THE EVENING CAPITAL JOUBXAL. 4S Up u 111 lEJLs REPUBLICAN TICKET Highest ofall in Leavening Power. U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889. STATE TICKET. T. II. BARNES, lI.'i:S. II. V. MATTHEWS, THE AS. JEWELS ASO LACES. - Oil, tfrl with Ibo Jewelled flnjem, OJi, girt with the Ices we I What are ycrar Jewels Mid wht '"i!! worth u you If, from tindtrcoinr. the trying ordeala which fMtilon.ble nodcty Impotes on ltaderot,CTOohtolf.l :hpW cJtitb wd endurance of the no't roboit, jwb down, low rnr health nrd become a phjalcal wrick, M thouiaftrti di frurt ocben I t7n(!frtichffrciiin.l)inceiyenwoaWwllllnil7 give all ycrar Jeivdmnd aUyoorlaowWreeala lonthealtli. TiHjocodo If yon win but r orttoihi'uiwiflntTct reetonulre koown ITd" ' &. ToSTrrrlptlon. Thou uncM of grateful women hie me day It wai made, known to them, .,.. nt ,.-. Kor til deraniremeuf, Ir WUe " newt p:ullar to women, It the ony remeay. old by dratBU,unlfr n poiltlTeKUiMJ ntpo from the innrartn wUiat It wi "J1" wulRfactlon In every cmc, or roone y wlllbe re funded. This ? ,"JS.elSS,,,2S5J?oJi the bottle-wrapper. nd faithfully crrel out ""AnlnvlrMlng tonic. It Imparts .trenglh to thewholiytem. KM.feeble women nerr, Dr. rierce'J Favorite I'reicriptlon U the greats eat earthly boon. I CONORESSMAN. ' DINGER HERMANN, of Douglas. OOVKRNOK. 1). P. THOMPSON, of Multnomah. secrktaiiy of statk. GEO. V. McimiDE, of Colunihln. TRfiASURKR. PHIL METSCHAN, of Grant. ' BCIT. OK 1'UnUC INSTRUCTION. I E. JJ. MCELROY, of Henlnn. STATE l'RINTEH. F. C. BAKER, of Multnomah. JUDGE SOI'REMK COURT. R. S. BEAN, of Lnnc. JOINT8ENATOR FROM MARION AND CLACKAMAS. H. E. CROSS, of riackamas. IHSTRICT ATTORNEY, 3 1) JUDICIAL ' DISTRICT. (GEO. G. BINGHAM, of Marlon Dr&fekl Bakings ABSOLUTES PSJRE I AIvK JYX DEMOCRATIC CTlThTimi Or. Pierce's Pellets ST 2 Uver, itomach and bowoh. Oa a dose. Sold by Urogg Ut. V ynwaTlaL VKOFESSIONAL CARDS. DHATT HUNT, nttonicyi nt law, Balcm, f Orciron. Ofllrc over Bnrr'g Jewelry more, State street. T J. 8IIAW, MARIUX COUNTY. JX)Il HEXATOIW. Edw. Hlrecli J. B. Looncy ron hki-mkientatives. J. II. Scttlemier J. A. Bnker Win. Arrustromr John Mlnto T. T. Geer. County Judge Wm. Wnldo County Commissioner. J. M.Wutaon Sherlll'. E. M. Crolsun Clerk F. J. Hancock Hecorder . John 11 MeNnn Treasurer A. O. Coudii Atvjcssor CoIuiiiuub Cleavei riupt. of schools D. V. Ytxlei Surveyor W.J. Culvei Coroner Dr. J. 8. Stotl EAST SALEM I'RECINCT. Justice M. E. Goodell Constable J. E. Howard SALEM PRECINCT. Justice James Bntclielor minpHAi' nt mm Mn mm a a J a llLUlUCI'Ul'UIII'l IMIIVIIII I O . Oregon. Ofllco first door to tho lcrt Surveyor . at bead of stain in tho rear of Lndd &. Huh' bank. l'OLK COUNTY. FOR REPRESENTATIVES. Wm. Havugc R. ti. Wallace Sheriff W. L. Well- Clerk C. G.Coatl County Commlssloner.G. W. Mclici Assessor F. K. Hubbard Treasurer T. C. Bull Supt.of Schools B. L. Murph.v - iTiuiK isuucr mlLMON FOnr), attorney at law, Solem, J. Oregon. Olllco uptalra In Patton'a Clock. aTAI'I'LEGATE, "attornoy nt law. . Krltrs block, Commercial and Btnto strcctR, Salem, Or. TOHN A. OARRON. Counsellor and At l Uimey-ttt-Lnw. Member of the Unr of Ontario. Canada. Otllcc U'2 Slate utrcet, Balcm, Oregon, , I. WILLIAMS, HTKNOORAI'HER and TynewrltlKt. Olllcu with Cant. talcltyR'y. Co., H5tntoSi. CD. KNIGHT, Eclectic J'h sTclnn.ollIco , 127 Omrt itrcct, snlcifi Org)n, 1'nl- monory aiscascn a upcciniiy. DTI.J. M KEENE, Dentist. Ofllco over the White Corner, Court nnd Com. merclnl streets, US. JESSUI' A 'CAltTVRldliarlIv rrteopnllila Physicians. Halem.Ogn. CartWrleht; M, D., specialty, surgery ondsurlCtti dhcasesof women. 8. It. Jes, specialty, Ulneases of children Coroner Dr. E. L. Ketchum IIUHINESS CARDS. M. Cl)Uait, UndorliikcrTEmliiirmer and Cabinet Maker. 107 Statu St.. aiem. II. MORSE, contractor nnd Ilnllder aTlllgh street, Hnlem, IOHN ORAYr-Conlractor and builder. Klnolnsldu finishing n specialty IK5 vutnmcrclnl street, baloin Oregon. JOHN KNHJI1T, 1ilackHiiiUh7 iliTrwi slioclngund rcpnlrlngnspcclalty. Hhop at tho foot of Liberty street, Hnlem, Oregon. zaotf 171 II. i ,'j Hon, HOUTHWIRK. Cmlmpfnr inwl builder. Well prepared to do nil l j of building and guarantee, sntlsfni. i-'.'l-lin pOIIERT & McNALLY, ArchlloctH, No. XV ISiHUiluHlrecU I'lam nnd Hpodllcji tlons of nil classes of of bulldliiKu on short liollco. Hupcrlntoudenconfuork promptly looxnd after. i!6-tf SOCIETY NOTIOK8. SNiaHTaOKl'YTHIAS.-IlcgulnrmccI !ng on Tuesday night of each week t p. in. w..ii.rATKii4'S:??iMfi?Hc- eLIVKlXinOENo.lS, I. O. O. F.. meets In Odd Fellows' Hull upstairs. Rornei ummerclnl nnd Ferry streets, every Hut ur(taynt7:;Wp. m. ' J. L. MITOHKKI., J. A. MAKNINM, Secretary. n. (1. It.-Bcdgwlck l'oat, No. 10, Depart cut of Oiegon, meets every Monday gut tho hull over tho Oregon Umd Marion County Political Meet ings. Tho Republican County Central Committee has fixed tliu following dates for speaking by tho legislative candidates und ether: Mill City, Tuesday, May 2n, l p m Mehama, Tuesdav. Mav 20. 8 d m Sublimity, Wednesday, Alay 21, 10 a. in. Whiteaker, Wednesday, May 21, 2 pin Sllvcrton, Thursday, May 22, 1 p m Mt Angel, Thursday, May 22, 8 p m Wniw1liMI-ll Vrliln,, AIimtO'1 1(1.. ... Hubbard, Friday, May 23, 2 p m Aurora, Friday, May 23, 8 p m Macleay, Satunlay, Slay 21, 1 pm Brooks, Monday, May 20, 10 u in Gervals, Monday, May 20, 2 p m St Paul, Tuesday, May 27, 10 a m Cliampoeg, Tuesday, May, 27, 2 p in Buitevllle, Wednesday, May 28, 10 ii in Howell Prnlrlo, Thursday, May 20,1pm Salem, Saturday, May 31, 8 p in. .ioiin knkiiit, i;iiumimn. DEMOCRATIC. Tho deinocratit) county central oomniltteo accepts tho uliovo ar rangement or dales, time and places of meeting and will bo repre sented by speakers and by its can didates. Martin Rowley, Chairman. KEPUlIlilCAN UALIiY. Hon. Seymour Condon uud Hon. W. R. Ellis will address tho citizens of Salem and vicinity on Friday ovening, May 23d, at 7:30 p. m. All arrangements will bo made for a grand opening rally on that date. KUN VOll Abb. For Congnsa, R. A. .MILLER, of Jackson. For Governor, RYLY ESTER PENNO V ER, of Mtiltnomali. For Treasurer, G. W. WEHB, or Umatilla. For Supreme Judge, B. F. BONHAM, of Marion. For Secretary of Stale, W. M. TOWNnEND, of Lake. For Sunt. Public Instruction, Rev. A. LEROY, of Linn. For Slate Printer, Cait. J. O'BRIEN, or Multnomah. Joint Penaior fur Marlon and ClackauiM", HENRY WARREN, of Marion. For District Att'irnex, 3d I)iliict, J.J. WIUTNKV, of Linn. MAUIOX COUXTV DPIMOCHATIC TICKET. I'or Stale Senators, W. II. U. Waters . Lewis GrifHth. For Kepresciitallve", W. H. Holmes Geo. E. Allen Oliver Reers M.J. Egan T. C. D.ivldMin. County Judge lames W. Taylor Countv Commissioner. Rolert Scott County Clerk W. I. Ra County Recorder (L II. Bcebc Sherl.T -. -. Frank Smith A-'M.'sswor 1 B Ili'iiintrt'i' Treasurer F X Mathieii Supt. of Sehools.Miss Jennie Giilllth Surveyor - A Gobtilel Coroner Dr. W S Mott lmd&w FliOM N0RTIIEHN MARION. (ii i:ais, Mny IS, IRfKi Ed. Joi'unal. -As I have been around thro' the woiIh a little j Will tell you eomi'lhing of the polit ic.)! pulf-c in the north end of old Marion. All the rpptib. will sup port Herman for eoiigic- and sniiie dems. as well. Yes, Wif. HOWAED PHELPS, SEC LAND COMPANY Incorporated 1SSO -Capital Stoclc S30.00C). POSTOFFICB BLOCK, - - SALEM, OREGON, Ascnily as IgOti Ameiicans were fully alive to the fact that there was a value to real estate In and around elt lex of this t-iuntry which did not attach to that of any other nation In the world. The cattle of this is easily under stood when we stop to think that in all other countries up to that time .. r.Mil tirniuirti' lii.lniMrnfl Inl'froK lint aiKi if ":,. v..1 .v.Vi.. .i . r. . i ,r '..(:' Ill I 111- 1IIIII YIUlKll IHIL 1I il 1111U Ul 111' Washington is coming into view ( Salem and the Willamette valley m same direction. Our addition Pi right in the front tine nnd with its far in front that she will hold her glowood, is the mostcentral siirhti,1." marvelous natural wealth and nd- own against all eompe ltr fr years fertile aii(I,convenluiitly locattd r' vantages of an enduring quality to come. -Mitcneliwas up before the people (...ntaii-.'-.i crpetiiity that offered ior i . d. senator no would, uex no incentive to aciuisttioti or trade , the market? It is within r,,.,. i.i...,n will fonre to the front and lead nil I'r.ipcrtvisnow within your reach, of the elegant East Salem mujZ!? other stjiti'i. anil il von do not take advantage of wlilc h nceommnilnin ..i.. 'si The secret has gradually leaked , your opportunities it will not be our jntjiils. out Unit tne Willamette valley, ami fault. u are ueu in aumii huh w i me imu i- iiuiie anil inivp pvnn ' interested in your welfare in a -ellih to believe, tbnt befoie another month way, and that our incentive to inter is panl we can announce in ,-iH tiarticularly the country compos- ingPolk and Marlon counties, is ,'ly located hi " tour oioc tfinniimirulnlA . . """""l""uc ,lc"-iy 700 Sticet caisaie nowiunnhignearli and we hone and have ever? !. the most worthy of all eiiiintrie-. yet brought to the general imliee, tinl that till within the n.-i-t twn veins you v yon in pr.iperty Is largely due to that n line or street cars will nie I In. wm till fiitimtf&ulfilt vi lili.h U'lll full il wlitnl. imi.! ,. . . Till: YKKKhY Si'.IMIOX. Report of 1'rr-irliiii;; at One of flic Kali'in Cliiirclios. Tho' like a wantlorrr, Dayllijlil all gone, Darkness ho over mo My roUu Htone; Yet In my dreams I'd ho Nearer, my God, to thee, Nearer to thee. At its. H. I'. Adams. - ! 1 . I .. n... l.w.t....! ........ or. I... fill HUMUS .J1L- lUUIW'l Kinm il.T i- math the dignity of genteel peo ple, and as a vulgar adjunct of life which contributed remotely to their comfort. Hence men who dealt In real estate in n commercial way were looked upon as littlcbcticrthun professional gamlilers. Tlii- tlid not apply to agents alone tor they were little more than servants hut to anyone who was known to he dabbling in real estate. l-'oreigneisand descendants of HO' contented have been Mm timdest to proclaim the merits of the eunntiy to the outside world. During the rush to the south and our ncoiiaintanee and enl north ot tlieni, they have looked on ; circle ot IrleiuN. with an half amazed wonder, never dreaming in ti few short months the charms of this valley would befi.und out and attract thousands of people in searcli of jusr such an earthly paradi-e. Hardly lias this been realized till it is also seen that it is the last. almost, in the United States Unit er liliiiv llvln.r in this poniitrv could I ""host, in the united titates tin uti, u-nu Hip (.nvprelirn of this nation, "".v'"''- . - wim a.i enua i hero is little need tor tia to re- fif U'e &. n?V!!irris,pW.nnfdre?i,eT In.r t ilwrn .i rli.lit or ioitit owner- ,,f Ul14 "P '"rtunlty, rur they are Kt S fe f w liise'Vropcny 1 "K they could acquire and con' vert bv ;l ; t " , ,h goo idea legltlmutu means into individual . ,,'" , "... i ..i. ... i .. - ,. holdings absolutely in their con trol, giving them the right to buy and s-eil us they )lea-e. This value is best re hed w lien we think it was an opening for the poorer clause to nc'iuiie homes, and w ith commen dable vigor they sought to secure properly usijuick'y as possible. The progres-ive had laith in his govern ment, in liiscotiutry and his town, and when lie nan secured ins home the li.i nk clerks and store keepers and the professional men win are too hu-y in their practice to give mueli thought to financial matters the teacher and salesman, in fact, the mav- should look this field over and make good, judicious in-vt-tnient- lie fore it is too late t reap the full lenefit. We believe that this is an '"oppor- Tho Lord of dwellcth not In hands. We are all the vants of God. heaven and earth temples made by creatures, and sor- compnny's olllce, dlally Invited D. C.BIIKUMAN. lOHt Commiuler. Vl.ltltllP IVMlK-ntlliu a.n iuvik-u luaiienu. cordial) 8. A. IUndlk. Adjutniu rt. O. U. V Haloiu, Orevon. .Meets eueh Wednesday ovcnlnif atltsliall In Hiato In ai rnnco block, corner Cominerelal and Ciiomekcitt jrtct .Visiting and S.Jour 'nfi.b.e? '""? I "Vltcd BA11amii.k,M V Ika Luu, llcoordcr, HOW THE DILL CAME. Mrs. Cumso (wheirlier new h on net came homo) Why, actually, the bird on this bonnet hasn't any hill. Cumso Tho bill was too largo to Rev. Sleafoose announced that next Sunday would be his last hole. A memorial service to Mrs. D.ivis wlio died Feb. 20, would be deliver ed next Sunday morning. In tho evening lie would talk on fail tiro and success in church work. Tho text was, The Harmony and per fection or the uttiihtilcs or (iodiu thegoverumuut on lie world. There was a supei Intending providence In tho nihil rs of each person end each nation. As individuals wean lead In ways we know not of; a man dovlseth ills ways but the Lord dlrecteth his steps. There Is a eon trolling destiny that shapes our end. The attributes of God are immutability, independence and eternity. These are not com municable to man. Tlie eoininuui cible attributes of Clod are power, benevolence, goodness.w isdom, holi ness and justice. All that man pos sesses of these attributes ho has from tho source of divine authority. The divine is unchangeable and I hence conies every good and per- Jutie receive a larger vole than miv At tl.i.t time all men-untile pursuits tlie people llvingheie ... hoppih and man in Oregon ever yet received any office. He has struck a keynote, and one that any had man would be afraid to monkey with, and us Mitchell seems to be always on the right side of every qucstiuii, it appears to me he lias a life lease of his seat in the oenatc, especially if the people elect. 1 or Governor $. P. will hold his own, altho' a Tew are in favor of Silvery P. because he lives cccnomic ally, while in Salem ut least, and because lie vetoes water bonds In Portland altho, he may allow them elsewhere; and because he favors the eight-hour movement itllho, his own laborers put In much more time and farmers who indorse him for tills are working from ten to fourteen hours per day. Seems as though they should look into his free trade principles a little and see if that would be economy to them; methinks if they figure nhcud a little they will find that protection will give every city good water, build a mansion at the capital for tlie Governor; pay him u decent salary, do evciy thing decently and in order and Ic.ive in their purses a good margin over and above fiee trade with its deteriorating tendencies, parsimony in public- improvements, stinginess toward city privileges, and cheap actions and talk. Silvery P. will get the bourbon and free trader's votes hero while $ P. will gel the clear-headed pro tectionists solid. The rest of the state ticket will obtain its usual majority, excepting perhaps MelM'lian, who deserves the biggest vote we can possibly give him. Metsehan will prove good in every respect, and he is a man in every leg ml and s did, too, and will get the votes of thousand of Dem's in Eastern Oiegon. Lonncy will gut r. full vote and more too, while Hirsch will get some votes outside of tho party. Armstrong will get a heavy vote. Setlleineir, Raker, Geer and Minto will hold their own. Cleaver will get ids sliaie, though some are trying to spoil his case. oder will get the votes of most of those wearing whiskers in both par tics, while the school ma'am will garner the adolescents. Culver is ail right while Stoit will run like a steer In the corn. In conclusion will siy, I' appears tho republican county convention did Hume objectionable tilings for which Salem's delegates wore- maiii- the small commission w Inch will fall through it, which will bring It with to .air shine, but it is not all, as ou in live minutes of ('m, niercial street will perceive upon reflection. We 1'he eit.v water mains will belaid up aim iiirnugii il (lining the present i extend oiiiiimer, arrangements havW a. urge our! ready been completed for havinir it done. h u It lies nearly 100 feet above Coin. have a lepinalinii to huild up sustain, and an umiiitloii to This course cannot help lull en l-iive m r liiisini'm unit inil:e it n ... , " :: ii rn "leiuiiiinuuei, nun over OOKStllOPlfv pie Kim pursuit as well ac- the state and public bullditigs arifi this we must prove to you tlioclenr. blue waters of the beaml- that our judgment is good and Hint fui Willamette river. From u vol our mo Ives are not entirely selfish can look to the westward and I view or enough so as to cause us o inllu-1 thnus-inds or acres or the frtllo nml ence aovone "invest where lit-1 nituantlo Polk county hills fn.eea might .il his hard earned in the dim and l.azy distance by the VRnlb: , , . , , hwvlly timbered Coast range. Oi r tivdeis r.p.dly inereasingand , theeustarethegieeu.clauffootu Is wellaUer....r-elveslh.t , ur e torts of the Cascade range, with the .snow u behaliofs.alen.aiid ,-nplenre tippL.(, ks of Aft t 8 being duly appreciated, .vet we do Helens Hood. Jefferson ., l' ,.. pect nor .H-m- more tnule than Tlm,0 slstl,rs showlllg bcyond ' rlt and w huh the n.eiits of F.dlowiug up theGanlen Road-the operty dcei ve. Come and see ni09t mnialr m(, leadll,K outuof . ,f .f. i T i. . i.VJ c,l wo uave suburban homes for some other agent and look at il , TOle that nre highly Improved, M uarpilns, hut do not neglect to in- plau,. to fruit ofJ VarIoiies, w itfi yestuow. If you do you will have,bulldiug8 and gardens that go to to buy and pay tlie newcomers a Iimke lln 1(lenl hon b l0 profit which you could in-t us well . . have had as your own. . l ' places have from five to . twenty acres of land, lying high and i very choice. In this same direction, ir , i -. n ii .. . ' that is east of the city, and in Salem We have made it the no cv o i he i t...!: .....t..... r. !...!... xi '". " t",:f:'r",i,i';:,,","llu it is corporation which we Veprescnt t. u J V ',( S ST. hum him ri niu iwiiiiitiira nni miim iiiiih.i'i iiiiii ii i mi i im iitr'un iimii- I'liniiiiinimiii Mini' uiiriii nrinnrrii i vided for a ralnv day" by taking ad- to the united now living here. Of will prove profitable to the investor I .,", ll2?l '' ... ,h' v',,6?1" vantage of his know ledgeaud opjior- c.ur-e it is possible that some iudi- and which possesses an actual value ' JitTrult and vp 1.V inn,?Pi ! ' lunitles and buying a piece of ' vliluuls may drift into some other entirely distinct and separata from "'( u.! lvirimv ti ,tl,C property which ho knew someone locality at tlie right time to repair a speculative value, and which, at mvinents of 'one tonrtlwfAwn .?" would come along and want, and the damage which will have been the same time possesses rare qualities E?1.1 ?io , ? , ... -t .'ti?P" that, too, within a very few vetirs, done to their finances by procastin-' and is located where it has the great- lu"rm tat" '" 1- au" Jjears time, and at a price which would net a uting now. We admit that it is I est prospective value of any in the 1'or larnis we have some of the hniidsnmn mofit. From i but. dnv P isslble. but who wants to run that i market. ' very choicest on Salem and Howell till now this litis been practiced with profit by the wide awake peo ple in every walk or American life. It has worked its way across the continent from east to west and from chance? We don't. Do von? T.K imr in .i ...umn-v ..n,...,t nf . unifies, wincii we can ii ...... ... .V- ..,...,. .v. ".. :s. . ' .'" rioiii an poims oi me uuiiea lertiic soil and beauniul see states we are mtoinied that people I natural for the inhabitant aie going 10 remove lo tho Willani- a thought to such tilings to desire to i we have city ptoperty heartily ette Valley, of which they have' locite upon high and sighilv ground, cenery it Is "-cohimentl to any one desiring "a ts wliiVgive farin tllnt wiI1 i''lcM a 8oort "oventie. to desire to i We have city ptoperty in all per north to smith, till marly every i heard such wondrous and attractive ' and where there is di en, i-U. black point in America has had a peiiod repeats. of unusual prosperity wliich of late EVEN IX WASHINGTON years has been designated by the I AND THE PUGET SOUND there suggestive name of booms. Several I is a strong undercurrent, setting in years ago California headed all com-, towards Salem and the Willamette petitoisaud tor several yea is led the procession not only of the Pacific coast but of the entire country. Hardly bud its spirit began to wane when Washington Territory, with all the vigor of a dushing youth, sprang to the front and has led up to the present time. Now.liowevcr, Oregon the happy medium between California and valley, wliich, before tlie seas m is over, will lesoiye itself in' m im migration that will n Id a good many thousands to our .di.ilv lust increasing population soil. In a country iie ibis ei:e., of course, theie ;ue i.o hind's Near the river ore prairies like the one which lie; to liie e s. of s.i'eitt. Hellfi io find the highes1 s(jr)ii et ai.d he.i'hie-i .s well as the most fertile you hum r.. the highest of ' our bargains free of charge. Surely tions of tlie town, some very choice ami very cneap property in Koutli Salem, and also a-erv cheap resi dence property and four lots in Capital Park. Some business property wliich will make big money for .some man very soon. Come and let us show yu some of the leel ground in sight In select ing and oiiying our own homes we - i . . . . - r- - .-.. -.....,.. . Ill addition to Olll' nre.-ellt at true- I wen inlllleneeil l,v tlu.un minlirlna five and substantial iinpiovenienls i .,,,(1 believing thut'wn nroim uvpniPP there are now pi.iposed s .me piitiiu. incisures wnii-n wir, adveriNe our citv so that the Impetus will place in our tastes with other men. we have made our investments and secured other property tosell in the you will not let all of the good cuuuees pass oy. Call and see us or write for our circulars. SALEM LAND CO., Postofllco Block. 0M1 KlWmWm4MerW wtMltMMW Fine Watch-Repairing IIV C. A. BURBAN K No, 317 Commercial Street. I anif'di ftaflrtnal RSM SoIomvs!m!m PAINTING, PAPERING Etc. Done wltl '-CipilUI ndl.Ullcli DdilK laK0fTl nnO" ness and dispatch by N. D..IONES. .,,... . nnPnn tAiowiiiiiiuigj Shop up stairs over E. C. Small'i Wil. WK'KEY. House Painter, Decorator, .mil Wall Tinhi'. Leave uidtT nt .liilin IliiKhei' sheet. SALEM - - - OREGON. lapilal Paid ii. riilii?, ith neat- s store. . H. WALLACU., - - l'rusldent. W. W. MAKTIN, - 'leo-l'res!dent. J. II. ALIllOUT, -... cashier. DIRtCTORSi i.?' "''. W. W. .Vlartiu, J. M. Mailtii. II. h. Wallace In. W. A.i'uslcli, .1. il. Allien, T. .MeK. I'ulion .JJJISALKM LUMBER CO. Yard nnd ofilce on Liberty stieet, opposite W. L. Wade's store. Dealers in Lumber, Laths and Shingles, R. B. DUNCAN, Sec. Cmecafa r.,i .i- 'ii... i i i-t Ko on tho bonnet. It will come sep- ,b"; ,.".: " " .. """?,. " ! i.. v IIIIIIIMUI'l I ( IIV. llllltl.0 I and threatening! of the Lord are f i ni.i a c-.;. ly to illume, hence we cannot blame, vyii.ou tlie "people or the woods" for ! Artistic Paper Hanger and seniieniug or scoi.img, when they Decorator. observe tlie city, diservlng u fuir , oomi vv.k, rcontiniy unit sUniiii third r the olllces, but ohtalnlnc il"w"1",u."ot,",?"K",B- ,i. ... ,. ,. , .i . . , -lay liiisedmi work iiutisurvilon tlie that mainly I'or nccci it the CAPITAL IIU8INESS COLLKUU, Sulftii, . Orcrnii. A. I'. Awmwmono, K. I .Vilm, Pnn. Buslnoss, Sliortlinml. T;frlU, rinmtaitip ui mlul H,f,uniiu. Hiynrt evtnlnff hcHlont. SiuJcnt. nJnilii.J .11 n ,1.. I.ll . --.. M, ...K vuiiruv or uudrrAa nviimr. C Iho l'nnclnl for caulojuc. WILLAMHTTE I lkHtfr-rx llroduntMBtudenutn Classical, Lilomry, Scionlific, Normal, business, Law, AND MEDICAL COURSES, TIIOW, VAN 8COY. u ,l'rldnt. Halem, Oonou, '7: arately In u wheelbarrow about the first of the month. New York Sun. ri:Aiti:n thi: tiictii Smlthklns (Indignantly) This statement In the newspapers about me Is a shameful lie, Johnson Are you going to de mand a correction? Smlthklns: Well, 1 guess not. Tho editor might print tlie titith about mo then.-Plttshurg Chronicle Telegraph. No i-uni:ual. "You say you would die for me?" "Darling, I would, with delight." "Then give mo that test of your af fection and I will never wed another." Thus far them has been no announcement of his funeral. Now York Herald. not ron 1ICAUTV. Smllax So Wantrox didn't marry for beauty. Urodlx No. Ho man led for booty. Epoch, AS1C1.DTO much, Stranger (out west) See heie! I waut you to arrest those two men over therefor forcing mo lutou game of ivoker with (hem and then swindling me. Policeman Y'r asking to much, Htranger. I can't arrest themgontH. One's th honored Mayor of this 'ere city, an' th' other's th' Chief of Perlhv.--Now York Weekly. wall. Li'iivi orders lit Siii'oin or Keller', lenldeiieent Highland ud the assuring and chastening in lliienccs that go to form character. His decrees are all conditional. The wicked he will punish unless they turn from their way. And from this there is no deviation. The omnipotence of God is shown by Ids preservation of his creatines. Hy him all things exist. This power was displayed by the won nore than half, and the h.-st of them. In the wind up allow mo lo say, 1 . heartily eudon-o your paper, and J BriCK (i)6 Tl'le fOP Sale mini. .1 in inu ihom consistent peo ple's paper in I in state. If you keep to the line you are now hew ing to, the time Is not far distant when the Capital Joi'ii.val will compete with tho great and only. With respent, I L. "i LOANS IVIADE I I'o runner, on wheat and other inuiKcl l utile lituduee, consigned or in More. A either In private irruiinrlCKrtr Wail ' publli; warehouses. Stale and Countv Warrants Nought at Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted nt rcu-oimhle r..tis in..iiw .Meveis' ' drawn direct on New York, ChliaiKo.s-in ililltlnii. r runeUeo, Portland, London, Purls, llerlln iiiiiit uiiiii; una inieuiui. MURPHY & DESAR Successor to I). Nnsh, have u well estuh llsht'd lo iek and Tile lueloiv In North Siileni, near the fair ground., nnd toopio imii'd to Inrush llist-Hnss brick .mil ille on slum notice I ?irst National Ban SALEM. OKEGON derful mysteries of the plan of tho J siirinj,- i',ner. redemption. ' AttiittMwsoiiortliovrurtiiH humi a- TIiNwiih nu .,o of nKliuiiillmii mi RSVrflABSISflU one humi anil Hhliitualisiu on iho ?" LttJ"i.t V. .l1" .unyUl!W Uml Plny ill Inn I'mi i tli 1 w iirljl ti .ii .1 uti.noi on iuin , 1 , mil.i i,mi .n-i.. . .. ! " n "im iin MiniMMVii " ii! !""' - imhv ititi it'll it IIIUl i III I Mill Ulllllll. Ilk ill.. II, n I I.I.. .' by water and the cities of the hy fire. Tho ravens fed ImiIiiIi i.l.iln r ',".' ,,",f-rV, 1' llvorsiut blond, und plain ,r..r niu . noiltliur iwwls Dr. Unnu's Iin- . tllO ' ''V'il'IVfl-fllTs. Th?Vttvll HOtlVllJ M"' til Ilin llvnr. mi flfv tliu niu..i .mil k.. .i...t.. whulo iirrlml iltiimh, tin frow ami ml,tJ ' Hetfon, new vitality mm lice alllleted the Kg.yptlu.u. The ! XltfX Wftt Jffifikr " events of time are all directed by i an Infinite providence, thewaHof which meat times mysterious to us. i Weseo hut as through ajjlussdaikiy. Rouiuof us must uo In sorrow thro' life and to our graven, wo know not why. In the end when we under stand the plans and purptMc of Uod, we will olio day mh It clearer than wo do now, und wo iouIIiu! throiiKh It all that he in our father ami wo may look to him at at w ? a HBALTM $50 IbivrBr vBll j " x r ' tfVVOf taSleluu's Mh SOU Ae. 181 WILL BUY A LOT1 I Of goods nt our Moic! W. curry n full line ' ! of Kroeciles, foeil. crockery, ulasswnre, el-1 Kins, toliiicc.i uti. I confeclloncry. T UUiJHOWS, . I No "Jii i iiiiiin. i, i il s i.ilein, COOK HOTEL (Vutcruuil llih Slrool. (J. W. AXDERS0X, PR0I SuiYt-vsor to . II. TOOK. WM. N. LADUK. -DK. J. itKYNOLil.s,, JOHN MUIII, - . - I'lesinent. Vice 1'iestdeut. Cashier. GENERAL BANKING. KxcnaiiKO on Portland, San Fiiinclseo. New iork, London and Houi; Koiik tiouBlit and sold, suto, County and Cltv vvi. mints bouj-ht. Kuriners are cordially und transact business w Hi im. Liberal advances iniido on w licit, wool, hops and other piopeitynt misiuiaijii mtei. t'liuraucc on mieh e cunt can bo obtained in the Irink In iiiit leliubl' connmulfs . Ciipiliil I'ily llcsliiiii'iiiii ort' .LJZW-HsS UTHE M E3H3S 4hS 1 1, i ris s,4j-,ra- KSiH521aaErsiWil r ' "BwgMHMBWig'ttttgBMitmmifWBPEitiitwBtitMfti 1 llii, wmmi I ' WmsSm m Who do All Kinds of LID1M WORK. ryif''i' ArPIioiii. no n,.v Ton..,ln I.. ?f - -ww.,. ..k. ...JJ JJUUUUI , 111 i; tho Country Using White Help mm uoiny Iirai-ciaSS WOrK. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Olllce al George Hoeye, 209 CommercialSl. I ThPl.kiU Is oiKsltr court hniisc, ' coiivcicnl in buslue.. part of city und I ..ct-i .-..I miv .nun., v uie iiiMir. i .Mll't fl.lM III W H till, iic.Mrdiux (.l.llll .Sliilul .,l,,u .. .......,... .....I I fllilllll.. . ' 1 Jas. Batcholor, Prop'r. g ,' Warm Meals at All Hours of the Day FINE HORSESHOEING -.vr- Scriber & Polile's. n mm atory of Iliisic , ... . ..... , , orHMinunhliitr to tfieir hiIvuiiUim. Ili'ivareof Oliitineut. fur Cutiirrli Hint Mr. luvlilSimponhNM taken eliHrto nmu . iin.Ai.irf uiiiiMiiraift ; . . 111. t.kt. .... a. tlnuw fur hnlii ' Ci.i VX,11 "J'1?" lm No. I IHV" iui,ti..iiHonto .li.M-lnie iM.d- limes lot lioip. L.V .A ..""Y- 6n '" nd ','. horses, micrvi intf bu.I dp- r.,i. s,,..,. &r-:WA ..... . ,, ,. The (Vpital City wny Wlll. , .Br, .'ffi,? 'kWK01 im'm pany is meimreii lo iuiiiimihik. " """ i.tu liui.n.i. x...i Nolle but W'llltl) labor illlllililtml In 11. 1 OfctMlillNhmeuU A ttoMt 8iibstnutial iiioul cooked In llnl elitui(,tle rweiuy-ttw otfiit pr niml. RICD K R O X T. I'onrt trt, bciween Jouriml Ollle and Mliiuis Livery. 121"). N. ISOLDS 1'ioiirletoi- i the DR. HILLER'S Special Prescriptions. HOME TREATMENT SELF CURE neo-fb Remedy for Each L'iseace Co n l ii I n .Miirriiry, as mureiiry will surely destroy the noVtbe iK eu,e,fulVM1i!2rinb'JiVu' ,0re-1 H0,,h0 tf m1 ."",, "l"ly ' flvfTWort ptijocou . whole systeui wheneuter- of their rial estate ilemutnient ut ITS ( State stieet. Call and iv hiin. il ll Mil mi i in ll llll watt S,iSrwn,,mu,0!lcn Ywrly ut.l'".11 mniHjjn uii iiiiutM w stir aces. .... "".v "" '' .r'daln10of,eriyouhuudrtil nno Mv fiuoh urtlele" should never W used ,."' ". ihImi, hUuhwI im,. fhOBblBTOriworiweheni for IliotSniiir; Z,l. ,1 . Kuick, or .hcIhIu.ii ttiecswu-t, llu- miUooj yer will no iwX ywif except on pacrlptlous fnim reputu. imiw . muuuuIi iiiite?. i i. ruiuS Uau WIJIU, WIm Kv cX)'Jltan'UloiiliyKvlaiiHluiitllu iluilliiuo they r.'lllU ; .rf uvmiiii hu.I rvllovliw 19 SMHStffi&lSilfef ta W I WIH .Jo U ten fold to tho 1 you llK '.& "3 TIV 1UIUI. Mllll TIBICI 'liu nl.l... --.! !' I ll,..l..l. I. 1.. ll..l.l. .V I II linitl I alUll HI. am II IIIIKIHUlUIUMJall aaao Ourc.tVr.1 . il.rvu ,l'i , K T,'i ,., .'..'S ll''- Sr ir.. Ju. ul of Ut. Uwb., n,t ' ' I I l' - 1 f-oiu IS.. .. J. iiur i ikiiiu t V tflVi1 our ihtttrw.iml l limn inii ttru In ::!Candy Kitchen n UiU i " f 47 and 51 State Street, Sa'em, Or. t 1 DIplouiKa f.ffifo-n circular. c UIll: AKll 1'HKVHHTIlil tl,i... out lucdlcluo Knr lntnr..iR.I .t.V ".,.P'-. A. WU.KOHD HALL'S llwllh lmPhUt, u .. or'.ddrw. UnlTrmlly building Wem mSa. uj .-. iii v iirat v.u,, 1111100, VI., ilunctwiHWriliiMli ooiitulna uu muruury. und Is tukuii,HitfiiiiiiM(vwti evi It U taken Inleriifllv. and made Toledo. Ohio, bv F J Chenev rAion. HU1 by KKWi I'Heo 1i. pr jnuitj .HiHiiicliiiiai,. .iioulduut HteUot w 1 UiwiiMtvw irf thi liHmT7v J rlulnwlnuil luiiK-trll iivirh. Tlpll jin, bUllftirtuuHi, iiuUriMl wvft!, hwjl km, rhfiiiiiwjt.m Mad HiUsMloHa ot li IdtM fttld fcldliaya ar HHK.HC Ik Mil III wlllob II n.awuut. .u.l iT ...uv i. .il. iTlll!ww,M.'0"tsbviirtidwrht iti Co, llwduui fisuH mr) uianSlnUHbW IimmiII- ' ' '. , .". w'W-" "iit.liAii'l. '! I'riu-v or runi! I'rl.o (JJ so per if 0; t l .1 :uR-tlfc t ' tl. 'hu' oi Imi i - 1 JUi 1 iUK i t i In. at llwk.. 1-IWiWnit. Prlc' it 'HI'S ' O-Wltm (I'.it....... K .nrts.i!'iL.'-'V vp2."rrr"--7 :? .-. V llM u 9kln .l; Uof nkml l i . I MaftmAb! M.ftll Rrrra ! IN uuwl laiuiarv utuiou. ftrU nf mnth.4MHi ti Jt WHl lt H.I am Mndar MBax-xx MB lL 0. 1). HUTTOX, Prop. ltlniM trf nil ktHiW uwi1 Ui ivnUf, Mll.LMAOIIIMillY, I'LAMNU MtI.I, lMlt.Ui, MIH'AI. HltONTS, WIIHHIJJ, I.UI.LHV8, and ivwl ouilH( ol uuv kAla r mi. tar ii-ik tn ho,tii,r. S&&rSxvZ UwUtlu y iwrUdtttur. vt any Muhiiery la Shirt Onlcr. COXFKCTIOXKRUCs. I-'AXCV (JKOCKHIIiS, fruits, cigars AND TOHACCOrf I 313 Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon. Kansas House, Center ot Court and High Sts. E. M, LAW, iiuprietor. DR.JIILLSjtYDRflSTI.'.CJIESTOIW'VE StinmliUM nutrition. l,rMMtheII!,.l CtirejDj.pciia,Coiia.pvioi.ari OeuerafDobilltj. Artecttonlca.i.istrontihliiiilJer. DR. HILLEnANTI-BILiaUS STOMACH AND LIVER CURE. Cu.w Billou...c ami all Liver Trouble, CbiU ua Kivsr, MJar.l reu-nTW alt T..ph0,.l eciiulition. PAJJ't-Jr.E.T.SjC.rTARnH CURE. Cam Vi-t'twh.ChnleC.tWrh.c-.tarrlulDe.. tiCh. Ouarai.teedtocufetheor.tcahc.. UreUon are fulioe.l,or mono, re.'umlct. DR. HILLETS COUr.H U1E. Cure, ColJ., IIi,e-8, iougl. I.roncliltu, CleuriM and l-uemaouuj ruc. cn.umptlon. no Opiate,. Cure. Croup in lOminutw gR HILLCR-S DIPHTH-niA AND SORE THBMTCUfH;. PrvvenLnnJ currt ., Ihecu ttmioii,l,cttrc.Bi.ui0ainicnmilhur. Cure, Qui,. mada,. DR. HH.fR-8 FEVE, ctre. ,., , li-. uu lu, , eel r, sattoin. and ju. Motors trj it once" DR. HltLER-S NEBVOUSWmMYM CurM Xenou, WMU.,.,. and u-. cf Km.r. N.r tx.K e ,.' , , i-nau Crva.-r U ItUler Dm- Co.. ban Knuicio. C... t.out. 'Lumtu, ) ana s.utMJ. , J- ,j DR. HILLER'S TEETHING CUSE. Cur llheuinatljm. Neural jia, J aUi n tiiefe eam them. Ai t , the tesifiln; pecto.., eiuuru patnle j Sna.un,lUckets, D.-umTrouWMiuda .. DR. HILLER'S IV'-'JPI'iO COUGH CL--E. NoTt With exception of Pr IlllirS'I, -in. ,irur;it sure, ana ur il ut- i ui farm, and, if not otnairublo from j our d ru, . It nu I MHaaatol children during vl pr 'Ut. and cure ; tu msther uj clukL nu .rn WhoopiH.- Oaush. rti H.Hhntli lr HHUr'i llh.rBnU a i irv i -nm. in in riblvt - i.ui.ej I, j, . rauvipi f hr 5.1.UU per Package. Six Packages for $5.00. Tb" rwwdiw are the redt rt ST, son nt .r lhuial .,.-i. .. , HILLER DRUG COMPANYrSAN FRANCISCO. CAL. U. S. A For Sale by DAX'L J. FRY, Druggist, 225 rommerebl St., Salem WOL2 & CO. HHd koll lOuvto Wilt. ou ii uy Iruu wurk i.nstsl iw.ti inr mo iron We Lava Lul.. .. I r4ii L.uTr... I"""" r nama hut ' Wm iEI,lrS,H,.rlttro with the KP U klndaof mmtsand aauMg.t. The rV.f" ixa. -rauu iwi ifi uuiini.cis.iai on coi, oaicui Hs-lm N Chine .MBLar-j ' . ' aii eood. ldi vm1 1 lrm kUlM.. aorIhwi, hH. w-. iSjurf 8S. .Irtve them HH wtkuMduui. iiT:. .;-" wir ume. Term. Chine emptor!. Morgan k Mead, City Draymen I patch. Only tbe bimen arc emptoyed .H-!,.'jti sml::tis: -mhmmm . - avriinininiiiji