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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1890)
""JJjf"-' rnv r Ml BOOIKTr HOTIOBSI. 'mORtflOKPt'TlliAS-IWxjJi tV'X a Tuesday nlht of each nojfufarm'eet wmk at ' J.O'DOyALI):C. C. W. It. H. WATKKH. K. of II. and H. eUVEI-ODOENo. 18, I. O. O. P., mwll HI oaaKHIown' Hell upstairs. Cornei .mn1ercittl itud Kerry streets, every Sat urday at 7:30 p.m. J.L.MITCI1RICL, Secretary. I A. MANXIWO, N.O. OA. K.-cdrwlclc Post, No. 10, Depart- ulnnt Tf Orocon, meet every Monday venlbf HttHfe ball over the Oregon Land corn; npany xnner.L, -visiting nuintuoi an dUlly Invitee! fo attend. D.'C.siIeiima.i. Post Commader. n fl. A. IUmdlk. Adjutant. O. U. W.-Protcctlou Lodire No. 2, A. O. U. W.. Halem. Urezun. Meet each ednesdny evening at Its hall InHMte In Huranw blocx. corner commercial iinu Ubemeketa streets, Visiting- nnd Hojourn Inzbgethren Invited 8 A Kaxdlk, M W Ika Kan, Ilccorder. pKoWmsional CAltOH. 4j J'A. AI'l'IiKOATK, attorney at law. . Friers block. Commercial and HUite streets, Halem, Ur. ATTOnNKVA'l' l.AV, Halein, Oregon, .(Juice first door to the left lit head of stairs In the rear of lidd A Hush's Irmk. rTlItiMON PUIID. attorney at law, Salem, I Oregon. (JUlca uptalrs In Fu turn's block. JOHN A. CAKSON, Counsellor nnd attorney nt law. Member of the II ir of Ontario, Cantid.i, liM Btato street, Halcm, Oregon, lifAIlUWiC. MUIITI8, M 7 nnd HoiiKiWilKilhlc Dliv P.. Hurewin iiormeopmuic physician, unlit' nnd residence, 155 tiuirtHircct, In office lop merly occupied ny Dr. HUdou. Hulcin.Ur omca'ltoun 8 totfu. in. nnd from 2 to nnd7 to.8 1. m, lsoaesortlie rectum unci .dirpiile diseases uspi'-'tHlty. Fllteen year experifcnre. ilw o WfLLfAJTM. HrKN'oaitAriiKit uti Typewriter, urate Willi rnpi- taleiiy ll'y Jo., H6atcst, 1.1 II. MOH-ti:, contractor and Ililllder li.u jU.rrors iprompily attended to Mil II iBh street, Halem. - . '. IT ii.H.a.'Piui,i., 'irtySfa'lan 'nnd Suruean hai,i;m, yiiMio.N, 203 Commercial Street. Hoars, i D to 12a lo 6-7 to H. Uesldehce, H) nth Hulnlii, Formerly of lluflalo, N. V. ft OllUlir A McNAf.LY, AKCHITF.Un. NO. 132 8TATK HTHKKT. I'lati And specifications of all classes of of tililldlne on nUort notice. Huperln-trtide-ticeor work promptly loaned after. Sft-lf J OHN KNIGHT, BLACKSMITH. Horseshoeing wild repairing u Npeclalty Hbop at th root of Mlmrtv street, Hiilcm Oregon. J.Wtr DH-S. .IF.SHUP A L'AUTWKlnUT Ho mneputhio Physicians. Halom, Oxn. ICCarlwrlKhl, M, I)., H)(tlHlt. , Misery und surgical diseases or women. H. It. Jes sup, M. 1),, specialty, diseases of children 1H I 7 If.HOUritWlOIC.CONl'llACTOItANI) , builder. Well prepared to do all ndNOf bnlldlnir'iniil unaranteo natliifeii. tlon, l-21-llll PATTON BROS. CAN VVWiilHU Dm 01' AM. KINDH, THIS aiiST, CIIICAPLCS'I We Defy- Competition ! jKOet our priced lieforn you buy. at PA1WS BOOK STOHK, MALUM, . . . OIIEUON. WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY UruaunioHtii(ioiitH in Classical, Literary, Normal, Ilnsiness, Law, AND MEDICAL COURSES. It U the oldett, Unteal and leant upen lv Iutltutlon of learning In the North wet, Uehool open Hint Monday In September rUnd i'or catalogue U THOH. VAN HCOY, 1 'resident. Ul Halem, Oregon, Koriutxtu ill the CAPITAL BUSINESS C0M.KUK, Slfin, . Orr)fnM. -,,1'. AKUToNO,Mnnr, K. U Wu,rrlit, UnshioHH, Short luinil, t;r'illli, fiianiiif tit ks(lu NjniatiU. IMyaml colng Sloni. Student uilmltlcj ny llmr, C'ill t (he CullcKa or MtMrru the I'ftiHliMtl I if rulo(tir. Conservatory of Musi Of the Willamette. Unlvrr-ity Halriii, Ore u, the iikmI nuoceunil Xiutdo Bcbuol ou UieNorlhwft Cut. Coure In immlcur )ul loKumenihiUilonoliooU Yearly at leudancw of nearly one hundred nnd liny. Tim able. corp oMeuchern for the eoinlug school year will bo l-rof. Z, M. ISirvlu, Leona Willi, Ml Km Uix. uwUUnl Uachr.Mtmi!,u)u.M. Smith, Ml lUlly 1'nrUli. and MU Mamie l-arvlu Untachv taught are ViwIl'ulturi'.I'lanoJ Oteau, Vlnllu, ripo Organ, llurmouy, ! Counterpoint, and ClaMTVMelilug , ixpiomaa gnn on eoiitpieiiou orcour wia loronmiocue ann rirouwr. A, M, I'.IIVK 74S3l3jt-rll)l Stamps i i 9 1 I ) t A CUacaJte Tlie UbJob Party Ticket. Astho JounNAii went to press j'eaterday before tho Union partv lmd fully completer Its ticket, we uv prepcnttho ticket in full: The following nninlnfttloji were mnde: Menntora G. W. DJnileU ami John W. Jory. Itcnrcscntatives Wm. fcSitnpson K. h. Hlbbahl, N. N. .Ntatlock, Dr. Wyatt and B. J. Sharp. Couuty Judjre J. M. Payne, of Salem. County Com'r. J. W. Batchellor, ofButteville. Sherr..T. B. Hurnt, of Aurora. Kecorder Mr.Barzee.of Jellerson. Treasurer J. C. Robertson, of Turner. County Clerk Prof. Van Hcoy, of Jellerson. Assessor W. D.- Dayton, Turner. Buperlntcudent of Schools Mrs. 0. A. Grubbe, Salem. Surveyor T. V. Davenpor', Hll verton. (Jorontr Dr. J. Ryder, Sllverton. There was some controversy about endorsing tho democratic nominee for county superintendent, but her name was filially placed on the ticket. Friends of Woman Suffrage and equal franchise rights wilt bo given an opportunity to .sustain their prin ciplt's by Voting for a lady of a high order of ability and good character. I'nfortiinutely for republicans who feu 1 that way, she was first pi iced upon the Democratic Kite to make It take well and then endorsed by what the democrats term the tall to the kite (the Union party.) The Union party ticket Is com posed of men of it hMi order of character and slncero laborers for all great reforms. They are liable to poll about 400 to 000 votes. What efl'ect it may have upon our county politics is not known. They are some of the best farmers in the county who are not Into this move ment solely for the fun there Is hi it, but who aro in earnest. They nearly all read the Jouknai, al though this paper is not conducted in the interest of any but tho re publican party. We believe that mos' of tho good reforms de manded in national affairs and finances of the country, can best be obtained by acting with the republican party and compelling It to do the peoples bidding. When men dlspalrof the dominant party in tho nation, in times of eacc and no great national danger, serving ttie people, they almost dlspalr of self government itsolf. We hope the members of tho Union party may net wisely for the best Interests of tho county, state and nation, as we sincerely bellevu they have those causes at heart as much as any body of men acting In our politics. Civil Service Kxuminatiiiu. Portland, Or., April 18: Civil service examinations will bo held at Portland, Tuesday, May 27, and nt Itoseburg, May 10, fur the depart mental and railway branches of th'i service There is a scarcity of ap- Imiuuiiih ironi wregon una wasu iugton for tho railway mall service, and persons desiring appointment In that service are invited to com pete. Male citizens of the United States between tho ages of 18 and .15 t are eligible. The maximum limita tion ofugodoes not apply, however, to soldiers who wero discharged on account of disability. Persons wish lug to take the examination should write at once to tho Civil Service Commission, Washington, D. C, for application blanks nnd instruc tions. No Stan llettor Knotvu. MeMlnuvlllc Iteperter: No man In tho state is better known than the caudldato for the otllco of governor. D. P. Thompson Is a man of earn nestness, Integrity, aud force. His capacity for business Is of (lie first order. In the many public osl tlons In which hu has Ihcii tried lie has served ably and faithfully, With him public oilier. Is a public trust. Ho is an able man of affairs, has no hobbies, will take cure of tho inter ests of the state, and will make a record as governor that none has ex celled. One of tho very licst Investments in tho city for capitalists Is that bus iness comer uf mux OSxltUi feet, nnd oiio of tho busiest corners in town Has a lino two-story brick block of three sloro rooms 20x70 feet, with ollUvit overhead and nt her buildings. It rents to pay 10 per cent, on the amount, It is the Ivst site in the city for a wholesale house mis equal to the bent Tor a retail tnide; ust Iwrgaln In town. Salem I.mul Co. 1'twtullUv block, tlw-tf Casino, won of Altauiont, the beautiful standard-bred horse, ownetl by Tluw. Howe, of Salem, will iiiuku mi season oi imki as follows; r ruiays Whltfoy und Kattirdavs at Kills & a Hiaoie, naiem; .Monday . ... i .. . . i noon to Tuesday noon. Sllverten: Ijuwlay evening nt .Sit. Angel: lhurstlay until noon nt ttervals. Casino hits Iteen driven In the pr. enco of witnesses at a 2:1U Dull. All admirers of u lluo horso should (lual.u It a point to putronlzo fCnsnm. J-lK-lm Highest of allin LcavcningPower. RoYal m . HK. ABSOLUTELY PURE INTERVIEWS ABOUT THE TICKET. The Dem. Co. Ticket Perfectly Satis factory to all Democrats. Mr. W. J. Hcrren: It comprises men of the best ability and the best standing in the county. There is not a flneryoungmauin the county than T.C.Davidson. Editor Holmes Is a man worthy of the confidence of Democracy of Marion county or the stute. He is a worthy scion of our best old stock. John G. Wright: Nothing extra, but a pretty fair ticket all around. J. W. Crawferd: A very good ticket for democrats better than the average. David Simpsen: I feel kind o' sorry for some of the boys, but it Is a veiy good ticket the best the democrats have put up in a long time. Unnamed demecrat: It is a gilt edged ticket, but wo must wait aud see what the tall to the kite will do, (I mean the Union party). Mr. Friedman: I cannot find any objection to any man iu tho ticket. Ex -Lund lord Oiek: "Itlsnnstly u pretty fair ticket, but I am out of politics. If I know a good man I vote for him." A GiiEAT man. timate by 100,000. The revenue Daytou Herald: Samuel J. Itun-1 from tho telegraph exceeded the es dnll, onoof thegU'HU-stKate-iinenof timates by 90,000. The exact this country died at his residence on J surplus reached 3,221.000. The ro Capltol Hill Washington, D. ('.. on 'ductlnn of the national debt reached Sunday, the 18th of April. Mr. Han-, 5,293,0:0. dull was a democrat and had been In active public life ,10 years, and was held in high esteem by mem bers of all political parties for Ills sterling qualltleH. Ho was 02 years old. This nation mourns thlos of j a great man A SucciHS. All are convinced that Miss Long's first appearance on the amateur stage shows iter to have great talentH, and if she gives her attention to tho drama tho writer believes she has within her the ca pability of dramatic art, and the tire and power of emotion of a Char lotto Cushman. She should aim high nnd prepare to make tho great sacrifices required of the noble wo men who graco the real legitimate dramatic profession. Tho Independence East Side says of the Polk county legislative ticket: Mr. It. S. Wallace, of Salem, Is a bntiker of that city, and a street railway and water works projector aud stock holder. He has been a resident of tho state for several years past, having como from Montana here, where ho has another bank. His residence In Salem Is among the finest in thnt city. Wm. Savago lives near Sheridan, aud is tho presi dent of the Dallas bank. These gen tlemen will make particularly elll dent representatives, as they, from their Intimate knowledge of money matters will best know what laws aro needed to remedy our present assessment plan, and it is almost cer tain that some attention will bo paid to the crying needs of the times. A Clilingo Demon Caucht In Sniidu, WiNNiaiucA, Nov., April 17. The Times annouiices the nrrest of K. h. Tniby, wanted In Chicago for murder. Tho Times says Tracy's crime was an atrocious one, lie was n low character, and after mar- rylng n woman nnd degrading her, killed Charles Wagner of SM Clark street. Wagner kept a saloon here, and Mrs, Tracy lived overhead. Her husband one day told her to get retuly to go to Milwaukee. She re fused, saying ho wanted to put her In a disreputable house. They tried to force her to go, and hearing the row Mr. and Mix. Wagner and Joint Wilson rushed up. Mrs. Wag ner announced that Tracy was a procurer for a Milwaukee house of ill-fume, Ho drew a revolver and shot Wagner and made his escape from the city. Since then he has not been heard of. Statu nf Ohio. Citv nrMlii cas county. Frank J. Cheiiev ma oath that hois thu senior partner the tlrm of F. J, Cheney A Co , tilt ing business hi the city of Toledo, Couuty and State aforesaid, aud that tuild firm will pay the sum of ONK HUNDHKI) DOI.LAItS tor eaeh nnd every ease of Catarrh that can not bo euretl by the into of Hai.i.'.s Catakkii Cent:. FlIANIC J, ClIKNKV. Sworn to tieforenieaiHl sulorltved In niv tm'seiuv. this (lib tluv of Hit. winner. A - - - - ,-r- ---- -. ---- --.- D. 1SS0, 8KAL A. W., Notary Public, Hall's Catarrh cure is taken inter nally and acts directly upon the blood and mucus surttuv of the system. Semi for testimonials, free, F. J. CHBNEV A Co., "I'oletio, O. Bold by Druccts, prlw 7. tvnt. rm&'iGjss&vmti mmwTX& qroBngajjL. . U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889. Baking Powder TIIK BltlTISII HfOOKT. flrrat Ilrltaln'n Headlong Ituh Into Intempereiice. London, April 17. Pacltlc Postal Special. The budget was to-day introduced into the house of com mons by Mr. Gosehen. The ex penses of the government exceeded the estimates by 11,600, receipts exceeded the estimates by over . 000,000. The duty on alcoholic cov erages realized oyer 5,800,000. The beer duty exceeded estimates by 270,000, the duty on foreigu spirits by 421,000, the duty on home spirits by 10,100,000, and that on wine by 12,000; duties on cofl'ee, cocoa and chic ry decreased 17,.00, those on ten had increased 40,000. Commenting on the gross revenue from alcoholic beverages, 29,2(W,000, Gosehen said the figures showed u universal rush to the beer barrel, spirit bottle and wine decanter. It was a circumstauoe that must be de pi red. In the years 1875 and 1870, the greatest drinking j ears recorded, there was precisely the same rush and precisely the same proportion of revenue from different spirits. In creased prosperity meant n great in crease in the consumption of al coholic drinks. The postal receipts exceed the es- For the coming year he estimated an expenditure of 8u",837,000, nnd a revenue of 90,400,000. As to the disposal of the surplus, he proposes, among other things, to reduce Indian aud colonial postage. The duties on gold and silver plate i would be abolished. The tiplers, who bad largely produced the sur plus, would have a chance to redeem themselves, o.ving to a leduction of tlie tea duty by 12 peine per pound. The duty on euriants would be reduced from 7 to 2 shillings per hundred weight. I'he mci eased beer duty temporarily imposed in 1880 would bo taken oil. The in habited house duty would bo re duced, and all wonting class ten ements under 20 rental would be exempt from house tax. Turning from Imperial to local finances, ho proposed to raise the revenue for country council pur poses by an iucreased duty of (1 pence a gallon on spirits and 3 pence a bar rel on beer. This would yield 1, 000,000. He hoped the friends of temperance would be satisfied. Tlie i'ulpit and the Stage. rev. F. M. Shrout, Pastor Church, Blue Mound, Kan., s.iys: '! leel It my duty to tell what Dr. King's New Discovery lias done for me. My Lungs were badly diseased, and though 1 could live only a few weeks. I took five bottles of Dr. king's New Discovery and I am sound and well, gaining 20 lbs. In weight." Aitliur Love, Malinger Love's Combination, writes: "Altera thro ugh trail and convincing evidence, I am confident Dr. King's Now Discovery for Consumption, beats 'em all, and and cures the greatest kliulnvoh I enu do my friends is to urge them to try it.' Kree trail bot tles at Frys Drug Store. FINE HORSESHOEING AT Scriber & Pohle's. Hpoolal attention gl en to shoeing mud slcrs, driving horses, Interfering and crl pled horses, A largo Slock of Hand-Made Siioes Carried. Wo git b our personal attention, and em ploy none but experts in this department. 47 and 51 State Street, Salem, Or. J. II. SMITH J. AsJKI'KKUSO.. SMITH & JEFFERSON, mm mwm -1 10 STATIC RTUKOT. Frcsli and Salt Meals Of all kim!Htlnwtst IsNlblo rate. CASH PAID r'or drtiM bet'l, mutton and pork. Come to lhl market and gl ittMt Mm ran rel) on. One of the vital points for a family mau to look Hfter U to seo that he ReUhU money's worth. Ruy gnv rvriw of Wlntew and you set that I Notice. . Council Chamber.Balcm Or.. Apr. 5, 1SWX I XTOTIfJE m hereby given, to Whom It N may com ern that Geo. W. Wntt, und I II. A. Thomas, rf nldentii nnd property owner of the City of Salem, Oregon, nae Hied their petition In the office of tho re I corder of unld city, prayloR an order of the common council vacating, the alley I runnlngEnut nnd Wet through block , C2oftho Unlvemlty addition to tho wild city of Kalem.nnd that Tuesday. May Gth, 1890, at S'Telock p. m. at Raid council chamber had been fixed a the time nnd place, for considering wild petition nnd taking the action thereon. Ily order of council. f, td It. r. UJftfl, rewiruer, Notice. Council Chamber, Salem, Or. Aprllo, 1M0. "VTOTICK l hereby Riven, to whom It IN may concern, that II. A. Thomas, l 8. Winters, Geo. V. Watt and Jos. Albert, residents nnd properly owners of the cltv of Salem, Oregon, hae filed their petition Intbeoffice of the recorder of wild city, praying an order of thecommen council vacating then, ley running east nnd wot through block No. 51, of tho University addition to the said city of Salem, and that Tuesday, Jlay 6i, 1890, at 8 o'clock p.m. at said council chamber hasbeenflxed by thecouncllas the time nnd placo fortonlderli.g iiald petition and taking action thereon. Ily order of tho council. 4;5-til L. P. CONN, recorder. O. C. CHASE Artistic Paper Hanger and Wall Decorator. Good work, economy and wimple work ahown before engaging. .SS-I'ay based on work measured on the wnll. Ieavo orders ntR80 High St. J. H, ELGIN Wagon and Cnringu Jtepairing or making. Wheel building n speciality All works guaranteed; dray nnd trucks built to order, nt low water prices; corner Commercial and Chemekete streets. :M7-tr. Morgan & Mead, City Draymen! All work done with promptness nnd dis patch. Only tho beit men are emplojed. tf-t-90 J. jVIACV. Livery, Feed and Sale Stable Corner State nnd KmntSts., Halem. Good accommodations and good rigs, lime n quantity of good liny for Mile. 3 8 lm .1 MAOY. Capital City Restaurant. Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r. Warm Meals at All Hours of the Day None but whitu labor employed In this establishment. A good substantial rnenl cooked In first clissstle Twenty-five cents per RED K R O N T. Court street, between Journal Otllte and Mlnto's I,i cry. INSURANCE C ii m p a n y , Klro and Jin fine. JO. AIJ1EKT. Agent, - - Xnlutu. Oregon J. J. CULVER County Surveyo JAMES WALTON, Topographer W. H.IBYARS. Civil Engineer Brars, Culver & Walton Surveyors & Topographers Surveys, drafts, plats maps and descriptions of lands, tow niots, and roads, ditches, streets, sewers, nllcys, etc, ctr., made mid fnrntlied at Domt Solar TiuMtT. corners and lines re-c-w. u t. ovitur tablMied from original Tor,K.r. Held notes. Grades for ditches, roads, (streets or sew ere, with estimates furnished on applica tion. Address County Hurcyor's ottlce. Salem, Oregon TH YA0UINA ROUTE. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD And Oregon I)eelopmeut nmeut coninanv's steamship line. miles shorter, 'JO hours leK tunc than by any otliei loute. h'lrst class through nassenccr mid frelcht line I from Portland and all points in the Wll uiiiit-iiu viiuuv hi aim ironi win eniueisci, TIME SCHEDULE. 'Kxeopt aunnays) Leave Albany 1:00 i a- laeCorallls ....... - I;40 I Ai Arrive Yuqulnii 3..M I' ai Leave Ymiulua b:45AJI U'ave Coriillis ....... joss y Arrive Albany 11:10 A SI O. AC. imlns oouncct at Albany aud Corvallls. ' Theabove tnuns connect at VAQUINA with tho Oregon Develonnient Co Une lfSteiiMblilnK between Vnonlin and San Kranclsoo, il.;;i ,j;ts mTiKAS,KIW'.. FROM YAdUlNA I anieue Valley Sunday April b W II amette Valley M nudity ' H lltaiuette Vnlley,Tuesdav j lllamette Valley .'.....May l lllamette Valley lhursday Anrll 10 Wlllametio Valle Friday M is lllamette Valley. . .. Snndaj " "7 twThu minp.inj roerte the right to change sailing dates without notice. amii "???"' fr"i rortland und all ""'""' . iiiu-3 iniiuis win many cloo ..V."1 . lue mi n of the destined to san himclsto, should of sHllluir. Lri, Kprluforiuiuion in AteMm f--.;.-.. ."; .M,.ii,,,iui itnpi iW'SS.-. J.VaW?11 .?.. Ttck.( . mi ncjcei lortl,mil llr i .- at-v ! m - ItlUW M,, Mln ' "- w C.C. HOOl'K, Ac'i Genl Frt. A lluw. Agt., Oregon l'uctflelu it, Co. riI.HA8WKI.UJr.Gr-WS' I "as. Agt. Orvgtin Ieelopment Uk, SiM .Miintgiiinery :,; Ntu Knmaisco, Cul ..Tm "tn, laelrle teinUls on the II amelu river dtvUlou will lwe Nin. , P'Uh-bouud. Mmid) , , tdnosdiiy and Friday xt n. m, .trrive at lvrtn)IU Tuesday, Thursday and tNtlunla.v atJfJUp. in. ' j2 "".'fi n'WUiJMund, Monday, Wednesday aud Friday at Sa. la. .Li ,vrlwlla. mesday, Tkursdny auu.-viiuruu aiAiUiv in. , " ;l'maH.?'i MIy na Fridnv jUUhttimi.iivinB ihVot ! w.wr Vft H. F.a'nd r.'vj.nt. jEjBnF3fH REMOVAL We Will Remove to Bush's New Brick Corner, Corner of Commercial and Court, ABOUT MAY I, 18 9Q And will continue to carry mo nnesi nne oi Dress Goods and Trimmings, Ladies and Gents Furnishing Goods, Clothing, Hats, Ladle i Wraps. Ktc. in the City. We are agents for several J. SHAW & - Hea wiaic GENERAL AUCTIONEERS! eSTWe have a large Ht of farm lands nnd city property for sale y, also take charge of auction sales in any part of tho state. NO. 264 COMMERCIAL STREET, SALEM, OREGON. j9-Ilrnneh ofilco at Sllverton, C. F. DeGuire, Agent. ATTENTION ! We have farms, large nnd small, lots from 850 up, aud houses and Iota in all parts of the city. We do a commission business exclusively. If you wish to sell, list your property with us. Suburban tracts a specialty. PAYNE & BRIDQFORD. FIVE, TEN AND TWENTY Acre Tracts Within easy distance of Salem, for sale on favorable terms. Also soni good bargains in city property. Enquire of WILLIS & CHAMBERLIN, Real Estate and Insurance Agents, on Court street, Salem Oregon, THE SECOND HAND STORE, Moore & Osborne Dealers In Furniture, Notions, Queensware, Glassware, Cigars, Tobacco, Candies and Nuls. All kinds of second hand goods, bought and sold. Goods sold on commission. Cor. State and Liberty St. Only Abstract Books iUw,!!M. PAINTING, PAPERING Etc. Done will 13 SO m 11 HI P " tl"(l dispatch by N. D. JONES. I UIOUI 1 1 1 1 1 1 Mg s Wm Brown DEALERS IN BOOTS AND SHOES, V 1 if Cr v Capital National Bank, SALEM - - - OREGON. Capital Paid up, .... $75,OH0 Surplus, ...... 15,000 it. S. WALLACK, . President. iV,n V,.I;il.n1N Vice-President. .1. H, ALIlKltT Cashier. DIRtCTORSl JV.T. Gray, w. V. Martin, J. M. Martin. . s. Waliare. Or. W. A.Cuslelc, J. II. Albert, T. McF. llttton, LOANS IvIADE lo mrmers on wheat nnd other market, able produce, consigned or in store. public uirehoui. Slate and County Warrants Bought al Tar. COMMERCIAL PAPER Blscounted at rcai-ouabte rates, nirta drawn direct on .New cirk.ChlcaKo.San J ranelsctt, IVirl and. london. litrl.1ierlln Unns Kiiuk aud Calcutta. McCrow k Willard, New Salem Market, EXCHANGE BLOCK. Opv.n ondy Kitclieu, Commereial st EVKHTHING NEW AND CLEAN rrS.ati ;iiij2"Vn.'?U V I l"ul WrM iny tn mi pcrwnf in. tw specialties. J. DALRYMPLE & CO, DOWNING, Fll h 1. UIIIS AND - IN MARION COUNTY. Work promptly and reliably executed bv the HALEM ABSTRACT & LAND CO., FRANK W. WATERS, Manager itu ueat- s store. Leather and Findings, CASH PAID FOR WOOL, HIDES, PELTS, AND FUBS. This house curries a largo stock of first class goods from the beit manufacturers In tho world, nnd Is prepared to give satisfac tion, both in styo and quality, to every one w ho will purchase, goods oi them, No. 231 Commercial Street, SALEM ... OREGON Union Pacific R. R. Company "OVERLAND ROUTE." trains for the east leave Portland atiKW tin and fcOO nni dully. Tie ets to andfrom principal points In thi Unltcdstatcs Cfl. ada and Kurope. Elegant New Dining Cars. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS. Free Family Sleeping Cars run throuh on Express tmlns to Omnba, Council Illults aud Kansas City without chauge Connectlonsnt 1'ortland fort-anFianrl co and 1-utet Sound points. For turther partlculan nddrets any ncentof thecompauy or I. V.I.EK.G.I'.A. C. S. MKI.LEK, General TraJllo Manager f vo TLrougli Trains Each Way DAII.T, VIA UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM, Comnienclncwlth Sunday, March 2nd. both flrt and -eciind class tickets will f hnnorrd on "The Limited East MU. tral s aandl, nsweil also on the "Over land Flyers' Nos. 1 nnd 2. Tho Limited East Mall" trains are equipped with I'll 1 1 man julace and coi n(t Ieeers. dlnlue airs, chair car ana I und i hlciiKO, daily without chnnpe, Uhe"Overlaud Flyer-trulusareeulPPff vvitli Pullman italnce sleewrs and iwnne. ' herween l-nrtlandaudiwuneil lllutl. ana wtih Pullman cnlonUt sleeper" between Portland aud hauua Cliy, dully, without , i-tuinse. . timneei ions ere made at Poftttellrt wuu I thnHijjIi trains tnundfrom < iJike, aau at t'he. iin with luroueb trains M ana frotn IWnver. K.inasiity nndst Lou's, i Tin ai-ive tmlns arJnrd the quukei time leiii the .Nnrtliwel I'ttdOc ca aud t.urii i. tid outhern poinu . lvtuilr.1 iimr of tnnn. rute, througi tlcKH. brfcsuire checks etc., eun be pro cured upon application tnany agentof in Union 1'acirte w stem. T. W. Lit, Co. i T-M.n oen !'. HsteWrriiW ffSWITiwii fc J- 'w--pg z&mmteszzzzzEZ&mmmam F 1-v PV ,