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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1890)
T3gm!T ,itp' V 5? v w-; TOE CAPITAL JOIMAL. JOHN hughes, hellenbrand's i FOURTH OF JULY GOODS' . rt it. .!..!.. HI.. i I' . II t i. f.,,l.r MnnilPflMnM' ! - " I TKR.MB OK BOIfetWlTIOy. riaiiv iiv mail iwr rear - $" 0 "" r !"".vr..i.. llly Dy roan per ...uu eitir or man ir- QUI,. weolrir hr mall nerienr- vlf not paid lu advance the price rhSiOTd ft? lK WEEKLT JoOKJCA l will he JL)pc7yrar. If pal delivered promptly notify the office. FUKK DKUVEHV BY CARUIEIL Dally for single week,.- 15cJ Dallj for two weeks, . IMUy by month, ctR- OoilecUons will bo made on 1st nnd 15 h of inontu. Subscribers will picnic. Inivo SoSSr forcarrleniitt liouo or whereon t delivered, to n to caiue no delays lu ollectlons Thk Evkkiso Capital Journal mm larly rccelvM the afternoon associated preMdlprtche. SOMB COMING EVENTS. June 10. ilowelf Prairie Orange picnic; Juno 18. Kupromc court meets nl Hnlcm. July. Grandest celebration In Oregon at Salem. WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY. I PERSONAL MENTION. nonx. ' rrocccdings of Uip Annual roinmrnrp- j, j. Dairy in pie was a passenger .TORY. To Prof, nntl Mrs. T. C. mont Exerr ses. fn- P,.rMn.i ti.t. fir.,on.,. .mry, bouhi ouiem, ouiiuuy even- ijeaier 111 urocerien, x.iiiiir, un.- o ra rv tv I 111 .iiiiiiiiiiuiui.i , ';., , ,, ., ,' "ig, June 8th, 1890, a daughter. ' nnd Window Glass, fill I'll- Hon. T.viln I linker, nf Portland. . . i- ..j.,ji ii.. lg The preset week I a great one to wn, inlhccl v on buLlnoss to-day! I Scene from Shakespeare- "As P?r nnu JO rut r, a. i. a- sMCOm"-- , anient, nuti equally important to the , . . ... . You Like It" to-morrow at 3 ti m '' " ""' ""," i-t hill ok i-Aim: whole valley ami the intcres.sof the. , Jn,''C9 Smitb.of Mel.ama, came J J l ' orruw nt 3 ' " Shingles, liny, Fi;l lllicl Fl'IICC ,ceC,eem.... ----. ,; ' ft state. Unusual lnt,r,.s. ni.,..., , down to-day to see Hint court runs , Ht UnUtn.U chapel. , Posts, GniSS Seeds, Etc. , VV' "!""--- cents i i i k - i i mm a -- - .--- iiinnniB 1 1 1' Ml' Mil I." It YlllTIt b'lMl.'VI.U If. IIKADQUAKTKKS ro- the honors nnd exercises in tliu ilil'- l,rolerl3'. fercnt depart incuts, attending the Squire Fnrrar spent Sunday here 'you want to post your friends ulioui i graduating exiTd-, of Willamelte1 with his family and returned to I lem, the Willamette valley a.d ?T , ,. ,., ,,, , i Oregon send them the Vi;kklv University. I'oitluiid tlilinllcrnooii. J Capital Joi'kxai., only $1.00 ,, nkw ,ivi:i:ri-i5MKvr- Ah the great Methodist uuiveibitv of several conferences, It becomes the center of educational interests Dr. II. It. Holme.", now located In i year. It will be as good as a letter 'ortland, is here on a l)itlm-m and ' muU week, and they will alo be lu--1.....11.. ..ii terested in our special wiite-up I friendly visit. k IT H Dealers in Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Paints, OS's, Varnishes, Brushes, Windowglass, Etc. Sole Agents for Epicure Tea and Big Can Baking Powder. FUNEItAL AHKANdKMK.NTS. The Slato Democrat before its deniUi was very profuse in tantalising re publicans by proclamation in its columns that 1)111 Chamber would land tlio live democrats into iheir new positions in his magnlticeiil latidaluctaud tliut JapMlnto would ben&sigued to hnuloll'thc dead. Ah the transportation was to bo all gratis the result of the election hue actually proved a hardship not in tended or looked for by the Demo crat, aud Dill Chambers. Wm only carried two to their proper places aud Jap has the balance of the defunct democrats together with the State Democrat to remove, lie does it patiently and without a mutnur; Jap is a christian of the patriarchlcal line, he is patient aud forbearing. Our only wish and re quest to Jup is handle the corpse of the Democrat lu a christian spirit and fraternal custom. of this religious-body of several jr,,,,. Wurren Truitt, leister if the U. S. laud ofllec at Lakcvlow, is in tho city to-day. W. T. Gray came up aul spent .Sunday witli his family, returning to Portland this morning. C. D. McCoy, one ol the solid farmers of the Mehamn neighbor hood is in the city nttendlug court. Hev. Father Xoel, formerly ot Guaxi) Lonou iMi:irnxn. A week limn to-mormw, Tmlay, June 17Ui, Ih'p grand lodge of the Independent Order of flood Tem plars of Oregon, will conuuiMice Its annual mmsIoii j.i flood Teuiplars' hall, in the 'I unit r block, (hN city. The present grand ollkers are, J. K. Knox, of Alliau., grand chief; John Kukjhl, t-'nU in, gmiid coun cilor; C. V. Jiatemaii, Mt. Tabor, grand hceretary; W. S. James, Port laud, grand treauier. Tlio mem- states. As the greatest educational .Institution on the Xorth Pacific coast, it' commands Universal public interest niul respect from all deiiom inutiousand friends of, liberal edu- callon. The people of Salem and vicinity- usually turn out in large uumbeis to witness the exercises of what they justly term "Iheir home college." THK IIACCALAl'KKATK SKltMOX. Sunday morning an Immense aud ience crowded the First M. E. church to hear the ad lrvw of Presi dent Strnlton, or the cla9 of 1800. He was introduced by President Van Seoy. Or. Strattou Is an elderly man and qulli.1 white, digulllcd and -cholarly in appe.iraix-e. Vir-o 4o, 41 and Jo of 10th ch ipt.r of Marl were eh'spn as his tet, coni'hiilinv with 'The Son oT man came not ti. be ministered unto lull lo mlni-ter." To be great wathi'iispiiiitlon of all The leaders of t lie w-uld all strove for greatness some by pliy-ieal power and some by intellectual strength. A limited number strii't gled for pie-eminence in morals. It was service not servility, that Chri-t taught aud that the world demands The benefactor of his race is the ouly great man in tho world. Dr. Si rat ton enlarged theue ideas a- ap plied to tliu dlileruiit walks of life in a sound and logical manner. He showed him-elf at ea--e in the vari ous fields of science and adalis of the world, and thoroughly satisfied the vast audience, composed of the faculty aul students aud men and women of Salem. Hi- showed him editions that appear once a mouth. Ordeis by mail or at olllce. next door to the postolllce. HoKKit Bitos., Publishers. W ip Salem wiimciy Ja"ksonville, now of Ro-eburg, is in fiecitv to-d iy a guest of Rev. J. S. White. S. R Floed, the genius who some times furnishes spiteful democracy in the Rosebung Review, Is in the city to-day. Kx-Gov. S. F. Chadwick took the morning train to attend Masonic grand lodge, which meets in Port laud Wednesday. Stephen J. Chadwick, who is a prominent nntl rising young lawyer at Colfax, Wash., returned to-day after a few days' visit at the paternal home in llii- city. Dr. J. C. Smith went to Portland this afternoon toattend the Masonic grand lodge and also the State Phar iii iccuticul association. He will be gone nil week. Hon. T. McF. Patton was a pass enger for Portland this morning to attend the session of the Royal Arch chapter, of which lie is a member. It commences to-day." Dr. T. L. G llden, high priest of the Royal Arch chapter, went to Portland this morning to attend to-day's meeting of that iiraud organization. He is also a delegate from Multnomah chapter, self a man of Iroail culture an i Lit u this city. perceptions. His bran, is active, r, u A Mnk,r) ex.WOuId-be- and his thought comes clear. There , c,mKIVhM110I1 1U1(J T f. Reams, of was nothimr narrow or cramped in , Jneki,(, Rev. J. R. X. Re f his utterances or Ids line. f j n.cbiirg. were pa.-scngers on the thought. He spoke freely, wlihonl J m(,rnll)g lr.Ul, for lhe Masonic noiesand without restraint or re- ,. i,..,,... -!r iv.u a1I1111i r 5" '- '- I'" i hcie. CON'TIHI'. Iion't teed the baby on Hour milk when ou can get fresh MVeet milk cK)led on ice of the Capital Dairy co. 0:0 2t. SATlMiS. Reduced to 12J cents a yard at the Capitol Adventure Co. Ladies lake a look at them. It w ill pay ,ou. . o:20-tf Men's light coals and vests, fiom W.50 to $T. A No. 1 goods. All styles and colors, at the Capitol Adventure Co. If 1u Home Seekers. The Capital City railway com pany is prepared to tell home-seeK-era something to their advantage. Mr. David Simpson has taken charge of their real estate department at 115 State street. Call'iind see him. ill Ik- in l lie market for nil ranninz va rieties of Clit'rrii'S. Mliiok Raspberries ami Hlackiierrit'S .UWJiiiio Ifilh. R. II. WKS'J'ACOTT. Fee . .y.ibie & -ivery. Unled Hoy for Sale. The best ,.f eire Inkcn of iratiMent -iw k Capitol Home Addition in foul riHio o. soiip-- ----- is.eiitd Hot LVIce. CotleeorTeft o-n Hpef..oHk unit Kf? " ,p its I'o.krliojend hyt m rents Venison rati HgS" o-J;.;. u S. U-HTOrlKt Ksgs 5 mum II rarud Kc?s --,- ",St I' eili OiKlersnuy style " ""' 25 Cent Regular Dinner Served Fromllto3 O'clock. A ulie variety of Pgt"!b.le"'el.V-,..o,' Alio ten, eotreo or milk with ull io cent meals without extra charge. ,,, Choice Cl;:ir', Imported nnd Domestic, always on naud. I'o.ter Houe Stcilt and Kks SSS Tender Ixiln Htenk nnd 1-ks -w -cot Flags, Firecrackers, Bomb , -i Two Tlirougli Trains Iiacli Way IIAII.Y, VIA FXION PACIFIC SYHTKM. Roman Candles, Whistling Bombs, Sky Rockets, Torpedoes, Dflllhln U.. i p'n Wheelj, JaPenese Laterns Etc., Etc, Base Beat Stock in City of HIFLES, SIIOT GTJXS, REVOLYRg lase Hal's, Hammocks, Croquet, Ammunition nil u Brooks & Harritt No. 94 State Street, Salem, Oreg0 l beautlfi; or lhe Kh power hoi Oood so'l. 1 -n s iisi -i, i-iii. Miuttt i .. Hue. near i'ie ttP I l. amino teet. I m T. II. MV. Ihynpr. state Streit. -tilcin. Daw Rl'SINKSS Circuitcourt will convene next Monday afternoon, 'udge R. P. Poise presiding, witli a fair sized docket before him. Oii.niiencins Willi Sunday, .Mnreli.'nd, hothdr'i mid secoiul-fliiss tickets will he linnnit-d on The Limited Last Mall, it :l nnd ). us well nlso on the "Over hind Fl vpi s," Kos, 1 nnd '.'. "Thp L mited liist Mall trains are MUlpped with Pullman palace nnd coin ntst blt-encr. dlnltiR ciir, chair cars and rotiehc.nnd nil solid bet wren Portland mid i lileitfo, d illv w ihout change, Tlie-'Ovcrlaml Hei" i-nlin me equipped with IM'Iniiin -ce slcepei-s nnd conches, lietv.-?pii Poi i! old uud I'onucil I'.lutls, nnd Willi I'ullmiin colimHt leepei- between l'oillinil pik! Kiiiisn- City, (tnlly. without eh-oisTP. oiinee ,.in eie mndeat Pocntellw with tlirnuuh trains to and fiom Suit Luke, a id at i lietcmip with tlirougli tialns to nnd from t'lemer. Knnsns nt nnd St Lonls. Tlip hnn tr.iln- nllnid the oillckpst I lime between tlie Xorlhwe-t Puclllc coast I uud Knsicrn and ouiliern jiolnts. Dci-iled Uiiip of t . ins, rates, through itiekils bjgsaip checks etc., c.iii be pro I cured upon npi-lii-.itlon loruy ngent of the. ITnlon Pncille Sv-tei.i. f. W. LEE, :5.7,-,t-w Oen'l Pass. . gent, i 150ISE fc MANNIXO Aceuts, la Court sticet, Nilem Oregon f dundaney. Till. I.SA t,. .l tr, . n PntiU- mwl Monday, June Hill., lOulO a. m. , (umil'y ,ook t,le'lr (ll.pnrtuw "to.duy After nraver and musical exercises . . i ,i... , ,.., i, r.,,.,. hers of wildlnl lodge, this c3 , 11(,w the prize iiy contest took place. f Mr J ,L All)er, two mc9 llllove nmnbeting loO, will make ail nece-;Pri.Vt. Van Scoy announcc.l the ! Mulmm n on 10 Llulo Xorth fork. kiirn iifr.iiiiiniiimifu t. t l... . . t i i . ' ".' !,.?, i" iviiiuu- inu nanus oi uiose who nan neiiawiiru- i.i,,. .iit i.,... .. i, iri .nmmnr ed by theeommittie. The die' grand ohieers and delegates from abroad In lining style, and an In teresting session is expected. Tills order is doing a noble work and should receive the encouragement of all earnest temperance people. It Is distinct fiom all political organi zations, Its great watchword being "total nbslinence." ".ii: LAST ok tin: Lot. The two Luwdcii brothers, the last of lhoe Implicated in tliu Gervais (oot-raeo inuildle, wheioin six men were acciiHcd of robbery, were arrcated lu Portland the latter part of the week aud weie brought to Sa lem yesteiduy by Sheiilt'Ciolsan. They were taken before Justice fJoodell this inorning. where they waived examination aud were placed under $100 bonds each to await tho action of tint grand jury, which will commence its session this afternoon. They were alho under warraut for assault aud bat tery, to which one of tlio boys plead guilty and was lined $lo and costs, which will be paid this afternoon. Tho other plead not guilty and was acquitted. - - That 11am: Mall Gamk. Tho dusky sous of the foiiht taught the Salem ball tosscrs a lesson iu play ing buHcball Saturday afternoon. The club lrom the Clieinawa Indian training school defeated tho Salem club by a score or SO to M, the vlo tory being the result of silent, but united work on the part of lhe In dlans, liesldes n thorough discipline among them, the best of running qualities and physical pnwois that a ball game could not in the least fatigue. They ninde a verv good record. Ni:V liAWViiits. Tho Judges ofi 1"1 t,lw Hwnlo cais will bnu tho fctipivino court started this after-' M,,,"K ''"' s hrUkly asever. noon for Pendleton to finish up the I ,,..,. cot-i.-ln the matter .... U...I ..m-e. Among inner f K ,lU, ,)f NV u 1,Uyi ,,. iiiiiivs uviuiv iiieiu inero win no me examination of a class of 20 or more home iu that health-giving moun tain U'irion. essay read was "lllstoiical Mudi es," liy Mr. Thompson. It was well written and read. Mr. Xewpoit res- 0r1;uy sju-u.Mw. J. H. Pops, ponded next with an essay n "The wiu0f uroity marshal,' is .seriously Puritan aud Cavalier," a strongly m, ,( the many friends of the fam writleu and well lead historical re- v ,mve hopL.s it ,8 ,y (cml.orary veiw. The next topic written upon llI1(nhat she will soon recover. was "American Literature, by Mr. -. Fitgerald whbh was well received. Pi:ospi;'i'ivi: Citizkn. F. G. Mi-s Foster was now called lo lead Mcintosh, a former subject of Queen her biographical essay on John Victoria, to-day declared his iuten Smitli. It was well done. Dr. Strut-jtion to transfer his allegiance to Un ton announced (hut tho prlos were tele Sain. awarded as follows by the committee - at Pertland: ' Tlio, Stmuliirii. 1st. 5lf .1. J Fit.gerald. iud. l regard Hood's Sanispurilla as $,10 X. M. Newport. 3rd. iSo J. ' having the grade ot what are Thompson. Ith. Honor-Miss ?v,i commonly cateut or proprietary 1 , , , , , i medicines," said a well known phy- iMwter. 'I lie essays showed plainly Mcian roccnlly. "It is fully entitled that Willamette University teaches io lie coneirleied a siandard mebi broad and sound ideas a natinoaland cine, and has won its position by Its historic.!, questions. They were all "SffiK'V! too long for publication or even to , Forun tihenitive and tonic it has listen to, if time is of much value, never been equalled." The matter was all of a high order, I redundant of common place and ' See Hie Host. lacking in condensation, all com- When you are in Salem you do inon faults of similar productions not waft to put up with anything but the best. You want to visit tho finest slocks .Mid see the biggest layouts. To do that iu clothing, John-oil, lloothby A- CoV., is the place to visit. Wow to Cure Nervousness. A body with a nervous tempera ment will make known its wants through Its natural medium the i nervous system. If it falls to re- ceive proper nourishment the nerves i will be the first to cry out. Dr n, , nl L , n j Miller's Hydrastine Restorative! Steam ailfJ rlUmber S bOOfJS, ensures perfect neutrilion to tho-oi , , , , ..,., ,.,, ,.,,. .,.,. i. ' i, ...,,i .,ft.,i.. ,,,. California Iron-tone Wwcr and Uro Clay llll liliw II, IKJV1 .1 m.lltv.11, liuin- islicd body cannot be neiv-ms. For DUGAN BROS., Th6 PlumbBfS "'),v-on I- ,- Company Line. 2l)t) Commercial St. Dealers In sale at D. J. Fry's. Shout Closk Down. The Capi-1 tal City Street Hallway company was forced this inorning, for tho, better socially of Its properly aud safety of lis patrons, to shut oil' the engine and cease i mining thuir, electile ears temporal ily. It was found that the foundation under i the engine hud been improperly built and was becoming shaky,! threatening a collup-e at any time. , See change iu date of school clcc Tho contractors at Poitland, wlntlon. had tlio woik done, were summoned Pure extracts aud spices the In st iu the market, at Furrar & Co's. Jt'ST In. A complete new line of j Carpets, tit Btirens. j One of the very best Investments1 in the city fur capitalist? is that bus iness corner of ours (V"ilK5 feet, and one of the busiest eornei- in town Has a fine two-story brick block of j three store rooms 20x70 feet, with ! olllces overhead and other buildiugs i It rents to pay 10 per cent, on thei amount. It is tho best site in the city for a wholesale house nus equal , to the best for a retail trade; las-; bargain iu town. Salem Land Co. ' PostoilW block. dw-tf instruments l'llnl lor Record at the County ItctonliT's llllUe. Tlios Hofmau to R D Le ter, mvl of blk 50 Nortli Sa lem. $ 2-I-3 Wintleld Cover anil wf to io same si ne and nw,of nej sec 22 1 8 s r 3 w. 3500 Oregon Laud Co, to Isaac Voso and Win illackmore, It 32 Capital City fruit larm 2-30 H C Sterling to Mrs. Sarah Young, pait of blk 57 North Salem 500 Johu Rav Welch to the Public, dedication of high way in Parrish ml to Saleiii; 75 Jno H MoClaue and wf to II C Sterllmr. s e 1 lk 57. North Salem; 1000. P S Knight and wl to Mary S Woodford, Its 1 and 2, bll? 4, Capital Park ad to Salem; 700 J B Woodford and wf to Barbara J Leslie, part of lust above; 400 Nancy Brown nnd lib to Lucy J Kearns, Its 3 and 1, blk 3 Whituev'sad to Stay ton; 24 Chimney Pipe, etc. V2,QSO Will buy one of the best hnir-eutlon fauns I u Marlon county, situated near Turner, Oregon. Terms easy. H. C.& J. II. POBTEIt, estate acenN, Aunisvllle, Or. C:C-lm (Limited.) C. 1-1. SCOTT, RECEIVER. Tickets for any point on this line for sale at the depot, foot of Jeirer-on street, and tt the II illicit cmrngo and baggage 'transfer company's olllce. coiner Second nnd Pine streets. 'Commutation Tickets at 2 cents per mile. (ienvrut oiHcmm noithwet corner Mrst oml I-iue xlroets, Portland. i T. 11. HUBBARD, Agent for Cyclone Separators, Russell Engines and Saw Mill Machinery. Ite-ldenre :v'i- onnncrclnl St, Salem. O.e. fi:(i Sm You .: iVIus cai : i.'ipy by your Merchandise DIAMOND'S Jlinlc House, nidrldge lilock. Salem. 1UC s(Tl!JFWl:L,, 121 taurt St. TIip l'ro (Mitatit p of a Terrible i)Nium. No disorders, except tho most demlly Farms! Farms!! Of all sizes and prices. Fruit and Hop farms a sptcialty. Ten, Twen ty and Forty acre tiacts on railroad at low prices. -o City Property iu and about the town of Hubbard. Call and be shown my unrivalled bargain, or send for circular-. CHAS. P. STRAIN, Aoknt. 5:14d-w2m Citation. "What Is more rare than a day lu June." Bargains in lumps like tlio-e at.!. G. Wright's. They are rarer than hens teeth. licit Ti'iiiembe- it, that at a regular term oClbe county court, of thcstnle of Or son, for the county or.Muriou. In nrobntesiltiiiL'. I tl.lvtllt ll.atit lit tllU ibtlll lirhll. A l !.. - .. .i . . . uch u ii hum iiiu iii iiiv viiiiil iiuii-o in i in ioi ins oiiuiiB involves micu a ir.-ci,viiratcn in said county nud stnle, on iiendous desiruc loi. of oi-gan e Ni; as M,-(m,v Uleot ,,uy of ,My A. j,., isw.'tue those nil, ii risen iiN)n the kidneys. ' ,, helngthetlrsi Monday In sld month, .such maladies, when I hejlH-c .me ehmulc 'mi,h,. uHie Used by law m- Imldlng n -and none are so liable o ns-iiine that .llllir ((.,i..l --lid ef.u.t. when were pic phase completely wreck the -jstem. o ,.,,. ' pieeiit this terrible disease, recourse n,,,, -f t- u v Indire shoulil be had, umhi lhe ilr-t uinnitesta- I-' J 11 vll' iA K i le'rk lion ofti-ouble.lo llostetter'sst, unwell U, t- ,V ,j t imi, i '-imrlir ters, which experience ha- proved to be , ... " .,',' highly elleeilM. as a iiiei.n. of tiuiMrlns; , V hen, on the 27th duy of May toneahd icgulnrlty lo tlio organ- iifml. A. 1). lsH). amoaw other-the lollowlng pixv nation, us well a the ller, slouiach iit'dlngs weio Hud. anil bowels. Another iieneneuu le-till ot ' in tlie mailer oniieguuaidlun- i l- nun j ill tint bhi i ijli.ii). ton uc nuil. LV I'JI 4 00 5 04 5 63 700 i:sTsinr. stntlons. Towaid Purtland Port'ndPort'd iiiuit Exp LV AM Anlil AliJM 8 00 I'ortl'ndSPCo 3 1.) 10 j i 6i-itny's Landing. 2 S3 9 t5 10 uX. Woiiilbuin . I -10 8-19 11 -17- . silvcrton .. .12 20 7 150 5 07 li- wn-Nille . 7 -10 0 60 obuig 'I Ol $10,000 $10,000 For Sale- Ten Thousand Dollars - worth of- Fancy and Staple Groceries, For price- and terms enquire of r-sj- sI)K Alilteinnil Portland ma. 1 i- AM Alt rsi 71 PmliaudrAWV. 4 V, 10 13 iMinrtt-e Junction -Oj HO.) -herlilun 10 27 US . -Dallas s- liVi Monmouth 7.S.- 5 55 .. Alrlie 0 !" From Terminal or Interior Points th i Nortlioni Pacific liailroa Is the line to take To all Points East and South. It l the dining ear route. It runs through vestibule trains c cry da... lu the year io ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO ! (No change of cars.) Composed of diningcars unsurpassed, Pullman drawing room sleepers Ol latest equipment TOURIST Sleeping Cars. Best thi't can be constructed and in which u-comiiinduili:)B ure both Ireo and lur nished foi lioMdreof tirst aud second-class tickets, anil ELKGAI'T DAY COACHES. Aeontinuoi ice coar.oMing with all lines, all'onllug Ure- -ri uninterrupted service. Pullman sl Ions can be sc ared In ndw any ngent of iho load. Through tickets to nud from all points In America, Unglaiid and Kurope can be purchu.-ed at any ticket otlice ol this com puny. Full Information concerning rate, time of tralin.routes nnd other details furnished on application to any agent or A. D. CHARLTON, Assist ini licneral Pass, nicer Agent, No. 121 Klr-I si' "el, cor. Wiisliington l'iit I i'i I tircg in. fjSSJjr'. i-..wly X". Fanners 2L)l Commercial St. )HkjSGooiIs delivered free to all parts of the city.Bj PIANOS AND ORGANS, 'i lius, Guitars, Mandolins, Banjo,, SHEET MUSIC, , .. .; '!. and all kinds nf Mu.icii Merchand!eji t a in Eldridge block, Commercial St hM5?!IIE ONLY MUSIC STORE IN I this medicine, uatunilly consequent iip.i'1 Its dluivtlc act Ion. Is the elimination fiom shlpol U.inkl Clark, h minur. j by telegraph and will at once pro-! li.VlUKb A'lTK.NTlOX. Sll 111 111 er millu build ii good and sulUeicut hallles at tho Capitol Adventure! toundullmi. In the meantime '.. fur 7 i-buiyiml., ,t0 THE YA0UINA ROUTE. Lntntion. mi nnni nmiiim iiiimiahi V ...... ... .1.1 1..,. .u....u II. ...t. u.ll. 1 Ul I I III If I I I I t . . 1 I . maladies lly Tncrcaslng tho aellvlty of J'" rU;j " ft f"1";' ! ,,V. .' re!S.n u' .' U,,?n" Xuwvihlfwm auoiderliudm..,'. o- t'JI'mrt. iViulioH. An" VT?.'" Tmm Wy ii ll ti nl ...iil. Tt.r e.V . . ,.i s,..-h Vm. "'S'. cmp.m, , ., and ,l,i. e m Her t.. sell tcui.ishii lln. 22. mites shorter, 20 houis ,,,li.. ' ..a all the rlKln. title uud Interest of -utd le. time thau by any otiini .oute. Su-st luiniiis. etui ,,ni, i,t iil i,. ih. !.iii..uin.r a...,., .i...,i eliiss Ihruuifh misneiiger hii.I fi-elirhl line HENRY CHO AK -IS AGENT FOR- I The Walter A. Wood's Binders! and Mowers. Bis Stock Binding Twine!: Combination Fence Maker, Hay Rakes, Cedar and Oak Posts. Farmers will do well to give me a call. 258 Commercial St , Salem, Ore, law Htudouts from all parts of the ..! clati ti.u it sure Cure fur Piles lhe we-l hiilf.u ttiedotm inn land cliim, liltu- I'lW me kiiim-n bv ninlaiui' of laulel I talk and wile. KlUl doiiulmii ,,,,.,. hiatlei'llS. Call and sit) them If I Hue peisplratlon, causing Intense llehlng land claim being pail of I-, sss ot It 8 W., I temporary engine Is being put III , I"11" MIS- a ami see uum. ll I ,U.M W1r 'nilH form as well n Hllu.t andinrtofseetTonlMiiT SMI. -J W. in i .. .. " "" -K . itiivftiiltt. .itt.l itMitri nl I ti. .iilil ul oiiiui t. Mil rin n iNllltlt . tjil4 nt 1 lit7iii. niul ntti- L.vnil. You llUVo Ik'OU oleanlnur ' Dr, IMle ltiieity. which eu talnlnc lu hv ulmle donmhtu lioid clnlin uirecny on me wriH iiuccm-ii. uusnros in- -vsnv ,,,..,..., n--.-- .viPi.uTtuii.iii; mom, alia) UchlUK aril elltvts a peruiau- at lhe northwest corner ol lhe said luuiel ent cure. 61 cents Druggist or ninll: l lar and woo dnnuliiat laud elaini, noil tret We tree. Ir, Ihvsuiko, I'lqaa, O, sold thtnl.iu No ti;, eluiin No. .'il, uud running by Hmtth&htcluer. thenre south along lhe west line of said tUmullou land claim si) chains more or less to the Miulh west corner uf s.ild tlmm- . -. . rr t O 'r tienelulin: iheuee west l .a chains more IX J. X 1 . or Its to t lie quurler sect Ion post on line Instruction bIych In Cm von Portrw t hetwtsai set-iums-jj Hii.lai Iiit.Ss. ii. 3 w. Water Color nnd Oil IMIntlng. Plrtures of lie .lUmet.o uituiduui: iliems. uortn madetonrtter. istudlolnCherlnKlon'siirt, follow tn the quarter -s-tl.iii i Hue io the rtxims. 1-Udrldge Hiilldlng. satem quarter section tMriit-r . u line U-tunn i m i IvIIfV wiim ii iiiiu h hi.-s a a w ilieucv .. i .ti loo . 'vi .-. Ht I chain or l.- i. the place ..f Will lie i ; r; tiKiniiiuve.iiiniiiing.-iacii-s moiv or less. Iiebu the laud oiieycU lo Haulel ll iru by dull iisMiVt in reiirtW of detsln .if ceased, Lavena Patty is appointed admlulstnitrix and lilcshci bond iu tlio sum of $700. A. M. Clough, A. ...I.- I tW c ., i, no nave nquesieu an oppar- u Vtt,Uip ,, ,, , Somhwlck are tunlty to lie examined at this time,! lllllllli .,..,..., ,i j. it. a to iivold tho delay belwiHU. , , w, n, '.J,. SwiW Hlul Krw, t.n.i1 n.i.l II. .v ....&.. ....... ... l. . v ...... ...... lu 11UAi iuriu m t-aicni. hou-e. liny a nice pair of lace cur tains for a dollar, at the Capitol Adventiiie Co. On the line of the electric railway. tf Unusually interesting program to-moirow at University chapel at 3 o'clock. HeineutlK'r our collector -, i -t.- i Smith miv appointed nppialsern for around on the 15th. In the mean ,.,,lf.x1,(,V .'' .. . .V ' " . . T . TATII 'l' li huKiltv tlt.itti I It til tlio iMimili A.! vr " ." " .v "''J aftk . ..... . . . l I V 4It-I'J ! 1 III) ti'MM'J AI.wavh Aciiviu KlatoHiinerlii. loiK iiiuuty piiivriy. iu ue mui-1 time square up voiiraecounts ror the l court ot Marlon county, Oreipm. hu Marion .-ouuij. in.nt.ii ..n )..- Tin .m ii.'i..V ' ..- ... .. ... . ... .i.i ........ . .i.n. ..ii ii i . i... . . lliUilav nln-)llllfit the uooK n. i F.P.V!,U""- ::-.: leuiiuut .MCKiroy started today rorl,ur,,, me w.une oi ii.iuouti uugs, jiicunai. io June im. iitfu .ifihV.s.tieof lien.) I ...ivs.m. Ami Ii apienrln liiIwimuii imm Kiid ,l," Miy tho Fourth Judicial district, which hhimhI, I. V. NisHlha.n, adm.uls ''""'lAar.iTI.V.''r: ImiiIu' iV.. vi-::::: .....i tititnr im ur-ntiil un nriler for the I n.icriUAli xksts. ,... . ...,..i.. ,..... u. .... ... a.... surv ilinl lh ival esUite ihe.viu da.-rili a Tli eoHiuauy rerv t "-' .niiiimimiiii .."- ,- -- ":r'.,,V,V..,,r...,..i'..7,;"V:r": slmuhl Ik M.ld. ln e!mu'i.lllnrdl.w-Ulout wuniy.lntl.e'Uitnrvi.tuflhestuteiin.l sale or Kqonai propeiiy. am At..iii.i.inB oaer-Hoiu or ma ;,h VirotiV CiiV rtt r i i.U" n.. t.4- b ine,s,urtii..i..u mou.t.y me Tiu day v ii.-;wMt ftwii i' til . .. ... ! ! . in,. ..i. r- t a n... t. ..... ... (i . .- i iiuftiiati Bftifta- muiiiii -- .--.-. II1J1. im'. - j - --- . ., . . . t. , wa - r i from I'orlmud uud all poiut- In the Wtl lamette .ellcv to and Iro i. siii S'mnois.s, TiVt SCHEDULE, iKMcptisiiiioajs) I-mivo AitMiiy liGJPAl Leuve Corvullis 1:10 P SI Vrrlve Yaquiua 5:30 PM lAMve Ytiquina SliAM Inve Corxallls lOJBAM Vrrlve Albau) 11:10 AM O. c. trolns wmuect at Albany and Corvnllls. TheHlM.eintlBs connect at VAQUIN'A Will, tll Ortf..ll l)AVam.ti,nnt ..V I In. i.siv)-.isiiiii. iHiwwn vWiuina and .san i sidered. All Invited rroactscv Commercial street. - i .. .i J tKa. iTKAUKKs. KMOM VAQUISA FirHlUm April 2 WllluinetW Valley May Pan.Uoii . ... ." v, WilUiiieM VhII.v, j' 1-arullou tn at hu new quartirs, Snd door south of Hush's Bank, now bus a 3lh..Mie, I SIMI a. 1'K.V.NCIsm t- if AAr i-T p i-s-w Have Ju-t received another bP R. IVI. WADL&CO. J invoice of Spring Wagons and Flacks ndurd makes. Prices aro the lowest, Quality 1 to call and exanlne them at 2S2-2S and . Of the be-t stai J. A.. RDTAN, t auai aA. rK.rtuiMXi toT ":.v::;:;::;;;;;iHy'1: Larger stoclcof Furniture than evex AUo full line of UnderWher's flood, lie sure aud examlue this stock bK" " v " 14 "30. lie neht to mi tie. ' - '.irtlsiul mid all pui'li.-un elewheiv .i iw" avo you money. d-wim , 4.1...... . I...... I ..,... vMuci.iiuiiai nsiioeiaiioiis. i.. i......... i Jiiat lieertilso the iif.if.i.s,,r l,,w l,.u.,, ' " '" ! -h 8u 1 rauclteo jmpen ot recent dt , , " . "" lTsur has biifn u ,vwv,.d h, Uie elly or the dwdh eouuln-lih. fotlow tin Wor. - eleettHln third lime It U not goli.K r Mr. NY. U itillit wholuld the yli tomako hm relax his Inters... l4lfc,lloll uf fUrn.orut the Chei.u.wa irt&'KKS'.t.t'jt In It ( heart aud w.ul anil during the wllu lUuil ,,, Washington 1). C. WgS ?Sill2-?',,,u ",mU uoxt four year Oregon - public Jmu)SJmU u WIH ,,1, tlu gov- XZX5xu, school yttiu will iho mark- OTIlllWMl vmvoy. eta t iu. Wmsi, .h.t u,ny .ccvVtd. of his envrgy and mlvunml thought. I .., -- - - ' anj ih leit ot the ittiM. uctb U oj .,.,., ,, -.- , .... i H.NSU RAM. MltltT'lMi. - At U Mihow itHMi.l.l, are vlr UUrrtNCl WoUbK. Mt. J. M. l.j, u,u il,li..v.oiluir tluuo will l ii i ConlnHuK ttctt,n that ny leiusdr Itiulru itlaa IT W It 1 ll TltUSs.1! l--.iv wild ! Ill litis court in I lie nmn ruoui ." ... l (mm- of the. n 11 I tlllllU KxwutrU of lhe e-ute of Henry Kin. llwrwif In Hi is.uul wnnt b.ue lu lhe -Vi ',A "OtHhat A bun, .rCorvullW -""" "v.uv . .. it. .un run itectwswd. i4w- y f S.Uem. ll the ivmnty of MHrton aud ! " " Jtd to sn rr.pcisco. sjumld ' -- Ul.irfiimtou.u Use.! - lhe ,,u aU rrif to ". 1quuw IU enli ..,i..,, ,,-, . , ,. . rt rsi-.ii . ... I'l.isjAMrisiviringuBj aud ll obJlu.ns to ' beftire date of sAltlnc. "OVKRUAN U ROUTE " IAP X I 11 il K I I ll lUesmnliiisiif sai.l and l.vus. of . frftr i Frtlrkl Kal. ly the JMll V I 0""Vj J ll l Ll IN sM'ouud llt.lttcutiyof tnti i.WIhi served lj.rM. .r.viufortiiiiToaauiJy to 2rs. ... .............f . ... ... ... .... ... .. i . .. . ..-...... . ...... ....... . i .. .. .. .. ... hwhi in,- nri m s.ia u sniu imuur, mui ( - ..-...- "'-. . i.s... hh iic&ei innaHiiiriuv e-- i.m liy law Mid.t, l.j iubUcMltoo ibeiMtf w , ,, ,,.,. . prinrtl 1-iluU In n CnlKs VH WflMiri TmkI ('oWHIIIl unuu ll htu lmenlel lu salt! cute Auvuts avmudaM Knwt st IWtland. Ur. HiinndiO piu dull, .IIVI.S.U-V IH'I ..ln. IS IU' IMW HIU.I, U UUIllWIIOl ItWIMM " " w I . In (lu. VV..UL .. I ...,... .....u. . A...W. . Pa. Agi.. Orvvm PaeUte It. It. C Kb kave the Exclusive Controlol 0 ui Qa n Y Uxuu iiiouti- ou lituiroe.l ruu at a low I uiV . f luVrlt No delV 1,1 iiim-mU .Mid sutm-lxe u evk wior lo Kj ihi i wmi'M nSSil PH?f M:jHl. M CAITTAI. KJl. Join- is? ' siyKrinTi-iianKw!-.rtA. f&sMssr' ciu- IUMH.lxis:uKr. Ofllw with Hunt A lw... ,Mm ,u ",a V! .'" iu '?. S ------ . . at .-.,. wstMHl iJIWJift, John, tt fonner rtthleulur thU ally ', UUHiK IimW tt. l0 Ull KnuiulH hi ' .i!. I"' w,ow,nfUnTOao1 !?! TT, lwlwniouihin.go, vjls4m'mmnot..rth pui, or , . .utjee mi... iniMta muOlMfori)l)tttlnlnKrllur through ..........uii.ui miotlicr lllt.. laiv.,r dUls4fcul,.rMt rt 1SMU lu (eulioii. I. now vvry low ,ut luir' ,iUw1whVh. .nL, SWiir. fej death U viiiwideaHl only a,iuattur of - - - rHt. h4 Uv.wtii s-r Uuctii iwm llMHIaldfl., tsAlem. Tho Flno lmiHirtetl rorcluutm, B0UITTANT CKHTIIIC.VTKOK CU' ur HMMHU. STATU OV (IHHOON, 1 -....... w. n......,,,, er xssHlvta h ivwIvh every , Y. a T. J.- -1 ho r.uW uwUiik ftSarr35 ftiXr it iii tliu Mi,o.,i,l,..i.,: t.r iitM v. i'. 1. iJ.. liii-MitiY iiiu wiiii ut(wutuuadiiiiMiiKu toirr k I Kill. Ill fAll l 111. Hit ----.. U. V.iftI-Mv t...i..4u. WJU(J vi ! w y - nivtvi w-a iauft-M 4 mhiuj I. h . J. IkaWsHik, CMutij ctark trfMarb.n , aw.i I.M uud SlHls d.i bvfvtty en I . iHl ika irolusltause 4iltfriK ksw court, Imu MunU . sial ur ivnsn rK ul tiwi lreun cuMri u mM tuuuiv M AmNs ..J"?lI"ftM,U. ""WWII U1IUU. Hll- UsHI Ui' IN WMMUMnKl WUh lkf otietftMl llUnt.UlbatuiUr luiiniis IVrhtn la tmlwuBd.i ik wV4 iwrf.a.lh - Uiacsuimry. It uoi ouljr a mduster t0rs upissnot rvud Ut tu iMt- tmiUtMU- but W "IMvUj a pleUir-1 aud tylUa. VUimm. my kautt ad ot lh savU ."r.T". '""i u iiHwiui (tmn, iftHwi wi s 4iis mil anilUttO piu diilli. Jlc .ui. .. prinriiMl i-iiuu In in. CnlKs --VH aditaud Karope. - Hleeaut Nr Diaia; Can ,he PULLMAN PALACB SLEEPEHS. -. 1 lStSSS5tlt-iS. ""' tay . k family Mtit Ohw run throurh ..rrlM 11Y CWvllk TuU.. Th,...... I Ex nlH iMttaha. dUBil Vuw?TVfis? "ib?,H'a. MAiy. I CHrl ls-Uvl fwrteau KiaaaU AiSiS-' iftSSilSrC. l - d l9fcl .soim4 isstnu. A IWtkMML TikVkda. TV.isUv .. .'iT. .. . ... . C. ItourK, Vet deal Krt. i sine It. 11. (jv lrisillls. Ilr H. H.VSVKU.,Jr.Oen Krt; , ls. Aicl. tirugoa lvoiopmnt Cn., At MuUIkwM4T st: --rtB Krauelseo, Cai ...Or kw. Paoltta smwUmu ou lliasuail Mvar llrlnu vk-lll bu,u 11.. ! ' rtvkOa, TlmrstUy bfcS B I 3r5cviaTnT5wl Hi ' W 11 11 fii DTlTrw rx 1 .- u iwy4i" nvworwri du X U. aMlsgfjVflgl-i o a B4,7!fnFi r IHBlt TurUa) UUl.lSUi ti-w-aiu VMHrt. 1 I- rl aay .4 Juiw. Iwt IsKAtl r J hiwihk CWrk IV J MltEKMVN, ls-Hl IU1H I-ltlUWT Mt r9a u .... ...'7,?.. irr" j . 1 .ui, .1 ! .wiiiaaj . 'i iraiMniai aad imv i "-" - " m Wb awth wa4 wtuia UiuaA Uu itomw ' W--KB. G. V A. 1 Ui at s-awH.l.vl, uiiV at a nt ' c- MKUiHN. tirMMl Ttfflc M.aajW . t C IKHil'B, I 1UWvA MaitBtseatratite.tb ! Court stmt. Asi. u. K. and I. Atut. 1 6lem. Orecon. " " s et tan to cfr a prtxt U Jjij CiedttertUUtStSTUADC EtC ONE AHO ONE HALF POUNDS. GILBERT & PATTERSONi SALEM, ORE, PWW