Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, June 27, 1890, Image 2

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    WjrfTji rFr
A "Wild Ride Driver 1'rlce nnd
Assistant Foremnn "Welch, of the
Capitals, bnd 11 mighty risky ildo
to Inst night's fire, but tljey held to
their places with thetruo grit neees-
When tlio
liorecs rushed to their places nl tiie
tongtto of the engine nnd Trice
mounted his seat, the trigger winch
holds up the hut ness when not in
use, failed to work on the off side
Daily by mall per year. .. 19 00
A'UIIJ- ujf limit inik uiuuiui .- wv . ... . ,,
Weekly by mall per year, 1 03 ' Bary for such positions.
3-If not paid n advnnee the orico
charged Tor the Wkkklt Jounjf av -will bo
tU0 per year. If paper are tiol dellcied
promptly notify the ofllcc.
Dally for single week, 15 cu
Dally for two weeks, - 2j cK
Tin It Ytr mnHtb rv ft tt
Collections wll'l bo"madoon 1st and 15tbinutl mi.V the idyll harness fell into
of moutb. Subscribers will please leave nluce. This left lln riiivcr without
money forcarrlers at nouso or wiicieon
the latter if lie attempted lo limit
awny n lot ol lumber, r.lloged to be
thepiopcrly of Remington, which
had Honied onto Miller's farm tuir-
ing thullood. The action was com
1 meiiced for the purpose of pulling
Miller under bonds lo keep the
peace and caino up for hearing be
1 fore Justice of the Peace Ooodel!
tills afternoon nt one o'clock.
. The examination is now in progress
and the end cannot be given in tills
ibue. .Judge Murphy Is defending
1 and 1. J I. D'Arcy prosecuting.
most us inn length, Inn split cioi-v
Dealers in Groceries, CrOCIUM-y, lug from the leftside ne.ii the point Incoimw.atioxs. In .he M.V-
GlaSSWare, Paints, Oi's, Varnishes, i t0 tlie rteM iJc furtlier back. Hut ehiry -f stale's olllce to-day articles
Brushes. WindoWglaSS. EtC. Solo ll Wus no timc l0 wu,- Tl,c """ ' l'nor.Uliii were filed by the
A V C T IP "tis wuj gut Into plueoJwciuiekiO s I t Angeles Improvement com-
Agents ior tpicure lea ana big , possU)(i aiKl nwiiy lllcy weilt ll)0(p.my, wiih.i. c. Boyd, ivan c.
.engine steering t lie hoies in-1 lurry, Jo'oph Waddell and V. II.
Miller, who reides near Woodburn,
was arrested yesterday by Deputy
SlierifTWrightman, on a warrant
from Justice Ooodell's court. The nre of yellow fir. the creator numbor
Inforniatlon, sworn to by D. C. being from CO to 05 feet loiig nnd 10
Remington, licenses him of threat- to 14 luetics In diumetcr nt the topi
cinngon tlicuth of June to shoot i or small end. They nre cut from old
Looks Likk Business A large
raft of the piling for the big bridge
arrived down the river a little after
ono o'clock tills afternoon. They
Greac Offer!
Is delivered, bo ai to cause no deliyn
larly receives the afternoon associated
press dliprtcbcs.
July i. Grnndcst celebration In Oregon
at Salem.
power on the bits and the hnr-es
were plunging furiously when I'V.nl.
Welch discovoied the double and
jumped to the oil hole's liead to
hold him. He hung to them, but
they swung to one side, throwing
him against the wall and sulking
the point oftheeuliie tongue against
a studding, splitting the lonjuc ul-
Can Baking Powder.
Baseuali. iNTEKiiSTS.-Thc ex
hilarating game of baseball has been
somewhat neglected in Salem of
late years, but the growing Illicit st
In it throughout tin country It. s
again taken hold here and the prM-
stead of the reverse, Hist on one Mde
of the sliret nnd then the o titer, .lie
slivers of the tongue coining togeth
er now and then with a eiack lhe
a gunshot and the boys wondering
whether they weie not about to be
ilung ln(o upper air eyeiy niomeui.
They received the woist hoist 1 11
pect now is foi an exciting season o
sport in that Hue. The new club crossing the street rail way track H
just organized, which is under the Summer street, nnd it is thought
management of Jay t Smith, lis there should be some llx.iiies made
Count is", iucorpoiiitois object,
building and equipping stieet ra.l
way and telephone lines, and an
elcrtriclLjht plant in Tort Angeles,
Wash., and other places in Oiegon
and Washington; capital stock,
foO.COO; principal o.'Iiee, I'otllnnd.
Also by the South Bend Iainibeiing
growth t mbcr and no "sapling"
among them. Mr. McCoy, the re
ceiver of material, has examined
them and pronounced them O. K.
I'rescott & Veness are to furnish S00
cf these nnd about 800 will be need
ed altogether. The big pile driver
alsa arrived from Albany nt.'l o'clock
this afternoon in tow of the X. S.
Bentley and it is supposed the work
of setting the piles will commence
next Monday.
O.s Hand as I'suai.. A large
crowd oi Salem people, ladies and
gcutlemen, boarded the afternoon
train and are present at the exer
cises of the Cliemawa Indian school,
four miles north. The Jouunal
has 11 leporter there who will give a
full account of the cnteitaiunicnt
to-morrow afternoon.
1 JITlllHJffi
$li(l) PIANO for $ 25, Up iglit brand.
ftiOlt PIANO In fine order Jriitf.
ENORMOUS BARGAINS 011 the Celebrated
COLUY Pianos font few weeks only
2"0 ORGANS, the finest in the world, for $!()
..V) ORGANS for $70.
Buy now nnd save money. Cash or
Bargains iu all kinds of music goods at
lu.idge Block,
Commercial St.
lBim"nmi!1,ul Lmw:mrm" " mu
in a ijt ah ruts ron .
Flags, Firecrackers
Roman Candles,
Whistling Bombs,
Sky Rockets
1 vSaSSSSr
Doub!e Heads,
Pin Wheels,
Japenese Laterns
Eic, Etc,
Lest Stock iu City of
Rase Bal's, Hammocks, Croquet, Ammunition all .',
Brooks & Harritt,
No. 94 State Street, Salem, Orecm
procured grounds from the Oie.u.i
T.und company, two blocks east of
Dr. Miulhorn's residence in High
land addition, close to the sheet car
line, and these grounds are now be
ing enclosed with a 12-foot plank
fence; are to be leveled ol'as smooth
as n floor; provided with a grand
stand nnd made, under tiie direc
tion of Mr. Smith and Captain
Roggs, the most convenient and
pleasant -grounds in the state.
It is expected they will be all ready
by next Tuesday. Mr. Smith Is
just back from Portlnd, where he 1
purchased uniforms and made 11 r-J
rnugements with the "Famous" I
nine of that city to play with
"boys" hero the -St ti of July.
along the track so that vehicles can
cros without having to climb ove"
high rails.
eampraiy, with Geo. W. M.:rh,
George Leonard and
incorporators; capital
principal olllce, Eugene City.
A Small Bi.a.i:. At II:- u lai
night the shrill tone of the ii re hell
called out the fire department to
put out a small lire inn shed u-cd
for a barn by A. Rradsliaw on the
corner of Summer and Chenieketn
streets. Tiie shed was burned
down but the lire was prevented)
from further damage ny Capital I
engine's hoe attached to a hydrant i
on the corner of Winter and Che-'
meketa streets. The engines were I
both at the lire in good time buf!
bin 'were of no use, as Iheie was no
n ' w-i tcr for them in that locality.
tho meantime the Salem
go to McMinnville and
games Saturday nnd Sunday next,
the McMinnville club to play return
gnmes here tho following Saturday
and Sunday. An admission fee of
"5 cents to cover expenses will be
charged to the newgrouuds and
no doubt Salem people will have
sufficient local pride to turn out and
encourage the club by tliMr at
tendnuce. Asnlready stated in the
Jo. p.nal this is the starting point
of a state league nnd Salem may cee
club will' This fact
play two the irreat
is strongly
need of some measures to
bo taken lor upplying that part of
the city witli cisterns for die pur-po-e.
Tlicio me some of the line
est roldeiKC3 in the city in thin
locality, and if Mill cretk should be
iu such a condition as not to be
ucissinlo to an engine, the lino
liast Salem school building would
belli n similar holplc.s condition
!n casoof 11 lire. The facts are of
moment Btillleicnl to be considered,
and tosuggv'stat least that un-aiiii's
le taken to remedy thin debet In
several exeltng games before the
season is over. The uniform of the Salem's splendid lire department.
Salem club will be wldte, with '
brown stockings, a brown stripe on Goon Ni:vn. - The ' legraphic
the outside of the pants legs, n columns of the Oregonian contains
browu belt aud brown trimmim.'s the Information from Fairliaven,
Moms Cap.i: Ni;i:pi:i).. -Young
America is beginning to ventilate
patriotic ciitluiMasm tlirough tiie
medium of the Chinese bomb aud
skyrocket, and if a little more caie
i not e.;eicised in Siring tlicm oil'
lliere Is likely lo be some damage
done. Last evening a parcel of
boysweie engaged in tiie pastime
on Slate ilrcct and were the cause of
frlglitening several hordes so that
1 only thegieatet ere pieveuled u
Runaway, shooting lire-cracker-,
I bombs and .skyrocket", it faeeuis to
I the writer, should not be allowed on !
I tin: in du streets except on the 4th
of .inly, when all expect it aud are ,
, on the lookout for it.
Finj: PnooPAM. At tho band
! concert iu Willsou avenue, nn-
Inounccd iu yesterday's Jouilval,
wiiicli will take place this evening,
the following pioiam will be icn-
dered: March, R. . D. W. Jl.
TIioiii.m ; overiti.'e, Impromptu 1
1 Dallby; scliotlNclie, M'Ginty's Fus.
Love -Thorn ; wall.: Peltu ; med-
! ly. I Owe ?10 beiazl ; overture,
Kuchaiitiice Dalby ; march, Na
liaut Thomas. Klcclric lights
have been placed ".i tiie liand stand
and l hero will be no tumble hereaf
ter to the players in keeping track
of (heir notes.
Not C'omi'Lktk. The program
for the Fourth of July celebration,
as published, is not complete aud
will have o be corrected by the
mjm'ttee" before it can be au
nutinc.d with authority. Early
next week, all arrangements will be
l'hioch Have completed and then the full and cor-1
stock, ..l)0.i; r'l pio?rum will be given out.
Ri:irci:i I5ATi:.--Tlie Southern
J Par ilic will furi)ih tickets lo Port
land to-morrow and ne.;tday, good
for return Monday, at icdiiced laies
for the purpo e of inducing peisons
to attend the .'list championship
gam j of baseball between the Ta
, comas and Portlands Sunday afternoon.
Fon Liki:. Clinton Pennington,
whoe sentence was recently com
muled bj Governor Pennoyer from
hanging lo impri&oument fur lire,
w.is biought to his future home, tin
Iienileiiliary, ye-iterdny. JJ I- ctlnn
was the murder of Chas. R..leomli
at Raker City Iu May l&S!).
ri:i:so.NAL mention.
catterlin, rigdon & co.,
Real Estate
We now have for for sale on easy terms the most desirable Farms and
City property.
The celebrated Ankony tract, comprising over -1,030 acres of the finest
grain, fruit and imture land in tho Willamette valley has been surveyed
into small tracts to suit puichafcer.-.
You need not buy of us. Wo will send you direct to the owner of any
land we have for sale, and you can make your own bargain.
For Sale-
Ten 1 hoiasand Dollars
--worth of-
Fancy and Stapie Groceries,
For pi ices and term- onquiie of
Ji.d Aiken went
to Portland this
Mr. Hugh Hirrison, of Jefferson,
wa n visitor in Salem over night.
(1113 Hirscli was a passenger for
Portland 011 the morning train with
bU"iiiow iu Ills weather eye.
Rev. I). R. Cray supeiintendent
or the school for the blind, look the
monflng train for Poiiland.
E. SCHOETTLE, 272 Commercial .street,
merchant tailor. The fines suits to order
at the lowest prices. A perfect fit guar
anteed. Repairing and cleaning done. The only first class tailoring es
tablishment in tiie city.
Ax Explanation. All membeis
of the board of trade should pay
their dues to the elected sxcietary,
who alone is authorized to receipt
you for the same, respectfully
yours, Jacob L. Mitchell, becie nry.
Friday.-July 4. 1890.
A Comedy society diiMnu,
s.ilem's nt t .ileu
t i bo ',lvea
CitANOix All the way
oil tho Southern P.icillc will soon
around the cup, which will be very j Wash., that a big railroad deal Iwk bj provided with mail catchers, a
handsome. l taken place whereby the Fairliaven
. ,t Southern railroad with all ii
IticiHT and Wnoxo WAYU.-The rights and franchises, including the
tikingof theceiibtisisau important norliieru division which connects
with the Canadian Pacidc at New
Westmiuster, has been transferred
lo the Creat Northern Railway coin
pany, and that under the contract,
Falrhaveu is to he positively the
lei minus of the (heat Northern
system on tho Pacific coast Iroin
which all other lines sliall radii.lo.
This was good news to Slate Tie. s
urer Webb and .John G. Wright,
of this city, who, with .).
M. Ro-enberg, have lecently pur
chared large real estatj interests
light around Fairliaven. The e
gentlemen mount much on lea!1
work. It is a work in which the
pride of every locality is touched,
and people generally are very anx
ious and wntchlul about it. Each
enumerator is a resident of the dis
trict allotted him or of its immedi
ate vicinity, and has n natural pride,
asldo from his oath of office, in do
ing the work thoroughly nnd mak
ing as good showing as possible.
This thought should beget n desire
to render them all the assistance
possiblo instead of abusing them
nnd throwing out iiiblnuntions
ngaiust them. A ca.o in point is the
enumeration of Salem precinct, estate speculation, but it m'uiiis they
There is no more conscientious man used good judgment in plautlnga
In the community than Mr. Raker, Hltlo wealth oil Relllngliam bay.
and if in tho finitj power of human-r'n-'ronio three live lowns on tiie
Ity, ho has escaped sonic persons in j hay Fall haven, Sehoine and
his rotiuds, it has uot been through Whatcom and tlieeo men have
Intent or willful carelessness, and It ' properly clow lo e..ch of them. It
is the duly ot tho-o persons to go lo . is pleasing to note their good luck.
him nnd report themselves. He' "
has his oftlco at Dearborn's book store' ln:i on tiii: Road. -Ceo. (i.
and will bo most happy to list any ' Riugliam, of this city, dhhlet al
and nil persons not down o.i his 10- torney elect, wo awakened at '2
turns. Jlo lias not ceased his labors o'clock this nior.ilng by a me- cnger
In this line, but lias been sending In fmni McMinnville, who biought
daily reports regularly and will con- the sad mtelligenco that Mr. il's
i to through train will only stop at
county-1 eats and crossings nfter .1 uly
1st. The only stops be ween here
and Poiiland will be Woodburn and
Oiegon City. Another rumor is out
to tho effect thr.t a' local (rain is to
be put on between Albany and
I'orllflllll lo.'ivimr I In. (V.Mvwr .ilno.
-..-........, ........ 0 ... .r...... 1,. u son
iii o oc' ck in tne morning and tho i
latter at 0 in the evening, but the
nents he.e know nothing about it
and i mie say it is the "bralienieu's
lime t..b:e."
.tldge It. P. Roise returned from
'bany this afternoon, having nl
i rcdy cleared ihe circuit court docket
of Linn county.
stations! Dr- W- llf 1Jyrd took U,u "'V'1"
noon irain ior l'oitinnti. womu r it
lie was on the same sort of niK-iou
. s the other doctor?
Viruil Peringer left last evening
fo'-Grant's Pass iu Southern Ore
gon, where lie has been tendered rt
position as bookkeeper.
Missl'rankie Richardson, daugh
ter of Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Richuid-
dep.irb'd yesterday for a viit
among friends in Seattle.
Lor.T Wo l bii'iiry robe, be
tween the residence of F. N. Gilbeit
and the Cuugipgationnl church.
Finder please return to office of
Gilbert Rros. and receive reward.
The i.i'lov.'ns welt laiowii dpodIo will
trhc p i: X.i . hit. Ml lliis, Mr.
Ha cn,r W. 'lo il, J M. Keene, 11.
V. .'Icje sWm On .ainiiulHoiTce Willi .
Tlieio will be cU .aut wnuliobr nnd
duboiiueht 150 seltluss.
Scats on sale at Ucai boi u
Ul Comniercial St.
Cay-Goods delivered free to all parts- of the city.-j
The liest hijjlit.
l nat is wiiat we want on
subject, and twoaic electric li
makea store at night just as bri
as day. This is impoitant in se
lecting clothes, and you get the ben
efit of it at Conrad's.
A Salem Cannery
ight. V
Wnl bo In tho market for all canning va
rieties of
HOLDKIts of city wn.rnnti mo hereby
uotilled thnt theie nre funds in the
tiea-uiiy applicable to tho payment of i'l
win rants endoiscd befo.o Nov 2.M, 1SS0.
Inteiet ou thesae willeea o iroin tho date
of this entice. i: J SWAKFOHD,
0:1 lw City Trea niter
tlnuo to do so until the work Is com
pleted. It is easy to borrow glory
by saying that a great number have
been foutul who liavo not been list
ed, without giving names or nddri-' siininier visit.
es, but tills is not tho rltdit snlrlt In 'i'd Hm ' sou
which to Help the cause along.
Ttioo enunieratora aro Just as good
citizens and as anxious for the til 1 1
father, W. II. R'tigliatn, had died
tho previous evening on the rojal be
tween his homo at McMinnville and
tho coast, lo w hlch ho was going for
Mr. R. aceompaii
er immediately lo
ins out iiouie now iu mourning.
The deceased came lo Yamhill
county from WiM'oiihln iu IN":! and
On Pi,i:AbA.T RusiNti- s.-Yctei-day
evening County Cleric Rabcock
i-sued a marriage license lo Dr. C.
M. Cattwright, of this ciiy, and
Miss Flo.ence Ryruc, recently of
C.illfornia. Tho doctor met ills In
tended bride at the overland tivin
this morning and accompanied her
ti Pont, mi, where they will be
married to-moirow noon by Chief
.nistlco Tlinye", of the supieiuo
court. Wlillo the doctor follows the
homeopathic theory iu medicine, it
is safe In assume lie wi'l ho willing
to take love according I the old al-lopathiutchonl,
eu'.ng at
or Am . i".
S o'clock Prof.
Several of Salem's people have
been over to Monmouth tiiis week
attending Ihe commencement exer- j
cises of the Normal college. j
Mr. E. A. Downing, who went to
1 the Santiuiu country in the foothills
' for the benefit of his lica'th some
months ago, has leturncd to the
the city showing a marked change
for tho Uetljr. Ho looks stout and
hearty and says ho is fully prepared
to rest'ino tho active labors of his
Mrs. A, I. Royers, of Oakland,
CM!., and tho
Stone, of San 1
at the home of Mr, aud Mis. Den
nis, on Commercial slrejt. The last
two ladles will leave for the Sound
country Sunday morning and from
there go I Alaska. They will ak-o
vlit the Yellowstone park befoio ic-
Dealer in Groceries, Taints, Oils
and Window Glass, Wall Pa
per and Dortler, Artists' Ma
terials, Lime, Hair. Nails and
Shingles, Hay, Feed and Fence
Posts, Grass Seeds, Etc,
ni:w Aivi:itTisi:.Mi:vT.
Black Raspberries
and Blackberries
After June 15th.
Office 181 Commercial St.
All styles of tlio FainousSlngercou'.lnnt
ly on liiiud; nlso tcpnlrs nud needles for nil
kinds of machine.
mate good of Saloin as tlio avoni'to 'Mn cm Ifo lield a lilgh place In
citizen aud can be depended upon ; Ihe enteeni of all who oame iu eon
to do tho rl'dit thing, hut they nroj hiet with him. lie was in tho lain
human and liable t mistakes. Put I 'mt trade some yours at MoMlnti
them on tho right track when you , vllle, and later up Ion hhoit llmo
can, but do not heavo dornloks at', i the ftiruiimo and undeital;
them or nut tttumbllnu- blocks in Mug otisliitw. Ho was a uood man
3 dek-aliouofsln-ieiN ,
i i the basement of the M. K. church "m,,K no,llu-
for a reliears.d for the Fourth. Any Tlio Hon. Dan'l (iaiduer aud ids
otliots who can sing aie invit-d and sou-ln-law, Mr. Tho. lilundell, bolti
your pn-beiu-j is gteatly deiir'd at of Sioux county, Iowa, and former
Ihe eliuieh this eonlu This Is no , acquaintances of tho
liilvntosclien'.e, bum patriotiu fee1
iug to be commended in thn-e who
have, and au nidliij in tho oiToit
lo m. ke the giatidest celebr. t.ou
iu Salem ili.s year that tho NVill.v
nidi wlley has ever known.
In U. pii)eu,, nuilei-S.eincr.t i:i(i.-.er.
ofnlt Iclnd i. Utf pilce-niuKJOOll WOUK.
ISMs on rniin-nrts of nil kinds made on
hlioit nolli-e. 0:27-lm
io junior .,tK.:-ORr Unni P 1 1 1 kv, k.
n v . man, mo in the city, on a tour LmJj VVQIIL vUlUilllli
of in-p -ctiou of the l'acitle No-th-
'wtst. Thus far the-o gentlemen . llN'?tlc! ',n,-ertea for onk ci:.t pek
.,,,.., , i . , , WOHl) KACll l.Nsr.Hl'ION. No niHer.
think Salem is superior to any placo ,ls0tueiu lllseilw, ,n lN Mmn for l0,s
Ihey have K'en, and if they con-, umn twenty-tlvo cents
elude to locate among us the capital .
their way.
aud cUlron iu all up-ets; wu u
promiiiunt l-'tvemuhon and ono of
i he airomost In all public entornriMi.
Ho was about HO ye .ra old. The e.
act oauo of his sudden (loath is not
known hutuni pioc-unl,
Btuamno a lUxoit.-tleo. W.
Cook, a rather notorious lmid can',
u hftir-bived Indian, was anvsted
last evening by Policeman Mlnto
aud placet! In J,dl, on complaint tif
j.ouw cnautne, an Indian aWi. . Cuamui i, Manai.i:.u:i. -who
wllh lilt family has rooms In With this week'i, Ustio tho Oregon
tho old court houbo, charging him I City KulerprUo ehaiiKw haudu, K.
wmiuiniMiigiiiia ineiaiier'Hiooin M. Itutids rutirlinr am! Clin.. Mo-
Wooi.kx Mi i.i. Sioiti;. A now
stoio Is to bo opened up iu tlio city
for the sale of tho product of tho
Vhniiuw lay woolen mill. Heady
mado suits, suits made to order,
blanket, tlauiicN and gents' fur
lUhhliig goodt, will tie handled.
fUH'itHary Conhow's odlco will bo
hold at tho store liihtcod of at the
mill as huiotnfnru.
unUHieaiiug tliuren-oiii a niwr be
longing to another mm. who left 1 1
In Chantilu'a care. A preliminary
Information was rtlwl njrulnst Cook
in Itecorder Coun's couit this ino.n
lug nnd on examination held P. II.
D'Arcy aellug Iu Mr. llluahum'H
dorendlug. Arter hearing the le.
Umony Judge Conn concluded there
won Bunlclent evideueo and clroum
nUvutlal proof to warruut tho bind
ing over of Cook to awidt tlio tuition
of the Bwnd Jury In October. Tho
muount of Ull was llxed at t-900,
wlilch he thlnkuhu ran procure.
Nkw ItKiMiiM Scitoot.. The
nrohlleol, Hoboit it Morally, have
! conipMed the plans and spueiHc
I tioiu of the Stal - Iteform kchool
Willi a full front view of tlio build-
Ilia as it will Itkik when completed.
ivm taking tiie hond of tiioeo.umu The pielutv inou fxhihition at Dour-
city will bodecliledly tlio gainer.
.mi. j. r. wienurg, ot Astoria, is
in the city, aud lias concluded to
make Salem ids future homo.
Willie hero lie discovered an old
time friend whom ho had not ccn
for sevenlceu years, and who is no
les u p?rou than the Hon. Win.
Howard Pholpi. Mr. Vieburg has
tried Astoria r year, nud spenl iw
mucli time iu batdjrn Oiegon, but
says ho believe Salem to be better
in all rosools than any placo lie has
come in cautact wllh. j
nt)U llK'.KNAl' Sl'ltlXUS. ThOlO Is n
I I IMity hell"? made up lo ti.irt for t io
i:cn.iiitn not k,hih nei vituiday. ami
tlio.v Is i-ooui ior ojo iron poi-Min. A-ipIv
nt Joi csai. ollU-e. il5 i.i.e ior wuml .1 ).
AArAXTKU. WoikiU dnsMiwkliiBby n
lady ofevKuems?. Aliply MusLou
Qimne, Ht lirt Wi.ilei-' eel.
IOlt SAl.ll. Trii.n, w Hiul calf Hint
1 inoi.-liif niMohlue. AIi-ohu M) u-re firm.
Llill on 01 (U.i-is 'f c. Jury, Hot HI, is -lent
.lOlt s. I.K. tine lioio riuI two lots In
Iiuinlrt'ofW. 11. Sliujv.
V Son Hi .alem
Mn. ii ico we.
Syle is the TliitiR.
People may stunir at stylo all
they like, but no one, young or old,
as publisher and proprloior, with ImruV UoUUiio for tho benellt of1 wms togodtxod iii an ouilnud'
Keelor H. (iabbert a-fcintant wl.tor. tho Uys who may think of making NU manner. Whether It lw lntl
Mr. Hands has lHeu amithltil wmk- it tho.r homo. g,0VUH lioor 8llU whatever the feea'
er tho (Kut thtvo yoiiri aud liu xlv
en Orvuun City n good weekly lupw.
That Held is contduntly improving
and tho new mnuugument alroMtly
gives ovldeuoo that It lutouds to nt
ItMutt keep up with tho procoMluu.
Luwr. A htnall black puna ihiu
luinlug nlKHtt $18 In ourrouey and
win, IwtwiHin North Saturn and tho
HupUs! ul lurch. l'ludur will bo
kuliubly rowardtid by ruttfrulug
sainu to this oflleo. It
Min, or grade of good, Johnson,
Uoothby & Co., will glvo you the
lAOll SAl.K T.ib IKiuwiue iVnlt fuuu-s, 5
I 10-15 mid SO. icrca l.-Mi-..-, IhioU ItK-nttHl
within I ..ille of K.tein, I'dco $35 ivr
llolllnxer uulldlnv, muiu, Or,
lOU UK.vr A dteimliW bulnaM offlco
I1 la Intel bliHu In tow n. IiiqulroHt tliU
ottlm. 2-lif
FOUM).-C3inv tady letl harimibrel'ftjil
John tl. Wrljhfii nw. 0e ena
hnv0fcu.ue by jh.j Ins ftK lUU uo.Uh'.
1JOU I'.KXT.-Siusll lvoii, vruu o.ae new
I1 fijmltHrolJ U. UHiH-te iiui Mill,
two block ii ofUiw Jioiim). A iiy
at hoaiv '
lie Sine to Head and (let no Other.
A genuine Tubiilnr well 1- eoiwraelcd bv
liuliias dow-uu thiee Inch I. on pipe, wlih
no openins cM-ept top nnd bottom. No
(111 tr.m pet lnnndoiilv pme wnlerenn be
gotout. 'I'liliNllieoiily kind of well that
worms nnd lu-.eclnc.muut set into, tlmtis
r.b olntely surliu-e water proof, nud thnt
Is foiecd tlirou jh the eei.ient hii-ntu to
the pin o llln-jr wnter. K W positively the
only kiudofwelltlint Is worth Imlidiiislu
this couutry Jnmes A. Huberts, tj.ilem,
(residence neiir fair ground a makes thoi-o
welli. 'lerins rea-ontible 10 vears osnoil.
enee. MI-lnwKm-n-
And Oregon Development comiwnv s
steamship line. '2o mi'e-. shorter, 3J lioii.-,
less time tluiii liv nnr c-it ,i.i ifintA Pirw,
class through iiasseiiKer n irt f.-elzht lino
jVoin l'ortl.iud nud nil points In the W'll
Lunette valley to nnd from K'u Krauclscu
TIME SCHEDULE. (Kxcept .Sundays).
LenoAiDuny IsCUl'ta
la o C'orvnllls 1:WPM
Arrive Ynqutnn &ao 1' M
Uhivo Vooulna G-l'iAJI
Leave Cornllts 1085AM
Arrive Alb.iuy 11:10 AM
O. A C titilus connect nt Albany nnd
Tim above ininis connect nt YAOUINA
with the Oiegoa Develonment Cn Line
Jfl-.l.i-.ishln Iv.-iw.-e i iKinlnn i-d ssn
.s.il.l.',U HAIL'S.
Jnilloi), I rlitay Jnuo 2T
Wlllniiie it. Vally,,TuetUy July l
nnnllon. suiuUy g
Will.uuette VmMv, ThurMlM)- " io
rni-iillou, Tu.sdi, . " J5
llliuno.io Valley, Krtd.iy June S7
& J
1UISY 4th.
n the
on Ever Held
Oration, by Rev, C, C, Stratton, of California.'
Reading Declaration, by W, J, D'Arcy, of Salem.
Singing of N itional ' Hymns, b; 150 Trained Voices.
Seven Hands liavo been engaged, as follew:
Fire DoiHUtiueuts thioualiout the State wlM nnnlripate in BrandH'
(llll mill lliun iinnl.t fan iflonc P!,,l i . .,l.ia 1!:1S0 IW
match tranio, for piizes. Grand Baud eonltt in the evejlug for P"9'
(live or more bunds to enter.)
Aside fioin above, thuro will bo Innumerable other atuactious, sucn
Visltillir tllP StlltO ill ttllltlxtla l-llllll r.,1 Mm ....... Ulnlr!,l Tl 1 1 rOSUl . W
F , -"", -i"l"g " HIV. "CIV uicviiiv -
111POS. .V. . A-l
Many stir.-oiiiidin'f citle luve lm.idv di.lpH to ioin it:", ami f"1
iut'iit iiidle.uloiis ibe.-e will be at least ."0.f03 tcoplo inwont.
Rates reduced on ndlroad uud steaiubo..! tin.-.
Leal, botuowhero between Salem
and Turner, on tho Uth lnut.. a
hUusiitcr iu tiuwut. ' uro contalulns f0 Iu eurrouoy, ffi ' Siwul
UhnllUw nud mkllu iitlll Uihue . in eold nud 16 or 1 ctsnts in sllv.ir I -
tea with oltuuco to draw tho btuvo bluughttiruil nl UioCnnltol Advon- Auyboily llndlng tho above, will bo1 Fll 8ld8'u!Sieifl!w''rrt,sf,V,-S-,hl
July Ul. Htlll Ion. BmmIv. UttXst turo Co. llnrRulua hi iItom kokU miltably ruwurtlml by lcavhie It at .UKIIKrHwrtis!2
Now. und fanoy kihuU. thu ih Caimtvi. Jm-uvo.i ... hn.u ?SS J. "' ,".".! s'.- nre
A fuw
Tue Stove Will llu.
iwukauvw of tho ItelUnv
1 pATUONIKK Home lndutr-. nd ue
I 1 Mimiiltttn UHliuLViiutiCvirtv Qiwr-
nutfrfd io Ble mlto or money rt4Wnd0.
MHUu.ActurMl lly II, ll.Cro,tvtiKi. O r-
lviii. siiiiiH vv niMur MHe Um Sir
iI.Iui.i.o.uiv.i i......s. .. i ., boilioUHMw lime K'M-n.
tlllHIlliel AVHAI. Joi'UNAM orticv. fJ llto',W. hOUlU siliu
Pnmllon. TueMUyn July I
Willamette Valley, SU(Uy d
Knmllon, Thursdny " 16
WillH.nette Valley, Tue day
mis eoiuiiHuy inserts iue
WliAnette Viiuy polat cn make ctoe
IUMineer ilom 1) (land nud nil
caiMigesAilijKdMtes viuout noilce.
r-MiiHH-tlou with the train of the
VAQl'lNA KOUTKut AlUuy orCUnmllU
ami If detlnel to San ti nelsco, khoutd
nrnrn eioHnlvent Yiu)U"ia the eveulns
be.o. iti-ieof .-o-ng,
I'turBtrr ami t'rlckt IUt AlwTi tke
Lwrt. or InfoniuiUon nnply to ilessn,
lll'LMAN A Co.. tlKht nnd Ttekei
Ajeau aw and aa Front hi., lHrtlind, Or.
U.C. HOOUB. Acl Gen'l VtU A
lMw.Agt., Oregon luainc 1L 11. Ca.,
O II. 1IA8WBIX. Jr. OeaK?" A '
lau. Ast.Ori)n IWtoHUBl
Co., SOt .Moultonii-y ,'t
Alt. U. P Bd J ABt. I
Salem Will be Joined by the Entire
Willamette Valley
July the 4th..
Watch For The Program
1 - Mf.
C 1 .iirm.i. frg
mtn i m i.-r Jt-