Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, June 09, 1890, Image 1

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' II
VOL. 3.
JUNE 9, 1S90.
NO. 82.
fwivnw" wikuhi iiwwwwubhtupbbbWB
Say We
than any other Dealer in the city. Perhaps we do. We sell as cheap as
any body can. All we ask is a fair margin on the goods. We buy for
cash, and our expenses are light, consequently we can
Sell at a Low Rigu.re.
We have our stock now almost complete, although goods aro arriving
ulmost daily. Come In and inspect Our Goods and Prices.
Everything Marked in Plain Figures at
257 Commercial Street.
has Removed
to the store recently occupied by
Call and
loo State St.,
terPhYslcianB' Prescriptions
pounded. A full line of choice Imported and Key west oigars.
Real Estate, Loan & Exchange!
292 Commercial
Haa a large list of choice farms and city property for sale on
easy terms. Homesteads located.
On Improved farms and city property at low rate of interest.
Ifi-We have also in connection with our real estate business, an EM
orders for help will be promptly attended to, and situations also obtained
for the unemployed.
We Have Removed to Bush's New Brick Corner.
Corner of Commercial and Court,
And will coutlnue to carry the finest line of
Dress Goods and Trimmings,
LOiea aid Gents Famishing Goetls, Clothing Hats, Ladie
Wraps, Etc. in the City. We are agents for
several specialties.
IS ;
His Stock of
and Plumbing Goods
& CO,
& COX,
Salem, Or.
and Iuimily Hecipes carefully
St Salem,
MAUIU t.tiL.l . votk uiuiiij.uj
- . .... ,..trtrm !! 1.
and rrllftM.i executed u ine
The Oregon Land Co.
dice at
(In the State Insurance Building)
and branch ofllces in Portlnnd, Astoria and Albany,
Has for sale a large list of Grain, Stock and Fruit Fujius; also
City and Suburban Property,
The Oregon Lund Co. was especially organized for tho purpose of buying
and sub-dividing lure tracts of land, nud has during tho past two years
bought and subdivided over 3,200 ucres into
Five to Twenty Acre Parcels.
The success of this undertaking Is shown in the fact that out of 230 jtracti
placed on the market, 225 have been sold. We claim that ten acres ol
choice land in Fruit,
Will Yield a Larger Income
than 1G0 acres of wheat in tho Mississippi Valley. Wealso make vnluablr
improvements in the way of roads, clearing tho land, fences, etc. N
can sell a small tract of laud for tho same price per acre as you would
have to pay for a large tarm.
Send for Pamphlet and Price List. .
James Denim k Co.
US Stale Street,
"Manufacturers of Cigars,
State Street, Salem,
We make a specialty of Tobacco Store Fixtures. When In the cltx
give us a call. J11'
i. B.
Dealer In-
Furniture and Carpets
29S Commercial Street,
Salem, - - Oregon.
Continues the But-iuess formerly conducted by Kraussc fc Klein, at
the old Btand on Commercial street.
Will be pleased to receive Willi from my old friend and new.
Mammoth New Steck: !
Livmof lances:
Dealer in
Lumber, Lath and Shingles, at the old Dorrance Yard, Salem.
Special attention given to furnish Kiln dried and Superior
Finishing Lumber.
W. M.
Wall Paper, Mouldings,
Plotures Pramw, Window rihadn.. Baby CmIw, Kxpre Wngi, 'tkn
. . j
. t . pieliln and
A "" unt w J-',,n tt,M1
Save Your Dollars,
Keep Your Eye On
118 State St,
Boots and Shoes,
All Kinds, '
We Can Suit Yon.
Dealer In-
nt till klniU
Engraving, Oil Pwlnllng ami Liiromos.
the Lowest, uum
Canital Journal Publishing Company.
Onlco, Commercial atreet, in 1. 0. Hulldlng
fcntered nt the pewtontco at Salem, Or.,ns
second-clnsH matter.
In the course of a column edito
rial, under the heading "Nobody
Knocked Out," the Portland Ore-
gonluu says:
Tho Salem Capital is a repub
lican paper, but not in all things a
fair and just one. It prints these
I'cnnororiitn v. The Orecoulnn anil
Tlio Oreonl.iu Is knocked oat.
Tlioilrcirontiint liuvo ne.iHi rejected tho
political dloutoi-ah p of 1'ivc Oreonlaa
The OregoLi.ni bus to say simply
that It had no inoie Interest or stake
in the republican candidate for gov
ernor than the Salem Capital had;
no more thati any other oppiincui
f "IVnnoyerlsm" in the state. It
did nut urge Mr. Thompson's noni
tuatioii; he was no more its candi
date than were Mr. Hermann, Mr.
McBrldc and others on the repub
lican ticket. It did what It could In
behalf of all of them. It was ap
parent, however, that tho governor
vas the only candidate upon whom
there was any real contest; and so
in common with othotv, The Ore
Ionian, addressed Itself largely to
Unit contest, ele.
A good many pcoplo will bo still of
opinion that in ttie late political con
test tho Oregonlan was knocked out,
and that air. Pennoyer's election
V is n personal triumph over that pa
,er. To demonstrate this fact noth
ing more is necessary than to recall
the record and metnoda of tho so
ealled great paper. Tho Oregonlan
apposed Mr. Cornelius four years ago,
mil those who ascribo all political
results to Its influence, attributed the
election of Mr. Peunoyer to the Ore
Ionian. Tho republicans of Port
laud, under tho leadership of the
Orvgonian, were mainly responsible
for tho election of Mr. Pen
noycr. Because Mr Penuoyer
did not fall In with all
that the Oregonlan advocates, It
denounces him as a crank and de
mands defeat at tho hands of tho
people for tho man It was responsl
olo for electing. That Mr. Penuoyer
had failed to satisfy tho Oregonlau,
but had satlsllcd thousands of voters
wlio are not democrats, Is creditable
to his excellency, and shows that
the people pioicr a pubic oflleial who
f it least prctendH to protect lhclr.ln-
tercstto a public newspaper tnut
always betrays them.
Mr. Thompson's friends may just
y lay that gentleman's defeat at tho
loorsoftho great Portland paper.
Phut paper precipitated the cam
paign of personal abuse nnd mud
throwlng that ended in tho defeat of
Mr. Thompson. Its political meth
ods of ridiculing, belittling aud
abusing every public man who re
fuses to become Its tool are notorious.
Vhen such a paper singles out ono
candidate who is before tho pcoplo
for its attacks, It arouses uuust hub
'plelons against tho man whom It
would help, and in this way theOro
,'onlan gavo Mr. Peunoyer thou
sands of votes that otherwise would
never have gone to him. Bo selfish
ind mercenary has been tho course
if this great paper that Its support
Is a curse to any man or party. The
people understand this and tho re
sult shows it.
The Oregonlan was knocked out
in tho Into election, Just as It was
knocked out when it employed
wholo pages and special editions to
defeat Senator Mitchell, and Just ns
it will bo knocked out whenever tho
musses of the pcoplo consult their
own best Interests. Tho people aro
i wakening on this sunject, uud are
not going to be led blindly Into cast
ing their franchise to strengthen
the power of a monopoly organ that
Is loyal to no party or principle ex
cept when it can advance Its own
bank account. The Oregonlan no
longer regulates tho sun, moon and
itnrs of Oregon politics. It Is a
fallen Lucifer, soured, growling,
muttering and sputtering In tho
limbo of defeated ambitious, where
Its own course of treachery to the
people has plunged It.
Wesuld it was a personal triumph
of Mr. Peunoyer over the Oregon
i of that
inn. It was the people's
over tliu political mulhnds
paper, by re-electing Governor Pen
uoyer. Though many would have
preferred some other man for gover
nor, they would not east their bal
lots to strengthen theholdlnud In
lluencuufu corporation orgun that
ittinoiMH every measure In the Infer
os t of the MMpIe.
XHiple against
The buttle of the
the Oregonlan mul go
puur lias been knocked out In the
stuto election. Hut the jwoplo
should proceed to break It newer
with thu Incoming legislature if
l hey uxioet any good work from
i hut Ixxly. There will not bo u
Job Introduced before (hut body,
fniui ulw.tlng a boodle senator to,
puwlng boodle water billy, (hut
tho groat Oregon (taper will
not have Its bunds behind. Its
roooril iu the pat ought to usure
anyone of (hut. Its hands will be
again t the puiiple every time.
Ch.rH.ino.. Bhh are Mil. mak
. .. ..... .... ..
Ingaood (wMuet Aim photogruphtt
at fiOO per Uen
Large cities aro not only tho prob
lem of government but tho bane of
politics. Their evil lufluenco and
demoralizing cllccts arc felt In the
whole country at large, and they are
tho poison fountain that vitiates tho
political stream of wholo states nnd
the nation. Tho corrupt practices
prevailing iu Now York City lower
tho touo of every presidential dec
tlou nud drag down into tho mire of
Wall street, Bowery, and Flvo
Poluts politics tho noblest efforts
and the bestasplrations of tho Amor
lean people. Tho same process on
a smaller scalo emanates from tho
large commercial center in any
state. So San Francisco slums dom
inate aud degrade the politics of the
Golden state. So the boodle politl
tlctans and legislators of Portland
cast a cloud over tho otherwise fair
name of Oregon.
The baneful iullucuco of tho Port
land bood'o methods was felt all
through tho campaign just closed.
The frightful strugglo of the Port
land bosses for tho control of tho
primaries of that city was some
thing that the peoplo in tho farming
communities are not accustomed to.
When politics degenerates Into n
6trlfe for bosslsm Instead of a con.
test for principle tho cleanly voter
takes his hands out of it nnd votes
his couvlctlous. After a party Is
soiled by tho filth nnd slum of such
a contest the decent citizen instinct
ively shrinks from contact with it,
goes to picking out tho man of his
choice and no application of tho
party lush can muko him feel that
he Is not doing right.
Defeat stared tho republican ticket
In the faco on tho governorship, ns
soon ns It was found (hut the dele
gation from Multnomah county was
the result of the triumph of one boss,
and that tho voters of the state were
asked to place tho executive office
under the political control and dom
ination of Portland ring rule. That
same ring would have sought to con
trol every appointment of tho gos'er-
nor nnd would have constantly Inter
fered with the administration of
the state. However much soiuo
may object to rennoycr, tho pcoplo
of Oregon may thank their good
fortune that thoy have not been
subjugated to the degrading influ
ences of Portland slum polities.
This paper used what little In
fluenco It had to bring tho repub
lican state convention to Salem,
nntt'Bliowcd' ntrthu tlhlerthat tho
party In tho state at largo would bo
tho gainers by it, to have tho con
vention and Its deliberations ro-
movod from tho baleful lnlluencesof
Portland, and brought into a cleaner
atmosphere. The center of a great
funning community, as Salem Is,
must always bo subject to more
wholesome Influences than a largo
commercial river city, where tho
lowest order of politics prevails,
and where money Is king at tho
polls. Wo still believe that a can
didate frco from ring influences and
Humiliated In a clean nnd open con
vention iu the Interior of tho state,
might have been elected with the
rest of tho ticket, But under tho
circumstances there was a stigma
attached to the Portland candidate
that could not bo removed in the
aiinds of disinterested voters. Tho
corrupting trull of bosslsm was over
tho head of the ticket, tho' lie was
himself an honorable man.
(Jen. Udell nt Silyorton.
An article oil tho Halem nud
Bilvertuu Motor Hue In tho Bilverton
Appeal to-day says:
A motok him:.
Gcueral Odell and Orrln Bavago
of the Salem & Bilverton Motor Lino
company were Is Bllvertmi Wednes
day night to confer with tho city
council about right of way up
Water street. Tho Gen. says tho I
Motor lino will bo finished by Bept.
so thut people can ride In toattcud
tho statu fair. Thu company al
ready has right of way over all
roads In this county from the county
court. There is not room for two
tracks on Water street, and there Is
a question as to tho Jurisdiction of
thu council In tho matter
of granting a right of way to a cor
poration since the road Is controlled
" i
y lll uy. l
' c"llllly r,m(1' ",0 ml" '
worked as a
switch should
have been located iu the middle of
(he street nt first, and thu prevailing
opinion Is that there should be but
one track for both the motor aud the
standard gunge Companies, and that
It should be put In thu center of the
street and graded up so thut reams
would have no dillleulty in crossing.
Thor!J uro, 80,mo Imrl'' "vover,
iei uiui iney win ou i mured ova
change of the track to thu middle of
the street but there uro others
along the wtwt side of Water
street who wish (he rad put in the
center, clulmlng that (hey have
L' hid
1 1
ttUKM. u one niuei ruiirouu long
enough, referring of course to (he
mill switch. If both companies can
oniue to ait agreement us to joint use
of a single track, It would Ihi the
a . . I. . .. - .
fair thing, provided a mujorlty of
the proKrty owners along water
htrtct are Iu favor of the roud pass
ing up the street. Gen, Odell suys
the object of going ui Water street
is a likelihood of un extension of
tho roud uakt leyoiid the city limits
I leyi
The council win meet on Die even
- ?,?' " J
to further con-
(.Murine iimuer, no ueiiniie action
,avlng been taken at tho upeclal
definite action
Summer Is resorting nt homo
How cosy It is to ask hard ques
tions. Drlvo your own homo if It Is only
n mule.
A patch in
whole ecat.
tlmo will save tbo
A good book did you study It
Don't fret, alto always dies n nat
ural death.
There is still nu unsuppllcd
tnanil for houses in Salem.
Tho strl who lights the kitchen
stove witli kcroseuo gets fired.
Happy is tho man who discovers
in secret that ho is not a genius.
Don't bo hard on peoplo who try
to write. Iteturn good for evil.
There aro no sure things in this
world except taxes nnd death.
McMinnville Is tho Metropolis of
the West. Side casting 0118 votes.
A Kindergarten Ib
tho hazel brush nud
destructive to
willow Indus-
A small attendance Is reported nt
tho first day of the Dallas grange
Home without a
very apt to be going
nowspaiicr Is
baokwards In
There are a
care to make
round steak.
very few
a square
men who
meal oil' a
Compared with tho taller the
common housefly lends an iu.
dulrious existence.
A girl who doesn't have ideas will
grow to bo n woman whoso only
reason Is "because."
No man who has any duties of
Importance to perforin in this life
can afford to fool with liquor.
Tho German Umpcror has pro
hibited the single eyo glass In thu
army. Thnt suulnta toward reform.
ltov. J. B. Fischer, of tho Albany
Evangelical church, delivered a line
Memorial day address at Jefferson.
Politics Is barbaric business. Llko
Indian troubles, whisky Ib generally
at thu bottom of a good deal of It.
An Eastern Oregon paper makes
a demand that tho next United
Btutcs senator come from that sec
tion of the state.
The Illinois democratic stato con
vention declared thu McKluley bill
a "crime aud a conspiracy against
tho people."
Tho Oregon Laud Co., is putting
out some splendid advertisements
for this oily In a large number of
John P. Blair who died May 21st
1600 at Bilverton, Oregon, war, aged
S2 years aud 0 months, and camo to
Oregon In 1874.
If you know how to find them
you will discover thut a loud
mouthed man has always the ac
companying long ears.
Chicago Is going to have her great
Baptist university. She'll have to
rout u corner of tho lake for her Im
mersion Industry, no doubt.
Wo bellevo Oregon will bo a Dem
ocratic Stato In 1802. East Oregon
lan,(Dm.) It went Democratic In
1880. Why did it not stay so?
This Is the season when thu In
habitant of many parts of the Union
begins to wear a cabbugo leaf In his
hat and seek tho nearest railroad
line for (ho north pole.
What'n the mutter with the labor
ing women? They work long
hours for short pay, nud put up
with every sort of discrimination
yet they never strike.
Tho Bilverton Appeal men now
have aouu Into real estate. Tho
JoiMtNAi. will have to udd u reul es
tate department or not keep up with
tho procession In this line.
Having voted solidly In congress
against free sugar, tho democrats i
are now voting against free silver. I
What is going to become of the I
democratic party, anyhow?
The boom towns have taken up
Horace Greeley's song nnd revised
it: "Come west, youug man, and
see how you'll have to grow to
catch up."
All tho world cau't boexpected to
appreciate grand munlc, but every
teacher's duty U to cultlvnto the
tovo of good muilo us well as the
- 1
love of every true eclence and
branch, We accept poor muslo and
j ; , .
i worse Ueology where wo would
re -
f,UA We BCietitino coaoltulonf
Hood's Sarsaparilla
ts cirefully prepared from SarsapnrlHs.
SuX I .Mandrake, Dock Ph sUra,
Crer ncrrlcs, and other we l-known .and
.duablo vegetable remedies, bj a peculiar
omblnatlon, proportion, mat PClv
...mto Hood's Sarsaparllla curatlvo power
,t possessed by other medicine. II
sflccts rcmarkabfo cures whero others fall.
Hood's Sarsaparllla
fs tho best blood purifier. It cures Scrofula,
3alt IUicum, Dolls. Staples, ail ,11".",
Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Sick Ilcadacho.
IiullECStton, Goneral Debility, Catarrh,
Shcuraatlsm, Kidney and Liver com
lalnts: overcomes Thnt Tired Feeling,
rcatcsnnnppetito, builds up tho system.
Hood's Sarsaparilfa
Has met unparallcd success at home. Such
Is Its populate m J'wc Mass., whero It
ts made, that Lowell druggists sell moro of
Hood's Sarsaparllla than all other sarsapa
. Ulas or blood purifiers. Tho samo success
extending all over tho country.
Hood's Sarsaparllla
ts peculiar la Its strength ana economy.
It Is tho only preparation ot which can
ruly bo said "100 Doses Ono Dollar."
mttloof Hood's Sarsaparllla taken accord,
ng to dliwtloiw, w "I last a month.
Hood's Garsaparilla
ts peculiar in the confluence It gains among
,11 classes ot J i file. Where It Is onco used
t becomes a Lrtorlto family remedy. Do
lot bo Induced to buy other preparations.
Oo.stiro to get tho Peculiar Mcdlclno,
Hood's Sarsaparllla
?ol.H.rlr.imtIM. fli"itr-rfv Prepurcdbj
3.I,t:001)A CO.,.iMtlio ill lei, Lowell, Mao.
IOO Dorp Ono Dollar
Insure in Your Home Company !
"The State,"
Which has for tho pant six years
Issued More Policies,
Received More Premiums
"And Paid Mare Loss'
Upon properly located In Oregon or Wash
Ingtnn tluin any other company.
It was Hut First Company to Pay
all Losses in Full anil in Gash
lly tho throe ureal oonllagmtlotiH ofBerttlle
Kllcnsl)uri;niHl Hpoknnu Knllx
Ami special Age
eat for Marlon i"ounty.
tlin company's building
Capital City Itdaurant
Jas. Batcholor, Prop'r.
Warm Meals at All Hours of (ho Day
None but wlilto labor employed in this
A e"1 substantial meal cooked In first.
Twenty-llvo eonls per meal.
Court street, botweon Journal Olllco and
Mluto's Livery.
For Sale
On asylum avenue, ono mllo from
town, nnd three minutes' walk from
electric lino, ono of tho most desirn
bio places about t'wn. Houso
contains tilno rooms, hot nnd cold
water, huth room, etc., and In per
feet order. Bant nud out building,
with about OJ acres. This will bo
old at it bargain if applied for nt
onco. Six acres would pint to good
Ileal Eslato, 200, Commercial street.
Pioneer Bakery
271 Commercial Street.
Frengh and Genputi Wheat nnd
Uyo Breads In City Styles.
VlfMitm Rolls.
Pastry and Confectionery
Baking In Full Btock.
My new bread nnd cako bakers
aro flrut-cltisH artists in their line,
ami I aim to havo
Everything as Fine as the Finest.
Scriber & Pohle's.
HpealaliilUiul.oii given to stioclng road,
(tun. driving ImneN, Intorforlng aud crip
plvd liorno. A large
Stock of Hand-Made Shoes Carried,
We glvo our pronnl attention nnd em
ploy none bm usports tn tliix Uepartmont.
47 and 51 Stato Street, Salem, Or.
Capital Dairy Co.
; A. a Kalrchlld, II. J. Kelly and W. C.
Ilureli aro prepared to deliver flroi mltk,
cooled on ice, to any part of tbo city,
' I.avo orders utMlnio Low'table.
-7- -
1 JR J & IS SM
EIH mm & Wm.
pj3lMb)wtiuifiimre4. Uoakiinnwl
IU rtio tnx, tiTnniuitii m
Vf I'urloU,, llo.ptu f1
A, 7U( ..UUlllhAsWy.