RESieiiATIYE PERFECT Hu r R I T I O H f HEALTH! The only remr - wu which will Stimulate the Nutritive Processes of the Human System. By this nnturel r.nd linplo means It quickly and permanent y ( " "IKS All Forms of Dyspepsia, Cnnstlvutlon, Mental and Jfervous Exhaustion, .oncral Debility, Brain Tap, or auy exhausted or weak encd condition ol the system, from what ever cause, Skin Krnpf Ions, Bolls, Itun nlnff Sores, Scrofula, and nil Dlscasns of thoUlood, Stomach, Lhcr and Kidneys. $ 1 .00. SIX BOTTLES FOR 55,00. Dr. nillor's CI page look. descriptive o lly. dratlncI'cstrriulYeaiul his otair l.emcdies, sent frue by juuil. HILLEB DRUG CO,, San Francisco, Csl, Sold by Dnn'l J. Fry, 225 Com'l St. Capital National Bank SALEM - - - OREGON. Capital Paid op, . . - $75,000 Surplus, ...... 15,000 R. 8. WALLACK, President. W. W. MARTIN, . Vice-President. J, H. ALBERT. .... Cashier. DIRtCTORSt W.T.Gray, W.W.Martin, J. M. Martin, R. 8. Wallace, Br. W. A.Cusick. J. II . Albert, T. .McF, Patton. LOANS IvIADE To termers on wheat and other market able produce, consigned or in store, either In private granaries or public warehouses. State and County Warrants Bought at Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted at reasonable rates. Drafts drawn direct on New York, Chicago, San Kranclsco, Portland, London, Paris. Berlin Hong Kong and Calcutta. W. C. MITCHELL, Veterinary Surgeon. Oraduato of Ontario veterinary college Treats nil diseases of horsex, cattle and other domestic animals Office at Kills & Whitley's livery stable. If not profe xlonally engaeed can be seen at nil hours. S:3-dv-lm PAINTSHOP. 156 Commercial Street. House and carriage pnlntlng.slg-n writing, paper hanging, decorating wall tinting, and katclmlning. All work , done first class. Carriage painting a speciality, char ges moderate, P. H. RANIflN. PROP. Farms I Farms!! Of all sizes and prices. Fruit and Hop farms a specialty. Ten, Twen ty and Forty acre tracts on railroad at low prices. Also City Property In and about the town of Hubbard. Call and be shown ray unrivalled bargains, or send for circulars. CHAS. P. STRAIN, Agent. 5:14d-w2m SPRING Ia here! And so Is E. SCH0ETTLE, With ft fu stock of spring nnd summe SUITINGS. Everything made up In the latest fash Ion and a perfect fit guaranteed, Don forget to call at Bchoettle's before yo make aseiecuuu, are still selling lower than ver. AU of our stamps are made out of the Best Rubber. You should not bo without one. Remember the plnce. PATTON'S BOOK STORE, 63 State HU, Salem. SELF INKERS 0. 1). IIUTTOX. Prop. C&stlnc t " kinds mad tn. order, MILL MACHINERY, PLANINO MILLS, COHNICES, MCTAL.f.H' .,WB "I"""'! ..." and special eastings ol ny style or pat urn made In short order, smooth and re liable In eve y particular. Repair any Machinery in Short Order. Turnlne Utbea, engine, hop pree and bop stove built- WlUmikswlMW ou ny iron work Ded4. Good price paid for old Iron. S-lK-lm ifSp BROS. MA Stuns I m m m i La RON fORItS, Diamonds and Gold Watches. RAILROAD OFFICIALS AND OPIUM. A Portland Bald on a Chiueso Den Bevcals a Probable Con spiracy for Smuggling.' JEWKLRY SMUGGLERS. New York, May 28. A big seiz ure was made by the custom house officials yesterday. It's believed the captured smuggler is au old pro fessional who represents several large jewelery stores in this city. The prisoner's name is Nltchke. He is a well dressed, intelligent Ger i an and ws a passenger on the steamer Elbe from Bremen. In his shoes were found seven valuable diamonds and threo handsome gold watches. In his pockets the in spectors discovered six pearl crosses, three diamond crosses, six pearl bracelets, six diamond bracelets, a dozen elegant scarf pins, besides a largo amount of other jewelry. OPIUM SMUGGLERS. Portland, May 28. The custom authorities late last night made a seizure of three hundred and ten five-tael cans of opium at a Cliiuesce washhouse on Second street be tween C and I). It lias been known to the authorities for some time that a large amount of opium was smug gled in by au organized baud ot smugglers having headquarters on Puget aound, and they have been on the lookout. Last night's seizure continued this belief and the authorities arrested John Mnvs, brakeman on the Northern Pacific railroad as one of the principals in the affair. He has implicated the conductor and other train hands. It seems tht) opium had been consigned to Lee Hi tig, Chinese merchant, who, on going to receive theopiuni. found he had been iintietpnted by the offi cers and refHsed to pay for it. Mays and the conductor and the other men compelled Hiug at the point of a pistol to write a note to parlies who were his partners, telling them to send the money down or the men would kill him. The note was3eut by Mays, but fell into the hands ot the officers, who at onee placed Mays under arrest. In order to escape arrest, the conductor and theothers forced Leo Hiug into a carriage and made their escape. They have not been npprehended. Jifays is to have his examination this afternoon, They Are Here. There promis es surely to be a "feast of reason and How of soul" in Salem to-night. The republican candidate for gov ernor, D. P. Thompson, is here, also tho popular Phil Metscbtui, candi date for state treasurer, aud accom panying them is Ly)e Baker, wl)o is proving a ready, attractive and well posted debater. They will all three entertain the people at Salem to-night at Reed's . opera house with an exposition of republi can principles, and the sigus are that they vll meet nQ immense gathering. Teacher's Examination. The following fist are laboring under Prof. Ypder at the court house for certificates to teach: Mary E. Rey nolds.Nellie A. Lltchfleld.Edith Al denaon, W. C. Alderson, Emma Royal, Cella Higley, Sarah E. Wil sou, D. J. Stcinor, W. V. Green, Lovlnia L. Culver, Grace A. Peeblea, W. P. Powers. Levi Magee and Eliza Ashelhausen, Salem; Minnie Lansing Mt. Angel; David Warner, S. W. Reeves, Ruth Mattlck, HU- vertiMii V. R. Rogers, Fairfield; Ab- ble L. Miles. Scotts Mills; V. A S , Manning, M City. Gervais; John GoodeJI. Thk Wilms Dow.v, A severe windstorm is prevailing along tho coast to the south of us which has caused considerable trouble to the telegraph offices to-day In the transmission or dispatches. Trees have neen blown dowu across the wires in several places, breaking them aud cutting oft connection. Tho storm 2s ap- parent in the sKy, but Salem sits serene, enjoying nice weather, but wishing for a good steady mild rain of about 24 hpurs. Notaiueb Appoint- The fol lowing notaries were appointed by the governor to-day; J. O. Hamak- i er, Wm. Holm, C. B. CVarwIll, C. W. Beers, Portland, Oregon, .My. ron O. Clark, Lone Rock, Oregon, iJ, V , lllllllUhei, jllin.iiK.-, u.vb...., Commissioner for Oregon, D. Van dorn, Kansas City, Mo. it a IN. The farmers' prayer for rain Is about to be answered citizens do nut object. The ClIILDUKN'b TICKBT8 Rbojtal Twppty.flve Dearborn's. fok this cents, a( ttu-e. IToe a What a Pity woman's lovely features . marred bv unsiElitly pimples and I blotones. Young woman, defective ( nutrition Is the caw of your uiem ishea and the &ooner you lakea faith Pearls, ful course of Dr. Jllller uyurasiins j iioiutnrs r-uircn. WuB.. ;.Uj - kok Hali-A nleeyoung onviiig , v, jwvidfflmiKtnii 22f?at&vUiS,n-fr $5. Lrwpi;; Uti ' Mie iu i. J . f ry't. u- " ,l'u'11"" .,.,,.,..,..... --; . . ' i.m u ainiiru a oi iwnn e: iiiiiiirciiJiii riiHi- n- - MARRIED. BROWN-MACK. -Wedn o a d a y, May 28th, 1690, at 4 o'clock p. ui. , nt th r.1,ln;. Q.i u IV. 'I;." .' title 7li. VtV t v n 8 ""J Vn T nnJtfr i' :: ""SP "Ir T nren' ,Y M?k; Sl9 Hr; ?' J-Brown mid I Miss Rosa Mack, Re . H. A. Newell. Officiating. This happy event is ill progress as tho Joulnal goes lo press, Itnmedi ate relatives aud a few invited friends only being present. The Misses Mack are nieces of Mr. J. II. Luun, aro formerly of Neodoshn, Kansas, nnd have resided in Salem nbout one year, during which time they have made mauy friends and gained the esteem of all acquaintances. Mr. J. F. Brown has been a well known aud highly respected drv- goods merchant of this city the past seven years, being with Johnson, LUUIl & Co. threo Years ami Ltltlll f. i)-...., .... tr i j. &. Urown lOlir. Ilelsntlian Of e.- cellpnt linqlnniK n null licit Inns ctiieni nus mess quuiinciuotis. nntl 18 socially pleasant and I right ot tne majority to govern, ana vve uc .., ,r IT T , , nounce the fictioi by which democratic mem-, popular. Ml. H. J. Brown is ibersorcougTessattrmpttojus.irythetechiiic-' a brother of ills and prominent nttnrnev of Sinikiine FiiIIh. u-Iutp1."0""""" present auu " - -' botli couples will make their future home, carrying with them tho best wishes of Salem people universally. They will take this evening's train for a trip through Southern Oregon, after which they will go to Ilwaco aud then to tho Sound, thence home to Spokane Falls. Republican Rally at Jefferson. The citizens of Jefferson and vicinity are informed that on Sat urday evening, May 31st, at 8 p. m., the republicans will hold a grand closing rally at Russell's hall, Jeffer son. Hon. J. W. Crawford, F. W. Seaver, and E. Hofer will be the orators of the occasion. Remember the date, and be on hand. Ladies are welcome at republican meetings. John Knight, Co, Chairman. UOTKIj akkivals. cook house. B D Dyar, Myrtle CVk. C J Cressey, San Jtise, Cal. Fiances Peru in, Cape Horn. H G Flemuiiug, Vincent Man ning, St Loui-, Or. G RSteveuson, Fulton, Or. W C Hembreo and wf, McMiun- ville. M R Shipley and wf, Oswego. R F Cooley aud wf Woodburn. J H KniBe, Poitland. J A Henderson, Marysville, Or. CIIEMEKETE HOTEL. C D Ambrose, Pomona, Cal. S Mandovllle aud wf, Chicago. G A Beavis, T J Couroy, S F. E E Ay8tnyer and wf, Harrisburg. A A Bashor, wf and child, Dous mott, Cal. L Baker, D P Thompson, F XV Wheeler, B F Whltely, E Wylie, AMCrooker, Portland. Jas Johnson, St Louis. A B Fedcr, New York. W B Shay, Seattle. R S Cate, Chicago. John Andrew, Portland. G H Andrews, Oregon City. G Moore, Cincinnatti, O. Ike Fogpl, P Y Bank, Portland. Instruments Filed for Record at tbe County Recorder's Office. E E Pentlnnd to Peter Ver- cer, Its 5. G and 7 in blk Jones' add to Salem: $ 900 Julia McAllister to jonn Gasli and Eliza Gash 3 33-50 acres in 1 7, rl; 100 J W McClape and vile to John G Wright, the north west quarter of blk 57, North Salem; Oregon Land Co to Sher burne Wilson, Jt 3, blk 1, in Riverside add; Oregon Land Co to Johu F Wi'soii. It 5, blk 3, River, side' : (Id; T J Cronisc r.nd Nellie Cro niseto John F Wilson, It 0, blk 17, Riverside add; Matthias Adams aud Min nie Adams to John Prell, 40 acres in t 5, r 1, west Willam ette meridian; 1000 100 300 300 1700 One of the very best investments , ,. ,, ,. ....It.illutB Ih tllllt Iiuh- j,,' pf oun 05XlflB feet, onl one of the busiest corners in town Has a fine two-story brick block of three store rooms 20x70 feet, with offices overhead and other buildings. It rents to pay 10 per cent, on the amouut. It Is the best site in 'the city for a wholesale house nus equal to the best for a retail trade; best bargain in town. Salem Land Co. Postoffi"o block. dw-tf That French Band Corset, at 76 I ceutn,i(t J. J. Dulrymple's, it a liuin- I nicr. Eticjuiro for It. Wahuantkd. Smltli k Angell's fast black hosiery is warranted by .. . . .. .. .. ... . I Bridges Jp Bozorth, agents. tf. 1 Thk Cannkuv. Fine canned yel low Crawford penohes, at ritmlre 1 Farrar & Co's. I Jones & Beruardl are now located j at 100 State street In their elegant new ijuurters. Fresh strawberries, ohorrie., or- , tinges, lemons, bauanas, green x-a and all other fruits ami at J. li. Wight's. vicl)ihli.H veutuoits " Tho Bo,n Ton rwtuurnt is netting ! .l.A l... OK ni.wt In ,ti. nitv l" ,m"1 -"-"3' "" ' now' M"rw Ny. Dr. Mason now has his dental rooms Iu the new Kldride blook. Brware of lhe Turfatenlng Uangfr. Do not neglect a cough or any nf teotlon of theluii"s. Dtilay U fatal. . .'... ... -r...i r u ....-..., ... . . . . ... un. Millielllltll' to PLAT. FORM. The following Is the platform adopted T: e I Kpunucau pany oi uresou, "."."" - , scnibled, proud ol Its record and past history, " devotion to the principles of human liberty ' nd human rights, Its great and Imperishable i nam whlc,,,end lustre and glory to the Amerlcan nation at home and abroad, among lhe nation of the earth, and as an assurance of Its continued fidelity to the great principles for which It has contended In the past in state and national affairs, does hereby make and af firm the following declaration of principles: First That we favor an honest, efficient and economical administration of every depart, mentof the gov eminent, both state and na tional, Second That we regard the free school sys tem or our state as the special care and pride of the republican party, to be cherished as one of the bulwarks or the liberties of the people. Third That, whereas, the republican party has alwavs contended for a pure electoral sys tem, in pursuance of this policy, we favor the adoption of the Australian ballot system, and we pledge the republican party to enact such a law at the next session of the legislature, substantially upon the lines ami oi me cnar acterof the net as drafted by the ballot reform league of Oregon Fourth That the republicans ol Oregon isend BTcctitiKS and congratulations to their brethren of Maine for having furnished I Thomas n. Reed, an honsst and courageous i statesman, who, as speaker of the house of re- i prcsemali;XSi ,;M sccurca for the people the jonty of their own body by refusing to vote, u in i duty bound to uo so. Fifth That we rejoice In the fact that In the last presidential election the American people voted to sustain and uphold the republican doctrine of proctectiou which the democratic party proposed to destroy, and we are in favor of the contiuuence, of the svstem of protection which has developed the manufacturing and agricultural interests of our country and protected American laboring men from de grading competition with the pauperiicd and poverty-stricken labor of the old world, and to this end we endorse the provisions known as the McKinley tariff bill now pending befole congress, anil on behalf of the wool-growers, and other industries of tht raclfic Northwest we urge upon our leprescutatlves In congress to do all ia their po er to secure Hie early pas sage of said bill. Sixth That, recognizing the fact that the United States is the greatest sitver-producing country in the world aud that both gold and silver w ere equally the money of the constitu tion from the beginning of trie republic until the hostile legislation against silver which un duly contracted the circulating medium of the country, and recognising that the great Inter ests of the people demand more money for use iu the channels of trade and commerce, there fore we declare ourselves in favor of the free and unlimited coinage of silver, and denounce any attempt to discriminate against silver ns unwise and unjust. Seventh That the gratitude of the nation to the defenders of the Union cannot be measur ed by laws, that the legislation of congress should confoim to the pledges made by a loyal people, and be so enlarged and extended as to provide against the possibility that any man who honorably wore the federal uniform shall become an inmate of an alms-house, or de pendent upon private charity. Eighth That we arc in favor of a fair and equal distribution of taxation, and we believe that all property exempt by law should contrib ute its due proportion In payment to the legi, timate expenses of the legislature; that we arc in favor of the adoption of such amendment to our assessment laws as will secure the equal and just assessment and taxation of all pro perty at Its true value. Ninth That we demand the forfeiture by congress of the land grant of the Northern ra clfic railroad from Wallula to. Portland, Tenth That we are in favor of the passage through congress of the bill providing for a boat railway at the Dalles of the Columbia riv er, which has been passed iu the senate by the eftorts of Senator Mitchell and Dolnh; that we believe it to lie the most practicable plan lor therelicf of the producers and for the vast ter ritory of country tributary to the great Colum bia river Hleventh That we favor the enactment of a law in the interest of the wage-earning classes in factories and mines, workshops nnd public work, fixing eight hours ns a day's work, and we denounce the convict contract labor system as unjust to the honest labor of our state, aud believe that all laws recognizing such system should be repealed; that w e are opposed to the further immigration of Chinese lalxjrers to the United States, and we demand more stringent and effective measures for carrying iutoopera tion thecnactmentsjif congress excluding the Chinese laborers from American soil. Twelfth That we reiterate our approval of the policy of liberal appropriations for internal improvements, especially for rivers and har bors, that we favor the continuation of the pol icy of using the public raouey for the public weliare, believing that the im provement of our waterways will result in a material reduction of the rates of trans portation.that we hold all corporations strictly responsible to their liabilities under the law, ana recognize the right of the legislature to enact all reasonable limitations on corporate power. Thirteenth That we favor legislative enact meht by which there may be elected or ap pointed a state inspector of weights anil measures; also we favor amendments to mu nicipal charters which shall requite the ap pointment of building and sanitary inspectors in cities often thousand or more inhabitants. I'ourtecnth That we arcin favor of an earlv i survey of the uusuneyed public lands of the I Slate 111 urucr wiui inc ftuinc may uc nuiuicii and occuuied and titles sneedllv nrocured bv bona fide settlers under the laws of the United States We demand liberal appropriation by congress to secure that end Fifteenth That while disclaiming the right to interfere with the administration of the in ternal aftairs of foreign nations, we sincerely approve the efforts of Irish and I;nglish states men to secure by peaceful methods the Amer ican principle of home rule of Irtlaud Sixteenth That we denounce all tiusts and combinations, that have for their object flip controlling of the market value of the neces saries of lite, and that we are iu favor of laws restraining and abolishing the same Seventeenth That we congratulate the country upon the success and prosperity that iiave iparkcd the first year of 1'rendeut Rar. rison'ji administration; thut we rejoice In the restoratiou of dignity ,vigor,and statesmanship iu the conduct of foreign attain., which have settled grave complications upon a bawls which secures every American rljrht and which by friendly advances and hospitality have streng- Mn.nnl fit,- tumrls of fivmnathv nnd Interest ....... t.i.. ... .-.1 .:.. .f. v.i,. a. .- continent, navinir the wav to a oolicv of neace. ' r -.t-nrirl mmmrrr nnd ninitv aluoncr all the nations of the new world, that we com mend the present national administration for appl)ing the surplus funds lo the payment of interesting-bearing bonds as contrasted with the democratic )olicy of lending the surplus to banks men retaineu ineir uonus anu coi lected Interest thereoa while using the people's ment of "aidbond, Vf " """" ppuiem oi u ""'"' . . irsrpri. nn'oitMATiojf, "bury Vox, M. U , the eminent medical rt - fer, Iu his work " Skin Mieasei," thus c- u for tbe pimples so comnou to the It j Rnd neck. Katlng too rich or too gre Mjr I!, or too hrurty eating whll tho ex cr.i!ory organs nro slujglih, causes In most pi-ople Indigestion m ailjrpeplal coniiitlo'i. whl'h causes thehlo I to move shlggis'ilr, and cufeeblcs th'j !-.!. Tlio result l, that the exiidln serretiou block In tho iiiet, which Iu3sui, A.'h UUtluPl Jlammatlon IjelDnplmpls. Pr 1'ot tbere'oro Aurx not presc'he " iAa--l p ir'flers" io r-'wl, but "dripe;. n -ur ' t .e laVen, to tmi his own word, 'i'l M .' ,',)ilal ijmylomi .are dUaDD'arei." Thu 1 1 M wsi, that lace i eruptious were ca.u.d b a h jmor In the .. ...... ... .-I.,..,. ..... ......,i .,, v.i-i bloe-l," for which tber treated, the blood, gllng the mineral. Iot4lt, Jojr'i Vegetable Btruratllla (nllows th inodtrn Idcai ol Dr Pox, and alms with gentlo vegetsble altera tires at lbs stoionr-h and dl;e(ttr orgim. Tbe reason I apparent why It cures dyipsp la and Indigestion, and the pimples and siln erurUn whlrh result ther rom anl I why sarsapMllU that use mlnersJs fall. ' I'roted tlif Sj-tten From Jlalnrltt. It is possible u do this even In regions nfeuuniry uhere mlaiiiM 1 lut rttv, and where tne pentwio teyr Mnicu n ru,. tbelr tiivl fni4iile tyiiv. lhe I frnm-t)Mf popularity of llotetler Hiom. I .... lift..... I- .a.,, lu.ofol. ttf (rll.Mffililw fi the fuel of Its eineaey us i. remedy forotillls nrt f.-si-r. lIUiouk remittents. aua asa nr rp- veutlveof the urlom forms of luaiaVia) dhete, and south where rompsftlUU uf this nature t wnervrom and in ll, tr ntined fur the exerts; and I edusnsubsil WliVHlls, una iniitiirepick, u is iwruuw Urly e4tinel fur the priHrt-tuelnlnueiwve wbM-U n exerts; and It lis Un v.rr wide ly adopted usnauUll.ute fur the danifer ousundoimtwrttllvrly Iqrlli-ctlvnilkttfold utniu.toroulnlna. Phv.uiMii have not been among the lat l cwncede lis merU and the eo.pUstld profelonal lndorso menu whteh II lia reeoived have added te the reputation It has obtlue4 Hi born and kbroad. "o ' STATE REPUBLICAN to (U1U IU VtlillUl 111(1 VIA Southern Pacific Company's Line. TUB MOUNT SHASTA ItOOTR Time between Btltm and Saa Francises .. Tilrtr-ilxllenrs. CALIFORNIA KXrRISS TRAIN RUN DA I LI HETWKKN rOKTLAFD AND 8. F. Mouth. 3 North. Tob 45 a.m. 7:53 a. m. 7.-00 p. tn. 4:00 p. m. :4l p. in. 7:43 a. m. Ta7 Lv. Ar. Portland Balcm San Fran. Ar. Lv. Lv. LOCAL PABSENOER TRAIN ( DAILY CKrT SUNDAY). KX S.-O0 a. in. 11:10 a. m 40 p. m. Lv. Lv. Ar. Portland Salem Eugene Ar. I 8:45 p. m. Lv. 1 aoa p. m. two n. m LV-I PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS. For accommodation ot second class passengers attached to etpr trains, Thots. P. company's terry makes cou ui-i-uuu niioi.ii me regular irann on tn , hast Side division from footol trw Potllnnd. iVcst Side Division. Between Portland j and Corvallis; IIAILY (E.XCKIT .lUNDAY). 7:30 a. m. lass p. in. Lvr Ar. Portland Corvallis Ar. Lv. 0:30 p. m. !::) p. m. At Albany and Corvallis connect with trains ororcgon l'aclllc Railroad. Through tickets to all point south and cast via California KXl'llKSa TRAIN (DAILY KXCK1TSUNDAY T.S p. in. I Lv. Portland! XTI 8:00 p. m. Ar.McMlunvUlP Lv. ttX a. m. 6:45 n. m. Through Tickets To all points OUTII and EAST VI A-- California. lor lull information rcgnrding rate maps, etc, apply to the Company's ngcut Salem, Oregon. K. P. ROGERS, Asst. U. K. and Pass. Ag'l R. KOEHLKR. Manager. From Terminal or Interior Points tbe Northern PadfttfRaflroad Is the line to take To all Points East and South. It Is the dining cjir route. It runs through vestibule trains every day In the year to ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO ! (No change of ears.) Composed of dlnlngcnrs unsurpassed, PtWlmun drawing room sleepers Of latest equipment TOURIST Sleeping Cars. Hest that can bo constructed and In which accommodations are both ireo nnd lur nlshed for holder of first uutl second-class ttokois,nnd ELEGAIIT DAY COACHES. Acontlmion line ooonestlng with nil lines, ull'ordlnz -"-om ord uninterrupted service. Pullman sl( Ions can be se- -ured in ndvi any agent of the road. Through tickets to nnd from ull points In America, Unglnnd and Kuroiio can be purchased lit uuy ticket otlice o this com. pany. Kull Information rniirorninif riilrr. tlmp pif imln-i.routeR nnd other details furnished on application to any agent or A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent, No. 121 Plrst street, cor. Washington; Port laud, Oregon, THE YAnuiNA ROUTE. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD And Oregon Development company's steamship line. ' miles shorter, 'JO hours less timo than by any otnei loute. r'lrsl cIuks through passenger and freight line from Portlnnd aud all points In tho Wll lnmctte vallev to and from Hau Francisco TIME SCHEDUtE, (Except Hunaaysj. I jeavo Albany ........ 1:00 I'M Leave Uorvallls ........ 1:40 I M Arrive Yiiqtilnn fcM P M Lcavo Ynqulnn ........ Bi45 A M U-ave CorvitUU ' t t . 10:35 A W Arrive Albany 11:10 AM O. d: (J. tralus connect nt Albany and Corvallis. Tho abovo trains connect at YAtiUINA with the Oregou Development Cos Line ifHtrJiMshlnx bntwpmi Muuliut and Han franc! sco, sAiu.Mi ;.ua. S1TEAMK1W, rltOM YAQUI.VA Karallon April 2ii Willamette VuIImi- .. Slav I Varallon ' U v illumctto valley,. " 14 Karallon " 2U rlTKAMKlM. 1'HUM SAN HIA.SX'INIC Willamette Valley April 1M Karallon .May o Willamette Valley " U . Wlllnmctto Vnllcv ........An 1 f..l.r',,10n"--7T-" ...-. ..iii Kariillon " II I Wlllaniftte Valley " 1 This company reserves the right lo change sailing dutes vUkhiI nptlce, ' N.JI. PusM-ngcrH (roni Porllunu ana all , Willamette Vuukv pullUs onnneclloji wlih tho cap inline close "'"nee ion will .,'''";. or and'if denned tV Hnn 'Kl i arrange lonrrlv eat Yaqilllin the evening before date of Hilling. I'sufiiL'T and freight Katrs Alwais tte low Ml, Kor Intorinutloii apply to Mtwars, IIL'L.MAN A Co., Krelght und Ticket i Agents 310 aud 2US From !.. Porllaud.Or. W( KJ C, C, IIUCIUK, Ae'l Oen'l Krt. 4 . pass, Agl., Oregon raciiicii. u. uo., L'orvullls, Or II. HAHWKLL,Jr.(len'l Krt; A I'xns, Agl. Oregon Development hi., ."mi .vionigomery t; Han Krunotkt. -, i S - I In (ir.t'cm I'lultlu cluiliilxiulH lllHiiieltep river d vlilnn ulll I mi land. soulh-lHiiind, .Moinlii), .v winoiln y iiiiil Krldii.v at i. u. m. arrive ut (urMillU Tumduv, ThurMli.v uud HMlnrdiK at .iDi. in bmi.' I'orvnllU. norlli-boniiil, .MuiiiIh), Wodiitwday and l-rlduy at Ha. In. Arilvuut Portland, Tuesday, 'Ikiirsda) und HJiturdny nt .):.). in. Un Monday. Wednisidny uud Friday ! lotli north nul (nitiUititul bouts He over III. .'In right at nlnn, leaving tneni at u, m. -' L. HOlJUK, ... ... I.W.J1'.., Ast. O.K. and P, Agent, Union Pacific It. II. Company 'OVERLAND ROUTE." , 1 ruins for the east Kuve I'ortlutid iil7M) urn nnd W pin dally. Tlo . U lo and Iron prlnclrml iviluU In tin UnllertHiule f adu und Kuropu. Kltganl New OiDing Caw. m i n Kn Family HH-epIng Curs run throuxh . ou Kxpreks trains lo Omaha, Council lllurl. uud Kansas City wltlwHit ehangt . Unrtnrettoas at Portland forhan Ktanels ( eokiin i-ugevrxmnu iiii. Yar lurtuw rtluUrfc addrr any acnt of the wimih or I. W.l.KIKJ. P. A ('. H. MKLI.KN, (ienerul TmlTlc Manager ISoUeA Manning hxenU.W Court strut Mmliflll, Oregon. To Home Stektrs. The Capital City railway om,' any U prejwred to tell UumtMicelc inuir nuvuiiuiuu. i iias taken tiiiarue departmental flllfi IsAi tllrtl. and kr him. II I I Over Two Hundred of these favorite Pens nro now iu uso In Marlon county nlono. Fountain Pen mauufaettired. All Insurance Agents uso this Pen. Tho late iiupro attractive aud more desirable. A full lino of MARIE TODD & BARD'S Gold Pens are always In stock, nlso PHOTO ALBUMS, AUTO ALBUMS, SCRAP BOOKS, SCRAP PICTURES, PURSES, CARD CASES. VISITING CARDS, WEDDING STATIONERY. Remember Tlie New Slioe Store! KRAUSSE BROTHERS, Having Just Opened a new Shoo Store in the Hrey Block, wlnh to Invite everybody to conio in nnd sec their new place, where ihey nro prepared to supply their old and new friends with anything in tho Hue of foot wear on the itiiv( mtlxfactory terms. WE HAVE THE FINEST STOCK In our Hue ever brought to tho city, juid feel suro'thai we can please all. Thanking all old pivtrons for past favors, and soliciting a continuance of tho same for the new firm, wo are, Krausse Brothers Grand COX A Handsome Latest and improved pattern, nickel finish, with complete set of utonsllH, (purchased of It. M, Wado & Co.) O A Ticket with chnnco on this elegant Prl.o presented to every purchase of ONE POUND of our RELIANCE CAN TKA. Price 76 cents por pound. Boots arid Shoes ! Leatlaer s.nd Findings. War-Cash paid lor Wool, Hides, PeltH and Furs.-YBa 'The Bissell "Gold Medal" Carpet Sweeper. The Best In No. :31 Commercial St., Salem, Oregon. In Full KEIvLER The leaders In Furnltuic, lUtitlliig, Wall Paper, Mouldings, Window Shades, KuboIh, -Mirrors, Art (Joodn, 32tt. The largest stock. Modest prices. HuhIhohh alwaya booming. Pint urn Framing our leading feature. Full lino of Canvas Stretchers und Btudles. THE VBItV 1JEST JJIIANDS OP j Ready Fry's i 116 UELAYB ARE DAN012BOUH! f a t J - I. . as .. . . H WHiir iiemu; rrnm w niiu AGENCY: OF THE Finn urn i tm UUfl Afl I'm iWiiMr tine Place, drJ7i n 98 State street, Saiem, Ore. Tliird "Tea -olFered by- & BOGGS Grocers, 294 Commercial St. Garland Cooking Wm. Brown k Co., D1AL tho World. Mixed for family uso nt- Drug Slaughter yotir SfinlrruU now Uy I I I ,-4 It is ono of tho very best Improvements render It still more SD Priz;e, Range, URS IN v - w hr 0 L j BIooitiI & SONS, Paints Store. tlio usoof FRY'B BQXIIRnEI POISON