Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, May 26, 1890, Image 3

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No More High Prices.
CSrX-oat Oipipoirtixxixty to Bu.y GrOodLis "Vfxtlx 3BuLt Xjitrtlo ISEoxi&sr eci: .;'
This is au age of progression. The world moves and the man who does not move with it must fall behind or be crushed. Wo have struck the key note. One visit to our store will convince you that
one dollar will purchase more here than two at any other place in the city. This seems incredible but wo cordially invito an interested public to call and be convinced of the truth.
We are selling Agate Buttons Fire cents per gross, Butcher Knives Ten cents. Clothes Baskets
Agato Buttons, per gross ...5c
Corkscrews, 510c
Checkerboards 1015c
Cologne 6c
Cuspidors 15c
Cake turners 10c
Curling iron 10 to 15c
Collar buttons, per dozen 6c
Coat hangers . 5c
Dish pans... 25 to4n
Dippers 10c
Dusters -. all price
Dolls - 10c
Envelopes 25)for 5o
Egg beaters 15c
Flour sifters 15c
Funnels 5c
Garter, webb . 5 to 10c
Garter, webb, silk. 15c
Hair brushes 15c
Handkerchiefs 510c
Destructive Fire at
Important Geueral News by the
Associated Press.
North Yakima, Wash., May 26.
About 8:30 last night a disasterous
lire broke out In this city, caused by
the explosion of a lamp in the Har
ris restuarant. The fire spread
quickly and waisoon beyond control
of the Are department. It took in
everything on Yakima Avenue,
from Front street to Lowe's brick
block md from Yakima Avenue,
north to the new city hall. All the
buildings burned were wooden and
brick buildings and the good work
of the fire department prevented all
further loss. The loss Is estimated
at fifty-five thousand dollars. In
surance about twelve thousand.
Tombstone, Ariz., Slay 26. The
body ot Robert Hardie, a well
known lawyer of Los Angeles, was
brought in here Sunday from the
Chlricahua mountains, where ho
was killed by hostile Apaches Satur
day afternoou. The coroner's jury
Annotated a committee to draft a
statement which will be wired to
President Harrison rectlug the facts
of the killing, and of recent outrages
committed by this band of Apaches,
numbering about ten, and prayer for
Portland. Or.. May 26 News
was brought to this city to-day or
the drowning of Geo. P. Ward at a
point near Oak Point on the Col
lumbia river. Ward was standing
on the deck of the steamer Harvest
Queen and as the boat was making
nrranitlouH for landing a deck
Jiand pushed a gang plaak against
Ward, pushing him into the river,
t is supposed ho was taken with a
cramp for his body never rose to the
surface. Efforts to recover the body
were unsuccessful owing to the
.strong ourreut. Ward was tweuty
even years of age, and unmarried,
ile has relatives In this city.
Portland, May 20. Preliminary
examination of Dan. H, Slabert
and W.Brringer,who were arrested
on Friday on charge of robblug
Mrs. T. B. Bates wi held to-day
and resulted In tkeir being held In
the sum of $ 1000 each to wait action
for grand jury.
Wabhxkotov, D. Ui May S-
The silver bill prepared by banker
Bt John of New York was Introduc
ed by Senator flumb to-day. It
direct tho secretary of the treasury
to purchase Mlver bullion to the
afWe have all kinds of
aggregate amount of 4,500,000 ounces
fine silver at its market price, but
not exceeding one dollar for 371.25
grains pure silver and Issue United
StatcB Treasury uotes in payment
therefor. These notes to be lpeal
tender for all purposes.
In the house on motion of con
gressmen McKinley, Burrows of
Michigan was elected speaker pro
tein. At Dublin the great lawn ten
nis match between Petit of Boston
and Sauudersof England for $2,500 a
side and championship of the world
commenced to-day.
In the senate to-day immediately
after reading the journal the oath
of the office was administered by
vice president to Carl isles as senator
from Kentucky for Beck's unex
pired term.
A cablegram from Crete to-day
says the Cretan-Chrlstlaus' yesterday
adopted resolutions appealing to thu
foreign consuls for protection against
continued outrages by Turks.
At Saratoga at the Pres
byterian general assembly to-day a
resolution was offered recommoud
iug that the committee on publica
tions consider the expediency of
publishing Sunday school helps and
literature in the German and Scan
dinavian languages.
At Milwaukee tho first convention
of the German Catholic societies of
Wisconsin opened this morning. It
is expected that the convention will
adopt resolutions in opposition to
the Bonnet compulsory school law.
At Amsterdam, X. Y., Michael
Sheehan, aged 21, Jumped from tho
Mouaw river bridge yesterday after
noon on a wager. After striking
the water he did not raise again and
his body was not recovered.
The doors of the Oswego, N. Y.,
National bank remained closed. C
A. Thompson cashier returned this
t.mr.ilnir. The nfliierul onlnloti nre-
vails that a satisfactory settlement
will be reached.
In the MJtiato to-day Senator Slier-
nian nrfupnlwl netltlnilH ill favor (if
nvnln.ltn from tl. mail- the Police
Gazette ami similar publication.
Al Washington, to-day u tele
gram was received by the navy
department, from Acting Rear
Admiral Walker at Gibraltar, say
ing that the squadron of evolution
will sail this afternoon for Bin
To Horn Setkf r.
The Capital City railway com-
pauy U prepared to tell home - seek -
era something to their advantage.
Mr. David Simpson has taken charge
fitat street. Call and see him.
Btware of Ihe Turfitenlng Dangfr.
Do not neglect a cough or any uf -
lection of the luugs. Delay is fatal,
iiotaen-a fctnreai cougn syrup win
cure you If taken promptly. Large,
site J1.00, ..mail 50 cents. For sale
by all druggists.
The BonToaTeUaurant U setting
tbe best 5-oent nuaU In the city
now. MonnwNy.
tinware and various other useful articles too
Hair-pins, per box 10c
Harmonicas 610c
Hooks and eyes, 4 doe 5a
Hose, ladies' black 10
Hose, men's colored ..-.510c
Hammock 1.00
Knives, pocket 10c
Key chains 20c
Knife boxes 15c
Knives, mincing 1015c
Lead pencils, (erdoz 510c
Laces, pillow slips 610c
Lace, valon 5c
Lemon squeezers 10c
Match safes 510
Mirrors 1016
Milk pans 510c
Mouse traps, 4 holes 10c
Marbles, all kinds.
Repudiates the Charge of
regular Land Sales.
The Lav Fixes the Trices
School Lauds at $1.23 Per
Portland Telegram, May 20: A
reporter called at Governor Peu
uoyer's residence yesterday after
noon, and found him taking a well
earned rest after his Southern Ore
gon tour. The object of the report
er's call was to secure, If possible, the
governor's answer to the charges re
cently made with reference to the
Bale of indemnity lands of tho state.
"What will you say, governor,
about the chargeB made by Mr. Mc
Donald, of tho land office, in regard
to the side of tho iudemnity lands?"
"The first time," replied the
governor, "that my attention was
called to this matter of the state's
being entitled to lands In lieu of
sections 10 and 30 within Indian
reservations, was about tho first of
September, 188S. A Mr. Williams
came into the state land ofllce, ask
ing me to select certain lands us
lands in lieu of school sections in
the Siletz reservation, and for which
he made the necessary legal ap
plication. I refused to receive his
application on the ground that the
state had no right to lands in lieu of
such sections in reervations. Upon
Investigation, however, I found
that the interior department
had ruled that the state was en
titled to such lieu lauds.
"I then before receiving one single
application,and for tho very purpose
of allowing all
citizens an equal
such lands under
i show to secure
this ruling, caused astatemenl tube
; telegraphed to the Oregonlaii which
i can be found in tho issue of that
j paper for September 12, 1688. np-
' l'riHlnK tue l'ublle of suc" ruli"K
"If the land eouimlfcloner, or the
land board, was Interested in any
syndicate that was trying toswiirc
such lands, this public sotlce would
have lieen poor oIley; ami I will
hwre state that among the tlrxt to
makt applications forbueh lieu lands
; was Mr. Htmry L, Plttock, of the
,Oregnulau, who on October II, 16S3.
1 um,k apPcatloti lor 320 acres.
I1'1 llow thrtt Mr- i,ttock read
, his own valuable pair, and wicoly
' took advantage- of this Information
j wUpl T ,md gVeu t( the I)Ubl,c
"On the 23d of the same month
: Mr. McBride, secretary of slate,
brought Into the land office a friend
' of his Mr. T. L. Stewart, who made
application for 820 acred for himself
an(j so aore for his wife. Senator
n m
""". Wasco county, on Decern-
, ber M, applied for ICO acre, and on
j lH0 nw" " '" w" UW" tur"'
aor' ,
' "This wm all perfectly right.
- five cents,
They were as much entitled to the
lands as anyone e se, and when
they made tho proper nppicatiou,
the board under tho law had to sell
them the lauds at $1.25 per acre, the
price fixed by law. So it is readily
seen that the notice I gave to the
public through tho Oregonian, and
tho names of tho applicants, pre
clude the idea of thestnte board be
ing in any syndicate to buy Indem
nity lauds.
"Mr. Thompson In his speech nt
Ashland claimed that a syndicate'
was hiiying up Indemnity school I
lauds in Eastern Oregon at $1.25 and
celling them at $.1.50 to ?5; and that
the state could ju-t as well havo been
paid $5 an acre for the lands. Tho fact
is, that the board is compelled by law
to sell the lauds at 1.25. The charge
as to a syndicate in which the state
board is supposed to bo connected
shows that Mr. Thompson knows
what might bo done, and, measur
ing our com by tils own half-bushel,
ho necessarily presumes that it has
been dono."
State Insane Asylum. Tho
asylum for the insane now contains
013 inmatt-s, which, added to the
70 employes nud their families gives
a population of 700. It is expected
that the new north wing of this in
stitution will be finished nud ready
for occupancy in about six weeks.
The work of connecting the entire
building wich a complete water
system has just been finished, and
the asylum is now as well protected
against damage as any Institution of
the kind in tho world. Hherldnn
In Prorate. In the matter of
tho estate J. J. Gllmore, deceased,
J. W. Crawford, admlnlntrator, jietl
tlou for final settlement and dis
tribution; timo set for hearing July
7th at 10 a. in.
Marriaei: Licb.nhk. A pern It
to marry was to-day isrued to Alleo
Mnrloy and William Jack.
A valuable how, Mnngilig to
Pete Hanson.auil driven byS'huyler
Keltllngrr, lo.it It life this morning
by the bursting of a Mood vesml,
whllo hauling rock for the water
Regular meeting of the W. C. T.
U., Tuesday, the 27th at 2X0 p. in.
Betihon it Front havo received a big
invoice offings and tireoraokerri of
all hu for colobritlon puqioneH.
Also biggest stock frenh made can
dies In the city. liellingHr building,
State street. dtf.
RkmoVKIi. ("lias. De Loon, the
enterprlniug now barber, has remov
ed his shop in tn elegant quarters 011
1 lie wiiil li hide ut Statu streeL
tir ,.,,. u,in, a, A,.o1l'4.
iiAHnft.i r.i. ...... . ""tf" -
iohi uiacK iiooiery 11 wounmru "j
Bridges & Rozorth, agunts. tf.
-Fine canned yel
Inw frawlord neaolies. at HoUire ' reprteenia nuece fu IN. V. Cf)mitny In
w VJt. f Pwg""' ",u"cU-rntedljupplyIry(oo(lf, nothing,
"i' "
For Halk. Anlceyoung driving
team and two seated tig. Inquire
of Payno & Brldgeford.
Blacking Five cents.
numerous to mention at
Noto paper, per 21 sheets 5c
Nail brushes 10c
Nutmeg-graters 6c
Needles, sharp, per paper - 6o
Pins, C papers 5o
Pails, tin covered, 2 qls 10c
Pot scrubs 5o
Perfumery 640
Potato cutters 10c
Potato mashers. 6c
Purses 610o
Razor strops 16c
Rules, 2 ft 10c
Receipt books .10c
Chamois skins 10c
Shoo blacking 6c
Safety pins, peril doz 10c
Shoo lacers, per 1 doz 5o
Spoons, set 10c
Steak pounders 15c
C F and G Wicklan, WmE Wolf,
Sam Weyman, II Morris, New
York; W S Hunter, Utlen, N. Y;
F G Ktihii, Portland; F It Whit
comb, N Y; Win Haider, F Pike,
Sherinnn, O; A Canlleld, Wasco; A
S Roberts, The Dalles; Thou II
Toneue, Hillsboro; S W Goldlng.
Chicago; J A Crowe, Suislnw; C M
Vanderpool and wife, Corvnllls; C E
Gray, Vnneovcr; S C Irving, San F.
cone house. ,
J W Murturbaugh, C Scglan, F
O'Neill and wife, Portland; J Plm
Ian, II E Doty, Detroit; FB Knapp.
ir V :,Mln,ru A ll,iiM v w v
Thayer and wife. East Portland, F
G Day. Murnhy; Juo Sinner, I
itene. A A luiecii. Woedburn: J
A Fnwcett, City; E Williams and
InttrumtHitK Filed fur Record at
County Recorder's Ofllce.
may 21.
War deed S D Mctcalf to
W T and Julia A Metcalf, 100
acres in 1 0s r 1.
W T Metcalf and wife to
Henry F Metcalf, 100 acres In
t 0 s r h,
Fresh milch cow for sale. C. H
Simpson, State street near prison.
Wanti:d. Two girls for laundry,
at Chemeketo hotel. 5-1 7-1 w.
For Sali:. Two fresh milch cows
at a bargain apply to Julius Ruef,
on the Garden Road. 5-13-lf.
Ice cream freezers, the best In
market, atSteinerk Blossom.
Jones & Bernardl will move their
candy factory to KKJ State street, in
25c Want Column.
Notlcon InwrUil for ONI. CKNT Villi
tUoniwit liiHerlxl In till column for Ii-cm
tliun twwity.flvo efiilH.
,M)RHALKf Oilohoiike unit two loin lu
1 Soutli HhU-iii
lniUlrM)f V. II. Mlmp.
7OH HAI.K. Three new counter unil a
roinpl(ilket ofnliblvlriK fori"alcliiii
uiroui r, i j, iiuKfTii! r. n. ucHrirfiriiH.
r,.u 11
IlKNT A ilclrubl Ijimlnt-M. oBce
P In txt ll(K-t In lon.
Irniulrfiii tin
PATRONI.K Rome Iurtutry, und ime
ilouiiUtln llnlrn CoiiKiiCure. Ouur.
unt-Hl to Kn rf llt or money refunrled j
Mununietiirwl lly it, II.t;rM,Huli)in,Urt-
kou. Smith A Htetnur wiln HicenU for I
Buloin. lAllm
i -
T?OH WALK one rUi jvurllni: rlf,elKlrV
I' iimii iii'K fHiiiv, m una ueiitr;
lilhtumti luhuUr hx waitoii, Hint liariXM,
Ixith atftoi new T)ineKivn, Km,ulre i
of .1. 1' HilrtMjn,hiulli MthHn
J.VJR RKNT The dwilrnMe re rrxmi ut
wral enil of (lpra II'mimj, next the
.Mm-, fiirmerlv noemtletl a furniture ulsre.
TeriiiK rHfinMll. Ai4y Ui SVII'U A
Clwmlrlln. fXnrt ttlrwrt. fcllwl
VI ItKNr.-Kllherwlllior without Uxtrd
nwwy furnnnxi Mill i rxiw or
iilflro'iiii,lu the flutl part of the -Hy
(rlKiiluy tiieirej,euruiiii
nir the &
1 trc motor line.)
for artU-iilr mil Hi JOT ,
' m inter ittrei.
11 (or mu
HuUry m U f 1W), to loyally
1 niiom, jewriry, etc., vuaiiiuirrv "
Alto Lady of tact, salary
AA f. nrill
inetnbera (SJftit now enrolled, rsuiul paid
I o i. lUiferencee exenauicea. r-mpne a
owrgtlte BooUiUnu irtnUl wtll rUd)
iJik imeA N. Y MWy m
rock bottom. We extend an invitation to all."$r
Leather and bindings.
BSyCash paid tor Wool, Hides, Pelts and Furs,
i-lThe Bissell "Gold Medal" Carpet Sweeper.
The Best in
No. 1-J31 Commercial St.,
Salem, Oregon.
A Handsome
Latest and Improved pattern, nickel
A Ticket with ehauce on this
Trie New Slioe Store!
Having just Opeuetl a new Shoo Store In the Ilroy
ItlfH'k, wish to Invito everybody to come In and we
their new place, where they tiro prepared to supply their
old and lieu friends with anything In tho lino of foot
wear 011 the moxt witUfactnry terms.
In our line ever brought to the city,
we can pioase all. TliaiiKltig nil 0111 patrons lor iuki
favors, und soliciting u eontlnuauco of tho samo for the new linn, wo are,
Krausse Brotliers
Spring Bcalcs
Soap, castllo
Soap, tollot
Shelf paper, per 2 doz
Toothpicks, per 2500
Towels, bath
Thimbles ..
Tea strainers
Tracing wheels
Washboards .,
Wash basins
Water palls
Whisk brooms
Croquet sets-.-
Wm. Brown
arid Shobs !
the World,
-ofi'ered by-
Grocers, 201 CommeivJfil St.
Garland Cooking Range,
finish, with complete set of utensils, (purchased of R. M. Wado & Co.l
elegant Prize presented
cents er pound.
to every
aud feel btiro that
10(g,15o ., ,
. -. --6c
. tiGo ' '
All prices . ' '
.6c .
,--- 6c
1016o '
,...5a ;
,....,5p. v
i .6c
, , .10c, .
- 10c ,
purqhiisu of ONE POUND of nur