Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, June 30, 1890, Image 4

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&Jfi) 1111
tfQr aeilTi TtoAvSoil I m
a'.. Jk hVwf dYtt 111 3
et o-rewaUiur, or the partafctes- ot too rich
and Indigestible food, Is common cdn
of CUcomtort and tuErertnjr. To ttrtmodl
allr relieve tha atomach and bowrlt frota
ftjch OTtrisJt!vr. a f'U dot or Dr. rterea
rtirjratlro lYUeu ti tha bert remedy. Thiy
operate jrtntly, yet tborouihly and with
out rrtplar, nauiea, or other unpleasant
It the too free indulgence ia inch intern
vera 1 8 ratine hat derancr! dictation, rati,
lrur dynepaia tad rT;usaes. attended
trim a tecM 01 iuutm or uoatlnx after
vauitr. cosmm tongue, prirrr or Ma tarts
In mouth tn tbe moraine on arising-,
drowtiness after mcala, IniSescribabla fee.
rierwra uoldcn UedicAl PiaeoTerr, to
tors up tb ttotnach. Inrtirorate tb hrer.
a t all the proctors ot dlftstion at
irort. tVhU curior IndirwtJoa. tt port.
Cr to blood, ckwntinr the arttera trota
all humor and blooJ-roUom-co matter
of nfcat nam or nature, or from what
caxue artainx. There ta nothlair atrallar
to it In cnnipotSUon or aprroacMar U ta
result. Therefore, dont t duped and
induced to take tomo ruhsHtutr. Mid ta
tv "just as cood, that the dealer nay
mabs a iaryw proQU
af fl CHkA rA4L 1mkm m an rv
1 fc.-OV! vvtAiiu &cErsj tv. aut
curutCo cisoot t"atinHi m $o Head.
p JU KNIQ T. Udeelle rhrsJoi3,ornce
vy. 1 .vur nrrci, sclera ukkod.
Jnonarx diseases Jixceteltj-.
DTCJ. M KEKXK. IVntbk Offleeorer
the White Owner, tvort and Om.
merctAl strectju
TOIIN .. CARSON. toan(kv and At
I tenfMi-lAw, MMMNrofthe liar of
atrl. CbknaiiA.
ORlce hi! Sate tnvt.
PRATT IK'NT, atlomefal latr,Slem.
Orecon. OaceoTerltarrVJewrlnrsuv,
J J. SHAW, Attornejt .!-. Mtan.
Oregon, once fflrM Jivr ihe
t bead of mir la the rntr UM .t
Rsha bxak.
J. OrejKM". ice apaar tn ratana's
T A. ArinMATK, atarr at )w
l KHtes bkv-k. OaaaaMmaat ad SaXe
Mreets &, Or
11 , aad TrrewrltM. OOre 1ti Oua-
rOSS.SRr Jt M-AlX. ArraAfW, No. ;
IV . ev rna fvaaea-1
aaVT tM MUiOEiakC Al Jf li ! ill laa i aa ifc in x
Mcft. -Safenaieaaf-aee fwrt; rrwaarlr
)oadxar. th4t
rt05IA-Kr -llJ.Vi-H. Orril
VT ". Jji lrcaiM. aiwi4sar.
.'sw7lSSS?v Be'
rtNEa. C VKIs
M OUWXtK. raaa.toe-.
a, a 4awal aaHlaVai
I .aafr.
MT a X.
.va rao waa-antr
tHS tftAT.-Naeraar tmt MH.
JradiSaUtf SI
s. onrHWK-ax. ONatnrAr aad
T. baatir.
wea trtmtuM e afi "
aac faT)w saut-
r O. HAK1SR, OaQaa. Onaaaal iKw,
I-, aac n ii AMar A
laeKM ataae M -oinmnaV ;
i.wl nM a raaaMOMaMi AdvrU-
xreau awmn ai Mt at luanmt:
Mea. aaaaaaiewtaaJ.ShHaa,0a.
rrNKrsorrvni.i. .ahiu
IV taeaTaatjaVMofAbekivvakat
- fc.cs.
laONlWv :
i. Wst. o. a r.
MhBii4rfc. Oaraa,
Oeanmrva urf rrrr rws rvatf Saa-
rar A
evac a tte taw Oratwa jLaai
osedSOtj tanifMiJaaal.
X RxyiatJK, a lijaatlva.
JS bhv-k. rear CwaaaMawtd tax
IKJi lie. Hivwaw
tfi!J, ,wTai.rSae
tam, tebaeaa aad ataiaaiiiiat.
N-a. a, otia-it, M,au t- j '
ifw. r ti j
niOTgvlfl & Meed,
City Drovmenl
Draymen !
A wwk aaae aa.
- oaar tviM
SaBvi aaamLaaVMaJ
iC !
""'" "' 9m3mmmmmi
Capital National Bank
ltttflhj; . . AMI
?kTm ttwte-
t JfJJ
t r X Vk x v ,-.,-
TVtltetMia -Mj j v .. .
KJ,Swiw SKa .
lMOaia4 at .,, tut, Wjm
atJttt gaa aod ft.Taawm
A Sermon Delivered fcy Re. II.
Brown at I'nitarhn Hall
Jnne S, IS90.
iVortudcil from isatttnlay Jot ax tt.
This experivnev of Ingfellow 's Is
a couuuon oue among the "wto.
That betMitmil vwin s ttften found
iu our papers ami entitled "Ttierv H
tut Death" ami credited to Rulwer,
was written by J. 1 McCrmr.x, then
city editor of the Dubuque Iowa,
Times. In the iirtWerf kk wife
hetoUiinc the drame-tanee , Its
( composition. He bad beon sick
juntodenthwith typliotil fcvw ami
uuo imcenuR in mo iMianee, that that rleld, only a student of Oatholie saint and Protestant re
pocm fotwd Itf into his mind. rinr mitm. untl rtence ts vivalM and aouvm-i. It was the
"Idtdnot think of U. ItlhiwotvdamoMnH, Tlw student who in
- V""" "-4r iwwm
me and I pot iHweemi wlfcsat by
my bod nnd tos.k it itown a fat a 1
,.. .. ....
mm uiuymi, a oov or i. x-er
write it?"' asked h bd frwmt .
miticassheiuetlUll.v,teotlKirofjr i. ha been cmtaidered too'
r fetus, iie reiMteti: "l rtl-l n H. it
wrote itself." Had it Ih written
in Hebrew ?HX) yoar- ago it n-wtld
have tvvu as saere.1 as Isaiah tn da-.
A similrtr reply wa glen by
Thackeray when asXixl ihy he mar
t . 1. 1 r i. -.
lira a !( iu nir m m botw;
HT .11.1 ..t. !,..,. ... .,.1 . wn..
..... r.r. inc., ""uici ..rr..i
i ii i... :.. . ..
- " . ., ... .. i..-.-.-. .- .-w& w.
r. . ,.... t, i .j,j.. .. aa. ..a.
hi iioels !y: "I oan hontli
assen umi i nave nex-er manm
tured a uowl. My stories
have come with smrvelv any voll-1 im should be held tenta'ively, and i to d ttaituj; let os oorel if
Uon on my ixirt, ami the charaeter- J ?KiiiM h- ever ready to ehature j are ean ask Ood and holy anftel- to
coutrol me." them as added knowledge shall J help ws. ff we eaa do this, the help
The same U tKl of Scott and i make it neeery. Is atready '?.
Dickens and of A!tv. Stowed UneJe ' I havemr opinkMs baed upon i Istt us .- most eosafortiar and
Tom's Cabin. ' Urjr amount of ata and wide ; stremrtheain thoatrht, this of God's
Kilward Belamy tell in The Na-, ecieaee. I -. them tor what 'cMsstunl pretenee ami our constant
tionlUt for May 'S9 how he eame they Jaay be worth, believing 1 jevwamuuion with him thrvmli ia
to write "Looking lUekwaird." , thereby add my mite toward thejsjttaatioa? Xo hours of te?nond
' '1 u undortaklng to write I-ookimr olatioe of the qaefetioo f the eney; no hoars t hopeleasneej; no
Uackward I hod at the outlet no method aad law of irtsfaratkw. remorse no weadcaes? when we keep
idea of attomixins a erioo- eon- The soJntioa f ill qqeMkw ia ' open this, channel of evxumarkn:
tnbutkm to the monament of Mvial materia' r Kx in trt'i ever with it eooaee "tbe peaee that
reform. Tbe Mea . of a mere ThfeKoj?.. -. .-at 0.w ihroarh aa 1 paseth naderstandio."
literary rantay, a atiry tale fj- nraafem .' aa uiseea ftwee. Be-- Bat let as remember, that bel'.re
caai leweity. i-or yar or tw
IM Woft h.t b,vn Tauely ttoatia
ia ht? miad. He had made at la
his nait, hi -Veteh. a hea be says:
thank-, to atrseU, I .ambted
over the bVtined coraer-nae of the
aewviU order." Tht- led twaa
oatlre ehaaee of awtive aad a ae
.stiac ef the ory. Dee it m
- if that power called ia the
,,.,,, ,r 1I1. iAi' Kl
aw. -j .ai--r aarwaa
browed over him nait had pre-
ftared him tVw tbe fall iaaaratioa.
aad thea be wrote becaa-e he at.
H'r T kooa. parts
of the taole are iat-aanrd bowaaje Ibey
iaaarehiav By thK te-t and from
,taamber-itha- ia-aared L.k-
jhwr Baekward" wa al-e. " -
Dr. Hehaa: was afced the hMory
l ..SWTW I,mLmiuI VhM1m.h bJ
" v.-r.CT. .'iim wb
; sid: "It ha- aa. It wrake hVeif,
d - did the Oae liar- Shay.'
Tt w- aaeaf thae taadom cat-
ceaaaa mat paUop thraayh the
Kail AtS y0" "
I eaajght it tewed it. Att
y r writtwa while I am
a -rt of -f-m4ir mental e-
diuoa that aimo-t taket. me oat of
iv o-m eif and I write oatr when
Mis JJutate Duea, a ?mritaa!i?t
Ijmediam, who ha- written two r4-
""- - ii - f-v - .- ---
1 Bar eiprteawv to that of lw. Holmas.
!a that her owi- not etecatioaaL
Of oae of hex .vaai ?he sty-:
"I w-i ieaaea with aa aadetinable
aaviabN I wandered up aad
dovm the tardea till anally as Mm
. . . . . j .,.
- - - -w
aao. Ttaea tui peaeu aatt paper t t ), the Divine Blind, and a& etiw proper nounVhment thenerr
I h.-eaed to a earaat ami there the etartuwity in ear, tight, tek-' will be the fir to cry out. Dr.
wrote. Tbe Soacof the North, cranh. or beater is oue. so thoitthti KiU,r'' Hvdrastioe RestoratiTe
CHkaity that it a not tarnble ami I
wa ohaspsd ta easy it at teat I
kve the eosaeeuoa."
The-e asr are eoaamon literary
Axptetenee totv oaaleUed ia the hie
of limo-t every aathor. and ia that
t evarv arator, mn-ieiaa, paiater.
There i- one taw aadwr which
the,vU earn. Fmm the mpht
ed'tarhtl to the gWiaJt t oration ot
l.w i.
posaa h l oaty a qae-Boa of degree.
The orty editor pan- hi- looal by aa
oedtatrv laapirarion. lateaajnj
that -nacientty. if the mental at
ehaaerv t- eaaabae.aad we have a
- - . ' ran aniion.
Thar I namare need of mtrw
aamc any new tartar, any munen-
- l1. " there a- aa the
rOtro-lifMe wanhltom mikcaa
"?r.,,Pkr TT..T "
it u anty a atia
wr wniar
As saM aaava.
ant aaanne hXaf ta HtMaaat,
Store all aaMthV tartan, af tttr are
laatitaiil. we nie m atiwd ta doattaf
KaVa namte- The ia venter taken
of a h the poet and or
A idnrgmia wrtttng ia on of
of IChaVaa aayss "he
hKmnaiqr ga-mx ha partial, af
aa at waaea an namnt wnn
new Wans and hh nVnMe aahr-
The baMae. man ha at. attha
af toiamataan that him when
ttatat, nea to ealteet a UU and
vbm ta trnta. The termer t a
aanat itaaiarmtrai ha. eeatas the
wmmimwm waaan aa wvra., ana taw
aM her maaea law Iter Jhtti- thadS
Hat SfdettUtay- aH and a-amaa ati
It W aaAy a aauttaa af matjateiv?
tnarMaa ta. intcd. m-ara mVarnii
" wi
hMtatrt - ahar tt bahvaa af
1 the.dniiami -e, anhtm U
" '? Tm v lata a-vU -
wwaadliaw tt it -aN- We
da et Vatnw, w aa ante ifta.-ttklt
Highest ofallin Leavening Tower.
ljasaar TOWUr
u feimlva few -mtt4nc man U-
n to Vlv to phvsical phe-
, llomWM Rndhow little lie vet knows
--iooH sttMlk the text doors upon
( ,, klM)W, jn pxptomnhm tbau
1 wlrll hegtn. He has gathered
( iuiv 11.11H n iimi wik-ju vf mf
..w, thrte. In tlie field of
n.Hiie ihri.juiru we knw still
ctwi to Mttdy ud h been rirvUieniean of application ary5do
, empted by thcoiog- a ita rigliiful the means 01 applying ek-etrietty
, nVi.t, SBa -tudeou nrMd ott. 1 Tbe fundamental condition i
j And the ehureh now opposes Its in- prayerprayer, not an utterance of
I -etleith)oa it did loose into tbe words, bat a reeeptive eoudUion of,
' pb4eal realm, of astMOomer and spirit and sJneerity of mind. Ko
1 ... .--.... . .. . ....
geotoptsti. ll hxtitsbiy wus tr
( j . ... ..
j year nee WHnoosiniic us naivnu
. new reibrion is de-4royel. For the
t ..jik m . tm .mi. i ... i i tti. - ..&
i fxW""!! Pt ". mHlt JJfMlM1
most be, a yet, very careful of fixed
, optntons here. We esn be snreer:
; ottr met, but oninions Utsed niMireen:tot near. Beta we deride
- . .. .
r,. laere oaa l aa v "-motjoo,
.arhteh H oc-y aa raoUoa
there must beaaiaflaiu Before an
there mas besptri; to reamfest. Ood
aaaat fill the seas' ar.d must keep it
flUrd. It is hv thi aatSux ih "in '
him wc"ne'ai i c -t JivIniK
Ttias I think
tl m ! t ' : r
aivl n iasawrv;. , mi is iray
mrhea we rrtcard Jtsaa inv.Cuts-o
r th? Over i?oal ito oar soals. aisd
recieaalr thai that 3avoj;a iuv
-. ?t - rf , , mx-a. bat u
um . - r t ,- t
mJ3 bat ti
"iestxii .fj ras-t t ,irlf b.
, nc, f,vti.'. ssjy.rit .fiil. Tte
avi,-vp) my .! the jiK-v-t.".!
mH witi hsmself. Ii deyesjd
amen tbe site of the varana h w
h. .-,.- .. , . . . .. . ,
iBisanB o va mb uaa vi jibj oucaerwaiierer same aaa arnererw
nm - mm it ia ia oar oover to ia-
qaya m dhnmlnh the amaaau And pie with this met of eommaaiota
!,- we throw away self, the with Gad. the ulntioo of His
aaav of tted we hold. When fetf SfaritnntUaU shall know thai, by
dor ioapired by "Tbe IVwef ; fhali eooseioay provide for them-
that i not oarselvos aad which artree the ehaaocls of a greater in-
work fcw richtemsaceas."
Tome, thamrht is as real a force
& eatetnelrr ead exists as that
dotav a fied oaaatitr in God. We
eaa ate eJevirkk-r br crvia its
Jaw, io w can ae thwaghl. ;
n ncai aar wiu uar urwpi
malm, it takes tw aad w obey it, '
aad a a$ te oommonlv tbe idea, the!
thought obeys ok A maatcrs as.j
As- yonder ear is obedieat to the ;
earreat of eWrieiiy that pna- to
it, ao i the haaaan mind obedient .
. . . . a
w ... "' t la-uii. i
7 V . . -s "eacre peneet nutnuoa to tnonr
ia the brain of Jdtot.j-an, orator, in- who takeit. aad a perfectly nour--realtor,
hoaacwhV i one. A or-; t-Jted body cannot be nerroua. For
aaaiawa- detenuiDc the maaifcata- D. J. Fry'.-.
ttoa of the eketrkity
so doe the
human orjranicatton, determined by
nhv-keal law, aad the itdividualivd
..i.it t,J....i,.J.l Kv iMtml Uar ,
.Limmjm tlu HuniauiaiS.'ui tit ib.i
.. j.. . i -
Ihoafht. tied one. Man IS
rt.J ttL itn.n ant t.-
- v -" . .
ladiridaahty of each one, stamps
,,, V ..-.'
itaaif apoa the reso-xaliiy of ta-od,
by determining the method of God'i
ofatratkm through himself.
.Vow. how ahall we immarn the
aahaiMafihlt uaaimian for tb
amat of iaaplratloa tnch otaia
a, inmthabnof hlaltle. Tha!
!-.,.- .,x.
inamrawoa toe more antrunw .
Ihe man, the moreGod-ltae
the Hie;
thettitlfcrewce between the miut and
the ataaer It the dtnVtene bH ween '
the taqaarauVm af each. The Indi
an of the pa-Jo and Jean of Xaca-'
rath te only tha aanVreawe ofiheia-j
anitntjon of twh, both are v-ntHren I
af land. Bat Jean a fanai
that he t-ealiad hit divinity and
mMlandhly Fntberare One.
The ntaVreaKw beta-aen
rate Wonly the dioVreaat of the
Bimnlam at .rf thit eaanmaaioa.
w arwu it fttml he invaiatiao
whh Ood' amttt. bat may tarnarhe
ntaitim ai it Tna rr. beam aa
g, ft m , ,ui of the
raa ttaaamaia v eaaimariiiTig
tjroajhlaaamla. aithGnA. The
adeaanttoa t th. ax-rtd m aw
daiehmef thtokt-wlunaa. "Hon
aint; ti i rinma aa thatNtagel-.
tanared - ' fa. the twarCtrnJ m-
Dr Hence
gtven aa goad a
" ' Httaja, tha aetata
ai hr ajar, v I5w U-li. Uj
eame anty ta aaeh m ate, it W
pertVet amptten . autuxtt peweea
pataoti t.-4 tilt; .l o - o.t ie
1.. Mob wi t.wt r.. ' rr.kH'
v.fc.ian a. I - j. i; Ijt-
tw lb iaw4t I
U. & Gov't Report, Aug. i?, iSSo.
t! e method t--dav. It new tails
of in-.piraii.rn. It i the method of
Bramln priest and rural fckir. of
method of the Hebrew prophet and
is toe met non 01 tne modern rneo-
sophM. It t the method of the
piritaiht medium, toe teawher of
inr minunir, rniwwii airwii-i
and the kith
iu eaeh i ene:
enrit. Tbe troth
the law te ene: tlie
principle H oue. The method ami
one ctn e)-r reacn antarnoMtee
,. .. ..i.
, iopi(aua WBf b ne awa or l
J telling a Ue, or actiBR atbely. He
f ...,.
i ........j. ..j ifmm BB.ai.a.a.ai B.a. . ,,
( sincere.
Weajvtotto otblnr fcr w
cod, all are eqaal aad that 6r tss, if
w will, there is n insplratloi as
grand aad swioas as eve mortal
had. Oar jreat modern ItiSBirer,
merson has toW as that mr as
"there k at this moment aa otter-
anee as brvxad and gtaad as that tif
the ootVvsai chisei of Phidias or the
troa. vf the EjLvp..i-. riheiea
of M-vt-s tr Daul.-. tut JinVrent
from all ties. jt rablr will
tbe sxil all rich, alt eja5 with
its thoasaad elovea tongues dcir-i t
rene.t itself- bat if von eiaa bar
what the ptrsaiv say. surety
Jr r., ik ,su i.
what the rAstrsaret say. surety mon
eaa reply to them in tbe sume pt-h
ofT-C-e. Ab'de in the sampie wl
aeb regoas of shy Ufr. obey thy
heart and thvs sh-.lt vjrwdaee tbe
Fareworid aus
let os ece,are every ebrt mn-
,. . &
feosd. that aeehsto amiharia ivv
rotation. Oohrbv thus duina can
are hare more aoddike line. Oade
tftuas hrin tbe kioMtoai of ft. m
earth where we have uurht to
nrav far its reicu. Oolv thus eaa
mes be releemcd. Only by this
-Workamae aaart aad ha ue aa4
aVaT U 0r Serraaaei-;.
A body witli a uerroos tempera
ment wtii make soowa its waste
Uaromrh its natural medium the
laranni n uai
acreoaBsy-tem. tr it nuts t nt
At tassaiasoa(rtaerar tae aKkj .
ww, aad aaanx P"f oAea hare a feet
tat "t anaa. tsrua aad axwa cu wita-
at aZObitK to
sea reaaii
,ait a aufiuwr aaedieiae. Uaat
arm art featJr oa the liver and a. aad
. taaa. awtaiac eoaaz Dr. .iaa lav
pe,T.' - "' ", it pw aa.antTiir
liTer. parUT the biood aad by taair
ama ,tac arMoa. aevxamj
awntajU to the eatire sjn-aeaa. --aai
eaau a box br sanha ttac
1 aruoa, aw vitaDty ut
at at.
iV ' IU it D ll "
LDftfl rUln? IL Vi. lOtftlnll V
ratdaa are the aaat Have iartaia at
aaaaaaaaaii. iv ikpihii
aalmaav ti tn. CaltM4KW cv
ana aa Bateaa.
Drflal cT MHaf Cn?t
rnianix t au sLitras.
tw Vaaaitr aVratta Chua raa hwtaab
a tTtf aa uataa ta Jaaahav Ota art!
laa aad lUata OHr wiUanat etttnat
yar -um mRknttta a4raa. tajr
c. a. hkix-ex-.
Mtan a Otait eaM.
Til TtnTlniB M It)
avatvt. vta
iVtaaoMti-ria wJi tntt ii jr. Mareh Sad.
tab arat aajVocaat raw k ?
Te uautaa mat K
w t aad . a a -- at eat tar "-.tee
tHyai. -k ! aa
uawi aaaa uwaa,
aaataawt .
k hA f- jnaa aataat aa .
aa tiatHk.
bataaaa latttai
attKaK4u7 anaaal aam
tr-0tad njataai ate
twah tvataaa aiatiw tiiaaw aad
.- v-v afc.'
a k
A, h... tJi b tvltt
im i.j kt-a an latt aa
Tbe atari taaca
tuai.tina I
t- w kfs-'.'. V ML atfw-t
! t vm T a UL
'It nkMk
.i 4 ! - . Vr.w . , ti
Proposals for Supplies.
I Orewa si lave Asvwm imvne
SJSraSS2 11
JJ ,
VaINT- and Olt.
ws rvajer rie leavA.
jn - iarr?iiB
f Nir U. I bAxec MaJA. t UvA I n.
WKh IrKh jrliM
1 Stoe.
v, iw eibo
bows S S taeaw I 1 loeb.
C k V laeb.
. ..." . m . . .. 1.1.
kt llZTfc
tdtpinev lHlmh,It lie
: hobiar eaa S bsek t" V v
t.iv. t. iBeblB'ltawhlo'..
S Jo m I lck. i Uaeb. S "
: JK retana beakli eeL i
I m each I loch. laeb. S ' K Kl
iaeti Jealrt Bro wire, mov.
i doa eb Jealtia B vKe. bkw-
;aa ope.a bomw
.&. ...... .. .-
1 tuawM
I'MHtarkam beet jwctlac.
1 WtMer po " IsetttK la dteawefcer.
stumber metal far wtp Joti
iearanjfd iron .
V tees eairaa Jl ro te, H ta
aatwtbsa m
e. nui
Iteetl iaeb.SM
i jA anc . il
fM . laeb. .V Im';
v Jmh IK fenad lraa.
leaarrfe e led.leftM.
9 t tiaet voider.
K Jeel $aare rabber baeied eklac 0
feet i.5J leet laefc.
S leM o oaie hemp parttar. H
& ItaUam tMaa laektac.
w M-i is jarf
2 bra nwt bairaer vis
i Aim bra. atllr.
; iaia tln.
Sy4t ,are slashes i laeb K laehe ,
ivKhraafe?lave la.li rcehe?
i Am each 'aeh aaxC taefe valcAaiHvi
naer wjlerv
"-, neb vaeri ratter r No 1 asd i
tareka rr rotter.
rRy hoops.
2 V Jh. rtra. Ul woo, white.
as r rvt ,-aata Baaael. Nabsa XXX.
rtmr a TOW " ' ana, il aiau a.
Mnoer? sis-. Aao-keAc.
I .,1"A3Sih.
Miu1.,utxvx AnerK1 fn -laadardl
iij-arasbiwaeaua.. awmi.? o.
a - nruK,iin.i AWin. mil.
Mtt - table liaea bioarbed.
XN toweUar. bieacDed. Itaen. 1 inch.
A,w nairsaaader .
;AroriT ted teadkerealei-.
4 w saoattblarlr tlaea threaC N'o S.
a? dot srwni btadt thread. No 3s.
IfTKRspias. ABMrSraa.
4(ni Mart anas bntaoa-.
ViaeraydAea,aasartedaaae-.2.it. t.aad
ao vanb w - v Kjsiaacer paat rtvJb. !
f per i.'r r Tess aCatcfaaWt ant
ardm0" P
iss - TOti5!;t. ' !
,5S."SV .
j-wrbss weeaeisass !
K, .u."... .. - m 9
- r i. .... wt..
liW auaaali Kiit tob ar a rto.
t aaaaaoe ean . CaarMe Osi.
aair ladled xw- N'o
iBefole leaUkK'.&aa2Sio2;j.HiBd
cer 4de. JKvitoc extra heavy.
WtCiSGKT usr.
2 aa scad aoeur.
i Aacialaa-.
2 - Aaufj-noe-Kaotrs."
i - OaivMasa.
at - fom nimpbor
W ' iat funnaer.
-2 - xr-"denae.
i - per-ehMfiavoflioa.
2- ryTePno.ofnoa,BaBi5.-
2 - tp-aae-aeea.,s4B9arv.'
clpaaxe of irwa.
sazaJbaat -Barer."
Mda borate aaara 'Ssaiab.'
SBb airtate atsaaata.
Ma-h lodaae.
aax ee aaaaL
JIuW euaet wlhi eaerry, -P U i Co.
Plaid extract ea.-aca Ara
'aa AVax"
1 m eortc-each No2L Saad .
U jal alcohol. -Da-tera."
a OM Uver Oil, -Nor."
tt Oah otL -Baker- A A."
$ olive ou. "Pore."
W turpoune.
1 do -jnWN ranaa N'o I.
Mataapty oap-uto-earla N'ol2asd a.
SipairTY t , v i.
jajjapti-cootllpaiMC atU-, MeK A R.
HWaMs VxBppUi,.
2H aearabrtc pUK Browa Seaaed. MeK
jt R.
ancaiei!2pb oll,.crl
aat . . u. Lltt -.. A
iLi r.?fu 3 wji t .
t rat talna-ta, pta-ter, MtrreoainV
M a rutraie -taaTuac hv
n mntw.
tt ' tea cap. ant -aa-tars, '
ava t'oa irtiVttiac.
toaaru AraoaaV iV.
eaasiaad aearfil.
2 boar U-aa laoanaaaaat raa Oa" N'o
J naatn. V ic aaaar. Unre Oat ar a rvd
am a Urtwpt-i -ah.
Ma. I
labcaK Oti tanav.
tawteaj am a. ciattva -v
anu h
aaatatoa. ta lara.
4a,. iaaaanV ar at
eara awav. t-aaa Itaw.
erafcra anaaa, awaa
Om aa. c a ca a .
CtnWtaWf nannVaMt fVlM Jaw L
aa. laifta. i. n
tea aaaar. J A
J 7 SaaTbUatat "
tCantabaat - 5nP
. bit aaattt taab tantk. Tfc., tatd n
tjJSgJ he mv C an ft
t wSaaab taVbt, i, m aaat t
rap atttaar-,
oar tanoa taanan. W a.
rwawtaatf ah aa. .TB.
m -
- t if I it,
tar - eaaa ftaaea. utaaan.
Wcaaav aaaataak. laataiat idtaj
-ae- tk.aaa
.atabSV 'atklaa-e
taaa aaim. Wawai' V
m paitamacaaav gab. aaataat
an aaataaaax Canaan tita.
i Vantta aaaSt waaa, aaaaat.
Incorporated 1SS9---Capital
1 Tsber cutter Am- cuIUbs from S nch
toitneh. , .,
M pUkws Albanr spindle oil
aronds compound. Xo A
BS J&tnwnd Norway iron. tS feet each
TiiAnd C'lnc
. ieTrtiond NorwuV iron. S-S inch.
TO T&KiT'vJyi h' Iff
4 llWHeX
a1! fc tut Norway Iron. SxS laches.
i "Co 4 front horse f hoe?. Bcrdens.
S kec No 3 front hore shoes, Berdeos,
KfTC ..VfO UIU V 'M.-, r.w-,
i ax 1 Vxit round hprtd riretf.
i pke of 1 m tnncl flat head iron rivets
h0 pound blacksmith coal
1 rwm emerr cJoth,aorted,nnmber..
2 5e flour of emery, N'o X
1 doc plu: carriace bolts, SSvJ-
I pT each carriafe boit.iiil, inche
and I laches.
I pS each carrtapf bolts, ',. IK. ;'
SS and tlnchft-.
i pio each carriage bolts. 5-16. J. 2 1-2.
s 1-i. and 1 inehe.
t "fc. coarse boras.
I w cummlae emery wheel, 1 Inch
thick. inehr diameter, fivr haft,
1 piece surer sprlnp steel. xS inche. 5
11 kee oalli, S kes 3 d. 1 keg:) '
33 5. wire brads . 1 Klnch.SSvl inch
and 5 is 1-1 inch.
3J pross , I cro.5 each 2 1-2 in. N'o 1 4.
r men .oi ana 1 1-. incn .-o i .
eaeb ! Inch No M. 1 Inch NoT.4 Inch
Not and 1-2 Inch No 4.
3 ehi4i-. Keen Kntter brand. 1-t onantr
1 2 inch. 1 1 1-2 Inch. 1 1 inch. 1 inch
andl 1-2 inch.
hammer-. Maydole brand. I', pounds'
2 hache:s 2 roasd- each, 1 hand ax 4
round- K. K brand.
S Jencins bits, 1 Mo lech. U, Inch, 1 3-16
4 rlmlet bit.-. Ger Twn brand. 2 l, n-h,
2 Inch.
SS eopboard kvk.
i doi files, K and " brand. 2 doi in.h
-ltm taper. 4 do 6 Inch do, 4 doz 4 in.h
do, doi Ineh mill. 2 doz 10 inch .
rd. 1 doz 14 Inch S rdt 1 doz 4 ,ncb ri I
doz Inch rd, 1 doz 4 inch flat. 1 d"z 6
inch flat
1 doz HAnk -liver Lake No - -ab cord.
t table!-nlveandrk.lronkinde-.
i botcher knive-.
J4 aj handle-, 12 rvd. 12 doub'o b.i
24 boxes ajcle sree. ralr
3X' eet rope, ntanilla. , inch.
Sample- may be seen at the offlce of the
tvrd at the capitot pood- mn-t bo in ac
cordance therewith and mu-t come in
original rwekare when po ible De'liery
of supplies will be required w.th n tea days
of notice of acceptance of b'd. V copy cf
tbi- adverti-emeot mu-t acoon1 pany ea h
bid. and the name oftbecia i.f-uppl.'-bKJ
upon ma-t be written on th" env,rliv
Each tid ain-t indcde all the Item- of tte
cKe bldnpon. and mn-t srsve 'em- scd
uxal- ia fall, with exception of 'u' -.ni
floor. Aud.unc oflioer- art f u ' '!
from eoorlrmiar account- of p-cLtr-wtoen
the adverti-euK-nt ck- no' n..n:a n
a full and complete de-npi a . 'h
klaOs of article- io b pnrchax-J
The r-rbt t rejert any .ud j -
Bid- will be opened at 2 ,.. i1ia.1i j r d
Toe-tay. Juir , l-iX
Board c fTra-tt-,
Wau A. MCNLY. Clerk of Board t-ll
Be Sre u Rl id (let m ilihcr.
a cmuiceTobclir well l conir"it:t-d b
patUnc dowr a thrte inch iron ptpc, with
no opecinr- except top and toi-om. No
1 dirt can re: tn and only per water can be
; ri;oot. Thi-u tiieoely Wndof wu thkt
J wor- and inves eaanst c into, that is
m vmw . -x-,r. (ik. aiju fcm,
! v-d throazfe tbe evaoest "trata to
the pore Uviaf vn".-. 1: l po-itively the
twii Mas to '.an i, wil-,3 oaimiapui
1 tia- coca-ry Jaaae .V. P.obKv-, alete.
s (resideeee nar lair froond-' mate taee
i w-eU-. Terms reaaabte W year- experi
eoct fczl-lm-dm-w
. T fiflfRW!
Mrrr tfUlfUiWl
trf Kicba' Geldea Balaasi N'o. 1
Oa Ctutrii, Irr? vai t.-s;i tzLeu
Sirc ex tlM Ler aii Bain Sere xlrt,
Sy. Ne, ., Oeatfr-tortd B.-cti.
jaU:se i iiirrt, duue-i Saip, asi iH
primi.-T Jo.-3 et u disttj tsrrz u
-jak.iu. frlr, 55 OO per bottle.
L Rlcbaa's Ctlden Balsam N'o.S
Cbtm Ttnarr rcanUST7.ja;vtv.
-TL.-V.iv- ir-ii lb
taro-t. - a-e Rit. ioatps u( jca
un4 i .-v . Ss2ai cC ta Liaib!, ik
mdycuti t Vacate zroe tbe mita
brJixj ctani t ainua tt li.BM
tt rrarT Vamtr ib ki jcr
-".. -- J w f 0Uf,
j irr.tab. C -J. u( x. I -n eg ita..
alnairarorb. ht, $i j .
" rut tic. r
!. K.chia'. s eldea Spanish la-j-tl
rt. tt .3 cxjvxet Cwnan,
I . t. rtnareUw Prlc
; -. . i . Untile.
! - iiJa-.iH Caldea Olktntnl
vl-xrf .nkM.'j;SiTa2B(sm,
w Pr!-l t fl Bl.
- t ti. s GWn lil s-.Vr
a, I . n jjvi; M : pi -. p
' ; e. w mt raaaaa. at
Ptfi ta O per Uox.
l-i.le i.il N'errine.
-et twjban. C. O. ri, miij tdal
TW tttinaid drac eaaaaaay . itn W
nafttl 2arlM anwot. Saa Piaaiiea. Oal.
uaacaur I
Ftr iuacw x. itr
V. P Vit-oa' Vv
IJiiie-:s, Sa-grtasad.
- at. i:aatiakr.u s
tika htkaa. kjc i. i ija.
A Bargain !
itatait af 'itiaa
aatatraaai afitwiiatbnn b atiaar. uat baX !
oi t aad tttai a? nam aattahtt
'MX hr et axt-Lbt n 4 oal m! tr
Ha, wanT Hag o.t aadaw tntav
Waal bvxe tatt aaa Va af Saaaa
t t taki
ttontV a
T -tSh'Nts.
tueea U. tan.
; Oriental Laundry,
o; JTiimans noresaoe unu. ...-. , , -, -,
Iron washer, j Ei men, o a o-it i i l I I II 1 I I m
. 10 "S . Inch. 15 !w S Inch, 20 fes 5- ii'i-rrn n.-k r . i uTnn4-rT I II
Mlb.7ih.fta, .... U J U I 1 U 1 ill III Una-.
maenineiorseaoianKnuis waratu I I I I I II llllll I 11 I III lit H I I r" l"J
lch and . inch, lo s ii inch. I j. II llllll I 11 1 1 II 1 fl 1 ' I llllV
5s. . ry t
- z.-x
ft cgy.
Stools $30,000.
ou Church Street, two blocks
v4. ,
on Center Street, and on same block, $1 250
. three miles from town at 25 per acre.
near Salem. For sale on
Real Estate and
Pr.1 ii'T 5t TetT
.Willis & Chamberlin
I aamaalVlftllTRlllll
FBaaSXaiaCcV I - IVf Sf
Faj ii6 rr r ? c
lUjftM-fapfflaw. BiiJkjjujpgpBaaggaaaMgiMHMMBKkM
-- rr o r- Have iti ivoeTcd aaotha It-p
W --vLJi-dJctCJ. invoice of
R. M.
Spring Wagons and Hacks
uf tLe Ur-t .-tADdiTd make-. Pricies are the lowest, QaaEtT est
sidcjvd. AUintited t caL asd trxanine tbcm s: 2S2 124 aaa
Comnx-rctal .trert.
fv .,..,. j
.WV-r5 hTHatSTtaC STaSlT.1Z taufHianK Tsmt u JHw- U
tMiEr-s xyrt-sajBos ?T---t;-!t.vj
-.". - trx.U&. CatZi ii.. tt t
tat. aaxSeCtTHthr.n ,
-- &atf ntr.i v- iirt: 3jci v
tR.LEJT e-'.-.6"i "l-S.
tta n-
-ni.r.M ajaiatatama tatuMwaauti. CaraOtaae
i as Htvtxrs BtetrratHt
' tbtna. tr.T-k.. - .-, ,-TrrTwni n ft
MM Ok. r-c-f r. . - .
ni' - '--1 - -J-.aan a. at u uaw annrii'i
tn t . . -v ri-f - - tad .da nana.
r.i Vrj;. " 11 hi an t . Il Ou. : Ta. a i
rt w.n-it- actn-te -nt - --tr- itit r
fcA t.fiJT. ac. T,.Ttr, ay aaJaaay"pT k im aaa in i saa
aayurt TC-E- - S -': jLmwmxti'xmmm.
-11-- Ij..
"kkg tre. -arace
i J-' 5- - ""art
t r
k'w-i w -t mk iv - j-arr
1.00 -tee Patfeaft.
Fnf !SaLt kr It VI I fV --
- , at .t kalRl, n-IaOa, tnmnttfUU U-t wsJ.-lr
Kalsomining iESSgRmsSs1
O Shaa a aJr. av E t S
war. nowAi?n p-m-vr,
from Court House Si raw
uu:- i,W)0 each.
favorable terma. Enquire of
Insurance Agents
Slem, Oregi
"Who do All Kinds of
suBii m
As Cheap as any Laundry h
the Country Usmg White Help
and doing first-class work.
Satisfaction Guarantee!
Office at George Hoeye,
209 CommerciaJSt.
u"u 1 ja! btndsnu la
Xornial, Business, Law,
It .s the o.2e., rrti and leart eifo
ive Inst.tat.3c of earrvnj- In the Scri
&bocl opeu Srsi Monday in SFVt
3J for cata.ofe 10
J: Sa!ta, Orera.
Special Prescriptions.
-... a 1
A Specwc Reedy lor Each Dls&s 1
, t
uizs eta ce ' --
Wi. r-r jrr . tat Ll tr)- mcriak.
v- 1uCawaytCaHa.-iiurt:'
lei natiiiai fczae2(raaar jahff-
I waa - M
en," H
rw .. j
- aair - lr ask- . hr. . awitk .
Sh rSgtagjK iar SS.00.
I aU- be. -. fit tt teaapata a
aua k. tf aa i m tat aa, uat rm.
UW FHAJtasca CU U- 5. A
- bar f.l,l v, V.Lb
EVaewtth aaf;
uuaa uacaar aa. aav: aaa-u mmt aaawoa m
-.wJbi-raQatiki- x n r a aaaaw .
WtCr rr; aat C-
-wta .