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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1890)
.THBOAglAETIKG JXyUIQTtAX ,- . vii mm m tumm m f Mw'J!jftp,i.ii imiii A Lincoln M morial Service. .the first Evangelical church on A rmr of Center nutl Liberty ,he Tau appropriate service was ?5 list night in wmnioiuornllon f UieSStb anniversary of the nsst.s- Cloof Abraham Lincoln, the SkwIw. The prayers and music 1 . . i.t...l for tlie occasiou n7,d the mysterious rulings of T5l.wlse Providence in history, .nd ruverted to the terrible caiutnuy L had befallen the nation. Thowall-of this plain church be- Mod the pulpit were decorated with draped ling, wreathed over pictures rfLlnwIn and Garfield, the mar tvred presidents. Choice bouquets of cut fiowers were set on either '' Tue choir sung a noble patriotic .othem aud the pastor proceeded to deliver the Lincoln memorial ad dress It was a patriotic historical tribute to the great character of the martyred statesman. He traced the JSe, of the heroes of liberty against tyrauuy all around the world Thonllerim fathers thought they had secured national freedom mi n er continent, but it was not to be until the brave and the truo men 0f the revolution had baptized their tucwfsful efforts forliberly In blood. freedom was no sooner secured toour forefathers than the cries of those in bonduge was iit'tuu, unu their voice was an appeal to God ouhigii for liberty and equality. The speaker then compared Abra ham Lincoln to Moses in Lis iend trsliipofthe children of Isruel. He led them to the verge of the prora ced hind of unity aud freedom which lie was not permitted to enter, gq with Line hi. Few as curly as he staked I heir name and reputation Inassertiusj plainly the issues that divided the country and were- soon topluuuelt into war. Lifted up to the heights of human success,Iionor, and glory, and having just heard the werds: "Lee has surrendered at Appor.utox courthouse," he was doomed to death by the assassin's baud. If ever a man was permit ted to sen the glory crown of his own work just finished, it was this noble servant of the masses who was struck low in death without a moment's notice. Turn the telescope backward and look down the years of the lust ilo years. How diflerent it now all looks. The speaker recounted with what secret satisfaction the people of his natiye village on the Mason aud Dixon Hue rejoiced at hearing of the death of Abraham Lincoln. They read very few papers and those mainly of copperhead species, and ofcourte they were bitterly preju diced. Today thot same com munity was entirely loyal in its sentiments. The sacrificial blood of the martyr president had been a means saying grace to the nation. The death of Abraham Lincoln bad welded the nation into a s;lld mass of national patriotism. It allayed party spirit, bound together the factions of the dominant party, and checked hostile criticism be tween different sections of the country. It was slavery tint, nerved 'the assassin's hand and revealed even to the defenders of that in- i stitution what a horrible, treason ous thing it was that this great hero of American liberty had given the best years of his life to abolish. The speaker concluded with a noble aud ' PUriotloperoation. Chocolate cream caramels, and other new dainties that will make your mouth water aud your teeth ache, at Jones & Bernard i's. All members of S-.-dgwick Post No. 10, Q. A. It. uro especially re quested to attend the regular meet ing of the post on Monday evening April 14, 1890, as we have imunrtuut business for consideration. " 1). C. Siierma.v, Tost Commander. 2t To Home Seekers. The Capital City railway com pany is prepared to tell liome-seeK-mwniethlug to their advantage. r. David Simpson litis taken charge Mtuelr real estate department at 115 fcUte street. Call mid see him. State of Ohio, City of Mexico, Lu '""t.v, Frank J, Chenev makes win i that he Is tho senior partner of w firm of F. J. Cheney Se Co , do- JB business iu t,e city of Toledo. wumy and state aforesaid, and that HUNDRED "DOLLARS tor each waevery case of Catarrh t hut can nottecureill.ytho use of Hall's UTAKim ClHK. - Flt.VNK J. ClIKNEV. n J , ,0 wfnre me and subscribed ray presence. thUOth day of De gSJwr, A. D. 18S0. 6fcAL A. w. Glkabok, r. Notary Public. ,," 8 yntarrh cure is taken inter Miiyand acts directly upon the "'"V0- and IHUCU3 surfiipoa of llio i Wem. fnd for testimonial;., free. BomV j-Chknkv & Co., Toledo, O. ".a by Druu'gUts, price 75 cents. Have tho Daily Journal left at loin,"'"1 8 a the news, at ,0ut8 a week? rWSTY OX Hand. George D. ywmbne has now a full supply of will be promptly supplied TO ASTORIA BY RAIL.; i Huntington Will Complete tho Soutli Coast Line. A SEASIDE ROUTE THIS SUMMER. Tort Townscntl .Southern Contemplates Fussing Through Olympia. Astoiua, April, 5. Special Tel egram Active work will be re sumed by a force of between 1500 and 12000 men on tho Illllsboro di vision of the Astoria & South Coast railroad within n -short time. The bonds will be Bold, In fact the sale is as good as consummated, for two prospective purchasers are after them. A recent letter from Hunt ington to a prominent railroad of ficial in Portland (not Mr. Reid) ex presses a determination to buy the road upon the terms as stated II everything Is us represented to him. Ho nlso'stated that such pressure hud been brought tb beur upon Mr. Reid that ho is willing to surrender the Pacilic coast contract If paid for the work ul ready done and the bonds are sold. All these things are known by the Union Tucillc officials, aud a party of surveyors will be iu the field iu fifteen days. They arc al ready making prepura tions to run a final line on the route down the river from. Portland. Tho directors of the Astoria & South Coast railway say tliut Hie line to the seaside will be finished and iu operatiou July 1. They have letters from C. P. Huntington prpmisiug to come here for a con ference regarding the Astoria & South Coast road, aud expect he will arrive next week. It is believed all the stockholders who have re filled to surrender slock to William Reid will readily give up to Hunt ington, and that the main line will be rushed through to Hillsboro this year, if the long mountain tunnel can be completed. Its length is lo00 feet, aud the duration of work will be regulateil by the character ol the rock encountered. The Oregon Railway Extensions Company, of which Hon. Henry Failing, of Portland, is president and Hon. Joseph Simon Secretary, yesterday filed at Olympia, Wash ington, supplementary articles ol Incorporation empowering it to build 3000 miles of new lines in the Northwest. The lines which tho company proposes to build are as follews: LINK FltOM rOIlTLAND TO ASTORIA From Portland iu a northerly and westerly direction to Astoria, with a branch line from the most feasible point at or near Columbia City, westerly ty the most practical route to Forest Grove. Supreme Court. Salem, April. 14, 1890. Wm. Deeriug & Co., resp., vs. rvoighlon & Qulvy, apps.; appcnl from Benton Co.; judmeut reversed and the cause remanded for such other proceedings as may be proper i u tho premises. Opiniou by Lord,. J. Linn W. Woods, app., vs. The Town of Priueville, resp.; appeal from Crook Co.; judgment of the lower court alllrmed. Opinion by Struhun, J. Lute- Savage, app., vs. Ellen Savage et al, resp.; appeal from Marlon Co.; judgment of the court below affirmed. Opinion by Struhun, J. Alfred Freerkscn, npp.; vs. Ephirum Turner, appeal from Linn Co.; judgment of tho court below affirmed. Opiulou by Thayer, C. J. Benjamin Windsor, app., vs. Hi rum Simkine, resp.; uppeal from Polk Co ; judgment affirmed. Opin ion per curiam. Iu the matter of the estate of Martin Werts, deceased, Sarah L. Luper, objector and app., vs. Mary Werts and L. F. Smith, propoii. dents aud res.; appeal from ldim county; the decree of the circuit court reservedaud that of the county court uffirmed. Opinion by Thayer, C. J., Lord, J., reserved hN opinion. Motion tor rehearing in the case of Patterson vs. Hnyden, denied. George Scaly, resp., vs. California Lumber Company, app.; appeal from Coos county; argued and sub mitted. S. II. Hazard, ntt'y for resp.; W. R. Willis, att'y for app. To England. Mr. Lermltt, who hns been employed in the Cupltal Nutl6ntil bank, took this afternoon's train on a journey to England, which he left some ten years ago. He will visit relatives and return to this country, lie is, accompanies by Juuies Burton, whoso father died hero last year. He will remain with relatives In England. Haeklen's Arnica Salve. The beat miIvo In the wprid rnrciv brulv let- tortile hfmW Kj, rtr0.,u . . ..!,.- uilt rheum, fever wre. t- piianiMNl Imntls, chilblain, ernnt. hiiU RANDALL DEAD. The 1'nssing Away or a Great "nliKc Man. The fatal illness that has at i last carried off Hon. Samuel J. Kandall has been noticed front time to time iu these columus. His death is an nounced In tho following extract from the press dispatches. Wasiiinqtom, April 13. It was a sad and touching scene at the Kundall residence on Capitol Hill when Congressman Samuel J. Run dull expired, at 5 o'clock this morn ing. Around the be.lside were gathered the lann'y, the physicians and Postmaster-General Wuna maker, who had all kept constant watch during the night. A few nio meutB before death he opened his eyes mid lookinir tenderly at his wife paid in a lowlene: "Mother," a word Instinct nit It all the fondest recollections of their longund huppv murril life, and by which he nl wnys culled his wife when none but tho family were nenr. He looked into her as if about to say some thing more, but seemed to have not strength enough left, and In a few moments passed away. The watch ers now saw till wus over, und the brave wife und daughter, who nursed and cured for him during his long illness could restrain their feelings no louger, but gave wny to their grlcs. The nation lias not in a long time sustained so great a loss in the list of prominent individuals who comprise its legislative forces, us it now suf fers in the death of this renowned debater aud parliamentarian. Since the death of John A. Logan of Illinois, no greater spirit has passed from the national public life. For personal integrity aud honesty iu official life Randall knew no su perior. For devotion to nis con vie tions upon questions of public inter est lie stands without a peer iu his p.trty. With a giant's power he employed all his solid strength of uttdeistaud lug iu the defense of the protective lurid system which bis patty al ways assailed. They made it a test of political fealty to hold sentiments which Samuel J. Ruudull detested i with all his greatness of heart und soul and never hesitated to con demn. Again und ugtdu he forced his parly to drink the bitter dregs of defeat ill presidential elections, by unmasking its devotion to a Free Trade policy on the tanfi question, aud casting his powerful influence with the opposition. At the same time Mr. Itaudall's devotion to ouud piinciples cut oil' all hopes of preferment to high national honors with" his own party. Upon all mi.tters,but tlio3e allect ing an American tariff system, which he believed was tho fouu la tlon of national prosperity for the laborer as well us tho capitalist, he stood shoulder to shoulder with democratic leaders. Iu the lust congress, unoer the influence of President Cleveluud, Buudull was crowded to the wall and shorn iu a great measure of his political power and influence. The southern lead ers always doubted his loyalty .as a partisan because of his refusal to ac cept free trade. Since the domin ation of the Carlisle-Mills combina tion in the democratic party Run dull bus been a failing star. He wus not strong etiiuigh to stenthe tide which he had .so long uud so successfully resisted. Ho saw his party adopt a free trade measure like the Mills bill, framed in hostility-to every leading American industry und es pecially those of Ills own state. As he very well knew what would ue the result, he wus neither surprised nor pained at tho utter defeat ol his party iu the nation that followed. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Oregon Land Co to R II Willis, lot 1 blk 3, Riverside ad to Kalem $ Fred Hammnck and wife to John Ilammtick, 1-10 hit in land in sees V.i and 14, t 9 s r 3 w Sanfordllomniack to John Hammack, 1-5 hit In CO acres in sec 14, t 0 s, r 3 w Mary S Gross and husband lo Joanna Pugh, lot 2, blk 8, Capital Park ad to Salem Win M Case and wf to David N Brown, 50 acres in see 14 1 -J, sr2w; Walter D Beldiug and wf to Rudolph Elter, 102 acres lu nee 19, t 8sr2 w: Oregon Land Co. to Hiram Averill, lot 7, block 1, Biver shio ad to Salem. I, K. Putnam to M. L. Chumberllu, properly In Turner. Leo Willis and wife to I E Puiinan, lot 1, 2, 3, block 2, North Salem. R P Boise and wife to Fran kip Price, lot 2, block 4, Boise's ad lo Salem. . 300 300 300 100 5C0 27o0 183 1700 000 500 Foil Sale Chkap. The ixst chicken ranch In Marlon county, four acres. Salem Land Co., Pout office block; 4-12-4t. Epoch. Tho transition from painful sick nessto health marks an enoch in life. Hucji event Is trettsua-d In the memory ane the agencv whereby attained is gratefully hlcmd. much is heard in praise of Electric Bitters. KouiBtiy feel they owe their restorat ion to health, to the ue of the Ton ic. If you are troubled with diMwe of Kidneys, Liver or Stoinnch, you will find relief by uw of Electric lilt' ter. Sold at 50c, and $1 per Initlle at Frys Drugstore. FKOM'ARflEXTI. Sunshine. Grain looks well. Folks arc busy making 'garden. ' Cnpt, S. B Ormsby hns gone to Salem on business. Mr. Jus. Rossel has moved up Into the Rogers house. The school has closed in North f creek district. Lost, strajed or stolen, a slop bucket; finder will please return to Mrs. Ormsby. one made Mr. Butler's meat house a visit the other night. Look out for the long barrelled shotgun. Mr. Meyera and Mr. Cummins have gone to the valley to hunt work for the summer, but will re turn lu the fall. Pkdro. Tho Bon Ton restaurant Is setting the best 5 cent meals in the city now. JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in Groceries, Paints, Oils and Window Glass, Wall Pa per and Eorder, Artists' Ma terials, Lime, Hair. Nails and Shingles, Hay, Feed and Pence Posts, Grass Seeds, Etc, SBlV AIVi:itTISKMUNTS. " 'WM. NYiOKEYi Sign Writer, Decorator, and Wall Tinier. Lenvc order nt John Jltighes' store, Stnte street. Treasurer's Notice. Tremurer'aOnlcc. Murimi Co. Or.) Xnlein, Apiilltlh.lKXi. NOTICU lit hereby tji en tlmt ilicrcnro HiilUdcnt fluids on liiuul th pay nil cmttniHlinu' county warrants that lmp been entlnrnfd bv mc, and no Interest will be allowed on .said warruntrf after ditto of this not lee. AO ItlMllT, l,ll.dw,2w County Treasurer. Money Wanted. All persons Indebted to the estate of E. ii uenenger, uccrai-fd, are iihicd.v non Hep to m.ilce tcttletnent Innm illately with W T Itlgdoti. loiiHtaie street or with tho under-lned at her lesldence in ."-s'ein. M. A. m-.l.MMiKlt, Administratrix, tfMcwBwummi'-iuijaiuwi 25c Want Column. Notices Insetted for ONU CUNT PEK WORD KACII INtfEltTION. No ndver tlseineut. inserted iu this column for less ttinu twcnty-llvc cents. WANTEIi Elderly man well ncquluted with f.inueisol this county to do so liciting. Work lltrht. (iood pay tor r Ik lit man. Call at. Journal office. WANTKD A thVt class vest maker. Apply nt G.C Hocan, merchant tai lor, Salem, Or.. either by Irlteror In rwrsnu at hN establishment. -1,9,'U Y7ANTED. I men on ranch, SI per day and board V. J. Meaty, Cheiimwa. Oreu'ou. J,H.2t I .""Oil HALE. A pood horse, for buiTKy or 1 te.vm. Souud and true, and u good traveler Eight years' old. sixteen hanrii hih, wclKhl 1-hundred, color, bay. Ail dress l.evl ilagie. City. POIl KENTA ilc-lrublo business olllce Ih beat bloc. In town. Inqulruat this oincc. a-ltf PATHONI.E Mnnitf'Industry, and use Mountain Halm CnutihCurc. Guar anteed to rIvo relict or money refunded. .Manufactured My II. Il.rross, Salem, Ore--son. Smith & Hteincr sole ngenN for SulPni. 1-Sdlni PRIVATE MO 'WIPING A tow (tentle men can obtain kooJ board and com tortable loditiiiR at ihe corner of Winter and Trade streets, near the Woman's Col lege. -1,12, 2t PRIVATE HOARDING. A few Ladles or Gentleiiu n can obtulu, at icasou ablo rates, good board with nicely fur nished rooms in tho tlnest part of tliocliy, right by the street cars, by cilllng nt BUT Win If r M reel, corner ol C'entei. WANTED AN ACTIVE MAN for each section, salary J75 to $100. to locally wnim-mit it Liniah.l ill N V. I'miihiini' Iti. corpomted to supply Dry Goods, clntli Ins, Shoes, Jptvcliy, itc, to tonsiimern at cost Alson Lady of tact, Salary 810, to enroll membeis ts0,3 now enrolled, flOO, OflOp.itdlu.) Retereuces exchanged. Em pire i;o-operanvo ssociniion (crciui wen nited) UicK Uox 010, N. V. i!,2l,!y,m First National Ban SALEM, oheuon. 'l. N. LVDl'K. Oil. I. tlBYNOLll-t, IOIIN MUIR, - - - - l'resictent. Vice l'resldeut. - Cashier. ' GENERAL BANKING. Excnangoon Portland, Krnnrlsco, New Vorli, London and I foil i; Kong bouijht and sold. St ite. County and City warrants bought, runners uro cordially Invited to deposit und transact business with us. Liberal iidvanccs iiiado on wheat, wool, Imps and other property ul re.uonuoio rates. Insuranca on suuh se curity can be obtained al tho bank In m U reliable companies. Two- Through Trains Each Way DAILY, VIA UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM. Commencing with Sunday, March 2nd. Iioth llrst and MtKind etas tickets will be honored on Tho Limited Hast .Mull." trill s S anil I, s well iim on the "Over land Klvers." Nos. land'.'. ' "The Limited Kiisl Mull" trains are 1 eiulped with Pullman pahii-a mid colo nist sleeicrs. dining isirs, ehalr cunt and I coachw, nnd run solid between Portland land t hlengo, dullv without change, 1 The"Overland Klr"tnilini lire equipped ' Willi I iiiiiuan Miare sieeHrs unu iimciicw. I tetween I'ortliind and Counoll lllutrs, ami with Prllinnn colonist le-jKr lu-ttteen Portlam' and Kansas City, daily, without chnuge. tViniifcilnniere mndcat I'oitclln with thmugh trains tonnd from Hi It Ijike, a id uti'lieyenne Willi tlirongli trains tonnd from tSenver, Kanxu City and hi. lul. The aloe trains alPird the (t'il'ket time l! ween the NorthwiMt I'aflllecfKiiit unt Kaslrrn nnd outhi-rn points . IX'tmlcd lime of tniins. rules, through tickets, biiggiige checks en-, r. i lo 'n cured isui .ipi'llmtioti touuy Hgent of the . l'nl.inP4citle'tui. T W.Lhh I V7 It w Of n I P, gent. From Terminal or Iolcrior Poinla the Norilicni Pacific Raih oad Is tho lino td tnko .To all Points East and South. It l thedlnlng cur route. It runs through vestibule trains every day luthejeario ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO ! (No change of cam.) Composed of dlnlngcars unsurpasucd, l'ullman drawing nvim sleepers Of latest equipment TOURIST Sleeping Cars! Rest that can bo constructed nnd In which iii-commiidii'I, as uro both treo nnd nir nlshcd rorhol teis of first and nccond-clius tickets, mid KLEGA1TF DAY COACHES. Acontjnttoi Ir.o oonr;tlng with nil lines, aflordtn i'veot ntirt unlutcrrnpted service. Pullman sit Ini'srnn Iiokv cured In advi nny agent of tlio find. Throuch tickets to nnd fmni nit nnlntit in America, England nnd Europe can be purchased ntntiy ticket otticoot this com pany. run information concerning rates, time of t nil ns,roiiles and other details furnished on application to any ngeulor A. D. CHAKLTON, Assistant Gencinl Passenger Agent, No. l'JI Kltvt stieet, cor. Washington; Port laud, Oregon, TO IMrllOYG WILSON AVENTR Wednesday, April 16. A comdy society drama, to bo given by Salem's best amateur dramatic talent, entitled "Tlift Planter's - Wife" The following well known people will take part: Miss Long, Miss Willis, Miss Gilbert, Mrs. Ilazen, George Morris, Pr. J. M.Keene. llfiiry Meye.-s, Hilly Pugau and Horace Willis, Tlicro will bo elegant wnrdrobes nnd elabomtcsli ge settings. i6S' Scats on sale at Pulton's. E1D. N. EDES Proprietor o tho Candy Kitchen, CONFECTION E RIES, FANCY GROCERIES, FRUITS, CIGARS AND TOBACCOS 313 Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon. J. J. CULVER . County Survejo JAMES WALTON, Topographer W. H.IBYARS. Civil Engineer Hyars, Culver & Walton Surveyors At Topographers' Surveys, drafts, plats maps and descriptions o( lands, towulots, und roads, ditches, streets, sewers, alleys, etc et ., nuido and furnished nt miimititiln nrli'es. flld Uoht Solar Trasmt. eni tiers aud lines ro-cs-w. u E ouRuy tabllshcd from original Tor, .r. Held notes. Grades o ditches, loads, streets or sew ers, with estimates furnished on npplhii lion. Address County Surveyor's oillce Salem. Oregou FINE HORSESHOEING AT Scriber & Pohle's. Special attention given to shoeing road sters, driving hordes, interfering and crip pled horses. A largo Stock of Hand-Made Shoes Carried. Vo give our personnl nttentlon nnd em ploy nono but experts In tills department. 47 and 51 State Street, Salem, Or. Plans anil Specifications For a Btate Ilcform i-chool building, the co"t ofwhlch shall notexcecd Hienty thou sand doilnr-, exclusive of brick, w II lie to ee veil by the board of reform school build ing comm'ssioncrsiit the state capltol.on ihe llrsl Monday in .May, imju. Tho board reserves the r gnt to rcjec any and all plans submitted, anil to adopt txirt or purls thereof, ana to ll tho compensation therefor. Sa!emOr..AprlH, 1S00. lly order or Hvt.VFJiTKit I'knpoykii, (iKO. V. Ml-IIHIIIK, K. II. McKl.lioV. liiMird of I'ommlssloners. KiiMONttO OTi.T.N'Kit, lerk 14 1m P. H. EASTON'S Music Store. Will remoTO to tlio Kldrldgo block on Commercial street. Finest Hue of t'ianoi and Organs In tho rnarkot. A Bargain 1 A doniniblelot of laud In lots to hull, ) seven miles soul h est of Rilcin, within ' elglity nds ofkteumboiit Itinding.theliest , oak wtMid and some fir limber enough lo pay lor I bo land and It Is rnstd soli for ' fruit, Willi iriuiis aid mendow land, i W.mlif ftikn 11 tiMHl Bfillllt tot of ftitlf.lll iiroixirty in trade. Artdres 1 ' O. P. nKNNIH. Poieni.Murrb 1:1, 1M. a IJtf Dissolution Notice. XT OTICK U hereby given Unit the part.! xN nrtilpliretoforeexlHliiif with thoi Kilem Ltuiilcr Co. nnd H, A. Dorriiucn ' U tin dsy miitiiMlly dUvilied, f. A. Dor- ruiiw lmitig -old hUlnlfrent lo the oilier ; iieiniHTk i ii'- iirm. "no will niiiunue Ihf liiisiiiexon us l fin- ' . ,Ur, April lfc. I HAi.tx LutiiEiiCo H. A DOHMAXCK. to )M!l (WU IU U( yiA " Soulhnrn Pacific Company's Line. -TUB MOUNT SHASTA ROUTE. Tine feftwtrn Salrm and Sn Francisco Tkirty-tix Hours. KXrtlKMM TltAIN HUN DAtM J1ETWKKN l-OllTLAFU AN1J 8. F. South. I lNortli. isju p. m. ILv. fortiand A . I 10:15 n. tn B:ll p. in. I Lv. balein Lv. t 7:'tn.m 7:13 n. in. I Ar. Han Fran. Lv. 7SX)p. m. LOCAlT fASSKNOKll THAIS riJAlLvTKSk CKIT SUNI)AT). MX) tutu. 11:10 n. m A to p. in. Lv. Por.l.tuu A. J:l.5p. m. Lv Haleiii Lv. M'a p. in. Ar. Kuacuo LV. sjp a. m PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS. For accommodation of second class passenger attached to erpres trains. Tho 8. I', company's terry makes con tho regular trams on th tdwt Side Division from foot of b stree I'ortland. A'est Side Division. Between Portland and Cemllis: UA1LY (KXCK1T SUNDAY). 7:0 a. m. j l.v. "Portland' Corvallls Ar. j (1:20 p. in l.v. I 1::M p. m. ifctti p. III. I Ar. 1. 1 . At Albany and Corvallls couuect wltE trains of Oregou lMclIle ltnllroiut. Through tickets to all jvoitit.s south and east via California KXrilKSS TltAIN (DAILY KXCKPTSUNDAY '4:50 p. m. KKX) p. in. "Ev I'ortland Ar. Ar.McMlunvlllotA'. TiiOOium o:lo a. in. Through Tickets To till polLts WIJUTII and EAST V1A-- .Calif'orniA. For lull intormattou regarding rates iiiups, etc., apply to the Company's agent Villein, Oregon, K. 1'. HOUKItx, As. O. V, ami !'(. Ag't It. KUKIll.KU. Manager. Oregon R. H. Company Line. (Limited.) C. N. SCOTT, RECEIVER, Tickets for any point on tills line for sale nt tlio depot, foot of Jetrersou siri'Ct,und it tho United cairngo und baggage transfer company's olllce. coiner Second nnd Pine streets. Commutation Tickets at '1 cents per mile. General olllces northwest corner First and l'ino streets, l'oitlaud. EAST MllK. From r Toward I'ortland .Stations. l'urtlatid Sliver- Coburg l'ort'nd I'ort'd ton no mail mall Uxp LV I'M LVAM r Alt I'..l Alv.lM 4 00 H 00 J'ortl'ndHl'Co i! 45 10 IS G 04 0 MItay's Ijindllig. 2 :W 0 45 6 53 10 60 Vtaoilburu. I 40 H 4 7 00 II 47 Sllvcrtoil 12 20 7 80 B 07 Urownsvlllo 7 40 U 50 foburg 0 00 WIT BIDK. Alrlletnnll M Portland mall AM All I'M .I'ortland MWV. 4.15 Dundee Junction 20", . Sheridan 1027 Dallas 822 Monmouth T.iH Alrllo 045 t-;iwly LV 7 l.' 10 45 2 0.1 4 111 4 55 555 THIS WWKffWNRrV RUNS Fast trains with I'ullmnn Vcstlbulo Drawing imun sleepcni, dining ears and coaches of latest delgii, between I'hicagt) and Mllwaukconndbjt, Paul und Mlnne aiiolls. Fast TrnliiB wltli I'ullmnn vestlbtiled drawing room sleepers, dining earn uud coaches of latest design, between rhlciigo and Milwaukee and Ashland and Dtilulh. 1'hMiigh l'ullmati vestibule drawing room and colonist sleepers via tlio Noi til er n I'at'ltlo railroad between Chicago und Portland, Or. Convenient trains tonnd from Fastem, Western, Northern and central Wiscon sin points, affording unequalcd service to and from Waiikeslm l-ond du lic, O-li-koxli, Neenuli. Meneslia, rhlpnewa Falls, ICau (,'lalre, Hurley, Wls.,"niiu Iiouwoou and llesseuier, Mleli. For tickets, sleeping car rcerviitlons, timetables aud other Inloriuutlon. apply to agents any where- In tho Culled States orCanuda. ll.U. IIAUI.OW, Uen'l Trulllo Mgr. S. It. A1NHME. nen'l. Mgr. Lout's ECKHTKIN. Ass't Oen'l Pnss'r and Tkt Agt, Mllwnu- keo. Wis. Stiilo Treiisitrer's 37th-Notico. Blatoof Oregon, Treasurer's Olllce 1 ISA I. KM, ipril7lU, IDUJ. j OTICU Is liereby given that (hero wo kiiihclent fiimls on hand to imv"all N Marmots embused ofthu issue of Iksil anl IMio, and tney will bo p.ild on prctcuuitlon al this olllce. Numbered us follews: 22:11, 22HI, 2200, 2259, 2-lM. itWil, 2.UI.2W, 2'il0, SVi'i 21,. 2iS, 'ikMI -J , 2150, 2.I7H. if0, 25HM, 21.KI, 2I2H, 211'., 21 1, 21 i), 21 U, 2111, 21 W, 2 KH, 21 1", 2 1 IS, 2II0.2MI, 2.VKI, 21s7, 2tisl, 2HW, 2111, 2117, vitfl, 2T, 2.-i77, 'JVW, 2,, ill, 2.41,2517, StU,,M,,J2.V, 2li'i,2VW,2(2l, 2170,2175, 2-,7l 2.Vt) .Stl,2.'iS2,2.IW12.S.I,2l.7,2l7l, 21711. 2111, M, 25MI, 'SM, 2I5S, 2IIII, 2IM. 2117. 2.W0. 2"5U, f, V.ill. 2'jIW. 251, 2."ll, 2.J7.1, 2.MJ, 21112, iM, l'ti, 2II7. Mil, 2H"U, 2t, 2iil I, 2M0. 2700. 271 1, 270H.27.7, 270I,V(W,2IK2.2IIO.IIU 2ISO. 60, 21175, V700, 2lisl,2l.rjl, 2.VW.2Ij7,2iIJ, 2.i70, 2'j0I, aw, ana, aiw, a.w, ini, an 5, awi, 3ti.,iru, .Tin, a2, aiiu, 2iii, awi, 'mi, i, auno, 202 1, 2780, 2710, aMl, 27 . 712, BUM, 27..1, 27.W, 27-W, 2710, aiii, aiii,ant,27ii,27:ti,aiii. io2n. ai7, arj, 274 1, 2101, ai77, 2117.1, auii, 27 1, -mi, ais, S50S, Vflt, 20;i, 2717, 274s, 27.W, 218 1, 2760, VJ7I, 2J.0, 27OT, 2074, 27IH, 2(170, 2f,(S, 2li. I7(I, WV, WM, 27t J, WU, ma, 275H, 2770. 27itl, 277.1. 2777. 2It V7C4, 27M. 5MI, 27 U, 371 J, 277.', 2774, 2M, Villi, 27CI, 27M.1, 2762. 27M, S'JH, 2747, 27.11. 27SII, 277U. 27J3. 27HI. 27nH, 272, 27111. 277. 21 1, 2s(, awrt, 2710, 2775, H2J, 2SI7, iMt, Wll, VHfl 7. 2011. 2UI. -at I. 2719. V743, 2SJ0, VWrJ, 2-10. 2S:i, Si1. VW1, 27l, 5H.6, 2I0, 2714. 2UH, 8701, 2r(l7, 2h00. 21.1, mi, 245, 2S4H, 2SI7, 2-fio, JH4I, H 2, im 2M,3sl4,277l). 2s.M. 2H. 21V7. 27MI 24, 2HM, 27eS, Jsill, 201. 279, 2791. 2iCW, 279s. Mil, 1n, !, 2i7. 2SI9, 2;(l, 2H , vs-14. 27Wt. 2X12. im, 2S21. 2I(I. 2799, 2797. 2HI9. WW. 26V. 2it H. a 12. 2l, 27SO, 2SIII, 2s7, 2WJ). 2WJ. JsfiS. 2l, H1W. 24J, 2B7. WM, 2H79. 2H70, 2X7J. 'Mtl, 281. Js79. n7H. 2S74, VH73. 292. 291. SWrj. 232 2900. mu. 2VH)7, Willi, 29V. 29U,2n4ll, 2HI. 2924 2X09. 4K. 2Vi. WU. WW Ml. 3IMI,'2M3, .IMJd, W.Q. 29M, 2790, 11 ti, OttHI, 2971, iW7l, JIM 2917 2917, 29IX. mi, 'M0, WSJ, Wf. W9Q, 204. 2977. 3911, 2912. mi, 29M, rxt, 29SI, 2s8, 3V(, 2717. Interust will not lu ullowed after tho dateof this notice. O. U.WI.llll. Btate Trousurer. Call unci au T. J. CRONISE, Salem's Popular Job Printer, AT IIIH M-.W tJI'Miri.llH IN Tllk Htute Iiiurunt "('ling, lr, i'om imrrml nnd chcinketa tlrisrU '0-ltt SPRING- Is ho oj Anil sots E. SCHOETTLE With a flno stock of spring nnd summer SUITINGS. Everything tnndo up In tho latest fah Ion nnd a icrfcct fit guaranteed, Don't forget to cult nt Schoeltlo's befoie you m.ikonfclectlon, , Look at This $1 WILL BUY A LOT Of goods at our store! We carry n full lino of groceries, feed, crockery, glasswmc, ci gars, tobacco it lid confectionery. T. UUIvROWS, No. 220 Cominorclnl 8t., Salem, &,CAM aLe HEAUTH. L'l nicli'tun roldnn Tlaliam No. 1 Ci.'is Chaicreo, r.n'. and co-U s arcs; Sorisin tho Legs and B dj; !oreEi , rye. Note, c.c( fonper-c lor d Blotches, Eni'.il.luoi at Scalp, and til primary fo-as of tho d!a;o known as HjpMlis. I'rlrn, sril (or OoMIn. Lfl ItlrlinnN d til n n.itaniii. N'n it Cures Tell ry, il-cui'a'Oj-p'il.UIanhett-nu'.leui, Polin in t!io Bones, I'aln 1 In-tha Head, back cf tho Neck, Ulcerated Soro Thre: t,'a ra'i, I.iinipa and con traitcd t or 1, SliCacsa of Ihu Limbs, and c-ullctu 0 1 dsta-o f oin tlu tyatom, wbcUiir rau wl by iml'scr-tt n or nliuso tt Mc-cmy, I atlag tho li'iod puro and hctdlhy. 1 :n r S 1 O po ottlo. l,- t ielinu a-ilslnn- nntsIiAti 1. Uot-i l r to cur3 ct Cono rhca, G!ccf, irrilatl'tiO cl, oil n'l L.!ni-vo aenU tiUllmrruiigcmiiitJ. I'rlioSU 50 nor Ilotllo. t.e Itli'Iiuu' 1 f nl!in Hp-tnlsn I11 jTtl 11, t rswe-o cn-scf Oinorrhoj, I llunni t- y 'oil, Ctrlctur Ac. Trlco 1 1 ) nor D illl". Lu tSIr'i'iiiM ailrtcii O iifment for t 0 elf il vu h n , f 1 ri'i'. .ia KT , tad cru-it'.oni. I'rlcoOl it p v Uox, I o I lch..u'u Oold" i l. "-;(cya and l'.n 1 1 i-itmont; li o t!iy:l at juw. cr, ct.rsi t.- ovi.-.Jipr'i, I rustrntlon, etc, I'rloj .1 CO per I5cx. T11.I0 1 1 il I.'civltio, , Suit ivcryv here, C. O. 1)., iccuroly packed per express. - C. 1 TtrcnAVt'TTi; CO. , Amenta, 4:7 li 4.0 1 a-u 1 no f'rect. t oracr tlay, r, (hi rci t 0; I). HUTTON, Prop. Castings of till itltuls niudo to order. Mii.i,siACiirNi:uv, H'n I'iJaNINO JHI.LS, ' 0)K.VICI3), T JILTAIj FtlONTS, W1IKI3IJ), PUI.IiKVS, and spee'lal cnstlngs ot npy stylo or pat tern inado In short order, smooth nnd te llable In ovo y particular. Repair iny Jllai'lilnrry in Short Order. Turning lathes, engines, hop prcse nnd hupstoves built N III iiiaki'cstlmiitcs on any Irmi work needed. Good mien paid lor old Iron. ;MS-lm PAJNTSHOP. ,.!' ' 156 Commercial Street, Hnusonndejirrlngcpnlntli.g.slgn writing, paper hanging, decorating, Mull tinting, and kiilclmlmug. All work doiio (list class, rarrl'igo puliitlngjimiecliillly, char ges mndcnitc, 4 " . t lULMNliFRfP. ' Agents Wanted. Agents to ell llio "Ilooutirul Hnry," 'Living World," 'istti nnd Ijind." Most rapldlv selling hooks on the market. i'.'.'dlin M .1 IITICI.L, 49 1 01111 street. c UltK AND I'HKVKNTIVi: WITH, out iiiedh-luo For Information con. crnlng Dr. A W II.FOItl) HAI.I.'H licallii ruin ou iiruudri-ss. K. L... MOOKK, ilAtaiKAllil.TS Unlvcrslly Uulldiiii, rfulent Oregoni Fine Watch Repairing IIV C. A. BURBANK No, 317 Commercial Street, TUN lA IMi'lc 'i'1 ho m nt ; I IllO 1 A I l'A DriikefcAil&rlUTnif Agency, S uud U5 MrrulmiiV Kxhiiugv, H 11 i-ruui'lioo. California, w hero isiulrutis nriuUerllsiiigi-an hn iiukIii lor il, - - . w .. I. Union County Convention,, A I'tilon Convention for Marlon county Ucallol to inret In ihu tilly of hnli-in on Friday llio eiuhlceuth day ol April IH)v, at luocloek 11. 111. fit, 1I10 pursiienf nomi nating u count) ticket to be offil or nt the next geuenil election, .mil MMi.nciliig such other biluekiis m..y piupuily c.ino befoie the i-nuonllnu. Ills recoiiiiiiunded. IJmt tho primaries' bo Held ul the usual I'l'frttinpfi'ljlutfrlifid, at 0110 o'clock 11. 111., Willi fdiiy?llloiJ2llt day ot April IstiO. ' li RtielipriciiH't will be entitled to otght dtlegutii, In thoixjiiuly convention, K I,. IliiiiiAiin, 1 hulriiinn, J..M. PAV:.t-. . printing: iNKUKTJIK I.AIIUIXI' IMTAIII.lHH. ioiiii iu ii-" niuii- iiviur nnwi 1111111 Vorttalid. Iiig -l hi, k UiiUl hi. Oiks (c the Mate, it il biggisl 4 tit -iMilim price lit of jijij printing, unit i.ituiogi 0 ol 1 legal bliiuks. Jt. WAIUt, I Httu J'dnUir iMm u,w-n, oC VIXK1R A