$m$t if w tr jFb iv PK Co confldunt re the nanufacturen of Dr. Saga's CaUrrh Itcmedr in thslr abllitr to euro Chronio cacarra in mo neaa, no mmttfT hair bad or of haw Ion? Itandlnr. that they offer In trood faltb, tbo aboro reward, for a caso wn filch they cannot cure. symptoms 01 mwrr lPtomi or Cnturrn. Headache. obstruction of nose, discharges falling' Into throat, sometimes profuse, watery and ao rta, at omcrs, uucir, tenacious, mucous, purulent, bloody and putrid; eyes weak, ringing In cars, deafness, expectoration of offensfire natter; breath offenslro; smell and taste unpaired, and general debility. Only a few of theso symptoms likely to bo present at once. Thousands of case result la consumption and end in tho graTO. By its wild, soothing, antiseptic, cleans ing and healing properties, Dr. Sago's Rem edy cures tho worst cases. "Cold in tbo Head ' is cured with a few applica tions. Catarrhal Hendactifl is relieved and cured as if by magic. It removes offensive breath, loss or impairment ot tbo sense of taste, smell, or hearing, water ing or weak eyes, and impaired memory, when caused by tho violence of Catarrh, as they all frequently arc. Sold by drug gists, at fifty cents. Manufactured by woimVB Dispensary Medical Aksocia now, C03 Main Street, Buffalo, tf . r. Dr. Pierce's Pellets. Purely Vegotablc. Gently Laxative, or Cathartic, nooordlng to iUo of dose. By druggists, S cents a TiaL PKOFESSIONAI, CAKD3. CD. KNIGHT, Uclcctlo I'hRlcUa.offlcs , 127 Court street, Hnlom Oregon. lul monnry diseases n spcclnlty. DU.J. M KKKNK, Dentist. Ofllcoover tho Whlto Corner, Court nnd Com. mcrcial streets. "nUATT A HUNT, nttorneys nt lnw, Bnlcm, r Oregon. Office over Hnrr'H Jewelry store, Stato street. X J. RHAW. Attorncr-nt-Lav. Snlcm, tho left J . Oregon. Office first door t tbo left at head of stairs In tho rear of I.ndd A Uushs bank. mlLMON KOHD, nttorncy nt law, Snlcm, I Oregon. Ofllco upstairs In ration's block. J A. AlU'l-EQATK, attorney at law. . Friers block, Commercial and Htate streets, Salem, Or. -JOHN A. CARBON, Counsellor and At l torney-nt-I,riw. Member of tho llur of Ontario, Canada. Olllco 102 Btat btreot, Hftlcm, Oregon. Tir I'. W1LMAMH, 8TKN0QHAPHER l . and Typcwrltlst. OMee with Cnpl tnl city H'y. Co., HSWtato Bt. T7t O. I1AKKH, Collection, Commission Jp , and Street Car Advcrtl lug Agent. Collections made nt reasonable rates. Goods sold on commission Advertise ment Inserted In street cars nt bedrock rules. 2U.1 Commercial St., Salem, Ore HUSINKVs CAIUJS. A M. CLOUOII, Undertaker. Kmbalmer A. and Cabinet Mnlcer, 107 Htato HI.. Snltm. TTt II. MOIVSi:, contractor and Ilulldcr. Vl, All orders promptly attended to mlllgh street, Hulcm. TOHtf GItAY. Omtractor and builder. el Kino Inside finishing 11 specialty. JSS Commercial stieet, Sulom Oregon. r TIN KNIGHT, HlnckHinlth. Horse tl Htioelngandrcpnlritignhpeclalty. Hhop at tho foot of Liberty street, Hnlcin, Oregon. 1, Oregn 2.t? SOUTHWICK. Contnictor and I hul kinds of builder. Well nrcrmred to do all kinds or building and guarantee MUisfcn tlon, l-'Jl-lm noilRKT & McNAMA", Architects, No. TV 1X1 Htato Htrcct. Clans and specifica tions of all clnRscsof of building on short notice. Buperllitcndcacoof ork promptly lootcnd after. !6-tf socnrrv noticim. KNiailTSOKl'YTHIAS.-HcKUlnrmcot Ing on Tiiesdny night of each w eek nt 7:JU p. in. J.OM)ONALD:C. C. Y. H. II. WATKIU4, K, of H. and H. OLIVKLODGKNo. 18, I. 0. O. F., meets In Odd Kellnws' Hall upstairs. Cornei Commercial nnd Ferry streets, every Sat urday at 7:110 p. m. .1, It. MlTCIIKKI., 1. A. M ANNINO, Hecrctary. N. G. OA. .-6odgwick Post, No. 10, Depart- inent of Oregon, meets every Monday evening at tbo linll ovei the Oregon Ijind comrwuy's ofllco. Visiting comrades an cordially Invited to attend. 1). C.Biikhman, l'ont i-oniiimilcr. B. A. IUnulk, Adjutant, O, V W.-1'rotcctlou ldgo No. 2, A. 1. O. U. V Halem, Oregon. Meets men Wednesday ocutngjtl Its hull iu Htate In surunco block, comer Commercial and CbcmekeUi streets, VUltlnguiul Sojourn ing bgethrcu linltcd 8 A IU.M11.K, M V 1KA Euu, Recorder. 0 $1 AVILL BUY A LOT Of goods at our store! Wo carry n full line of groceries, feed, crockery, glassware, ci gars, tobacco Bint confectionery, t. minnows, No. ' Coiunu'relal Ht., Aalem, Morgan & Mead, City Draymen I All work dono with prompting and ilia paten. Only tbo bent men tiro employed. 3-1. T. H. HUBBARD, Acent for Cyclone Separators, Russell Engines A .., m:u u-,u: b " ",m """-I'liK-ryi UIdeneSH Commercial Ht., galem, Ure. UiKim Capital National Bank SALEM - - - OREGON. Capital Paid up, . . . $76,U00 oiirpios, ...... V. W. il A UTI N, . Vlwrmtdent. J. II, AL1IKUT, .... CuUler. OlRtCTORSi V. T. Gray, V W. Martin, J.M.Mftrtlu, U.H. Wallace Dr. W. AX'uilek. J. H.Albrt, T. MclMvuou. LOANS XvtADlS '1 former on wheat and oiurr market- utile j.roduoo, ooultfud or iu lore, elllicr In iirtvato KruuarlMor public wareliouic. Slate and Coaoty Warrants Bougll at Tar. COMMERCIAL PAPER j)Ioounto at rouabU wtw. lrnrl drawn direct on New vorit, uuiomru, u KrancUco, iwiund. Indou, tvrln, Jicrlm wjuhw ....- - .r". -.... :. - . .i Tbo Tension Bill as Finally Passed. Tbo following la tho text of tho pension bill ns passed by both bouses nnd sent to tbo president: Section 1. That In consIderlnK I tbo pension claims of dependent ' parents the fact of the Boldier's death oy reason of any wound, in Jury, casualty or disease which, under tho conditions and limitations of existing lawn, would have en titled him to an invalid pension, ! nnd tho fact that the soldier left no widow or minor children having been shown us required by law, It shall bo necessary only to show by competent and sufllcicnt evidence that such parent or parents are without other present means of support than their own manual labor or tho contributions of others not legally bound for their support; provided that all pensions allowed to dependent parent under this act shall commence from tin; date of the filing of the application here under nnd shall continue 110 lon'-r than the existence of tba depend ence. Sec. 2. That nil petrous who served two month? or more in the military or navnl wrvire of the United States duiimr the Kite war of the rebellion, air i who have been honorably di'-chiiied therefrom, and who are lion and who may hereafter be stilleri uc faun a men tal or physical dNubilltj of a perma nent character, not the result of their own viscinus habile, which in capacitates tlicni from tho perform ance of manual labor in such a de gree as to render them unable to earn a support, hIiiiII upon making duo proof of the fact according to such rules and regulations as the secretary of the interior may pro vide, be placed upon the list of in valid pensioners of the United States and be entitled to receive a pension not to exceed $12 per month and not less than $0, proportioned to their inability to earn a support; and such pension shall commence from the duto of the filing of the application iu the pension oillcc, after tho passage of this act, upon proof that the disability then existed and shall coutinuo during the exist ence or such (lisanllity; provided, that persons who aro now receiving pensions under existing laws, or whose claims are pending iu the pension ofllcc, may, by application to tho commissioner of pensions, in such form as lie may prencrib", showing themselves entitled thereto, receive the benefit of this act; and nothing herein contained shall be construed so as to prevent any pen sioner thereunder from prosecuting his claim and receiving his pension under any other geueral or special act; provldedf however, that no per son shall receive more than one pen slouforthe same period; nnd, pro vided further that rank In the ser vice shall not bo considered iu application Hied under this act. Hec. C. That If any olllcer or en listed man who served ninety days or moro in the army or navy of the United States during tho late war of the rebellion, who was honorably discharged, has died, or shall die, leaving a widow without other mentis of support than her daily la bor, or minor children under 1G years of ago, such widow shall, upon due proof of her hushands's death, with out proving ids death to bo the re sult of his army service, be placed on tho pension roll from tho (Into of tho application therefor under this act, at the rato of $S per mouth during her widowhood, and shall also bo paid f2 per month for each child of the olllcer or enlisted man under 16 years of age; and iu case of the death or re-marrlago of tho widow, leav ing a child, or children, of such olll cer or enlisted man under the age of 10 years such pension shall bo paid sucli child, or children until tho age of 10 years; provided, that inp..u.niii.nr i.l.u.l l inuin... mi. i ... M.'V .. ......... V...... ... ... ..., .... otic or otherwise permanently help less, tho pension shall coutinuo dur ing tho life ot said child, or during tho period of such disability; and this provision shall apply to all pen sions heretofore grauted or hereafter to bo granted under this or any other statute, and such pensions shall commence from the dato of tho application therefor, after tho passago of this act; and provided, further, that said widow shall have niarrlad said soldier prior to the pas sago of this act. Sec. 4, That no agent, attorney, or other person engaged in prepar ing, presenting or prosecuting any claim under tho provisions of this , act shall, directly or Indirectly, con- ! tract for, demand, receive or retain J for such services In preparing, pro-' 1 sontlng or prosecuting such claim a 1 sum greater than 10, which sum shall bo payable only upon the order of tho commissioner of pensions, by UJ i"10" """I '""""B iy-'" of tho ii)loit allowed; and ,.uv iNinton who shall violate any of tho provisions of tills section, or who shall wrongfully withhold from a pensioner or claimant tho whole or any part of a pension or claim allowed or duo such pension, er or claimant under tills act, shall bo deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, aud upon conviction theteof, shall, for each und every oftonce, be lined not exceeding (600, or imprisoned at hard labor not exceeding two years, or both, In the discretion of tho court. How to Cure Nmoumrn. A body with a nervous tempera. inent will mako known its wants thruuirh lu natural medium Uie nervous ytem. If It fall re- celve proper uournmucm mo nerve will IK) Hie lira i 10 ury out. tr. out. Dr. 11 tiler's Hvdrustluo Rculorullvo i ciiburea pericci nuiriuou io ....-. -. who tnko It. uiul a iwrfeotly " .. .-- --- --, , . - i. iIH,Hi Imkiv call not no nervwim. rur, .ift , d'j i.Vv', Highest of all in Leavening Power. 1 X s&& ABSOLUTELY PURE A Word for Salem. Ed, Jeurnal: During our few mouths, stay in Salem many have been the pleasant things that have t iken place, nnd our attendance upon the commencement exercises of the Willamette University is by no means least among them. We feel proud at havinir pitched our tent among a people so wonderfully fa vored as your people arc. Her state buildings, public and religious schools, witli the manifest interest in the development of her musical and elocutionary powers make her one of the most pleasant towns it luts been our prlvelngo to live in since we left old Iloston. Tills town and valley is on tho eve of wonderful advancements iu every way. Ten years from now will see as many direct or spurs to direct lines of railroads to the East ern and coast world. A division and sub-division of the farms of the valley will follow as the years advance. No man can stay a short time without seeing what is so closely In store for this wonderfully productive valley even though he should come with biased feeling, to-wit a wonderfully large influx of the moneyed and best people of the Eastern states. Those localities are visited so frequently with the property and life destroy ing cyclone, cloud burst, and water spout, that they ore looking for a land where they can rest In peace and still have plenty, and nowhere can these tilings be found like the Willamette valley is so finely and cheaply offering. For years spent in Iowa and Min nesota the pleasure of summer has been destroyed by the dread to our partner of those destroying winds and waters. Since living here peace reimis and our slumbeis are not dis tuibcd. There the dread of thunder and lightning, hail, wind and wa ter was ever detracting from what pleasure there was. Coming here we find them not, they do notexM. In place of them is sunshine and (lowers, calm days and a cool t-ea breeze at eventide. A man with half an ordinary soul for looking up on the delightful scenery, the abun dant supply of canning fruit, the wonderful advance made iu the town in the past six months, cannot help arising to shout with all his might, "this is Salem, the land of the blessed." This is no real estate boom. We do not own u foot of God's earth and have no axe to grind. We rise in simple Justice to your town and valley. Yours, with more anon, Nkw Com kii. Poverty. Poverty Is uncomfortable, as I can testify; but nine times out often tho best thing that can happen to n young man is to bo tossed overboard and compelled to siuk or swim for himself. In all my acquaintance I never knew a man to bo drowned who was worth saving. It is the pride of every American that many cherish ed names, at whose mention our heart beats with quicker bound, wero worn by the sons of poverty who conquered obscurity and be- mma "e" sul 1U "l,r "rmameni. There Is no horizontal stratification in this country like rock in the earth, that holds one class down below forevermore, and let another conio to the surface to stay there forever. Our stratification is like tho ocean, whero every drop is fiee to move and where from tho sternest dopths of tho mighty deep any drop may como up to glitter on the high- 1 est wave that rolls. Garfield. Sam Jours aud the Devil. Sam Jones was advertised to stomp on tho tail feathers of the devil at Richmond Virginia tho 18 lust. Why not stomp on tho devil himself, Sam'.' Your extermination ot his tail feathers would only Inconvenience tho fash- ionable ladles of your church for a while for ornamentations for their bonnets, Don't do it, Sam, please don't, It would spoil Ids looks. Only think of the devil with his tail feathers gone. He would look worse than a detailed shanghai rooster. Up looks bad enough now. Hut oh 1 a tailless devil; how horrid ho would look ! llcsidcs that lie could not lash his poor deluded vic tims and send tho sulphurous tlames up around thorn that they might get tho full bnnoilt of the place to which ho had brought them. -12, Doubtful IVrtitlcate, A compliment from tho Albany States Nights Democrat may be thought by some to be rather a poor certificate for tho political honesty or worth of a republican newspaper. Here is Its latest: Tho Man About Town has been lending lu a balem paper noino very nitervHslvo mtacku. well filled wen iiiicu witu spice and ttuccxlug sinitl, on tho Or- egouian. lie laivmuuieu in mo in nioim tmuuKH iiiuuo uy iiiu iviiMiij lUiUeUu on that waiver tteveml year thoe ago, when tho vocabulary wa ex-nour-' huu ted. Blnee than thn Orecoutau t.-. . ...-. i i ... . . un eniuiKi. im wo uhjk wt iuopu improvetnentit hernxfter. U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889. Baking Powder How to Catch Stickers. The world Is full of puckers aud there arc n great many different hooks on which to catch them. It Is folly for congress to make statutes to prevent lotteries and other swin dles, because the ingenuity of man is inlinite. Laws to forbid and pun ish are like cuttluft at the loots of noxious bushes a thousand new ones start for every one cut out. Among the thousand and one sub stitutes for the forbidden ways, here is one most productive to its originaters: Two or three gentle men locate a city. They advertise that a lot will bo given to all who will send leu cents on or before a certain time. Thousands bite. Deeds are sent to each applicant, to Ills sisters, cousins, auuts, etc., con ditioned that three or four dollars must be sent to pay for the record ing. The county recorder and the town company furnish abstracts. Tuo persons may call themselves half a dozen to fill various ofllces. From this time on the town com pany has perhaps several thousand clients or proteges who they can tax annually and thus secure an ad mirable income. There are not less than a hundred such institutions now thriving. No one can say that they are illegal, unreal or fraudulent, for their imitation of real towns and cities is perfect. On the broad prai rie anywhere withiu any point al most, surrounded by an area of hun dreds of miles as level as a table, on a railroad, is selected, a company ' organized by law, and ofllco erected aud a depot, perhaps. The artist is set to work delineating, and all is done regularly. This is one of the latest plans of living by ones wits Sheridan Courier. Remhmrku YOL'K Fhiknds. If you want to post your friends about Salem, the Willamette valley a.ul Oregon send them the Weekly Capital Journal, only $1.00 a j ear. It will be as good us a letter each week, and they will also be in-tere-ted in our special write-up editions that appear once a month. Orders by mail or at otlice, next ' door to the postoflice. , IIorr.it Bros., Publishers. ' Whercu'r Malaria Kxists, The bilious u-e IU certain prey. In inter mittent nml remittent leer, duinb ngue nnd iitfiie cuke, the !l er Is nlw.ij s serious ly nfletted, nnd the blood contaminated with bile. One of the thief reasous why Hoslctter's Stomach Ulttein I" such a sure defcu'-e niralust chlllsnud feers and every form of malarial diseases, , that 11 does nway with the liability of tho disease, by refusing Irregularity of the bllitary orgaus In advance of the arrhal of the reamon when the dle.ic Is prexlenl. There Is no finer foitlfvlng preventative for those about l-llliiKnr emlRnitlne to a locality w here the miama-taliit exists. There 18 no certain lmmunlt) from disease in ou endemic or epidemic form, to bo secured bj the usoof the average tonics and anti spasmodics. Hut where quinine fails tho Hirers succeede both iu preventing and curing. Moreover It removes every ves tige ofdyspepila. and overcomes constipa tion, rheumatism. tniK'tiv ti of tho kid neys and bladder and tranquillizes and strengthens the nervous system. cod. THE Erii3 RUNS i'ast trains wlih rullmuu Vestibule Drawing room sleepers, dining cars and coaches of latest desigu, between Chicago and Milwaukee aud St. 1'aul nnd Mlune- npolls. Knsl Trains with Pullninn 'vestlbuled drawing room sleepers, dining cam and i coaches of lutcki design, between Chicago1 and Milwaukee ami Ashland and Duluth. i lliroiigh l'ullmnn vestlbulo drawing room nnd colonNt sleepers vln tho North ern I'lteltle rnllrtmd between Chicago and l'orthmd.Or. Convenient trains to and from Eastern, Western, Northern nnd central Wltcou sin points, allording unequaled service to and from Waukesha Fond du Lac, Osh Kosb, Neennh. .Menesha, Chippewa Falls, Kan Claire, Hurley, Wis., anil Imnwood and UeNsemer, Mich. For tickets, sleeping car reservations, tlmo tables and other information, apply to ngeuts nny whero In the United States orCanadn. a. K A1NHLIE (Jen'l. .Mgr., Milwaukee, WU. J.M.11ANFOR1). (icn'ITrnniis Mgr., St. luil. 11 C. HARLOW, Tralllc lgr., Milwaukee. Wis. LOUHKCKsTKIN. Aks't Oeu'l l'ass'r and Tkt Agt , Milwau kee. Wis From Tcrraioal or Interior Points the Northern Par ific Railroad Is the line to take To all Points East and South. It U thodtiiliig ear route. It runs through vestibule trains every day Iu thtijear to ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO ! (No chniigo of car.) ConipoM'd of dining car unurpsed. l'ltllman drawing room sli-einrs or latest equipment TOURIST Sleeping Cars. lint that can be constructed ami lu which inx-tmiin.Hliitlons are tsvtli frro nd lur nWhed for bolder of flrt nnd ecoud-ola tickets, Hiul KL.KUAHT DAY COACHES. A coutlnuov Jco connecting with nil llnrs attorning oiroct na uninterrupted er lfs. full man kli' eured In ntlvi Hie roul. ton can be e nuy ugut of TlirouEit mku to and fr)m nit twlnlrf In Aituvrlw, tttigtaud nnd Kureiw can ha purelmsiHl al uy I uy ttekift on el hU com. uny. Full lnfornvtlou fonrorninc F ratd tlniM orirnlu,rutMHUditbrd(lUruruUhd ou uppUMlUiu to uy anl or A. 1). CHAULTOX, AuUUnt Ueiml FuMnxvr Areat, No. 131 Ptrt tr-l. cvr. Wblniln; rt-li.l)rv.m T. H. BABNES, PKES. SALEM LAND COMPAQ! POSTOFFICE BLOCK, pi a Proposals for Supplies. rilHK BOARD OF TKUSTEES OF THE J Oregon State Insane Asylum lnltc enled proxsnls for f.irnUhlnp nt the asy lum near Snlcm, Oicgon, the following supplies lor tho six rronths ending l)ecm ber il, INh FAINTS AND OILS. 10 fca I'lonecr white lend. 10 gallons 11 Linseed oil. 2) " turpentine. ? botes glas, 4 boxes 16x20, -1 11x3), 1 KK2I. 10 ff.s Irish glue. PLUMBING. 6'i doz el'cvs, doz Ui inch, 1 doz 1 Inch, 2dnzjlnch, i doz J Inch, 1 doz K Inch, yt doz Inch. 1 doz tecs, H doz Ji Inch, i doz 1 Inch. 2 doz plugs, 1 doz ii Inch, f doz 1 Inch. 1 doz bushings ench Ulnch toJi,?Jlnch to . 3,i Inch to X, 1 Inch to JJ. yt doz each 1 Inch. Inch. lnch, Inch caps 2 doz?4 return bends closed. 1 doz encn I incn, ', incn, y incn it anu L sockets. 1 doz 3,i inch Jenkins liro's vnlves, mov able disks. yt doz yt Inch Jenkins Ilro's vnlves, mov able disks IdozJi co.npresdlon hose bibs finished. 24 squaic feet Usuduriam sheet packing. 1 solder pot S Inches In diameter. 30 lbs plumber metal for wipe Joints. 100 feet galvanized Iron pipe, 1 inch. fiO feet galvanized lrou pipe, Jf Inch. 000 feet black Iron pipe, 100 feet 1 Inch, 250 feet K inch, 50 feet ji Inch, Go feetJi Inch.uO feet 3t Inch. Yt dozen i lead rt traps, to square feet sheet lead, 1 lbs to foot. GO lbs tinners solder. 100 feet square rubber backed sacking. 50 feet?$ Inch. 50 feet inch. 50 feet square hemp packing, ? Inch. 20 lbs Italian hemp packing. ;0fect lJi lead pipe. 2 doz braes ga.s elbow burner cocks. 2 doz brass plllers, 2 doz lava tips. J Scotch t, nuge glasses J Inch 16 Inches long. 3 Scotch gunge glasses fj Inch, 12 inches long. 4 doz e.ich inch nnd loch vulcanized rubber hoe 4 doz eich wheel cutters for No 1 nnd 2 Lureka pipe cutters. DRY GOODS. M0 lbs yarn, all wool, white. .100 yards canton flannel, Nashua XXX. 100 ' I'equot sheeting, 9-1. 500 ' Ma. iners stripes, Arcoskeag. 500 I'equot sheeting, heavy 15 inch. 200 ' ' ' ' A 36 Inch. 400 ' col I co, American full standard, dark. 100 yards blue denims, Amoskeag, 9 oz, 100 ' ticking, heavy Amoskeug, full. 100 ' tnble linen bleached. 300 toweling, bleached, linen, 16 inch. 8 doz palrsuspenders. 1J doz Turkey red handkerchiefs. Cdoz spools black linen thread. No 25. 20 doz spools black thread, No 36. 1 gross pins American, 4 gross pearl dress buttons. 100 paners needles, assorted sizes, 2,3, 4, and 5 too. MEATS. 400 tbs per day moro or less of btcf and mut ton as required In equal parts of fore nnd hind quarter. COFFEE. 1000 lbs Costa Rica 1st grade. Ii0 ' Government Java. "5 ' Real Mocha. 400 ' Chicory. FLOUR. 400 birrebi best roller piocess, delivered as wanted. VINEGAR. SW g.illons pine elderv lnegar, 40 qr. SOA1'. l.MO po.iniU Kirks Savon oi as good. SHOES AND LEATHER. 1 domestic c Uf skin. Charter Oak. 12 pair l.idle's shoes No 6 J rlol of sole leather, from 25 to 27 pounds per side, Stockton extra heavy. DRUGGIST LIST. 2 lbs acid acetic. a ' AmonlaCons. 2 ' Antlpyrlne"Knorrs." 5 ' Capsicum. 20 ' gum camphor 20 ' Insect powder. 2 ' oxide zinc. 5 ' per-chlorldeoflron. 2 ' pyre l'hos of Iron, "R und S." Q persnesuccli,"&chefrers." 50 ' sulphatoof Iron. 2 ' sunfonal "Bayer." 50 salts epsora. 2 ' soda borr to povvd" "Squibb." 2 ' Sub nitrate bismuth. 2 ' potash Iodide. 60 ' flax seed me.il. 4 ' FluldetractvrIldcherry,"PD&Co. 4 ' p" .Vde'jyd ' 2' Fluid extract cascarasagra ' 2 ' ' ' senna "Alex" ' 2 ' ' ' Jalap ' l-2 ' ' stavesacro 20 oz quinine sulph, 1 W. 1-2 oz strychlnlne sulph. 1 gross corks each No2.3nnd 4. 15 gul alcohol, "Eastern.' 5 ' Cod Liver Oil, -Nor." 10 ' Castor oil. "Bakers A A." 8 ' olive oil, "Pure." 10 ' turpentine. 6 ' gljcerlne. 1 doz syrln"es, Davidson No I, 1000 empty capsules each No 1 2 nnd 5. 2000 pills, CC, US P. lU00aull-constip.itlon pllis, McK a It. lOOOaloln omp pills. 200 ncurulgla pills, Brown Sequard, McK A R. 200 Calci sulph pills, grl. C00 llln oiidu manganus pills, qrs 2. 500 sol IU pod tablets uj ccj amino) sulph l-OOgr.J VytheAllro,No45. 500 Morphia sulph i tablets bol Ilypod, P D A co. No 1 J. 2 rolls Isinglass plaster, surgeons's silk, HiU, 10 tb colgntes sliav lng soap. SPICES. 1501b black pepper. , ii ' ginger. 60 ' cinnamon, 20 ' mustard, 30 ' sago. 1' ' mi. co, all standard ground, CROCKERY. 20 doz glass tumblers. 4 s.vrup pitchers. 4 one gallon pitchers, W O. 5 e;etable dishes, V U. 15 ' te cu,n and saucer, V G. STATIONERY. (1 doz I'ayson's Indelible Ink. 3 omuls Arnolds Ink. 0 doz lead pencils. 2 boxes lxiudon Incadescent Pen Co's No 4 pens. 2 learns letter paper, Live Oak or ns good. GROCERIES. 8000 tbs Liverpool salt. 720 ' tea, C 8 brand Poochong. IXW ' toluieco, ltnpldan or ns good. 6CO ' soda crackers, extra frosh. 300 ' raisins, Cnl layers. 11000 lbs sugar, 8000 lbs Golden, 0000 tbs gran ulated, lu sacks, S00 lbs cheose, Crimson's or as good, .sou) com me-ii, Gold Dust, fresh ground, 2UU craked vv heat. Iresh ground. 2XO coarse hominy, ' 2iXW ' oat meal, ' 1020 ' rolled oats, SCO ' dried currants. 7J ' Cnrb soda, O A Co's A nnd II brand. 60 ' innckenil, No lextnvinesi, 'sflcatch, 50o ' s.ill salmon, axu choice Island rice, No 1. 200 cod tl.li, boneless, ihiclflc coast. 60 ' cream of tartar. J A Kolger, prime. HI glovt starch, 0v ego, 320 ' oirn gtarcli, Oswego. 10 crou inixtclicw, superior safety, 10 dot britomit, 20 ' oyster, can. 16 ' eonsontrated lye, American. s oans com, Wlnslow's 000 gallous synip, extra coldeu refined (A), 10) cswl oil, pearl brand. 200 ' niolason, Orleans extra. 6 Imxps niaccaront, No 1. d boxesi vernilivlll, No 1, 3 dox bath bricks. HARDWARE 2 bundle each IK, 20,23 gal sheet Iron, Juneau brand, lUpounds. I pkg oach U Inch bolt, 1j 2 nnd SJ, lncue lonf 1 pkK iseh o-UJ Inch bolu, IJ, 3W nd SW lncbelonr. " " I pkKraeh Vi luch bolu, 7, Strand 4W inebe lone. " " 1 kr web H Ineh bo:u, S, 4, 5 nd lnene Iodk xnkKUInob bolls. SUtnehM lonr. I ccU lnh a M lash tuoaknr vrrtsuch. l IB Ineh lUxtcr H wrench. I vrhw cutter tor cutting from K Inch loaiueu Sllon Albany spindle oil. & , ' tyllndtruli. 41 pmmdt rorapotind. No 4 II. V. MATTHEWS, TREAS. TOT. HOWARD Mriia Incorporated 1889 f 323 feet round Norwny iron, 65 feet each JL 5 1B.JJ, 7-lH nna Ji incn. 30 feet round Norway liwv 8-8 Inch. 350 feet flat Norway iron 60 feet each IxV,, iy,xy lxi, IKx'L Vfai Wt nd W x Inches. .... . 30 feet flat Norway lron.2xl$ Inches. Ii keg No S front horse shoes, Berdens. y. kes No5 hind horse shoes, Bcrdens, I keg No 4 hind horse shoes, Berdens. 1 keg No 4 front horse shoes, Bcrdens. Ii keg No 3 front horso shoes, Bcrdens, H keg No3 bind horseshoes. Berdens. ions"o7Putmnns horseshoe nails. 75 ' iron washers, 5 Bs i Inch, 5 B 5-16 Inch, 10 lbs y. Inch, 15 lbs M Inch, 20 lbs 5 8 Inch, 20 lbs f Inch. ..., 35 Bs machine forged blank nuts 10 B) each y. lNh and i Inch, lo fcs Inch. 5 lbs y,xy. round head rivets. 2 pkg of 1 m tinned flat head Iron rivets. 1000 pounds blacksmith coal. 1 ream emery cloth, assorted, No 0. i lbs floor of emery, No 0. 1 doz pkg carriage bolts, 3)x?J. 2 pgs each carriage bolts, yt2yi inches and 4 Inches, 2 pkgs each carriage bolts, , IK. 2 1-2, J 1-Jand4 Inches. 2 pkgs each carriage bolts, 6-1B, 2, 2 1-2, 3 1-2, nnd 4 inches. 3 Es coarse oorax. Isaw gumming emery wheel, 1 Inch thick, lOlnches diameter, for ?i shaft. 1 piece si. vcr spring steel, Kx2 Inches, 5 feet long, 11 kegs nails, 3 kegs 20 d, 1 keg40 d,4 kegs 10 d, 3 kegs M d. 20 Bs wire brads, lOBs 1 l-2.1nch, 6 lbs 1 Inch and 5 lbs 1-2 Inch. 20 gross sciews,4 gross each 2 1-2 In. No 14, i Inch No14 nnd 1 1-2 Inch No .2, 2 gross each lli Inch No 10, 1 inch No 7, J$ Inch No 7 nnd 1-2 Inch No 4. 5 chisels, Keen Kutter brand, 1st quality, 1 2 Inch, 1 1 1-2 Inch, 1 1 Inch, 1 inch nndl 1-2 Inch. 6 hammers, Maydole brand, lK pounds each. 2 hatchets 2 pounds each, I hand nx, 4 pounds K K brnnd. 3 JennlDgs bits, 1 7-16 Inch, 1 Inch, 1 3-16 Inch 4 gimlet bits, GerTwn brand, 2 ii Inch, 2 K Inch. 36 cupboard locks. 10 doz flies. K nnd F brand, 2 doz 8 Inch slim taper. 4 doz 6 Inch do, 4 doz 4 Inch do, H doz 10 Inch mill, 2 doz 10 Inch rd, 1 doz 14 Inch y rd, 1 doz 4 Inch rd, f doz 8 Inch rd, 1 doz 4 Inch flat, 1 doz 6 Inch flat 1 doz Hanks silver Lake No 8 sash cord. 0 table knives and forks, Iron handles. 6 butcher knives. 24 nx handles, 12 pole, 12 double bit. 24 boxes axle grease, F raisers. 300 feet ropo, ruanllla, 4 Inch. Samples may be seen at the office of the board at the capltel: goods must be in ac cordance therewith and must come In original packages when posslhle. Delivery of supplies will be required within ten days of notfee of acceptance of bid. A copy of this advertisement must accompany each bid, and thenume oftheclass of supplies bid upon must be written on the envelope. Each bid must include all the Items of tbo diss bid upon, nnd must give Items and totals in full, with oxceptlon of meat nnd flour. Auditing officers aro prohibited from confirming accounts of purchasers when the advertisement does not contain n full nnd complete description of the kinds of articles to bo purchased. The right to reject nny nnd all bids Is reserved. Bids w ill be opened nt 2 o'cloch p m, on Tuesday, luly 8. 181)0. HlliVMlBll reS.IUIBll, GEO. W. McRRIDE, G. W. WEBB, Board ofTrustees. Wm. A. MCNLY, Clerk of Board. 6-14 iJ2 IfewisrcJ M mltf - NAD BUI! w, r aw m linM - ifi n.nr.iu HEALTH Lu KIchnu, Golden Daliam No, 1 Cures Chancres, first nnd ucond lUges; Sores en the Leps and Bod;; Sore Ears, Ejci, Kose, etc., Copper-colored Blotches, Pjp'.iilltlo Catarrh, diseased Scalp, and all primary (o-ms of th disease known u Syphilis. Price, f 5 OO pur Dottle. La RIcliau'a OMden Balintn No.JJ Cures Tcrtlarj-, McrcurlalSyphllltle Rheu matlsm, rahn In tho Bones, Tains In th Head, buck of the Neck, Ulcerated Soro Throat, Sjphlllt'o Mash, Lumps and con tracted Con s, Stiffness of the Limbs, and endicatij til d seao from the sjitem, hst'ur iau.'cd by Indiscretion or abuse ct Mcrcurj', leainc; tho blsod pure and hciUhv Price St5 OO por Tottle. Lo lticlmu'4 Oolden H anlih Anll doto for the cure of Gonorrhoea, Oleet, irritation Gravel, and all Urinary or Qenl. taldlsarrancrronU. l'rlce 9 50 par llottle. .r lilchllll'n Golden Spunlnh In Jortlmi, fTS'icrc cascsot Gonorrhosa, Inllamm to ) Gleet, Stricturcs,&c. Price SI ' per Bottle. I. ItlcliMu'a Golden Ointment for the eft a vo hcal.n,rcf Syphilitic Sores, and cnint on. PrlroSl I'D pr Dox, I o IMcbiiu'8 Golden PU s .S'eni and Era n treatment; loss ot phjsl-al pow er ciicsi er ocr-orlc, rrostratlon, ate. Price S3 OO per Box. Tunic ni.il Nervine, Sent c er where, C. O. D., securely rck4 per express. -- Tho Richards drug company. neent sns and 511 Market street, San Krauclsco, Cal. Circular mailed froe, W. C, MITCHELL, Veterinary Surgeon. Graduate, of Ontario veterinary colleee. Treats all diseases of horses, cattle nnd other domestic uutmals. Office at Kills A Whitley's Itvery stable. If not profes sionally engaged can be seen at all hours. 5.6-dw-lra For success at the CAPITAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, Salem, Orepon, A. 1'. Armstrong, Mnp;r. K L. Wiuv, Pnn. Business, Sliortluuid, Tjptinucj, Nsminsaip ai EsgUsk Nfuicmu. Dj and tNcninp Scsiums. StuiKnts nilmltt c aiiYUiiH, Call at the Collcei. or udJrtss the I'rmciiMl for catalogue. 'PRINTING. QNK OK THK IVUQrisT ESTAHUSH. ments lu the State. Lower rates than tirtland. largest stock Legal lllanks lr the State, a -"d biggest discount. Head foi ririce list of Job printing, and catalogue ol egal blank. E. M. WAITS, ten lrlnter Soiem Oregon. A Bargain ! A desirable lot of lands In lots to suit, seven mllrat southwest of Kalem, within eighty rods of steamboat landing, the best oak wood and some Or timber enough to pay for the land and It Is good soil for milt, with springs aud meadow land. Would take a good small lot of Salem property In trade. Addre O. K. DENNIS. Balem, March 13, 1W. 5 13tf H0NG-SING-L0NG-KEE, Oriental Laundry, H0 Stath Struct. I Cheapest and Best Chinese Laundry in me. uiy. V3& v -' Sj vvje (MUClte ' Capital Stock $30,000.- TWO LOTS ou Church Street, two blocks from Court House $1,600 each HALF LOT AND RESIDENCE on Center Street, and on same block, $1,250. 60 ACRE FARM three miles from town at $2fi per acre. Five. Ten and Twenty Acre I near Salem. For sale ou favorable terms. Enquire of Willis & Chamberlin, Real Estate and Insurance Agents, Cot-irt Street, EAT Hz&mf O THE Jt wn U' ! chm iiflEiw!llMMH4Mh&2?RHiBfll MiiifliHl R. M. WADE&CO. Have just received another Urge Spring Wagons and Hacks Of tho be-t staudard makes. Prices are the lowest, Quality con' sidered. All Invited to call and exanine them at 2S2 284 and 286, Commercial street. c ' H!JlLHJl.l-la.yil'J A k WakWMkWmXS'Cjt' S i timutxM-1. v iv -vtL. -m uj mMtrnM y iwsis saw V pR.HllLER'S HYDHASTINE RESTORATIVE Stimulstet nutrlUoa. Purifies the Kooi Cures Dyspepsia, Constipation and General Debility A perfect tonic and strength bulMer. DR.JjIlLER'S ANTI-BILIOUS STOMACH AND IIVEB CURE. Cures BUlousness tni ail Lher Troubles, Chills and Fever, Milanil teers, snd" all Typhoid condidons. DR. HILLER'S CATARRH CURE. Cures Acute Citirrb, Chronic CsUrrb, CiUrrhal Deaf ness. Uuaranteed to cure the orst cases hen dlrtetlons ire followed.or money refunded. DR. HILLER'S COUGH 'UIE. Cures Colds, Hoarseness, Coughs, Bronchitis. rleurW and lljeuiuonia; rcuev t cunsumptlon. Contains no Opiates. Cures Croup in 10 minute. PR HILLER'S DIPHTHERIA AND SORE THROAT CURE. Prevents and cures Pii-h-theria. U ill positn elj cure any tore taroat la from 3 to 2t hours. Cures Quinsy in 3 dart. DR. HILLETS FEVER CUE. Indispensable In all acute diseases attended with leer Imui a.u ia scarlet Ferer, Scarlatina, and Meules. Mothers try it onee. DR. HILLER'S NERVOUS DEBILITY CURE. Cures Nervous Weakness, and Lo loser. .Veter tails, send for ITnate Circular to Iinier Drug Co., San Francisea, Cat DR. MILLER'S RHEUMATIC AND NEURALGIC CURE Cures UheumatUm, .Seuralgu, oottt, Lutabat-o, and sciatica, bj ceu;raiUing me blood acids uhlch cause theuv DR. HILLER'S TEETHING CURE. Aids the growth and Je elopment ot children duncj the leaning period, ensure painless teething ni taoai teeth, and prevents ani cure Spam, lliikcts, Brain Troubles and Do el Complaints bleating to mother anJ cM-d DR. HILLER'S WHOOPING COUGH CURE. Prewnts and Cures Whoopm,; i il Noti. With exception of Dr HdUr's Hydrastine Reatontirs, lr Hdler's llbeomatic and NeunJzIc Cure, and Dr Hitler's Coujh Cure, ths aba remedies are in Table form, and, il not obtainable from your druggist, will be mailed Ires, on receipt of pnee. $1.00 per Package. Six Packages for $5.00. These remedies are the result ei S5 years of brofessloaa experience, and ars tuaranteed ro cure when a cure Is p-xalMe. Dr lifter's U para book oi directions tot bme treatment, coatalnbag valuable initructioDt as to hygiene and diet, sent rW- HILLER DRUG COMPANY, SN FRANCISCO, CAL, U. S. A. For Sale by DAN! J. FRY, Dragjrisf, 225 Con mercial Si., Salem. Ky Laiyi n m rr WSTp$Q. PAPERING Etc. Done with neit- ia som n i n ff ne' ana n. d. jones. ' 'O Shop up BtAin over E. V. RmallV Mre SAL.K1VL, OREGON - a, , , Salem, Oregi on, Who do All Kinds of if wni As Cheap as any Laundry h the Country Using White Help and doing first-class work. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Ofllco at George Hopyc, 209 CommercIalSt. WILLAMEHE UNIVERSITY Uiaduates Students In Classical, Literary, Scientific, Normal, Business, Law, AND MEDICAL COURSES, It Is the oldest, largest and least expen sive Institution of learning In the KoruV west. School opens first Monday In September Bend for catalogue to THOS. VAN BCOY, President 17: Salem, Oregon. aggft!xf is . ramr unuiimu DR. HILLER'S Special Prescriptions. m HOME TREATMENT SELF CUBE A Specific Remedy for Each Disease.