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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1890)
I'llMf"'!1 ""J'J'. ' r -V-- .rHfe(Jfe y'ATBUAL GAS AT ASTORIA. iBlesiIiJ Indication for a flood. Flow ' of Uas. Morning Columbian, April 17: There Is no doubt that a great dis Lery bas been made at Wurren f Many have contended that the g- foUU(1 tbero WnH not tbe 1,1 petroleum gas, but only awanip s and would soon be exhausted. Their belief was founded on the fact that sand mud had beer, found by he drill. Yesterday morning the L was still burning brightly. VVork was commenced on the well, md aft" going a few feet bed-rock ,rM struck, and when the glpe was driven down upon this the flow . nf course stopped. Old miners -ho have had years of experience, gay that this is n, splendid indication of a large volumo of natural gas, nud that It will be found in paying quan tities as soon as this rock is pierced. Little can be done toward prospect fosfflth tbe crude instruments now oq hand, but Messrs. Davis and Arndt will soon have their boring machinery here and will go to work prospecting In earnest. Natural gas was discovered in paylnK quantities, and Us "boom" begin IU lOOO. .n-V mu uuu ui imeu VMM its annuai displacement or coal wa 15,909,000 tons, estimated anlueat?20,000,000, which is be Cered to be only abut half the rate otbe present displacement. Thure jreuoff more than nine thousand miles of mains, exclusive of smaller conveying ilpt'.. The cheapness of the gas and tli enterprise of strongly competing companies have beeu the principal stimulants in its introduction. These competitions have resulted in the rapid ncquire- meut aud development of territory, and Id very many cases it Is' fur nbbed free to consumers. Not counting the hundreds and thou- gands of companies that Have organized to prospect, bore wells, itrike water and quit business, the total capitalization in the name of natural gas in this country exceeds 100,000,000. Recent as has been theereutuaeof natural gas, it has been known for many years. For example, Fredonia, N. Y., has been using it for half a century. Gen eral George Washington; the father of our country, was the first well known owner of natural gas stock. ihvlrnF whllp pntrnced in a salt well enterprise, purchased tho burning springs, In tho Kanawha valley of Virginia. Sobriety Among Jews. Dr. Richardson cites the Jews as a living example of tho advantages of sobriety. The remarkable vital ity of their race strikes him as some thing astounding. Oppressed by cruel laws In the past, and living in abodes where others musthavedied, they yet Contrive to exist. The ex planation, according to this indefat igable apostle of Hygeia is that which was given by Huller, a lead ing German doctor of the last cen tury. It is that they lead, as a rule, simple lives, and are remindful of the expressive maxim in Prov erbs, "wine 4s a mocker" Dr. Her man Alder hns pointed out that, although Judiasm does not denounce thetaking of wine in moderation, there runs throughout the Hebrew literature the strongest condemna of Intemperance .It is, however, we are told, a mistaken idea that dur ing Passover Jews are forbidden to take fermented wine. What Is forbidden is the product of fer mented grain, for which reason rtrlctJews at such time are re strained from the use of such liq uors as whisky. London News. Doyouwaut your wife's relation o tell you when and whero you missed It? Well, If you do, just sit wound here and don't buy a foot of hud. Go elsewhere aud sink your money. You'll miss it of course, and iour wife's relation will not fall to Wt you of it. Strangers are seeing bile you are blind; for iustauce, bout $37,000, worth of property, facing on the Garden road, has changed hands this month; besides werUO.OOO, has been bought in that cinlty and lying east of the city. TMs, all Id one locality; city aud tarrn property la selling rapidly. We have the choicest and cheapest of 'very class, and will be glad to show liem free of charge, halem Land Co., Postofflce block. Not a Parly Paper. Independence West Bide: This Taper Is Independent of party. We ronioBee a proper revlslou of the Infective tariff svsteiu. but not tanfffor revenue onlv. Above all desire to see good men elected to Bcea who will work for more than ""Ply personal Interest. The Pihze. Safe and Reliable Is toebraadof the new baking powder t Farrar & Co's. Every buyer gets priia. lone rh,v.i . , "wooiate cream commeb, aud , -newdalntle tlwt will make Jour mouth water and your teeth , at Jones &, Kernardl1 The Bon Ton restaurant la etUng! The JarCt and rtnm stoe beatoscent meal. In the dtyNaUpapfut the White Corner. nw, COUNTY TAXES. Mr. J. TV. Taylor's Cbargc Refuted by Facts. The republican party of Marlon county, by some means or other, have raised our taxes in this county to almost double what they were law than eight years ago at the close or a successful democratic ad ministration. -J. V. Taylor in rftay- Mr. Taylor isu man who Is not willing to stand father in print to anything that is not straight. We have gone to tho county records, aud Clerk Babcock will lay the same open before any citizen, and find tho levy of taxes for different years as follews: Tax '81 Stato 6.5 ticliool... 3.0 County.. (5.5 '82 5J3 3.0 G.5 'S3 5.6 4.0 41 '84 5.G 4.0 11.4 90 0.0 5.0 0.0 Mills. 15 15 14 51 2n Tho record shows that the total of state, Bchool aud county tax this year is ono mill less that in 1884, and five mills higher than eight years ngo. The state laws fix the state aud school taxes, bo that the republican party is only responsible for the county tax. Tho county levy is two and four-tenth mills less than in 1684. and two aud a half mills higher than eight years ugo. Now very few will recall when this county hud a democratic govern ment. In 22 years the democrats have succeeded once in awhile In slipping In a county officer but never were solely responsible for wliat Mr. Taylor calls "a successful administration." Tho state admin istration has been a mixed one since 1878 when the democrats were in control of tho htate. Of course for state taxes Marion county republi cans are not to blame It is certain that as the comity fills up and more farming laud is opened there will bean increase of the expenbes for roads, bridires. paupers, criminals, etc. Mr. Taylor will not pretend that taxes must not be increased some to meet these in creased legitimate expenditures.that almost always increase out of the ratio of increused valuations of tax able property as tho community grows older. We do not believe Mr. Taylor intended to misstate the facts, but his inference above Is a misleading one. UNIVERSITY .NOTES. Rev. Robt. Whiteaker, of Salem, conducted chapel exercises Friday. Miss Rosa Moore will spend Suu day at her home in Scio. O. F. Tower, of the senior class, made a flying trip to Fortlnnd to day and will return on the evening train. Tho academy rhetoricals will oc cur next Thursday afternoon. The college students will have a half holiday while the "prep's" tremble. The boys are busy to-day fixing up their gynasium which will con sist of rings aud bars. Many of the students exercise themselves iu the exhilarating game of foot ball these fiue afternoons, while others engage themselves iu the health inspiring game of cro quet. The senjor class expect their class tree from Washington, D. C, in a few days when It will bo planted with impressive cere'a.onies. The seniors have begun handing in their orations for commencement all of which must be handed in by tho first of May. Rev. Walter Sklpworth nnd Prof. W. T. Van Scoy of Jefferson, both old time students, took supper with tho boys at the hall last evening. Mr. Van Scoy will graduate witli the class in June. S. M. Sayford, of Amherst college, gaye the students some pleasant talks iu a series ot meetings held the first of the week. Rev. Ross C. Haughton, of Port land, will give a series ol lectures on English literature in the early part of May to which the public are In vited to attend. The newly elected officers of the Phllodorlaus entered upon their re spective duties last evening after the eustallment of which the society enjoyed hearing a good program rendered. J. N. Brown, of the law class of '88 but now a prosperous attorney of Heppncr, Or., spent a few days In the city during the week being a guest of Prof. Parvln. The excursion to Albany by the university band, which will occur Saturday, May 10, is meeting with favor and Is an assured success to the boys. Tbe joint discussion between the Alka Hesperlans and tho Phllodor ians will take place thla evening In the urlverslty chapel. The discuss Ion will begin at '8 o'clock sharp. G. H. Uurnett, Rev. C. Corwin aud yet to lo chosen will De tliejudcw. J. J. Fitzgerald will J .,, pblIoiloriBn8 while Napol- con I).ivl wllletaiid nt the head thtf Alkan. and finest stock of 4-14 eod 3U . TWO MEN PUT IN $37,000. . ' Interview With a Nebraska Man d' Means Who Has Invested in Salem. FPIm nnntfnl nil vuittl iialntfi tPnliu. fer totals have been swelled for sev eral days past by large purchases In the names of W. H. andE. E. Wild. These sales have attracted not a little attention aud a Jouknal re porter found Mr. E. E. Wild at the office of the Salem Land Co., and persisted in an Interview. Mr. Wild is a quiet, unassuming eentleman from Oxford, Neb., and iu response to a number of questions ho remarked: "My brother, W. H. Wild, has been here about two mouths, aud has invested about $12,000 iu city property. The land I have bought here Is mostly outside of the business parts in North ha lem and Yew Park, and a good lot of 80 acres In addition to Yew Park. I have put about $25,000 Into Salem real estate. I am not fully advised as to resources of the country nbout Salem, but of course I believe this city has a great future or I would not Invest. I like the looks of Sa lem splendid. I was favorably struck with the appearance of the place upon first Mght and shall re turn in a month for my family. You want factories aud railroads and of course you will get them. I do not care to say anything as to further plans we may have, but we are not averse to picking up a few more good bargain. T have been reading your paper some and le- lieyeyou are justified iu your efforts to bring people here." Incorporations. The only arti cles filed to-day are as follews: By the trustees of the Episcopal church Fund of Oregon, B. W. Morris, W. E. Potniue, T. L. Colo, M. 1 beady, and R. H. Thornton, to hold property, etc., value of property ?4 1, 000. By G. A. Shephard, (' N. Bar low ct al, Detroit Laud&, Detroit Bay, Wn, office Portland, to purchase laud and operate steam boats, stock, $30,Q(J0. By J. M. Taylor, L. W. Brown, E. J. Davis, and L. Hammett, Myrtlo Creek Mining Co., Douglas Co., stock $650,000. . Gas. R. L. Durham, W. G." Steely, Hon. M. C. Geoige, aud George Markel, of Portland, and Dr.' Iveeno ot Halem, go to Diain to night, to prospect for natural gas. The location of this suposed gas well is about 100 miles from Salem, and the prospect is good enougn to have attracted the attention of Plttiburg experts. Stati: Taxes Continue to roll in at the treasurers's office. A draft was received lo-day for $.82,000 in full from Morrow cp.unty. On Duty. Treasurer Webb, who. has beeu a little indisposed is again on dutyand feeling first rate. There Is no doubt but thathis friends will ask hiin to again grace the demo cratic ticket this year. Iu the Highland Park addition eight new residences are approach ing completion, and tho families are all ready to move in. When this addition sball be more fully built up, it will be one of the most nota ble residence localities in Salem. Cednrine, tho best furniture polish in tho world for sale by A. B. Buren. Every bottle warranted, For Sale. The restaurant known as the "Rocky Mountain," opposite opera house. Good busi ness, with thirty regular boarders. The proprleter wishes to quit owing to poor health. 4-19 Of Theodore NolPfl new store near the Htate Fairgrounds will soon be ready to receive its stock of groceries. The rapid building up of Highland Park addition warrants this busi ness enterprise. Suprkmk Court. It stands ad journed until Monday afternoon at 2 p. m. Ladles be sure and remember Keller tfc Sons' when you buy your Btudles. Now that the hot weather Is upon us why not go to Keller & Sons aud buy a refrigerator? They have a line IIlcn Call in aud examine them. Tho largest Hue of bed .room sets ever displayed in Salem, at .Buren's. IIANGEROCS rnitGATIVES. A City roUcrman' Very Peculiar Kxprrirnce. Mineral pltli and rt.-at!s purjatlrea Irritate 1'ie muroui coa'lnn tho ttomarh and bowel. !u(artl' r utiiartlc action it duo to their irritation Tho daurer attending their atcadjr uo U apparent. The new Ioim- tire principle In Joj-'a Vegetable Fariaparilla gets IU tbrtlo action by Jn.rtiiing tho MoimA,,. a.. ..,,... mui .... 1 .tln...lm.lHia '. U.UVWU v.v,.um muy kuu; MUlUi,lltM the itoojtch. It li purely vegetable, does net loie its effect, end 'tufoto be taken oeca ilocally or contlnuouijy Om. Vidrau, tbe d Lnowu police o0cr of 1SJ5 Howard St., ian Fran- .loo. wrltek ' AftermTown iperienre I flraly U-lleve ' 'bat Joy's Vegetable Sana parilla will cure the moat ob I'luate raes of conitipatlon. tiiough cured I am Mill faking it and never had ray lyitem 10 tbor wifbly regulated. By lacreailnjoidlmlaUh Ing tb dao one hat abaolute command orer Uni wjrh tfc' 1uM rcnady." pj : M of rmnm W POUT A.NGhljb, tt UNflTON. City of Great Promise Knilroadt Making for It A. Harbor I'nsur p'nvcI iu tno World5' WlMiuuL'niiY bpdni; ot nttenmt nt Inflation of values, perhap9iid place otrtho entire coast has made such rapid strides in 'substantial urowth ns this Gate. City to the Northwest. This Is owing to its most favorable locntibnnnd lb tho fukther fact that most of tho immigration is toward the "lower ound." Port Angeles Is slluated on ,the Straits of Fuca, sixty miles fftfntlie ocean, and possesses theonly harbor of safety on the American side of the straits. It Is forty miles nearer the ocean than' Port Towuend, dl rectlv opposite Victoria, B. (, and the Iiarbor is not surpassed by any other In the world. It has the un qualified Indoisemcnt of every sua captain and ship owner of the Pa cific mist. The entli e corps of engi- nt ers of the United States coast sur vey have also given it their fullest indorsement. Three railroads have Incorporated to make this place their terminus. The Union Pacific will be the first to do this. Already this company is building large wharves ami ware houses there and are making other substantial improvements, buying land auu preparing tor the nnproe ments, buying land and prepa'ing for the urcut futuie iu store fur the plnce. Railroads seek It owing to its fortunate location in being fo situated that all commerce must pnm here before other ports can be reached, anil the road which has tills city for a termlniu can make the first bid for this great ocean tralllc. Then the place is backed by mighty -forests of cedar and fir timber, great fields, aud one of tho richest agricultural dis tricts of over three townships in the eutire slate of Washington. Already tbererealK)Ut J200 pop ulation oft he'eity and this number is being added to daily by an ini mense influx of.penple. sev-enty-tlvenew buildingsaie in course of const lucliou. '1 he present con gress, will niake Port . Angeles a port of entry. ' A $20,000 hotel is to uo imilt-at once. The stock for this is ulread Hiibscilbcd. Within the past week $70,000 of a subsidy Was raised for an Eastern firm, who accepted the same and bind themselves to-build and operate an electric line within tunc mom lis. Many other Improve ments of magnitude are being made. Port Angeles is beautifully situated, nature having destined it for an im mense city, It would seem. Four streams of pure mountain water flow thiough the city. The scenery sur rmuidlnp'lhecjty is grand and picturesque.- In fact, It is faith a de lightful and -.healthful place, besides- one of ttient promisovto the specula tor and the home-seeker. d-lt Baled HAV.y-Good baled hay I delivered to any; part. of tho city at SlCtper ton. Morgan & Mead. x Yes I am goljig, .when' on the first exclusion ol tho spawn-to Al bau. tf. Lost. A iiaby'B shoe, ou street of Salem. Leave phoo and get re ward at (his office. Bohlinger's Improved lace curtain stretchers hikI quilting frames com bined. Every hoUsokeeper should have one. Any lady can use them. For sul nt the White corner. - . -1-14 end 3t. At Runuysido, ('. A. Fictkun has just finished luiildingn commodious barn. He already Has five acres of faiit trees planted. Commitments. Ah.Leed, Chi namen fiomThe Dalles, for insanity. Stella M. Jorisor, of M.ilt)ii, Uma tilla county, a farmer's wife, for in finity. JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in Groceries, Paints, Oils and Window Glass, Wall Pa per and 'Border, Artists' Ma terials, Lime, Hair. Nails ami Shingles, Hay, Feed and Fence Posts, Grass Seeds, Etc, NKW AIVi:UTIrsKUHVrs. Founded 1868. Oldest and largest Hanking house between Sacramento and Portland. LADD & BXJSH, Bankers, Iron building, alem Oregon, Exchange on every part of the world, bought and (.old. DraflH of KaKtern bunkn talceii at iui Accoiintfi of bank and Individuals ttolirltcd (.'ollcctlomt miide throughout tho I'nlted Mntes nnd Rrltlxh America. Wo oiler our patrons eery ae coinmodation consistent with convf retlvo bun"lng. i 19dim J. a.iiaki:ii. A. K. hTICANU. Baker & Strang, .Successors to A. R. Htrang, Hnlepf, aw Commercial street, dealers In Mntilels, Stoye4, Tinware, Steam mid Gan FUtlnq: attd" riiiinbliig goods. Furnaces, kitchen .fprnlshlng goods. ci,lmney pipe.' Hole agents for the uuex- ....11.. ITtiC PENINSULAR STOVES. llelngthe exduslve agency for the Or-i-gon I'ollery t'. we ar prepared to tNke sower contracts oheaper than nny other parties Iu the City. Oilland get es timates. I'liimoing anil iinning worK tloue' Cult and Sea CRONISE. T. J. Salem's Popular Job Printer, IT IIIH MSW liCAHTEIW I TIIK A klnlo Ttwiirnw llnllrilnr I ir loin I1IH .NKW I merrilind( hm-kt trt 'VHf 1 ninritimnntTiirinwiiMinnai t Notary. John F. C. McDonald, I oi rorunwi, was nppoin;e(( lo-nay. Holversou hns the finest Hue of sateens ever shown in Salenn lbt . i 5. TaBjCorAKon GYM. Tho friends of athieticspo'rta nmong'the students nt Willamette" university, linve'been busy to-day erecting the out-loor gymnasium in tho college campus. A Urown Fact. Fjnest stock of buggies, canlages, phactouBand carts. In this market at the old reliable hardware estab lishment of J. C. Brown & Co. 8-15-eod 25c Want Column. Notices Inserted for ONE CENT TER word EACir Insertion, no ndver- ttsotneat Inserted la thN column for 1ps tnnn twenty-flo cents. WANTED-Eldcrly innn well ncqulnted wltlinirlners or tlito county to Uomv Mcltluff. Work light. Uooil imy lor rlRht mnu. Cult nt Journal olllcc. SALESMEN WANTED AT ONCE -A few Reed inch to sell our kooUs by iinipioio uitMvliolC'yUe nud retail trade We lire the largest manufacturers Iu our line Liberal salary pnld. Permanent position .Money ad anted for waces, nil vertlslnir, etc. Kor terms address Centen nial -MauufacturlUB Co., C'IiIchro, III. :U8.t.t.R30t. IjlOR SAJ.E. A Reed horse, for buggy or team. Sound and true, and a good traveler. Eiprht j earn old, sixteen hands nigu, weigni ivHiuniircd, 'color, luv. Ad dres Levi .Mugee.Olty. I7K)E RENT A desirable business offlce ! in oesi oioc.i in town Inquire nt this ollice. w-lll PATRONIZE Home Industry, and use Mountain Italm Cough Clue. Guar imtecd to give rcllel or money lefunded. .Manufactured Ily II. H. Cross, Snltm, Ore gon. Smith A Stelner solo agents fur 8.11cm. l,sdhn T1RIVATE BOAHDINn A few gentle- L men can obtain good board an d lortnble lr(ilne nt ilin mrner nf Winter t-iitn. iind Trade streets, near the Woman's Col 1W. -1,12,121 Private hoarding. a few indies or (icntleinincan obtlit, at reason able rates, good board with nicely fur nished roonihln the finest part or tliecltv, right by the street cars, by catling nt ;W7 lntirMrect, corner or Center. ED. N. J3DES Proprietor o the Candy Kitchen, CONFECTJONE R IES, FANCY GROCERIES, FRUITS',' CIGARS AND TOBACCOS 313 Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon. SALEM. OREGON. i VM, N. LADUE, .' .. - l'remtient. Vice President. Cnshler. DR. REYNOLDS, IOHN HOIK, GENERAL. BANKING, i:clianceon Portland. Ban Francisco. New Yoik, London nud Ifong- Kong bought and sold. HLtto, County and City warrants bought, t'tvuncrs nro cordially Invited to deposit imd. transact business with us. Ijlberal advances made on wheat, wool, hops and other property nt rr-.wonaoie rates. Insurance on such se curity can bo obtained at the bank In most icllablo companies. Dissolution Notice. TOTICK is hereby given that the part nershlp heretoforH existing between the undersigned, undrrilie tlnn uamo of I singleton A. Hmlth, ati.Salcni Oregon, Is this uay uissoiveu uy miiiuai consent, n.a.niu. gleton having sold his Interest to Or. J V. ninlth, who will continue In tho bus ness, under the tlnn naino of Hmlth A stelner. All accounu dueto the nrm of Mlnsleton & Hmlth will be pa) able at once to cither member of the late tlnn Mngleton & Smith. HAl.i'it, Or. March JI, 18!H. H. A. Hit. J. I!. rittlTll. In thus rctlrlngfiom the business of the Red Corner drug store, I desire to return my moil sincere thanks to the mau friends luRalem and surrounding country w nose piitroi 111:0 has been mi liberally en joyed in the past. 1 also take pleasure In 'omnicnuitig to mem my successor anu recent partner. Dr. J. V. Hmlth will be found fully worthy of their entire confi dence nnd continued patronage. II. A. HINOLETON. Plans and Specifications For a Htnte Iteforni M-liool building, the cost of which shall notexeeed lueiity thou Hand dollan., cxcluslvoof brick, will be re ceived by the board of refnriiibuioot build, lrtgi-omm KSlonersnt the stato capttol,nn i no nrsi .Moiioiiy in .May, ihw. Tim ooaru i i'ri ci, i uu i'Ki t" jn, iiii mill uu plans submitted, -mid to adopt nan or parts thereof, nnu to fix tho compensation therefor. Halein Or.. April , 18VW. Hy order of Hy i.vmtkh I'j-.kniivkIi, Of.o, V. McllItlUK, K. H..MtlKl.uoV. Hoard of Commissioners. KlIMONK 13, (Jll.TMili,.t'leilc 4-I-Im P. H. EASTON'S TV JW "" t ivi ul s i c oio re . i Will removo to tho Kldrldgo block on Cmnmerclal ktreet. I'lnext line ofi'lanon and OrgnnM In the market. A Bargain ! A dwirable lot of land In loin to milt, i-een inllea wiuthweat of Palein. within eighty nnu of Meainboat landlng.thel)t 1 oak uo(Ml nnd II r timber onouuh In 1 p1:. lor the innd-miu it in irrxMi noil urm.7iw.m6,,XM,iffli,wn,wm, nil rult. wlih ntirlnifH ui it mendor land. Would take, a good xniall lot of B.ilom privrl Intrude. Addrea 1 ' ' O. V DD'NIK, Halein. March IK, IfM. 3 Illf Dissolution Notice. JOriCKUherrby glen that tin lrt lieri!ilt heretofore 1 xUtlng wllh tho Hal em 1 .11 inter C. nd h. A Dormnc llllliiuy iniilHUiiy uikvMvcu, 1- . T" 1 rau(wliMliiguld hi inn r t to the other r.iemU-rofihe Ilro.. who wi.l continue lt, l.n.ln. nn Ah before. 1 , ior- Walein.Or., Aprlia, IM, 1.1 uneil C'jtl. i l-lvMt S A Ookhanck, HOTKb ARRIVALS. ii ii CIIESIKKKTKHOTni H Hamburger, D F Mackey, Gus Hofllitan, F Hiller, Leon J Crown, SF;GN Mclntlre, Detroit. Mfch: P P Prim, Jacksonville; W H Hnwley, Iudeiicudeiice; A .kin, Tacema: S H Hazard, Empire City, it xuuuiiiicy, .minion, vuas v in galls, Boston; D H Lootiey, Jeffer Jeffer eon: J S Punelmnu. Escauaba: E J McCausland, Albany. COOK HOUSE. Phil B Beakcart. S F: J M Tavlor. Portland; N J Shanks, Wliitaker; .Miss Richmond, S F; J F Despaln. F A Wnnless, R S Swartz, Cottage Grove; R H Stevens, Syracuse, N Y; C S Moore, Ashland. Or; T R ir,ti-w1 T..,lo..m.. ir... t -v Kelchutu, J W Earnhardt, Chicago, III. s Ladies, do you warn a big bar gain in dress goods? Here it Is An all-wool serge good value at 50 cents for only 371 cents. Come while the assortment is good. 1.18-31 Lost. By an honest democrat, on the day of their county conven tion, an account book which Is of no use to any one except tho owner. Leave nt this office aud be rewarded. The Union convention was com poed of as fine a lot of men as over assembled in Salem. to I'M u uu iu win VIA Soutlimi Pacific Company's Line. THE MOUNT SHASTA ROUTE. Time Ifttwrtn Salem anil San Francisco,;, Thirty-klx Hours. CALIFORNIA K.Tl'UKsS TltAIN KUN HAIL1 1IKTWEKN l-OllTLAM) AMIS. V, South." I I NortlT.- l.-UU t). 111. L. l'ortlaud Ar. I I0:l3n. in Lv. Hnlem Lv. I 7:5.1 a, in Ar. Hau t'ran. Lv. 7:tMp. in. tl:ll p. in. 7:l.ra. in. LOCAL TILVIV ( 1AI l. K CK1T SlMAV) S.00 a. in. 11:10 n. ni 410 p. in. Lv. Portland Ar. 1 :t:r p. m. Lv Salem Lv. 1S.-52 p. m. Ar. Eugene Lv. p.oii a. in PULLMAN BUPFET SLEEPERS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS. Kor accommodation ot Rocond claws passengers nttached to opreH tmlUH. TIjq M. 1. oouinanj's feiry niakes con tho regular trains on th Eat ldu Division from loot of b Rtreo I'ottland. Yest Side Division. Between Portland and Cervallis: IIAILY (KXCKIT ftUNDAV). 7:. a. in. 12,-lS p. in. Lv.' Ar. Portland Cor nllls Ar. Lv. 0 31 p. m, 1: 10 p. in. At Albany and (Jorvallls connect with trains ofOregon l'aclllo Railroad. ThmuglitlcketHto all iwlnts couth and cast via California BXIMtra-STKAIN (DAILY KXCKIT SUNDAY 3:50 p. in7"X l'oriraud Ar. 800 p. in. Ar.Mc.Mlniillle.Lv. "TlBWaTnT. 5:15 a.m. Through Tickets -To all points 10UTH and EAST VIA ' California. tor lull information regarding rales maps, etc., apply to the Company's ngent .Salem, Oregon. hi I'. HOOKIW, ABst. O. !'. nnd 1'ass. Ag't U. KOICIILKK. Manager. Smnmons. In tho Circuit Court, or tho stato of Oregon fur tho county of Marlon. Ora Harris, plnlntllT Halt to dissolve vs. J. the marrlagu Hamucl Harris, de.fend'1 J contract. ToSnimnl llnrils, said defendnnt: In the name ofthoStnloofOregou, you are hcicby commanded to answer tho complaint filed In said coxrt iignlmt you, In the above entitled suit, by the lith day of .lime, P3KJ, the first day of tho next it gu larterm of said court, utiil you urn further untitled that If you fall toansweras alios o required, said plalntlfrnlll takn n detrco dlnMilvIng tho iiwiiT-inco contract now ox Utlug between you and her, nud for the custody of tho two children, fruits ol said marriage, ud for costs Tills summons Is published by older of Hon. It. I', Ilolse, Judge. Dated Apill 18, lbiW. J. A.AiM'I.kjatk I-2SW-W Att'i.torl'llir, WM. WIOKEY, Sign Writer, Decorator,! and Wall Tinier. Kenvo order nt John Hughes' store, Htato street. Stato Treasurer's ;i7th-Notice. Stato of Oregon, Treasurer's Ollice. ), April 7th, ISU). "rVTOTIfT. Ih IicrcUy ulvcii tliat there uro Xi sumcient rutins on nana to pay all warrants cndoised of the Issur of lh.VJ and IHW), and they will boimldoii prcrentntlou at this oilier. .Numbered as follews: - as: 3sr,St? siii! ;.:.; V.V3. -a i SVsJ, 2.7W, tt o! y&n'. jaw'.vrm'. Ati! zwiViw. aur. suL i, , .'i , giui, -a i, .'i 17. vmi, svjw, i5i, J17, ui, arsj, 'jw. iati i, w, wow. m i, -'7(M,i.T.7,,.';oi,aJK7,,.'is-A,ji,aiiu aino, noi, jm,T,w, awi.'jtwi. &M,ai,2tii,vm, sail, aiwjtaiii,,aii71iiil!ii6, -jisi, nu.'jm, -Ttti, aw, UI7W, i5i. am, h, 2710, awu, vua . JT-JO, 27ll, awl, 27 X 712, iM, 27.17, 27,, 27 U, 2710, Bill, 20li,aiV),27)l,274,ajl. 1028, 'Mm, 2UM, 271 1 , 21l, 2U77, VWi, 'JUti, 374C, jj, 2II1M 2HIS, 27;,-50Jl, 2747, 2748, 27W.27M, J7W), 7771. 27.0, 27 J, 2074, 2718, 2170, WW, 2SU, 2fi7, 2ly,S, 4, 2748, 2413, 27VJ. 27C8, 2770, 27W, 277J, 2777, 2jr,27C(, 'ISO, as.ll, 2742, 27IJ, 277, 2774, 2ti23, 28l4127Bl127W,272.27W.2&!i27S7,27l.27o 2171, 2773, 2781, 27n8, 27U2, 2771, 27n7, 204, 2n00, 121)13. 2421, , 77IU. 2740, 2rtJU, XDirj, 2"I0, 241 I, 2, WAX, 2781, 2HM. 2J0. 2744. 2478, 2701, 207. 2eOfi, 248, 2444, Vf, MIC, 2X17, f'), 2H1I, 28 I. 2841 . 2o4, 2H1 1 , 277tf, 2IC, 28 1 1, 2W7, 2781 28U. , 2HS0, 27t, 20I, 2H08, 27H4J; 2701, 238, 2788, 2H22, ! 2827, 2H0, 2W7, 2819, 2X2(1, 2811 , 2, 27KO, 28i. I 2-fteO, 2M2I, 2T84, 27W, 2727, 2812, 28A8. 101, 2828, . 2i2. 2l, 27183, 2840, 2HV7, 2ttt), 2863, 2, 24, I 28'JA, 2842, 27, 28fi8, 2H72 2870. 2872, 2871, 28WJ. J7.2H78 274,2t7J 2MI2. 9x91,2902, s lfl 2008. 217, Anf, " U. 2!l 10, 2V 10, 28J I, 'Jfll 2609, WW, pttA.. 221 ., 2U.-2 2VI3, 211, 2'J, VMA. 29 u rtC. 2i7 8J 2W74 iVJ Jiii 2017 WIT " :' -1' -IS wwnvm 2277 2311 w -2w tvtk m jmi wo aim mV ' " 4 2 8VW, W, JV8Q. J2IW, 1717, 4Uli)n will 1101 no aiiunea Mieriue (txterif thin XiitWrr, O. W. WKUII. HntTrenrr, i 2SII. 'iMI, Ut, 'Sv, '2S&, !Bi, 'im, W7, 1H1U, VtiftllKi.llMI.'&'M, JIIU.SH.W.ttffrt, ZH), SMi, z mf iim, J i , uiiii, ui tii, '.ar' -i ii, ii m !'JWW,'JII.',,V!IH,2ll0,2lll,iVKI,W7, 'JW,, 'Urn, I am, air, a,i'M,'i;n,,i, ait 5, 'i.a,'&n, .,i ,f,.rl ,-ji ?!-. iui jt .,?! .lire. .,..t i ' SPRING Is he cl And so Is ') E. SCHOETUB With a line stock of spring and summer UITINGS. Everything mndo up in the latest fth Ion and a perfect fit guaranteed, Don't forget to call nt 8ohocttlc's befoto you mnko a selection, Look at This.! 1 WILL BUY A LOT Of goods nt our store! Wo carry a full lino of groceries, feed, crockery, glassware,' ct gan, tobacco nud confectionery. T. BURROWS, ' No. 2M Commercial 8t Salem, $500 Bwsir: rfe oT? Eau's SSSs HD JbASf HEALTH. - t.' Rlcliiu's Coldnn Balsam No. 1 Sores en tho Legs nnd ndjr; Sore Evi! oJC"t.i P0'0'0. -'oppsr-c loc d Dlotchc, ' vmicin, rj. nnu s coiil s:a-rcs; ajti lit I, it primary bjp'illU. Syn'il'.Ua i at, lUcaacd Sca'.n. and all ' a. uaw, v.c , v.on 'il'.l.loiat unary lo-ns ot t!io dlcaso known as P'HIH. I'M"". I S Til Mr L ltl.lmn's O Wen Italinin N'o.!l Cures-Tcrtliry, Jlcrcurla'Bri'il ItlaKhoii. ruatlsni, ratui in t!io lionis, I-alniln tho lload hull; cf tjio Neck, Ulccraiod Soro Throiti a l!a!i, tumps anil con. tricted Coi; s, RtllTncss ct thu Limbs, and u-nllcitcj n 1 il siarn I.-om tho m'oni, whether i Mi t liy hul'stixtl-n or almso t Mcreurj, 1-ntiig 10 b'xxl puro anJ hriltl y. 1 !o30 poc 1 oltle. f.T i.lclinu' a-IIon nnlcliAn 1. Uot-j lir I o r-iro c( Oono-rlicca, Olect, irrttittmia ncl, nnd n'l Urln-y or Ocnl. lildhnrtangimtntR. VrlioCa Bo nor llnt(t(. :. UldiiMi'i rollO-i NpinUU In-' ,l--fl n, I rs-w-o cis-cf tl3norrhcoa, lull i'ii i Hyf let Strlctur Trlcn 'Ji i vv nittic t. Etlbti-mM Uililen O'litmnit. tort io c'Y it olim, iiff Mnhll.tloK-rts. iilidcril"' niis l'rlcoQl t.O n r IIox. t o t irlmu'n OoUI" , I:. --!.Yra and I'.n it citincnt: Iom ' p'lj l nlpow. cr, u-.teni r i,m..-. or't. I nitration, etc.) Prlo S3 CO per IIox. ' j Tuilo i-i (1 ?,pi vino, Sent trryliere, C. . 1)., iccurely Mckoil'" )i'r express. - C. V. UICUAW'h"S CO., AKents, i" KiJUi-it loitrept, I orncr Uay, K-ii r-nm Ivo, Cil ' ciitouLAit .MAir.ut riu;i; JtK K - iCTc'TX m&m Vflrt Aif a&lvL vWSXMi SALEM IRONWORKS, 0. I). WJTTON, Prop, f : Castings of nil kinds mndo to order.) MILL MACIIINKItY, , , ,j.-it PliANINO MII.r.3, tJI coit.vicns, ?M Mi;TAI ntONTS, ' wnnni, ruLLnvs, nnd speclul castings ol nny stylo or pnt. tern iiiauo in snort oiucr, smootii aim re llablolu eve y p.utlcular. Repair any Machinery in Short Order; Turning lathes, enulnes. linn presses nnd hopstoves built. 111 makn estlmutes ou nny Iron work lueded. Clood juice f paid for old iron. 3-18-Im "PAINTSHOP 156' Commercial Street, Housonndcurrlngopnlntlng.slgn writing, paper hanging, decorating, wall tinting, nnd kalclmiuing. All work douo Hist class, I'arrliigopatntlnga speciality, char ges moderate. .",-.' llOAlIRItr c lHi: AND l'HHVKNTlVi: WITH. out medlcliiu Kor lufiirmatlon con corning Dr. A Wll.KOUD IIAMH llcaltn l'ninpniet, call on or iiddroas V. U MOOKli, Local Agl . University llullilliu, riulom dngon. Fine Watch Repairing HV C. A. BURBANK No, 317 Commercial Streets 4 ' Tilly 7IJ U kept on tiln at K. 1I1IO 1 ill I'jIV iiriiko'HAilrll8lnB' Agency, 3 aud Meruharit' Kxchaflge, H 11 1 ram loo, ;alirorula,uierc ooiilriidts or mUurtlhlug can bo made tor II. "cook hotel C'cntiTniiil High Street. a llr. ANDRRSON. Prop. iSufccssorloW.II. COOK Formerly In tninHfiir lmln(w for iriony yMint una will kill! 'Omlncl 1I10 tnnifer bunlticxx In (xiiilie tloti Will tho ho'ol. TkuCoolc liotolU oppoxltr court lionic, iinvolent to himiueMi part of city and atrect, our lino riiuiil 1 pat I he door. ltutt-8 ei.W to (4in 11 Cay, according to room Mjift'lnl term to hoarder, nnd famine, HLACKSMITHINa " Wagon arii! Carriage Maling and HcpairiuK IIorxuh(Miinguieoiuly. All work guar iiueod. JOHN ll(i,M, , Corner of LVimmnrclalamlUheiiiHkfeta al HuIhiii, (Jrt'gon. wolz sTcoT" lvc pall liiixNnf m itxiind wiiiBge '1 tier l-xi HiuMi'' 11 iieon. No. 171 Commercial Street, Sa!cm All Oooda DellvvrM Fr JL