Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, May 27, 1890, Image 1

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    rwrr vmm-ti'vum'iimvwx
J J Li jaINx.!.-
. a v
VOL.. 3.
SALEM, OREGON. Tp&8DAYt MAY 27, 1890.
NO. 72.
T. '
G 0 1 N G
Tbo Goods at thu Grand
Wol Amite Company.
Aire. gcing offrwith. a Rush.
Call early and. secure tlie Bargains.
P9 State street,
Real Estate Broker,
Insurance and loans,
and prices.
Some fine city
Call and see me,
James Aitken.
Grange Store,
Staple and Fancy mm !
S8?A- full line of Crockery and
kept, in a first-claw establishment.
Our aim la to give entire satisfaction to every customer,
able produce bought at full cash prices.
It lie ClQth-ier,
A New Store,
New Goods,
And although
old at
Prices Right,
And every body is invited te call and see. Goods not nearly
all in yet, lot more are
Union Title Abstract
county. Offiw at 83 Commercial
& England's bank.
Dealer In Furniture, Notions. Queeusware, GUmrare, (-?re.J0',aSC0'
Owdlea and Nut.. All kinds of second band good., bouKbt and aold.
Oooda aold on commUalon. CoivfiUt aud liberty Bt.
Clearance Sale of tbo
Salem Oregon.
property. Also farms of all sizes
it will cost you nothing.
Glassware and everything usually
All market-
New Building,
the business
of Salem a
offers the
constantly arriving
I or
257 Commercial St.
Co. iem and an undia Manon
street, formerly occupied by Williams
Put Your Money
where it will
Real Estate
pays better interest than any other adveuture. Those who get
in first have the best chances of improvement.
Eight houses approaching completion in
aud contracts for Ten more left.
Lots in North Pacific addition to Astoria steadily ihcreasing In value.
A few more small fruit farms at Suunyside still on the market,
The Oregon Land Co.J
with its main office in Salem, and branch offices in Portland, Astoria nod
Albany, Ore., buys and sells Stock, Grain and Fruit Farms, and has a.
choice lot of city aud suburban property.
James Maui & Co,
118 State Street, - - Salem.1
Our 81 Shoe,
Keep Your Eye on US State Street.
Repairing neatly and cheaply
Suocesor to
Has Just Removed to
At 263 Commercial Street.
And now offers a full and complete lino of Books, Stationery, Blank
Books, Sheet Music, Tissue Paper, Etc.
Remember the Place,
Big BOOlC Sign. -Mnll orders a specialty.
has a fine line of
Dress Goods, Emkoidries, Ladies Wraps,
Parasols and Sun Shades, Ladies and Misses Blouses,
Boys Jersey Suits, Trunks and Valises.
Gents Furnishing Goods.
239 Commercial St. Opposite Biish'H Bank.
Real Ma
i Loan &
292 Commercial St,, Salem, Or.
Has a large list of choice farms nnd city property for sale on
easy terms. Homesteads located.
On Improved farms aud city property at low rate of Interest.
iffl-We havo also In connection with our real estate business, un EM
orders for help will be promptly attended to, and situations also obtained
for the unemployed.
We have farms, large and small, lots from WO up, and houses and loU
in all parts of the cjty. We doa commission business exclusively. If you
wish to sell, list your property with us. Huburban tract a specialty.
Geo, G. Van Wagner,
Has Just received a fine stock of
Paper and Picture Mouldings, Lounges and Mattresses.
I'ricture framing done with rare and neatnes.
Prloou no Low urn th Lw. WW
do most pood.
Our $2.00 Calf Shoes, j
41 Shoe,
uivn cir-wT.Tkn.vT.VnnH if atci
GAROO Shoes are unsurpassed fori I
perfect fitting & dressy appearand.!
J. O. Btarr.j
His New 'Quarters
l'AY.NE A iiitiuuruim.
Canital Journal Publishing Company.
" (Incorporated
Ofl1c Commercial street, in P.O. Building
bntcred tu tbo pbntotn.ee at salcm,Ur.,H
second-class mutter.
A Bureeplnjr Denial of the KxUtcnce of
uf nit) Stntc House Laiul Hlntf.
Mr. Napoleon Davis, clerk of the
State Board of Laud Commission
ers, in a letter in Monday's Oregon
liiii defends and explains thechurges
made against Governor Pennoyer in
the letter of F. A. McDonald, print
ed In this paper, "eoncerniuij the va
lidity of certain indemnity school
sections made by the stato in The
Dalles district, In lieu of deflcieuees
in the Warm Spring Indian reserva
tion, aud uxka for a statement from
the state laud authorities as to the
truth of the allegations contained
"Inasmuch as the disposal of the
school lands is a purely business
matter, aud oue which is controlled
bv the board ot school land coni-
' jitlsslouers and not by the governor
alone, it seems best that u reply to
your questions be made by the clerk
of said board, aud the following is
respectfully submitted:
Mr. Davis then quotes sec. 3019,
Hill's code.
"In accordance with the pro
visions of the foregoing section and
ny virtue of a decision of tho lunor
able secretary of the Interior in a
ease almost. Identical with that
under consideration, tho lauil com
missioner of Oregon in 1883 made
selections of indemnity lands as
btiumeruted In lists 5 to U inclusive,
The Dalles district.
"These selections were made after
due notice had been given by the
governor, September IB, 1883, of the
honorable secretary', decision re
ferred to ubjvc, and upou the ap
plication ot persons who In each
ease for himself took a solemn oath
tliutliu nossessed all tho uuulltlca-
lions required of the purehuser of
lauds under the laws or ilns state."
Sec 3018 niovides how the
atlldavit of applicants shall be
made, aud tiee'y Davis preceeds:
"The charge made by the register
of the The Dalles land ofllce that we
are in collusion with laud grabbers
aud are eudeavoiiug to commit a
fraud of any kind whatsoever upou
the people of tho stale, I character
ize as an infamous Blander, not only
Lupou the state laud board, but upou
iinoso citizens wno uppueu w nave
the lauds in quetllou selected.
While otllclally we are not requited
to know personally any one buying
land from the state, tiiutiv ot the
applicants for the lands In question
ui-u iiirlivliliiiLllv known to us us
gentlemen who stand hlgb lnheir
respective communities, geutlemen
whom even Register McDonald
would not daro 'to traduce openly.
Their names cull by given at any
tim', together with the description
of tho lauds applied for, aud the
olllcer before wnom the atlldavlts
were made.
"The governor as land eoinmin-
sioner u i wieci ng "".""',
state la. .1 hoaru n sei g ii i i sau iu ;. ,,ofitlltoIum, bourd. Tlll8 protection
after selection, have no n e a is I , llllV0 t.Ilik.llvore(l t() extend to all
knowing mo thing of ho cluuicter tll(su who have dealt with the state
of the anils so selected ltd sold , , , , .lurlim tbu IiihI thruu
nor Is thero any law or authority . ....
for making inquiry as to their char-1 "'V.V he acts of Governor l'ennoyer
iicter. When the applicant rail- , , t.oimnH.sl()uer ami as a mein
plles with tie l(iw theg.yerni. has , f , j , hmirA utl) n
no choice in the matter but to .iiuku u ()f , iMy Hw, na
!"..K S! "-.V. ""LX !.0",.. lJ 1" Wrk of tho state tanUmnl Ih also
CflllluilllUK i,,u nvuvium ...... v.. j
Diooerlv lileit ill tlie United bintes
laim olllce, and the applicant so un
titled by the cleik of Hie board, the
applicant has a rlUt i complete
his purchase within sixty da.s irom
the day of such uoi Ideation."
'He is not rwmlred to await the
anprovul ot hlsselectlou by the coin
missiouer uf tlie getieral laud olllce.
Whether the lands selected covered
springs or watering plates or not is
unknown to the statu laud ulllclals,
but it is fair to pri-suiii" that the
lands were valuable for some pur-
Coso or no application would have
eo.i made for their purchase.
'.'With regard to the "bnruluod
away-lu-advauce-ltMids" a,ud our
connection with the ''gang," jour
attention Is respectfully calletl to tlie
fact seemingly overlooked by you
unci your strictures on Governor
l'ennoyer mid the stutelaud board,
that you have set up the simple, tin
lose dixit
oi iiegister
McDonald on the oue
sine ugipuyi
the sworn statement ui wiveuiy
iduogoud aud lawful citizens on the
"These men and some women too,
all swear that they had not ever
made uny contract for the sule or
disposition of the laud applied for
in case they were nerinltteu Hi
chase tlie same, and have put
oath on record where It can bo had
i," tlinu us evidence aualnst
....I vot ii I.T.m tthfiurtlnn of one neri
son Is bet up for more weluht tliun
all these combined utlldavits.
"I deny in toto tlie ohurges against
the governor, and say positively of
my own personal knoweledge that
they are false and utterly without
"It Is not denied, however, Unit
duo diligence has beeu observed by
the board Iu securing the rights of
the Ooplc who hxve upphed under
our laws to purchase these lunds,
but not to the extent of besieging
the honorable register and re-(
ccolverot The Dulles olllce In the!
manner so coarsely portrayed by '
him in his letter to the (Minimis
sioner. "At thu Instance of the Itonrd 1
made one visit to his oflloe in tho
interest of the said lists, and wo
afterwards sent an attorney once
Uon a similar errand. I iiiipk i
telegraphed him once (and received
un insulting reply), and wrote him
perhaps six or eight letters about
suld lisls. I shuli bopleunxl to I'Ub
lull all tlie corresS)UiInnce between
The Dalles register mid myself If the
iiulillooure to see it.
' "The statement made In the Ore
i .. w.l l.ici..,.i mnu
apparently from The Dalles Times-'
Mountaineer, mat a syuuiouio oi
three or more persons purchased the
lunds In question from tlie stuto at'
tl 2S per acre and sold them for(H.W
tx-r acre theruby reuliidug a gulu of
07,000, will not Ui credited w heut
the records of this department show
that ouly 7799 acres of this class
of lands have beeu sbld by the &tu to
In The Dalles district, and theso
sales have been made to thirty-eight
of tho ntoresald Boveiity-nluo a
pllcauts. "The statement In reference to the
personal perquisites being offered by
the governor or myself for the list
lug Is untrue In eveiy particular.
"The extent of our "Importunity"
has been set forth, aud 1 have no
apology to oiler lor endeavoring to
do my sworu duty as a stale olllcer,
in connection with tho manage
ment of one of the most sacred
trusts confided by tho people
It Is a fact vell known to all fa
miliar with ho subject, that good
laud is becoming more ami more
scarce in tills state; that In certain
districts It Is a diillcult matter now
to locate ti quarter section of desk
ublo laud.
"idouotfeel called up
on at this tluio to answer Register
McDonald's letter any further than
seems necessary to satisfy tho de
maud mude through the Oregoulau.
This letter seems to have been a
privileged communication between
tho register aud commissioner, and
the mystery is how it managed to
make Its appearance in tho public
"Register McDonald once laid
particular stress upon the propriety
uf keeping confidential all commu
nications of this character that pass
ed between his otllco and that of the
commissioner of the general land
olllees. In charity toward Register
McDonald I shall state that in my
opinion he never Intended his rather
remarkable letter for any eyo oilier
than thatof the commissioner, for
the reason that he himself has hull
the benetlt, if benefit it be. of pur
chasing from the state for $l.'i" per
acre a forty acre tract of itulcuiiilty
chool laud."
"lie admits the right of tho slate
to make selections lor this class of
losses, butdruWH the line against the
stat" on the question of continuity
ami the size of the tract selected,
forgetful of the fact that the statu
mude a foity nine selection for him
which lacked forty two miles of be
ing contiguous to the dctleleney upon
which the sell etion was bused. The
list containing Register McDonald's
selection of a 40-acro tivct luied
upon a delleleney forty-two miles
iiwav. was unproved by himself
September 10, l&SU, as register of tho
United mates iiiiiti oiuco ai ino
Dalles, aud on March J5, 1687, ho
received a deed from the state of
Oregon as plain V, A. McDonald for
the said laud at S1.2o per acre, and
this long before the selection was
approved by Hie commissioner.
"These people who are so grossly
misrepresented by the register in his
venomous attack upon the state land
board, have asked lor nothing mum
of Register McDonald, through the
laud commissioner of tho state, than
what he conceded to himself when
bo uimritvcd a selection as reulster.
and then bought the land from tbo
stiiteaau private iiullvUUiuL
"In conclusion, permit me to say
that everv person who tiles with the
state laud authorities an application
to purchase any class of state lauds,
whether he be a millionaire, banker,
or a day laborer, and compiles with
all the requirements Imposed
by the legislature of our state,
tiuoh a pel sou Is entitled to all the
oiotectlon in tbo coniplet.ou of his
"iiurcliuHO Unit tho law confers upon
a matter of record, This record is
open to the Inspection of tho public.
Utirlng the tlmu of my Incumbency
no man has over been denied the
privilege of examining the records of
the stale land department on any
matter whatever."
We printed a cartful report of the
speeches at the demociatlo moot
lug Saturday n ghl. Wo do this
not to Hatter demouratu but to bo
fair aud allow their candidates to
havo a healing in our columns. We
regret that the imvernor did not go
Into the charges of a state house
laud ring, that tiro made against
him, more fully. Ills clerk's ex
planation in writing that is given
tho public in this Issue, Is more com
plete and wo must refer our renders
to that.
Tho Governor's ohnrgo that the
deiuouratlu Iteglster of the laud uf
UuoatTho Dalles was tlie first to
get a piece of tho laud, and that Sec
retary of State MoUrluo was the
first to come In with a friend and
procure an entry of tills land, Is not
satisfactory lio fur as the Governor Is
concerned, iiie governor suouiii
. I.i.ar.1 t.w... i...r;k ..V..II..W It. Iilu i.i.
"U'V UVUI. MIWI.J UAjflll It ... IIIO JI.-
lent audience in his own defence,
'' '" I'is.uimiioiiH aBioi .ur.
, MoHrldo caiuo with a P'wr graco.
: tho act On of the democrat c IUKlster
,,r.u'c.,ru"!,.V ',"'',.".
heliiK first to
get a piece of the lieu lands aud Iu
locating It 1- inlleH uway, that diKs
not make matters any but'er for the
Governor, and the democrats made
a mistake 111 applauding the accusa
tion of the Governor ugalnst Cleve
hind's ollblal. iieeauso It Is that
olllclul wlioluNlnuates that the gov
ernor, as laud commissioner, was at
thu head of a laud ring that grubbed
all thu lieu lands away from the
i;cuorul public nnd took them ttt tho
low price of $1 2 an aero and then
sold them totiiusamn public- at J.fiQ
an acre, this is wnai in huimiuiico
i Is charged by a prominent member
I of Mr. Peiinoyer'a parly. If fho
! sumo ghurgcH were iiiaile In the
I same way. but against a Itopubllcan,
It would bo used as a campaign
argument iiguuut thu Hepiiblicuii
' pirty all over the nation.
Mr. McDonald, tho UogUtar re-
I ferredto, has slnoo written a letter In
wbluh ho says Iu substanco that his
allusions to a "statu house laud
ring" ureonly to bo upphed to cer
tain republleuus whom he names.
The Holster as partisan repudiates
(lie itihier as omciui, ami ren
liiiyur muiHia niu itvuiaivi n uviuun
as applying to him when In return
he accuses him of getting some of
tlie laud.
1'oit Ham:. A nlcuyoung driving
team ami twn oated rig. tnuidro
of Payne &ltrldiiefori.
Innocence knows no suspicion.
Havo you played
tho jicw game
Nearly everybody
takes it the
Who can blame a dovout woman?
It makes her look bo pretty.
An aristocrat "In tho soup" feels
as bad as n "poor devil."
When men take the stump for
woman's rights the millennium will
have come.
Tho Alta calls the San Francisco
Examiner tho sewer rat of Ameri
can journalism.
Them nronten who want the earth
when they laugh at a child crying
for the moon.
en the fe ow who hustles
hardest to get the job, hustles tho
least after he's got It.
A Spanish provetb has it; Wo
men love with their ears, Hatter
with lips and hate with their eyes.
Neither professional training nor
backing of inllucneo of money will
supply the want of common sense.
Oregon's election Is a subject of
National Interest. It's one of the
opening guns in the next campaign,
Mr. Cleveland said In l&SS Ktec
Wool but not free sugar. The repub
lican party In 1888 suld Frio Soger
but not fiee wool.
It is always the other fellow in
politics of Whom wc exclaim: "Let
the galled Jade wince; our withers
are unwrung."
If tlie overlastiug tiuth is not
agreeable to you there Is no use In
lying about It. The world admires
an honest scoundrel.
Icicles ate made by simultaneous
mulling and freezing. That must
be why it is in the feniinlo-gunder
in Clei'iuaii.
S. V. Chrenicle: If the McKlnley
bill pusses the senate unaltered bo
far as the sugar schedule Is con
cerned tlie production of beet sugar
will ho possible In California. It is
because of this fact that tho Hawai
ian stiar ring Is so vigorously fight
lug the policy of the republican
8. F. Chrenicle: Tho free traders
are now expressing alarm lest the
McKlnley bill should too greatly
reduce tlie reveuuis of tlie govern
ment, and in the samu breath they
are declaring that thu republican
party Is Increasing tho burdens of
taxation. The McKlnley bill Is a
big thing Hi Us way, but It Is hardly
fair to assume that It cuu pcrfonu
tho rather remnrkablo feat of reduc
ing taxes greatly and at the same
time iucrcaso tho llurdens of the
STitKirrcAit scknks.
With poodles aud pulled sleeves,
(to set oil" their dignity,) glasses
perched on their royal noses, aud
long handled umbrellas to punch
fellow travelers with, two aristocrat
ic shoppers deigned tospreod their
Milium stclrtH over thu car neat tuklmr
up tho room of three besides an extra I
place for the (Ioh.
An unpretentious little body hi a
diuuy calico gown came into thu car
at thu next crossing. She scanned
the well filled seats which ofl'ered
nothing iu tho shape of a rest for
her tired limbs aud thu gentlemen
abonrd did not notice that they
were occupying the only empty
places She stood and as thu con
ductor camu to collect tho fare,
taking ill thesiluatioti at a glaucu
ho turned toward the poodle owners
with a frown, saying: "Will you
women please shove along and glvu
this lady a seat?" And picking up
thu thus by their collars said:
"ibiiulks under tho seat, if you
Young llrown and limpid oyed
Miss Jones. l'oIiil' homo from the
opera, were very much distressed for
fear tiiat Iu the crowded ear the fat
lady staiidlngjust In front of them,
might bo Jolted oil her feel and
that would have beeu very crush
ing, llrown, knowing that tho un
fortunate broadsides never could
ocupy his portion of Infinite space,
gavu Mls Jones a radiant smllu ai.d
said, "WiToyouiind I ono wo mlhl
oiler this latfy a seat."
Tu Home Seekers.
The Capital City railway com
pany Is prewired to tell Iioiiic-scck-ers
something to their advantage.
Mr. David Simpson has taken charge
of their real estate department tit lio
State street. Call and see him.
a E7 -. j m tt.44Uii.1r-1.
W-- . ..Tfrtfi-
Tl4 cnly ii' ii vlilh will
Stimulate 1'na Hirtae Processes of the
II-;.. Cjii-lil. i
lirtHltwu'.Misr.'- iiituuAiMltquloklr
sml jrn4ttt I t'i:J'HAII I'd r mi of!
I)jrtilki i, ( oiif'.wlWu, Slrntnl and'
Ncrvuu J!li.nitlni. '.tMiiurol Debility, I
Ilralri I'uc, or aly l..iuUnl or weak, i
ciietlciidltiouttli. j liin, from w tnt )
ever !, Skin l:rii.')imt, llolU, itun- '
lilfiK Hor, fine rutit. -ii sil Jllteato of I
UiO lllooil, Stviiiuuli, l.lmr ud Klducy.
S 1 .00. SIX BOTTLES FOR S5.00.
Ir. Hill, r.'! r-sir-'l'iok dwr,4irf ' Uf
drsHlrui I i-i ti'i.i.u4 t. v u.f umiwJitM,
HILUfl DRUG C0,,Sw Francisco, CM,
pold by Dan'l J. Fry, ftfl Com'l Bt.
17 WE?
i" .-
Tho Greatest Colored Hlnger In the World,
-alt tho
M, E, Church, Wednesday Eve., Jane4.
Tho I'ecrtcss Mcixc-oprano.-New York
STho Colored Jenny Llnd.-Now York
"ofcHn-sioprnno of wonderful rougc-
8n FnuiclBOi KXamltjer. .,..,,
Ilns enrned tho fnmoor bolntr tbo gnrefttest
colored slugcr In tho world. VlcKsourg
''ThoMWMjVcst voice that over charmed a
Vlrslnlu nudlcucc.-Lynchburg(Vu ) Dally
' AnluT numbers wero "ng.,v,h?rtt
cflbrt as tho birds sing. MoDHO (AM.)
a "hluhiy ctiltlvntcd hiczzo-Boprano, or
great awcoincsB,. power, and pompaw. ami
ot dmtuntlo quality. Charleston (U. C.)
News and courier.
Her vocal register tins a wonderful sweep,
man lowcat contralto notes to wiprano
heights. Lo Atigclo (Cul.Vls.ve. Express.
ifirnrtlctilnilon Is o perfect her rendt.
tion fcem llko recitations set to mtulc
Kansas City Dispatch.
Tickets 50 cts; Children 25 cts.
Itcservcd without extra cost on nudnfter
May ajth, nt Dearborn's book store td
Brick and Tile for Sale
Siteeessors to D. NnMi.hnvc a well estab
lished llrlck and Tllo fiictory In North
Salem, near tho fiiir ground, and arc pre
pared to furnish tli-st-class brick and tilo
oo short oottro.
Hamptcs of lirlek or Tllo sent frco to any
point desired, on short notice. Orders can
be lea with Jos. Flnliburn, 110 Btalo streut,
Rounded 1S68.
Oldest ami tartest Ilnnklnir house, between
Maeraincato una I'ortlunit,
33 a n leers,
Iron bullillnp,SaloniOnvn,
KxcliaiiRO on overy part of tho World,,
boughtaiul Hold. Diuvtitof l'listeni banks
taken at ti.ir Accounts of banks and
Individuals unbelted Collections ntmle
tluoiiKlHiut the ITnhwl Mates nndllrltlsh
Amurlea. WeollVr our patrons every nc
eoiiiinodatloit consistent with cotiservctlvo
banlnu. 4 1Jdlm
Capital City Restaurant
Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r,
Warm Meals at AH Hours of tho Day
None but white labor employed In this
A good substantial meal cooked In llrst
eliiKsstylii Ttvunty-llve cents per meal.
Court street, between Journal Ortlea nnd
' Mlnto'N I.ivery.
T , r,
Is here! And so Is
Willi a lino stock of spring and sttminu
Kvorythliiftnuulr) up In tho latest fhsli
lou i uit a ii rlVct fli ri uiantoed, lion'
Iciiui'l to call at 8 lloi'UUi's Uefoio yo I
maku a select Ion,
Pioneer Bakery
271 Commercial Street.
French nnd German Whcnt nnd
Ityo llrcads In City Styles.
VIpiiiiu Bolls.
Pastry and Confectionery
linking Iu lill Stock.
My nev bread mid cako bnkera
aro llrst-class iirtlsts in their lino,
and I aim to have
Everything as Fine as (ho Finest.
Insure in Your Home Company I
"The State,"
Which him for tho int nix yearn
Issued More Policies,
Received More Premiums
And Paid More Losses
Uioh properly located Iu Oregon or Wnah
liigtou limn utiy other company.
It was thfl First Company to Pay
all Losses in Full anil in Cash
lly the three great conUogrotlon of Brattle
Kllenburiun4HpokaDa.Palhi,' '
Clly Agent
And Hpeolal AKfnt ror Marlon County,
UUlcolu the coin imny'ii building
nuier wui'ir nun uu i-uiniiiir. i'lciurc
iiiHdf to order. Ktuitlo In Chi'rinstun'a art
roomi, HldlfdKU Uulldlny, Hulem
.....i" i . ' -: -r:..;".. ,:.7f"" -;..:"
iftvf.li In ftrnvnn lnrtrult.
C o in i n y
fire aud Mit.
JON. AI.IIKHT. Agent, . Hnlom. Oregon
DcoutlDir. tie. My 100-patjn Ulu.lrateO.
t'MtHloitu -nt trrr, AJdnut IVil, T,
UtlAIMrOOU, sa Warrau hi,. New York