Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, June 10, 1890, Image 2

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-T-:, ,, ! iimiiiwiwiiiw nHiiiijiiiiwpwwiiiii,uiiM JTiiiuj .,,. v. fl m n ami iiaii ii ii huww!.
Wh" .j
by mall per mom
-lf hot
pally by mall pr year.
Dallr bv mall nermonl
'Weekly by mall per year,
.16 00
. M
. 100
aid In advance
Ibe price
charred for the Wraxcr JotniXAr. will e
turn per year. If papers are not acn verea
promptly notlly the office.
TWII-. fti ntnffln week -.... 15 Ms
Dally ferlvro week,
Dallr bv month... -
Collections will be made on 1st nnd 15th
of month. Subscribers will pleno leave
money forearrier nt home or whereon it
1 delivered, to a to cause no delays In
Thb EvxsnwQ capital Jodbnai, refru
Mrly receive the afternoon associated
prcaa dlsprtches.
A Middle Aged Man Dies Alona, tbe
Victim of the Deadly Alcohol
June 10. Howell Pralrlo Grange picnic.
June 18. Supreme court meets at Salem.
July i. Grandest celebration In Oregon
at Salem.
Dealers in Groceries, Crockery,
Glassware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
Brushes. Windowglass, Etc. Sole
Agents for Epicure Tea and Big
Can Baking Powder.
A mnu named Chas. Btokes, who
had been working in JCUIs & Whit
ley's livery stable, having come
here from McMintivlIle, became in
toxicated while left on duty Satur
day night and next morning was
paid ofT. He then continued his
spree all day Sunday. He engaged
u room at the t'hemeketc hotel and
in that room bodied.
Monday morning about 10 o'clock
he went to his room and the cham
ber maids during the afternoon
could get no respouse when knock
ing at his door for the purpose of
getting tiie room open so as to fix it
up, but they gave no notice of the
matter until about 7 o'clock. Then
Mr. Monroe, landlord of the hotel,
effected an entrance into the room
und was stupefied with horror In see
the man leaning on tbe bed, face
downwards, one knee 011 the floor,
and HfeleKS. A bottle was found by
The Efforts of the Hoard or Trade to
Create Harmony .Meets with
Editor Jouknal. The under
signed were appointed by the 8alcm
board of trado at Its meeting on tbe
Clh Inst., as reported in the Journal
to solicit additional funds to be
used In defray I rur the expenses of
the National Guards at Salem on
the Fourth of July. While it is
evidently not the intention of the
board to be thus construed, the prac
tical effect of this action Is to say
to us, as members of tbe Oregon
National Guard, if you are anxions
to parade in the celebration and
contribute to the attraction of the
day, bring out your companies from
Eugene, Albany, CorvnlllsWhll
eaker and Mueleay, pay the ex
penses or not, any way you can,
nnd you can parade.
We have interviewed the chair
man of the celebration committee
and ascertained that the town has
been pretty thoroughly canvassed
be heard. Among the many things
that might properly be said in
regard to the excellence of tbe
program, the piano duet,
Der Frelschutz, from Weber,
by Misses Nesbltt and Southwick,
ueservesspeca meuion. nwneono ggfe, , Hny, Feed ami FcilCO
oftho-e rendl Ions tin, makes one;Pos( GISS Seeds, Etft
lorgev mu worm aim iiiuiK 01 tne
Dealer in Groceries, Taints, Oils
and Window Glass, Wall I'a
rW nnd linrder. Artists' Ma
terials. Lime, Hair. Nails and
Instructions elven In Crayon rortmU
room,, Eldr.dge Buying, " TRN
publlme. The piano solo by Miss
Carpenter and the song by Miss
Milter accompanied by cornet by
Win. Dyars, were executed in tine
style. The program on the whole
was n fine recommendation of the
. Notire to Taxpayers.
ffillB Abetment Roll of tbe City of
J Salem will be submittal to the com
mon coumll ror approval or revision, nt
the regular session or June 17th, 1M. All
prtVmi desiring a revision or chano In
their assessment will please tile with the
reeordpr a Wiltten application therefor.
H-lOtct L. F.CONN, City KecorUer.
his side with about two table! for fl,uds' nud that all the money
Public School Examination.
This Is an exciting and interesting
week in thepublic schools of Salem,
or rather in the big school building
In East Salem, where the pupils are
assembled. The occasion is the an
nual examination, through which
nil grades are passing and the pro
gress of the past year, noticeable so
far.is very marked. More than aver
ago will pass and be promoted and
it Is a cheerful fact that tho schools
are all In a very prosperous condi
tion. Tbe examinations nnd the
cnooi year win close i rjday even
ing with n prnnii inttrlnliiifnf nil
Reed's opera house, tbe program for
which will be published in this pa
per Thursday aftcrnoou. Some fea
tures of the entertainment will be
tho graduating exercises of the
graduating class of sixteen, who
will also receive their diplomas, af
ter which fifty girls and thirteen
boys wlii give a grand march and
Hag drill, led by the Goddess of Li
berty. Tills will be an event in which
the whole people of a city are inter
ested and tbe children will recelvo a
splendid ovation.
spoonfuls of what appeared to be (Subscribed has been oUicrwIso appro- lis.
('has. A. Gray was a passenger for
Portland on business this morning.
Lee Hoffman, of Hoffman fc
Bates, contractors on the big bridge, j
is in the city to-day.
Maj. Frank E. Hodgkin, who lias
been visiting his family, took this
morning's train north.
Rev. D. 1$. Gray, superintendent
of the Institute for the blind, took
the morning train for the metropo-
Tie Salem Gannon'
Will foe in the market for nil canning va
rieties of
Executor's Notice.
-VTOTlL'E Is hereby given that tho county
N urt of Mcounty, Oregon, has
this day appointed the undersisnedexec
utrix of thcVstntoof Henry F0.d?d:
All persons havlrgclalms against said es
tate are required to pre-enl them with the
proper vouches to roe at my residence
nearsubllmlty In said county within Blx
months from the date of thli notice.
auy 21.100. TRESSEKOX,
Executrix of the estate of Henry Fox,
deceased. &
Flags, Firecrackers
121 Court SI.
nmn.lv m It. bo imvlnir ..vil..niK printed, so that none is left for
drank as long as he ciild and then I mllitlu purposes. Two years ago
toppled over helpless.wlih the result I '-""'nllls, with
Mark Raspberries
and Mlaekliorrirs
'.Alter June loth.
psrhaps not oue-
Will Oi'E.v Oak Street. There
has been some uncertainty abotii
tho correct survey of some of the
blocks nnd streets of University ad
dition, and City Surveyor Gcsucr
has been engaged in n arei'ul re
survey of the same and has estab
lished the exact boundaries. This,
it seems was the only drawback to
tho street superintendent carrying
out the order of the cliy council to
open Oak street from Twelfth to
Fourteenth street, and now Super
intendent Gruham will probably
proceed immediately to remove ob
structionsaud call upon tho railroad
company to put in tho proper cross
ings over their tracks south of tho
depot platform. Tho lliorotisfarels
an Important oue and ery
convenient for an extenslvo traffic,
i ii'l even should the railroad com
pany forbid vehicles rrom crossing
its grounds, with a very lltllo work
tliero can bo an easy passage way
mode acres the creek by digging
the banks down a little on either
Laiuik Shii'ment. A train of
a7 carloads of cattle, sheep and hogs
passed through going nortti this
morning. Fifteen loads were from
California nnd tho remainder were
from Oakland, Youeaila and Oak
Grove, this state. It was noticed by
nil observers that the cattle were of
vmy fiuo quality and in good con
union. Tiiey were destined for
Portland. It was said at the dejwt
that two otherstock trains would bo
along this afternoon from California.
There Is food for tuought for Wil
lamette valley farmers that Call
fornla Is shipping table meal to our
metropolis. Tho moral would seem
to bo to raise nnd ship less grain
nnd more stock.
A Noted Comixmeu, Mr. Julius
Adler, a brother of Mrs. II. 8. Simon
and Mrs. Leopold Hlrscli, is in the
city on his wedding tour from Kansas
City and Is tho guest of those fami
lies. Mr. Adler is u noieil mnui,..ii
Mr. Monroe sent iniimdliilely to
notify the coroner, but tint gentle
uiau,Dr. J. C. Smith, is in Portland,
so he had the body removed to J. A.
Rotan's undertaking rooms, ami ii
was afterwards taken to the old
building on the alley back ofiieur
cichoniukcr's, where il remained
during the night. The coroner was
telegraphed to but did not come.
This morning, in the coroner's
absenee, Justice M. E. Goodell was
called to act and summoned
the following Jury: A J Rasey, A J
Cos, J F White, Irving Wagner,
Fratik W. Wnters and George W.
Watt, who heard the testimony of
C.H.Monroe, landlord oftheChe
mkcte, Davtd J. Holmes, clerk,
Jasper Ellis, of the livery barn, and
Wm. N. Chambers, cabman.
The testimony of these gentlemen
embodies the above fact., with
the further fuels that Mr. Chambers
lias known Stokes some live years,
having first met him at McMinn
vllle, that lie was supposed to be of
Norwegian descent, and was about
40 years old, of a wandering dis
position, working faithfully for n
time nud then flying the track in
the pursuit of tho fulso pleasures of
Dr. W. H. Ryrd was called to ex
amine the body and certified that
no murks of violence nor no evi
dence that lie hud Intentionally
committed suicide, and gave it as
his opinion that the man's K-.it h
was from nnlur.d causes, superin
duced by his excessive spree.
The verdict of tho jury was in ac
cordance with the doctor's opinion,
which was corroborated by the
evidence. He was buried this after
noon. No friends or relative are
known hero.
third of tho present population of
Salem, paid the traveling , ex
penses and keeping ofslx companies
or the Second regiment at the cele
bration there. Last year Salem re
luctantly gave way to Albany, with
the understanding that the celebra
tion should be held here this year.
Albany showed the same hospital
ity to the regiment that it received
ul Corvallis. We deem it as little as
should be tendered the men, IT their
expenses are paid when they
come here and are under arms in
the parade, and the fatigue of sham
battle, practically all day. As it is
impracticable to raise more
funds, besides giving the work
desired of us tbeelTeet of the militia
forcing itself upon the program, we
caunot consistently serve the board
us its committee. We cannot be
parties to an iuvitation to visiting
companies less favorable and hos
pitable than we received on two
similar occasions.
We tuink it will bo little to the
credit of Salem If she allows her
celebration to fall short of the
standard for hospitnblity already es
tablished bv the citizens of Cor
vallis nnd Albany.
George II. Burnett,
H. S. Jordan,
M. W. Hunt,
Wm. N. Ladue,
R. II. Leako.
Messrs. Werner nnd Eugene Rrey
man were among the Salemites who
will swell the population of Port
land to-day.
Hon. Wm Armstrong went to
Portland this morning to attend the
meeting of tho Masonic grand lodge
there to-morrow.
Mrs. F. J. Beuty, of Cbemawa,
returned this morning from a visit
among relatives at Cnnyonville,
Douglas county.
Geo. E. Good was one of the
morniug passengers Tor Portland,
where lie intends attending the
meeting of tho Pharmaceutical association.
Two Through Trains Eacli Way
Feed Stable & Livery.
BaleU Hay for Snlo.
The best of c.ire laken of transient fctock
Commencing with Sunday, March 2nd.
both first and second-class tickets will be
houoied on "The Limited East Mall,"
trail 3nnd l,ns welt also on the "Over
land Flyers," Nos. land 2.
"The Limited East Mall" trains are
equipped with Pullman palace and colo
tifu. fiiMnprB rilnlnc- nnrs. chnlr cars and
coache, nnd run solid between Portland
Gapitol Home Addition
Is beautifully located In East Salem, south
of the" Electric Railway line, near the
power house. Largs lots ICOxlCO feet.
Good soil. For sale by
T. II. WILSON, Owner,
Wi State Street, - - Salem.
and 1'hlcngo, dally without change,
The"Oveiland Flypr"trnlnn aie equipped
with Pullman palace sleepers and coaches.
sleeper" between
between Portland and Council BluOs, and
with Pullman colonist
Satines. Reduced to 12 cents a I
yard at the Capitol Adventure Co. !
Ladies take a look at them. It will i
pay you. oO-tf
The Plumbers,"
2GO Commsrclul St.
Dealers In
C. A. Collins on last Saturday I
purchased six acres on the Garden
road, buying on the cast side of 0. , ni l i r J
Fulrvlew avenue, paying at the rate j OieaiTl and rlUmbef S bOOOS,
Portland and Kansas City, dally, without
fVinneetlons ere made at Pocatcllo With
through trains to and from Salt Lake, and
ntt'heyenne with through trains to and
from Denver, Kansas City and St. Louis.
The above trains nllord the quickest
time between the Northwest Pacific coast
nnd Eastern nnd outhern points.
Detailed time of trains, rates, through
tickets, baggage checks etc., can be pro
cured upon application toany agent of the
Union Pacific System. T. W. LEE,
S-7-jt-w Geu'l Pass. . gent.
BOIBE 4 MANNING Agents, 68 Court
street, Salem Oregon
Oregon R. R. Company Line.
Tickets for any point on this line for sale
at the depot, foot of Jefferson street,and ut
the United carrage and baggage Transfer
company . omce. corner secona ana Fine
streets. Commutation Ticket at 2 cents
per mile.
General office northwest corner First
and Pine streets, Portland.
Roman Candles,
Whistling Bombs,
Sky Rockets,
Duble Heads,
Pin Wheels, '
Japenese Laterns
Etc, Etc.
Best Stock in City of
Base Bal's, Hammocks, Croquet, Ammunition all w j
Brooks & Harritt
No. 94 State Street, Salem, OregQ
For Sale-
Ten Thousand Dollars
-worth of-
Fancy and Staple Groceries,
For prices and terms enquire of
of $400 per acre. He will build two
residences on the tract at ouce. Mr.
Collins spent some time in Tacoma
and Bays that Sulem must prepare
to entertain a crowd for the next five
California Ironstone Sewer nnd Fire Clay
Chimney Pipe, etc.
For exchange, a 320acre farm near
Salem, for business property in tbe
city. Inquire at Journal office.
Program to lie Kendereuat Willamette
I'nirmily, Thursday, June 12,
1890, at !0 (IVIotk, A. 31.
MiltR. Davis, who represents Or
egon as cadet at West Point lias
just passed nil unusually good exam
ination and will graduate witli hon
orsso much for Oregon's sou.
Will buy one of the best half section farms
In Marion couuty, Miuated near Tuinei,
Oregon. Termn easv.
n. C.& J. n. PORTER,
Real estate agents. Aumsville. Or. 0:G-lm
Jarvi 6 c on"k LTn
Murto Ti nst Company
The class of 1890 that will gradu
ate at Willamette university Thurs
day next is composed its follews:
Classical Lewis Kraiikliu Belknap,
Allyn Heald Cooke, Susan Ilarriug-
ASSAULT AND BATTK.tY.-The "' v? fcl M"-
Germnn who works for Governor portj Vir-il 'eri''r. W "
., , , , ,-, , , ., Hani lvlward Perry, Stanton We -Moody
had George Town.end, the , ... ,.,.',, .,
city's cow-catcher, arrested mid ' , ' ' " ' ""'
taken beforo Justice Goodell this '. '" ' " ""'",
morning on n charge of assault nnd i . ... .. , ,,, .
battery, but the trial ofthe cae was niwimiinllIlul ,. ?i, ' r.ii.:..
postponed until Thursday morning a' cntcrtnIn,
at 10 o'clock. The arrest, as the .."
T , , , , ' , l-JHM UA.il llf K.li;iiTAiaMKT.
JoiiitNAL is Informed, jjrew out of wllBniUi ,our , ltJnblcc Q
an ntlalr which occurred J'riunr turo- Wi-ncr.
, if .... v. m.ki.! '',e?.81.0er!.:,vl,lll..,''''ler. et-
v"-u'"o Mi'i'vo vw, .i-n.iV a u cm t icr. ru'-.uioM.r-touuiwicK.uieiin
. . i ' m ". . '
man liad brouRiit in two Iiornes and
n cow from pasture, nud took the!
horses into the bam to tie up, leav
ing the cow outside. When lie had
secureti uio iioi-k tuitl como out oil oration "O t P. Ivilcjo Compels us." i
tho bam, Mr. Towiihoud, who is , Htnutm w.Mrjker. j
thoclty iraunil master, was iIUvIiir OnUi0n T3iriVK:iVm.Env,,t,nil,ent-
olt'thecow. Tho man ordered linn ' Vocal Duet "Kchoov Moir
i . ., i . ., Mlhs Unr inud l'roi. I'-.wvlu.
to let tho cow alone, but the police- omito- chrutir.. ,.,, , ,,.'.
man paid no intention, wnereuon
Ladiks. Von have been cleaning
lioiwe. Buy it nice pair of laee cur
tains for a dollar, at the Capitol
Adventure Co. On the line of the
electric railway. tf
Loin mmu-v "ii Improved farms at a
aie completed. Privi-
Installments. v. A.
Jisr (Hike with Hunt & Pratt.
ivad when
low nil oi Intel i '-t. No delay, ilene:
11 IMl).'!
le,' of p.ofujc in
Cherrlugton Bros nre still mnk
iuggoml cabinet Mze photographs
nt 2.00 per dozen.
25c Wane Column.
The Fine liiifiortcd Percheron,
The Imported Percheron Rtnllion
, U the only imported Percheron lu
thecountrj-, U not only a monster horse
wui i- -preuy as a picture" ana stviun.
Stands at .11 Into A Low's barn Tuesday
and Wednesdays: at Turner Mondays and
Thursdays. .-9-w-3m
nnd Price.
Solo, 'Forbidden Music" Gastaldou.
.MUi Lcoua WllllK.
Oration Contention.
i.fi 3iiisee.
Notices inserted for ONU CENT PEIt
tlsemcut Inserted lu this column for less '
than twenty-five cent-.
Pnnini anrl ITirvli Qift4-
riOUHALK. One house nnd two lot In , , Jl,li "ULll
Jou.UH.l.m. mo.ulreofW.il. hlll,p, Q Ttf DEP.SOX, PROP.
IIOIIKALK Allinmn.l,li,lMuVBi.. oUCCCSSOT lO II. If.
ser Iioreutu modeietely low tljjure
Alton comparatively new cart nnd bar-e-..
F.O. Hakeh.
I.IOKSAI.K. Three newcounteis and a
T complcleset orhellug forKilecli,-;!)
Inquire of F.O. lUker at F. S. Dearbo.-ns.
TkeCook uotoils oppoltr court house,
conveieut to business part of city and
street car Hue ruuuli.e past the door.
Itates Jl.CO to S3 00 it day, according to
room Special terms to boarders and
I7K3K HENT-A desirable business office
1' In best bloci In town. Inquire at this
tiie mail started to rescue hei and
received a crack of the cop's billy.
But lie rescued tho eow Just the
the same and now wants Towuscud
punished for assault and Imtt'.ny.
Invitations Issued. The com
mittee on invitation fur the Fourth
of July celebration have their cards
of Iuvitation printed and will com-
composer, hib most famous composi- nieneo sending them out to-duy.
tiona oeing mo "Members of Con
gress," march, dedicated to lion
Sol Hlrsch; tho Senator Mitchell
march, nud tho "Lilies of tho Willa
mette Volley," match, dedicated to
his three little nieces, duuuutrrs of
Hon.B. H. Friendly, of Kugene.llli
friends hero nre endeavoring to per
auado Mr. Adler to remuln in Salem
and Mtabllsh hluihslf lit buklness.
He would receive hearty welcome
nud would without doubt succeed.
They will Include nil towns through
out the valley within convenient
distance., nnd all nruauiuitlonsaiid
individuals considered likely tout
tend. The dlU'erent commit Wcs
kh;iii to lw doing all in tiieir power i
liu u.cooke.
Oration General Thoti-ht
Vligll Perlnje.'.
Oration Phllosoply oftliowth.
N. Monroe Ncwpoit.
Oration Time .Monument
William E. Perry,
K-,ay... World Thought.
.m vt M'o iinivlnsltui.
0.na.-telte "Dilftue."
MUs Willis nnil Mi, l.lun, Mo-n-s
IC u ml let ii ml Po orili.
Oiution Siinimum llouu.ii.
L, F.iuikllu llelkua-.K
Ky Maymarku of Proxress.
Mls Elvuni Victor,
Proenttlonofclu .!:v F. P.Towei.l). D.
CouierrlnK Ptaiw and Awarding!!' lues.
, p.VTKOMZE Home Industry, end use
1 Mountain lUlm Cough Cure. Ou.r
apt red to give relief or money renmded.
.MiiliufHCliiivd lly II. H.L'n',Mileiii. Ore
gon. Smith A stelner sole iicents for
8.tlom. luim
ITH3U '.ALE- one nnirllnc ccir.eletit
r heart mock cnitle, calves and hellers
alsoonu itbularas wasou, mid harness,
both iis(MHlns new Tliiieeien. Enquire
of J. P. ltobertson. VJiitb sulem.
WATKI,--:A P'ltlon as foreman or
11 . Sunt, of mnstrurtlnn. mllwnv or
canal work, by an experienced man
KXTON, Ilayward, Cat
dress J.hE;
Monday, Juno 0., S. p. in.
at half
to make the celebration a crowning ! , N"1" '
u.a ".Uuid niarchetl
DnowNF.n in Idaho--Oscar Ilml
gin, of this cily was uotltled yes
terday by telegrupii ofthe drown
ing of hlsclghteen-year-old brother,
Bicliard llodgimut Genesee, Idaho.
Ak. t in -
"ii i uuuu raiirtwil company is ex- He has received no iiitelllgenctf vet
hlbltlug a commendable falruvM in I of the manner of the drowning and
....w,,,, , U1 Iaui attained
by H, A. ThotnuH nnd Freddie Pal
Bier by the killing of their lion and
pouy lust Saturday morning. An
appraisement ha been made lu
Which two of the nnnrnlsorH u-..r..
mst seven o'clock the university
lull 111 IklnKiilin.l . l IT lit .)
I is.in. iiiuiunvii iu ut. nans nne
resldeiuv on Winter street where
Rev. C. C. Stmttou was hti.pplng
nntl escorteil the 1r.,who took a seat
by the side of l)r. Hall lu a cub, to
the university, rendering some
, tine music on the way. At I
8 ooloek, L, F. Belknnp, the
WK'letles' pnsliioiit. Introduced Dr.!
UAMhl).-An nctUe in: n fur u-li
section. Sa'aiy $75 to ilCJ, to l(Kill y
represent n sucie siui n. y. coini.inv in.
c..ion'Usl losiipoly iy (lotnls, llotlilnj,
hlioes, Jewelry, eie.,iooonnmi.- Hi con.
AlsotiUilyoriarl, Mtlun I0, to euroll
niemlHM-. i),rtO now enrollwl, .W,0W) jmid I
111). Ke.ei-euees rluidsed. Empire Ctv !
oerutlo Hsxjelntlnu (cmilt wen rated) i
UttkboxtilO N. . 5;j).V ,
lew good men to cell our Roods iiy '
Mii:ile lu the wholesale pad iclell Irsde
V. e Hr the ln.T'i.t tnnniiniMinM In ... I
Hue Liberal salary jmIU. Peiui'iient
h t pn. Money adxeuccd fo. wanes, ad
vertlshif, etc. For teinnt addi-esi Ceuteu
nlal Meuufactmlnj Co.,Chlciiv, III.
lie It remembe-ed, that at a regular term
of the county court, of the state or Or son,
for the county of Marlon. In probatesittin".
beunanrt held at the conn house in the
city of talen in said couniy nud state, on
Monday Hie ilh d.y of uiv A. D., IS, the
Kline beinctlienr-t Moadpy in said month,
nnd ibelliiic fixed by h-w for holding a
re-ular term of said court, when weie ore
i seut: -
Hon. T.C. SHAW. Judse.
K.J. lIAHCOCK.il.il..
e. y cnoisu.N.siie. jr.
When, on Tuesday the 27th dpv of jiov
A. 1)., lsO.amouvothei-stliefollowlngp-o.
ceedlns were had, lo-wit:
In the matter of the guuardliiu- ) .,,, .,
ship of Daniel Clark, a mlnoi. nation.
Now at this time comes Hr.tle Smith,
Biif.il.u ofae ierson andea;.teofDauIel
Clitik.n minor, uhopieeuK to the court
lie." duly eritled neilllou nmiim,
nn okUt and llcen-.eoit.iU court, author!
xiuj, o.iiHnoriu'i nnd diiecilug her to sell
all the .i-'ht, tlilo and luteiest of s.ld
imlnor Inaud to the followlag de cribed
r;u I'-iiiu', HhWli;
ton nc mall
4 00
mail Exp
8 00 J'ortl'ndS PU 3 10
9 M-.UavN Ijindlue. 2 38 9
10 50 Woodburn. I -10 8 43
11 47 Sllverton . 12 20 7 30
5 07 llr wnsvllle 7 40
50- Cobnrg fi 00
Airlie mall
7 45 .Portland MWV.
1U45 Dundee Junction
3 0o hherid-m
4 IB Dallas
4 65 . nonmouth
5 55 Airlie
Portland mail
10 27
From Terminal or Interior Points the
Is the line to take
To all Points East and South.
It In thedlning car route. Itruns through
vestibule trains every day In the year to
(No chango of cars.)
Composed of dining cars unsurpassed,
Pullman drawing room sleepers
Of latest equipment
Sleeping Cars.
Best that can be constructed and In which
accommodations are both free and lur
nlshed for holders of first and second-class
tickets, and
Acontlnuois line oonnening with aU
lines, affording direct and nnlnterrupted
Pullman sic - Ions can be se
cured In advi cc any agent of
the road.
Through tickets to and from all points
in America, England and Europe can be
purchased at any ticket omce ot this com
pany. Full Information cflneernmir ntn tlm
of trains, routes andotherdetiuls furnished
on application to any agent or
Assistant Weueral Passenger Agent, No,
121 Fir-.t stieet, -or. Washington; Port-litnd.Oieyon,
201 Commercial St.
-Goods delivered free to nil parts of the city,
Violini, Guitars. Mandolins, Banjos,
Music Hooks, and all kinds of Musical Merchandlim
Eldridge block, Commercial St,
me Tale Met
The Walter A. Wood's Binders
and Mowers.
Big Stock Binding Twine!
Combination Fence Maker, Hay Hakes, Cedar and Oak Posts.
Farmers will do well to give me a call.
258 Commercial St , Salem Ore,
Ine uet half oftliu donation land ela-.u.
of lK.uiel l'h-ik Pid vile, said donntlon
li'n'cl l.nuctil; p:i..ofT, 8S. of It. 3 W.
r'u 'art of section IS In T 8S.lt. 2 W. in
rANTEI.-Toreuta faun of from 1M
to 301 aci-eai, mostly imp lived I nud
to take ixvse-ston this fall- rood farm n.m
goHl location prefer. ed- hne luni ;M..ii
Write lo Ueo, I'm
,eily, s.
wiuutit ImuglnojUBt where it could , f'tr,tt,,"t wlio iidilrewcU the llterury rii r.T l-l"ITp l nn
have occurrtHl. a It N twelve mll.vui Rocleth of the university on tho' " 1L' tDDAUW,
university on tho'
selected by tho company uud one hy of tliU nehool dlntrlet held n inwt-
mo vMiuinui, with thorwult thut
r, Thouwta wus nilowwl $ 150 for
htohone nnd Master rulmer f30
for hit iwny. While thin may not
nearly their full valuo to their
wwaers, yet It U a liberal npprnUo.
mmw, hu mo pttrlletare fully nntU-
siAin. ,.... ..TT7 T"
jmi n moderHUiy ood pouy. No
WlHhB4euU lu tt way of (may
"ileB'n light cotit and vwtt, fiom
pc,av 10 oo. A No.1 goodl. All
wtyH rqu colore,
to the Bnukorlvernndlhn'eorfourl8Ul,Jm r "Iwok" nntl Heading." f A i. r
lullea to tho neurvst hike. , Ho tulketl In a firm yet plenum! Cyclone beparators, RusSSlI Engines
-- oo. Ho recommended some ofthe! and Saw Mill Machinery.
Bt'iiooi. AiKCTlNfl, The direotors oookk tnai every literary peooti incidence w ivmmerclni Mt., Miem. on
Bhould read nud some of tltoo that m
Hhould ho disciirtlcd. The lectilre ' I.
wuh Aill of kihhI loglofm.u the bo- . y y buying jour
glnnlUKnnd wiwu imtt that a lover MllSICa MerChandlSft
inn turn niiernoon nt wiiloli mime
tilllu wer allowed and inuny inutlore
of lutrreitt to tho district were dlv
cuh&ed, butuiMin which
uctlon m tuken.
no dellullu ' oi knowledge can III utfonl to nilM,
I Ho clOMHl with a few reiunrkH on
i . Tr"Z the dully newpuier, muting thai!
1aint kot Ditv. Tho now board It nhould lw In v.rv. i,n..t..o.i
f trade roonwnro undergoing a fur- thut our ehlhiren nhould U taught I
uUhlng prtKVM M tho palnler'n to nud It thut they may know what I
timid and will bo rowdy for huhlne l U going on lu tho world about u I
nboutThureiluy. , .,. vn.,.. I
" . . I Juo.ttt2t!Mj. m. iho chapel wa
IMtoiiATK CouitT.-lntho mutter' well tilled, nnd tho exeivU be-
of the wtuto of Adella 4. ltle. . guu nroiiuiUv on iim. h.i i...i
Illobt.T.JudkOU.adiuluUtrator. tile nu hour ami i.uir...i.i
at the Capitol h,u inventory of theeitfttw of Mid ttrwlof lUtenlug to muslo that wa
dKruAtd, amounting to t3T78.lft. ofn vlatalwl etiaracler and mroly to
Music House, Kldrldse lllook, Balfiu.
f NH l .
a ltuKJii ililLllV.
Capital Dairy Co.
.. w. rkirvuna, it. j. Kelly ana W. U. '
ureun.Prvprutoa.UvernieU mUk,
caol4ou ice, to any prl of the city,
mi.wBlll MIUK1,, IMWHtUtUlei.
m-iio icoiuiy. sti te of Oiejon. and con-l-Uiln-i
hi t.ie . iole douiilou laud claim
t' I.' -UOucivi.ioieorle-.i. Alsobeslnnlnir
r. i.ieuouh e . co -ne.-ol t je said lUnlt-l
t'le ; end Mite domvtlon lend claim, uotl
iir ih No. It. claim No. j, and ranuiui:
t io Mv xnuU n'oiii the we-t line of said
don. Urn land cliui W chains more or
le . o. te south westiNi-uei-of s:ild dona
tion cku i; tlieuiv wki ua chains more
pi e ni,) me Quarter tcethm iost on llni
le (en sections 38 and 2 in t. Ss. it. S w,
or, u Wllli-meiie meildl.u- thence uorth
follow- n-r tiie itiiarter seilMin Hue to the
i qui icr secllou corner on line between
I .cations 12 and lit in t. 8 s. is 3 w thence
I wst te, mlns nuiiv or livs to the placo of
Liii i, ni Cms.nitHin.ulaciv nioie or less.
i Mint the luad coueed to D.uilel Llurk
i oy iletHl uVided lu records of decd of
Marion oouuty, Oiejun on aie 713 of
Mil. II,
And It eojwHt-lns to ihe court from said
Htlilont.ulllwo..ldbo beuetlciul to said
niluor ihe.vlu hieiuio.ieil, and Is neces
sary Hint the real einto tliereln desenb. J
should be sId, II Is therefore OltDKltKI)
by IhetMiirt that on uonday the 7th day
juiv, isuiu ioociih-R liiitho forenoon of
r?m "if " '' "Hiri in tne court riHim
tliertxiflo tint couut court house In the
eliyofh. Icm, Ii thecouuty of Marlon and
state of Oivyou.be rtxetl us ihe lime nud
plueo for ewirhiK any and all oW.vllous io
lliesniutluicof said onier and IIccum of
, sate unit itui tt .,) of l nU onler be er ei
Uhhi the iiuxt of kin of said minor, and
upou nil wrou luter.stel In s.Ud ctate
?, I''-ulr ,"f-,.dw-. publication ihervoT
lu Ihe W wkly lTOH Jocusai. for three
I iMusecutUeaiul successive week prior to
, saldtdate, said Cjh-itai. Wr.kKLv Jovk
n : au bclne a nourtpAper oru.'nral clrcula-
' lion lu ld lniuiy ml Htale.
1. 18IIA, County JudiNL
And Oreiron Develonnient enmnnnv
steamship line. 'S miles shorter, 20 hours
lesstimethan by any othei loute. First
class through passenger nnd freight line
from l'ortland and all points in the Wll
lamette vallev to and from San Francisco
TIME SCHEDULE. (Kicept Sunaaysj.
Leave Albany ........ iroui'ii
ijeave cop'uuu v i:io p j-
.-irrive laquina ....... 5;a0 P il
Leave Vaqulna fcia a M
Leave Corvallis ....... jotasvM
Arrive Albany 11:10 AM
O. A C. trains connect al Albany and
The above trains connect at VAQUINA
with the Oregon Development Go's Line
if Slrttiiishliis Iwiween Yanulna and San
raruiion.... ...... .. Anrll "S
Willamette Vlle-..:;;Z:fi"y 4
Farallon ..'' J
WtllameKe Valley, 1::.:" II
i,ST?AM,5'!-,. .. VROM 8AN rilANClSC-
Fnrallon ..IT. Tiav"
WlllametlB VallejCZTJlZ; ". a
Farailou " ".. ,J
Willamette Valley """ .. &
...i Miiiuu- rrserves me nrht
change aullliu: dates without nntlv
...N.-. 11ij-nieiK froni 1-ortlaud i
iiiametie van.
R. M. WADE&CO, Have just received another Urge
Spring Wagons and Hacks
aw0fi tho iV?1 ,B.ta,udur(l ak(-s- pr-ce9 are tho lowest, Quality con
sttered. All invited to call and exniilne them at 2S2-2S4 and Hi,
Lommercial street.
l'ortland nnd all
nt bis
new quarters, Jnd door south of Bush's Bank, now has a
Larger stockof Furniture than ever
Also full line of Undertaker's Goods. Be sure nnd examine this stock before
purcbnslns elsewhere, as it will save you money. d-wlm
j isjiuis can mate riiw.
tlou With the trains nt .1,1
1'INA UOUT-Kat Albany orCMrvallls
I uestlned to San Krani-km hnir
lo arrive At V
before date of salllnj;,
aqilina tbe evening
l'ifnr m' 1'releil Ktlrs .
W.IWs .rhr Information apply
lll'LMAN A a. Freight i
1. V J. llabooek.CVuintv (?irV r.r.u.i
county, hl of OrtNton, and ex-onicto
eierkof thelltvull Court for sU nMn..
ud atate. do liwrvby certify that the fore.
going irnusor pioioturr til me court, baa
Loeu by iu comiwred with (be original
order and of ibe uritole therrof, at the Mine
Alwsr te
to .Messrs.
an,. IM.I,..'
Ageuts AXlaud 312 Front si. Hinl.hVn.
or to -w,vr.,
V'& --pat'K. Act Oen'l Krt. A
IVss. AU, Oregon ltielflen. R. Cta.
.. 11 iiiumrTi . Corvallls.Or
lt. Agt. Oregon Development
ttx., 3W Montgomery tj
Han Kranrltssv rs.i
vlmm5 rAK", iVolrlo .tearulxvau on tbe
W UUiuelUsa river division will !..- iwtS,"
Eating Parlors & Candy Manufactory,
200 COmmerolul Street.
ri?a, ;7 T",0c - - 35 cenu
Sffif -rE5lffi.y,ota,---4 e---0 cISS
,," . "." wir ut iCH.....
Union Pacific R. R. Company
jaSWJ'' 'Tl-S "'? e l-ort!
lleefsteak and Errs. .
ivrk chop and fW::.:::n::
Mutton Chop and Kg... Ji aft
Venison and Km .
Italns for the east Have 'ortlaadatWB
Hin and ftOJpm dally. Tic tutoaadfro
principal polnu In the United mates, Can
ada and Europe.
Htgut tw Wm Cars.
ee Family Sleeping Cars run thronrh
Kxpress tr.liy i nm.s. (ouncu
111., rJ r '1 .. '"US" Um-Oli v-vu.
Hlun. aud Kansas City without chant
15 cents
- centM
.rrlv ut .Nr.in. -. .- ... I T:VN"ac ". tg-- --.-.. -iScenlM
andtoiuraafrtSui.m"u"5r' -nu---'y KS.iw?. -"- rv SicenU
,rWe-T.,,, ' ' A 7,l'i::r""r",l "- U"0CtetW- "??!!?. nuod forB.nm.cU
""."y t ?u P. m. " aimim s. J-"..?3K,'... e. ---" nounappinu.
- . -J -WMfc-v v ItAIIA Wltn Mil - Mks -Vts ..-
nt of iho company or
1 airi ns timn.i - -vv . ... ... - n
:- w si a. " w-. i.-- w r- r. J
t. O V ,dH,7., &"i p 'o?- -: nd E nl, J- " MELLE-V . General Traffic Mnar
r and p. AttaU Te.der Loin Hteak and 1 i2S S 55!! A Mannlnr .,.n.. v,um strwt.
' xVlmc, my liaud and seal of the a(d both north i-nJ J.Tk s?4-! .nc- 1-Vldar 1 -jrls without extra eharca. nt
OMirt.ib.U3rJ day . jf June. la Sligt VtHilem l2?iibnn4 btu "r Cbolos cigars. IpSrleI ind Don.M.1
V niul.l F.J UNUCOCK.Oerk u"-',n'vng thereat a a. ta. I always on luind. a iuetle,
Il J BHF.HMA.N. IVputy ... I ?. "OOU JSUM0UseH.kin(, ..
: and Egg,.
-i- naiem, Oregon.