swaa vWW-f- . vDsr TVTr-if." '.j if fiawb. m 11 :. r- m cintal joiimal TERMS OF 8UKcniFnON. Dally by mall per year- U&iij uy mau ptruiuuii Weekly by mall per year, .T .. MM r rtriiTic the tir cbimd tor the Weekly Jocmai win hn lUOpwyear. IfPpmrenoxaeiiverca pr0 vvim?m- CAimiFit. fiike DELTV EB B CABKifcK. mnar'twweiSwZl"- -Set. Daily by month, . '""M 86 00 Ml 100 lee J!iffiv&?AuM- The removal of the u,,l- or moron, puuwiw. -" ir-'-v , money for carrleii at boose or whereon U l delivered, to as io rauc , ... collections. Tub Encrrso Capital Jocrxal regu larly receives the anernoon aMoclated prcrj dUprtcbes. SOME COMINO EVENTS. June 10. HoweU Prairie Grange picnic. Juno 18. Supreme court meeu nt Salem. July. Grandest celebration In Oreton at Salem. GILBERT & PATTERSON, Dealers in Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Paints, Oi's, Varnishes, Brushes, Windowglass, Etc. Sole Agents for Epicure Tea and Big Can Baking Powder. BekBlaston Won't Hang. Solera people who rempmber Ben Blauton and the crime of which he was convicted at Colfax the past winter, will read with mixed feel ings from the Colfax Gazette: The supreme court has savod the neck of Ben Blanton, the murderer of Thos. Click, In this city lat Novem ber. The court held that the In dictment upon which lie was tried was defective for murder In the lirst degree and ordered that Blanton be sentenced for manslaughter, which will let him ofT with a term in the penitentiary of from one to ten years. Judge Hoyl dissented from the decision, holding the verdict of the lower court was Just. The de cision Is generally received with considerable disgust in this county. If there are ony murderers in the world who want to spill human blood to see it run, let them come to Whitman. True, we have a nice scaflbld ready to set up, but new then It won't be used. Solid Impiiovement. The high sidewalk and approach in front of Capital engine house have long been deemed tuiMfe, especially when the rapid movemeut and great weight of the engine (7SO0 lbs) are taken into cnulderution, so Street Coiutuis.soner Graham has torn up the old material aud is having It replaced by 3-inch stuff. four inches wide, which will make a j The pupils showed good articula- Bolidnnd safe approaehway. It is , fl0 .uuj graceful deliverj. to be built circular aniund the corner i inrv.f.B- on Shite the street side so that the en ,,,.. glne can be driven in or out with! Iulay. June lO.at S p. in., the outbehigco.uiK'llcHltogooutinthe chT ,Wa3. l .". Ulmo,t ,ra" middle or State street. The hy.pacity by th.se wlio had gathered to draut, which has stood In Hue with l,ef U,e BrutlunlluB exercises of the the cornerofthe building, and which ililO iaVII MIMUJO Ml VIV 4' I Is to be moved west ten or twelve feet to the corner of the sidewalk, thus giving engine and hose cart free! ivwigoln and out. The latter hasi several times struck this hydrant, I which seriously impeded progress, j The improvements are substantial 1 and very timely. They were needed, j Who is McDonald? The follow ing dispatch from Oaklaud, Cal is ! fouud In the San Francisco Exam- l,..l I ...... t ,ii'ii:niu'Hwuimm uie imuiuus Iner of tho 9th. "A man giving the the good thlngspleasant to the pal name of Rogers sold nt n lower ate nnd pleasing to tins eye. One Broadway fruit store, yesterday, aj hour was spent there In a manner satchel containing a suit of clothes, j which fails us to describe. There some letter aud books. When the I "e about 40 present to enjoy the natcbel was opened It was found that j occasion from whom Prof Van Scoy the letters were all nddresMHl to A. 1 hna the highest gratitude. D. McDonald, Salem, Or., ami 618 fine aht. California street, Sun Francisco. The tlne-t art exhibit that has Rogers was arrested. The police I ever been given to the public iu the would llko to see. McDonald. " There capital city Is on exhibition at the u no such man as A. D. McDonald university Wednesday and Thurs kuown in Salem. There was a mar-1 day. Most of this work has benii ble cutter hero some years by the 1 executed this year under the in name or J. A. McDonald, who is structlon of Prof. Clyde Cooke and now at Albany, which is tho nearest j Mle-s Maria Craig. Tills is a free ex to the above mime of whom the hlbit and the public is Invited to Journal has any knowledge. Mav it Pium: Peuma.nknt. Thos. Cauflcld, residing ou Piety hill, n pioneer of Oregon and for mauy years one of Salem's most re bpeeted residents, has been ill le yond the hope of his most anxious relatives aud friends the jwst few weeks. Atone time it wasthouuht he could not survive twenty-four hours, but the cheering news comes this morning that he Is much easier and shows mome signs of recovery. There will be most earnest hopes that these signs may ripen Into realities and that his pleasant face may be again seen upon our Ktreets, for there are few better men than Thoa, Cautleld or who have lens en emies or cuuso for them. a Uia KxcunsiON. The Raymond excursion pawed through this moruiug about 0 o'clock by sKil.l train golug north Mr. Raymond Is a Boston millionaire who runs a big hotel iu Pasadena aud gets unymrly I excursions of his Ikiston ami other Eastern friends to view tho beauties of Southern California in jtartloular and of the Pacific xt in ihm.i. This was one of th. .mii.im.a and was gotten up on an elaborate .. . :. wale, the fluent sjteplug and dining jtoaches beinit ai their command. .1 - fabarbcrshopha. had wil a mn Of hUtltlCWI that tio liua luul t imt In auolher chair. Itarrlved to- !ST 1 VSS .. .. . ff at. Oastinn about $2. tho llleat 111 Ih. tty. 110 buj.1. CHfWUtis.-rartlea wUhluiruhei-- pMHrttueut daily t Matthews h HfpavWWKrocery un. WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY. Proceedings of th Annoal Commence- ment Exercises. THE BOARD MECTINO. Tuesday June 10. TJe board of trustees met In annual session at 9 trustees met In annual Fusion nt 9 S,r, , anil miiuv mirations of mnn nr Ii mPor,"-' were considered. The appropriations for next year were versiiy waa iireuy luorougtuy uis cussed, with no definite results. The following committee wa appointed to consider propositions, to look into the feasibility of such a scheme; W. II. Odell, chairman, ex-ofllelo, C. . Ck.iii.i ii T Ti....t... r . ....... .., vjivr., A. "6"-l U'!J. C. f'lurLurll flrnf n.iLl.,111 ivul. W. Staver, M. C. Wire. Mury E. Klniley, John Ken worthy, L'. B. Moores and Dr. W. S. Harrington. C. C. titration was elected chance- lor of the university, and Thos. VauScoy, president of the literary department, Gen. . 11. Odell, president of the board of trustre, and Fabritus R. Smith, via president, Geo. P. Hughes secretary and A. X. Bush, treasurer. Dr. Fraer was re-elected dean of the medical department, and the fol lowing trustuM were elected: ('. B. Moores, Leo. Willis, A. X. Bu-h, Dr. J. H. Reynold-, and Mi. D. W. Gray. After considering wme resolu tions which were ordered ip be ar ringed for publication the board ' adjourned. SPEAKING CONTEST. ! Tuesday at 3 p. in. the claie- 111 ClUVUlll'IJ V'MII, HJICII 1111 two prizes, secured by Mi Long, the teacher, thro the kind ness or Weller Brrn. ami T. McF. Patton. The prizes consisted of a complete aud rich feet of George Eliot's works and a beautiful gold medal, of about equal value aud de sirability. There were live contts tanti, reading as follews: "Mice at l ,.!,.. .!.. n ..,! A. Play," by Miss Gertrude Holverson; Our Guide in Genoa and Rnine." J Ciuki Jellries; "Tile Famine," (from tr... i... Cnf.. r ......i... utr.t ! xxiik.. uuiur, .tiiu .iiiiirii. i-itiii . .. n, , " ... .. ' ' , ,, the Old Hor.e Won the Bet,' Ma-1 rion Vnudersol; "Mary's Night Ride," by Portia Knight. A num ber of very choice selections were re.td by MU.s Long, as-istfd '-y Misses Vandeivol and Knight. The judges ere Rev. II. H. Broun, C. B. Moores and E. Hoter. They marked Misses Murphy and Van- dersol equally good but awarded the first choice of the prizes to Miss Murphy, who selected the medal. The entertainment was creditable. I uuivcisiiv ueaiieinv. inn ik?av I ,.. "... . .. ..,-l. well delivered. There were only eleven from the academy who graduated, as a number who intend to complete the college cour.-e did not graduate with the class, as it is left to their choice to take part in these exercises or not. THE PIIEMDENT'S LKVEK. After the exercises were over Pres. Van Scoy invited all the graduates to repair to A. Strong's restauraut where tables were spread with all t.iKealook through the art studio, which is ou the third tloor of the university building. CONfiKltVATOIlV COMMKNCKMKNT. Wednesday June 11, at 10 a.m. tho commencement of the coii-erv-atory took place. There are ten members In the graduating cla.- as follews: Vocal Edna Adauw, Edith M. Harris. Instrumental Aklra E. Chandler, Ada C. Nesliitt, Daisy L. Settlemler, Ktta M. Strat ton, Jessie M. Glenn, Nellie M. Southwlck, Mary E. Price, Maiy E. Stelner, Making the largest class that has over graduated from that' department. Tho exerel-es won Well rendered aud showed the re sult of years of thoroughly applied work under competent Instruction; The program all through whs of a high order, and to ho duly appro- elated nome know ledge and tu-teof tlie tlno nrts was ristii-if. Not- withstanding the many excellent exercisos from the ooiiMtrvatory, t,,U Wu lhe Ut Ul,U lui" U"" S,veM to the public from this iii-tluiiu.111 '" u, fl'll"1B- pihmiham. Quartet "The S iiaiu lis lWU" - PliMUii, Mtv-t Harris and rtiianu ami .Mer lVrrv Parvin and Prayer bv Rev. II. W. (Julmbv, PlauoHolo Sonata No. 1, from bupplemeut" Sohuber, MIm Nellie JlSlff Kll?fK tlcmler. ,9.ra,.ul... Aria "Casta Diva"- lMttU0 B-"Bimta Aptmsalou- ata. Oil M-ll...ili..v...i JlL l.Ji.. 01.5m ! Huumiel, MIm Nulllo Price- i auis ami llttrrls, pjauo Solo-"Soiiatu, On. 81"-, Beethoven, Silas AdaXesbitt. Fiano Bolo "Spinning mug"- Liszt, Mhn Mary Kt.-Incr. Ice," with variations-Benedict, Mln -...... -I. .1-T--..I....I -I T jmiiid rtarns. i-ianocoio-"raniaieimprompui in Csharn minor. On. CO" CIiod n. Mis Alzira Chandler, , . 1 ... .. - Plauur-'Gmiid Concerto in C Maior.Op. IP'-Weber, Mi Etta c. .....:... ' Address and presenting elnw, by Jtev. in. Kolllns. Present ilion ofdinIomu. bv Presi dent Vanjcoy. Four pianos Eight informers. Overture "Die Italieiieriu" Ros-slni-Burcbard.Mlgsea.traitoii,! rice, CLandler, Southwlck, Sielner. Pet tlemicr, Glenn and Xeshitt. May Stoi in Salem. General .- fc. . .u. ...-.., ...Qi uctliriiiii, ,JV3fc- master general arrived in Portland yesterday moruing, Intending to! proceed to the Sound forthwith, but the private car in which he aud his friends are traveling needed some 1 repairs which kept them a day in Portland. They left for Seattle this morniuk', and will probably go to Victoria and after visiting the Sound cities and Spokane Falls will return, spend a few days in Portland, then proceeding to San Francisco The party consists of Mr. Clarkson and wife, his brother, Mr. R. P. Clark son, proprietor and editor nf the Des Moine State Register, aud his wife, Mr. Morton Mitchell, Washington correspondent of the Boston Herald, and Mrs. (A F. Meek, of Denver, wife of the general manager of the gulf and mountain division nf the L'tiiou Pacific system. Messrs. Mitchell aud Clarkson will write up their ideas of the Northwest for their respective papers. Gen.CI'irk wn and parly have been invited to make a top at Salem on their way south and if their arrangements U admit of it, there is a possibility the I invitation may be accepted Fooli it Faiimeiu;. The Albany Democrat has this to say aud there is something in it tn think abeut: "Many farmers have two or three crops of wheat on hand, holding r..w .. i...ttn ..i..i.n r.-.. i... .. i iui ii uuiii.1 iiiiuai:ii x ui itjv uvk . , , , .. ,, which nearly three years usu would bring 77 cents now only 61 cents is "flered. during the time the w heat has ben held, warehouse expense and insurance havconsumetl a Iarj;e part of it. Some day farmers will learti to follow a regular svstem of i - I selling in October and November, the highest average market." Let's see; couldn't the Democrat have said somethlug about the uncer taiuity of warjuou-es that would apply to the ca.-e also? Fine Bcildino. H. Hin-ehberg. the Independence bauker, was iu the city veiterday with plans and specifications of his new bauk build iug, ftubmittiug them to the several contractors fur their bids. The crni tract was finally secured by Jacksou &. Hutchius, of this city. It is go ing to be a tine building, in the most modern style of architecture and adornment within aud without and will be a graud addition to the substantial business liou.-es of Inde pendeuee. lis size is 33 by 70 feet, to be built of brick and made fire proof throughout. Neat ami Newsy. The Inland Republican, published at Athena, Umatilla county, is on Hie J 01 it NAL'b exchange table. It has just beeu started by D. A. Hendricks, well known in this city, aud is a neat 8-page paper, its local pages well tilled with newy matter aud its mi-eellauy well .-elected. It is a pleasure to see a young man like Dave succeed and his mauy friends here will watch his upward march with plea-ure. Increasing Capacity. The old wooden building north of Klmger it Reek's brewery Is being removed to the rear of the mai.i buililiug, ami a two-story briek addition i to be built iu it- place, which will consul erably increase the pre-ent cajwelty, aud add another brick building on commercial street. KcoRXK Kirk Tkam. Word lwt been reeelvwi from the Eugene tire ton in that their coiuponk's would like to Nirt!eipate In Salem's grand 4th of July ciute-t, and of omrvc luvitHlloii- will lie extended tliem. Mcsical Mkkti.nu. I'n.f. l'ar Vin rsUstn that all iMgers the cltv meet with him on next Wed nexiuy night at the M. E. churvh to arrange fur the grand program of nathiual mu-ic to be given on Julv 4lh. Ma.six FrcitJahs. A kirge a sortmeiit ju-t received from tieea-. Before ptirvliMiiig eull at MaltUew-1 Je Hoover', grocery. FoillTII OP J PLY. The ladies have (UvMoil to purehoM their Aumuittr goods at Rridges A Uo- mail's clerks. Aeoomuiodutiug Udy It Lai11s. Yoi Itave Ufii cleaning hoiv. Iluy a nice lwlr of lace cur talus for a dollar, at tho tapitol Adventure Co. Ou the line of the elect rlr ruitwav. tf CfPlli. That t- the name of Kar rar A Co'a new private brand of tea. It U extra good. Try It. Men's light coats und vests, fioin U&O to f. A No. 1 gxicsls. All style aud colors, at the Capitol Adveuture Co. tf Hatiss.-K1uhUii 18 wnU x..r.l .. .1... iv........ 1.1 ;.. ... IIU, tnko tolk .1 them. 1, will lJ ou. .tr Buloui, furbiuhiM property liitho city. Inuuliv iUJopunai.oI.Uv. PERSONAL MENTION. Hon. Richird Williams, of Port- ' ,and Js attending circuit court, iuiss. Jeuue M. LiOU'i was a pas- sengerfor Portland this morning. . " .. 5 ' Il u II T..-... l I T-ai. .. . Dr. 8. R. Jwsup is in Portland to- day, but will lie back tills evening. E. J. Frasier, of Eugene, wa a pa.senger on to-day's north bound train. Hon.T. MeF. Patton and Dr. T. . Golden arrived home from Port- laud last evening. Hon. J. J. Daly, of Dallas, made an early drive over here this morn - j, U(J( j juy around circuit court. ' Mr. and Miss Tenuy, of Oak- I.....1 I'.. I ..-.!... I ihl ...,...,.., IULJ1I, vtll., HI I I I CU IIJI3 .1 1 1 Tl I llUI and will visit with lluir friends, Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Mooie. jn.irrp o. a. itmrhv. nf A.s..n,.. j accompanied by his daughter aud little son, attended court yesterday and returned home this monring. Mr. Hugh H. Thompson started I this miruiiig for a vacation trip' ,i ,.. (....,! .... IUIUUKII lllU ....HUM UIUUUJ, II, J il Victoria and other points of interest in that direction Judge Geo. H. Williams, of Portland, ex-attorney general of' the United States, arrived on the overland from the south this morn-' lug on legal busiuess. Judge J. J. Whitney, of Albany, late candidate agaiust Geo. Bing ham for district attorney, was a p.ien.rer on the overland this morning and is atte iding court here. Messrs Freeman Folsom, Win. Miller and T. B. Wait took the mririittiir Irnln f.ir Pnrlliinrl in nt. tend the graud lodge of Freemasons there to-day, as representatives of the lodges in this city. I Col. W. X. Ladue, president of the First National bank; Gapt. J. W. Crawford, hardware man, aud H. V. Matthews, real estate, went up to Albany last night on husiue-., returning this morning. Architect C. A. Roberc came home from Giendaie ye-terdav i , i t t i .l t r morning, shook hands with his fjiu ,, , ' . , ,. i . , ,. ,T Uy and went back last nUht. He sas things are humming up there aud his business will hardly let him away. Rev. Dr. I. D. Driver came down on the Eugene local this afternoon and dropped oil here to visit hi daughter, Mrs. R. M. Thompson, and sou, m. Driver, and also 10 asi-t in the commencement exer cises of Willamette uulversitv. Cherrington Bros are still mak ing .ood cabinet size pbotoirraph at 52.00 per dozen. 1II. II. '"si-ir. :.":;: child, onlv daughter of Mr. aud Mrs. A. C. Fuirchild, of Salem. aed IS ears, after an illne-s of several mouth-, originating from an attack of la grippe. Deceaed was a student of Wil lamette University. Pier death has lieen expected for ome days, and is a -evere bereavement to the family of Elder Fairfield, who-e linme in University addition will be a -ad one. Mi-s Fairehild wrs a populwr young lady of high qualities of charaekr, ami -he lesives many warm friends to mourn her death. The funeral will take place at the M. E. church Thursday at -1 p. m. The friends and relatives are re ques'ed to attend. . ,1. ' ,ur Instrnments Filed for hVcord i County Ilrcordrr's llffice. Jame- H Pattv to James D Parker, lot 6, blk 14, Turner'- ad to Turner. J J Biv-ey and wf to Henri etta II Robcrt-on, E. ofN WJ blk 6, Rutert'- ad to Salvm. SfO Wooduurn Paekint: Co to M E church. Its 3 and 4, blk 3 iu W P (VsniI to Wood burn. Wui Mucma-ter to John Diekman, It lo, Ankeiiy. Utt.. 40 acres l-oud (or deel. 175 ISM , 25c Want Column, No(iea m-erUM for ONE CUNT PK!t WORD E.VCH IN-KRTION. No 4Tr. ttMnwut lnMrtd in ih.- column f - !si IHu litit &r ,ent pOKL a b.M and iw lm In 1 -.nub floi Inquire of W. B. "Imp ism. IV R s V LK -A llmroacMtiisi Mack -t,-ui. t w hor M mo4ftiy km Sur AIoanMnpAMilv)r rw eft and tar- P.O. BKi.. l.K..l.k Tb. nev coanle.-s aud a I iwpte'srto'.elvtncrlcae-. p Inqaliw of P. o. liul;, at K. -. IHHh,-u-i. Sdlu 7MK KK.NT-A dtraWe tMi-tne ofli-e Id a blue . In ton n Inquire at tut :i.i PATHO.M7.K Home laut-ti, a.itl ue l jiooataia lauiu ixUTni'i..v. tin. anleMl 10 ctv rIM or woe laAiartetl. MaauBveturwi Ky II. H. Crtax, --aleui, O.r irott. Smlta A Metner MJe 3u- ft ShIhim. l--Hm iJ )R sM.K--.we aHH)arilui:ilt,eb:ht r baud .Wsk aitU,eHlVM aud hiSlerx HI-.IOO tubular a huoii. au.1 luirii.. also una tubular a bMh airfasal a uw IIhia i.iwm. KhaiiIm J- P Uerio. mmiih salew r.vNTKU po-lthin a fojvmau or 6uH. of cnmiruvtkHi, mllivay or hhmI trk, by au eierlncett man Ait ill J.MKXTON, Hajwartl.CMl r.NTKI).- 1 1 .M-l 1.111 An active man tor . ,-h ll ,l.tIOL to hHliIlt, retireaewl a MMie -.ul N. Coiiiu.i.n m tX.riKMMleAlUlkllO.liV Dr IlihkU. lSlU.1 . ritMM, Jeaelr) , ee., to caimliitio. at iM AVmi a tjiily oriael, salary JtO, to enrull (uetuberk (iIaO now, enrolled, n,lV) iiakl Iu). Keforvuis. nolwncisl. Knnire tAv o)eraUe a&xvUtlun icrvdlt well noedj LookUnSW. y,y Hy in AI.VMMKN WANTKO AT ONCK--A few KOlkd IU0I1 l tlll .ui. ...1. K JaVwiiteiu"fc,ur SlV.1.1. UIXJ "J2L..Vlit. lWlivaueut tan miil,iii,ihHi.i..j.u iT'.A. .i . UiI.i.Ivr. """""" p. ittii inuie imUAS.afeWittfS' ArANTK.-Tu rxrnt a atrm uf rrow IW to take , , i...inn, MMH3 IHI1M1IMX1 IhIUiI iHl loialtou prvfrrrrd: have ludlUv -railUH.WIli (UQ IM aud uxperUuec VV rlla to Oeo Vbulerly. mm vnou,i)r U. Wtw JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in Groceries. Paints, Oils and Window Glass, nail i'a- .1' nor nntl JJortier. atuslv jiii V"tiU IIiup Hnlr Nails and lentils, liimp, iiair. itdiijjuiiu siiitmles, llav, Feed and Fence Posts, GniSS Seed's tie, biv Ai)VKiiThKiEvr " " lApANFF RA7AAR Jrtl Mil L.OL. DrtZ-Mrtllt ' fl Commercial St., opposite FoMoffice. wt Tmrte'r"' of . ..... ar,i Chinese Curiosities and Novelties. Fine l'oreelaln CblDaware. Cknssniile, "uUuium, Hrcue, Io,y. Ohrvlng. hllk, Crer-". ivitln hmbioldries, Lnderwtar, Maltlne. Fine Ten. Flrp ork. Etc. of rr dVw'.lptioii tor i.l, at lowest price.. W joleale and Ketall. I ouutry order ir imptly atteudetl to. I STAGE LIVERY BARN. t I'f .ri'fCheniekete llulcl. L. H. IH'FFMAN. Prop. nnt Intra nd i 1 x- tor nil .1eakn. J ti dlnH'pe, ,lty. l'onejui, -e-i '! mn i. ii I thr on .ri ...Moreuiii XMlliCe. CSRtes Re8onuble.S H.II. "WESTACOTT. Feed 'Jiable k Livery. Baled Ha- Tor" Sale The best of .r- iken of transient -took. flie Salem Caniifiy mc ".a Will tv in the market f - til rietles of I LIlGrriCS. I Black RasjihPiTies and Blackberries After June 15th. fci-Swdw Caoitol Home Addition i- t' "n'! loe!i,iil in Eat Salem, south !of m Ei lie ru!w v line, near the p.,rir 'n.i e. L.'..e loi, KO:l) feet. jxJ mi', l-oi -ale bv T. II. WILSON. Owner. f State itree:t - salem. $12,6SO U'EI! Ktiv nrtA rt lo fnKt liatf tlnn filfmi in Marion county, situated near Turner, I Oreson. Ternv easy. ' n. c. & j. n. POKTEK, Real e-tate ns-nts, Aumsville, Or. &fl-lm T. II. MUBBARD, - ;nt for Cyclone Ssp.wiors- Russell Engines and Saw Mill Machinery. R-id-nf jii nnimercial fct., Salem, Ore. fi.t3m J arvi s-co nklin .Mirte Trust Company Loans mone on improved farms at a low rule of interest. Xo delay. Money reudv when papers are completed. Pri.i leg of paying in intallmentii. V. A. H.xii.To,Mgr office with Hunt A Pratt, Hlute-t.. valem. .Notice to Taxpayers. THE A ,tmeni Roll "of the City of -alem will be submitted to the com mon council for appnvl or revision, at the regular Ion of June 17th, lsW. All per-oo- de-irlnj h revi-ion or change In the r i-se-sineut will plea-e file with the recorder a w,itten apilti-itlon therefor -Wt'l U F Oi.N, Citj Recorder. pecro,,. The Fine Imported BOUITTANT, The imrorted Pi cheron -taPion. Ikrn- ttUui. u the onlv imiairted Pen-heron in tbeei'untry, 1, ae: only a i.ionter hore btitU "pretir i a picture- and stylih. standi at Jtlmo A Lows barn rneday and VVelne-Liy-. kt Iurnr .MoncUv,nnd Tbar-day-. l-w-.jiu Citation. , He It rvmtmb-i-tl, that ata rvgular term I oiin county coun.oiine-biie or or tpo, for lb touDtyof Marino, in probiesiuin?, ! tsevtin aud b-iti at the court bou-e In tne Hit oxtlen in Mtid county and -late, on ' Monday tbe '4b day of May V. P., 1K, the am bvtn-tbenr-i vtoaitay in istld month, 1 aadtbuuke tt-.ed by law fir bol.linu- a regular lnn of said rourt, when were ite Mn: Hon. T. -. -.HAW, Judse. K.J HBiXK.K.tlerlc. rii CRuI-s.-.beria: Wlwa, on Taday tbe 27th fcy of May V. 1) 1-)L ainoor other- th foUowlaif n-o. ' i: evxtllmr- were bad, to-wtt: 1 lb matter ofibexuuantiao- ..,,.., ... 1 hip of Itantei Clark, a mloor. " 1 Nov at thU lime torn. Haiti Smith, ruardian ntlu per-on and etai of Daniel i t lark, a initvir, wb present- lo the court ' ber dulj tr'rt.il e !lvu pv T4J iDfwriiiiai.(.u in -iiMin. a., 'or. Iinj, iw .ertosr.ud din-c.iut; ber ! -vil all tbe tifbt. nth- and Intere-t of -j.di rraioor In and to .Lo foliottiuc dc-i ibei mi eiaie. i.v n- ine nairo .ne iMuatloa land clam, Sf J!?i.,r .' "Z .W'.SlJri? . ' TT .-. . TT 'I ... " .-. M .rloic.Mi.uy, utte of rron, nnd coo- laijoi In toe uu.iL iV,nail,n I. ad clai.11 ana 1. . 01 xctMin i- in 1 - . 11. r VV. In M.rloic.Hialy,u.te of . regon, pnd w- ri tl nnrihWMs. fti.-iii !hL 1.4 Ik.Midi Clr. ii wlidoniij land pi. iu, 11.11 1. . on .urn N. , iUiiu No. M.aud runnins ibpnt-e xxiih a'.a iu we-t imp of Mtld dottaiiou kind cl.nui m chains more or lesloiheouth went corner nf -aid dona UuBdalai. 1 'mace w tit ibaius more or Ii to the otianer tftiHi.iii uii .m ii. between ms-Hih a and M in T s -., k. s vv. m iht . t.Hii.iniv Mirr.uiau. induce norm Sallowluj tbe quarter ectlim Hue to the i,UH.lor mH'Ooh coruei ou Hue between .ecthuu ii ami I.I ill T. - K i w thence eat I olmliw more or ln to tbe iilace of -. .... ii... in, i uk .. nm- HKirr or Hm, beluc the laud .oiiw-t tn l.u.ll i'l.l Ii. !..,. ..........I.... t-t . I by ileiHt letsitdid lu rv.nt of deed- ufl Mm am i bonk ixninty, Oregon mi nae 71S of Aud It ai'sir.UK totbeoourt frout Mid liellOoa Lul It .uMhe beuertctrl to mUJ I iiilaiH the.elu lueutiuued, and l uece -ki ihet the real e-tate tberein drwrib d niM Ut be void. Ii U tben-toivOUOL.thli b tbeeourt lb. t ou Monday ibe 7th da i Julv. WVI,at lOoolook lu tbe foreoixw of, alil dsv lu tbl curt in the court room ' lUi-i-vof In the cuuut court bouM. lu tbe cii of t, item, li ibe county of Ma. tau aud I tateuf tHei.ott.be 0ed a Ibe time add v..ue Srwt.iajauv and all objviaxi to thegra.iiiii.juf Mut uriter and lleeute of w ' mu( IU no,.) if tnU onier be served I 'liou the uet of Km of kaid minor, and ,-0 II px.kUd. tutemird la mU tniule r4 .b "i'lV fV " b l"bUsrMHi ibetwuf In Ibe VV eekb' t AetT.vu Joi UNALforlbiw I isaiMSsittve aud uvsh. u Kk. nnor to ' Mtlddrle, ald CAprrvi. Wi.uclv Joi-n- "ii. wmn uinnr8iiiiml ateaulu IkhvIu said l "on my and Male. T C. SHAW, CvuntyJudk-M. CKKTiriCATK OV l or KliCUKB. sr.vTK or Okihmm:. lU'NTV Ol' MAUlUN, ) I, K J. lUUsk.CttHty CUk of Martaa cwinty. Mate of Onuou, aud tuLiittleto eleik iiftlieilrvuit I'lwit air wild (uunty and State, do lieruli) isntlfv tbat the f.ir? panslfaUMK' iHofiHderof the ciMut. baa tssju u) we tAMMiiared with ilia iHtctaal uih llie n i Ibile lbei-i uilirt wu awe aiieur w nww ih h mnee au in Willi., my naud and m1 .tf lb court, ibUSrd day ufJuiu. lM. laal.J K.J It VUaKK, Clerk UJ.ai HIIIUUIAS. jveputy ART TST, Instruction. Klven Id iCmob g""", Wnter Color and Ull Palntine. "v. JTlv made to order? studio in CberWon's art, rooms, Eldrldge Bui ding, ??lerR2C. Execnfor's Xotice. -VTOTICE Is netebr glen that the county N court of Marion county, Oregon. 1ms ibis dM "pponi ,he undeLrslgDHeiJfirt' ut"xoflhertaieor Henry ''?.,e;ed All persons bavlr, claims against said e , tate are reo.ul ed to present th m with the 'proper vouches to me at my res dence i,M...hiimitr in m doountr wlttun six mouth irom the date of this notice. M-.rSl.11M. TRESSEFOX. r.irir of the estate of llenryox, "". tv deceased. ft22-5w 121 Court 31. iTvo Through Trains Each Way IllLY. VtA INIOX PACIFIC SYSTEM. Ceminenelui: with -uuduy, March 2nd, both tlrt and -.iindla-s tickets u 111 be h..ii.H-Ml nn -rhe Lltnltetl Last Mall. tral ;. .laud I. a well alwi mi the "Uer land Flyers," No. 1 und I. "The Limited East Mnll trains are i eoulDDed with I'ullraan palace and colo- I nfst sleepers, dining cars, chair cars ana mHrhe. and run solid between Portland and hlcuBO. dally without change, lhe"Overland Flyer"tralni ore equipped with Pullman poluce oleepers and coaches, between Portland and Council IilutTs, and with Pullman colonl-t leeper between Portland and Kansas City, daily, without change. I onneciions ere maaeai roaiieini iiu throush trains to and from Salt Lake, and ati"heennc with through trains to and from ix-nter, Kan-a. City and ht Louts. The above trains anora ine quicKe-i I time between the northwest i'acinc coa'1 nnd Pjalprn mill OMlhfril TXlinlS. i Detailed lime of trains, rates, through . ticket". ba?eaee checks etc., can be pro p cured upon application toanj agent ofthe - 1 Cnion Pacitlc Sytem. r. W. LEE, 3-7,-,t.w Gen'l Pass. gent. BOISE A MANNIXU Agents, fts Court , street, .-alem Orestn Oregon R. K. Company Line. (Limited.) C. X. SCOTT, RECEIVER Tickets for any point on this line for sale at the depot, foot of Jeffer-on -arret, and st the United catrace and bi.'sr.ige Transier companW otllce. corner .-k'eond and ruie street-i. "Commn i,inn Ticket- at 2 cent per mijp. General olBc - northwe-t orner h.r and 1" ne -trwi., Portland. EAsT -IDE From r-iwi-il Portland i.i..ii I n't nut Silver- Cobun.' Port n-1 P in ! tonac mall toli Kxp LVP1 LVASI ABF. -K .' ICO S 00 P.i.-.i nd s i'i S V, I11 j sen asii." - . nj'j'.- -' ! 10 5M 10 50- A..-1...1-. i9 7 00 1H7- -' 5 07 '!r .1 ..i. . " G50 ! S Pi W r,T -Ull Alrllemaii l'-r-i IX AJi 7 P.. 1 ....id f. . 1 -: 10-15 l'i iid Jam-... 1 .' " 2to "- -r 'Siii " 18 i'. - . 4 lyi 1 1 ' ' - 3Vi - From Tersioal or Interior Points the VTAl.ftn I). iern racinc l the line to take To all Points E-ist aud South. It isthed'nins car route. It runs through vestibule train, every daj In the j ear 10 ST. PALI AND CHICAGO! 1 (No change of cars.) 1 Composed of dlninjf cars unsurpassed, j Pirilman drawins; room sleepers I Of latent equipment . TOURIST I Sleeping Cars. Berst that can be constructed and In which ji-coinmndmUins are both free and fur nished for holders of first and second-cla- tickets, aud ELEGA: T DAY COACHES. V contlnuot jr.e oocEe:tlng with all lines, affording direct and uninterrupted -ervlce. Pullman sl Ions can be se cured In advj ; any agent of tbe roud. Through tickets to and from all points in America, England and Kurope can be purchased at any ticket omce 01 thU com pany. Full information concernini; rates., time ortrain-,rmite-andotherdetaiN furnl-hed on application to any a.-ent or . D. CHARLTON, Vsti-tant inRcixl Pa n-'f cent. "u. 121 First -lull. .-..r. Wrf-li luti-u: Port Uiid.Oreon 1 THE YAOUINA ROUTE. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD UJ rvr L Ts .oLinent i-omnanvi, -.... t' dur l 11!IV ,..... -.... ... .- . .1. . ... e- luirter. -) Imur- letiut than by an oliui mute. HrM cU- ih.-..u.-h pa-x-utrer i..t freight line miin l'nr'..i.nd and .ill -.ki.i.i, in tho vv,i 1 -' 10 ana mi 1. -su pninei-nu I . T' SCHEDULE, iiept , -J ! LMllu.ltldn Lea i'.wrtu LQ"",' UWi'Jt -1:10 PM &!!M .Seta AM 1IB5AJI 11:10 A M Albany and ! XrHw.Ya.Vui, I Oo Yam?lr i-...i rrtve Albany O- C. train connect I Corvallt. at The abov e truiua connect at YAQL'INA with the Oregon IVeveloivment W Line ir.siH,i-hin-lHXwisn aanina and art Francisco. sitllM. w'.IES STI-VMEK.S. raOM YAQCCIA Prnllon arll WllUuiitte Valley . ". Ut I 1-amllon ... T L' 1 vv'illaineise Valley, '. "1111 u -"amlLim I rraiKMi.. . TK.VMEKa 1 Willamette VaUey I Pa ml Ion rsou s-i.n riM.chio A artl VVilbtiuetui viir Karsilou... Wllbiinetie ValWy Tbi iiminanr r .irvi I 11- 91 taa nitl la ebaiure aaillnf date wlibent mw. iii a.l!llt?,7fr tnm Ptold alt , W lllainette VaUer potau eaa aitt etoe I .staneitiou with the train. of is YAOIMNA RcjlTttAlka!?crluT and If dUad to 6a rrni-Sini hould armutfe to arrive at raniaa tat ! . beSvre date of ailiof ' rear i4 freirkt Mom tlau im rf .".fJ. X? 1o aair l SeMes. Hl'LAIAN A ilo.. r-reiffBt and Tlek Vsenu AO and Jtt fWt .. PorUaad. Or. KM C. C. HtXiPK. Art ruui I vvt . Pa AstOrepM. PaeMeR. K. Co.. ' H.H.VSWRLUJr.aeTapSj,l4Ur I'a. Ajt. Orivoo lVeetopent Oa, SH Montcomery t Saa Franelkca, CSU .u-yfiMAilffi Ty. Thursday .usi iaiibTs!LSja-Jt x. WedK-a-day aud Prt nortn-bouud. Moad.ii .... ... .t.J., : T. -." - UMl lu ... aatl l-aiurtU) r.itH.M. ...,..Tn, .-uniaaa. Tuei Tkurtay We-ti r Uhl si Nilew. Ie7 tfivSWR?! " I '.viVvirvmrAVa',ias' FOURTH OF -HEADQUARTERS FOB- ' Flags, Firecrackers Roman Candles, Whistling Bombs, Sky Rockets, Torpedoes, i T1J Best Stock in City of RIFLES, SHOT GTJXS, IiEYOLYEng Base Bal's, Hammocks, Croquet, Ammunition-all kt - Brooks & Harritt No. 9-4 Scate Street, Salem, $10,000 For Ten Thousand Dollars Fancy and Staple Groceries, For prices and WELLER 201 Commercial St. tfrGoods delivered free ...m - i ESCCa-XEVS m j ii'o:.Kii ip r HENRY SCHOIWAKER -IS AGENT FOR- The Walter A, Wood's Binders and Mowers. Big Steck: Binding Twine! Combination Fence Maker, Hay Rakes, Cedar and Oak Posts. Farmers will do well to give me a call. 258 Commercial St , Salem, Ore, R. M. WADE&CO. IIuve-iustTnvokioaflother Spring Wagons and Hacks Of the best standard makes, .-klered. All Invited to call and Commercial street. J. A. ROTAN, t satt quarters, tnd door south of Bush's Bank, now has a Larfcerstockof Furniture thanever AIM M ite W r vteriater GooJ. Be sure and examine thU stock before ftai&r nowhere, as It will. we you money. d-wlm HELLENBRAND'S Eatissr Parlsrs Jfc Caady Manuractor-, . -i&a COmmdrolal Strait HI LI OF rAUE: J5&i ;:- .. : ' r ...u MMh.nd xinir "--Ke..?rout. jnaie Oi B.Hjn Hot Cat-M iSl n, t.L: -lucenu IDetmU UrxuiU -....' cvntn 'Jficotit lXisut cent .'JAceiil .XrvuU JIT . "? RB" aw- , f. .""..- .r. .m.. wn i iH.r ' ! WwtJf . ::?" u M n- Cwt RsrDerSrvjr'1lk3 0'ClMk. A nipt. vartetj of ve(iblr, ete,. We. IM lea maaU -.. mr lie .HI IK with all ixvul iwC1,-p iHiikwtetl aud iviu.u. l lUHiMllml- alwaj. on imu.t. .Wceiil Unui JULY GOODS Sombs Double Heads, p'n Wheel,, JaPe"ese Uem, Etc, Etc, regon. Sale- -worth of- terms enquire of to all parts of the city.- O $10,000 BROS., PIANOS AND ORGANS. Violins, Guitars, Mandolins, Banjos, SHEET MUSIC, Mu,lc Books, and all kinds of MuM-al Merctundiv at EASTOIM Eldridge block, Commercial St. THE ONLY MUSIC STORE IN Sffll m at Prices are the lowest, Quality con exaulne them at 2S2 2S4 and i I'nion' Pacific R. H Company "OVERLAND ROUTE." rrnlns for the eat Have Portland stjjj am and fcOO nm dally. Tto its to andfrow . prtuclrwl points In tbi United Btates.Ca 1 a da and Europe. I Elegant N'ew Dioing Cars. PULLMAN1 PALACE SLEEPERS. Krce Family Slreplne Car run Ibrooi on Kxpre.a train to uniaha. Couneu lUuitk and Kanwi aty without chant lVHitc.!Uiniiat rortlamt ftirln KisneU ruaud j uket Wound rolnu. Vt lurther ivarttculais addre D' st it ibe company or I. W.UJE.O. P A. c K. M KLI.KN, Oeneral Traffle Man-' HoIm A Mannlnr scents, 6S Court itrwl, Haliu,Orecun,