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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1890)
tSBIH OASAT&L iSMSXXS0,-ifVWSUA. he cirrm mum TERMS OP HUBKJIUPTIOtf, OallT by mall per year,., -WOO 10 1 00 Dally br until per week. Wky by tnal Kir dt man l Den ear, Jf not Id lu advance- the hrlefl barred for the Wkeklt Jodkmai. will bn IL0 per year. If paper nro not delivered promptly notify toe offloc. SATURDAY. APltIb 19 GILBERT & PATTERSON, Dealers in Groceries; Crockery, Glassware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Windowglass, Etc. Sole agents for Epicure Tea and Big Can Baking Powder. The Cincus. McMahon'a new united allows. Tuts much heralded combination will be with ur at Balem, 0:2 Friday, April 25. The excellent character of entertainment always given by the iilmve nhow recommends it to the lovers of mxw- dust novelties. The small boy mid the larger man needs 11 crcus occu sionally in hfs business and we cuii suggest in better ant dote for the craving than a vinlt to the above show. Tbntlhla Is nmntitr the few legitimate arenlc exhibitions tmvi-l. Ing cannot be denied, and now wlrb its allied attinctions mint arouse 11 desire on the part of the ninny who are not in the habit of uttcn lint; shows tosee its many wonder. V are assured by tho-e who ought ti. know that there is much of timixuitl Interest to the spectator. Everj man, woman and child in a ra-liii-of many mile?, will want to see tln performnnco given by the lurgest elephant- in the world. Am: You a Douhtkk ami a Kickeh? If so, my boy, you are to be pit'ed, for really n man built that way is not to blame. Actual experi ence mut reconstruct you bcfoie you can have faith in your son, your town, your state and your nation. Whllo you nro regretting that your lot Is cast Id n dull town, your neigh bors and even strangers are get ting rich because they know a good thing when they see it. Iloscnburg A. Savage bought 13 acres on the Garden road only 11 short tlmo ago, slxwivksor so; yesterday they sold it clearing $1000, sixty-six per cent, profit. You can do us well on some of our bargains. Baloni Lund Co., Postofllco block. FouiiTit ok JuiiY.If the Sa lem businessmen want to celebrate the Day of Independence in proper Htyle lot 11 move bo madoat mice. There Is no good reason for further delay. Balem has stood nut of the way of other towns longciiough and Ih now by general consent, and by virtmofourclty's undeniable boom, tlio place to hold It. Let the electric railway bo opened that day and it will bring thousands ot penpto to ourclly. Business men should or gan 1 7.0 and act at once. Fink Wouk. During the past week there Iiuvu been somo very linn pictures dlspluyed in Keller A. Sons' windows, including crayon, oil ami postelle. They oro tho work of MIsh Matilda Kirn, of Gervals, who is an accomplished artist, hav ing travoled In Europe the past year, MUs Kirn hopes to open it studio In this city, and as her work Is ex ccptlunally good we trust she may conclude to come. Fiu:k IIidk. Tiik Capita 1. Jouunai, force received an Invita tion to tnko a free rldo this afternoon nt 3:80 on tho steamer Orient, chartered by Geo. D. Goodhue to tako one of his wood barges down to tho wreck of tho old bridge. Tho boat will be gone about two hours. Many thanks. Ilia Pukciiahi:, J, G. Wright and II. W.Bavage yesterday bought 35 ucrcs of tho Ainsworth place, part of the old GllU'rt tract for $10,000. Tho houso and barn cost fOOOO. It adjoins on tho Bavugo garden. Holverson still leads the trade 011 dress goods and trimmings. Ho makes a specialty of this line, car rlesa larger stock and boIIh at a smaller profit than any house In the city. 4-lB-3t Foil ItBNT.--Twenty acres of rich river bottom laud In Polk county, on road from Balem to Eola; 0110 mile from Ferry lauding. House furnished for renter. Apply soon. B. D, Gibson. -l-18-ut. Jui'Iiovkmknt, AnioH Strong will build new brick workshops on tho rear of his bakery. Work to begin as soon us brick cun bo got. uregon people into uregon pro. ducts, mid that is the reason llioy buy those excellent stoves of Kleiner A Blosser. Table linens, napkins and towels nt very low prices nt Holversoii's. 4-lBOt Special bargains In laco curtains t Holvenion'H. Beu them. MWJt Flno furulturw for everyone at Keller A Hon'. SOME SOCIAL EVENTS. Pleuant 1'mUhm Indnlged by Peo ple at life Capital City. A DANCINO PAKTV. At the residence of Geo. W. Gray, on Court street Monday Miss Eltn Lonsdale assisted by her mother, Miss Gray and Miss Gussic Lonsdale. There were dancing and cards, followed by refreshments, and dancing again, resumed to a late hour. Among those present were: Miss Rita Lonsdale, Miss Gusslo Lons dale, M Iks Grey, Mis Eugenic Bush, Miss Myra Albert, Miss Mae Boise. Miss Lou Ilirsch, Miss Helen Kdes, Miss Belle Golden, Miss Jtuth Mat thews, Miss Kate Dalrymplc, Miss Louise Iluelat, Miss Kate Laduc, Miss Hunnali Diase, Miss Mamie Shaw, Miss Jeo Dalrymplc, Miss Gertrude Holverson, Miss Kate Dearborn, Miss Kate Itlchardsou, Mr. J tm Baker, Mr. Otho Wilson, Mr. W. B. Ludue, Mr. II. McNary, Mr. F. A. Wiggins, Mr. .luck Wes lacott, Mr. Jos Albert, Mr. George Brown, Mr. Guy Ilirsch, Mr. Bay Gilbert, Mr. J. B. Philips, Mr. Hul I). Patton, Mr. Cooke Puttou, Mr. Jno GIeny, Mr. Gay W. Cooke. JIIKTHUAY KVKXT. The JouitNAi. ofllco IWce have prepared a program fonui appropri ate celebration ot Hbakespeare's birthday, next Wednesday evening. The following numbers eousNt of original essays and selected readings: 1. Bketch of Bhakespearc. 2. What Is Known of Bhakes Ieure. 3. The KukINIi of Khakespeare's Day. 4. Hamlet's Advice to the Players. 5. Cardinal Woolsey on Being fast oil' by Henry VIII. (I. Tho Ileal Person Hamlet. yi: 01.B vaunts vis AUK. The above social order was enter tained by Mr. mid Mrs. It. B. Flem ing, Center and Cottage, last night. Alter a siege of ilrlv.! whist, refresh ments nut of the usual order in va riety and richness were served and partaken with a zeal and cuthuslum that was complimentary to the tal ented hostess. Mrs. Fieuiiinr won high encomiums for her talents us an entertainer, as well as for tasty floral decorations. The fol lowing seniors were preseut: Mr. and Mrs. Judge Thayer, Treas urer and Mrs. Webb, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Wright, Mayor Williams, Mr. Wllinan, Mr. and Mrs. 13. M. Wnlte, Mr. and Mrs. Krausso, Mr. and Mrs. Cottle, Mr. aud Mrs. E. Breymuu, Mr. and Mrs. E. Hofcr, Mrs. Monroe, Mrs. McKay, Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Gilbert, Dr. and Mrs. Illchardson. Mr. Wright and Mrs. Breymau took llrst prize. Mr. Wright receiv ed u decorated illuminator for u ileepy veteran ut whist; a pretty basket of ioIetH went to Mrs. Hrey man. The editor received the com pliments of the evening for being poorest whlvt hand In Balem, In tho shape of un artistic card case. Mrs. Monroe received an ornamental match case. After distributing the premiums the high presldeutof the society read an olliclal bulletin, or dering tho club to meet on the llrst Friday in October with His Honor, Mayor Williams mid expressed tho hope that all might meet again well and happy, Till. OI.II t'AMIMAK KACK8. Tho whist club of tho ubovo name wiih entertained on Tuesday even ing by Mr. nnd Mrs. Gabrlelson, at tho popular Hotel de Thompson, as sisted by Mr. and Mrs. Ilroomell. The party was not as largo us some of Its predecessors, but for hlgh-grado enjoyment, exquisite refreshments, anil tlrst-class playing generally, it has not boon surpassed. As the season is growing to a close and some tulk of disbanding, tho ques tion arese: "What shall we do with our funds?" A trip to Europe and the Hawaiian Islands wub sug gested but as this was considered too big a drain on the surplus, an appropriation was finally voted for a trip (and dlnuer) to "Portland." The tlmo has not yet been set, but the treasurer wasauthorlzed to make all arrangements and pay all bills. HI-WHISK TO MK8. II.V1IHIS. A surprise was arranged by a millibar of tint Intimate Mends of Mrs. Harris, wife of the former Congregational pastor lust night. Mrs. Harris was invited out to ten at Mrs. Parvlu's, aud upon return ing with her daughter found her new homo north of tho state house "in possession of tho enemy," About thirty friends participated and till partook ofaii elegant lunch arruiiged by tho connivance of the weeoinotho' unannounced visitors. Vocal niuslo was rendered by Miss Harris ami Miss Mabel Gray. At Tho Dalles, Or., W. C. Turlton, a prouil neat stock miner of that section, was drugged to death hist Wednefcduyhj u luiinwny team at tached to n buokboard, uvaf Ante lope. iu WA8 8HE DROWNED? A Netorions Character's Trunk Found on the Bank of the Bircr Thii Horning. The police and a Journal re porter were busy this morning at 8 o'clock examining a trunk found broken open on the river bank and tho contents scattered about. There were albums, containing pictures of persons well known in the city.aud a good many letters addressed to Kate Baker and daughter Jenny Baker, both women of ill repute at Eugene and Ban Jose, California. These precious relics and some torn garments were scattered on the beach of the proud blue Willamette and exposed to tho gaze of n cold world all the forenoon. An axe was found lying near, with which the trunk was broken open, und there was evidently quite a struggle over the property. Marks indicate that some one went to the river and sur mises of drowning, suicide aud crime are rife. The trunk, photos and correspondence are in charge of the police, and further developments ure awaited. AT TilBCiltJRri!ES. Christian Science. Sunday rchool over Btute Insurance offlce at 4 o'clock. Meeting for bible study Monday evening nt 328Front street, 7:30 p. m. Services nt the Christian church at the usual hour, 10:30 and 7:30. Subject; "Bunduy School Work". M. E. Church. services lu the M. E. Church, morning at 10:30; subject, "Man's Nature HowSatis fled." Evening, 7:30; subject, "Wanted A Man." Seats free. First class singing. Evangelical Church Preach ing nt 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. The series of sermons continued. The Beatitudes in the morning and the Prodigal nt night. Endeavor meeting at 0:10. All welcome. E, 8. Bollnger, pastor. First Baptist Church. Hev. Itobert Whltnker, pastor. Preach ing at 10:30 u. m. Subject, "Pro gress." Sunday school ut 11:45. Y. P. S. C. E. at 0:30 Evening preach ing service nt 7:30; subject, "The Carpenter's" Son. Prayer meeting on Thursday evening t 7:30. Strangers und working people espe cially invited. All aro welcome. Reports como in of more coal dls. covcrles in tho hills southwest of Eugene. From the discoveries made it would seem that there must be a Inrgp lied of good coal in these hills. The discoveries have been mnde nt vnrlous points covering u largo area, mid Indications nre that an extensiyo bed of coal underlies that region. Tho new clothing storo of W. H. Conrad is now open for business ns will bo seen by their announcement lu this Issue. Mr. Conrad is an old hand at the business nnd hns a flno store with everything fresh und new. Look him up before making u purchase. Semething: New. Buren hns Just received several dozen extra folding chairs to rent for lawn par ties and social occasions. 4-10-2-t m m . Epoch. Tho transition from painful sick ness to health marks nn epoch in life. Such event is treasured In the memory alio the agenov wherebv attained Is gratefullv blessed, much Is heard In praise of Electric Bitters. So many feel they owe their restorat ion to health, to tho uso of tho Ton ic. If you aro troubled with disease of Kidneys, Liver or Stomach, vou will And relief by iiseofElectrlo Bit ters. Bold at oOc. nnd II per bottle nt Frys Drugstore. The wild gecso flight north. continue, in their llcM Hemedy for Concha and llron- rliiln AQVctHnim. Dr. Hidden: Your Ethcrenl cough Syrup I consider one of tho lnst remedies for coughs nnd bron chial ntlVctlotis made. Have used It for several years In mv Inmlly for my children. G. H. CLIFFORD, Stockton. Lnrgo 8l7.(, $1 00, small 50 cents. For sale bv nil Druggist. Folding lunch, cant nnd sewing tables. All now novelties at Keller it Bon'. TlioSprliic Mttlleluc. Tli vopulnrlty wlilcn Hcod'i nraprt. rllln bun Kiilnrd a n prltie mrrtlrtiia U woiulcrnil. It lHwaMMeit hint those eo mrntu of hrnltli-dvlne, llood.urlrylnc mill nip'llMvtrlUB which everybody ecmn to ntnM.Ht thU ifanoii. Do not wit tlnutiln i iliill, tlrvtl, untlsrtictory cmi. illtlnu whrn yn;i nmy ! no nitu-li txuieflt nl by HootV Hnrutpurllla. It nrins tho blood ami iiinkos tnewiMtk utmu. The beauty of tho nM, tho luck of the shamrock nnd the abundance of tho thistle are nil Included In tho dollar bill when 8wutut our store, for groceries, crockery und glass ware. J. G. Wright. llQcklen'i Araica Salve. Tbebott alv In tho world forcuis, bruls n.Pttrra, uirro,Niii rueum, nver sores, lei lr, olmwo UMtid, cuUbUlus, coins, and nil skill eruptions, and an hkim crupuuus. Him ioiu'iy cure pile, or no my required. Ills guaranteed lv lttrfrcl MtUtkellou tkr mimi m. luouea. ..-- -.. - trle H cants Mr twit . Koriby DuUI J Vrj, drutvUl PERSONAL MENTION. Chas. Weller Is off on a trip for Puget Sound. R. C. Geer, of SHverton, was In the city yesterday. Hon. C. A. Coggawoll went to Portland this a. m. Mrs. F. C. Baker and sou took the morning train for Portland. Attorneys Win. Kaiser and Geo. Blugham, are nt Portland to-day. Mrs. Reed of SHverton, was a passenger on the north bound train. Mr. E. S. Snyder, of Buena Vis ta, was ! the city on business to-day. Wm. Miller, of Linkville, passed north this morulng en route for Portland. Johnny Brooks says he will learn how to ride a bicycle or know the reason why. Howard Wilson, who is in Wells, Fargo's ofllce ut Portland, is a Sa lem visitor to-day. Geo. Hatch, one of Uncle Sam's delivery servants, went to Portland this morniug. W. C. Brown, of Dallas, a pioneer of Polk county, was in the city to day, on his way to Eugene. Mrs. John Hughes and daughter, Mrs. A. N. Bush, left on the morn ing train, for a short viit nt Port land. Mrs. A. A. Barker, of Portland, has lieen visiting with Mrs: Edes nnd returns to Portland this afternoon. Fred Gilbani, who was in the em ploy of O. C. It. R. at the freight depot is in the city visiting with Mr. Skinner. Mrs. Hilleary, Mrs. Brown, Miss Clinton, Mr. O. H. P. Cornelius und Miss Thomas, all of Turner, ure in the city to-day. Mrs. E. D. Button, of Walla Wullu, is in the city, stoppltig at at the Cook house. The ladle's hus band is in charge of the electric road line crew. Mrs. Rhodu Edes, purchased the fine span of bays of W. Downing, yesterday paying $500. Mrs Edes now has one of tho linest carriage teams in the city. Mr. Arthur M. Reld returned Thursday evening, from a. pleasant trip to Silver Creek Falls, where he tins been visiting friends.- - Miss Ida Arnold, of Hazel Green, Inventor of wool pie for All-Fool's day celebration, is visiting friends in the city to-day. ' Rev. P. S. Knight went to Port laud this morning to nee about the electric lino crossing tho S. P. track in East Salem. Mr. Abrum Nelson und H. Hirsh burg, of Independence, two promi nent citizens of Independence, are Salem visitors to-day. Miss Nellie Peck, of Santa Rosa, Cal., who has been the guest of Miss Stella Cannon the past winter, re turns homo to-day. Mr. CIltlordTliomas, the telegraph operator of Turner, was in tho city to-day. Cliil stays at his post of duty well, this being tho llrst time he has been in the city since, Christ mas. Mark Drumm, lepresontlng the Caroliue Gage company, is again in the city and informs the Journal that tho company is liublo to ptay In Salem aguln ubout May 5th. Dimt. HINZE. At McMlnnviile, on Sun day, April 0, 1890, Rev. Paul Hinze, aged 35 years. Deceased wasn Baptist minister nt the time of his death. He was connected with tho Methodist church until about one year ago and was pustor of the Dayton M. E. vijuiuu iiir mnu mounts, ror me post nine months lit has been nt Union, Union county, where ho hud established u Baptist church. His death was caused chiefly by heart disease aud dropsy. Ho came to Oregon from Brooklyn, N. Y., about two years aoo. A wife aud three children are left to mourn his death. Duytou Herald. "Kvery Spring" Says 0110 of tho U-st housewives in New England, "Wo feel the neces sity of taking a good medicine to puniv the hlood, aud wo all take Hood's Sarwiparllla. It keeps the children free trom humors, my hus band says It gives him a good ap petite, aud for myself I am buw I could never do all my work If it was not for this splendid medicine. It makes ue feel strong und cheerful, und I uni never trouliled with head uche or that tired feeling, as I nscd to be." 1 Btayton Sun: We learn from last week's Appeal that tho Union Pn cltlo rlght-or-way man wan at Silver ton last week and re.orted that the farmers along the proposed route from East Portland to SHverton arc conceding right-of-way very rendllv. The vulley will get her rutlrouds without votlug bondsorsubsldlrlng. I To IIoria MnnlroiNi The Capital City railway com pnny Is prepared to tell home-see, ewhontethlng to their advantage. AU. DuvlUHJmiwou has tukeu chaiw ofthulr real estate dcnurlnieut at 115 State ntxret. Call aud eo him. T. H. BARNES, Pres. SALEM LAND COMPANY Incorporated 1889 Capital Stock, $30,000. Post Office Bloclc, The stockholders of this corpora tion are originally from New York and Ohio. They have spent most of their lives in the western states,from six to sixteen of which, were in the prairie states of Kansas and Nebras ka, where they were Iargly engaged in the handling of real estate, One of them came to the coast some sev en years ago, to And n desirable home in n country which promised something absolutely certain to wards permanent advancement. He spent several months in Califor nia and Washington, deciding final ly that the Willamette valley had iiioro ot n diversity of industries and gave brighter und more reliable promises of permanent growth than any other point he had visited, lie sides presenting the one advantage most dear to nil progressive peo ple of a homo in the midst of a highly civilized people, free from the undesirable Influences of n new border town. The other stockholders followed during the last year, spending sev eral months on the Puget Sound, and yet notwithstanding the rapid advances made in some localities there, could not seo promises of per manent growth which would war rant the belief that it would make a profitable, comfortable mid desirable place to live in, or in which to bring up a family of children. They came In the course of their travels to Salem, and ufter careful investiga tion decided that this was the Mecca towards which they had been jour neying and have since purchased homes and other property amount ing to over $50,000.00. Even in this short time it is demonstrated that they have not been mistaken und that the Willamette Vallev possesses more actual merit und advantages than any other part of tho Pacific Coast or the world, and that Salem with her immense water power will continue, steadily, persistently and forcibly to grow und expand with the valley till ho will bo the manufacturing, fruit, vegetable und flouring center of tint Pacific North west. Railroads now surveying und which are ussured of being built will make the timber, coul, iron, gold and silver mining districts nil tributary to Salem. And through them and tbo innumerable home in dustries furnish steady and reliable niarKetB for the luxurlunt production of a most fertile soil forwhicii Salem nnd the Willamette Valley are so noted. s alem Land Co. Treasurer's Notice. T rcasuror'H Ofllce, Marlon Co. Or. 1 Hiilem. April 11th, 1M0. NOTICE Is hereby glVen thut there arc Bufflclcnt fuuils on hand th par all outHtaudlng county warrant that have been endorsed bv me, nnd no Interest will boallowedonsald warrant alter dntn of thUnntlcfi. AO. COND1T, l,ll,dw,aw County Trensurcr. Money Wanted. All persons Indebted to the estate of E. II. IlellenBer, deceased, nre hereby not! nPt to muko settlement lmiuedlately the undervlKiied at hpr residence in Silein. M. A. UELLINOEIl, Administratrix, To Capitalists. Si-aled proposals will bo received up to 2 Clock p.m. of the 27th day of May A. D. 18l0, by the board of directors of School District No. 21, of .Marion county, Oregon, which Includes the city of Salem for tho nurchntio or thlrtetn thousand Uo.lura (IM.OOU) worth of the bonds of said school uuiricl in denominations of one hunnred dollars ISlOOl and timvnriU. Tho inioriMi, on these bonds to be paid semi-annually ana they aro to run twenty (20) years. Bald boudi ure Issued under and by virtue of an act of the I elslature or Oregon for theycHr 1W5. entitled an act to amend sections 37 and 67of title or un act to estab lish a uniform course of public Instruction In tho common schools ot the slate, np- rvi lies bidding must specify the lowest rate ol Interest ut which they propoi topurcnuFe wild bonds, and tho nmount they desire to Curcbase, seven thousand dallars worth to e P,urchM'd July j, 18'JO, und six thou. uuimni isuawi worm 10 De purchased January 1, 1891. No bids will be considered where the propose rate f Interest Is more than 5 per cent per unuum or where the bid for the bonds Is value. The board reserve the right to reject auv or ull bids. Donebyorderofthelxiard of direc tors nfonuild this 27th day or March. A. I). ,h- ,, , . W.H.8IMI-SON, Clerk. ni27 cvuuui uin, .-o. a i. iiuyon to. or. Insure iu Your Home Company ! "The State,"' Which has for the six year. PAID MORE TAXAS. Issued More Policies, Received More Premiums, And Paid More Losses, Uron property located in Orrton or Wash lagton than any other compauy. It was the First Company to Pay all Losses io Full and in Cash gf t threw great conflagration, of Seattle KIleuburnd Spokane Falls. QEQ.W.UGELER, Oty .gent, .nd Special .Agent tor Marlon County. Omo U the eonpny. Iulld!u. H. V. MATTHEWS, Treas. . i - - .''-- The stockholders having been in Nebraska aud Kansas during the great growth Intely made by Lincoln Omulfa aud Kansas City, and hav - ing been on tin' "off side " there ns kickers nnd doubters till the tide of progress had ruu over aud knocked down and beat the sense of dearly bought exjierience into them, they determined if ever again they were allowed "one chnuco in u life time" they would make tho most of It, and lu coming hero they have governed themselves accordingly. To this cnd.although already own ing lurge real estate interests, one stockholder of the corporation has within the past two weeks purchas ed over $22,000.00 more of property. Gentlemen, does it not occur to you that eastern men coming here und making such iu vestments, must have some assurances before invest ing such large sums? Does it not occur to you that these assurances ure positive prospects of per manent improvements which will insure Salem a place at the head of the leading cities in Oregon nnd Washington? Their investments are but n small part of the number made, a large number of people of similar experi ences have bought as largely, aud others are buylug dully, while num erous men of smaller means are huy ing small tracts aud lots on every Hand. Among the first investments made by this corporation was the property now known as Enoi,ewood Addition to the city of Salem, lying between the Garden Road and within four blocks of the elegant new east Salem school buildings whicli cost over $00,000.00 nnduecominodutes nearly 700 pupils, und to which the Centre streethtreet cars are now running; When this building was located, the citizens believed it would in a short time be the eenterof population. It is to be fulfilled sooner than they expected. Enolewood, lies on high ground about oue hundred feet above and overlooking the city, on rich black soil that will enable you to have the fintstof gardens, flowers and lawns. From it and lying to .he east, north east aud southeast you can see the green clad foot hills with the suow tipped mouutain peaks of Adams, St. Helens, Hood, Jefferson and the Three Sisters, in beyond them, while to the west lies tbo Coast Range, the fertileund romantic Polk County hills, with thebeautiful Wil lamette river and the city lying in the immediate foreground aud al most surrounding it. THE NEW 1 1 COM, Ttie .ClQttiieiri Has A New Store, , New Goods, New Building, And ..though old at the business offers the people of Salem a NEW DEAL GENERALLY Prices Right, And every body is invited to call and see. Goods not nearly all in yet, lot more are constantly arriving. 257 Commercial St. DEAR GIRLS: ??l.KnoJr,,y trom nny youui man bin If thy ottVr uu a nlco Uox if B " HcIIfobranifs Square Chocolate Creams, '. uii liSuT. rEMl ,! 5S?. UWe Wm. HOWARD PHELPS, Bee. - Salem, Oregon Buildings nre building and beinc occupied by actual residents as fast Uie lumuer mm material can be ' secured. The company arc making Im provements and yill continue to. make them during the year that will ensure to the investor nt present prices n rapid advance in values and make the neighborhood the slghtliest, healthiest and most pop ulur of any in the city. Speciul in ducements will be given to secui good buildings; Prices will soon b advanced. To people iloaking after suburban property and 6, 10 and 20 acre tracts for gardening and fruit or for for chicken rancnes we cm heartily rec ommend the property .lying east of the city. We have on the Garden Road, the most popular out of Salem some very choice suburban home? for sale. They aro hard to get for love or money but we were fortunate enough to secure the agency ou a few, of which only ono or two are left. We some very choice o and 10 acre tracts In that vicinity at from $160 to $200 per acre. Aud lu Hampden Park one mile east of towh 5 and 10 ucre tracts that nre unsurpassed for health, soil und sightliness are now being offered at only $125 per acre: cash, balance in ono, two und three years. To people coming here witli small means, and who must soon get to making a rev enue on which to live this certainly is a rare opportunity, for the latid is now ready for cultivation, and us soon us vegetables can grow you will become in a self-sustainlncr con- ditlon. Small fruits can be set which will bear uext year, and you. can prepare your orchard as soon a,?, you please. Clerks and other people in the city on small sulurles or men of mon ey will tie sure to reap good money profit by investing in this property. We also hove two or three small tracts close In ripe for platting fine property also city lots, business lots Hue residences and several small, homes very cheap. And a large list of small and large farms, some stock ranches, 80 acres with good back woods improvements 14 miles out for $550 and two of the best small tracts for poultry there is in the county. Also over 50,000 acres of choice selected timber lands. Call and see us or write for circulars. SALEM LAND CO., Postoflice Block. ,- A ;. v PRINTING. 0m?uuh'i2:1,,u bI10"1, estabuhh. y'".euu. In l to Mate. Uiver ihim Hub tNirUuud. Li Mr'.t ...uft 1 4. fit t- ?',. A. ulreest discount. Heitd foi STORE saar1" ,o k .resa g8ss p1 oo priuUnr, and catalogue ol? KV f ur a fAf Bi 1Mbi ftetera Ontm,