?5ff 35w75.i'jUIPlttH!JI"T'rT ?-" rifi m CAKTiL JWMAL & TERMS OK BUBt'K"-""' JNUW by mall 'per year, "-n 10 Dilly by naftU pr -" 1 00 WJf by,IJy'SnwTbe price Slbi?tiyaotityt6o office. yftw dlsprtcfaea. GILBERT fe PATTERSON, Dtttfrs in Groceries, orutM-.jr, Glassware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Windowglass, Etc. Sole Agents for Epicure Tea and Big Can Baling Powder, " TIIH FinST BETr-THE JOUKNAI- man holds tho flmtcarapten .te' too season, between Merchant Dal rymplo and P-tmastcr Gilbert. nii,.. nlamn cnCIl HlUKl'U iut ThM rentiemen cue" " ....... mm wmi -,-,. , ,. ,, II..M nn r itn m M Ull lUV omw tesa of their party and tho money 5 tonlay formally deputed by and tho money . i.ln lirirlr-r. It 13 ucnuveu each has some rnoro for the uamo purpose. THE QUEEN OK FMWEIW.--MW. Oltvo 8. -Eugland has P afed .tho JOURNAL under lasting obligations for a bouquet of royal roses, and tuey ornament n curious Japanese vase chosen for yo editorial desk. I no flowcre that bloom over tho polllli ol carden walls arc tho sweetest or nil, and tho lady has our hearty thanks. Founnr ok July. All tho com mittees of tho 4th of July celebra tlon arc requested to meet at bltnon's cigar store nextMouday at 10 o'clock a. ro., as there Is business of Import ance to consider. AH pe'sous hav ing business with the committees are also requested to be present. To CoitVALMS. Tho HaptUt peo ple bavo arranged a successful ex cursion to Corvullls Saturday. May 24. round trip ticket $1. The boat leaves at 7 a. in. If you want a fileasant excursion and a nice crowd, oln tho Baptists to-morrow. Oaiidok Thanks. I desire to ex press thanks to thoso kind lriends who assisted me In tho time of my wife's Illness and death. It. C. Heduiau. s SuooTiNci Match. Tliat Is tho latest attraction niinnunced for the coining 4lh of July celebration. Koi'IlTII OI'Jt'I.Y FlIlKWOKKS. Helicon fc Frost have received a bljr Invoice ciflliiK8 and firecrackers of all sizes for celebration purposes. Also bluest stock fresh madi can dles In the city. ilellliigcr bulldlnir, Hhite street. dlf. Nena:. Irrigation Is positively prohibited except from !i to 8 o'clock n. in. and 5 to tip. in. If this rule is not obeyed the water will bo shut oft without notice. WO Iw. Bau:m Watku Co. A Week Fjiom To-nhiiit New Selections, New Voices, New Per formers, New Violinist, and three of Salem's well-known favorites at the Opera house. What a riTY. That tho eleotrlo cars are uot runnlni?so you could rldo out and toco tho Frlokey lots Don't forget tho day or sale, next Saturday. Removed. Clins. Do Leon, tho enterprising new barber, has remov ed his shop into elegant quarters on Mr south side of State street. 6-22-31. 1 m Font Time to Chicago. Oretronlnu; Beginning Juno 8th tho Northern Pacific will run two through trains daily from Port land to Chicago. There will bo a niomlntr and evening service. Train No. 2 will lcavo here at 7 a. in. and reach Tncoma ut 2:10 p. m.; tialn No. 4 will leavo hero at 10 p. m. and nrrlvo at Tncoma nt 7 a. in.. No. 1 will nrrlvo horo at 0:30 a. in. and No. 8 at OiSO p. m. No. 2 will shorten tho running time to Chicago nlno hours nud No. 4 will cut down 10 hours. In addition the company will contlnuo IU local train to Ta conn, which will lcavo horo at 11.45 as nt present nnd Its accommoda tion train from Clielmlls to Tneomu and Seattle. All t rains will have Pullman pulnco aud dining cars and Pullman tourlHt sleeping cars. "These oxtm trains aro needed to uccommodato tho trnlllc," wild Assistant General Passenger Agent A. D. Charlton, of tho Northern Pacific, to a reporter yesterdav. "You cannot conceive tho number of people who are coining west. It Is surprising indeed." i . . DEMOCRATIC SPKAKINu. Uranil Ojienlug Meelluff of the Dpuio cratlc Cnnvam at Salem. J Slay - It li, j On Saturday evening, wiuro win oo an opening rally nt Itoeu'u onera Iioiko. Kiuuiwu. i... (Jovernor Pennoyer. Itobort Miller ' J J- "''P'ly 1 H-l- Holse, Jr., l'rof. LeItoy,KtutoTresua'rVhh, I letumed fniui Aurora last evenlni;, Stteaklug will begin promptly nf "'here they have been on hiiHlness 8 o'clock. All (ho jieopfo, IrrcsiH'ct-1 ,or ,no I1""1 ' wo or t,,n0 ''".V" nn ' nff' V, ,UA,U:1,1 ,t0 lur Mm. (leo. l'lerco ivturncd homo Mr u!!ir?i .y U!.,cn.1 aiul , rr"' l'ortlanil tlila ihoiiiIdk, wliero rv ?S?AJS,,K" '."!' ,10 llu,,l'H H,u' l' l,w" vlitllliiK herl8ler, Mm. are extended n Kpcclul Invitation to llniHllchl, rr lliu inihi Piw dayn. lift rtrrautnf Hyonlerof ()ininlttee. .. . LUt of Jnror. Drawn to wive at tho June (ISM) Urm of the circuit court of tho ntftto of Oregon for the comity nf Marlon t J A Mervdeth, , dentlit ..East Buleiu Casiwrorn, farmer ..Chuuipoeg R A Crouttii, milkman.. .J Haleiii Win Dam. eanltnltut GervuU J ltllfiu.li. riiriii.it Ablipm G V WaterburK, fttmier WiwiUuini x vtxiK laruier til Paul J Welsner, farinor.. Howell Pndrlo J'-ll Jlurkliohler, fanner. .Aurora J no Beotl. farmer . fi.,,.i..i.i Juolloland, mea-hnnt JetlVrtuin 1riJ;f.w,iru.f,,,r - -KrW i r.. '' n,W0I,J,uU KHaleni t uir 1 ca'haut ...Salem t 7 "erivn, farmer . . ...Turner .U J Martin, furmer k R.im iirogicB, larmcr ?S.vTiJVliwr...41uttvllo ? mwB, furmvr Jelleiwin 4l VHVin, werehant Jelltnwn fufi.!2!! . ' -U Si win ii niiiiiu, innuur nubUuiuy W S Collartl. farmer LuliUm pPMorria, fanner - -Mehiuun H)' right Korehay, farmer 811 vtr Uik Attain Ohiuart, faimor . HHaloni OttenrDakp, farmer HonjU LATE LOCAL NEWS. Compounded into Comprehensible Par agraphs for Journal Renders. The Albany stores advertise "gen uine Iowa Borghum" for sale. Turn out to hear tho republican speakers to-night, nt Heed's opera house. Itemcmbcr tho land sale nt auction to-morrow in Fnckey's addition 1 p. in. Great auction sale on electric car line Saturday at 1 p. m. Frlckcy's addition. Tickets for Thursday evening May 20th on sale at Patton's nnd Dearborn's bookstores nud Boston's music store. Ilcuietnbcr the political meeting to-nlghtnt tho opera house, Messrs, Nevlns, Condon and Ellis speakers. Turn out, everybody. Chas. Hcllenbrand, tho candy man, has purchased the bier soda fountain, that formerly played in the Candy Kitchen. Memorial services will be held at tho Christian church .Sunday morn ing in menioiy of Mrs. Mildred Davis, wife of G. E. Davis. Mr. F. O. Baker has charge of the collections of the 2d Ktgt. bund, and all subscribers want to look out for him the first of the month. Tho order of Sons of Veterans is requested to meet at the hall nt ii o'clock a. ni. next Sunday, to attend church during tho morning services. Imported strawberlcs arc 103 cts a box at retail. Home grown are much finer In quality and larger than tho California product. They hcII for 25 cts. Ilemember tlie recital on Thura day evening next. Box sheet oimjii to-morrow at F. S. Dearborn's hook store. No extra charge for reserved seats. Mr. Goodeuough, who conducted a salo of Astoria real estate in this city yesterday, will have n similar sale monthly, and will be here again about Juno 10th. W. II. Conrad and family have gone to housekeeping at 443, Com mercial street, corner of Union. Salem society will welcome this new family most heartily. 8upt. Watson, who is weighing mail on nil tho railroads, says he has travelled all over tho state the past month, and there is n strong and growing title- in favor of Ttiompson. Governor Pennoyer will make a full statement In the matter of thei school lands on Monday, that his friends claim will Kfct him right, and , completely vindicate him In the eyes of the people. F. J. Catterlin reurets to admit that patrons have gone away from his gallery tho past week because they could not be waited upon. Ho now has extra help and expects more next week when all can be, accommodated. He continues to make cabinets at $2.(K) per dozen. He Is now llulshltii: from S(H) to 100'J cabinets per week. Another point about his work Is that no one Is ever heard to complain thut his Is not the best in Salem. PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. Itlchard Long left for Albany this morning. Mrs. S. Ilamp returned homo from Portland this morning. Mrs. B. F. Mcrldith came up from Portland this morning. It. I). Praul left for Portland this morning, after u few day's visit. Governor Pennoyer will ndtlress tho people of Albany to-day. Orln Barker has returned from the state grand lodge, I. Mih. Jack Leltleugur and home O. O. sister, left for Albany this morning, lor a snort visit. Superiutudctitautl Mrs. E. B. Mc Elroy lenvo for Monmouth this af ternoon. Mr. San ford Watson, a former Salemlte, Is again in tho city, foru lew Hays. . Hon. S. W. Culver, ox-inoniber of , tho legislature from Marlon, is In i the city. Mr. Howley, of tho firm ol J. C. Drown tb Co., returned home, after a short trip to Wood burn. Freeman Eldrldgo leaves for Port land In the morning, where ho will make his home In the future. H. C. Sohultz, of Suver, a son-lu-I law of Julius Huef, on the Garden1 Uoatl, was in tho city yesterday. Willis MoElroy leaves for Mon mouth this afternoon, on business nud pleasure. He will return to-1 morrow. i Mr. lul (llltner. who linn Iii'ihi I niHtlcatlui; in (.'latwip county for the I past few ilayH, returnetl toHaleinlasl , evenlnjr. .tuna ttiii. .it ill ki, .. n, ,1 mi iiita been vlaltlug tlie MIknch Karharl of Portland for the past week, leturn etl home hint evening, nccnmpimicd by MIwm Agnes lCnuiri, who will remain a few tlayii, iih tbegintdof MIhh ltuth. MeHhrn. Henry Kielw nud i'muk Wlllluiun, tlie freHcn nrtlwU, who havu Ut'ii Hpeuilliig the pant two inoutlm In Haleui, loft thU morning for l'ortlanil, where they will re main a few day aud then on to Kvattle, where they will locate for tlie preKont. Salem rcgivtn to lone tin-ay excellent you in; men. ML. I). nl. M.. nl. ....... ...I... i... luttlruuirntH Fllrd for Itoront at the County llrroi'tlrr'n tlfllie. may 2i. War. iUhhI A Conghlln nud wfo to Win Uluukiimtv, lot 4u, twpltal city rrult farm $ JIM HA T ioiuiw and fo to tl Uu mmi n.,i i ..e .. ,.v.,i nw taodi, t8. Jmm 11 KnWi hiii! wfu tn loOO Barah Ilurrull uud Jumea Howi-n . n land. i ""i"') n,,,v' Tho Clnhtop Imu Company, to buy nnd wll mil votnto, niidnwnuw, AmorU, Oliver rtiuurt, louuld M, Btuartnud A. It- I'yriu, lucopom torn. Buwk.ias.tWti, HOTEL ARRIVALS. CHKMKKETB hotel. Ed Hackett. W H Kennedy, J Ed ertlne, H W Scurtz. J S Cochran W L Pittmnn,Portland;Geo M Knight, Bert Whecln, Coco; G M Hall, Biiena Vista; Paul Rehfelch S F: A J Jnlkert, W H Dumphy 8 F: Geo Manger, Chlsclhurst, Eng; G W Blume, W WapakoneUi, O; Wm Gidiiigs, Sam Logan, Iowa. COOK HOUSE. U J Pltzcr. Lane county; Wm MncMaster, Portland; Stanley Gild den, S F; Chas Lyons, Alblna; Frank Meyers, Seattle; A .1 Bell, Red Oak, la; S Wilson, Gresham, Or. Wauuantei). Smith ,V Angell's fast black hosiery Is wiii'iancd li.y Bridges & Hozorth, agent 'f Foit Sa i.e. Two fresh milch cows l ntnburimln annlv to Julius Huef. on the Garden itoad. fi-13-lf. WhaTa Pity To see u woman's lovely features marred by unsightly pimples and blotches. Yotinir woman, defective nutrition Is the cause of y.nir blem ishes and the sooneryou taken faith ful course of Dr. Hilfer's Hydrastine Restorative tlie sooner you will cease to be nn object of pity. For saleatyD. J. Fry's. McCrow and Wlllard buy only tho best meat that conies to the city and tiieir pride is to pleaso their patrons. 2t Burton Bros, hnvojust opened a 200,000 kiln of first-class brick which aro now ready for delivery. Ad dress them at Salem or visit their yard near the penitentiary on State street. 2d Tin: Canneiiy. Fine canned yel low Crawford peaches, at Squire Farrnr it Co's. Foil 8am:. A niccyoung driving team and two seated ilg. Inquire of Payne & Brldgefortl. Wanted. Two girls for laundry, at Clieiuckcte hotel. C-17-lw. Tho Bon Ton restaurant is setting tho best 25-cent meals in the city now. Monroe Nye. Jones & Beniardi will move their candy factory to 100 State street, In a few days. Mlllc shako only five cents at Phelps' on State street. Dr. Mason now has his dental rooms In the now Eldridge block, tf. Till". QUESTION SnTTT.ED. TliUlnnfntthfulptC turo of the establish incut (if 'Ihomm Prtco i: Hon, nt .'.21 Sacra mouto St , a F. As tlia lcddlnc chemist ol tho wost, they wcr Mkoil toscttlotheqiiontloniu to what biu pnrllUi wore In fact purely vcgotablo. Wo present their re'jiort, "We have made careful chemical analijiet oj n eral well known brand) of lanaparllln, and haie found them all with the tingle rrcepilon of Joy'i to contain iodide o) potamlitm. .tut retutt V are enabled lit pro nounce Joy's to be the nulij purely xegetable lanaparllln iom on the market, uhlch hai come under our obienatlon." Modem incillclno ban proven that nil ordinary faro eruptions are caused by liidlgtstlon and ulucRlih circu lation, which call for vegetable, alteratives, Instead of mineral blood purifier like Iodide of potassium Joy's Vegetable garsaparllln 'stheflrst todlsoArd tlmold notions anil pro ceed under the modern tboory. Its cures u tho talk of thuhour. Spring 1'imir. Al tills Kt'OMon of I ho venr Urn most flR orounnud lirnrly iwinilu on.'n hiivon fct'l Innof urarliuwH, tlii'if mill worn out, with out ambition to do iinvlliliiL'. and iiitmy bicnk out 111 lilliiplt'H nnd IioIIh. Wluit you require l u mild tonlo iiii'dlcliio Unit will not gently on tho liver mid blood, mid for thlH, notlilriu t-iuuln Dr. (Iiiiiii'h Im-! o thn liver, liurltv tho bliMid mid bv their mild lonto lu'tiou, new vitality unit HtreiiKth to tho vntlru HyKtcm, Hold nt 2.1 centH a box by Hnillh .V Htelner PERFECT imrnm The only rcuifil) known wlilrb will Stimulate tho Nutritive Processes of the Human System, lly tlit-t iinturiil iiikUIiiikU mrHii It ('Uk-Lly fiml )hi ii im y ' Ill's All l'orni-i ( lyi-iit.i. ruiiillii.illiiii, Sli'iilul mill Ntriiu l"iluuitlon, (imiornl Dcltltlty, llralu J'iik, or ttliy xliiiul,tl or rnk, rut'il riimlltliin of tlui Hyut.-ui, (rum tvhut ror cmiic, fill In lriiitliiiii., llolU, ltun. iiIiir 8ort, Strofulii, unit nil DUcimrs ol tholllootl, Stoiiiurh, I.lior uiul Kltliu-y-k B 1 .00. SIX BOTTLES FOR $5.00. Pr lllllor'sdl imijo ImwIc, tU-korlptlvoof fly. dr.tlm r.i'ttomtiNouiul liU tillivr Kinu-ilU'4 kuI Irvo by uiuil, HILLER DRUG C0.LSan Francisco, C:l ion h.vi.i: nv Sold by Dan'l J. Kry.lMRCom'lSt. Tont'htMV Quarterly Kxiunlnii linn. "VTl)l'll'i:u lioitl') kImui Unit tlii next 1 i'iilui t) iurti'rl I'MiniliiiitUut of mi jiUeuiitM tor .t.iolirrh ttitllli-nliw will lo lu'lil In Urn imiiiii Ihhim' In Hiilciii, ittin. iiu'iirliitfiin W tliuiln, Mn s, IMl, ut IK o'clock M. Mlllirp .llnlllllH IIUIM Ihi nnwi'iit in tlio oikmiIhk kumIiiii. l. V. YODKII, Cutnty HtiKrlnttiiiiltint of HoinmU lor Miiriou Ctuiuiy, Ort-titMi. ihV'til For Sale ! On UHyluni uvenuo, uuo mllo from I town, and thrvo tnluuttt walk from j electric lino, otiuof the luurtt dedru- bio plmvH about t-wn. ilouttoj coutaluti nlno niouu, hot Htid c-old I wider, hath room, eta, nud lu pvr ' fiMt order. Ihiru nud out building, I with nlMHit t) ncnti. TbU be Mtld ut n burgttln if upplknl for at outxt. Hlx uervit would plat to god inivuuuige. jos. onUiMP, Itivil lvnlate, J0O, Commorohd ttrvet. IWV-tf. RESTOMTIYE i LOOK i ' ff -T T JTfci r i K4.h -M ?li'M7 HE W0RLD:S FAVORITE!! I " Superior Cook Stoves am! Rap!' EVERY ONE J. C. 234-236 Commercial St., AKER & Successors to A. B. STRANG, The New t-ucccsss, BOYTON JIavc you been satisfied in the henting of your home during the past winter? Ifrot. and oti desire health and comfnit. we should like to make an examination of your building, to sfeeitniii w hnt reniedy enn lie adopted, sending an estimate which will be us low a figure as is consistent with a thorough job. Our experience and reputation in this line of busi ness has given us the confidence of our natrons in doing first-class work. Beware of goods represented to be similar in name to those handled by us. Would advise our former patrons that we can supply whatever lepalrs are needed for furnaces already put in by in: T WO on Church Street, two blocks from MALE LOT AND RESIDENCE nn Center Street, nnd'on same block, $1,2."0. C30 ACRE FARM three miles from town nt $2.r per acre. Five. Ten and Twenty Acre Tracts neai' Salem. For sale on favorable teuus. F.nii)iroof Willis & ftiamberlin, Ileal Estate ami Insurance tents, Court Street, V. M. Dealer iu- Wall Paper, Pictures Frames, Window Shades, Haby Cabs, Express Wagons, Notions uud Toys of all kinds. A Kino Lino of etchings and Ungraving, Oil Paintings and Chronios. n. Window Shailes, Haby Calw, Is x press uud Toys tif all kinds, etchings and Ungraving, Oil Paintings Prices tlie Lowest, J. K. JACOBSON , -- Dealer In Lumber, Lath and Shingles, at the old Dorrance Yard, Salem. Special attention given to furnish Kiln dried and Superior Finishing Lumber. I I i- ivr -7 nu e rn HavoJiN nwlveil another largo R. pvI . W-A-13 ri cc C O . mvoieo of Spring WaKonsand I-Inolcs Or the boit Maudanl make's. Prices aro tho lowest, Quality wii Btdered. All Invite! to call and exanlne them at 'Jbi-2st and 2S0, Ctimmerelut ktrevt. DEAR GIRLS: Tke uo TAtly tim any ynuug man, but iuv; wuvi uu m tiiw hkix ui jlltlltuVand's Sn,um Chocolate Crtams, mde only tar liU IVUnl rtw, UU lUin,Kiul l4IIUinUmicHlutltf hy nvt UMrlor la Hny uitt In th Ualu-U HUlns. HEREI SOLE AGENTS -FOR- Aiiti-lidiiiK Tinware ! EVERY ARTICLE Warranted not to Rust -AND- WARRANTED BROWN & CO., - - - - Salem Or. STRANG dealer in Stoves, Tinware and House Fori. kllilUf Pfililk Pllllllllillfr iPfllll r ami Gas Filling. Agents for the Celebrated Peninsular Stoves ami Ranges. No. 302 Commercial St, & RICHARDSON Furnace. L O T S Court IlotifP 51,(100 each. Salem, Oregon. Sargent, N4oi-ildiigs, 5 Mill wiuf r ' ASSSWWSHWWSSCTSgfffy jlv.ir j skKn "grants ' u ziz MiUiWTiw H4 " 1B 5 ii i i Over Two Hundred of these favorite Pens arc now in use in Marion county alone. It 19 one of the very best Fountain Pen manufactured. All Insurance Agents use this Pen. The late improvements render it still mors attractive and more desirable. A full line of MABIE TODD & BARD'S Gold Pens aro always In stock, also PHOTO ALBUMS, AUTO ALBUMS, SCRAP BOOKS, SCRAP PICTURFS, PURSES, CARD CASES, VISITING CARDS, WEDDING STATIONERY. Remember In RulII Bloom! KBIvIvKR & SONS, The leaders in Furniture, Bedding, Tho largest Picture Framing our Ready 1H ry's DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS! it is sure death; lij cents per can. JOHN HUGHES, A No Dealer in Groceries, Paints, Oils and Window Glass, "Wall Pa per and llorder, Artists' Ma terials, Lime, Hair. Nails nnd j Shingles, Hay, Feed and Fence Posts, Grass Seeds, Etc, ' NinV ADVKKTIMJ.MKNTS. Brick and Tile for Sale MURPHY & DESART I Sur-ces.ois to I). Jsasu, hao a well estub I llshed llrlck and Tile factory In 'orth I Sniem, near the fair grounds, nnd nre pre i pared to flirnWh Ilrbl-elass brick and tile , on short notice. i Samples of llrlck or Tile, sent ireo to an y iKMiu ucMii'u.nu mioi i uuiice. uruerh can be lelt with Joi.. Klshburn, 110 Slnto street, here samples can bo seen. w Salem Harness Shop, B. F. WILEY, Prop. Mamifacturc nud make a specialty of Farm and Heavy Harness. All work dne in our own shop nt Salem nnd guaranteed llrst-classs. Give us a call. Dissolution Notice. VTOTICK Is hereby cl veil t hnt the part r nershlp lieietoioroelstliii; between die inulersliineil, under tho Arm nnme of Kniuc.t Klein, tit Salem recoil, Is this tin tlUoleil li.v lmitniil consent, O. K, Kiaii&sti li.iiug dUpoM-d of UN lutsre.stto . lCliln, win, win eontlniie buslnesnt the olit stand, while ..r. Knuikse has formed n i.irlnorliln rlih hi. Iniiilmr-. and will tipon a new kIkhi store in the llrev I block. All mvounts duo the old Arm will i be imyiiblo to either Mr. KmiiBsont hlanew it mil, or to Mr. Klein nt the old store, and should bo settled as soon us convenient. l.W-lw u. IX KHAl'SSK. A. KI.KIN. PATTON BROS. am still ellllli;. Kubbcr Stamps lower than eer All of our stumps ntv made out of the Best Rubber. You should not bv without oue lttMlU'llltHT the pltuv. ! PATTON'S BOOK STORE, W .state Ht., Satein. SELF INKERS ARTIST. In.trucUmu given In Crayon Portrait, Water Colnr and Oil IVIntlni. Pteturm made to onlw. Ht.idlo in Uurfintcton' art rooiut, Kldridge llutldlni:. Halem MlSii M. KIIUC, Yuu wn uve money by buying yur Musical Merchandise DIAMOND'S tmK Houv EldrKl 1Hvk Kaleoi i IB III lis lSS-SS, i AGENCY: OF THE FOUNTAIN PEN . trie Place, if'HM 98 STATE STREET, SALEM, ORE. Wall Paper, Mouldings, Window Shades, Easels, Mirrors, Art Goods, Etc. stock. Modest prices. Business always booming. leading feature. Full line of Canvas TIIJ3 VEBY BEST BUANDS OF Mixed for family use at- Drug Slaughter your Squirrels now by the REMOVAL We Have Removed to Bush's New Brick Corner. Corner of Commercial and Court, And will continue to carry tho finest lino of Dress Goods Ladies and (tents Furnishing Goods, Clothing, Hats, Ladie Wraps. Etc. in the City, We are agents for several specialties. J. $10,000 $10,000 For Sale Ten Thousand Dollars Fancy and Staple Groceries. For prices aud WELLER 20 Commercia,! St. Ca?Goods delivered free A. KIvKIN, Continues the Ittiiness formerly conducted hy Krauaso tfe Klein, al tho old Stand on Commercial street. 00T S AND SHOES! Will be pleased to receive calls from my old'frlends and new. Mammoth New Stoclc ! at Living IPrices: J. A. ROTAN, at hU new quarter, tad dor toitta ut limn' lUuk, naw tuu a LarRerstockof Furniture than ever ,Wu fll line of I'ndertaWer Goods, lie tuns Ad examine thU stock before ptirrhstluc Wrhre a it will iYt to moner d-wlm Stretchers and Studie. Paints Store. use of FRY'S SQUIRREL POISON, and Trimmings J. DALRYMPLE & CO. -worth of- terms enquire of to all parts of tho clty.-a BROS Ii j t:j;imitf.-m'"'-ri-tMi'" .'M .ji.if.Mnn-auHMfa:.