Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, May 16, 1890, Image 2

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Dally by mall per year,
Thillr h mall oetmtK,
Weekly by mall reryear.
Wir noi
Jef in
t'i m
. 1 W
the price
91 M vot year. If ip"reDQl' ....,..-
promptly notlly the office.
press dtsprtches.
Narrow Escapo From a Conflagration.
M tm?:.l!t ffiS,J chirma".
ble, religious or
uio. rcuiciuua w i.--- . , ..
I that cliarce te: amuwiou. m-r-t
tSuf prh Ewntt of locaflniron
announced free tinder this head.
4 1 a Art nt.
tanco announced freennder
May 17. Colt iihow In Salem.
Mutr 97 Btato xranro meet at Sn'em.
Jutfe 2, OenTral elfon.for county, state
and congress.
Tho AuTal Deed Planned Willi
Terrible Precision Discovered
in Time.
Dealers in Groceries, Crockery,
Glassware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
Brushes, Windowglass, Etc, Sole
Agents for Epicure Tea and Big
Cart Baking Powder.
The PmvATE Becrktauy. mis
beautiful comedy drama was pre
sented In its most enjoyable form
Inst night by the Russell-Jewell
company, nil parts seeming to
have been written for those repre
senting them. The most conspieu
omly popular character was Ha.n
Morris, ns the private secretary
which Is a line conception and wa
carried to tho full delight of the
largo audience. Wilson Deal as the
rich undo was also perfect and cre
ated storms of applause, while Mlsi
Gencvlevo Coleman and MIbi Mollh
Stockmoycr, as the two joung
belles, were most pleasing In fea
ture, costume and acting. Hut all
were good and tho announcement
that tho troupe would return heic
about tho 4th of July was hulled
with pleasure. Tho watch drawing
took place at the cioso of the play,
tho lucky number, 401, being held
by MIbs Ornha Taylor, of Mucleay,
who wJll receive It from the hand
of her "proxy" Orlu Glover, who
was present nnd had tho ticket.
New Business. Jones & Her
nardl's candy factory will toon be
moved to the satno room with J. G.
Burr and DeLcon's barber shop will
also soon bo moved. Their present
quarters ou Commercial street will
soon bo occupied bj a gentleman
fully conversant with tho business,
who will conduct a bakery and res
taurant after tho stylo of tho Vienna
bakery in San Francisco, whole
families can obtain flue cakes, sup
plies for lunches, parties, picnics,
etc. Assuiances uro given that ll
will bellrst-elabslii every particular.
AutEAUY in Use. McMuhan, of
tho WooUbtirn Independent say
vnxr ftlrvut xan. ruu loutow fur Ultti,
nnd suggests that it tumble-bug bo
procuied to push them along. Now
some uncharitable wretch at this
scribe's elbow suggest tbut these
criminals uro scarce In this country,
the only one he Knows of being
employed rolllug tho Wood
burn Independent through the rum
and chuekholes of n pretty liurd
road to travel.
young people, of tho First ilapllsl
church, this city, will give a grand
steamboat excursion to Corvullis mi
Saturday, May 21th. Hitherto ex
cursions lmvo been ruu only to Al
bany, bunco this ono will all'ord new
and pleasing scenery and a long
ride. Not more than 200 can go, no
get in early and procure tickets,
which nro on salo at Brooks & Har
rltt's. New UitiDciE. In accordance
with tho suggestions of tho Joint
JJAI. n few dais ago, tho lumber will
bo on the ground hi a day or two for
n now and substautlal bridge acrjss
tho south mill racoon Winter street.
It Is hoped tho crossing from tho
north side of Tnule street across tho
railroad track and race will bo put
In shape so It can bo safely and com
fortably traveled night or day.
GitAVEii Tiuin Ditched. Tho
gravel train which was following
last night's overland from Claelsa
uias to Oregon City, by butuo means
rau oil tho track ust below tho
latter city, llvo cars and tho engine
going into tho ditch. Tho wiecl.
was not a serious one, except that It
delayed for hoiiio hours tho north
bound overland, which was already
several hours behind time.
tho management or Mr. T. G. Per-1
kins, tho Balem Iron works will I
hereafter shut down Saturdays at J
4:80 lu tho iifiurnoon, thin giving '
tho workmen nu opixirtunlty for
nt aud reereatlon. This Is a move-1
uwuv mm hiiouui iK lilglily appro
ciatcu, .Mr.
Ono of the most diabolical plots
ever concocted In this city for the
destruction of .one of Its best busi
ness blocks, was discovered at three
o'clock this morning in Mine to pre
vent the terrible deed intended.
The arrangements lor an uncontrol
lable lire were perfect In all their
appointments, but one of those
happy accidents that are unexplalu
able assisted in frustrating the de
sign. Dr. H. Smith, the aged dentist,
occupies two office rooms and a
wood room ov'er Dearborn's harnes
shop near the tvrnerof State and
Commerciil streets. This inornlnp
about 3 o'clnck, Police Olllcers Lakt
and Billy were asilng that wa
mil weiu attiacted I y spirks fallltie
from t lie ceiling of the harness shop,
mil a do-iT inflection revealed
fulling coal. Ono proceeded up
talr, while th other alarmed i
few of Tiger ciigino company boy
win were at tho engine house. An
entrance was f.rce 1 into Dr. HniithV
i 111 ce and n nice little blaze dls
covered muking go id headway
The 1hh was brought and a Bub
cock extinguisher, with which tin
lire was soon put out.
Then was revealed to the uston
Ishud gaze the arrangement of tin
plot. In the wood room off the
front ofllce and just inside the door
was set a candle, stuck between three
nails driven in n piece of wood
This piece was set upon a thick
'dock, these fully saturated with
coal oil. Leaning at an angle of 45
degrees against this combination
was a can of coal oil full up to a
large hole cut in the can. Then the
door was shut tight aud propped
with a piece of lath neatly notched
in the end so that the notch woulu
lit around tho neck of the door
knob. Another door from the
wood room west Into tho smaller of
llce was barred in like manner, the
keyhole stulled with cotton aud a
string ol carpet hung down oyer
the crack of the door, so that no
light would penetrate into the little
ofllce and be seen by roomeis across
tho stieet. Tho front window,
which opens double-door fashion,
was thiown partly open, presum
ably to vi eutv a diafi through the
cracks which would throw the
ciuiullo lU.uiu Into tlio cun of oil tmt
cause an explosion.
In tho fiont door leading from the
hall (hero Is a square hole for the
dropping of null. Tills had been
whittled a little wider, so that a
man's hand could bo admitted and
a good long arm could reach the
spring lock on the Inside and throw
back tho bolt. Tills would give
color to the suspicion that s.-ino
wretch, with u grudge against Dr.
Smith or a desire to hum the city,
had cllccicd an entrance and set the
lire. Tho grudge against Dr. Smith
might bo thought to have some
foundation, from tho fact that this Is
thu fourth lire in lilsoftlcolu the past
18 moi.ths, two on each side of the
street, while ills barn has been burn
ed down twice within a few years.
But tho case has assumed u inure
serious aspect in tho pubho mind.
Whoever set the lire knew every
nook and cranny in the premises.
The preparations for tho event were
not made hastily. Precautions were
taken wiiiuli could not lmvo been
arranged In a moment or In an hour.
These facts lead to tho reasoning
that no person intent on burning
out Dr. Smith or settinguu incen
diary blaze, would hu.'o dared or
cared to take the trouble which the
condition of things uiaku apparent.
Tho peculailllesof this aud prev
ious llrcs about him, lins led the
public generally to suspect and
fitoly assert that tho doctor's mind,
by reason of ago nnd feeblo htallh,
has become unbalanced, that ho has
become what might ho termed u
crank on that subject, and that
these llrcu this lust one in particu
lar mo the work of his own hands.
There Is a charitable Icollng towards
tho old gentleman, who Is one of tho
pioneer residents, but when the
oU'eet of what lust night's) lire
might have been Is contemplated,
theio exists a stern feeling that
something must be done.
Had that can of oil caught Uro
and exploded, all the power at the
city's command could not have pie-
return ngnln until after Officer Minto
notified him of the fire this
It is nn exceedingly bad business.
The doctor has a nice family to
whom the suspicion will bring great
grief, while more serious conse
quences would be heart-breaking to
tnem. They have the sympathy or
the community.
Aktici.es Filed. To-day It; the
secretary of state's ofllce articles of
incorporation were filed by the Ore
gon nnd Washington Cold Storage
and Ice Machine Manufacturing
company, witn James McLaughlin,
Fred Kludorf, Arthur Kludorf, W.
A. Lewb, M. M. Hunter a::d C. S
Iluunum, Incorporators; capital
slock, $40,000; principal ofllce, East
Portland. Also by tho Suflolk Mill
company, with A. F. Ilildreth,
Lewis Ashmun and W. M. Law, of
Portland, incorporators; capital
stock, .50,000; object, lumber busi
ness. Walter Heed, Portland; J. H.
Ingraham, Haines, Baker county;
Mrs. F. M. Roberts, Glendale, were
to-day appointed notaries public.
Weather Pleasant, Gathering Large
and the Flag-Raising a Grand
Two Rl'.vaways.
10 or 12 years of age
home at Albany n
and were playing
-Two lads ol
skipped from
few days ugo
the youthful
irumpin great style around Turner,
when they were picked up bj
Henry Hclmke and brought to thin
city, where ho turned them over to
the care of Sheriff Crolean. That
gentleman immediately telegraphed
to the officers at Albany and will
,nobably receive instructions to send
hem home to-night. Their nnnies
are Cli.is. Palmer aud Farrow.
Two Commitments. D o p u t y
Sheriff Ford, of Washington county,
came up last evening bringing Louis
Krause. aged 45 years, who is insane
from financial losses, overwork and
exposure. Sheriff Sampson, of
Clackamas, also came np, bringing
Merritt Campbell, aged 85, who Ib
troubled with emotlonul aud reliu
Iouh Insanity. Both were placed In
the asylum.
Coos County Convict. Sheriff
Ilylocker and Deputy John Morgan,
nf Empire City, Coos county, arriv
ed this morning with a one-yiar
board for the state. His name is
John Adams, crime, larceny in a
dwelling, sentence one year.
A Viord to the Memltors of the Evan
gelical Church.
We as nicinbem have no right to
take a side issue. The only way I
see for us to do h to not suppnrt
either side until conference meets
in 1891. We us members of the
church of Christ have no right to
take Issue on this matter, as I be
lieve it will cause hard feelings
among the brethern,as they will get
to arguing on each Hide and If not
very careful that will bo an injury
to the cause. Let us then watch
and pray that the bretheru may
settle their difllculties to the honor
and glory of God.
Fhom a Memiieii.
NoTici:.--lrrigatIoii Is positively
prohibited except from 5 to 8 o'clock
a. m. and 0 to Op. in. If this rule
is not obeyed the water will be shut
oil without notice.
fi-10 lw. Sai.em Watek Co.
I lllll (111 hih,ifu tint
--" iriniiin lilt; . ..
foundry dol,,g prosperous bualnes. ! vm ,ii "'enM .os urn u.eio s
LA i no telling at what point It could
Sick. Folks. H or numerous ' ,mvu uw'' controlled, for there was
friends will lw glud to learn that u still south wind blowing, ami It
Mrs. Col. N, B. Knight Is luiproy- wusut bucIi an hour of tho night hh
ln and hor complelo recovery Is '" 'osl difficult to get out a force of
hoped forsoon. ..Mr, F. E. Hoover, lwli a ll''ry.
of Mntthewi & Hoover, who has onutiAi. iNVi-vnoATio.v,
had a sevuru nitnnk ..r ,. lid,., !.... In accordance with the. eenural
rhoumatlsm, Is somewhat Improved hellef the officers consider tliero is Is pushing lu connection with
and It Is hoped ho will boon be mm gsd ground to twllevo that thodoo- collection and commission biuli
behind thu counter ugulu. tor Is iheagenoy ol tho lire. Mai"- l'rvl h mi eiiterprWng yo
stnil Rosa held a long interview
Pkoiiatjj t'otJUT.In tho matter, with him at thohcenuof tho tiro lu
oftliecstuto of Henry Fo;, deceased, ' the preheiieo of Deputy Dint, At
Mis. Terca Fox, executrix, Mean toruoy Blnghlm, whoulso examined
duly verified Inventory and up-1 hlui closely, but what uotton will bo
pruinemont of nald euite, valued at ! tuUeu U not yet determined,
$1575.-0. The doolor claims now to tho
... ' " i officer that ho hud no cnu of eml
UTTV;1' 1W'r",s1WATOU--J'lolUuUioonUH,,ttud that till iuu.t
G.Wriit having d 850 wu or, llttV0lumrrllH, lm,w loUlo ,.
Golden fctuto Baking Powder will ; wmUttry, but ho tlmt told OffUvr
break thoso.il wntalng tho wlnuimr Minl0 when coiibiiUisl tin moru-
huu.mvi v vv. u'li'Himj ou'H- hii; lliuv llierv niut UU.111 01 wit iiiviv.
Hon. Richnrd Williams aud wife,
of Portland, aro Salem visitors to
day. Hon. Jeff Meyers, the popular
young democrat, of Linn, took last
evening's train for home.
Donald McLcod and his two boys
started this morning to take charge
of his band of 4500 sheep east of the
Mrs. Imiao Miller and daughter
Lena departed this morning for
Tillamook, where her sister resldis.
Mrs. M. A. lloyal, of Dallas, who
has been visiting for a few days in
the Capital city returned home
Mr. Skinner and Mr. Abbey, of
Ashland, returned homo last even
ing alter a pleasant visit with their
cousin, Miss Lura Skinner,
How very cheap! how very choice!
Tho iHioplo all aro crying. They
pralso J. G. Wright's goods with a
cheerful voice, and back It up by
Mrs. James Skinner and Miss
Gerty Skinner, of San Francisco,
aro vihlilng. with Hon. W, W. Skin
ner and family, this city. James
Skinner Is a brother of W, W.
Marshal Hoffman, of Albany,
passed homeward last night, bear
ing a watch that had been stolen
ind which he succeeded in finding
in a Portland pawnshop, but the
thief eluded him.
Miss Lliiulo and Gertrude Suv.
ne, daughters or O. tJ. bavago ar
rived on last evening's overland from
Portland, wheiothey have boon vis
iting hiuce their return from Cali
fornia. F, O. Baker now has nil! control
of all advertising privileges on the
the Salem stiVvl cur Hue, which he
rustler, and wlllmakou good thing
off his venture.
Mr. Leo Hotl'man, of Hoffman
Bates, tho tlrin that Is to build Sa
linn's now bridge, will bo hero next
Monday to buy piling and arrange
other details with rvfcrutico to the
work here. Robt. Ford, of this city,
U utttWtlug tho tlrm to aecuru ma
terial of all kinds, nnd parties can
couaull with him.
Fou Hai.i; Two ftvuii milch row
It wns pleasingly noticeable this
morning that the day would be
favorable for the grand event to
which all have been looking for
ward. The atmosphere was cool
and bracing, the sky sufficiently
overcast to promise that the great
heat of thepast few days would not
lie experienced. Aud the promise ,
held good. ;
At an early hour the streets begun i
to till with teams and by noon they
were crowded In every direction.
The arrangements were all perfected
so completely that there was no
hitch in tiic ptoccedings and the
long procession started at the np-,
pointed hour under command of'
Marshal Crosnn and Assistant Mar
shal Hunt, lu the following erder:
Headed by the Indian School
Cornet baud, followed by
Directors and Clerk or School Dist.
No. 24.
Mayor, City Council, Recorder nnd
Woman's Reller Corps.
Sedgwick Post, No. 10, G. A. R.,
and old Sailors aud Soldiers.
Sumpter Camp, No. 8, Sons or
University Cornet Band.
Faculty and Students of Willamette
Co. B, O. X. G., and other Military
Turner Cornet Baud.
Indian School.
Mt. Angel Cornet Baud.
Mt. Angel School.
Salem Fire Department.
Citizens on foot and in Carriages.
Starting from the corner of Chem
eketa street, they inarched south on
Commercial street to State, thence
east on State to Summer, thence
north on Summer to Center and
east on Center to tho public school
building, where the following inter
esting program is being rendered as
the JouhxaIj goes to pres and
which will bo fully reported by one
of Its representatives present:
Music ..Hand
I'liiyer Itev. Win. Holllns
ClmrilH "AinTien" 1'ilbllr Schools
.d(lM'M-'ratrlollinIntlio I'ubllcSclioolH"
H- V. Vim Rdiy, iiri'xldpnt of the
W lllameile University
Milhlc- "Let tlio HI1U ll lid Ynlt'rt Hrsound,
Philharmonic Society
Ilecltntlon, "Liberty and Union,"
Curl MurrK
Solo -"Swnril ol Hunker Hill,"
Mlis Oruee Cillllui;lmin.
Itceitntlnn 'Hoimofthe Hiittle Flag,"
Miiudo Sayro.
OlinriiH "Cnlumblii tho Oem of Iho Ocean,"
Public HcIkkjIh,
IIolstliiK of Hip colors to tliiff htuir.
Post Di'tnll of Comrucles.
Presentation orilajt Post Commander
t). C. .Sherman
Acoeptnnce of Hixk City Superintendent
M'h nrubiic.
Solo mid ehorus.-'lliittbi Oy of Freedom,"
MIsh Nortlitipnnd lMibllc Schools.
KeiiinrkM lly mcinbtrs of Hoard of
Mimic "Slur Spangled llanner"
Phllhai moulc Society.
Music . Hand
lleuedtctlon Kov. C. L. Corwln
It was a niagiiiffeeiit procession,
the bright uniforms of the military,
the cheerful music of the bauds, the
steady and even stop of tho patriot
lilies composed of such a diverse
throng the irray haired veterans, ,
tlio ladies of thu relief corps, the
sons oi veterans, ino priests ami
pupils of Mt. Angel college, the In
dian wards of Uncle Sam, the pro
fessors and pupils of tho University
and the common schools all
keeping evou time and their hearts
at least beating in unison to the
tunes of tlio march and the senti
ments of the hour.
No handsomer sight could be
seen than tho two steam IT.ro engines,
all polished to perfection, their
noble steeds beautifully caparisoucd
and held with a sure hand by their
accomplished drivers.
Tlio whole formed an inspiring
sight, well worthy tho occasion.
has Removed His Stock of
Plambing G
to the store recently occupied by
J. C. BROWN it CO.
Call and See Him!
1 Thirty-two lots in Frickey's addition to Salem, will be sold at auction,
I to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, on
Saturday, Hay 24th, at 1 o'clock p. in,
to take place on the premises.
You who want single lots, be on hand and buy for once at wholesale
prices. Call upon the undersigned for free tickets on the electric line to
the-e high, cie.ir and um.iible lots; also for any particulars.
W. T. RIGDON, administrator of
the partnership estate, of E. H. Bellenger, deceased, State St., Salem, Or.
SHAW & DOWNING, Auctiouers. 5-14 9td-wlt
Geo, G. Van Wagner,
Has just received a fine stock of
Paper and Picture Mouldings, Lounges and Mattresses-
Pricture framing done with care and neatness.
Prices as Low as tho Lowest,
I . ?S23i8S
iDti-Riistin? Tinware
Warranted not to Rust
linnr YiMfiv
lap !
J. C. BROWN & CO.,
234-236 Commercial St., - - - - Salem Or.
2111k shake only five
Phelps' on State street.
cents nt
'Iho, H. Hubbard Is handling
the Masslla Cyclone thresher.
ChiiB. DeLcon's barber shop will
soon be removed to lino new quarters !
on State street.
quarters I
1 w 5-15
on Church Street, two blocks from Court House $1,G00 each. Also
on Center Street, nnd on same block, $1,250.
three miles from town at $2f per acre.
Five, Ten and Twenty Acre Tracts
near Salem. For sale on favorable tenns. Enquire of
Willis &, Chamberlin
Real Estate and Insurance Agents,
We Have Removed to Bush's New Brick Corner,
Corner of Commercial and Court,
And will continue to carry tho finest line of
Dress Goods and Trimmings,
Ladies and Gents Furnishing Goods, Clothing, Hats, Ladie
Wraps, Etc. in the City. Wo are agents for
several specialties.
For Sale-
Ten Thousand Dollars
-worth of-
Fancy and Staple Groceries,
For prices nnd terms enquire of
201 Commercial St.
jgSF-Goods delivered free to all parts of tho city."
Continues the Business formerly conducted by Krausso & Klein, al
the old Stand on Commercial street.
Jim v
Will be pleased to receive calls from my old friends and new.
Mammoth New Stock !
at Living: Prices:
Brooks & Harritt,
Base Balls, Hammocks, Croquet.
No. 94 State Street, Salem, Oregon.
Pianos and Organs,
Violins, Guitars, Mandolins, Banjos,
Music Books, and all kinds of Musical Merchandise nt
Tho Hon Ton restaurant is setting
tho best 5-ccnt meals lu the city
now. Monroe Nye.
Look out for the Sth of May at'
Reed's opera house.
There Is Kcnulno pleasure in store
for you at the opora Iiouk" May Sth.
Millinery IxmiuIiik at Mrs. A H.
Farrar's. Ma !lt eod.
Doulor in Groceries, Paints, Oils
and Window Glass, Wall Pa
per and llordcr, Artists' Ma
terials, Lime, Hair. Nails and
Shingles, Hay, Feed and Fence
Posts, Grass Seeds, Kte,
Farms I Farms 1 1
Of all sizes and prices. Fruit aud
Hop farms a specialty. Ten, Twen
ty aud Forty acre tracts on railroad
nt low prices. Also
City Property
In and about tho town of Hubbard.
Call and bo shown my unrivalled
bargain, or send for circulars.
Court Street,
Salem, Oregon.
Only AbstractBooks
IX MARION COUNTY. Work promptly
aud reliably executed by tlio
Eldridge Block, Commercial St.
-Successors to
-tfa- rW &n!3HJHEl
fBKHlIPlL-fl-iilEri- 1 k1-Bw1 tH I
Jl 1 2EilBllV tKEKls' alKffsl
a i t V S r .1 l i JL m I ' A"KLKA&uJrkLc3M
lliff. Cult and (see who ew the
liCKold Uu claims to lmvo tell luooiuw nwi,- ". -" "'' ," ""r"
&1&WI l-venlug to o to eupiwr and did not ! on the Ourtten Rod. MS
ll utiST Ttie tlwlrtt lor ron at
vinl na oi ujr iiuuM), ucxi mo
Spring Wagons and I-Iacl-cs
Of tho host btatidanl makes. Prices aro the lowest, Quality
nldered. All Invite! to call and exauine them at 2S S4 aud
Lommerciul wtrxMt,
W. 1VE. Sargent,
Dealer In
Vall Paper, Ndoialdiiags,
Fictuntt Fwmw. Wludow tihadeft. Baby Cuba, Kxiuvas Wngous, Notions
m n tf niiius.
dealer In
Stoves, Tinware and House Furn
ishing Goods, Plumbing, Steam
and Gas Fitting.
Agejits for the Celebrated Peninsular
Olives and Ranees.
No. 302 Commercial St.
The New Suceesss, ROYTON & RICHARDSON Furnace.
Have Just received another large ., .. ,,..,.,, , , , A. .
tnvuicoof ! Have you been satisfied in the heating of your home during the post
w,nter? Ifnot and you desire healih and comfort, we should like to
make an examination of your building, to ascertain what remedy can be
adopted, sending an estimate which will Ins as low a figure as is consistent
with a thorough Job. Our experience aud reputation in this line of busi
ness has given us the coufldeucoot our natrons in ijoiug first-class work.
Beware of goods represented to bo similar lu name' to those bapdled by us,
Would advise our former patrons that we can supply whatever repaint
are needed (or furnaces already put lu by us.
' ' '
" i wmi iiii iu uiwrm iiiiumi. urn in . ... . -! . i - n.. ...... . .
tttttUircalu aindy to Jullun Ruf. aiey.Cormtrty-ujiX-lurouw.i A huu -.uioor fcioninga uua r-ugravtug, uu raitutngs aud Chroma
tf, CUlttbtUu, Covin trr. &Uwl ' Irl'lCQS
the Lowest,
Dealer In
Lumber, Lath and Shingles, at the old Dorrance Yard,
Special attention given to furnish Kiln dried and Superior
Finishing Lumber.
.i ""
- II it I Tilll-l-Wt-l-l nil ... .
iw"PIw'imm. fc--j . . jfc ik . -E,a !., a. M. w i,h,n j. b . ji
?8h !