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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1890)
isMfflwTffW iiirmm pmiHOTANiiiwwu'jiiMii1 iiiiimn K HE CAPITAL JOUMAL TERMS OF BUBsiOUrrlON. Dally by mall p yew,. woo; Dallr br mall per month, to 100 Weekly by mall per year, -W not j rharjfd tor O i in advance tne price e WKKKI.T JOURNA1. will ke llperyw. If paperaarcnol acuverca d n Anaa --.-- -- nromrjtlv notltr IXMHMIUiVW. FKEB DKUVEUY BY CARRIER. Dally for Inle wmbv Tll flwtvrt vrefelt l5ctM, Tfcill v hr montb i Cts, .... t Collections will be mode on 1st and 15lh nr h HntMfribere will oleaso leave money for carriers at house or whereon U U delivered, i .to as to cause no delays In collections. Tub EvKnoOAriTAt.Jot7K!Ai. regu. tarty receives the anernoon associated press dlsprtches, SOME COMING EVENTS. July. Grandest celebration in urejron at Salem. GILBERT PATTERSON, Dealers in Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Paints, Oi's, Varnishes, Brushes, Windowglass, Etc. Sole Agents for Epicure Tea and Big Can Baking Powder. Doings at Albany. Yesterday was a marked epoch in tho history of our sister city up the river, the occasion being the dedication of u new Masonic temple, the ceremon ies winding up with a grand bail in tho evening. An immense number were present from dlfletcul poiubi in tho valley and all speak highly of tho hospitality and ingenuity of the residents In caring for visitors. Among those who attended from hero wcro noted tho following iro Ingand returning: Gov. oud Mrs. S. F. Chndwick, Mr. and Mra.E.M. Lafore, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rotan, Captain and Mrs. F. J. Uabcock, Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Gray, Mr. and Mrs. T. Mc F. I'atton, G. G. Bing ham, Hon. Win. Armstrong, L. F. Conn, T. N. McCauley; Robt. Clow and T. B. Richmond, of Dallas; Prof, and Mrs. E. B. McElroy, Mr. rind Mre. Willis E. McElroy, Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Boggs, Mr. anil Mrs. Chas. A. Gray, Mr. and Mrs. C. 8. RIely, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gray. Miss Helen Edes, Miss ICdun Moody, Miss Jessie South wick, Miss Bucna Sncll, Miss Harrington, Miss McFadden, Dr. J. M. Keene, Messrs. Frank E. Cross, Dan Volmer, Alex Rcnnlo, W. E. Crosby, W. J.D'Arey, Win. Miller, mid several others. To Be Rei'aiiied. The covered bridge, of tho unsafe condition of which tho Journal spoke a few days ago, is about to be put in proper repair and mado safe for travel. Street Commissioner Gra ham, with the commendable promptness and good judgment ho has shown since taking his posi tion, has the lumber ordered and part of it on the ground for tho necessary fixtures, and will proceed with the work as soon nnd as rap Idly as possible. There Is an im mense amount of travel over that hrldgo and it would not do to leave It in a dangerous or even doubtful condition. Mus. Lylk's Remains. Tho body of Mrs. Ellen Lyle, who died nt Eugcuo Monday, was brought down on tho ono o'clock train and taken to Dallas this afternoon in Minto it Low's hearse. Mrs. Lyle was an old aud highly respected res ident of Dallas, having crossed the plains in 1845 nud tho next year het tlcd on tho Gilliam donation claim, upon a portion of which the north ern part of Dallas now stands. Her husband, John E. Lyle, died somo 22 years ago. Deceased was GS years old. It esionki). M. W. Hunt, of this city, has resigned his position as lieutenant colonel of the Second Reg incut O. N. G., and his resignation has been accepted by Adjutant Gen. Shofner. In tho absence of Col. T. O. Smith, Major S. L. Lovell will have command of tho regiment, and It Is not known whether or not an election to fill the vacancy occasion ed by Col. Hunt's resignation will bo held before Col. Smith's return from his European trip. Fink Fisu.-Ed. N. Edes and T. A. Howard consider themselves the beat fishermen of tho season. Early this afternoon they succeeded in landing from South Mill creek near the Winter street bridge, a salmon trout measuring 29 inches and weighing tveu pounds. It was a beauty and the boys were justly elated over It, as It Is probably the i largest ever caught in these creeks.: ' Fwe FBfira,-For the finetqual - UJ f path, apricots, tnnauas, I orange, lemons, cherries aud alh other fmiU In market, call at J. G. Wnpnt'a anil tta ,ir.n1lA.I Wright' and be tupplied Insane Commitment, John Madden, aged 42 year, from Chi cago, IU., was brought to the Insane asylum to-day from Wasco county the cau of Ms insanity being tho excessive ue of alcoholio liquors. AN Explanation. members i of tho board of trade should pay tbelr dues to tho elected icrelary, i who alono Is authorized to receipt you for the ume, Respectfully yours. Jacob L. Mitchell, uvivt.rv h W .--- . ..,,. .,.. j , 6-25-lt. Cui'io. That U tho namo of Far- rar A Co'a new private brand of tea. Tt U exlra good. Try It. in. Nw far IU VuurtU. Seo horo boyul You must drew I lap for tho Fourth. Tho Capitol I l venture Co. havu Just opened up I fblff lino of now suits aud pant liloh are Boiling atprlcei that will onlli you. CONGREGATIONAL ASSOCIATION. They Meet In this City In Annual Ses sion and Hare a very Interesting Gathering. Tho State Association of Congre- , Kiuiuuuiiaio iiiUL ll gntioualists met at the First Cougre- ; .. . . . m estcrday nt 2 p. m. .....wm... MM.U . n.ttl. Tn rn tf -i f n.t I , u.i. . 41I..&IVV. A . JLU 'lUIJIf. Ul X Ulllllllll. iiiu li:i euiuu irieilli.r nary business and the credentials of those comprising the association were read, tho organization was er feeted by the election of Rev. A. I Rogers, of Corvallls, as moderator; . vviL.- r ai. ev. U. J. Webster, of Ash- lantl, clerk; Miss Maggie Cos per, of Salem, assistant clerk, and Itev. I). Stayer, of Forest Grove as treasurer and registnir. The as sociation met ygiiin last evening, and after a song service led by Itev. Cephas F. Clapp. Itev. A. Rogers, of Corvallls, preached the assoeia tlonal senium. The hurmon was good and pronounced in tauguugo that all could understand, vet was broad and deep in thought. The association Is well represent ed, the following ministers being In attendance: Row T. E. Clapp, First, and Rev. C. T. Whittlesey, Ply mouih, Portland; Rev. (J. L. (,r win, Salem; Rev. R. M. Jones, Oswego; Rev. O. V. .Lucas, Oregon City; Dr. J. V. Walls, Lalayette; Rev. E. P. Howell, Hood River; Rev. 8. 8. Murkhuiii, Hillside; Rev. B. F. Moody, HIINbon.j Rev. Daniel Slaver, Forest (Jiuve; Rov. D. L. Fordney, Gasten: Rev. J. W. Eldridge. Finney; Re. E. P. Rob erts, Falrview; Rov. F. J. Culver, East Portland; Rev. A. Rogers, Corvallls; Rev. G. J. Webster, Ash land; Rov. J. 11. Henderson, Ar lington; Rev. J. W. Sneed, Alblna; Rev. L. G. Rogers, Albany. TtJISDAY'B MEETING begun with a temperance session held at 0 a. m, There was a full at tendance and tho moderator called Mrs. Mary II. Ellis to prejlde at the organ, and the services opened with singing "Rock of Ages," after which Rev. Williams led in praver. Dr. J. W. Watts, of Li Fayette, an elderly man, read a pajwr on "Tho Church and Temperance." The church and ita branches was represented a tho church spiritual and its individual members not different sects. Tho church was composed of all who were Justified in Christ, called to be saints, the peopio of God. This was the church. What was temperance? Tho mod erate use of that which was good and tho total abstinence- from that which was bad. The speaker gave socratic and scriptural denunciations of intem perance. All intemperance was wroutr. Tlie relation oi me ciiurcn forth ' and tho liouor traffic was set in tho texts from I Cor. 10, 21; Isaiah 61, 17; Lev. 10, 8; Deut. 32, 33; Gal. 5, 21; Dent. 29, 20. Astowtiethcr the use of iutoxi cants or the saloon system was an evil or not was no longer a ques tion. It was ovll and only evil. Jurisprudence, political econ- omy, medical science pronounced agaiust it. One-half of this great nation had prohibited it in their constitutions nud pronounced against it by statutory laws. What ought wo to do as a church to rouso up public opinion and sccuro tho final overthrow of this curse? To-j Utl abstinence as nn individual aud j eutlro protection for the homes agaiust the saloon curse was the only sound and solid ground to stand upon. Let all the iempcrnnco forces of tho state be massed m one general lino of action. A general line of work that all can ngree ou must be ndopted all along the line nnd witli I God helpiug, the people would bej educated up to abolish the evil. Get all the preachers, editors, good talkers, doctors, lawyers, ou the plat- LosT.Vool buggy robe, be forms at public meetings in churches, twm) t,,e rcfildence of F. N. Gilbert nans, hcnooi nouses aim iuiiko speeches to educate tho peopio for temperance. Elder Wntts' remarks were heartily .applauded. Mre. Wallace was Invited to pre-, sent tiie greetings of the W. C. T. , U. of Oregon, asklug that the asso- j elation give their order its maral j support. Sho did so lu a graceful, spirited and effective manner. Tho moderator thanked the lady and said the committee ou resolutions would refer to the matter. Rov. LVpliag Clapp moved n com mltteoof three, with Dr. Watts as chairman, to draft roolutlous ou tho subject of temperance. Bro. Dickinson, of the Seventh Day Ad ventuts was elected correspond- j inB member, and delivered a few j good suggestions on the subject of ; Houor aud tobacco, enforced by a ' practical Illustration, of tho needs of I '. ... humanity. Rev. Williams voted the prohibi tion ticket aud worked lurd to get others to voto it. He had aslo great faith In the pastoral prayer for tem perance. Rev. Robt. Whltaker, of tho Bap tist church, was elected as a corres ponding member. THK CHl'RCII AND THK COMMON TIXM'LK was presented by Rev. G. J. Web- ter, of Ashland, In a pleasant, easy maimer, lie ueuneu mo common peopio as tho masses, tho hand workers, tho laborers, tho non capital elasaeu, who worked for a living, tho peopio who wcro not at tho top of tho ladder. The uu.- common were tho extremes, tuo inference was that tho relation of tho church and tho common people woro not of tho beat. In ou churohea not in Oregon of court the. rich wcro toadied to and tho oQiumou neonlo wore patronWed ftiul nhnaA llui IMXir BM ttt Hell lit (faith, and James designated the rich as the oppressors of the church. The wrong was with the church. tmrist preached to the poor es pecially. His denunciations were of the Pharisees, the lawyers, the hypocrites nud the rich. This was all changed .now and tho rich, the famous aud the nilehty were I " t ll I nominally tho most influential in the church. Sydney Smith's sneer at "consecrated cobblers" was evidence that at times tho church hnd become the church of the masses and of the poor. Eccles iaslicism and church politics was the machine within the church, was of large and growing dimensions, nnd at the root of the evil that made tho rich the desir able members of our churches. Money is made the full measure of a church member's worth. The church cives the idea that the poor are not wautod,und so tails to reach the masses. A warm, hearty hu man Interest in people as people, de void of dress and station, s emed the great want of the church. Eccle slastlcism was the b.ine of the age. TheCatholic church made the prince and beggar kneel on the same floor. The rich as a rule do not add to Die pirltual wealth of a church as do the poor. They do not pay in propor tion to the poor. Self-denials of the many arc more holy than the gener osity of the few. His address was applauded. The association took a recess of five minutes when the de votlonal exercises were led by Rev. Cephas Clapp. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON. After a substantial lunch served In tho lecture room of the church, the association met and took up the subject of christian education. The evening bcshIou will be given up to tho Woman's State Home Mission ary society, who have a most in teresting program. Sum! on Groceries. Try the Capitol Adventure Co's new grocery store for bargains in that line. Fresh groceries, pro visions, oranges, bananas, caudles, and vegetable always on hand. Best delivery rig in the city. Numekous CoiiroiiATiONS. Ar ticles of incorporation were filed in the secretary of state's office tc-day as follews: The Congregation of the First Presbyterian church of Bay City, Oregon, witli Wm. O. Fuber, chairman; Geo. M. Frank, clerk; J. , S. Elliott, Alexander Finlnyson, Mrs. Emma Wilson, trustees aud incorporators; value of property, , 300. The Mt. Tuber Light and j Water company, with J. D. Halt, ' C. F. Swl;;ert, and H. C. Campbell incorporators; principal office Po. t-. lnml capital stock $29,000; object to itiruisu water ana nrtiucini ngui to the people of Mt. Tabor. The East Eugene Towusite company, George R. Dedmau.Chas. L. Brush, r'7ul Ui 'i'-'"--- v- " Geo. E. Sturgis. Robt. L. Taft, Per- Corwin. ry H. Raymond and Edward M..So,oand choruB-Uolumbia the Atklnsnn. incorporators! Mnltn, ' Gem of the Ocean," Miss Hams, stock, ,W00; principal otllce, Port-1 land. The Coliseum Theatre com- pany, with J. Ward, B. F. Mc Cauley and C. E. Deal incorpora tors; p'lucipal office Portland; cap ital stock, ?CO00. The Pendleton Lumbering company, with Henry Shulthi's, Sam P. Sturgis and Jns. A. Howard Incorporators; capital stock, $15,000. Cnntlng nnd Flags. Big bargains in lino bunting and flags at the Capitol Adventure Co. Also a flue SO-ft flag for sale at a bargain. Paid His Fink. Alex Shaw was up before Recorder Conn this morn ing for being drunk. Ho was fined 7 and cost which ho paid, and gained his freedom. and the Congregational church. Finder please return to ofllce of Gilbert Bros, nnd receive reward. The Stove Will Uo, a few packages of the Reliauco tea with chance to draw the stove juiy i8t, still left. See adv. Cox it Boggs. Tho Best Light, i That is what we want on auy I subject, aud two arc electric lights make a store at night Just as bright j as day. This is important in se 1 lecting clothes, and you get the ben iefltof it at Conrad's. "" Jl'LY FII1ST. Subscribers to the Dally Jopunai. wll0 do not kccpn business ofllce are ......wi i.nv ,, .Iha ti, wt ,efl nt l0 pbco "where tho ..... paper Is delivered no they can got it ou the nbovo date, See the first. When you are In Salem you do not want to put up with anything but tho best. You want to visit tho tluest stocks aud see the biggest layouts. To do that In clothing, ' Johnson, Boothby A- Co's., is the placo to visit. Oil and gasoline stoves in great j Variety aud cheap, at Stelner & Bios her1 How to Cure Nervousness. A body with a nervous tempera ment will make known Its wants through IU natural medium the nervous aymotn. ir u laiu i re ceive proper nourishment the nerves win no tuo tirst to cry out, nr. Hlller'a HvdnuUno Rostoratlvo eiuAireo perfect nutrition to those who take It, and a perfectly nour ished body cannot bo nervoua. For aalo at 1, J. Fry'a, SALEM'S GRAND CELEBRATION. Full Program Arranged for the Fourth of Jnly. OKFICKU8 OK THE DAY. President Dr. J. A. Richardson. vice presidents: Albany O. H. Irvine. Independence E. C. Pentinud. Silverton H. G. Guild. Mt. Angel C. Cleaver. Kjayton W. H. Hobson. Dallas Thos. Richmond. Chemawa Supt. G. M. Irwin. Eugene J. M. Hodson. Harrisburg Sam'l May. Gervuis L.H. Poujade. Aurora Henry Uiesy. Mehaina-G. P. Terrell. Turner E. E. McKinney. Jeflerson J. B. Looncy. Corvallls Zeph Job. Selo J. Myers. McMinnville Dr. Geo. Wiight. Orator Dr. C. C. Slratton. Reader W. J. D'Arcy. Cliaplaln C. L. Corwin. Chief marshal E. C. Cross. Assistants W. W. Williams, In dependence; D. Relly, Dallas; F. C. Baker, Portland; M. W. Hunt, W. 11. Holmes and D. C. Sherman, Sa lem. All tho committees of the coming celebration met this morning and af ter considerable deliberation nnd hard work, formulated the following I'ROOham: Salute of 13 guns at sunrise. Procession forms at 10 a. m. sharp on Commercial street, right resting on State. Line of march: Down tho west side of Commercial to Chemekete Countermarch on east side of Com mercial to State East on State to Summer North on Summer to Court Weston Court to Commer cialNorth on Commercial to Mar ion square. ORDER OF PROCESSION. Chief Marshal. Colors. Band. Carriages containing President, Cliaplaln, Orator and Reader of the Declaration. Carriages containing State, County anu uity otiieers. Liberty Car. Baud. Grand Army of the Republic. Band. Knights of Pythias. Band. Visiting Fire Departments. Baud. Salem Fire Department. Band. Trades Display. Band. Citizens on Foot, in Carriaces and on Horotbaek. Mouorificabilatudiuliusri. J PROGRAM AT OHOl'NDS. Music by the band. Chorus America. Music by the band. Solo aud chorus "Hail our Country's Natal Morn," Miss Willis, , bouquet of artists and chorus. r . i... M.n .,).: ... T".. i t bouquet of artists and chorus Music bv the band Reading of the Declaration by W. J. D'Arcy. Music by the baud. Solo "Vive la America" Miss Parrish. Oration by Rev. C. C. Strutton. Music by the band. Solo "Star Spangled Banner," Mrs. Strickler, bouquet of artists nnd chorus. Benediction by Chaplain C. L. Corwin. AFTERNOON PROGRAM. Fire department contest nt 2 o'clock. HOSE HACK. Distance to run, 100 yards to hy drant, lay 200 feet of hose and get water. Prize $100. ENGINE RACE. Eugine to be set on cistern, ruu 100 yards, attach to englue, lay 100 feet of hose and get water. Prize $50. TENDER RACE. Team to be composed of twelve hoys, not over 10 years old; run 100 yards. Pri70, given by Chief En gineer Geo. G. Bingham, to be twelve gold badges engraved witli company's uatneatid department. Baseball mntch for prizes at 4 o'clock. Foot race of 300 yards on Commer cial Btreet for diamond badge, pre sented by S.W. Thompson & Co., at 5:30 p. in. Band contest for prizei nt Willson avenue, 7:30 o'clock. Five bands to enter. Chkap Farm. J. J. Shaw sold at administrators sale to-day the Peter Sharbaeh estate noar Gervais, con sisting of ISO acres of land, W) acres in cultivation. John Brook, of Canby, bought Jt for H"W. This is n good farm and went dirt aheap, II K WAS ASUAMXD To Ask Again, but III Frauk Lttr (lot It for Illra. A few months ago one o( the un(ertunt inmates in the n Freuciico Almihouis was latplred by the sensational statements In tb uewipsper uriih the bellet that Jor"s Ycub Srpr!U would ceip him. But without money, how to get It iu the ques tion. FiBillr he wrote to th Edwin W. Joy Co., appealing to their generosity, and it wu not unheeded, the cortted preparaUon b lng sent by the next parcel dellTerr, It tree! It best told In a iubejuent letter, (rota which we quote the following " I suppose yott know m by this writing, and tny circumstance as4 condition. aV though Improving, I ask ol yoar gsacroslty lor auotbtr bottl ot your .tt I) l 'eretihl tUrsaparUU. Its laxaflv action Is ptrleo Uau (Melt. It em so tfceroajaly reguUtta wy system wit nr ratarrn, tbtumsutia. romtlustloa. and he4schirs ara all bcttsx. 1 ll aihaiaed loaik ta tart syrbut wbsl thanidoT 1 thought I tntht tm ot4 any more, but 1 am now Maaxluus VokMpltup; but you see bow It is." It wm not, tad tit can gsl mors It h bda tt "U Great ) a r J J JM $ 200 ORGANS for Ji'JU. Eldridge TAILORING CALL OK WRITE. EVERYTHING GUARANTEED. anteed. Repairing and cleaning done. The only first class tailoring es tablishment in the city. REALKSTATE AXD Al'CTIOXEERIXO.' A Strong Firm. Shaw & Downing are a new es tablished firm in real estate circles , in the capital city. Their special l branch of the husinei-s is buying and selling for other parties. They sell no land of their own'but do purely i n broker's bulsness. They ure old residents cf Marlon county, having, been practical tanners here for near- i ly a quarter of a century, which fact j alone makes them the best posted mi'ii ennporninsr farm property lu the business. Their specialty is farm property, of which they already have the largest list of any firm in the city. They also handle city and surburban property, in which Hue they can satisfy the most exacting. In addition to the real estate busi ness, tills firm do general auction eering. They have regular auction yards at the livery htable of Minto & Low, where all kinds of stock and other property will be sold. They also take charge of sales in anv part of the state, and make a specialty of selling blooded stock. This firm have the advantage of kuowing all the people and con ditions of business, hence they are well prepared to serve all new i comers. They keep free rigs, nnd take pleasure in showing tourists aud settlers the advantages of the country. All correspondence con cerning the country and their busi ness promptly answered. The simple fact that we are old residents in this county and thor oughly known is sufficient guaranty that what we offer to the public is of a good character. We take pains to investigate everything before we offer it to the public. Shaw & Downing, Salem, Oregon. Slaughters In Gnnnt, Challies and satines still being slaughtered at the Capitol Adven ture Co. Bargaius in dress goods and fancy goods. Residents of Marion county are requested to bring specimens of grains, fruits, vegetables, etc., forciis- play in the board of trade rooms Spring Fever. At this season of the year the most ig- orous and hearty people onen have a feet y people onen have a feel- lngnf weariness, tired and worn out, with out ambition to do anything, and many bieak out In pimples and bolls. What you require is a mild tonic medicine that will act gently on the liver and blood.and lor tnis, noining equals ur. uunn s iro nroved Liver Pills. T hey give an activity to the liver, purify the blood nnd by their mild tonic action, new vitality ana strength to the entire system. Sold at 25 cents a box by Smith it Stelner. THE YAnUlNA ROUTE. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD And Oregon Development company's steamship line. 225 miles shorter, 20 hours less time than by any otnei loute. First class through passenger and freight line from Portland and nil points In the WU lamette vallev to aud from Sau Francisco TIME SCHEDULE. (Except Sundays). Ueavo Albany 1KWPM Leave Corvallls 1:40 PM Arrive Yaqulna --..... 5:30 PM Leavo Yaqulna .-..-... &t5 A M Leave Corvallls 10:35 AM Arrive Albany 11:10 AM O. A C. trains connect at Albany nnd Corvallls. The above truttis connect at YAQUINA with the Oregon Development Co's Line if NtM'iishlns between anulna and San Frunclsco. SAIMMi DA-. ;i:i. STKAMERS. FKOM YAQHINA Farallon, Friday, . June 27 Willamette Valley,.Tuc?day July 1 Farallon. SumUy Willamette Valley, Thursday " 10 Farallon, Tuesday... " 15 STKAMKKS. FROM SAN FUANC1SCO Willamette Valley, Friday June 27 i Farallon, Tuesdayu. July I I Wlllamclto Valley, Sunday " B Farallon, y ... . " 10 Wlllametto " 15 Tins ifimpany reserves mo rigm to chauge sailing dates without notice, . ii. 1'asj-cnpen. irom roru Willamette Valley points cau en from Portland nnd all i- nntnfa nil, Timtct rlr.A with the trains of the ' YAOUINA ROUTE at Albany orCorvallls i and If destined to Situ Francisco, should arrange to arrive at Yaquina the evening before date of sailing. I t'xrngr anil Freight Kilrs Always the I bowMt. For Information npnly to Messrs, I HU1.MAN A Co., Freight and Ticket I Ageut 200 and 202 Front t Portland, Or. or to 1 C.C. HOQUK, Ac't Gsn'l Frt. A i Pass. Agt., Oregon laclnc R. It. Co.. , Corvallls, Or O 11. HASWELL,Jr. Geu'i Frt; A 1 Pass. Agt. Oregon Development Co.. 304 Montgomery '..: San Francisco, Cal Remember the Oiezon Pucldc rtonular summer eucurslons low rate tickets are now on sale from all valley points to Yaqulna and return. V. C. HOGUE, Ast. tt. F. aud P. Agent, (Oregon . H. Company Line. ! (Limited.) C. N. SCOTT, RKCK1VER Ttekets for any point on this line for sale i at the depot, foot of Jerteroon street, and w the Cnlled mirage and baggage Transfer coinpauy's ofilcv. corner Secoud and fine street. Commutation Tickets at 2 cents per mile. General offices northwest corner First aud Pine streets, lVrtland. EAST SIDE Front Portland Silver-Coburg ton ao mall Toward ParUand Port'ndPort'd mall Exp Stations. Lvrx i ft) 60s TOO LV AM., AIM AftAU I ft) JMrtl'nd 8 P Co S iS a Si lUv's UindllliT. H 38 10 U 9 43 S 49 7W 10 50. Woodburu 40 11 T--Sllverton aj & 07UrwnsvtIU 7 40. .Coburg 00 WKST JilDki Alrlle mall Portland mall X.T 7ti IU ftU AM AH m lrtland MWV. 4 35 buBde Juuetiaa 106 t. 3hirlJaa . 10 HIL.Uns,..,,. an Manmouth 7 si AtrtU. Hi l-9wlx Offer! $GUU PIANO for 225, Upright brand. 500 PIANO In flue order $125. ENORMOU3 BARGAINS ou the Celebrated COLIJ Y Pianos for a few weeks only 250 ORGANS, the finest In tho world, for lo0 150 ORGANS for 70. Buy now nud save money. Cash or installments. Bargains In all kinds of music goods at ASTON'S, Block, - Commercial St. E. SCHOETTLE, 272 Commercial street, merchant tailor. The fines suits to order at the lowest prices. A perfect fit guar .MARKET KEPOIIT. A Synopels t tho Markets Bnylnc and Selling Prices. TtETAII. PKICES. REVISED QUOTATIONS. Shoulders-Sugar ctired.pcr lb,12 Breakfast bacou 12i Hams Suear cured, per lb, 15 leyfc. Beef-8 12Kc. Pork 10 vy.c. Mutton S 12Jc. Veal-10 12c. Timothy seed Per pound, 7c; selling, lied clover seed Per pound, 12c. White clover seed Per pound, 18c. " Alslke 18c per pound. Red top 12c per pound. Lincoln Grass 12Hc per pound. Rye Grass 10c per pound. Beans 5c per lb- selling. Oat meal Selling nt 4 to Gc bcvino pricks. Wheat-H&ie net, Flour-Per barrel. $1.00, best 1W lbs. Oats Per bushel, 30 35c. Barlev Per bushel, 60c Bran Per ton. $15 50 at mill, sacked. Shorts Per ton. S1B.25 " sacked. Chp Per ton, $19.00 ' sacked. Hops Quoted at 1012c per lb. Egg 2oc per dozen. PotatoesPer bushel, 51.50 new Corn meal 3c per pounu. Cheese lu15c per pound. Dried pluuis Per lb. 6Tc. Dried prunes Per lb. S3 12c. Emported prunes "J-Cc per lb. Butter 20 per pound for good Lard 10.312c per lb. Hams Per pound,12lSe. Bacon sides 10 per lb. Shoulders SI0c per lb. Chlckens.Koosters 7 Hens 10c Hogs On foot 5K Beef On foot 3Mi Wool Valley Per lb. 20e. mohair 1S25 Geese $6 to S9 per do. Ducks $5 to $7 per dor. Hides green3 cts. Hides dry 5Scts. Sheep pelts 2iJl. JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in Groceries, Paints, Oils and Window Glass, Wall Pa per and Border, Artists' Ma terials, Lime, Hair. Nails and Shingles, Hay, Feed and Fence Posts, Grass Seeds, Etc, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ;jTh Satan Cannery Will be In the market for all canning va rieties of Cherries, Black Raspberries and Blackberries After June 15th. C:i-3wdw SINGER SEWING MACHINE Office 181 Commercial Sti All styles of the Famous Singer constant ly on hand; also repairs and needles for aU kinds of machine. BUHT CASE, Agent. WUATISA TUBULAR WELL? Be Sure to Read and Get do Other. A gcnuioeTubular well Is constricted by putting down a three Inch Iron pipe, with no openings except top and bottom. No dirt can get In and only pure water can be got out. This Is the only kind of well that worms nnd Insects cannot get Ihto, that la absolutely surface water proof, aud that Is forced through the cement strata to the pure living water. It is positively the only kind of well that Is worth building In this country James A. Roberts, Salem, (residence near fair grounds) makes these wells. '1 erms reasonable 10 year experi ence. &31-lm-d-5m-w Administrator's Sale. TOTICE Is hereby given that pursuant to J the order of the Hon, County Court of the State of Oregon, for the county of Marion, umy maae ana entereoon tqe ivm day of May, l&M.enipowertngand directing the undersigned administrator of the es tate of Peter Scharbach, deceased, to sell the lands hereinafter described, I will on the 21th day of June, 1S90, at lo'clck p. m. of sId day, at the door of the court house lr. the city of Salem, In said county, sell at public auction to the high est bidder for cash In hand, the following derlbcd lands and premises belonging to said estate ol Peter scharbach, deceased, to wit; Witness my hand, this 20th day of May, 1KM. JOHNCiVLVERT, Administrator of the estate of Peter schar bach, deceased. &23-5w Administrator's Sale. JN pursuance of an order of the County Court of Marlon fouuty, Oregon, author, ing metis administrator of the Estate ol Archibald Hogg, deceased, to sell the pergonal property of said estate at private or public sale, ) will on Wednesday the 25th day of June, 1SSW, at ten o'clock In the forenoon nt the Aakeny farm, ten mlle MMlh pf Salem, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, all the personal proper ty of si-.ld eatate not then already sold, con. listing of InX) bead of sheep and lambs, s neaaoi uores, . cows, i yeaning can, ii botfs. farming implements, household furniture, etc. Terms; All sums of (10 and under, cash in band. Above J 10, cash or approved note at four months, and eight per cent Inter est. The right Is reserved to reject any bid or note ottered. J C.NEKDHAM, Administrator of the esute of dw Archibald Hogg, Deed. MS Rgmumber Youk Friends. If you want to post your friends about Salem, tho Willamette valley and Oregon bend them tho Weekly Capital Journal, onlyjl.00 & year. It will be aa good aa a letter each week, and they will also be In terested Id our eptoJal write-up editions that appear once a month. Orders by mall or at ofllce, next door to the rxwtornce. HorxK Bros., Publisher. FOURTH OF -HEADQUARTERS FOR- Flags, Firecrackers( Roman Candles, Whistling Bombs, Sky Rockets Torpedoes, ?Pfe Best Stock In City of RIFLES, SHOT GUNS, REVOLVERS Base BallB, Hammocks, Croquet, Ammunition all kinds. Brooks &. Harritt No. 94 State Street, Salem, $10,000 For Ten Thousand Dollars Fancy and Staple Groceries, For prices and WELLER 201 Commercial St. fSTGoods delivered free SALEM 177fiAiilMn THE CAPITOL CITY OF OREGON WILL CELEBRAT JUIvY 4th. Grandest Celebration Ever Held in the Valley. Oration, by Rev, C, C, Reading Declaration, by W. J. D'Arcy, of Salem. Singing of National Hymns, by 150' Trained Voices. Seven Bands have been engaged, as follews: ALBANY BRASS BANT), INDEPENDENCE BRAHS BAND, SILVERTON BRASS BAND, BTAYTON BRASS BAND, DALLAS BRASS BAND, CHEMAWA BRASS BAND, SALEM BRASS BAND. Fire Departments throughout the State will participate in grand En cine and Hose contests for prizes. Bicycle contest for prizes. Base Ball, match game, for prizes. Grand Band contest In the evening for prizes; (live or more bands to enter.) Aside from above, there will be innumerable other attractions, such as vlsitiug the State Institutions, riding ou the new Electric railroad, foot races, tic, &c Many surrounding cities have already decided to join us, and froia, prreeut indications there will be at least 50,000 people present, Rates reduced on railroad and steamboat lines. -O- Salem Will be Joined by the Entire Willamette Valley July the 4th. Watch For The Program. JULY GO0DS Bombs Double Heads, Pin Wheel,, Japenese Utemj Etc, Etc, V Oreg0ri $10,000 Sale- -worth of- terms enquire of to all parts of the city. Stratton, of California. UIlUu., jsKssHHH7?!sHr "