4 Mwn"' "i"1 miini ovisac vasicxiTO capital joukwax. JEWELS AND LACEB. - Oh, ftrl with Hi J1kI fingers, OS, girt with th Iscirarel' Wbat are roar J'l ami "l"1 " J ufw worth to you Wi ftm uudirxolw the 'Tin ordeals wblch fashionable eoelety Imposes on nd endsrmnee of the net robust, yen break down, lose yew hellh and become pbjalci wreck, as thousand, do from aueh cause T " TndYoch drnimsUnces yea would wlUtagly rtr all yoor Jewels and. H jew lacs to rejrau it t,Mith ThU you can da If you will pot re ISSltaihTnwor ttat ireet watoraUve known JS'd? 'n ere moSTpreCTlptlon. Thou KndV of ISwftil women bless the dy It wm made known to Uiem, i.-iinyimih For all aerunemenu, ,.4?.U!i!fmJdT nesie pfcniur to women, It Is tbe. nmMr sold br dninlsta. under poiltlre a-tiier 5itM ? ftom " i manufacturers, that It wfl H uuVr&tonta ttery cee,er mjJV "1 b funded. ThU arntf bMbei printed on the bottle-wrapper, end althfullr crrled out f0An"vlSlnjt tonic. It Imports strength to Ihtwholisyslem. fble women n.rjJ, Dr. Pierce's FeTOrite Prescription Is the greet tn earthly boon. Dr. Pierce's Pellets 5STE Urer, stomach and bo els. Ono a done. BoM by druggists. 2f jentsavlaL rKOFESSIONAL CAItDS. DBATTaHUNT, attorneys at lnw.Bolem, I Orctron. Ofllceovcrllarr'sjowelryatorr, Stats street. REPUBLICAN TICKET . .STATE TICKET. COtfOIlKSSMAN. BINGER HERMANN, of Douglafl. aoVKiixon. D. P. THOMPSON, of Multnomuh. SKcnEXAnv op statk. GEO. V. McRRIDE, of Columbia. TIlEAfillHF.lt. PHIL METBCHAN, of Grant. HUPT. OF PtfrjLIO IKfrTRUCTIOK. e. b. Mcelroy, or nenton. STATU IMUNTKIl. F. C. BAKER, of Multnomah. JUDGE SUI'KEMK COUNT. R. 8. BEAN, of Lane. JOINT SBKATOIl FllOJt MARION AND CLACKAMAS. H. E. CROK8, of rinckanias. DISTRICT ATTOUNKY, 3D JUDICIAL DI8TRICT. GEO. G. BINGHAM, of Marion. Highest ofall in Leavening Power. U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889. Baking U1 V ivlft &&&& UVYUvl ABSODUTE1Y PURE RoYal MARION COUNTY. rou he.vatoiw. Edw. HIrecli .. J. B. Looncy FOB HRrKESENTATIVrfl. J. H. Settloraier J. A. Baker Wm. Armstrong John Minto T. T. Geer. County Judge -Wm. Waldo Couuty (JommlBHloner.J. M.WaLgon Sheriff. T K. M. Crolsan Clerk F. J. Babcock Hecorder John II McNarx l'reiisurer A. O. Contlli AHRcssor Columbus Cleaver Hupt. of schools Ii. W. Yodel Surveyor W. J. Culvei ;orouer. Dr. J. 8. Stott EAST 8AI.KM I'RECINCT. lustlco M. IS. Goodell Constable.. J. E. Howard SAI.KM I'RKCINCT. Justice James Batehelor DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. For Congress, R. A. MILLER, of Jackson. For Governor, SYLVESTER PENNOYER, of Multnomah. For Treasurer. G. W. WEBB, of Umatilla. For Supreme Judge, B. F. BON HAM, of Marlon. For ecrelnry of State, W. M. TOWNsEND, of Lake. For Sunt. Public Instruction, Rr.v. A. LEROYof Linn. For State Printer, Cait. J. O'BRIEN, of Multnomah. Joint Senator for Marlon and Clackamas, HENRY WARREN, of Marlon. For District Attorney, 3d District, J. J. WHITNEY, of Linn. MARION COl'XrV DEMOCRATIC TICKET. POLK COUNTY. 'at law. Halom. door to tbo left Bt bead of stairs In llio rear of Indd & Bash's bank. J J. 8HAW. Attorney.! , Oregon. omco flrst c 31ILMON FORD, attorney at law, Salem, . Oregon. Office urtalrs In Patton's ock. A. API'LEOATE, attorney at law. , Friers block, Commercial and State street, Salem, Or. TOIIN A. OARKON, Counsellor and At J torney-at-ljiw. Member of the Unr ol Ontario. Canada. Office 102 State street, Salem, Oregon. & P. WILLIAMS, STENOGRAPHER and Tynowrltlst. Office with Canl. tal city R'y. Co., 115 mate Bt. CD. KNIGHT, Eelcctlc I'li'slclan, office . 127 Court street, Salem Oregon. Pul monary diseases a upeclnlly. FOR REPRESENTATIVES. Wm. Savage R. S. Wallace SherifT W. L. Well Clerk C. G. Coud County Commlssiouer.G. W. McBee Assessor F. K. Hubbard Treasurer T. C. Bell Hupt. of Schools B. L. Murphj Surveyor Frank Butler Coroner Dr. E. L. Ketchtim Marion County Political Meet ings. Tho Republican County Central Committee has fixed tliu following dates for speaking by tho legislative candidates and ethers: Sublimity, Wednesday, May 21, 10 a. m. Whiteaker, Wednesday, May 21, P.ra BU.J. M KEENK, Dentist. Olllcoover tho Whito Corner, Court and Com mercial Btrcou. PRS. JBiSUP & OARTWRIQItT Ho mcopatblo Pbyalclans. Salem, Ogn. Cartwrlcbt, M, D.. specialty, siirdtry and surgical disease of women. H. It. Jen sup, M. D specialty, diseases of children 4,8 IIUSINKSS CARDS. M. CLOUOII, Undcrttikcr, Embaluicr and Cabinet Maker. 107 Htntn St.. lent. II. MORSE, controctor and Ilulldcr All n.-n.. ......i ... 1.. ........ .... . High street, Salem. TOHN GRAV.-Contractor and builder. f) Fine Inside flnlshlnj,' a spor.lnlty ISA Commercial street, Kalom Oregon. fOIIN KNIGHT, iiiaekMnlthl ""'llorso Rboclngandrepalrlnga specially. Shop ,ure Z'JOl attho foot ofLlbertyBlreel.Halem.OrcKOii tr FD, SOUTIIWICK, Contractor and , builder. Well prepared to do all L.uJsof building and guarantee Hatlsfea tlon, l-21-lm OHERT A MCNALLY, AJchllectP, No. i 132 State Street. I'lans and Kiioulflm. Tons of all classes of of btilldlnirH on ulinrt notice. Superintendence of work promptly & loosed after. JWf HOOIKTY NOTIUIM. TrNiailT80KI'VTHIAS.-Regularmcet IV Ing on Tuesday night of each week at 7?Jup. iu. W.H.n.WATEIaNUAa'nl,)!H(:' C" rvLIVKIX)I)OENo.l8, I. 0. O. K, liieotH U In Odd Fellows' Hall upstairs. Cornei uuiumcrviuianurerry streets, every nai- urdarat7:J0D. m. J. L, MlTCIIEUt,, Bocrctary. I. A. Man.mno. N.O. (1 A. It.-edgwlck Post, No. 10, Depart inent of Oregon, meets every Monday civuiuimiu. uuu iiyit loouregou uinii oompany'a office. Vlslllng comnidm ari cordially Invited to attend. D.C.BincKMAN.PostComniHdwr, B. A. Handle, AdJuUvii. O. U. W.-Prolecllou Ixjdgo No. 2, A. i-v. j, n.,ruiimi, un-gnn. aieetM iaen tdncsdny 0CIt IlEBtltsbnll in Htntn 111. iuninco block, trner Cominerelal mid Chemekcta MreeU Visiting and Bojouru. Ingbgothrcn Invited BAIUmii.b.M Y lux Hun, Recorder, CcCucaJfc For iucccii itlhc CAPITAL BUSINESS I'OLLCHK, . . . fialem, . Orrxfin. A. P. AKMTWOWQ,Mngr. K. U Wiuv, Piln. Ilusinoss, Sliortlinn.l, I;MrllH, Nttimtii ul ,,u,, j,,u,ti. Dy and evenlnjr btuloin. Students admitted anytime. Call at the Coll-i-cor address the I'nnclml for catalogue. WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY UraauatcVstudeuu in Classical, Literary, Scientific, Neraal, BhsIhcss, Law, Sllverton, Thursday, May 22, 1 p m Ml Angel, Thursday, May 22, 8 p m Woodburn, Friday, May 23, 10 am Hubbard, Frldijy, May 23, 2 p m Aurora, Friday. May 23, 8 p in Macleay, Saturday, 5l ay 21, 1 pin Brooks, Monday, May 20, 10 a m Gervals, Monday, May 20, 2pm St Paul, Tuesday, May 27, 10 am Champoeg, Tuesday, May, 27, 2pm Buttovlllo, Wednesday, May 28, 10 a m Howell Prairie, Thursday, May 29. 1 p m Salem, Saturday, May 31. 8 p m. John Knight, Chairman. DEMOCRATIC. Tho democrat!, county central fommltteo accepts the above ar rangement of dates, time and places of meeting and will bo repre sented by speakers and by its can didates Martin Rowley, Chairman. HKPUHI.ICAN RALLY. Hou. Seymour Condon aud Hon. W. R. Ellis will address the citizens of Salem and vicinity on Friday evening, May 23d, at 7:30 p. in. All arrangements will be made for a grand opening rally on that date. Kx-Spenker Rnitdall. The death of ox-Spealter Randall had been long expected, and tho newH was received without surprise, For State Senators, Wi H. II. Waters . - Lewis Grifllth. For Representatives, W. II. Holmes Geo. E. Allen Oliver Beers M. J. Egan T. C. Davidson. County Judge -.-James W. Taylor Count v Commissioner. Robert Scott County Clerk W. I. Ra. County Recorder G. II. Bcebc Sherl.T Frank Smltli AnMesssor J B Heiilnger treasurer l A. jMatmeu Supt. of Schools-Miss Jennie Grillltli Surveyor - A Gobulet Coroner Dr. W 8 Mott lmd&w Uoanl of Trade Meeting. At an adjourned meeting ot the Salem board of Hade held last even ing agoodly turn-out was had, with J. G. Wright iu the chair and W. F. Seevcractlng as secretary. Tho committee to whom had been referred the report of tiie advertising committee, reported favorably and same was adopted. W. F. Seever reported as special committee concerning the move lo co-opcrato with Albany in tbo unit ter of advertising. The report rec- omending (lie appointment of a committee of three to meet the Al bany committee was adopted, and on motion the chair appointed E. K. Minton, W. F. Seever and E. S. Frost. Mr. Waito reported vei bally for the advertising committee, saying that It hud concluded to issue an eight puge folder giving boveral reasons for locating in tho Willamette val ley and Salem. Upon Invitation, Mr. Scott, a rep resentative of the "Oregonian" who was present, made the board a proposition to publish iu tho Die gouiau correspondence aud tele graph matter In tho "Oregoulan" to tho extent of $G00; corioHpondenco at 30 cents per line and tolcgiaph at 35 cents per line. On motion a com mittee composed of A. Gender, 10. M. Walte aud P. S. Knight was'ap polnted to confer with Mr.Scott and report at the next meeting. Mr. Howard Phelps was asked to state tbo proposition of theS. P It. It. In rcllcrcnco to excursions from Portland to Salem, which he did. Tho proposition was on motion re ferred to tho advertising committee A NIMV ORATORIO. America has long been able to place hcrfdf on the list of Nations great because of her native music ians, but now for the ilrst time adds to her coronal an oratorical star. "Jerusalem, " by Dr. Hugh A. Clarke, of Philadelphia, Professor of Music of the University of Pennyl T. H. BARNES, PR lis. If. V. MATTILEWS, TREAS. WM. HOWARD PHELPS, SEC, SALEM LAND COMPANY Incorporated lSS9---Capital Stock $30,000. POSTOFFICE BLOCK, - - SALEM, OREGo, As early as 1800 Amciicans were fuliv alive to ilic fact thatthero was a value to real estate in aud around el ties of this country which oid not attacli to that of any other nation in the world. $ The cause of this is easily under stood when we stop to think that iu all other countries up to that time real property belonged largely not. vanla, was lecently produced iu that ' in tin; Individual but to a line of in city. It is based upon the old lieiitauee a perpetuity that offered Hebraic history of ill fated Jertiv no incentive to awiulsitlon or trade. ..i..m ti., n, . . . i i .. At that time all mercantile pursuits elam, the flrst part showing its ulll trades were luokeil upon as Do- greatness ami us uowniall. Tiie i neatli the dignity ot genteel peo Washington Is coming into view right iu the front line aud with its marvelous natural wealth and ad vantages of an enduring quality will fonrc to the front and lead all other states. The secret has gradually leaked out that the Willamette valley, aud particularly the country compos ing Polk and Marion counties, is the most worthy of all countries yet brought to the general notice, and that till within the past two yeais the iieonleliviimheto-o happily and contented have been too modest to Salem and the Willamette valley so far in front that she will hold her own against all competitors for years to come. Property is now within your reach, and If you do not take advantage of vour opportunities It will not be our 'fault. We are free to admit that we are interested iu your welfare in a selfish wav. and that our incentive to inter est you iu property is largely due to the small commission which will fall second part brings the prophetic now Jerusalem w hich "eye hath not seen nor ear heard." The ilrst part shows the fatality of the old belief In a God of destruction and the sec ond makes manifest the perfection of a God of Love. Musicians pro nounce the productiou strong, pure and truly great musically and surely Its lessou of truth is bandied in a masterly manner. The thought of the work is in keeping with tiie highest of the age, a God of power gives way to a God of love, and material grandeur to spiritual gran deurboth In text and musicisthis great idea evolved. Tiie Oratorio "Jerusalem" stands as It should on the high ground of to-day's metaphysical reasoning that it may bear the test ol its age. It is beside an Immense work of breadtii and power, dramatic, har monious and in every detail carried to a lino point. It will find Us place among the great music of the world for all time and receive the peren nial appreciation of artists aud the listening world pie. and as a vulgar adjunct of life willed coniriituieo remoieiy i" meir comfort. Hence men who dealt In real estate In a commercial way were looked upon as little better thati professional gamblers. This did not apply to agents alone tor they were little more than servants but to anyone who was known to be dabbling in real estate. Fort'lgncisaud descendants of no bility living in tliis country could not perceive that the will of the peo ple was the sovereign of this nation, and that individual was no equal part of thesoveieignty. tints attiicli ing to ilieni ariglit or joint owner ship of the nation whose property they could acquire and convert by legitimate means into Individual holdiiius absolutely in tnelr con- name direction. Our addition gicwood, is the mostcentm t VE,n fertile and convenient yftft' the market. It Is within foSi? " of the elegant East Satan wjjlch accommodate nearly Street caraaro now run'nlngnearlt and wo Impound have everv " tobelievc.hatbeforeauoSa spasmed wo can announce to ? t that a line of street nnra L.'S I fall I throuch li. wl,ici, win i,i ' m to our slime, hut it is not all, as you , in five minutes of Commercial ii!Li will nerceive tiii.ui reflection. We, Tho citv wnter limine ,..m 1 "A iirnnliiim Ihn tiiprlts of the collntrv I hnve a reniilalion to litllld Ul) and . through it rim In,, d. w Wi ,..U. ...... -- -- .' -,f ,,, . . ' ' ..M....fa llC to tiie outside world. During the rush to the south and north of them, they have looked on with an half amazed wonder, never dreaming iu a few short mouths the charms of this valley would be found sustain, and an ambition to extend our acquaintance and enlarge our circle of friends. Tills course cannot help but en large our busiiR-s and make it nercial. street, and overlookstheniS I pl..,smt pur-nit as well To ac- the state and public b ,n,iie I' nrpoat summer, avangements bavlug .7 in..,, uitu i-iimpieieu lor huvin? n done. " It lies nearly 100 feet above Com lore ul .qtropt. ntwl ,.ii,i...L Ym- out and attract thousands of people , compIWi thi we must prove to you j tho cIenr( blue waters of t lioSLm? in search of just such an earthly , that our judgment is good and that ' fiu Willamette river From i. pam.lise. our moiives are not entirely selfish j cu 1(1ok t0 Uie westward I nC Haidly has this been realized till it is also seen that it is the last, almost, in the United States that bus not been crowded full to over flowing. There is little need for us to re mind men of capital aud experience of this opportunity, for they are thinking and acting for themselves. Hut we do think it is a good idea that the laboring men and farmers, the bank clerks and store keepers I 11... ..... T.vr.. !....! .,.. ...I.- .11... tro, giving them the rlgi.t to utiy j t()0 ljU 'ln thelr raclice t0 give r?l '."U ,?, &.nhkiw much thought to financial matters is best realized when we think It us t , d Slicmmi ln fttCt an one iiinir for the poorer classes ., , ... , ,. .',.. ,ii.J over and make good, judicious in vestments before it is too late to reap the full benefit. We believe that this is an in enough so as to cause us to influ ence anyone to Invest where he might lose all his hard earned thous'inds of acres of the frtiie and romantic Polk county hills frltieed in tliu film mill lmin.II , cu I pcl" , . , ... : . heavily timbered Coast range whil! Our trade is rapidly increasing and t tlieea.staretliegree.i.claffMthi we fatter ourselves that ur etlorts of the Cascade mmri. ..iA.i '", t.. i. .. i. ..!. W-..I i i i...... V.1 i"i-asuuio range, with the snow iu ui-uilil ui .mi-ill mm in-1 iii:iiiii:.iii.- f niiiii niviL-a r M, ..,.,. being duly ai.preciated, .set we do Helens, Hood, Jefferson and th, not expect nor desire nunc tiade than Tir,.c. slBtera Bilowiu,r bevond ilPm 'friIArP- 'rk hoi'n mnrn it tli t-tllitt tl iu i II'- iJ nV aaauvaw v w uwi j " nil , ITI11 I'll lilt IIUt'A h llll-lllmi. 1T.. . 1 tunity of a life time," and that it is corporation which we represent t I pnric niid Garden Citv stihil iv i unlikely that it will ever again offer recommend only such property as j lf iivt. ncro trnotH n 'ready for 23! to the masses now ving here. Of will prove profitable to the Investor j t, out to fruit nud tho ve'0PhS i-uuiiu i la iius-Miiiu iiiiii, Miiui; iiuii- 1 wincii nossesses an aciiiui vuiue ,.oi f....u .,.,.1 ....,.... 1.1,. Mr. Randall was a strong partisan, I wUh powor , nct. Tho n(ivcrtlH. fl.1,1 ti tm.ir tiltln .tn m I ....... 1 .. wit. .. 1.... ' ... .. .UIJ IIIIIU lill IIIIIUIIllll lllll, HUH his nanio will survive in our history chiefly for his patrlotrlo and clear sighted official action al the time of tho disputed election of Mr. Hayes and tho action of the Electoral Com mission, It was a time of extraord inary excitement and pel II, during which the course of many public men revealed their essential quality in u manner which no subsequent actlou could allect. Tbo appointment of tho Electoral coming down Commission and the faithful adher ence to its action was one of the most signal proofs of patriotic good r-ciiso. It wbb perfectly easy In many ways aud for many persons to havo precipitated civil war. In such an emergency It was exceed- Rev. Dr. C. C. McCabe, more familiarly known as "Chaplain" McCabe, wlio travels from one end of the land to the other in the Inter est of missions, writes to Mr. Shop pell, the architect, as follews: "You are filling the land with beautiful homes. I see them everywhere, Your plans are all you claim for them. Tiie cheapest houses may be beauti fully and tastefully built." Hun dreds of similar letters at Mr pell's office. ri:ad arovi:. Shop- -Vvi. S?7J- "-tV Sf r' VIP f R we our us some b: vest to buy and pay the newcomers a !. i....., ...,, ,;,t,i, n,, ,,,,. inu massea huuuiii iuuk mm neiu prmii, WHICH you COlllll liisi as wen SS IM-II lllir llllllll.. 111111 It 1 L 11 ji I1II11L1I ... .1 ( lit I f.II . " -, . -..- ------- - nifno iiiwi rttn ii rrrntt iniiiniAiia in. i .. ..-.! ..,. ........ ,.... .I..I.I..-..I.,,... l. e,...,.!,! t Kinni-r. ciin. Iliunc Kuuu, imillliiiil iu- UUVe IHUI US Ulll I1WII uuuii- . in"i hivj o"6" " .tv,i... property as juluK y as po?siuie. '1 lie progressive hud lalth in ids govern inent. in Ids country and his town, and when lie had secured his home be added to his holdings and "pro vided for a rainy day" by taking ad- viint.itrf. iif lilu L'lwiivtprliroiiiirl fimifir- tnnitii.s nn.i iioiimr a nli-p... of viduals may drift into some otlier , entirely distinct and senarata from property which ho knew someone locality at tiie right time to repair a speculative value, and which, at would come along and want, and I the damage which will have been the same time possesses rare qualities that, too, within a very few years, hne to their finances by procastin-1 and is located where it has the great- uiid at n price which would net a'""f? nw. we admit tnat it is est prospective value ot any in the handsome profit. From that day "'ssioie. out woo wants 10 run mat till now this has been practiced .chance? We don't. Do you? with profit by the wide awako peo- I'rom all point., of the United pic iu every walk of American life, i states we are informed that people It has worked its way across thu re going to remove to the Willam conliuentfrom east lo west and from e'te alley, of which they h.tve north to south, till marly every I heard such wondrous and attractive point in America has had a peiiod reports. of unusual prosperity which of late1 EVEN IN WASHINGTON years lias been designated by t lie I AND THE PUGE V SOUND there suggestive Tuime of booms. Several is a strong undercurrent, setting in yeais ago California headed all com-1 towards Salem and the Willamette petitors and tor several years led tiie l valley, which, before the sens.n is procession not only ot tiie radiiu over, will resolve itcll hit an im- iiiiru. ami i nif-ii i it uit'iiis 01 i.'..iin...i.t.. ... i- , y, i x w!! "& -n iiiuuarueu Hoau ilm property deserve. Come and see nmoi llflTilnf. m i iUo,u., . . -,.ue and If we cannot pleue you go to . Cltyt wo lluve suburban liomg ; no otlier agent and look at his Un!l, Mint nrn iibri.u. i,,,,..' i i...or irgalns, but do not neglect to in-lnlitiitod to fruit of nil v,,ri.t ?? T- .1. ii ,. it:- " .... iviiu. iv ii n now. ii you no you win u.ive 1 1.11 lilin cs and ganiens that an f malte up an ideal home. These places have from live to twenty acres of land, lying high and very choice. In this same dirpe tinn that is east of thei'ity. and iu Salem market. Living in a country possessed of a lands in the county at very low prices, and on payments of one-fourth down, one fourth each in 1, 2, and 3 years' time. For farms we have some of the very choicest on Salem aud Howell rralries. which we can heart.lv fertile soil andbeautiful8cenery.it is i 'ecommemi o uuy one . esirnig a natural for the inhabitants who give '""" ",nt w" y,eiu Koou wenue. a thought to such tilings to desire to We have city property in all por iociteupon high and highlit ground, tions of the town, some very choice and where there is deep, rich, black I and very cheap property in South soil. i Muem, and also a very cneap resi- .. . ' i53 "J?" l .rv, StWMlWW H 351 nam ytt...aj -' " .- j- --.-,-. -i.r u. .-"-'tM "risww RHAII U1.I.OW. The above cottage contains nine rooms, and costs to build Jl,0o0 to $1,200, according to finish. Largo view of It, floor plans, full descrip tion, dimensions, estimates, etc., are found in the Portfolio of $1,000 houses. y.'O below. Mr. Shoppell has a full list of classified designs (estimates guar anteed) the most helpful aids ever devised for the intending builder. Every design is beautifully piloted on plite paper, (sio of page, 10 1x1 1 inches), with full dcseiiption, tlo.ir plans, dimensions estimates, etc. 1.V...I i i. tt . iwien set or -class- is enclosed n a liandsoiue cloth Portfolio, as follews: 1,000 Housok, ilil. lentils, I'rli-oS! Ing committee was also instructed to purchase Oicgonlans aud Exam iners containing write-ups of Sclem as they saw fit. Hravitin to a Focus. The Columbian of Astoria saya: "Tho railroad situation brightens every hour. Sure of our great line, Astoria now finds much pleasuio In counting up the othcis which aio looking this way. Surveyors are the river, aud the Albany and Astoria company will havo its mou In tho field next week. The Northern Pacific is not Idle, but '"ioiii-m Portfolio j-oniiiiiis (i,iKns taut . . ., , ' i eohl iih low as f'KiO, SiXW, S70il ami SMM. Any:! of tho above Portfolios for coast but of the entne country. Hardly laid its spirit began to wane when Washington Territory, with all the vigor of a dashing youth, sprang to tho front and has led up to I lie present time Now, however, Orugon the happy medium between California aud migration that will mid -i good many thousands to our air. idy fast increasing population. In addition to our present attrac tive and substantial improvements there are now proposed some public measures which will advertise our city so that the impetus will place Jnacountrv like thi -..il'ey, of course, there are noblulls. Near the river are prairies like the one which lies to the east of Salem. Hemv to ti i id thehighc-t, sightli est .mil he. li lib-si as well as the most fertile you must . ek the highest of the level ground iu sight. Jn select ing and inlying our own homes we were influenced by the.se qualities, and believing that we arean average in our tastes with otlier men, we have made our investments and secured other property to sell in the deuce property and four lots In Capital Park. k Some business property which will make big money for some man very soon. Come and let us show yu some of our bargains free of charge. Surely you will not let all of the good chances pass by. Call nud seo us or write for our circulars. SALEM LAND CO., Postofflce Block. Fine Watch Repairing ; Capital National Bank , Kalsomininff SSKK . ! o.,r.. r, lCUOUIi..l..,.g Simp up stairs over E.C, C. A. BURBANK No. 317 Commercial Street. AVAL W10KKY. House Painter, Decorator, anil Wall Tinier. Lpnvo order at .Inhn Hughes' store, Stato htieet. O. C. CHASE Artistic Paper Hanger and Wall Decorator. (loocl wnrlc, economy mill snmplo work khou a before i'Hi;iikIiik. 43" Pay bascii "ii work niraun,il on tlm wall. Leave onlorsat Huiueal's, Mejeis' orKt'llor't. lesiilemoat HlKlilanil nililltlon. l,NX) " Ml '.'..'KM " ;i,ooo " :u 3,rH.xi " :iu -i.ixio 'i :ui n.iHX) :so (I.IXK) " i, "JOM a IU.KX1 'Jl Slulilch HI lugly fortuuatu for tho country that General Grant was president, Mr. Tlldcu the candidate of his party, ami Mr. Randall speaker of tho (house. Tho character and patriot ism of all of them were thoroughly may be expected to placo its engln ters to work at any moment. Sa lem Is getting the railroad fever, aud wants a seaboard Hue so badly, that AND MEDICAL COURSES. Iv Institution of learning; tn ,i,e North. treat. Mchoolontnaflm xfn........ .. .. . . 8nd for eiiBiSJ to ' B,i,,orauw TIIOH. VAN Bt)V, ., s-rmiaenu Htem, Orgon. 7i her people are apt to get together and subscribe a big fund for such a lino almost any day. ThoCoaut lino from Astoria to Sail Francisco Is fur from being a chimera, aud will be i.,.ii ...iti. i.. ..... ......., i ii i... until liiiiiiu inn ii-iiin. ii ii in ui' m; any lor jiu; ine compleio set (1) for $1 1. Pamphlet of specimen pages, r,0o. Laigo bound toli'iue, containing over t-'OO designs selected from tho Portfolios of various costs, 8r, returnable is not satlsfaetorv. Address, It. V. SHOPPKhL, ' Arcliitect, (HI llroadway, New York. It Brick and Tile for Sale MURPHY & DESART, Huwssors to II. NnMi.IiiM- a well ostali lUlied Illicit and Tliu fuctoiv In North Muloia, near thu fair Kiouiuls, and are pre pared to famish Hit-eliiNH lirlvlc and tile on short notloe SALEM OREGON. Done with ueat- JONES. Small's store. $LAArrLLBUYAL0T Of too ill. at our stoic! We carry a full line of uioci'ilcx, feed, crocrtoiy, irlnsnwnre, ci gars, tobaii-o and iiinlectlonery T. 1UJRROWS, No. Jv'iR'oinniereUI hi., alcai, Capital I'aiil up, - - $75,1)110 Surplus, - - - - 15,000 R. sj. WALLACE, - 1'rcsldent. W. V. MARTIN, - Vlce-1'rcsldeut. J. H. ALIIIUIT. .... Cashlor. OIRhCTORSi W. T. tirjy. V. W. .Martin, J. Jl. Martin, R, H. Wallace. I)r. V . A.CiiHlck. J. II. Albeit, T. MfF. 1'iitton. ' LOANS MADE I'o rarmcrs on wheat and other market able produce, consigned or tn store, either In private graiiarlesor public warehouses. Slate and County Warrants Bought at Par COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted at reasonable rates. Draft, drawn dlicct on New York, Chicago, Kin Kranclseo, Portland, London, Purls, llerllti Hong Kong and Calcutta. First National Ban SALEM. OREGON. WM. N. LADUK, -DR. J. RKYNOLDa, IOHN MOIR, - - - President. Vice President. Cashier. proved, and secured tho public' one of the most profitable lines on tills continent when completed." To which we may tuld thai Astoria's j advantageous position as a seaport will naturally draw tiie facilities of Internal communication to Iter bor ders, aud her ocean commerce will bo fed by extended means of distri bution. The people of Astoila uie peace. In aud out or congress there was all kinds of ready suggestions and theories and app"als, aud the situation was a strain along tho very patriotic fibre of tho country. Tliu conclusion of the contest In congress came so near the explra tlon ot tho actual term of the pivsl 500 rm jjsm, iQ -, a deney, tliat the result could havo alive to their geowranhii'al a.lvan bwn easily changed by tho action of I tages, and those lots of tbo Oregon the Speaker. If ho had followed j Laud Co., Iu the North P.iclfieaddl tho counsels and wishes of tho hot- tlon to Astoria aio meeting with a IhuuIh of lil parly, and by urlla-! rapid sale. Now U'tho tluio to lu- nientary delays had prolonged final action, tho Issuu would have passed vest In Astoria pioperty. HEALTH. " ; 0 ?A L0 wa' tfaif fOASt .' ...ri,u " ""J1'"1 Isau No. J ci.s lluicrM, flr' ami a comt i!a4. SviMin tho Lttf, inJ li vi,. a,M i-'r' Kjo-Sajcfie, tVmwrc lor .1 iii.tk.7 hjlMl.i .'t rih,(lvucil Soaln. n.t .ii m . ueiioii, ine ihhiiu wouni nave passed tonscrvatory ol Moi.sriiiirE'KSrx. Of theWlllam.ttoJnlvcr.tty Mtm 0MtU' ttM UP ,,MHl w,,,w,, ,""w"' tSMSKEtoJ equal i0K4uu.ro miiilimiSrt. vSJ Ir tudauce of oeurly one hundred and fifty. Tfcoablo eoTPfof leachera for the miuluc fS1 KoTi vr,l'..b t:rof M. RrVlu. LeoM WIJIU, Ulan Kh IXmi aaaUtaut tVtah.ftna Mlaa Mamie Purvlu. rch silaughtirVocttl Culture. Ituno. vrajs.li. violin, line Or.nu. n,.r, ..,.,.' wKilat una LUu Ttcktur. Mlveo ou coiopletlon of courne . M, fAjXVfW. 7-3Sdtiu.wlm. C URK AND l'HKVl'iJTIVv with 111 it tMfel4lklHA tJl !... " . . . SS?K lli'wun'of liiiitimuits for Catarrh that Contain .Murrurj, as muretiry will surely tlestroy the unllik nf aalktiall aattal tjtiiiil.it..1it .1.. Ill our history sl.uv thoshot at Sum. I rtxU)iV Uie wlloIo Hym $UvntMvr. ter wan safely passed. This patrW lug It through the mucous surfaces. otio servleo can never iHtforgotleji In i Such articles hIiouM pevgr iw iised cmlinutliiK the public mnvruf MrHpt on pivcrlpUonsrr..iii repiiTii. . .. " -. .,..' . ,,,- .,. 1114,1- lllVJ . will do U ten fold to the irood you wm jMwslbly derive from them. 'I'rtuB Vvvt. i HalPn Catarrh Cure, manufaeturvd t. ' by V, J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., 5fS!i oontnliiH no imiruury, tud Is tukvn t ne the I Raudnll, IIarHr'H Weekly. Mtra, lk5 KrfJl W1 ? ora i w the lli UalTmUr llulTdlnVnNin. iVtth S At IhllwaHin of the year Ilia inrut. omu. and hearty pontile ofiru lio a main iini, iirtni ai out ambition tu do un bieak out In nlmtilr LtftffVSeHRftafffiffia. l buyluB Cn r.ir iniat. niitiiinr kshihia iir. iinui'i .-, ,,.-, . -----;. ..-.--..--...--..-.. T-....- .. . - II - . . msi i.ivcr riiu. iniry niwau aruvuy it i tiiKeii tuiernfiiy, una nimie in ruthtn.r'aSan.nh; lty,THiid aom illivctly on a audlxilla. What ' bllKKl lUHl IllUCOUH HlirfltCVH of .,iirif.0,J.V.V.".i',!?.l' Cure tie Miro vou Svt tbo irem iverl'UVa, Vhiry ku an ariivity It la taken luteriifiiv, nud made I ,MA,loitofe,ai.Viyv,-,ir'ft,,wKOIil by V J Clteiiey& Ci Ulo action, uev. utalliy niul ,. , . , .. .V.,. ,,i.w . tqlUeentlw aalut. hold at IS . f d by l)rugUla, prltv 70C Ja i l.y Umllli HUlnrr ' bottlo. 'O. per S.iMiii tho Itii and llli! s., ...: I.)c,.oi, cm, ivmier-e lor d Uiotcht? hlliiki .Kt nh.il.Vuftl R.-i.. .:?! iliiiaiy u ii ct the Jlwoi. tnawn JI'Mlaj. Irlr, i j Co pr UoMl . uuiluu l-alii, ih, Iioue.! l-ainil" the IIM.I. Iu.k f tbo .Viik. tlvrattd Sor" J-" U'...UIlh, Luiuiu aid tin. iM.'t. lw , k Meiivi of lh Uinls. an.l ..' V a I d , a,a from fin swiuin. v1- ,,-''J lv mJ.ntl n cr abuM ' ' ii '. I iiuur mil p M.1 lillra .n.l ilinn (itilruN unUliAn 1- ...., m tufj ii i.ono inau. uir.t , i .i.l. aal all I tln-y or llel. . Mnr-nt i'raao'4 ; r ill-. 't i liaii' .! 30 ix r oMi.ii HpnUh In . i- an'iol nMirrhi, '. v ; SttWtUMsic. I'rlc. i I It tt. C I ' llM.r. O'utment . . tu li.. aTl aiM.uo8.r, 1'rlrnSt (U n r llox. !'" Vl -.N-rti, .;' 3 ,HT Mu i . Nvi-vlnn, ' r i 1ij, l a iX. imlI. ..,kl tJV uiiail Market atrvt,8n tVifaneiMM. WU rirrular mallist fre, COOK HOTEL Coiiloranil High Snoot. G. W. AXDEKS0X, I)H0I). Surr-essorloW. II. COOK. TaoCook itolol Is opMi-.ltr comt hou.-o, cin cleat to IiukIiiiSs jvirt of city and street c.ir lino luiuil if juist the door Rales 51.00 lo $,11X1 a day, aiiiirdlng to room MiHH'lal terms to boarders and families. FINE HORSESHOEING Vl Scriber & Pohle's. Sisvlal utlcutlon glon to sluwlng rn.u1 step., driving Iioi-m, InlciferlugHiid crlii lilisl horses, . largo Stock of llaiid-Miiile Shoes rarrieil. i ! We gl e our pergonal alteiitliin unit om I ploy none but ex perls in thU dparlnient. 47 and 51 State Street, Saiem, Or. mm wm mm. 0. 1). IIUTTOX, I'rop. Catlnir of all kind, imide to order. Mll.li MACIIINHllY, I'UVMNn MILLS, VMRN1CHS, MHIML l-'RONTS, WHHllia, 1'UI.I.KYS, and apeiilal outing ol any style or pat tern made tn abort oritur, amoolh aud re liable lueo y iartleular. Repafr any Machinery in Short Order. GENERAL BANKING. Kxcnaneo on Portland, Kan Francisco, New York, London and Hong Konc bought and sold. State, County and City warrants bought. Farmers are cordially Invited to deposit und transact business with us. Liberal advances made on wheat, wool, hops and other property at i reasonable rates. Insurance on tuch se curity can bo obtained at tho bank In i most reliable companies. Capital City Restaurant Jas. Batehelor, Prop'r. Warm 3IeaI at AH Hours of the Day None but white, labor employed In this establishment. A COOd substantial mpnl iHVllrnil In flrut. cl iss style Twenty.ilve cents por meal. RED KHONT. Court street, between Journal Utile and Mlnto's Livery. j SALEM LUMBER CO. Yard and oftlce on Liberty street, opponite W. L. Wade's store. Dealers in Lumber, Laths and Shingles. R. B. DUNCAN, Sec. '!! 'mlTi 1 I (SKJ J?1 IVlttjllllasaaaBBBBBBn r ar-r. '' i -7l a aafcj mmmm iwi mxmm aasnia Who do All Kinds of AIM II a (cinr no or T.niitiflrv In rS the Country Using White Help " vw4i iiidi-i;iud3 nuifli Satisfaction Guaranteed. OIHce al George Hooye, 209 CommercialSt. DR. HILLER'S Special Prescriptions. . m i ... HOME TREATMENT SELF CURE A Specific Remedy for Each Disease. ED. N. EDES Proprietor o the Candy Kitchen, CONFECTIONERIES, FANCY GROCERIES, FRUITS, CIGARS AND TOnACCOS 313 Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon. Kansas House, Corner ot Court und High Sts. E. M. LAW, i-iuprietor. We nave Ukm a nw nam but Jl!!! ,?S.,,l5"e '? .fvi ntrois with tbe . in. m(.ri niiini4. riu ttin. TtiinliiK laltiM, iiKln. hop ir.ii , eurdtalw;,T, .".'KM ..:" 'V"L " lnm built. Will nwkeumul uonaWlL n v- .1 - .' ""'.": ATX0! nud boo .loMa on amy Iron work neoiteO. Good paid for old Iron 3-IMm muonakle. (llrnu mil ...... .liiil. lrlc you .-ood. - w Im No Chlnf imn1rtl. DR. HILLER'SjrmnASTINE nESTOnftTiyE. Stimulates nutrition, rurlfles the Blood Cures Dyspepsia, ConsUjiatlcn au I Ceneral Debilltj . A perfect tonic and strength builder. Pn-.HItLErrSAWTNDIUOJJSSTaMACHNDIVEnjUnE. Cure. BiliousneM and all Uer Troubles, Chills auJ Keier, Mi!artll KetersTand all Tjphold condition. P?i-Hkl;EJ.'.SCUAmHCU,IE. Cures Arute Catarrh, Chronic Catarrh, Catarrhal Deaf. ncM. Uiunuitei-Jtucu.othjor.toiuesHlienJlrevUonsaivfaUocl,oriuone)relnndl, PI. HIUEB'S C1U0H U"E. Cures Coll, IIoarn-s, Coughj, BronehlU. l'lcuri.y aud lliemuouu, riuons Cva.uiuption. t'OiiUin i no OpUtoa. Cures Croup In 10 minute! 0B HILLER'S DIPHTH'PMAMO SORE THROAT CUSE. rraicnUanJ cures Dlpli Uicna. W ul poaitii ely curu anj wre Uroat Iu ircui S to 21 h jurs. Curei Qulniy In 3 daj a. DR. HP LgfS a-FVER CU-I-. In ! ipen.aUo in all acuts dlwu.s attended with fever. Ireiuii. au cure ArUt r'er, SvarUtina, and Meaalea. Mothirs tty it once. DR. HILLER'S NERVOUS DEBILITY CbRj Cure. Nervous Weakmas, and U. of IVwer. .Ncrer fails, bcci rr Itnati Cir.uUr to HUIer Druj Co., Sau KrancUco, C.L DR-JILLCTS ""-JATI3 ANJ W.yy.10 3WC Cure, RheumatUm, NcuralfU, OoutrLuiuba.g. mij si.uci7T u....r..s.i M6J adj, ih a,e tjj, PR...HILLER'STESTMIS0CURS. A. a t n .- . ,h -v,Iopraet ol children durirf t o teetftlnsr perl l.ci ur ,xl:.l -s i t'l m I prerent.tnJcure. Spun., Meets, IliMaTrwUBlcsMJU. ..,., , IfhtttuSl pi.HILLCR'S WyP'.-fl COUCH TIUZ. lT.-ut. a- . ure. Whooplnir Coujh. and .Vural.-ls t ure. an.1 Dr I! I r-1 1 1 . . . ,u. j.i ramedle. are in TaUt fona, aiui, i( not outajubla froia j - .r d.uj. .. uit nw, receipt al price S1.C0 per Package. S,. Packages for $5.00. Thei reml!s are the relt of i m at iwleuioful xperlence, and are nurantelieuretihna ciim.p-aH.li. Dr Ulnar S ftt book ot dirartion. f ir home tnulnwnt, eouuinin; ia!uabJa uulrurUon. u to bjslco. aoJ dltt, sent raw. HILLER DRUG COMPANYrSAN FRANCISCO, CAL, U. S. A." For Sale by DAX'L J. FRY, Druggist, 225 Commercial St., Salem WOLZ & CO. Ki-pall klndof meaitaand wutaj e. The bent HjumgM In ttrevon, No. 171 Commercial Street, Salem. All ftond Tllvarel Krr-a Morgan & Mead, City Draymen! All work dene wllb promptneaa nd dl paton. Only tn bewt men are employed. VVl- Ls:v