THE EVENING CAPITAL JOTTBNAX. TIE CAPITAL JOURNAL. XKllMB OF HUlteOUIlTION. by mall per year,. by mall per week, .. man l nald rbarrod for tha WKEKLY JOURNAL will he r-i y by mal i not per rear, .... id In advance tbe pr ft 00 10 1 00 rice 11.80 per year. If paper are Dot delivered promptly notify the offlce. Tins Evkihko OAPiTAt, Jocrnai. rcKU larly receives tho afternoon associated press dliprtcbes. SALEM WILL CELEBRATE! TERRlDliE ACCIDENT. Ten Bnnds of Music and nil tho Military nml Fire Companies oftlio Valley SOME COMING EVENTS. INn ffw ndd. inserted In the JouilNAU NoUccs of religious services free. Charita ble, religions or educational entertain- .. ..V . . v. 1 m Inn n H ifnn. npor- i.r May 37. Btato (twnro meet nt Bnlcm. .1UU,IUI uiuuinraw ments, that charge for admission, ad Used nt half price. Event of local Imp lance announced ireouuuci ..i.-. . June 2, General elect: ana congress. k Dealers in Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Paints, Oi's, Varnishes, Brushes, Windowgiass, Etc, Sole Agents for Epicure Tea and Big Can Baking Powder. WILL 1IE IN SALEM JULY 4TII. Tlio Committeo Laboring Hard to JIako Salem's Celebration Immense. Musicals. Tbe third nnd last recital for tho year, by tbe pupils of Miss Goltra and Misa Macruni, will bo given at tho opera houso Thurs day evening, May 29th. Au enjoy able program is in courso of careful preparation, and tho high lino of tho best music along which the work of these teachers has alwayc been conducted, will assert itself in tho quality of work let forth b their pupils. Tuny will be ably na .slsted by tho bc9t vocal talent our city affords. An arrangement hai been made wltii the pastors of tin. several churches, so that the re cital and tho usual church services of that evening, will not conflict. Full program hereafter. ABTICLE8 OF INCOIU'OKATION Fii.ed.-E. J. Pengrn, U. 11. Bell luger and C. R. Lockwood of Port land organize tho Springfield In vestmout Co., stock $600,000. V. L. Bradsbuw and others, supple mental articles of Tho Dalles Pub. Co., a democratic newspapor. O. D. Taylor and others, 'The Dalles, Uoldeudaleand Northern Ry., $250, 000. O. D. Taylor ami others, The Dalles Portland and Astoria Naviga tion Co. fc0,000. Geo. N. Holcourt, C. W. Tower, and John A. Gray, the Coos Bay, Coquille and Coast RRCo., $200,000. W. P. Bowers and others, Lower Wallowa Ditch Co. Fou thk Vallev. W. F. Soever, as committeeman for the Salem board of trade, accompanied by Sec retary Frank Davey, went to Al bany Saturday evening to confer with the board of trade of Unit city with reference to uniting tho ellorls of theentiro Willamette valley with a view to advertising the name. Their proposition was cordially re ceived ami a committee was ap pointed to confer with a similar committee to bo appointed by our board this evening. Tho two com mittees will meet In Salem to-nior-ruw for perfecting further urrango-mnnts. Thk MUNAKCU.--T1IO San Finn- clsco Examiner advertising train ur-rlvodatSalemto-day.aiidMr.Charlcs Mlchealsou is detailed as a special reporter to write up the city for a half page. Contrary to tho business methods of tho Oregonlan, this paper asks no paid notices and advertise snouts from our business men, but Is Instructed to give tho capital city tho best descriptive and Illustrated articles that ho can get up. This Is a broad-gaugo woy of doing business mat ts cnmnienuablo and stamps the Examiner as a great newspaper. Good ExcuitHio.v.Tho steamer Undluo canio down from Indcpond oncothls morning with an excur sion or 450 peoplo bound for Ore gon City. A baud discoursed Hwcot intislo, while tho morry plonk-era enjoyed tho scoucry to tho fullest. Tho captain of tho boatoxpected to make tho trip In three hours. Tjij: IUinb. Tho barometer this morning showed 28.80 and gentle showers were fulling. Sunday good rains roll on tlio hills out ten or fif teen miles. Old residents say these rnius have never fulled to eomo In May or Juno. The Willamette val ley has nover lost Its crops from drouth. Tho general committeo appointed to nrrnngo for the proper celebration of tho 4th of July In Salem had u meeting this forenoon to consider tho numerous matters to contribute to the success ot that event. The full committee was present with John G. Wright as president and H. C. Monroe, secretary, The soliciting commit toe made a favorable report ns to the amount subscribed; the citizens are responding liberally and when through they hope to have sufficient to conduct the celebration in grand stylo. In fact they havo It already pledged. THE SPEAKEIl Invited for the occasion has not yet responded, owing to his absence from his home, yet we are assured that a superior man will be had foi this position. TJIK HEADEK will bo W. J. D'Arcy, which Insure .i mau with a trained volco and u good pair of lungs. IlItABS HANDS. The committee has mado arrange ments to secure tit least two good brass bands for this occasion, ttud lu addition to paying for their services, have appropriated a liberal sum for u ' prizo to bo con tested for by tho vunous bands present. This will bo music enough to make tho entire valley resound with patriotism. It will be tho greatest musical event In the history of our city. MILITAUY Prizes will ulso bo offered for the finest military display, and through their liberal awards tho committee hopes to Interest and get out all the military companies of note wltliiu a reasonable distance. FIIIE COMPANIES. Tho flro department of our own city and surrounding towns will bo offered liberal awards for a grand contest of engine and hose compan ies. A magnificent display Is ex pected. 11ABE HALL. A prlzo game of base ball will bo provided for, although It Is not yet known Just what clubs will partici pate. IHCYCI.K TOUUNAMENT. Premiums will also bo given for tho bonellt of expert wheelsmen. Tho Salem club will prepare u fine trnck, and hopes to give such ii (lis pluy as was nevor before witnessed lu the State. OTHEIt AMUSEMENTS of various kinds will be liberally provided for, and in fact nothing will bo loll undone to nialtc this celebration the greatest event oftbo Kind In tho history of our city. MAllION l'AIIK will bo used for the speaking and other ceremonies of the day, while Wilson iiveuuo and other attractive places about tho city will bo opened for the public. it. II. EXCUHHIONK. will bo secured from each direction, while the nearer towns on tho river will bo induced to run steamboat ex cursions to accommodate tho people. Tho committees aro all busy perfect ing arrangements in detail, ami from present indications there Is a groat surprise in store for oven our townspeople. Salem will outdo her self to make this coming Uli u great success. AN A1ILE Hl'KAKEIt. Prest. O. C. Stratton telegraphs this afternoon that be will accept as orator. Two Persons Dangerously Injured by a Runaway Sunday Even ing, on State Street About G o'clock Sunday evening, WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY. Program for tlio -lCtli Anniversary Exercises. I'KUSUXAIi MENTION. JupfehsonMim Mr. Groat, of Williams is uroat.and Mr. Darling, of Portland, Mr. F. Bngley and Mr. II. Burendrlok, of Jefferson, aro lu the city to-day trying to reorganize tho Jefferson mills and with pros pectfl of good Bucce&i. Tub BiiiDciK.-Mr. Huffman, of Huflumu & Bates, tho Portland bridgo firm, who are to put up the new steel bridge over tho Wlllam elto i at Balem, Is lu the city to ar isngo for piling and material for the new bridgo, County Couivt.-Iu estate of Peter Bcharbach, order for sale of real estate by Adams mado to-day. .--.John Beer, a native of Hwl'.zer Inud got his Html papers. John U. Boer has ulso declared his Intention. Olive Lodge I. O, O. F, Tbe lulafory degree was conferred on 8 new members Saturday night. There were about 160 lu atteudauoe, and visiting delegates from nearly every town, near by. MEETING AT TUKNKIl , TllO county canvasa Is inwoodluir to-day. 4 U getting warm und inauy hot HMsAUiiut are being put. fl. G. Shirley, who spent Sunday In Salem, leaves for Astoria to morrow morning. MaJ. F. E Hodgkln left for As toria tills afternoon to attend his in surance business. E. P. Thompson, of tho fish com mission, left for Portland thlH morn tng and will return this evening. Dr. Geo. Wright and family, of MoMluvlllc, spout Sunday In Salem and returned this morning. T. U. SmlthJr., nforiuerSaleinlto, came up from Portland Saturday eve and returned homo this morn tng. Mr. Jus. Warner, captured the Gold watch at the drawing Satur day night at J. G. Wright's, 200 was the wiuulug number, MUjj Grace Newton left t"hls morn ing for Seattle, where she will re main two or three mouths visiting relatives. Mr, Frod Filsboo has a i rived from Chicago und Is the guest ofhls cousin Mr. Chas. Welleron Liberty street. Mr. Frlslee is delighted with the there was an unusually heavy traffic on State street. On the rear of an open Yew Park addition car stood Chas. Craven, P. H. D'Arcy nnd Win. Dumar. The former stood with their backs against the hand rail, nnd Mr. Dumar, looked east ward up the street. Mr. Z. Craven had been driving lelslurely along from Yew Park and had kept nt a distance behind tlio crowded car. He was driving a spirited family horse, or animal pretty hard on the bits, but at n slow pace as he must have, to not overtake the cur. When passing the state house another buggy car rying two young men overtook Mr. Craven at a rapid gait. As they came alongside his horse picked up und struck a high trot, keeping right abreast of his rival. Both rigs Mere trotting ut a good still gait but no danger was anticipated until they overtook tho car in front of Mr. Waite's house and both tried to pass the car on that side of the street. AN EXCITING SCENE now took place, that but few people in tbe crowded car witnessed until tbe crash was over and tho buggy was wrecked, and the four persons Id tho Craven buggy were thrown out headlong upon the street. Tlio young men, Wait and Hoi mau, had not any intention ot racing, they camo up with Craven wsudd nly that it threw his horse into a high state of excitement. The vehicles ran with wheels locked until right up even with the car, the young men slightly In the lead, when they turned their horse right in front of tlio street car horse al most crowding that animal off the track. The sidewalks were full of people out taking a Sunday airing, and the wonder is that some pedes trians were not bin t. As the boys turned their horso to get tree from Craven's rig, Mr. Craven's horse turned in towards tho sidewalk. A TEKIUIJLE CRASH followed and Mr. Craven's buggy struck a small cross-wall; that runs out from Mr. Lacch's gute. It runs out across the glitter and the buggy struck it with such force that the single-tree was smashed to splinters and tlio harness was lltterally torn from the horses, which escaped nnd ran down the street. The unfortu nate Inmates of tho Craven buggy were Mr. and Mrs. Craven, n little boy two years of ago and a little girl still smaller. All four were thrown clear out of tho buggy and fell to tho ground with great violence. Ttio buggy also struck a post standing by the "dge of tho walk. Mr. Craven was wrapped right around a post about six inches in diameter, his head and heels com ing together, lie was picked up unconscious, with bis bead all bloody and apparently terribly in jured internally. Hut no bones were found broken, and in half an hour be was restored so us to be taken home in a cab. HE WAS IGNOltANT of the terrible Injuries sustained by his wife and was still in a soinl-deli-tious condition when taken home. Mr. Craven's two grown sons were on the ground and helped to pick up their father and mother and send them home. Mrs. Craven was taken homo on a stretch er tinscousclous, a u d it h a d then been found that one leg was broken and she was severely bruised about tlio face. She received piompt medical aid, as the two young men no sooner reall.ed the terrible accident that had occurred than they drove right on and re turned with a doctor at once. TO-DAY Mr. and .Mrs. craven aro some what restored, and Mr. Craven Is not thought to have sustained any very great Injuries unless internal difficulties appear. He Is badly cut about the head and face and will not be able to push his business for sometime. He is a large contractor and a prominent business mau Mi's. Craven's leg was badly crushed at the knee and broken just Handsome Invitations are out, I printed by Frank C. Bnker, State Printer, for commencement exer cises at Willamette university, June 0 to 12 Inclusive. Following Is the 1'llOOKAM: TUESDAY, JUNK 3. 8 p. hi. Annual college prayer meeting. FltlDAY, JUNK 0. 8 p. in. Reunion of literary so cieties. SUNDAY, JUNES. 10:30 a. m. Baccalaurcafcserinou, Rev. C. C. Stratton, D. D. 8 p. in. University sermon, Rev .1. W. Bushong, D I)., East Portland. MONDAY, JUNE i). 10 a. m. Essay contest. 2$0 p. m. Popular concert, by eonscrwi tory of music. 8 p.m. Lecture he fore literary societies, Rev. c. ('. Stratton, I). 1). TUESDAY, JUNK 10. 0 a. m. Ai.nual meetiug of board of trustees. 2:30 p m. Elocution coutost, 8 p. in. Graduating ex ercises of university academy, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11. 10 a. m. Commencement exer cises of conservatory of music. 2 p. m. Business meeting of Alumni. 8 p. m. Literary exercises and re union of Alumni. THUKSDAY, JUNE 12 COMMENCE MENT DAY. 10 a. m. Commencement of col lege and liberal arts. 8 p. m. Con cert and reunion of conservatory Alumnie. Note Tuesday, Wednes day and Thursday, exhibition ol art. CLASS OF 1890 HACHELOK OF ARTS L. F. Belknap, Monroe; A. II. Cooke, Salem; Susie Harrington, Mt. Tabor; Levi Magee, Lincoln; N. M. Newport, Astoria; Vergil Pcr Inger, Salem; S. W. Stryker, Salem; O. F. Tower, Salem. BACHELOR OF PHILOSOPHY. Elvera Victor, May View, Wash. W. CRAWFORD has Removed His Stock of We REMOVAL Have Removed to Bush's New Brick Corn Corner of Commercial and Court, And will continue to carry the finest lino of Stoves, Tinware and Pliiiiitag' Goods. Dress Goods and Trimmi mgs, to the store recently occupied by mil Gents Furnishing hoods, 01ollilnr. Ihi i. Wraps, Etc. in the City. We arc agents for several specialties. J. C, BROWN 4 CO. and See Him! $10,000 J. J. DALRYMPLE & CO. $io,ooo um.tuju3irga305rj8acgaicjwm)ii.-agaa BT VMlJC-a-B DIED. BEtiLER. Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. M. Beelcr, aged 20 days. The fuucral occurs to morrow. UKAIi ESTATK TItAXSFKRS. Silas M. Fletcher and wife to Win Wulfemeyer, LOO acre, sec r 7. $ 39 II A Thomas und wf and Geo W Watt and wf to E R Wilde, Its 1,2, 7, and 8 blk 52, UulveiHity ad to Salem 1200 Frank U Hull and wf to JasT Smith, It 6 blk 11 Mill City 75 Notaries. J. W. Murphy, of Baker City, aud S. R. Smith, of Jef fsrson, were appointed to-day. the question settled. Thin In a faithful pier turu of the cstabllih mcut of Thomi Price t. Hon, at 111 Sacra moutoSt.,S. F. As the leading chemists of tlio west, they were asked to f-ettlo tho ueHou ns to what sarsa parlllai wcro In fart jmrcly vegetable. Wo present their reVort. "ll'e have made careful diemieal analyse of ereral ictll known brand) of lartapanlta. ami have found them allwth theilntjle exception .. Joy't to contain Iodide of potassium Asa tesult are enabled to pro nounce Joy's (j be the only purely tegetable tarsapartlla noio on the market, ichich hat coins under our obtenatlon." Modern modlclna has proven that all ordinary face eruptions are caused by Indigestion and sUibxIiIi clrcu latton, which call for vegetable alteratives, Instead of mlnernl blood purlflen like fodido of iiotasilmn Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparllla the flrt todlscard tlio old notions antl pro ceed under the modern tlioory, Its cures are tho tulit of tho hour. "JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in Groceries, Pninis.Oils iinil Window Glass, Wall l'a tier anil llorder, Artists' .Ma terials, Lime, Hair. Nails anil Shingles, Hay, Feed and Fence Posts, Grass Seeds, Kte, TOWN LOTS AT AUCT TITLE PERFECT Thirty-two lots lu Frickey's addition to Salem, will be sold at auction, to the highest bidder, for caf.h in hand, on Saturday, May Mtli, at 1 o'clock p. m. Sale to take place on the premises. You who want single lots, be on baud and buy for once at wholesale prices. Call upon the undersigned for free tickets on the electric line to these high, clear and accessible lots; also for any particulars. W. T. RIGDON, administrator of tbe partnership estate, of E. H. Ilellenger, deceased, State St., Salem,. Or. SHAW & DOWNING, Aupfloiiers. o-U Otd-wlt lOlU :ien in lur Sale- ousan d Dollars wnltll of- Wall Geo, G. Van Wagner, Has just received a fine stock of Paper and Picture Mouldings, Lounges and Mattresses- Pricttire framing done with care nnd neatness. Prices as Low as tlio Lowest, o:10-tf LOOK HERE SOLE AGENTS -FOR- Anti-totiiif Tinware ! EVERY ARTICLE Warranted not to Rust -AND- Fancy and Staple Groceries, For piiccs and terms enquire of WELLER 201 Commercial St. JSjajrGoods delivered free to all parts of the eity.-Yj5a A. KIvEIN, Continues tlio Business formerly conducted by Krausse & Klein, ai the old Stand on Commercial street. TS (IE! THE -WORLD'S FAVORITE! Superior Coo S ioves an D ., I! liUKVIFINE Will be pleased to receive calls from my old friends aud new. iVI a m motli New Stock at Living Prices: Brooks & Harritt -DEALKKS IN- FISHING TACKLE, EVERY ONE WARRANTED J. C. BROWN & CO., 234-236 Commercial St., - - - - Salem Or, T WO LO T S on Church Street, two blocks from Court House 1,600 each. HALF L.OT AMD RESIDENCE on Center Street, nnd on same block, $1,250. 60 ACRE FARM tluee miles from town at ?2.r per acre. Five. Ten and Twenty lore Also RODS, BASKETS, FLIES, LEADERS, REELS, GrTJXS, WFl It"? TiVil 1 r r l" ' ' T 3sssssMHaBiSrRVySS' BABY CARRIAGES, VELOCIPEDES, SHELLS, PRIMERS, NOVELTIES, CUTLERY, SPORTING GOODS, Base Balls, Hammocks, Croquet. No. 94 State Street, Salem, Oregon. near Salem. ft For sale on favorable terms, M'.W AliVEIiriMMIKNTS Tim COLORED JENNY UND! MISS FLORA HATSON, iwi ns &l uia rn ... j. i i h nm iiai'to m. Eliqllhe ot Hfift mberlin,(W Pianos and Organs, Violins, Guitars, Mandolins, Banjos, SHEET MUSIC, Music Books, and all kinds of Musical Merchandise at J EASTON 5 teal Estate and Insiirancp Auents, Eldridge Block, Commercial St. THE ONLY MUSIC STORE IX SALEM. Tlio Uu'iitt'hl fiilnml Hliwr In the oilil, ut tho do low mo joint, line win lie mote or less crippled for life. It is a ter- j .. i CIlHI'cIl, WciIllCSlIaj' KVC, illIM i. rlble mishap to this family but j uiiKiii I"" v "iv 1 1 inw. I Tin, IVoihMM JIf.ionril!lo.-.MV Yin k I THK LESSON would seem to be that persons In driving should be careful about their rate of speed, and u1m about over takiitj; aud passing others. It txould not bo a bad Idea to have all posts, aud private walks that ex tend Into the htreet a'liioved.and tho , '11ur1 iav alumni iiimi iiiiyiiik eiiioirva oy our police. Tills dints not apply to Mr. Craven, who lias been very tin -furtuuato and was not driving fast, noi racluK, and the accident was forced upon him by a combination of circumstances that he could not well have foreseen or avoided. Court Street, Snlem, Oregon. BAKER (b STRANG, Sun. Tlio Crtlnivit .Ionn I.lnil. Now York I World. . ' A iiK'i.oMipnuio of u muter ful rouge CNIll rilllll'lhOI I.MlllllIHT. I Han rtiriHHl tlitruinoortliii!tlHi;rintost polomt Hlncor la tlu worlil Vloksburu ' (MIk.) ioM. ' ThoMttt'toM MiUotluU per olmrnu'il a Vt rut n In mulloiu'r. l.,vnolitiiirK('a ) Dully i AilMimv, ' All lii'r iitiniliorH wcro mini! wltliout us tlic Uliil Millie .Mollli i A In I K xtlT. A lilkMily I'liltlMitiMl iiiiaiKKso-iiuio. of Kiisit ki'oiiu, wor, niul ioiiivrti., ami ot itniiuiitlo iiuiilli.-t'liiirU.toii in ci Ni'usiuul I'tmilrr. i HitmhviI ivcliHiirliuK.iwoniloiililMMvp, i fmiii luui'M itinimltii iiDtiw lo Miimuo IioIkIiIs. Iis AiikoIo (IVI I Ko. Kirt ' Hit iirlli'iilutliin In n ivriWl lur ri'iull ' tlllll M'OIll llko IwllllUllIK ki In lllllklo. i KiuiMis City IMili'li Only Abstract Books IN MARION COUNTY. Work promptly! and reliably executed by the -Successors to- SALEM ABSTRACT & LAND CO., FRANK W. WATERS, Mam aj;er A. E. STRANG, BROOKS & COX, loo State St., Salem, Or. Oil lllilfilEF, Indepeudenco West Side: The S.iU'iu Joi'itNAi. has iKHiii eularKcd to au eight column )mpcr and is more sprightly aud newsy thauever. oouutry,aud will remain some time, Mr. L. A. Davidson, a brother of J it lias a much fuller the famous tUjiit'ropo walker, after servlcti than formerly. traveling all over thu Uulteil States ( - l,in tlnnllv sun,, luHitlem to imikiii GltAND LolHlK. Odd F t 1 I O W S his home. This Is but a rcpltltlon of tho experienced of huudreils who are looking for the best homo city on earth. l'OLK UANVABH,The political meotlngnln Polk county U'gln nt Zenu to-inorriiw, Mr. WuUaco, tho ... .1 1 . ... ...,n I UO i! rwpuuucn uoiuiuofi lurwiwiur win deni, kuk.icoukIi Syrup Is tiketi Tickets o() rt.s; Chiltlrcn 35 els. HooorMnt wlttioiil ovtni imi on uinliitlor Miiy 3.nli, nt IKMrlMMiiV IhmiU ktonv til Nollco in t'ontnu'toi-s. Tilt' iiiult'i-Kluiuil iHrHlir of olukil tuliu'i-iiiili illtriot No. 31, iM'inty of Mm Ion mill .Ulf ""o'"'" ofUrvitoii. wIllnwlNotiliU nt tlnlr oilhv ' In Salem, mi Tiuiln..Muy , 1MO, for ttie tollowliiK work to lv ilono iiaMrJIns to tlit ii.u niul iHS-itu-iuimi on mo in ino or floouf W.iH. rnisliiHivlilttH'i.KtloiiiDrvKmi, 1. Hir tlio tuiilillni; of nil i'ihl nmin koliool lion o lu North Salom,niui llio flu UhlUKofilioiutiiiooiilliooiiulilo niul hIm nil of tho lour louvr rouiiu, niul lit r, ettliii: of tlio aril mvoiiil klarv or Hour. or thu n'iniKKMIllr ot tho t'ontrul Kohoot batiaiiiir, nulMiliii: tlie Mtmo tliroucliiiut ou th ouuute, mul for tho AND Cliemicals, m mmw and toilet articles! i i i - rlv WkIiiH JKMBJE3K55!1m -mbMi't 1BialllisssssmlU - -imillMBBrTi JL IB'l'ipSVLV -O- grnud loilge and eueHiiipmeut meets at Portland to-morrow, when u large delegation from Suleui, IneliuL. i,)iuk-oftho tioor lugtwverul gmud offlecw, will be "ni' n," prteut. l'onuimitlou the IncUloui DUf&te StaTiMiysIelaiib' l'ncrlptlons uud Family ReviHs carefully com pounded. A full line of choice Imported and Key Went Cigars. nuuiiinc (HUaIiI. rumIrltnu of llio two loir nvinu. alMt With its attendant sutlVrlngs, can ne rvlleveU una tiHeu cured H noi NBW HKlCK, Tbe new klla of b-lckjit: burnt y Burton Bros., Will be ready for delivery on Wed. attend tuie meeting nnd ttddrwsllwomptly. LnrgofcUa$l,00wiiull60 iweday. MboiHopliv 'centn. For wale Iy Ml Druggist, for UtIii the noon., unit ktltug of tho jinruiioiik inr ino koconiikiory. Tho umtrmlitiirtt nwerx Uio right to iv- jrvi bhj-KUU Hll UlUk. r,ii.c.Miiii (Ulcm.Mr IMfW. A'.K KI'KANll, MoarU of Director. W. IVI. Sargent, Dealer in , Wall Paper, NloiAldiiigs, ! Picture Frames, Window Shades, lUUy CaAw, Kxpre&s Wugous, Notions I and Tya of all kinds. A Hue Liiiio oi Hicninga aim isngmviug, Ull I'alnttngs and Chromoa. Prices tlie Lowest, slm denier in Stoves, Tinware and House Furn ishing Goods, Plumbing, Steam and Gas Fitting. AnenlM iV the Celebrated Peninsular Sijvi-s and Ranees. m ono o, !i oi qVgr' nu ou Ullllimiuicll Ol. Tbe New buccetss, BOYTON it RICHARDSON Furnace. Havo you been satisfied In the heatlug of your In me during the past winter? If not. and you desire healih and comfort, we should like to make an examination of your building, to ascertain what remedy can be adopted, seuding an estimate which will Ik? as low n figure as is consistent with a thorough job. Our experience aud reputation in this line of busi ness has given us the confidence nt our patrons In doing first-class work. Beware of goods represented to be similar in name to thow bandied by us. Would advise our former patrons that we can Mitply whatever repairs are needed lor furnaces already put in by us. J. F JACOBSON , Dealer in Lumber, Lath and Shingles, at the old Dorrance Yard, Salem. 8peclal attention given to furnish Kiln dried and Superior FlnUhlng Lumber, rViillMill,-nmlin'lrt'i- , &' " wWBp -.. ... w