Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, June 07, 1890, Image 1

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    wmwipuj1 J iii
VOL. 3.
NO. 81.
-Say We
thnn any other Dealer in the city. Perhaps we do. We sell as cheap aa
any body can. All we ask Is a fair margin on the goads. We buy for
cash, and our expenses are light, consc iiiently we can
Sell M a- tow Riguire.
We have our stock now almost complete, although goods aro arriving
almost daily. Come in and inspect Our Goods and Prices.-
Everything Marked in Plain Figures at
257 Commercial Street.
has Removed
Stoves, Tinware and Plnmbinjr
to the store recently occupied by
Call and
loo State ST.,
(-Physicians Prescriptions and Family Recipes carefully com
pounded. A full line of choice Imported and Key West Cigars.
y Mate, Loan i Excliwe!
292 Commercial
Has a large" list of choice farms and city property for sale on
easy terms. Homesteads located.
On improved farms aud city property at low rate of interest.
i&iWe have' also lu connection with our real estate bu.dueu, an EM
ordsni for'helrwll!,be promptly attended to, and situations alm obtained
for the unemployed.
We Have Removed to Bush's New Brick Corner.
Corner of Commercial and Court,
And will continue to carry the finest Hub of
Dress Goods and Trimmings,
Ladies aad Gents Fnrnisbing Goods, Mothins, Hats, Ladie
Wraps, Etc. ia the City. We are agents for
several specialties.
J. J.
Only AbstractBooks
His Stock of
& CO,
& CO(X,
Salem, OrY "
St Salem, Or.
w.i, rmniv
i .uP P y
t Vvtwt
nil fvIIhIiU executed
'The 0reI?!1.iand Co-
lorne dice
(In the State Insurance Building)
and branch offices in Portland, Astoria and Albany, .
Has for salo a largo list of Grain, Stock and Fruit Farms; also
City and Suburban Property.
Tho Oregon Land Co. was especially organized for tho purpose of buying
and sub-dividing large tracts of land, and has during the past two years
bought and subdivided over 3,200 acres Into
live to Twenty
The success of this undertaking Is shown in tho fact that out ofJJSOtracts
placed on the market, 225 have been sold. We claim that ten acres of
choice land in Fruit, 4
Will Yield a Larger Income
than JGO acres of wheat in tho Mississippi Valley. Wo also make Valuable
improvements In the way of roads, clearing tho land, fences, etc. We
can sell a small tract of laud for the same price per aero as ybtf would
have to pay for a large tarm. '
Send for Pamphlet and Price List:
James Deiiliam &
118 State Streot.
jml JbBDMHBSjI''
Manu.factu.rers of Cigars,
State Street, Salem.
We make a specialty of Tobacco
give ua a call.-
Furniture and Carpets,
298 Commercial Street,
Salem, - - Oregon.
Continues the Business formerly
the old Stand on
Will bo pleased to receive call from my old friend uml new.
Mammoth New Steck:
at Living: Prices:
J. F.
Dealer in
Lumber, Lath and Shingles, at the old Dorrance Yard,
Special attention given to furnish Kiln dried aud Superior
W. vt.
-Dealer In-
Vsall Paper, Mouldings,
-.'.. ... . '
Picture Frame, Window eliade. lluby Oil, Exprewi Wagons, Notions'
and T..y ..f all kind. I1
' A Fine Line of Etching aud Engraving, OU Paintings oud Chrorao.
Prices the Lowest, .
Acre Parcels.
Save Your Dolls
Keep Your Eye 0a
US State St,
Boots and Shoes,
All Kinds,"
We Cao Suit You.
Store Fixtures,
When in
the city
conducted by Krauase & Klein, at
Commercial street.
nr thk
Canital Journal Publishing Company,
Omce.CorumerclM Street, In P.O. Building
fcntered nt tho poxtodco nt Balcra,Or.,iui
second-class matter.
After Election Press Reflections.
Polk Couuty Itemizcr: Remem
ber that not one-half thoovll thijgs
you have heard of others Is true,
and the fact that a man voted
against you la no evldeuco that he
dislikes you.
Albany Herald: Tho visitors to
our state capital can now rldo from
Salem out to the penitentiary ou the
motor lino propelled by electricity.
It beats horso altogether.
Dallas Observer: Tho Oregonlau
says that Governor Pennoyer may
thank Joe Simon and tho Union
party for his re-election. Of course
every fellow must have some means
of explaining away what don't suit
him; As we look nt It, the people
simply wanted to retain a man who
had been tried in tho balances and
not found wanting.
Dallas Observer. Mr. Thompson
was nominated mora on account of
his money than any other point.
He was accused by t,be, opposition of
ruuuiug a 'boodlo" campaign; but
he didn't "boodle" any aud got left.
As long as this was charged against
Lim, wo believe it would have been
better for him had ho "boodled" a
Utile aud created a llttlo Thompson
San Francisco Chrenicle: In 1888
a disgusted California Democrat who
wont to Oregon to holp Cleveland
declared after election that the hhecp
had voted tho republican ticket. It
looks, Judging from tha malorlty
given Dinger Hermann, the repub
lican representative, as thnuuh the
sheep had voted again this year.
Tho simple fact is that Oregon Is
protectionist aud republican, aud
that not even an ofTyear cati Induce
the penplo of that state to bo delud
ed by tho sophistries of Democracy
and free trade.
Independence West Side: Hyl
vestor Pennoyer has been elected
governor of Oregon. Ono of tho
most significant facts about his
election is that he was elected in
a republican state, which qlves
Uinger Hermann probably 10,000
majority, by from 3000 to 4000 anil
also being opposed by that mighty
paper the Oregonlan. Mr. Pen
noyer Is tho people's friend, if any
ono can be, and as such he was
elected. If ho proves uiitruo to his
professions, hW future is not so
bright as his present. He will now
bo a prominent candldato for vlco
president of tho United States.
San Francisco (Jail: Our demo
cratic friends profess to bo pleased
with the. result In Oregon; that the
state is fortunate in being nblo to
please both parties while attending
strictly to Its own business. The
principal question before tho Ameri
can penplo at tho preseut time is if
the MoKIuley turlll bill shall be
come a law. Democratic Journals
and speakers have denounced it in.
tho broadest aud most comprehen
sive terms as imposing an unneces
sary tax on tho necessaries of life.
Oregon was called upon for its
opinion while tho hill was ponding,
between tho house and tho senate
Oregon declares strougly for tho
bill. It returns Mr. Hermann, who
supported It, by a majority without
precedent In tho history of the state,
lu the face of this a democratic con
temporary complacently declares
that the Oregon election will
strengthen the hands of those re
publicans who have been restating
the McKmloy bill. Tho election of
a republican legislature reaffirms
the political position of tho state In
respect to Mr. Hermann. It might
besaid llivt Mr. Hermann was re
turned on the ground of personal
efficiency; hut the election of sixty
republicans to thirty delnoorntA to
a leulslaturo that will have tho
choice of u United States senator
does not lea ye any ground for the
usHiiiiiptlon that Mr. Hermann's
large vote was a personal compli
ment rather than a political In
dorsement of his oouro lu congress.
Orf'on State t'rlion.
Two females occupy cell number
1, first floor.
In the blvrM every ono was busy
at hU owu special work.
In the commlutary department
everything was in good ahnpe and
plenty of It. Tho amount of mi-aU
dally lined U from 376 to -100 lbs.;
flour about two barrel; vegetables
from 376 to 400 lbs.
The number of men employed In
the shops varies from 200 to U20.
Their average income amount lu a
year to about 2,260.
: The number of prisoner now
confined Is 822. There were four
i discharged thii week aud at an
' average of Un per mouth.
The garden Inside of the wall ore-
-enuwy prmMnK . th.
' HlmwlM-rrv Led wurf ttlmmv lni.
ruenbe. We can Miotic forourelvw.
We heartily agree tlut the man.
iaementiH tbt could tdMired.
Running More than two Miles Through
the Capital City, -Power Enough
for Seven Cars.
Tho Capital City Street Railway
Co., was organized last September,
with tho specified object of bring
ing tutu closo pmmlmlty East Sa
lem and tho business part of tho city.
Tho company bciug wldoawako to
the future importance of the capital
city, left nothing undone for equip
ping aud operating one of the best
street car lines In tho west. Tholr
energies aud labors wero not lu
vain, for now Salem has a first class
electric line, two and one-fourth
miles In length, running from State
street down Liberty street to
Chcmckea thence up Chemeketn to
18th slreet, thence back to State,
theuco up State to the state peniten
tiary, making over two miles of as
flue a roadbed as can bo found in
nny city. Tho company have
chosen tho Spraguo system, with
neatly finished Pullman spring ears,
well lighted by flvo electric HghtH
to tho car, of sixteen candles power
each. The company are now run
ning two earn, each with a seating
capacity for twenty persons with
stan ding room for as mauy more.
thk company's nuii.Di.xas.
Tho power houso Is situated on
State street at tho crossing of Mill
creek. Tho power houso proper Is JiO
by GO feet, 14 feet high; with an en
gine room 21 by 30 feet and holler
room 12 by 'M feet and a neat office
10 by 22 feet. The car house Is 20 by
GO feet, 20 feet high with room for
six cars, and In eao If needed can
be arranged to hold eight. The build
ing U of tho hi'st Orejnni fir, on a
brick foundation mul Issiibstaiitially
built. The engine is of Heck's pat
ent of 1887 and made by tho Taylor
inanufiicturingOo, of Chatubeisbtirg,
Pa., and is an eighty horfo power
engine connected ton Taylor boiler
of a hundred hoi so power. The
building Is lighted by ten 10 caudlo
power electric lights. Tho company
liasa good water-power hou8e,whlch
can bo turned Into practical use
without much additional expense.
The construction of this lino has cost
the company about $40,000, but will
soon return dividends to tho stock
holders, and will bo one of the best
advertisements that tho city could
have Invented. A new. era of pro
gress has readied tho capital of Ore
gon, and every citizen should take a
prldo iu such enterprises to aid in
dwveloplug theuatural resources of
tho great Willamette valley, and ov
ery pulse of advancement will heal
with n new vigor hi tho spirit of pro
gress which is soon to pervade every
branch of industry.
Tho ouglueers can tell at the
power house, by tho "Regulator,"
the amount of force there Is on the
wires, aud tho 'Ampers" shows the
amount used by all the eai'Bon the
line, and this Is regulated by tho
machinery Itself.
Tho most Important features to the
casual observer Is, what makes tho
cars go. There Is n largo 12 Inch
dynamo revolving at tho rate of
1200 revolutions per minute; (n con
tact with this are two powerful
electro magnets, or armatures, of
opposite poles. The electrlcty Is
oouveyed from theso by eleetrlo
brushes to two wires, uuo connoted
with tho track and tho other to tho
wlro overhead, from whence It is
conducted by the trolley on tho top
of tho car to the motor under tho
car, which Is a dynamo similar to
tho ono lu the power house, giving to
It a rapid rotary motion thence
through tho wheels to the rails and
track to the dynamo lu the power
house. The tracks aro connected
at every llttlo distance by cross wires
which keep them charged as a sin
glo current, and a rail may be re
moved from either side without In
terfering with the trafllo of the road.
The dynamo is conducted by In
troducing reslHtaiiLolu tho magnetic
field, aud Is controlled by an Ingen
ious switch or regulator lu the dyn
amo room. The machine Is pro
tected from abnormal currents or
! lightning, by fusible strips, which
melt and break the circuit, at a cer
tain degree of heat, which will bo
cauricd by tio heavy a current ou
tho wire. Tho pressure, or amount
of electricity on wire (or tho voltage),
W maintained constantly at 600,
which lit not dangerous to life. The
dynamo In power houso Is automa
tic, aud i he operation Is us successful,
or more m, n wet weather as In dry.
Tho direction of the car Is managed
by a switch ou tho platform, and Is
completely under the control of the
driver, and can bo run at dlllcreut
rated of speed, forward nr backward
at wilt without reversing trolley or
leaving tho end of the car. The
lights are also connected t'J thesamo
circuit and can k turned ou or oil
by a so'all switch In the car. While
tho tiaok Is charged with electricity
at all times when the dyiiaiun U
running, it is harmless to stock and
persons who may bo on the track.
The same dynamo can ruti Incan
descent lights or stationary motors
for power ou same circuit, making
connection ul any point ou Ihullue;
,... run i,im,.u rn,i Ian, irimiiiliit','rHW,mu,l,lnlC ,0 'bi'r advuiitaue
euu rim Iuiiiim from JO to wiudlm , Mf rAvltlHlinHn U tuken oluir.
power, uud motoru from 18 la Ja)()fn,0rreuietatodoMrliiiontut 116
horno-powrir. ' State ntreut. Call and ne him.
Journal Reporter Takes a Rnn
Through tho Institution.
On Juno Ctli, 20o Albany excur
sionist?, with some Salemitcs as
escorts, visited tho asylum and
grounds. Of courso they didn't get
to see all of thy 020 patients, but
they got to seo tho better class as
well as tho worst. All seemed Well
pleased with tho way things wero
A reporter of tho Journal was
out to tho asylum, and had his at
tention called to some of tho Im
provements which havo taken placo
within tho last thrco years. A largo
holler house, engine room and engin
eer work shop has been added. The
boiler houso contains n largo 100
horse-power holler, which supplies
the steam necessary for the various
departments of this building requir
ing the same. Iu this engine room
Is over 15 horse-power engine
which supplies tho power for run
ning the machinery iu tho laundry,
also for sawing tho wood. Hero wo
also find tho large and powerful
force pump which is kept running
from 5.30 a. in. to 0:30 p. m., pump
ing pure cold water to every nart of
tho houso from a. well C5 feet In
depth aud 8 feet In diameter, yield
ing 6000 gallons per hour. Every
thing lu (his department presents a
neat and orderly appearance
Engineer McCarl IniBJust finished
putting In a II ro system second to
none in auylpubliu Institution. Tho
hydranta aro so located that every
part of tho building can bo easily
reached. One of tho grand features
of this Hro system Is tho water sup
ply, which la received from a largo
cistern, 80 feel long, 40 feet wide,
and 14 feet deep. This cistern is
used for a double purpose, not only
as a fire cistern but also a swim
ming batli for tho patients.
And to prevent any accident from
happening there iu a false lloor
which can bo raised to tho surface
Instantly. Tho tiro system was
designed by J. A.MoCarl, engineer,
about two years ago ami approved
by the board and tho money ap
propriated by tho fast legislature.
Ho has also designed an electric
alarm system which gives tho
alarm from any pai t of tho build
lug, which shows tho exact location
of too fire. Among other Improve
ments is a window guard, In
vented by J. A. McCarl, whloh has
proved a success, and thu new wing
will bo fitted with thu same.
Iu tho kitchen wo noticed that
mo"t. all tho cooking was done by
steam which insured good cooking
without tho possibility of scorching
or burning. Wo noticed that the
soup cooked by steam was niino
nutritious and belter than that
cooked by fire. Theso steamers
wero built by tho engineer and his
assistant. Ono thiuti wo noticed
was the cleanly aspect of the
kitchen iiiidMiirrouudlugH.
We also noticed that Dr. Harry
Lane was looking out fur tho future
welfare of tho patients by the num
ber of attendants aud patients at
work hi the kitchen putting up
strawberries of which they have an
Immense supply Dr. Lane lias pur
chased a vast number of glass nrs
and wTiat berries cannot be used at
present are being put up for future
Another Improvement which wo
particularly noticed was the taking
away of tho high fenco that utcd to
surround the building, and gave the
place a pi Isou like aspect. It being
gone, gives tho place a more cheer
ful and homelike. An other Improve
mout which wo will mention and of
whloh tho state may well be proud, Is
the hot water heating sv stem whloh
InatH thu whole institution.
This heating system was put lu by
Gardner c Co of Portland, uudurtho
supervision of engineer J- II. Mc
Carl. This heating system insures a
mild, coustaiit heat and docs uway
with thu danger from fire. Other
Improvements which nro noticeable
but have not the space to nionthn
are a credit to the management of
the asylum. There aro at present
twelve men from tho asylum up on
the Hautiaui river aslsliug hi re
pairing aud working on thuSaiitlam
ditch whom llioy expect to ho gone
ten days.
As AttoiiUbliijf Otter Bourn f tho
Th Ban J-'ruiirlico irr or recnt iUU
ooutalned thu IoIIowIuk offir.
"A an otrlilenca ot the ability of Joy'i
Vegetable Han aparllla to jirevenl tick head
aoltei, we will five to the flr.t twelve ro
i(nIlilejriu who will applral our ofllce
bo'.lle lr l( they will axree that after
they have bten rurrd that they will adult
the (act over their tlt-nature."
Tlili '(Tor o lartllugly aucrtad the effi
ciency of Hie remedy that many accepted,
tai the letter! o( the partlet, nearly all ot
whom rloodtl, are probably tho wct
ccuTloelDj atUautloDi that any remedy
rtr received. Tbt following U a eaupl of
thoo received.
I have been aublect to blllooa headache
and couttlpatloa
orieveral year pat
fact, ha vi' been
very other nh
couiballed to lake a lib'
npvlled to
rr other nlvbt or elta I w
tit or elm I would have
braiiacha aud dull, mean ftclltiK. . I bars
taken that boll! of Joy'i Veceiable Earia-
f.aillla. aud have dertycl xxm beuefit from
l. and luteixl fintluuliiK It Alter my own
irliice I ran heartily advHe lhoe trutt
ble4wlibblllouiueaaDdrnttliatlout(tX7 IL Your., I'llAU. E. KLKlKirrON.
I2d Locuit Avenue, Han Krancuca
To lions Hffkrrn.
Tlio Capital City rallwto' eout
pany U prepared to toll hoine-BcoK-
Makes many pcoplo miserable and otter.
i.- M to scIMestrucilon. Distress aflo
Oitllng. soar stomach, sick headache, aw
bum, toss ot nppctlto.n laimv'ati son'
feeling, bad taste, coated tongue, and nrt-fi
nlnntjr ot too Dowels, an
DistrOSS tho rndri comnion symp
Affnr tm3- Dyspepsia does m.t
',,t', get well ot ltsoit. U re
Eating qmrcs caretui, persistent
attention, and a remedy nko Hood's Sarsa
parllla, which nets gently vet etllcicntly
It tones tho stomach and olhet orgai.
regulates tho ingestion, cre.ues i goon up
appctlto. ami, by thus SCk
overcoming tho local UnntlatuB
symptom, euros thoHOaaacne
headache, and refreshes tho tired mind.
'I havo been troubled with dyspepsia
1 hail but llttlo appetite, and what 1 die
. unn.. cftt distressed me, or ait.
l-IOari- mo llttlo good. Atterr.it
bum in;? I Voulil cxperic
raininess, or tired, alt-gono iciM-vr, as
though 1 had t oaten anything. My
troullo, I think, was aggravated by my
business, painting, anil trom being more o
less shut tip In aroom with Soilt
fresh paint. Last spring 5.rt,rli,
I took HeciPs Sarsaparllla otomacn
aud It dtit ino an immense, amount ot good.
It gave mo nn appetite, and my f id i 1
Islicd find satisfied tho craving I h d 1 rc
vlously experienced." Geouob A. 1'aok
Watcttown, Mass.
N. 11. It you dcclilo to t.iko Hood's B.ir
saparllla do not bo Induced to buy any otlu-i .
Hood's Sarsaparilla
3oldly ilruiT-Ut j. flTforf rrcrarcdtr
O. I. HOOD CO.', A ixitliccnrle, Lowell, &.UM.
IOO Dosos Ono Dollar
Insuro in Your Home Company !
The State,"
Which 1ms for tho pnRt six years
Issued Moro Policies,
Received More Premiums
And Paid Mjro Losss
Upou property located In Oregon or Wnili
liiKton thnn nny other company.
It was (lift First Company to Pay
all Losses in Full and in Cash
lly tho tlneo great couilngratlons orSiiitth'
Kllonsluirgniul Hpoknno Kail
City Aguu
Aud Bpcchil Agent for Marlon County.
Ulllco lu tho coinpnny's uullilliif.
Capital City Restaurant
Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r.
Warm Meals at All Hours of llic Day
None but whllo labor employed In thin
A good HuuKtnntlHl menl cooked In itrat
clihit stylo
Tweiity-llvu vents por meal.
Court Btrcet, between Journal Ulllco anil
MIiiIo'h lavory.
For Sale
Ou'iiNylum uvonuo, ouo mllo from
town, mul thrco minutes' wultc from
oloutrlu lino, uuo of tho most dcalrn
hlo nlacen nbout t-wn. House
coiitaliiH ulno rooms, hot and cold
water, hath room, etc, anil In per
feet order. Darn and outbuilding,
with ubout 0 ucrea. Thin will bo
wild ut a bargain If unfilled for at
onco. Blx ticroH would plat to good
Ileal ISaltitc, 00, Commercial street,
Pioneer Bakery
271 Commercial Street,
French and Oerman Wheat ami
Kyo HrciuTs In City Styles.
Vienna Holla.
I'ahtry mid Confectionery
Ihih'lug In Full Btoclc.
My now bretid ami calco hakora
aro ilmt-eliusH artl.stH lu their Uuo,
mul I aim to havo
Eveiytli'ns as Fine as the Finest.
Scriber & Pohle's.
HlH-gtnl attention given to ahoelnu roaU.
alera. driving liort.ee, lutcrrorluij auU crtl
pluil ItorMW. A lurK"
Stock of Hand-Made Shoes Carried,
Wo BlvMourpmonal ultcnllonnnil em.
ploy nonu luituxiKsrta lu thl drpartincnt
47 and 51 Statu Street, Salem, Or.
A. v Kalrchlia, 11. J. Kelly anil W. C.
iiuruli ari prfrmrcil to deliver flreah milk,
cooled ou ion, to uny part or tho city.
lAtaveordora al Ulnio 4 Lovr'aatublo.
Detoiatluif, tto. lly lUCimvo Uurt4 j
(iitUli,KU ut free, AddrtMl tVM. .,