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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1890)
THE J5TE2STNG CAPITAL JOURNAL. Proposals for Wood. Henled proposal will be received Bt the .fc rnr.d. corded closely. Oak must be sound body, timber cut from thrifty trees and not more than nix months cut. All wood must be four feet long, reason- ably straight, and not 1pm than '2l4 Inches "ll lenetus tho au tve wood ana storing the same In the Caplsal building; Mornge to be completed y September 1st, 1890. AUblds will be opened nt above office at j p. m., May 30th, ItW. v' ' Geo. W.McBride. d may 20 Secretary oX Stat W. C. MITCHELL, Veterinary Surgeon. Graduate of Ontario veterinary college. Treats all diseases of, cattle and other domestic animals Omcent Kills & Whitley's livery stable. If not profes sionally enghgedcau be seen at nil hours. 6:6-dw-lm "wmTwickbyI House Painter, Decorator, and Wall TiDler. Leave order at John Hughes' store, State htreet. BLACKS3IITHING, Wagon and Carriage Making and Repairing Horseshoeing a specialty. All work guar anteed. JOHN HOLM, Cornerof CommerclalandChemeketa sts,, Salem, Oregon. Fine Watch Repairing BY C. A. BURBANK No. 317 Commercial Street. DEAR GIRLS: Take no Tally from any young man, but If they offer you a nice Box of ilellenbrand's Square Chocolate Creams, made only by lib 1'atcnt Process, take them, and tell them to como again, for 'hey are superior to any miido In the I'nlted States. Salem Harness Shop, B. F. WILEY, Prop. Manufacture and make a specialty of Farm and Heavy Harness. All work doue in our own shop at Salem and guaranteed first-closss. Give us a call. "PAINTSHOP. 115 6 Commercial street ' House and carriage palntlng.slgn writing, paper hanging, decorating, wall tinting and kalclmlmng. All work done flrbt class. Carriage painting a speciality, char ges moderate. P. E RANKIN, PROP. are still selling lower than ever. AU of our stamps are made out of the Best Rubber. You should not be without one. Hemembcr tho place. PATTON'S BOOK STORE, 63 State HL, Salem. SELF INKERS Pioneer Bakery AMOS STRONG, 271 Commercial Street. French and German Wheat and Rye Breads In City Styles. Vienna Roll. SPECIALTY OF FANCY CAKES. Pastry and Confectionery Baking iu Full Stock. Mv new bread and cake bakers "' thelr " , ,, are first-class artists and I aim to have Everything as Fine as the Fines!. To Capitalists. Sualed proposals will be resulted up to 2 o'loclcp. in. of the Kill day of Muy A. D. law. uy lue uouru ui mn-vw... ... .."-' Di.trlctNo.2l.or Marion county, Oregon, which Include the city of halem fr the purchae of thirteen thoujuud do.lar. IllX.0iW) worth of lhe bond of fcitd school district In denomination of one liun.lreU dollar iJluut and upwards. The Interest on tbee bond to be paid hem! -annually and they are to run twenty i'Ji yean. -.. j T.4 .hU.iiuI nnH.rnnil I, p virtue ofanactof the! eUlature of Oregon lor the year lsSS. entflied an act to amend lections J7 and 57or title! of an act to eUb- llh a uniform course of public Innrucllon nam uuuu, tuv v- .... .-..-- ....- in ihonr,mmin uhrviU of the state, an- proTed October i,lsTi, approved October U, f This act was approved February 21, I845,tbl.ctftpprovedVebruaryl7,lN7. far- tie bidding mut specify the lowest rate ot Interest at which they propose to purciuue saia uuuu, kuu wo um w - purcb&e. seven thouand dallar worth to be purchased July 1, 1st, and six tbou. sand dollar ikuxfi worth to be purchased January l.Util. No bid will be considered where the propose rate f lnteretls more than 5 per cent per annum or where the bid for the bond Is below par value. The Krani mi-rva the rij-ht turelectany or all bid. Done by order of the board of dlrec- tor romald tbl Z7ib dr t iUreb. A. D UHX W.ILSIMPttON.C'Urk. 3T Bffhnol TOUt. Jo. Ji. Marlon Oo. Or. cfTlCeOI IDC hCCICiniJ- V'L nunc uutii wuj v, isuo for the delivery on tho Capitol, irounds, on or before August 1, lS"0,ofall tr,f nartoflS cords of flr and 100 cordi BROS. ilfl Stamps 1 '1 1 l EASTERN NEWS The Grind on the New Tariff Hill Resumed. I Gladstone Declares Himself Against license Unsound as in Principle. TARIFF AMENDMENT. Washinton, D. C., May 16. Mc Kiuley's amendment, retaining the present duty aud 4f per cent, ad va loemon glass chimney win defeat ed by 105 to 107. GARFIELD'S LUNGS. Detroit, Mich., May 10. The Evening Journal is authority for the statement that certain microscopists in Detroit have n portion of the lungs of the late president Garfield cut up and distributed at the time of the autopsy. GLADSTONE ON LICENSE. London, May 16. In the com mons last night debate was resumed on the licensing bill. Sir James Lar kin, Mr. Gladstone, Sir Wm. Ver non Harcourt, Secretary Matthews and Mr. Kmith spoke. Gladstone said the meaus proposed were utterly futile and extremely dangerous. The tide of public opin ion against the liquor traffic was fast turning. Allusion has been made to remarks of his ten years ago in favor of compensation. Since then the law has been settled in a manner unfavorable to the doctrine of vested interests. He certainly never contemplated ap proving such a bill as this, which proposed the purchase of n number of public houses on any terms the proprietor will except. The bill might better be descrihed as a bill for the endowment of public houses. The bill was bud in princi ple and utterly unsupported by pre ccdent. in the house. Washington, D. C, May 16. Iu the house to-day the senate bill was passed, authorizing the regis tration of census mail matter. The house Went into committee of the whole on the tarift bill. Represen tative MoKinley offered an amend ment specifically including glass chimneys in tho cause relative to thin-blown glass, beiugadmitted at a duty of ten cents per dozen and forty per cent, ad valorem. another judge dead. Chicago, Ills., May 16. Ex. U. S. Circut Judge Thomas Drumiuond i died at Wheatou, 111., last night. This eminent Jurist was aged SO years, 7 months. He died of old age and acomplication of bodily infirm ities. sfEWSl'A,,BB OUGAN KOK M- ,:-, CHURCH SOUTH. I St. Louis, Mo., May 16. In a j general conference of the M. E. church South, this moruing the j committee on publishing interests,' recommended the establishment of! church organ on the Pacific coast. CONDENSED TELEGRAMS. Joslah Stanford, a pioneer brother of the Senator, is dead at Oakland. 1 The Union Pacific shows increased net earnings for March, of 1122,000. The people of San Diego have raised a $500,000 subscription to se-, cure a railroad. The Odd Fellows of California j elected John Glossau, of Grass Val ley grand master. The fine stock breeders are in session at Chicago rganizing for a proper national exhibit at the World's Fair. The farmers of Indiana aie strongly organized to do away with the middleman They think 10 per j cent profit on retailing general merchandise is enough, and propose j to withdraw their trade from all 1 merchants who ask more than that. Give it Attention. The order' issued in this evening's Journal by the water company is worthy of attention. Carelessly allowing luwn sprinklers to run at all hours, iu a city where there are so many as here, materially weakens tli6 pres ' sure aud in case of a fire would be a serious drawback, as it has been here before. Besides, the company's rules are entitled to respect, aud they will be fully justified in cutting off Uie individual supply if the rule is uot obeyed. They are going to keep close watch now, so look out. Ilohlen's Ethereal L'ooh Syrup, 5.5 SthnT ffinSSr wK Kg cough" anil affection of the throat and lungs. The success and immense demand for this popular preparation fur tue last tinny years is uniiaralleled. Large slzefl, small .V cents. For Kile ty all druggists Great .Sellers. We rvlvr, not to 1. Mulberry but to that line of table delUiK'lei at J O. Wright. sure Cure for IMlf. . 1 mi ., . tr i.un . miilt tt rt UKepeipimi.(intcaulnK Inien Itchlnit .. 1 .!., .!.... ..- licit uu If1trtr4 are ...- .. ---- -.. ....j . . Wllfll HBria 1 Ml Willi " mw- Weeding ana pruiraaiar, y iriu """' Dr. Ikanko'. tile Remedy, wbl eh aeu directly on the part unacted. aborb tu. mom, allays llchlng ard enVcU a perrnan. ent cure. 60 eenu urugfii or mail tretlse tree. Dr IJomnko, itqua by hmttbd hteliter. O, Sold . .., EVnmlnn. TeaCUeW OUarteN) fcXaillina- tlon. KVTOTICE U hereby riven tht tbe uext IN nrtular quarterly exaroluatlou of up IteanU tor leaenen. eerttfleatM will be MA In the rnurt hou in 1-UleiU. I-OIO- MrWw'.'SS ur'trbeopenlDei prenl n County, Oregon dw-tU PACIFIC COAST NEWS. A Pioneer Riverrann and Tem perance Lecturer Dead. ' . I A TRAIN WRECKING CRANK. : Astoria Lots Bring $17 to $25. No Such Lots to be Had at Salem. pioneer machinist dead. The Dalles, Or. May 15. Fath er Horman, a noted pioneer of 1852, died this morning. He was aged nearly eighty-six years. He was engaged to lecture on temperance all over the state only a few years ago, Along the rivers he was known as the Chicago blacksmith and helped to build some of the first steamboats on the Willamette at Oregon City, and also the first boats on the Co lumbia river. Father Hartnan came to America with the first locomotive ever brought to this country aud helped put it together and operate it on the first railroad built. train wrecker arrested. Alrany, Or., May 16. Chief of Police Hoffman, who came up from Portland last evening, states that considerable excitement was occas ioned iu the metropolis over an at tempt to wreck the Northern Paella train. The night before the engin eer on the train leaving Portland when about seven miles below the city, beheld a man runuiug up the track wildly waving a fire-brand to signal the train to stop. On coming to a halt the man stated that some men had piled up a lot of ties ou the track for the purpose of wrecking the train. The informer was taken ou tho train back to Portland. On being closely questioned he confess ed to having done the work himself tor the purpose of receiving a re ward after he had "saved" the train. He was arrested and lodged in Jail. GOING CHEAP. Alrany, Or., May 16. Mr. F. J. Goodeuough, of the firm of Leiuen weber & Goodeuough of Astoria, arrived in this city yesterday. The regular monthly auction sale of lot6 In Powers addition to Astoria wr.s postponed from 1 o'clock to 7:30, at which time four lots were sold at prices ranging from $17 to $25 each. Mr. Goodenough read a telegram from Geo. Keeney, who is now at Astoria, stating that Powers addi tion did not overflow and Is good property. Mr. Goodeuough will hold another srle next month. DALLAS GRAND JURY. Dallas, Or., May 16. The IN. Ik county grand jury yesterday made a report as follews: That we have made examination of the public buildings, records, etc., and find them in as good order as surrounding circumstances will ad mit of. But in our judgment the furnace for heating the jail is a iaulty arrangemt'tit. Also the in dex to conveyances on record iu the county clerk's oflk-e very inconve nient, aud would therefore earnestly recommend the adoption of the patent vowel index, such as the sample copy at present in the clerk's oilice. James Girson , For eman. HOTEL ARRIVALS. CHEMEKETE HOTEL. A J Gabriel, Chicago. S M Woods, A P Hodges, Hagan, S F. W H Beharrd, Portland. W R Southard, G W Herr, H S Koch- ester, N Y. G A Secud, Tucoma. COOK HOUSE. J J Fitzgerald, Scio. C II Hosier, Few York. J H Dickey, Cincinnati. Geo Hartmati, Alf R Kelley, Francisco. C E Bailey, Hancock, Mich. Peter Watts, J J Broady, San Iort. laud, Or. Albert Sample, E B Knapp, A H Williums, Dak. G II Beliee, Hubbard. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. It S Rice and wife to Mlch uel Hogan, lots 1 2 and 3 Mill City. Henry Had ley to same GO square rods near Mill City. Wm Kims to same, land hi Mill City. Lydia A Relfe and bus to Otto Shultz, lots 0, 6, 7 and & blk 15, nNo lots 1. 2, 3 uiid -1, blk 13 Marion. H N V Holmes aud wife to AdallueCox, lot3 blk 82, Pul em. 1300 1 2C00i She Dear Claude, you may cull ug-alnlfyouw... brlngmealKix Jones A Bernar.UV home innil.- c dies. can- The Crop or lbW At Farrar dt Co's can be had tho honey of the uroji id flrrl Ihfti. oomb It is delicious. Jones ik Bernardl will nnive their ttindv factory to 101 titatc ulree., In Tew iIuvh. Hair chains made to order Courl Htreut Jeweler, corner urtauu lAu erty Another big "line of good will r. rvo at Calvert's on Monday morn ing. Bought cheap and will be sold cheaper than ever. 6-15-2t. "WhatTVity To see a woman's lovely features marred by uamghlly pimple and blotcnex. Young woman, defective nutrition Is the oaur of your mem folios and the soonerynu lai.ea alth ful oourso of Dr. Hllfer's Udnu.ilii !Ulomtiv Uie .KWIHT otl Will Cttue to Ixi an object or p.ty For Mia at n. J.Fry'f. , TUB PRESBYTERIANS. Speech by Dr. Roberts at the General Assembly. THE CATHOLICS ARRANGED, Ho Says tho Pycsbytcrians Must Defend Their Faith With Woodshed if Necessary. Saratoga, May 16. The general assembly of the Presbyterian churches of the United States open ed yesterday. President Roberts, of Illinois, tho retiring moderator, delivered an address on the privi leges and consequent obligations of tlie Presbterian church. He viewed theuork at length, his absorbing topic being the revision question, lie said the church has a clear cut, strong and scriptural creed. Not withstanding the few objectlouable passages, the alleged Incorrect in terpretations of scripture and ques tlonable philosophy of two or three paragraphs In our standard they are a marvel of skill and dialectic acumen. The strong truths of our Calviuistie creed are not to be look ed on as monstrosities, but ns nec essary antecedents of n milder and more loveable doctrine. These have been drawn out of God's word in such a way as to forbid the making of any essential chauge in them without doing violetice to tho word. Anioug tho other privileges of the church enumerated and dilated upon were, a government more in teach- hit's of tho scrimures than that of any other branch of the church, the championship of the cause of edu cation, tho superior necessary appli ances aud the churches conceded wealth. Ou this latter point Dr. ltnlferts said in part. "It may seem doubt ful at sight whether riches can be regarded as one of the privileges of thechurch of Christ. In themselves considered they cannot be an Indi cation of moral power t r usefulness. They do not acquire, according to the best known principles of csthics, morality, as well as strength, when viewed as a trust for God's glory and the good of tho world. It Is often said that our church owns and controls more money than any other in our land. One of the congregations of New York City is said to possess more than a hundred million dollars. The Presbyterians of Chicago have under their control, if not their possession, three hun dred million dollars. Dr. Roberts added that the obliga tions arising from these privileges come under the text "Unto whom soever much Is given, of him should much be lequired," and spoke at great length on tho duty of tho church. THE ROMISH CHURCH ARRAIGNED, The public school has become tho bulwark and glory of our nation but of lute it 1ms become an object of assault by the Romish clergy. High officials of that polltico-rcllgio sys tem are bent 011 destroying or con trolling it. Tho church we repre sent Is In duty bound to meet these enenmles of our common schools. The system in its main feature and fundamental principles must be up held at a cost, if needs be, of blood aud treasure. The Romish church must lie brought to accept our common schools, tho Mormon to practice monogamy, the Indian to worship only the living aud true God, the Chinese to adopt the principles of the Christian religion, and the an- 1 arclilst to keep the Sabbath aud honor the eternal principles of God's works. The country Is to-day standing aghast before the rising clouds of Ignorance- nnd immorality umong I the freedmen of the South, which , thrcuten to overspread our political I sky with gloom. The Pacific coast ! is threatened with heathenism, aud iufidelity is everywhere striving to overthrow our protestant christlun- I Ity. At the afternoon meeting Rev. j Wm. T. Moore, of Columbus, O., I wan elected moderator. PRESIIVTERIAN AKSEMHLY. 7,r' Saratoga, N. Y., May lO.-At or, ( tbe session of the Presbyterian general assembly 1I11-1 morning 1WM standing committees weio appoint ed. It was voted thai the action by ' the Presbyteres on the question of revision of articles of fail li will be referred to a special committee. One hundred aud thirty-two Pre byteiles had favored the proposed revision, sixlv-six opposed it, seven j "f declined to vote and eight are not 1 reported. I The following committee on can- . . . t i......r ,... vassiug tue votes 01 itraujivnm mi revision was apoinied- rretwieni Potter, of Princeton, college; Dr. H. M. McCraoken, New York; Rv. Dr. Edward and Elder Bradley and Thornton. Wheic tills strikes jour e0 don't hIiiiI It. keep It ojieii to J, G. Wright' where you will find nice fnwhstrjw-' lrriv and all other frulU and vege- table in market. Dr. Mason now has his dental rooms Iu the new Eld ridge block, tf. Aprlue feTer. AlttilMMnortbeytrtue ml le ru oil hearty tople (ilton tmve k ttH DKurvcartneu. tired und worn out, willi- orou 1 i.w..r ... mi.iiii.n tu dn iLiittulnir. and inmir b.euk out in ilmpl and boll. What jou reanlrti U u mild tonic medlolne that ;.iii o iv nn ihii liver and Lluid.aud tut tbl. BotbinK fiual Vr. Ouun' tin- pro rd uver nil, iiirr giinu '"; belier. puniy inr uMiwu uu u " ,nd,i timle aetlon. u vnauir ana fy .trenrth to th entire lyateBi. liok Id at St renin a hot by Hretlb V hulntf . CASUALTIES AND CRIMES. j The Mining Horror at Ashley, Penn. j the murderer stefium amumneh. Agriculturists Demand Relief From tho Oppression of Capital. MINING DISASTER. Wilkesharre, Peuu., May 16. This morning at ten o'clock the ex ploring parties finally penetrated the caved-lu miuc at Ashley. They found nineteen dead miners aud six are still missing. It is thought more than probable that they too 1 are (had. Fire Boss Mleli,. ho was rescued from the mine alive I t night, died this morning. At one o'clock all except three of those iu the mine nt the time of the cave-In had been brought out. The men lost their lives through the negligence of assistant Mine Boss Allen, who Insisted on relightlug the lamps In the presence of largo volumes of gas. Had he not done so the men now dead could all have been rescued nltvo as there was a good current of air going through the chamber where the men had taken refuge after the cnve-ln took place. MURDRRER ARRAIGNED. New York, May 16. Youug Stcphani, who shot the lawyer Rey nolds yesterday, was arraigned this morning and was remanded. It Is thought that Reynolds cannot re cover. SHIP ON THE REEKS. Key West, Fla., May 16. The steamship City of Alexauderia, of Ward's New York, Cuba n ml Mexi can line, is ashore on the Florida reefs. Mueh anxiety is felt for the passengers aboard. PLEADING FOR PAEMEISS. Washington, May 111. Tho hearing of representatives of the Farmers' Alliance was continued by the ways and means committee yesterday. Livingstone, national lecturer of the organization, taking up tho argument: He quoted President Lincoln's prophecy that corporations would bo enthroned, thrtt the property of the country would bo concentrated, and tho republic Itself overthrown. One twentieth of tho people owned three fifth of tho property. If congres., refused to approve tho sub-treasury plan then let it removo tho restric tion hedging in tho national bank ing system. The farmers would care nothing about trusts and com binations, and concentration of mouey, If they could hold their crops in tho sub-treasury and wero not compelled, as at present, to sell them at stated times. It will bo a godseijd to the country to pass the sub treasury bill, for tho reason (if for no other) that there would not bo a bucket-shop left In the United States. The day of speculation In crops would be done away with and the producers and consumers bo brought together. Sixteen millions would build nil the warehouses tho alliance wanted. What good wero river and harbor Improvements to the debt-ridden, oppressed farmer. In conclusion he said if tho com mittee thought the landed basis the best, and if they could accept tho crop basis, let them put it in tho bill. Do something to relieve the farmers. Don't make It a question oftaritl or politics, but let the bill stand on its merits. Warranted. Smith & Angcll's fast black hosiery Is warranted by Bridges & Bozorth, agents. tf. Tho Salem Baptists are planning a steamboat excursion to Corvalhs Muy 24. For Sale. A nice young driving team and two seated rig. Inquire of Payne & Bridgeford. Open air concert at Marlon park (his evening by the Second Regi ment band. Work keeps crowding ut Calvert's millinery store, and If you want anything get in your orders early. o-ir2t. Ko R Sale On awj him avenue, one mile from town, und three minutes' wulk from electric line, one of the most desira ble places about t wn. House contains nine rooms, hot and cold water, bath room, etc., and In per feet order. Bam aud outbuilding, with uboul fij ucres. This will be sold at u bargain if applied for at once. Six acres would plat to goon advantage. JOS. CRUMP, Resl E-late, 2)0, Commercial street. Wi-tf. Cantata of (lie Haymakers. IJNIVKKSITY CHAPEL VHiii(day Evening, 3Iay 21, y THK P I o leading oharaeter will to taken by MIm HarrU, MIm Adam. Mliw rlcliafer, 11 U llller. Mr. Kpley, Mr. (llnu, ilr. Terry, I'rof. Wrvlti and other. OtioruM of Sfi Vuloaa. AdralMlou n eeuU. TlekeU ou ala at t'ation'a and Uturtorn' book Vr and Kum'ii inut! afire. v SWAB Over Two Hundred of these favorite Pens are now hi use. in Marion county nlono. It Is ouo of tho very best Fountain Pen mauufactuicd. All Insurance Agents uso this Pen. Tho Into Improvements render It still more attractive und more desirable. A full lino of MABIE TODD & BARD'S Gold Pens are nlwnys in stock, nlso PHOTO ALBUMS, AUTO ALBUMS, SCRAP BOOKS, SCRAP PICTUBFS, PURSES, CARD CASES, VISITING CARDS, WEDDING STATIONERY. Remember trie Place, Tlie New Slioe Store! KRAUSSE BROTHERS, Having iiiit Opened a new Shoo Store in the Brey Block, wish ! invite everybody to come iu aud see their new place, win ie 1 hey are prepared to supply t beh old and new friends with anything in the lino of foot wear on the mutt satisfactory terms. WE HAVE THE FINEST STOCK In our line ever brought to the city, we can please all. TliaiiKtng au favors, and soliciting n continuance of the same for tho new firm, wo are, Krausse Brothers Grand COX & BOGGS, Grocers, 2!M (Jommeroinl St. A Handsome Garland Cooking Range, Latest and Improved pattern, nickel finish, with complete set or utensils, (purchased or It, M, Wado C0.1 A Ticket with chance on this elegant Prize presented to every purchase of ONE POUND of our RELIACE CAN TEA. Price 70 cents per pound. THE Ready Pry's DELAYS ARE DANGKROUHI it Is sure deuth; 2-r cents per can. Hjj JnT Boots and Shoes ! Leather and irarCaxh paid tor Wool, Hides The Bisseil "Gold Medal" Carpet Sweeper. Tho Best in tho World, No. HS'i Commercial St., Salem, Oregon. In Ku.ll Blooml KKIvIvBR & SONS, The leaders In Furniture, Bedding, Wall I'aiwr, Mouldings, Window HhudoH, litseU, Mirrors, Art Goods, EU. The lurgest stock. Modent price. Buslnesn alwuya booming, Picture Frnnilriiimtr lullntf fentur. Full line of Canvai Rlretehern and Btudlw, AGENCYh OE THE FOUNTAIN s''2EjrLLV!zH!MEfllLBsLLLHlv3kr 1 1fffWfSMBffffBJBBSBWSWJBBjS iiiiil N-fKATV?''flPHS3IIV dOiiJ.ifc ssJH ire.W'J" 98 State street, Salem, ore. and feel sure thai old patrons inr past Third Tea -ofi'ered by- VERY 1JEST HltANDS Mixed for family uso at- Drug Slaughter your Squirrels now by tho Wm. Brown & Co., DICA.L.ICRS IN Findings. Pelts and Kiirs,Yirt J' ' V iiUlA4svyiyw''JTag' "" VjlOKV' w3fIIHHpMBBIMBBBInUSW2JWiyrn Pri2;e, OF Paints Store. uso of FRY'S SQUIRREL POISON, i X&iH