ""Til . k. r . J r 1 1 1-J -.i n t vj.4 iH ! t.ndC. ' advertiemem aw accompany eaci b!d.ad thename ofthecla. ofsuppU' hid r ajnt be written on th envefopa. liich bid bp! include aU th Items of the j . efcSMSSft S ;ar Aud.t.ac edce-r are prohibiteJ vhiti Iiw ,dver-ja3ent dor not coatAin ja rail and cvimplete description of the i kia-i of articles to bt purcha.-cl. ( The ntht to reec: anv n3 all ticL .s reserved. ' Bid will t opuei at 2 o clrh p ci "a ;T-dy. July 5.110. I GE. vv-.wcbride. -. . t toa 1 . rw-wwia LfTru'tee, Wa. .v. MCNLY. Clerk of Board 6-14 WHATISA TUBUL4R WELL? Bf Ssk u Red u4 Get 1 Otber. j. oitii-eTubcls.s veil i cQKt-'d br petaas cora ttree lseh Iroa p p. tri no opeaiiLj except top aad bottom. No dirt cas ret In and Oily pure crater e-os be cot oat. TJiU U vie only kind cf we-l trjat trorat and lne eanx.t ret lata tiiat U t itivrctfjy crx&re-tr prcci ai.d tiia: i lie porf Hrtar water. It i po t.Te.y the ' well Tkx, r-i4bl Jyeur exp"- j PAINTSHOP. 1 5 6 Commercial Street Boae a4 eanaxre ;i.t-nif3 -kt-l xr, piper hancisc decvrit-nc, tral. t'jij issi kutaaalmsg All tr-k dece irt i eitsA. tvtmtepA-un;6prjL, ty ctj- pfe sodrrate. P. B. RANKK. PROP. A Bargain ! . Jw rab e VX erf Uzd j -eU to z t J ryvext vaim ftctlJe-t c" Aer, tr;:i.2 J rfriity roi of tteaxnictit lasd jvc. tie it I .i xM txxl wxce ir i.mtr ? oirt to I rvy r tie iaad ani t it xsvd voa Joe iinatt, -Bltti tprtax svei iaad. Wetli txke a cd rnC X of ij pnvecty vz triie. Addre O T DENNI Srlei March 1J, ISO. J Ulf So B)V6rid KEJH.TH TH " U K.thiB'( Galdem Balaaxa X. 1 e-.r tlumt, tr- wax .m4 ppf, 5r (I l! Lct aai Eoi- S I, Sv.SM,r, Cvpr9vaaTi SjfC-Vri. 4fi .x i .-ut &Kjvi -.fL iii til vdmusj Sft ti 1X4 eu(trvi u ajyAaif- Prie. . OO per Bitl. U Kickvaa't G-Uea H..t. X. a ', rii j. it4 rr. rxisi is nU. ka t xa Ntci. OmstjuJ - TWn-X, s -x xux, Ls4 Lai tu. aKit .- . smsi tt si Uaxta, at ci ... u. M Ssnt li mts. w: - - i i..Tt isr c V!. .: -Kf w aw: ysrr uL vLL H - -i vO per BMtlh L IWWB' CUK .VAKlkk All- .c -ft -J M. q.Tviiiin. Cim. " v . t-vi .- i nat.Fr r tm atl . !. iI.ae' 44a SpKiilt lm v . .. jnt avMt H ra nrhi, . Wwimii pi Pric t ' vr xbMta t llvrV.t.", SaMt Htaat Uv I - km .i tftL,7 l sivat, vax vv- -v. Pr4ve $l rO r-r x - - J SMv t Pjf t -Xr-v, Jti . m- .4 at jv i. ft PrlM ITS M -.-r Bi Tmic .! .r-rti. vttWi, . i . mttntf U& TfeWti-iri dnc tmrxs ttAf -V aa Bl Seartet Mrret, sva Pviwiiviwa. Cat, OvvsilriJet!. . Z n . La TZtlSil S..-5. 601BS JaLn H0NG-SIN6-L0N6-KEE, Oriental Laundry, ivf SutTE dnuav k &f CStr. TEEAS. TO, nOVATfTl Tttx,t - - SALEM, OREGqt $10,000 For TenTh Fancy and Staple Groceries, For prices and 20i Commercial St, 0 psGoods delivered free to all parts of the city.' -m v itT nti pa Have ju-t received another large i jt"., ivi. vv j-vijyiv--'. invoice oi Spring Wagons and Hacks Of the best s'and.ird make. sidered. AH invited to cal! and Commercial street HOME 1 n j3tBn.BtjPBBBSWaW t f3!rc--- f IW&&MM utl. niL.L.to n t (XnEev3 F03linX " tS:lGnwr ab Bmvi?5i3FaJ Pi. ICLtXrS HTBllSTHE trrSttT7-E. !sbumssi. rsTAasi!11 CrHlrnTaOxac?uasxA.Oeaev.rtxCF AjurJfCSKxaifciiKrit- MUtaLLEr5 lTV5J0tS 5TSMIC! t3 IJVE8 CtE. Csr J-j- u'Z. a Tjzee. Cfi m Ttnt Kijj-j- Trrca, a--l' xj Tt& oos- . vVsmx&N. t.srt ex vecx i vxws rtcijc xrt lfvwijr T jits,!- t. .trrs rsctM tt. oi c n, Bsua fts,-& &. n HRtETS SrTMThtat 1V3 SE TtSIT CgE. rrru xi "&" '' J"-. J pai-' Man uj aact tar.l a trtnx I tt U xwcav Carst isarr &L ".L'fS fTVTt M.-E. ltaptuii.xJaBiuttt.' t - a .f munc lint -"-Ta. u- Xeuwa. XJutet f ' tt. tmiET-S VETtCS STP.TT PUS. c Xaref '-ja. ' fsc x. sM i, tmu - ' " v aVvr fee; O. S ria rs" -gxsrs uantitK na aKtc suse. ftrnBus retr t. taxuxrs TErr-a eattE. xuiuiwiu. - HKxxrs riawvt cxicn et. ; vu BMttc at r KZart t sncvK t-ie. tax re atar tars, . MavajBivvr4rG?.Bk2feK. j r5 F' SI. 00 per Pitlafe. hiLLER DRUG COUPOvY S&. iik h HVLl FRY. insist. !5 Cmtiil kij ' -1" 1 -ii-- y lUv::.p UNTINtt. PAnuUNG Ete- IVoe - S,SECl $10,00? Sale- ousand Dollars -worth of- terms enquire of Prices are the lowest, Quality cci exanine them at 252 25i and 36, I M . I Vho do All Kinds of LAUNDRY i As Cheap as any Lanndrr !i the Country Lsinj; nitanq and doing nrst-claa wort. is?Ladie3 and patrons invitsi I to inspect our procasi of drj wors. 230 Liberty Street WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY uraasatef StsdsaU In Classical. Literary, Normal, Business, Law, ANI MEDICAL COURSES I: .s tie xdtt jzez asd to g ,, S3 :cr catijojre io TH VAN BROS., E DR. HILLER'S Special Prescriptions. i TREATMENT SELF CUBE A SpecSc Renecr)" for Each Disease :-U-jj at Cfrtft. CsnaCXapajri ix. s E- irfkrt" Sr : i.xus vava v"aex. tw i!n mmiln u Ii- Six Pitirses Jar S5.00. m m kjwt US FRLSC 5CaCA- - k ! n-'mi m i tmKSVHfJXr iv,' "" . t --. " w-,rnwt ...... ... .., .L..1 k.. ..- ldl6UIU II till t -tafnebb,N IVJON. vKt V.C MW VKMOa. lMTftfa - " nv " vv a iw a sxiixw tuwt yv.twar vva uaw Kavv mx. 6bf j ai.' rr E -i ! ve. IVrvMa ImJ TMY3mT 7" ; -"" ":": ' " immt w it iwv ya tvM aa at SMit Jt HVXMV- Jxin, fc eM