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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1890)
LITERARY NOTRS. Will Cnrlcton Is reported ns hav ing recently said: "Other writers of voree hnvc lnld creat stress ou the Highest of all in Leavening Power. U. & Gov't Report, Aug. .7, 1889. T. II. BAHINTES, PEES. II. V. MATTHEWS, TKEAS. WM". TTOWAirr. tttv AiilJS,SEC Baldly 'SALEM 1 RrtIstlo faculty which many of them have possessed hi an eminent degree, but with mo the aim has always been llrstaml Inst to reach the heart of the people, and to say those things which should both entertain , and make me better. I l.oiie I have not altogether failed In my eH'orls. Powder -Incorporated 1SS9 -Capital Steck: $30,000.- ABSOIUTEDf PORE POSTOPFICB BLOCK, - - SA.LB1VL, OREGON ar sW Wr f W& mL HWHM 1 x &m 5 TtPWw I Co confldsnt ar tht manufacturer of Dr. Bars'i Catxrrh Rentdy la thtlr bllltr to cut Chronic Catarrh la th Head, no mattw haw bad or of how Ion atandinr. that they oBtr la food faith, tha abora wrard. for a eaaa which tfcar cannot cura. aynptosas of Catarrh. Headache, obstruction, of note, discharge falling into throat, aometlmea profure, watery and ao rM, at other, thick, tenacloua, mucous, smnitont. hi nod r and tnitrid: ere weak. ringing la ear. dcr.fnr. expectoration or oltnalra matter; breath offensive; smell 1 wouicT rather to the heart of n man than to tils intellect." Oscar Wilde contributes the com plete novel to the July number of Llpplncott's Magazine. It is en titled "The Picture of Dorian a ray," and It is a story that everybody will want to road. Not only Is Osear Wilde one of the moat interesting figures of the day, but he li a re markably clever and original writer, as he has shown himself to be in hi SAI.VT PAUL .NOTES. Last Tuesday was a gala day at Biiiut Paul, Marion couuty. It was the day appointed for the commence ment oxcieies at the Sisters school. Archblsphop Gross was there and . i. n.. . I seven or eigui iniiiouc clergymen; the Mother Provincial of the order wn alo present with a full score of T IUI, The Future of the Willamette Valley is Hright. and taata unpaired, and general debuity. Onlra few of these rmntorM likely to be rreaant at once. Thousands of case remit la oontumptlon and end grave. Br It tnHd, toothing, antiseptic, cleana inr acd healing1 properties. Dr. sge.'i Hem, edr cure the worat eaaea. "Cold tit Ifce Head" l cured with a few applica tions. Catcrrbal Headache la relieved and cured at It br made. It reraorra otrenttra breath, lou or Impairment of the tense of taate, imell, or hearing water ing or weak eye, and Impaired memoir, when saused by the Tlolence of Catarrh, af they all frequenUr are. Sold by drug gists, at flfty cents. Manufactured by vToiuj' DisrBssAnr Medical Associa nox, C83 Main Street, Buffalo, X. T. essays, poems, and sliort stories, and 8uK,rtl frilin Portland. The Dalles, aboxeall this, his first, novel. I he &,!,.., .i ,.Ven from Oakland. Cal, SMALL FARMS AND GOOD CL'LTIVATIOX. oposals Supplies Oi story is strikingly oiigiual in eon ccption, is strong in interest, and fitted with a dr.uuatie and tragic climax. Wilde is u man of such an original and audacious turu of mind that the commonplace is scarcely possible to him, and o he has pro duced a novel entirely out of the or dinary ruts. It would be impossible to give In a few words an adequate conception or criticism of tills dra matic story, and beside, every one Dr.Pierce's Pellets, 2:r tomul ur1 Ju,,t'c il for rorely Vegetable, Gently Laxative, at Cathartic, according to elie of don. By drugxliu, 25 ccdu a vial. TOtOFESSIONAL CARDS. himself. The second instalment of Daudet's new story, "Port Tumseeu: the Last Adventures of the illustrious Tar tarin," will appear iu the July nutn- .berof Harper's Magazine. Readers Parents mid friends had also gather ted there from near anil far and emu (led to Mifloeatioti the recrea tion hall where the exereises took place. A stage very prettily decora ed with cvergreen, lilies and roses in profusion, had been erected for the occasion aud upon this the puuils marched in perfect order at ;t p. m., to sing the welcome song and give in a very clever manner a most ex cellent and pleasing program. It was a trying event for the young ladies, most of whom were under 14 years of age, yet every one of them did her part very well. In fact it was a surprise to all, to see little tots not yet in their teens give recita tion, sing, aud play on the piano Fifty Times Its Present Popu lation Can be Supported bv Its Fertile Fields. CD.KN1QHT, Eclectic I'h'ulcUa.omre 'of theopeuitigcliapters of thisiuimi- and organ just as their big sisters . 127 Court street, -nlera Oregon. Pal- ,.., . ... , wnnl.I lnivi. ll uoannoviibnep tnonary dUeaMX n Kpeclnlty. DH.J.M KEENE, Dentist. Offieeover, the White Corner, Court nnd Com. ' mere lal streets. TjBATT a HUNT, attorney nt lnw.Knlcm, y Orecon. Office over Uarr'a Jewelry store, State street. J J. BHAW, Attorney-iit Law. snlcm, , Oregon. Offlco first door to the left at head of stairs In the revr nf Uirlit A Hash's bank. T A. APPLEOATE. attorney at law. I tl , Friers block, Commercial and Stale which M. rpHK HOAW) OK TIlfSTEES OK THE 1 Oregon State Insane Asylum lnIte sealed proposal for furnlshlnp at the nsy lurn near Salem, Oregon, the following supplies lor the six months ending Docem, lkW: PAINTS AND OILS. 10 lbs Pioneer white lead. 10 gallons II Llnoeed oil. 1 " turpentine Ikixpo glas, 1 boxes 18x30, 1 H.VJ0, 1 20x21. 10 5 Irlh glue. PI.USlHINCi. 6. doz elbowi, dor 1, lucl), 1 dot 1 Inch, idorilncli. J, doz '; Inch, 5 doz 1i ini-h. 'i ilo . inch. 1 doz tee. Y, doz ?i Inch, U doz 1 Inch. 1 doznlugo, 1 dozI Inch, I doz 1 Inch. 1 doz bushings each Inch toJJ, Jj Inch to lt. V Inch to i, 1 Inch to JJ. , doz each 1 inch. i Inch. Inch, J luchcap" 2 dozJ4 return bends cloved. 1 doz each 1 inch, V Inch, JJ Inch 11 and r sockets, doz . Inch .lenklns ItroN vale, mo ntile disks sirable as the rauge of the temjera- j doz', inch Jenkins lim- alvesmov- t tire I rum summer heat to winter, . a0ZJi comnre-wiou hoeblb tinNhed. cold is moderate, and violent 21 Mjuare feet Vsudurinm sheet packing. changis are unknown. It is an ex- ' "old" ' s lncl'e1'n, .'.f'flL ceptional w.uter when the mercury ffiSiWrofCi Ueseentls to zero; auu wnen tue dog- so feet g-ilvanized iron pipe, jj inch The advantage possessed by Western Oregon iu its exemption from cyclones, hail aud thunder storms, and other elemental disturb ances, is becoming more generally appreciated by the people of the ag ricultural states. The climate of this region is also particularly de star rages, the thermometer rareh Wfeet bi ackinmnipe. 110 feet 1. Inch. 250 marks yo degrees. This Is an inestl- fSV. o ft?t inch. ' manle boon to the farmer, as it en- j dozen ii lead trap, sures his eroti of fruit and grain taunrefeet sheet lead, t . tofoot. u-lili v..rr r..ftirn iiv awiRnn. nn.1 .r" S" ""' ""'".V -.,.,, .....-e, uk..uv.., 323 feet round Norway iron, 65 feet each , 616,?f, 7-16 and i Inch. 30 feet round Norwny iron, 5-8 Inch. 3M reet flat Norway Iron 60 feet each lxlj, V,ii. lx'i, 't, lHxf, lx'J and lJs- x5 i Inches. SO feel flat Norwny Iron, 2x- Inches. l keg No 5 front horse shoes, Herdens, y. keg No5 hind horse shoes, Herdens, I keg No 4 hind horse shoes, Herdens. 1 keg No 4 front horse shoes, Ucrdcns. i keg No 3 front horse shoes, Herdens, y. keg No 3 hind horse saoes, Herdens. 10 lbs N'o 7 Putmans horse shoe nails. 75 ' Iron wnshers,5 Ibsjf Inch, 5ft5-18 inch, 10 lbs y. Inch, 15 lbs k luch, 1 lbs 5- S Inch, 20 lbs yA Inch. 3) lbs machine forged blank nuts 10 Eieach yt ihpu ana y, men, 10 n a incu o Iris iy9Ti rouuu uiu 'i pKg ui 1 ill luiueu I1M 1OJ0 pounds blncksmlth 1 ream emery cioin ilbs flour of emery. 1 doz pkg carriage bolts, 3Jx. 2 pWgs each carriage bolts, ?4x2 inches nnd 4 Inches, 2 pkgs each carriage bolts, H, 1, 2 1-2, J 1-J nnd 4 Inches, 2 pkgs each carriage bolts, 5-lfi, 2, 2 1-2, A 1-2, and 4 Inches. 3 Bs coarse borax. 1 saw gumming emery wheel, 1 Inch thick, 10 inches diameter, for Ji shaft. 1 piece sl.ver spring steel, ii2 Inches, 5 feet long. 11 kegs nails, 3 kegs 20 d, 1 l:eg!40 d, 4 kegs 10 d, 3 kegs 8 d. 20 lbs wire brads, lOibs 1 l-2;lnch, 3Rs 1 Inch and 5 lbs 1-2 Inch. 20 gross sctews,4 gross each 2 1-2 In. No 14, A!, TWO LOTS ou Church Stieet, two blocks from Court House $1,600 each HALF LOT AND RESIDENCE ou Center Street, and on same block, l,li3o. 60 ACR13 FARM three miles from town nt jJ-2o per acre. fife- ton Ten and Twenty Am Tracts ;e bolts, Vx2K inches 1 V viy near Salem. For sale on favorable terms. Enquire of 1AI0M n All n .. 2 Inch NoI4 and 1 1-2 Inch o 12, 2 gro-s eacn i men ro 10, 1 1: No 7 nnd 1-2 Inch No 4. nch also renders his labor profitable, as he is not compelled to feed to his stock, during a long aud inclement wiuter, all the fodder lie has put up , during the summer eason. This favoraole climate Is aloo auvaula- 100 feet -quare rubber backed sacking. 50 feet '. lech. 50 feet 3i Inch. 50 feet squnre hemp packing, 3i Inch. table story, are, no doubt, lmpa-1 would have done; it was au evidence tieut to learn how the last of the 'of the patient care anil attention 1 Tarabconians embarked on board . which the giod Sisters of the Ilolyi ;,,,, fM. ' ., the Tootoopumpum, how they, ' Names had bestowed ou the charges decreases the ills of life, aud renders sailed by way of the Isthmus entrusted to them. At the concltt- the conditions of existence so much of Suez across the Indian Seas how fcion of the entertainment. His Ii'ss burdensome, ui ouis.u(nttu uh. iiiuiau, now ,. , ' As a uatural consequent, there 13 they arrived at Port Tarascon, and Grace, tlie.irehliish.ip, compliment- ( a ,i0.of ,)upulatiou in this direction what manner of reception awaited -' ,,H' Sistei-s and the pupils on the , young men who ant seeking a fair il,..,,. thnr,. Aii'iiioi.1. Hit., ,,,,,1 work so uoblv doue. He cave sev-1 field for their energies; btuiness many more will be toid in the forth- oral instanees .0 show how woman I "'lS ? IS TILoS.o&ur"edVr4M w,,,ch abound in, can aeiiuire renown and true glory , wh ook for a'gure ura ofhis ,a. 500 block. 1 alternafo uroll auu tragic situations, m ei o u spneie, aim cmumiisni DOrs; auu tue investor wuo is iu pur- too and in tint species of humor of parents to give to tlieircntiureu mat Dao.let is so consummate 1 which is worth more than guttering Si lb-. Itallnn heme packing, 'Ofeet l1 lead pipe. 2 doz brass gas elbow burner eoeks. 2 doz bra-s pillers, 2ilozlaMi tips. J Scotch taugcglatseei inch 16 Inches long. 3 scotch gunge gla-ses i luch, 12 inches long. 4 doz each ", Inch nnd J-J Inch vulcanized rubber hoe ', doz e 11 h wheel cutters for No 1 and 2 Eureka pipe cutters. DKY GOODS. r chisels, Keen Kuttcr brand, 1st quality, 1 2 Inch, 1 1 1-2 Inch, 1 1 Inch, 1 ? inch nnrtl I.SInrli. 6 hammers, Maydole brand, l pounds COU-lTt "tl'GSt 2 hatchets 2 pounds each, 1 hand nx, 4 pounds K K brand. .. 3 JenniDgs bits, 1 7-10 Inch, Vi Inch, 1 3-10 F mmjjiii Inch. t 4 gimlet bits, GerTwn brand, 2 xa inch, 2 yA inch. 3G cupboard locks. SO doz flics, K nnd F brand, 2 doz 8 Inch slim taper, 4 doz 6 inch do, 4 doz 4 inch do, "1 doz 10 inch mill, 2 doz 10 Inch rd, 1 doz 11 Inch j rd, 1 doz 1 Inch rd, 1 doz S Inch rd, 1 doz 4 Inch flat, 1 doz 6 , inch flat 1 doz Hanks sliver Lake NoS saih cord 6 ' table knhesand fork", Iron handles. 6 ouicner Knies, Real Estate and Insurance Agents, Salem, Oregon. JOJBi- 5 am, all wool, white. y inl cniilnn H.innel, .nsnua -.A. reqiuu sneeting, v-l. Mariners vtrI)e, Aicoskeag. VOO ' I'equot sheeting, heavy 4j inch. A. Vi men. 24 nxe handles, 12 pole, 1'.' double bit 24 boxes axle grease, l- nils streets, saiemor. -, a master. The iilu-trations are in Jewels, a solid christian education. TOHN A. CARRON, Counsellor and At- 0Very wav etial to those which ac- The present convent will soon be OntaHcdaT'orai" w50sftatc K!'companied the tlr-t Instnlmuiit of ' replaced by a more commodious Balcm.Oregon. ii.n.inrv Tiu.v nr,. im.niv.rmir if. and modern structure. The large ... ...., . ..j ... ......, ... dark collco, American full htandard, I of sumi'les - t . ' r ij oj nonce ui ucceputucv ui uiu unit nf ri Ci.nttdti u-lipr, vnltlp.2 nr.. a!.,..,m,- ,..r,.f.i.,tl,i,F r,. nil .,r 1W yards blue denims, Amo-keag, 9 oz, I this a aleaull apppreciatiug, are all at-t.fn-', .inicmt. h.-nr Ammk-Mr. foil. J.?I racted by the one common aim to 100 table linen bleached. ' ; a',,, iiisers. 300 feet rope, manllla, H Inch. Samples may be seen at the office of the board at the capltel: goods must be In ac cordance therewith and must come in original packages when possible Delivery win oerequirea wiimn lenauys stance of bid. A coov of nuverusemem musiaccompanj eacn tracted bv advance their respective Interests. 'S"? .' toweling, bleached, linen, 111 Inch, j E.,Chbld must Include all the Items ofthe h t m tmn sk ! t ljhlftl tt 1 a -v nflf ' nd the name of the class of supplies bid upon must be written on the en elope. Who do All Kinds of LAUNDRY II As Cheap as any Laundry in the Country UiUg White Heb and doing first-class work. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Ollice at George Hooje, 209 CommercialSt. Nature in her m st benignant mood invites them hituerwant. The growth of Salem is a marvel to its oldest inhabitant Strangers 1 dor palrsuspenderb. ! doz Turkey red handkerchiefs. tit p. Williams, fSTKNOOKAi'HEK j number, and are from dntwings hy Increase in the population ci st. 1 tjOL.nir to its bonleM creatu st want ucli?"?TmHJtatew.WWlll,0l,p,"!te "'"""'S Frvm-h artists Louis, I'ul re.,uires them to enlarge their , for uew dwelling-houses, and at. iu- eicitse 1.11 jfujuiaLiuu cstuuiioura n uc- mand for more retail stores. This enhances the value of cit. property, aud stimulates au activity to whioh all Interests ontriuute. ."street cars P. bWciM n0:JSi' '"", Fre(k'ri" Mn,c", te'SSfd rlS'MS:! '"FUNNY!' Well, I should say, I MmitPi-iit. K. i!. Mvrliaelt. lailiri . ac.tdciiiv and tlm materials in "'" lf -" - k"-i." - " 13 " soon be on the ground lor the new buildings. so! I..00K at the one in shurt lace Two mouths nnd a half ago the skirt to the knees, rubber boots, bare young men of this place concluded arms, nu immense uiutr, straw- hat, that they should give vent to the and a beard! 'What is il?' Why, music that N in them by starting a that is 'A Modern Columbus' in the bias hand. The result of their de burlesque of that name given by a termination was heard at the school dramatic club of the celebrated tev-1 entertainment. Seventeen pieces enth regiment of New York, which compose their hand and they may I has just arrived." The pictures of well be proud of the success t hey , the six-footers of the Seventh array- huva achieved in so short a time. OHtf QUAY. Contractor nnd builder. ' ,i i in., ilrnri nnnUii tUa 1 .1 .. a.... ...rni. l H.n nnelnslde finishing a specialty. 4S5, " '- " "s... ..... v , ,m ,,-vi uui n.n ! ....!... ... v. .v. street, saiem Oregon. funniest that have npiwared in any ' nrocessiou with older bands. ments Inserted In street cars at bedrock riles, an Commercial St., Salem, Ore. ihjsini:vs cuius. i M. CLOUOH, Undertaker. Embalmer A. and Cabinet Maker, 107 htnte St.. SaTem. T7 II. MORSK, contractor and Hullder. Vj. All orders promptly attended to UlHIgh street, Salem. fOHN KNIGHT, lflncksmlth. magizine for a long time. The num- fr fiw firfli tlio riiaHmn real I 1 ., ( .,,1 .. ...- .a..., .. .u........ -... j uoeingnnareiKtinng a specialty. Mtiop 1 oei aiso columns 11 ueaumuiiy iiius- . . . , , . .,, B,therootofL.t.r.ysre..r,alem.pier.ltratnrticleouthelntod estate agent of Pt. Paul w 11 soon "" ,,..,.,, , , , erect ten cottages on Blanchet avi- , President -Morton's housp which is . . , n B. SOLTHWICK. contractor and r,,!! nf M11riw. n,w rnr mm ..m iinn "" to "ceomiuoilute the new ,h. builder. Well prelMred to do all I fuU r buggestlons Tor modem house- Manv ner-nns are t-tkinir klndsor bulidlnir nnd euaninteo aatUfm. , fr,,lu,l.,.. 'PI,., ,.rl..l.. nin,,L.u (.OUiers, ItlHJ persons arL ukiii). ..- . 'I - . I lUKIIOUIIIh. A tit; ,,(,1(W UltllllV.l O I.UU, 1-l-llll j Itescuo of Euiin," profusely illiistra- R0VSF.AcN.AL,w.Y Architect., No, j ted, is also of great interest at tins XV 133 State btret, I'lans and speciflcu- , , ,."? ,. Uona of all classes of of buildings on short time; aud ''he Hou-e-Hoat in .tuner, puiwrinicuueaccui woraprompny looked after, 2Mf SOCIKTY NOTICKS. rfNiaHTSOFI'YTHIAS.-ltegularmeet J lng on Tuesday night of each week at 7?J0p. in. J.O'DONALD:C. P. W. H. H. WATKRS. K. of IU and H. SLIVKLODOENa IS, I. O. O. F meeta In Odd Kellnws' Hall up stairs. Cornei .iumerclul and Ferry street, eery Hau unlay at 7:30 jvm, J.L.MITCHKEL, l.A. MA.vsiMi, Secretary. $;, a. ndxautage of the low price of lots on the mission claim and are now moving to this beautiful section of Mat ion Co. Mr. Orth has so many letters to write every day to in tending laud purchasers that Madam Rumor says he will soon take a secretary for life. American Waters" will give a hint to many who are wandering how to 'spend the summer. In fact the whole maglzlue, from the handsome water-color In the front to the "Spice Box" In the back, is artisti cally and handsomely executed. It Is wonderful how Demorest's Fam ily Magazine hnscome to the front scratching In the past few years anil now stands' , . in .),,. fs.L- f tl... ..r.v.r TwCIlty-llVO healthy ... ..... .W, ...... ....... ... ...V ..., magizines. Indeed, there is no otli- l'oultry rickins. Spade up yards; keep the fowls fowls aro worth one hundred half-sick ones. 6 doz spool black linen thread, No 25. 2i) doz spooN black thread, No ;V. 1 ,jros pin. American. 4 gros petirl dress b'lttons. 101 papers needle, asorted size, 2,3, 4, nnd S too. .MEATS, 400 Bs per il 1 mure or les of btef and mut ton as required In counl parts of fore and hind quarters. LOKIT.K. lft.0 fts Costa Ilieii 1st grade. .,,.. c,..,.,a.i 1... ,ir llnu,. .,.. 1 ' liovirniiwni Java. "" r""lluu "J, "'"'" ;, "-. 7-, n,..ii M(H.'ha. foundry and machine shop being ov- 400 chicory. er-crowlcd with work, another is ki.ouh. started; an extensive fruit evapora- 4Wbirrel bet roller proce-,, delivered as tor calls for a canning factory, which wanted. ..Tv-rf..,, bus just been built and equipped:' , , and a uew woolen mill starts its , "1!"- P".- cl.lcr vlneear. 40 qr. Innitio I'ttti tttiii tn ti i i) (Ilia nlinrila I oUAl iuuui iuuiiiu tu juiii in ktt- vuui KJt pout and must jjle items and ill. with exception of meat nnd Nor are this growth and diffusion 15 u"lrvr" ?r "' ?,otl indued to the city; the spirit of ,, ",H,0L!;N1U l -xrt m' n; ogress has taken possession of the 1 rJ fffldfeVshfeo c ' con progress surrounding country. Ou all hands we see the large and neglected tarms ofthe pioneer settlers divided up into small parcels of five, ten aud j twenty acres, which are readily set-1 tied on by incoming families. A number betake themselves to poul-, try raising, there being u good honie market for all the eggs aud poultry offered. Others devote their time ' and skill to orcharding, ten acres of1 fruit securing a good living for a family. Uernes are a profitable crop, anil the canning factory will take all the sweet com. caulitlow er, tomatoes and other vegetables that can be raified. The former practice of the Wil-1 lamette valley farmers was to raise wheat, which was shipped to San Francisco for export. This requi J4 rlol of sole leather, from 25 to 27 pounds per biae, sioction extra neavy. DRUGGIST LIsT. 2 Es acid acetic. i 1 S M 20 2 6 O a so 2 60 3 fiO ' 4 ' 4 ' n 2 IVJ .VmonlaCons. Autlpyrlne "Knorrs." Cap-Icutn. gum camphor insect iovder. oxide zinc. per-chloride of Iron. pyre l'hos of Iron, "R and S." pep-luo hacch, "clietrrs." sulphate of iron sunfonal "llayer." salts epom. soda borate powiV "Squibb." Sub nitrate bismuth. potash Iodide. rlax need meal. I'luld extract wild cherry, "P D i Co. paraldehyd ' Kiuld eitnict cascara sagra ' ' sennn"AleX" ' ' ' Jalap sta esacro ' G. ,ii:rr?!lclc 1't5 No-10. upart- er magazino published that so ae- Provide cvenluff nt the hall ovei thoOricou Uind coptably entertains overv member yards the-eh SrX"in!"ed-toauend """ an!f tbe family. Published by W. Jen- ry. shade for your poultry ot days. It Is necesNt- Hy ln D. O.Sllft-HUAN. I1,! I' B. A. IUnulk, AdJuUnu A O.U W A.O.U.W.. Wednesday ev , 1'rotectlou Lodge No. 2, A. rfiicill, urrjuil. JiretM C.ICQ 1 uiugs Demorest. IS ICast 14th strett, ! New York. Heware of that innocent, measly, aboi limbic net cat. We don't like 1 lie Art Amateur continues to , jt around chicks. hen meditates beeuUM) she lays ,v.-.,a..i d.a.i 1, i,n.i ., .....! r.. 11. ..11- tor 111111. frmit nvm (V ...lit V.t..... il'l KOUl). 1 rT -,TTr The June number in particular, is. If your lions lay soft-shelled eggs 91 V1LL J3U 1 A. LOT ' of vnluablo and inten.atlug they are perhaps too fut; put them Ofioodiatouritorei w.r-. n,u n. matter, from the title-page, with list at work scratching. SiS&,SS&e.5';M,rw'rt- "ttnisllve frontlspkHV, -A York- .umnrt? iJlen?,.,l.l.1a11 ,a W0 ,n; niaiutatn Its high teputatlon as a aaSSMoffS I practical art magazine and to take II l hl tl,lU Bfri!JS:?dSJri."A,U,D"'MW .the lead, as heretofore, in the 'rm to her owner b,v They is 1tiim vniii oltr!:iMiQ ftimn ulttt-at r1 rrlir,l...iviiiiiuitilnii tr tlil ' .... T. BURROWS. ..Q...,. -n.,..,...., ., ;. . l' wr every way; besides, It .TLuicn ivuivi ui uini iiii.uiiiiij .....iv,.ir . ... r,rtiinll No. ta Commerifti hl uim .. . ,. a giortt deal of Kitisfaetlon. u. wi v-umme rviaj nu, saiem, , the correspotulonco columns on its final pages, in which more iu l-orelngcliic Ks too nard in ttieir formation Is compressed, and of a "'. wheru they have a liniltwl more praettcitl character, than Is to range, will lop over the combs of found iu any hand books of in- ooekorols. Ntruetiou nn the subject denlt with., jf ym, re searching your docks The articles In the body of the 1 for tlTo good layers select the pullets magazine ou the various arts of that havo Inrgo uomlw and long IkhI book aud magazine-illustrating, oil, lMi water and elilna imluliug, wood-' , ,, . carving, bras-s-hauimerlng and art- ",vo H'rowlng chicks a variety nivdlework are here supple.nonted f inland don't alow them to be by such Information on the special , ""e u tlw 'lm two or IKdnts of dUllculty that may pnent u,roo ,on,,w f Kw themselves to the studout, as will lllve the birds chopped onions oc euable hlni to attain a satisfactory , onoimlly. Tliey aro among the degieoof profielenoy in tluie-e arts, boat of foods and are often a preven even without the aid of a teacher, tatlve against dltuso. A feature of the magaxiue worthy of mention it. Its oolorvd (Jutes, Jl 1, FIIIST. which are of a remarkable and to tin. Imilv .Ihpiixai. Morgan ct Mead, City Draymen! All work done with promptneM and dls patch. Only the tt men aro employed. Mi T. H. HUBBARD,"" Acnt for Cyclono Separators, Russell Engines and Saw Mill Machinery. lletdeneoa Commercial m., Slem, Oie. Capital National Bank SALEM - - - OREGON. Capital raid up, . . . $75,000 Swflss, ...... 15000 J. IU AL.11UUV, .... tuntr. DIRtCTORSi W.T. Orar, w. W. ilartiu .k.Marln. It. H. WalUeV lr. W, A.Cuilek. J . Albert, T. iter, lltttoa. LOANS MA.D1S TO fiurnera pa whwit and other market. ui iiruauov, cuuigue4 or Iu atore, MUtar lu urtki rrauarlror puttllfl warUoUM, red UI red . Ilnrrmlnln.. Mllnh. 1 .t. W exiiensivo maclilncry aud liberal' l-aoihtrychininesuinh. means, and this excluded from the IS MSiW!'3,ind 4' contest auv with small canital who s rod Liver 011. "Nor." might venture iuto the arena. A 10 ' castor oil. "Bakers a A." number of these heavy wheat rais- ', ft" V tine ' ers grew fore-handed with the iudus- a gijeeriue. ' try and Still COUtitlUe the pursuit. 1 doz yrlnaes. Davidson No 1. Hut when the price of wheat receded SffiuWaf. from a dollar to 70 cents a bushel uxw'iutilconsti nation pir.a, McK . it. the industry became less attractive, nwuiuoin omppuis. and thero was a general complaint nBBiilo puis, lirown hequard, mat iho cultivation 01 mis cereui . joocnlelhuiph plliu.eri. was unremutierative. Aftera wmiloiiinoxtdoiiiarisanuspiils.qrs 2. the Oregon Land Company came w"j.SgI,JS05sn,ni"su,Ph to the rescue of these perplex- 500 Morphia sulph j tablets sol Hypod, I ed farmers, ty nuvmg a num ber of fine tracts of laud, which they surveyed iuto small lots, as mentioned above, cleared oil" the McK el'iss bldut fotnls in ful flour. Auditing officers are prohibited from contirmlus accounts of puichasers when the advertisement does not contain n full and complete derlptlon of the kinds of articles to be purchased The richt to reject any nnd all bids is resprved. Bids will be opened at 2 o'cloeh p 111, on Tuednv. July S. ls). l,VtTEK l'KNMntlt. lll.O. W McimiDi- 1.. w w 1:1111, Hoard jf lYusttci. Wm Ml'NLY, Clerk of Hoard. G-H rs & vO - Jbt' -'i m$Q- to faBLp Ct M : Sri it:rAsW. ip HEALTH. rwBr. .s 3!:hauf3 SOLI uAse. Art L, IIIlIh.r'1 Golden Balaam No. 1 Cum Chancres, fin and iceond itajes; S'.rurn tho Lees and Bodj; Sore Er, tj cf, Nose, c'.c , Coppcr-cilorcd Biotcbu, Sypu'it.oi atirrli, discaed Scalp, and all primary forms ot tha ditc&se known aj sjphiili. l'rlre, 5 00 per Bottle. La Itli'liau'i Onldun nalsfim No.a Curci Tertiary, McrcurnlSvphtlltij Rheu matlsm, I'aim in tbo Cones, Tains In tho HeaJ, tutk of tho Neck, Ulcerated Soro Tbro-.t, S philit c Rajh, Lumps and con trAitcd 1 01 s, Stiffness ot the LImbi, and t-ruliottJ a 1 d scao from the ijstem, lie'.' n cftu.rd by inducretlon or abuso f lie mrj. lain- the bld puro and h,lth Pileo 3 00 per Pottle. t, Iklclian'. Gulden s. unlth Anti dot o l.tln cure of Gonorrhoea, Gleet, if 55 1 'H "Sg-y -7 wwmw naaT. , '"- .T?T17-FrrTgi--mJ' ' '1 ,"m ff u-i-... .i i i TTTltf WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY tt urnauates Students In litorarv 1 iJHbi in. i WVlUUUUVi Normal, Bnsiness, Law, medical"course& It is tho olde.t, largest and least expen. sle Institutiuu of le.irninc In the North west 'school opens first Monday In September send for catalogue to TUO. VAN SCOY, President. Salem, Oregon. uritati. n Gracl, and all Urinary or Oenl- til uisairan;crr-nri. I'rlca V I Uoltle. 0 l. i::chau' Ooliton Spanish In J "ft I n, t rs-cre cas'sot Gonorrhcei, j C.lcct. Stricturcs.ic. Price SI tier Ilattle. Lo BlchiiM'4 Golden Ointment ':r t .0 c.1 nc hia ncf Syphilitic Sorts, nJ tni'it ti PrlreSl Lo per Box. 'o I'lebuu'a Golden Pll a Nern ind lira i treatment; loss ot physical po- .t cxli'i er ocr-aork, ProstraUon, etc. Pricu $U 00 per Box. Tonic hi.i1 Nerrlne, Sat oerjwhere, C. 0. I)., securely pck4 pt r express. - The Klchards drug compiny. ncents 500 nnd 511 Mnrket street, San Francisco, Cal. I circular inauea tree. Il J. en. No 1 j. 2 rolls Islnalass plaster, surgeons's siJ. 10 ft colf;Jtesha lne soap. SI'ICKS. .ilk, brush and timber, opened roads, 150 lb black pepper where necessary, aim in some cases "i ginger, planted largo tracts In orchards aud ', '"rd"" grain llelds. a) s.iCo. Tho beuellts resulting from this l ' iuace.nii st.uutard ground enlernrihO are alike social and indi- CHOCKKUV. vldual. Tho community finds its 'rntp'pffehe'w: uuvuiuu(;u 111 iuv iiuuiuui tii usi;iiii aud industrious citizens who estub- b IS iii pitchers, W U. A' 1 one millon unci " 1 . . . ... .- U'lliuiuiruinitif, , VJ. tea cups and saucers, V G. W, C. MITCHELL Veterinary Surgeon.; Qrnduate of Ontario eterinnry college. Treats all diseases of horses, cattle and other domestic animals. Office nt Ellis A I Whitley's 11-ery stable. If not " profes sionally enghgeo can be seen at nil hours. 6.6-dw-lm n R. M. WADE&CO. Hoju-tiecrtanother large Spring Wagons and Hacks 1 Of the best standard makes. Prices are the lowest, Qualify con , sidered. All Invited to call and exauine them at 2S2 284 aud 238, I Commercial street.- ceucue stationuuy. ri dox l'a son's Indelible Ink. 3 quarts Arnolds Ink. ti doz lend nenclU. J Iioxtu lxiudon lueadescent Ton C'o'i No 1 pen!-. 2 rwinis letter imper, l.leOakornsp;ot,d UUOCKiUKS. Kor success at the C.iriT.I, BUSINESS C0I.LE(5K, Salem, Orcpen. A. I, .VRHsiBOSO.Mngr. E. I- VlLE,l,nn. Husincss, Sliortham' , Tyssni.cs, FcBtubip t:i Itl si ttctrtu. I I) mil ccnmg Scssicrt. Su ten . 1 imii. Call at the to It ui or I Tie l'nncuul U r catalogue. lished homes iu their midst; and private individuals aro benefited iu being put iu the way of a liviug uu-' der circumstances which promise ! almost certain success. ' The ball is only lust set rolling. This Willamette valley, tlvo million untvvi In nv tit tit la i.liri)ldi-1 liv tlk similar body o'f land ou this coiiil. '.'Vonchong. nent, and it is capable of stistaiuitig km toUuvo, lUpidanornsgood. population tlltV times as uumer- w ; MMtierueKerx.vxiniinon. ! ous as it contains. The donation fjBSr;AWtS.G,o1den. muMpw! g-t r 9 H I "3-U n I k tracts, varying in extent from live uiuted, in sack. ( B n 1 III f hundred to several thousand acres, 3fncii(xse.i'ninou'sorascixd. , WB MB 1 IB I 1 I ll I as a rule, are not ; to their' 1: aTtrnVi.5.u L 11 I 11 I Hill present owners; but as land becomes cwro huminj , 1 I II I 1 I 111 VJI more valuable, they will be brought ou.i. '.". . . .. .,.:. .... 1 .1 . 7i. . litAi nuipii oats. 1 a vi. .,n iiti. . . t...., ....... . .., .., T"T -.-;- 1 I . r. ur inr. iiiiifai r i . ri. Vnieni in tue Mate, thetstnte.n -d blir ntS' - ISMBpCOC iJiaJiSL 03--!!? DR. HILLER'S pecial Prescriptions. into tho market, and be made the homes of thousands of happy aud prosperous families. Tho human tide is tlowlug In this direction n increasing volume, and as we all have a right to a home, land pro prietory must be restricted, and God's foot-stool be carved up to suit the wanU of 11U Intelligent creatures. WbrrMrr Malaria Ksists, HOME TREATMENT SELF CURE A Specific Remedy for Each Disease. aw SO aw so so KM dried currant. .. . ....... .... . 1lllUUI. V""lS . 'i-?,V. L.;"? ,,' Portland. l.arse,, gUvk i-i uianks lr inackenil. No 1 extra uiesi,'S9cntch sail Minnou. ehilc Island ricv, No 1. cod tlb, bontilftM, IVieirle etvst. creittn of turtur, J A Ko4gr, prlnif . glass March, Ostegt, corn gi.ircu, .is eg. Ivouer nues than lanks lr tend for hteadlly-lncnwslng excellence. The M ilo ,i0 mrt been h htisluoNt olllee arv .. j- - . m r nurrriri jiq biik iiAiiiii war .or tue 111..11111 are: ruhH , mVe money due thej The b.iiot...riu certain pre,, in mter ''Couvolvull' vxcjiiUttoly delicate oarrlers left at the pl.uv texlhoVrXltf!!,i!iiniiJS' In treatment, aud at. extra 'Tutu 1 Htudy" of blackbirds the hoond tf a set of three of tho same kind. t3UlorlitlonsM aytr;lngle W)pU, 8S uU, Moutngut) Marks, l'ubljsli ere, "M Union rviinue, New York. pla jvajwr Is dollvereU m thoy can get It ot. tho above date. How to Cure Nrnouitifs- A body with a nervous teinpern uionl w make known Its wants tlirougu iu uuturitl iieuum tne JL Sura (!un fur l'lln. ltehlnc 1'llM are known bv inatstura nervous HysttilU. If it fall t' rc- n, 1 .n .1 ,,, . . IHV llrillliiu, ms !" IIIIIHK l'H V llltllHir lHIUIIBlllllClll UIU UUIIl'S IMii4CmlYwuUBtililVir. 5 ?.yiJRi,'Lrtt.5 ViVA ,V H cv,,0,JlnJltr C0MUERCIA.L PAPFR Dr. iu5uko t'tl lumwiy. wn u "lUor'n llydmstluo Hetontavo ueunrit4 T U..,i- L, . wUjr un lt.lru nulAl . UwrW ( otvstiro- prlVut uuirltioti to thtwo JKrJS-. ir'VV, SM'fc UntfU iuun,lU) Itching strut s-tUn m isjrmnii- who ttiko lt tuul n trf.Hitlt- nmir. nwn dlNjrt op New ork,Chteo,Hu eat euro. M cenU. lruTl ur mutt i, , " ttl lrieUi HOUr- acW.rtUttd.ndun.Jiririiu . rtii ire. lr. ltattkK N.)t. i. Ki lhHl body eatmol be nerwus. Wr Km Rd VUlruJt. hyhmhArllHlir NtU Rt l J. Fry's, nnd Heue cake, the titer Is aluax ssrloiu- ly arTrvled, and the blood contaminated with bile. Una of the chief reason vhy lltviietter'a Stomach Hitters l such sure defense against chills and fever aud every formof malarial dlMMtse. Is, that It dite away with the liability of the disease, by refusing Irregularity of the blllUry organs In adauce of the arrival of the Mttmon uhen th dlseauie is prvvaleut. There tt norlner fortlt.uc prtnUtlve for thin. about Ulilur or emliraitng to a locallly rbre the mlasumUInt vxtsta. There ts noeertatu tmiuunlly from dlseos tn au rudrmto or rptdeutto form, to lx uvunst by thusothearra(i toatca and antl snasinodlot. Hut wIimm autntna rIU th. lllt'crs uccede both inf prurvatiug and 1 IS Inch 1 curlue Morvxncr tt nmotM ttcry veu. i vrashef tine of dyspeil. and over same coustlja. to&lu K) crfws mutcbeo, su.vertor safety. 10 Jot bnxmi. 3) oysters, cstu. Is) ' eonoeiumted 1 e, Amwlwtu. ' KitHscorn, Wlnslow'a X) gallous ynip, etnt golden reflnt (A). HO emit till, lMttrl brand. JO) iitolussx", Origins tutra. 6 tMiea nutcearonl, No 1. a Uiin, No 1 2 dii bath bricks. ll.UtmVAHK i bundles each 1. SO,' 52 gnl sheet Iron, Juneuta bmttd, lU.sMtnHs. lpkg eaebVft luch bolts, IHandSU lncbea loug " ' 1 pktr Mtett U Inelt botu, 14, 5); and S.S Incite long. ' I pkaeaeh fc, Inch twlu, IK,, and j lucbe-loutj. "" ' Itiki t?h Stneh U.U, a, , 5 and 0 incur ia S lueh and 13 lueu monkey Igcest discount. price list or Job printing, and catalogue ol I legal blanks. Ti .M. W'AITE, steam rrtnter Balein Oregon. A Bargain I A desirable lot of lands In lota to suit, seven miles southvest of Salem, writhtn eighty rods of steamboat landing, the best oak wood and some tlr timber onough to pay tor the land and lt Is rood soli for lit. with t urines aLd meadow land. Would take u good small lot of 8. leal property tn trade. Addr O, K DENNIS. SAlein,MarchlI,lSWX SUtf SpkgV, lnahllt. au Inihea Kmg. l eou iSHn neh. tlon, rheumatism, inactivity of tba kid- iiejs ana utauuer, auu trauquiuuea aud strrngthrria tlierrvouHlent. rvd. . UaxterS wrfneh, r onttar fH ctitUug from K Inch au. callous Albany siundle oil. 4 , ' cjunaer iu 5j) ).und vompound. Nn t. pn.HILLER'SHYDRASTINERESTpR1TiyE Sumulites nutrition, ninfies the Dloo.1 Cures D spepsia, Constirauon and General Dbdity A perfect tonic and strength ball Jtr. Dn.HILLER'SjNTI.BILI0US ST3MACH AD LIVERCURE. Cures BUiousntss and all Livir Troubles, Chilis aud liver, llilarul FeTersTtnTsJl T)-phoid concitions. DR. HIUER'S CATARRH CU1E i -ss '-teCUrrh,ChronicCtarrh,CaUrrnalDeal nas. Uiuranteol tocure tn ur'cijts!un Jirectloos are faUowed.or money refunded DR. HILLER'S COUCH tHE. Ca-s Colls, Haarsenoss, Coughs, Bronchitis, Deurnj audCueumonu, riiK.csgnrtitnpUon. Contains no Opiates. Cures Croup in 10 minutes. PR HILLER'S DIPHTHERIA AND SORE THROAT CURE. Prevents and curs r h theria. Ui.lpo.ittv Jj cure au wwetntval In trom to Jl hours. Cure Quins) in i-v- DR. HILLFR'S FEVER CU"E. Iniispensable In all acute di.iss attsnded with leier t tx ui a. ut, star.. i t'etcr, Scarlatina, and Meld. MoUwrs Lrj it 0.1 -e W HILLER'S NERVOUS DE3'UTY CURE. Cu,,, Kerrous WaVus, and Los ft iv-vttr .Sc er l.uu. .si u 1 r Privau CiauUr tt Htller tlrmr Co., Si Francises, sL DR. "ILLER'S RHEUMATIC AND NEURALGIC CUBE Cures HUuuiU, ooui, Lutuoa.o, ana ciinca, b) nautiaitiuv; ins' '! acts hteh tauw tbeso. DR. HILLER'S TEETHING CURE. Ali. tos rrowti vii :st!psnlo( ebildrMt durm t e pen vi .itr.s luudass tsatbtn ui J otjnl loath aad Brsets aa 1 cures sun, Hi.ku. Bri 1 Tr ublcsanj Bjel Csupiunu. A hlwnj to nsoUwr m I - 1 DR. HILLER'S WH00PIN6 COU3H eUBE. rrii and t n Wfcoos- Nor s. -With "option of Iir Holer's H) 'rastine HstorvtU lie Htuar lUiti.m.l-v an I Stural,: Curt uil lr H Her s rou?b ton, tlw ab ratasdks are w TuaWt turn, and, it sot obtain!! tr.u )catr itriMtist. wdl U asaiisd frae, on rwsipt jl prwe SI. 00 per Package. Six Packages for $5.00. Those rtndi are Use r.suli of ean o( iirsasioiAi aaMfissec, atsl sre nawaat! 10 out when a con i. p sibi i r Uinor s U p.e moc f itrMUOu Jar bmsm trsaWMsM. nsutauustf ainaB tsssirmit in u to k;uus aa4 dist, ml ntss. HILLER DRUG COMPANY, N FRANCISCO, CAL, U. S. A. HONG-SING-LONG-KEE, f.riC,nol I oiinrJru SlPii Siln l.r IllY'F I TOV lli,l 9' P.M Vi V-ilrrn 140 State Strbbt, Cheapest anil Bftst Chinese Laundry I 5! ; in th? City. ' iKalsomiiiing P MNTINtJ, P.M'KRINU Etc. Done with neat nM.iuul ds-fatleU l N. D. JONES. Slum up .utiK over E, C. Small'o 8ts