Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, June 26, 1890, Image 1

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    FW- WT'fWI!1!
VOL. 3.
sAiiEivr, ohegcxn, tiittksd.ay, JUNE 20, 1S90.
NO. 97.
than any other Dealer in the city.
any body can. All we ask is a fair
cash, and our expenses nro
Sell at a
W e have our Htock now almost complete, although goods are arriving
almit daily. Come in and inspect Our (foods and Price".
Kverythiug Marked in Plain Figure-, at
" e
57 Commercial Street.
WW a
has Removed
Stoves. Tinware and Plufe Roods,
to the store recently occupied by
J. C. BROWN &. CO.
loo State St.,
pirn1 nmjfis ; w y
Kcg-Phv-ieiaiis' Prc-crintions
pouncu.l. A lull line ot ciioice imporieii ami ney est ij;ars.
Lumber. Lath and Shingles, at
Sjxciol attention given to fumMi Kiln dried and .Sur.orior
Finishing Lumber.
W. IVI. Sargent,
Wall Paper,
iPirturtH Frames, Window Shades.
a ml Toys of all kinds.
Fiiu Line of Ktchlnifs and Kujimvlug, Oil Paintings and Chromes.
RliII Lot of
me Have Removed to Bush's New Brick Corner.
Corner of Commercial and Court,
Anil will continue to c-arrj' the fluent Hut- of
Dress Goods and Trimmings,
Indies nml (ienLs Furnishing
Wraps, Etc. in the City. Wo are agents for
several specialties.
fIIdIy Abstract Books
We Soil
Perhaps we do.
We sell as cheap as
margin on tho goods
We buy for
light, consequently we can
v u r -i d r
Low Rig-Lire.
His Stock of
u J
& COX,
Salrivi, Or.
and Family Iteci pes carefully com-1
. - . .
Dealer in
the old Dorrance Yard, Salem.
jVIo-uI clings,
JJahy Cal, Espioi Wapms otloiis
Kire Works.
Oootk Clothim.', Hats, Ladle
IN MARION COUNTY. Work iKouipily
muiI rvMnbly xeeotxl by Um
The Oregon Lan
ome Offifo fit
(In the State
and branch ofllces hi Portland, Astoria and Albany,
Ha for sale a largo list of Grain, Stock and Fruit Farms: alo
City and Suburban Property,
The Oregon Laud Co. was especially organized for tho purpose of buying
and sub-dividing large tracts of land, and has during the past two years
bought and subdivided over 3,200 acres into
ivp Id Twenty
The success of this undertaking is shown In the fact that out of 2S0 tracts
placed on the market, 22-5 have been sold. We claim that ten acres or
choice laud in Fruit,
Will Yield a Larger Income
than 100 acres of wheat in the Mississippi Valley. We also make valuable
improvements in the way of roads, clearing the land, fences, etc. We
can sell u small tract of land for the same price per acre as you would
have to pay for a large farm.
Sonil for Pamphlet
Neglectfully of the patent fact that
it's money Hint talks loudest.
Thitt is a fact. Money talks loud
e-! and will buy more and better
j I II l MUjgamm jmiiimiiiiiiiMMiniiinn -. . . f ,.
in a
James Denham &, Co.'s
--t '" -
1 1 1 O n E S T Q IT A L, 1 T
US Slate street, opposite torniintw
i Shoes to measure.
Groceries and Produce.
-The Jk'-t Tanned Ooods.
Choicest Fruits and
None but
First-class Goods Handled,
ff you would lie well served
Tlio firuiiK
Jt State Street.
jVIa.riu.fa.cti-irers of Cigars,
State Street, Salem.
We make a specialty
giyo us a call.
of Toliacro
Continues the litMueHs formerly conducted by Krausse .fe Klein, at
the old Stand on Commercial street.
Will l i!oHhwl to ruculve chIIh from my old frloniU ami now.
Mammoth New Stocl
at Living Prices:
ii'st National Haul
Vict rrwWu ,
. . rwiowl
fU 1
Kumwu turtbiiul
yew Yurk. TjtmiUm b4 Homz Komg
MWflll nu MM. MLU, ( auwir MM i itr
rrwn cur4uily
v4 imntari buatiHiM '
imrHmt lo dfMii jtmm t
vUtt a, lihm
k. I -A
wlMsi, wool, bop an4 lkr ynn-rXf M
mirilf rmu if ohultirf M thr bank in
tn'4 rliMl4 nHHhiili
iiiwhi mwmmmmm nwff wot
d Co..
Insurance Building)
Acre Parcels.
and Price List.
""v" ",
Y, L O "W K ST 1 It I C E S,
of electric ear line,
Repairing done.
Vegetables in Season.
Every article
guaranteed as
Salem, OuepJOll.
Store Fixture. When in
the eil,
Feed Stable & Livery.
LJulwU lluyfur Wul
Tb Vorf of re utkwi at iwmtowt Unk
Bt llmr ol Ctututmkma HoM,
L. H. IIL'FPMAX, hop.
n-a Utt u uBouiua. fMi-
Mi . y , ....:
" "wWyWM iwwww"
V-Kut4 14MhortHblw.Vt
t Knn l
by THK
Canital Journal Publishing Company.
Onice, Commercial Street, In l O. llulldtiig
Watered nt the itostontco at Salem, Or.,na
sccond-eli5 matter.
Some peoj)le censure the Jounx.u.
for Its ciltlcism or the political
course of the Portland Orcgonian,
and because this jiaper asserts that
the great Port land paper is hostile to
every interest of tho people. We
wish all to consider that this is not
a personal matter Political wrong
doing and treachery to the common
interests In the name of party are
certainly reprehensible and ought
to be shown up. This paper Is not
alone in showing up the Orcgonian.
Other strong and able papers aie
doiug it right along.
Of course it is impossible for a
(tingle paper to do much to count.'!1
net tho Intluence of a great metro
politan paper. Unless the people
take up the light and make it
acommin c.tuo not much can lie
accomplished. In popular elections
the people of Oregon have more t lian
once defeated t lie great monopoly
organ at Portland. They shoultl
completely destroy its power for evil
and its oppiv.MoiHand niisrepresen
uilionsof the p"op!e:ind teirorlzing
over legislators and public men. it
is the people's battle.
Wo piint a sample letter below on
this subject from a ireutleinan who
bends us two new subscriber!, whlrii
shows somethin,- of the feeling of
tho rural p"oplo of the whole stutu
toward tho Into great Orcgonian.
A paper that Io-hh the confidence of
the int lligent ma e and t-ike in
defensib'e positions on public ques
tions is no longer great. A paper
that the common people hate and
dc.pi-0 and only rend bccuibo they
want the news It prints mnt have
done i-ouiething to incur that ha
tred, because people will t-ilcmlcn
gleat deal of wrong doing on the
pa it of a newspaper.
, Mr. P,. It. lh'aiiMiu, of Shciidan,
amliill county, wiites us follows
lAiderdale of June-".!:
CAPITA I. .lOlTIINAIi Pi 11. I'O.,
Salem, Oiegou. Ocnlleineii: As t
have lieen leading your paper for
Mime time and llnding it clean,
bound republican and a defender of
tho people's rlht" T heartily endorse
it and send you two subset liters and
hopoyou will siicti'd in making It
tho best and mot popular paper in
tlio state In opposition to the great
est inonoply paper in the great city
I in tho Noi th west. 1 heard n gentle
man hay the other day that he
j liated that paper hut in older to get
all tho news lie had to take it. So
wo hope you will be able to give us
, the general news and continue to
I defend tho peoples' rights. You
lertainly deserve the patronage of
the people for bearding the Hon in
Ids den. Tho Orcgonian lias become
, deaf to all that docs not help to build j
up Portland and when anyone!
wiitintr for it does not write to suit
them they muko such changes as do
suit them.
a ititiiciAi. rni:ci:iii:.vr. ,
A $o(HI lino has appcahetl tlm wrath, ,
dignity mid outraged feelings of the
great state of Mls-ilppi against
prv.o lighting, and tho J Ion. .John
I.. .Sullivan may now lesiime his
pummelling process.
Kcnowcd Interest is added lo his
ignoble calling by this court decis
ion ami his lecepliou ou tho Paeillo
coast will be attended ulth roaring I
eclat, now that no reprimand or,
imprUnumcut was ordered for Ids
loyal nibs of t lie ring. "') Is ai
gouteel flue autl was promptly put
up by llio prince of liMit-nfls.
'I'he pilo-llghtlng fraternity can
not full to nppicelate this very mod
erate tux Mit by tiie com t on llielr
calling. Mr. Sullivan no doubt
feels that he can contribute -VH) out
if bis nil, tin of (hit VOOOpilliO be
Kitiegale mmioy that ho will receive
out i f tho great KiilliVHU-.lacl'.Miu
m. II at Hun FrnncUcfilu f-VplruibiT.
(Jreat are our cnu.tv, lo ImhiIii any
M'.WHI'.MT.It Ki:nilM.IMI
Kwld it hH.ttUi'r at llio Courft
tioiinl aM(R"lntloii:
"The Itrwton Humlil Ih n iuor
unortliotlox and hIiiiohI ihioviiii
KoIIohI," Ho inl'lit liuvo ri'inarkt'il fiirtliur
tlmt no sroot i-f turn niM-r U In-tont-oly
liovtlle to tlix tfmraiifi
work, m ilonr to tlt olnireli.
lint lunt Hiiiitlay'M Ho-ton Jfurulil
Iiuh pretty full rox.rtxofHlxiiil thirty
h6rmoiM of evi-ry ilnomliifttluii. A
luily frlmul mmln n ono (Hipy ot
tlmt little with u Mrmoti uKnhiht
tlmt irovHlllii JtMon fail known
on tho ('ut h "xligin." UImu
mubt wttir kikI rltHfliiK ilwiniiolu'
tttinof Julin-HiillivMiiWm.
'llio IJIlMluil In, w iMt tlow. thU
mriiioiilJiitf In MoHiIuy murnlny
iMif tlmt we wt ti ly Humky
lur aiiKHJHt lift It oorlalnly mukux
llio riuniluy lnUirproliiet imeful anil
HOTI'.t. KKKIT.l:.
A recent Joit.nai. outlined somo
rather higher than common ideals
oti tho subject of hotel keeping.
Tlieic is also a duty that tho commu
nity owes to its leading hotel. It is
safe to say that thero is at least a
Bum of nbout fJO.000 invested in the
hading hotel of this city. This
property is to a largo extent nt the
mercy of public sentiment. While
its professional and business man
agement must be kept up to the
high stundaids that alone ensure
hticees in any business, it is safe to
bay that unless the people of fho city
do their part no such hotel cm bo
made to pay in this city.
Utiles there is a feeling of good
will and friendliness toward such an
expensive Institution, It can by no
way under the sun bo made profita
ble. J f every boy In town makes It
his business to run down the hotel
and tote people oil to some private
boarding house, or get them a room
at their, old-maid aunt's and
feed them a few meals them
selves, a potter palmer could not
run a hotel a Salem except at a great
loss of money. There Issueli a thing
asaa unwise and an unnecessary
it is a duty we owe a properly con
ducted hotel to see that it gets all
the patronage tho town has, to feel
proud of it and make its success an
object of local pride. Until our peo
ple can feel this way and backup
tho feelings with actions all tho year
around thoy cm never have their
leading hotel the financial success
that It ought tube. There are ic
sponsibilitie.s and demands made on
the modern landlord tliat can alone
be successfully met il the commit-
llltv tllM'TurillM Iftj illlll riitl'riMiinltil.
tngl.y toward such a seu.l-public in-!
stlliitloii. A well pitroiii.ed hotel
is a big iidvertixeiuent for a town,
hence it is the duty of tho people of
i town to stand by its hotel.
iiii:aiiiioi:i:i:i) isai.i. iikiutnow.
To show how hard up and utterly
indefensible in its position on
llnances, Is fho )resoiiian,ltisof l..ie
publishing extracts from Clove
liuul's mestages and Manning's re
ports, to bolster tip its Inutility lo
silver. It is rather a novelty to
find that paper approving of any
thing Cleveland ever did, for no
paper has carried its hatied of the
late democrat lo president to tho ex
tiemo length that paper did. Com
menting on its lato freak the ltaker
City Dladesays:
The Orcgonian brs Just discovered
that (hover Cleveland was n groat
audgood man. lie and both his
(ect claries of the treasury were most
ardent(goldltcs; thoy abhorred silver;
according lo these savants free coin
age meant the robbery of tho labor
ing elii'-'-es, and they were men nfter
the Orogonian's own heart. Hut If
Is a lit 1 1 o Mngular that the Thuu
deier never discovered untir (pillo
iccently what wonderful economists
and financiers they were. 1 1 (jtiolcs
them now on silver as oracles, and
belabors tho deinocratlo members of
emigres for their infidelity to tho
prophets In voting for free coinage.
Of course every republican in Ore
gon will at once conclude that tho
Oregoiilan's position ou silver Is
sound because il is in line with the
late democratic administration on
the same question; and every demo
crat will know Cleveland was right
because tho Orcgonian says lie was.
A MTiniAKV Ntui:.
"One of the leaders of tho repunli
can patty will coiidlbute to the
July number of tho North Ameri
can Itovlewau adverse criticism ou
tho action of Hpcaker iteed In con
gress. The article is an unusually
Htrlklng one, but every dibit Is to
lie made to conceal tho Identity of
The above Is the common means
employed lo secuie renders for the
great reviews. It is a question
whether this is a much more genteel
proceuH of getting money than that
employed by tho highly unsavory
Institution known as tho Louisiana
Woiulorlnl lltitlui' 1'roilurer.i.
'J'lio Kronl joroy oow Krotlwinm
tlmt during tho hihI your litis li-on
milking it yoiuly torn, uinl iirotluteil
1S1 ooiiikIh of liultor tin lo April IK.
unil had ntlll ono ntoro woIc to (to, '
Annho inailo 1, iiotintN, 1 oiiiii-oh inOiVKiin.
f( hiiltr tho wook prevlotiH liur miw, Ai.iiiiiiA iiAitnirrr,
owner, Mr. Aiilulon, fol Hiiro that of IIooil Itlver, iwul it ilnllflitfiil
wlion hor your im tip tho will lmvo .pnr on mlinn woik. It m'hh
Hindu (Ml jioiiniU in ono y cur. Tho pntotiiwl mill iiiimIh many pniutltml
ronowiHiil cow, Mary Anno, mtnlo polntH. It rovoali'il that hoino niU
(ur7 (Muiulit In oiioyuur. unci Luinl- nlonury work wim vury mwr to tho
rtour'n Kanoy prixlucfil t7, wo think ' liuurt of tho wrllwr. An uiionymoiiM
It wax, and ctirrkd a milffor nlno lettor from n lltu'ral friunil of mlit
montliM of tho time. Ho tho rooonl, i Mint nt 1'orllaiJil, wan rcMil, ompha
In fuot, oovorod, In wrt, tho milk felling tho tcNohlnt; that wlmt wo
liiK xirlol following tho hlrth of two lu-fi we Umi, hut what wt glvo
onlvtM. Kho iniitlo wi iiinuh without away U our only gain ami tutting
onMutiiig any of tlmt produotil a prwllt. Tim rem I lux whs loudly up
little Uiforo and a lltllo aflttr cnlvliitf plHiiilotl.
tlino, anil mi, whllo proving Miu In Mlw.Mary VHiidorMl imuI "Tho
ImmoiiMt" ax a huttor piodueor, hho (Irwit Fatnlim Cry," a mlrtloimry
halt not roHlly Imou thw mijiorlnr imiw. , iwiii, with much mellng Mint (mhI
-Country (ioiitluumii. olloel, tlmt liwrtllyHiirtfMtNl.
inn iiiom
.ilng Krr. mlili un MMi,t., Nw,rer, My (Jh1,
ohmhi uinl imtny tiM
. M"",T " " wrw jwmi .. ,i.,pt
lrwfi'S'hllVH. iX
IHK "if viatrlfMM,
iwu u ! Uy HikIIJi & Miwlurr
LaAll BUiUUidt It
thmk imi it uimuUm HHd botli wlut h riHMirt from tliu Imnu uuniurv fur
ffla&ttarS.ftl VH,hlHfU..M.C-rrWM.Whlle. D
lo tbc llr. mirlfi 11m Uum1 hiuI liv tbidr i risiil liur ruiuirl Ihuiim uh.l.pr nf
tuKk U.4IUM, llW vMmIII) HIMt I e i i i i i
win u, il mU hiiuii. tudA ui m. foreluii hiImIoiim. uinl nhowwl homo
An Unusnnl Interest Manifested in
Kihirational anil literary
of Wednesday nfternoon were open
ed by Rev. Wliittlesy leading in
Iirayer. Tho forenoon hail been rich
in experiences of christian fellow
ship, unity and sanctifying intlu
ence. lie was followed by Rev.
Hall of Astoria.
Tho moderator announced a busi
ness meeting of the Woman's For
eign Missionary society at 2 p. in.,
Thursday, and that tho evening
would bo given up to tho Ladles'
Home Missionary Union program.
Tho laymen should take front seats
and allow the ladies to return some
of their preaching,
llev. T. 13. Clapp was announced
for a paper on the chinch and edu
cation. Ho first lead a list of sub
seribers to a fund to send two
missionaries into the field In Oregon
for one year. About $l;UM) was sub
scribed and Mi. Clapp introduced a
subsctiLcr of $'.0 to read a paper in
his place.
Prof. O. 13. Shoivy read a paper
then on tho above subject. Tills
nation was born of Ideas, tlrsf held
peculiarly and vlslonlary and not
entertained by any nation. Tho
idea that prevailed then was that
the mitoses were born to bo ruled.
This nation spiting Into existence to
confute ttils idea. Uovernnionl was
everything, man nothing. This was
to bo i evolved. Tho blessings of
education, lolhjlou and liberty were
to lie the foci to foi in tho new nn
llon. C011I111I03 of patient labor had
puuluivd tlielreirect,aud hi lime this
uailon would not have within lis
,"r,k'r" 1,ot "" ""ltl hm ot
a ilriiiiKeu m.tn, not a man uuem
ployed, buta happy, contented chr's
(lati people.
(.geographical extent, diversity of
race, iiuido tho problem more dllll
cult. To build a snow white temple
out of many colors of rock was dl Ill
cult. The Ignoraii'C, superstition,
vlcos, wcakne. (cs and depravity of
twenty ni's were hero welded Into
one. Tho native virtues of tho
Anieiiean had to meet tho popular
vices of lCuropo. The nation had
paw etl beyond tho nur.ery llfo of
Now England mid had entered upon
a caieer of independent self-willed
life. A condoiUiiid synopsis cannot
do jtisth o to the mcrltn and solidity
of this paper. It was well con
ceived and well lead, and roundly
All mcuibors of Congregational
ehitrelii'M prcenl were invited to
take part in tho discussion of the
subject of education. Tho discussion
was very earnest and protracted.
Tho question of Paclllo university
at Forest Orove, Its relation lo the
Congregational denomination and
their lolallona to it was llio real sub
ject of the dl'jctuslon. Strong and
decisive resolutions were parsed ex-1
pressing the necessity and duty of
the deiiomiui't'ou having a col-!
lego under Its specific control, and '
the ciecllon of a eoiiiniltleo of 12.
to take such steps as will lead to tho
above end.
Pending a continuation of tills
dlsciibslon, the ladles Insisted by
various suggestive hints that a good
dinner was spoiling for want of
ecclesiastical attention, itiid mi ad
journment was had,
i:vi:ni.nii SIMHION.
Mrs, Or. Kills presided over the
missionary meeting in tho evening.
After a song seivlco the presiding
olllcer rend l()t!i Isaiah. After pray
er, Miss Cliailotto Huberts, ofTho
DalIon, submitted Iter annual report
as Oregon homo secretary of foieign
missionary wm I;, It was i lull of
personal expel Icucu ami a strong
plea for homo missionary worlc.
This lady pointed out that In al
aggressive christian work love must
lie tho Impelling force and that be
lieving hi christian work and acting
upon It are two things. Tho repoil
set foi lb the amount of literature
distributed, letters written and a
statement of results to the parent so
ciety. The largo and Intelligent
audluiice present took an unusual '
Interest In (ho detailed itiports from 1
the auxiliary sotilolleri of the various
uliuiuhe. There is evidently a
Krowlnj,' Intorwil In forvljii ml
" 'l't'." l weh f tlm Mrta wm
fOroitlimMl mi nm4l Mi" I
Out of Jfcfae Wire
Tormented with Salt J?7irtim
Cured by Jlood's Snrsaimrtlta.
Only thoe who Iinvo Riifforwl from salt
rheum In Its worst form know tho agonl- "
caused by this dlsoase. Hood's Sursapi
rllla lias hail grout success In curing naif
rhcuni, ami all affections of the blood.
" I owo tho gratttudo to Hood's Sarsapa
rilla that ono would to his rcsotier from a
Burning BulldlngKKE
with salt rheum, and find to leavo oST worl
altogether. Myfaco.nboutthocjTs.woiiU
bo swollen and scabbed, my hands ami t
part of my body would bo row urns foi
weeks at a time, my flesh would seiin so
rotted that 1 could roll pieces from betweou
my fingers as largo as a poo. Oao
physician called It yi,0PofQfin
and gnvo me medicine accord- rUlouii
Ingly; but salt rheum cannot bo cured In
that way. Filially I bought a bottle of
Hood's Sarsapnrllla. It helped me xo miirh
that I took two morn bottles, and v.i"
Entirely Cured LSbS
With salt rheum since. I also used Hood's
Ollvo Ointment ou tho places affected. It
stops the burning ni.d Itching sensation !ni
mediately. 1 w dl rooommrnd Hood's S ,i
snpavlllft not only f' r alt rheum, but S
S Loss of Appetite
all-gono' feeling so often exiwrlene'
A. I). JNililiiNS, J.unalca f'laln, Mass.
K 11. IfyouiIeelilototnkeHooil'sS.i'
pnrllta, donot bo ludiurd4obu nuyoti
Hood's SarsapariHr
yoldbrilruKKlnlt. Kl. '" f'TP 1T-i '
Hi. noon ro.. Aim ten' tiu4.i.iii. !
100 Doses One Dollar
Insure in Your Home Company!
"The State,"
Whloli has foi;tliOutt nl j rant
Issued Mote Policies,
Received More Premiums
And Paid More Losset
Upon properly loenteil la Oregon or Wanh
liiKton limn any other company.
It was (ho First Company lo Pay
all Losses in Full anil in Cash
ily llio throo Krwit I'OtillnumtlonH of Scut! If
KltouHlnirgaml Hpolcanu Falls.
GEO. 31. lltiKLElt,
City Alien"
Ami HMf litl Aei'iit Air .lliirlon County,
union hi tho company' Imllillnn
Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r,
Warm Meals a( All Hours of llio Day
Noun lint whlto lubor omployctl In thlk
A Ktxiil Hiihstautlitt ineitl cookeil In Unit
Twi'iity-Ilvo vcntM per meal.
1 WD if 1 O N T.
t'ouil Hlrcct, between Jourtml Ullleo anil
Mlnto'H Ijtvory.
Ceiiiuriuiil High Slrcot.
SufcessorloW.il. COOK.
ThuCiKik llototlH oppoNltr court Iioii.o
iiiiiM'li'iii tt) biiNiiit'M part of city nail
Ktri't't fur lino riniiilui piml tho door,
Itnlcri Jl.lW lo iW u tlay, iiouorilliiK to
room Hpet'lul Iitiiih to bnnriloni anil
"The Plumbers,"
UOM Cummut'otul St.
UmiIui In
Steam and Plumber's Goods,
l ! I fin it hi Irt'iutoiui Htovtir anil I'lro Cl
("hlmiiuy ripo,iito.
Pioneer Bakery
271 Commercial Street.
Kruiifh and (Jeriiiuii Wheat anil
Ryo nuMttlH In City UtyloH.
Vienna HoIIh.
I'atry and Cunfiretlonory
Halting In Full Btoolc.
My now hruiul mill eako btikuru
aro llrnt-oliiM artlnUi In their Hue,
and I aim tn havu
Hvcrytliing as Fine as Hid Finest,
Capital lily Restaurant
Scriber & Pohle's.
HimwImI hUwiUoh Klveo u, liixlux rmxl.
l.UrlviiiK liunMt, liiturrrlUKiiuUcilii
ilwl uufiHM. A !r
Stuck of IliiiiJ-ilailo Shoos Curried. r
W iilvauur ftouil i.nti4iii unit cnu
loy hJhi twlXitii In thin Ua(i. iiiur.i,
UffHiUmv. t My IOO-jiubb llluUrate.l
UtMlnu mit ttcvv, Ailareui WJIL T.
IHMIliirii. 4R Wiirreli HlTN.w Vorij