Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, March 29, 1890, Image 1

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VOL. 3.
NO. 22.
We Iiayo now on baud tbe neatest and
nobbiest line of
For men in tbe city of S:tleni. No cheap
or shabby goods anions I hem. Inspection is
invited. These goods were nude for line trade.
US of
Are constantly coming in. Wo are receiving
more goods than any house in Salem.
Just Received !
A large Hue of boots and shoes for men, women and children, all the
latest styles and best goods In the market.
One room si full of groceries alone. We
canned goods in tne city.
Will And our store the best place to trade, as they can drive up to our
doors and load their wagons with everything they want, thus saving
time and labor iu going from place to place. We positively GUAR
All goods delivered free to anv part of the city.
Capitol Adventure Co.,
Opera. House Corner Salem Ore.
Writing Machine
The nbovu in tho latest Invention
of Mr. G. N, V. Yost, tho pioneer
of writing machines, also Inventor
of both tho Komington nnd Call-graph-tlils
being his latent mn
ehlne. C, M. L0CKW00D, Agt.,
VosU 1 Telegraph Olllcc,
207 Commercial St.
Staple and Fancy Groceries !
A full line of Crockery and Glassware and everything usually
kept iu a first-class establishment.
Our aim is to give entire satisfaction to every customer.
Bq at -PS gig! ,--H
1 1 II
292 Commercial St., Salem, Or.
Has a largo list of choice farms and city property forsalo on
easy terms. Homesteads located.
On improved farma and city property at low rate of Interest.
, Wo have also in connection with our real estato business, an FM
orders for help will be promptly attended to, and situations also obtained
for the uuemployod.
Union Title Abstract Co. !TISLf
county, onice at 288 Commercial
& England' bunk.
the finest stock of
nge otore,
Wlio do All Kinds of
As Cheap as any Laundrv In
the Country Using White Help,
and doing first-class work.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Oiflco at Gcorgo llooye,
209 Commercial St.
'jm it
abstracts of Sa
lauds in Marlon
street, formerly oti-uplul by Wlllbms
a Mmiiiio Lin-.
Ni:w YotiK, Murcli iS. Tlic)
fushlonulile suburban town of Mont i
Clair, N. J , is liorrl tied over the dis
covery that'Mioof licriiiiist respect
able citizens, James Tutiilll, a
mason coutrnutor, Is a burglar, who
has been robbing houses right and
left for years past. He was identi
fied by accident, one of "bis victjms
grappling with liltii iu a house one
night Jat week and uninnsking
A beareli of his house revealed
thousands of dollars worth of
jewelry, money and plate hid in the
cellar. Tuthlll and bis pretty wife
are in jail. His former friends be
lieve that he is the captain of the
robber band and that bis wife was
his trusted lieutenant. They were
both highly respected in Mont
Clair, and were good church mem
bers. Tho Deadly Cjclone.
Louisvii.i.1-:, Ky., March 23.
The death losses from the cyclone
of yesterday, amounts to hun
dreds. Score of bodies have been
The cyclone was predicted by the
signal s-erviee yesterday afternoon.
No heed was paid to the warning.
The cyclonn came with scarce a
warning sound and iu all the build
lugs struck, tho inhabitants were
engaged in their usual vocations.
Bridget Sweeny's Slu
IS'kw York, March 28. A Wash
ington special iu a morning paper,
printed with larpe display, says: It
is confidently stated that the mys
tery which surrounded the fire in
Secretary Tracy's resideuce has been
cleared up. There are well sustained
rumors, that Bridget Sweeny, a
trusted old servaut, who has been
living in the family fourteen years
or more, lias couiusscu mat sue nrcu
the house with kerosene.
Grand Itlvcr, Ivy., has aUo been
severely raked by a ft stive cyclone.
Houses by the hundreds were un
roofed by tbe storms in Illinois this
past week.
The lower Mississippi valley is
threatened with tbe greatest flood
on lecord.
At Des Moines, Iowa, the republi
can joint caucus decided against the
repeal of the prohibitory law and In
favor of rc-subniission.
A Card From Mr. Swalfonl.
Editor Jeurnal: It earner" to
my ears last evening that a story U
being told on tbe streets, either ig
uorantly,('.'J or with "interest to de
ceive," to the effect that four years
ago, nfter Mr. Bell had been induc
ed to resign tho office of city treas
urer, by the promise of a re-election
and a guarantee to theamoiintofhls
salary for the unexpired term. 1 was
slipped iu as a caudidato and beat
him at the election for that office.
Now nothing could le farther
from the truth. Mr. Bell resigned
the office and was re-elected without I
any opposing candidate whatever; i
and In fact I do not believe any op-1
position was for a moment thought '
of by anybody. On the contrary, !
Mr. Bell served the balance of his j
term and was then elected for a!
second term of two years.
I resigned the office for exactly
the same purpose as did he, ext
lug the guarantee, It beiui: re pre-' Dixie; S Curtiti, Taconia; II S Corss
eented to me by a number! man and wife, Albany; O A Wot k-oflhei.uint.-sinenof
Salem that a !. -'lde:.go; T Smith, Kansas; T
., , , H Kiess, James Bortldvie, Grand
vacancy nut necessary to tlie end nil1,B. y ) Mount, Will Dunagan,
that an elictlon might be had on tiilvertnii; ( Ii.ik Trout Minneapolis;
the bond matter; mid these business 1 Mrs Seouer, Woedburu: J E Todd,
men were not confined to the Center ? W Henry. McMInnyille:Hei ry G
street location but caino from as far
south as the Chemeketc lintel. i
I handed lu my resignation with '
the expectation of boing a candidate
for re-election on the ground that i
I resigned simply as an accomoda
tion, ami should not have troubled ;
you witli this communication hut
for the fact Hint there are a gre.it1
many si rangers among us who are
not iMisted as to tho facts in the wise. '
. '
Yours for "Fair play,"
E. J. SwAi'Foitn.
Sai.km, Or., Mar. 20, 1,100.
To llifi CilUi'iw of .Sr.lem.
Editor Jeprnal: Mr. Swaf
ford resigned as treasurer In order
that a legal opportunity mhjlil bo
liad to vote on the bridge bonds. It
Is not right or jut to displace him
because of such commendable pub
lic spirit, and 1 hope ho will lx
triumphantly ro-eleeted. Mutt as
suredly he ought to Ir J uhtK'B.
Painless dental operations.
T. C. Rmith's, 00 State street.
at Dr
Bai.kd IIav. Good baled liry
delivered to any part of t lie city t
$10 per ton. Morgan & Mkad.
Read Mr. Swa fiord s communlca-
tlon in another coltimu. 1 t
. i uioii CunnU ('(invention.
IVnf. .Tory pullwl tlio convention
to order.
Mr. Payno of Salem and Mr.
Brown of Sllvcrton were chosen
The chairman then read a pledge,
renouncing all allegiance to other
parties, and proclaiming their loy
alty to this convention.
Mr. Ramsby of Sllverton was the
first signer: He said: "I will sign
It, but when they knock prohibition
out they will knock me out."
Among those preoeut were Juo.
Brooks, King Hiblmrd, John W.
Jory, Prof. Jury, XV. II. H. Darby,
E. J. Thurniaii, rf. 1 Darby, .1. M.
Brown, It. C. Banis-by Matt Small,
Henry Porter, E. M. McKinney, S.
B. Crocker, J. ('. Robertson.
"I am a free trade democrat, ami
this party is pretty strong on our
principles," said a delegate.
"Pretty nearly all here are prohi
bitionists," said a leading YV. (.'. T
'. lady v ho was present.
Mrs. Itamp linked if ladies were
allowed to join the Union party.
The chairman said heknew of noth
ing iu the principles' to prevent.
Mesdames Itamp and Le.ibo became
Mr. Jory moved to elect a county
chairman. T. C. Jory was nomina
ted, but declined, as ho could not
serve. He bad been third party
chairman but could serve no longer.
He-suggested Mr. Robertson. Mi.
Jory nomiuated Mr. Payne, who
also declined. Geo. W. Dhniek,
ot Hubbard, named Mr. J. P. Rjb
ertsou. It" was stated that be had
sold out and Would be in southern
part of state. Mr. Ranisuy named
King Hibbard, of Sllverton, which
was their strongest place, lie de
clined over and oyer. He lived four
or fiv nti!'- out.
Stepheu Jory,of .South Salem, was
nominated. He declined, as lie hml
beer. Mil of tin? stale a good deal.
King lllbliard was chn.-cn as eotiiiiy
chairman. Th, muss convention
i'im!sti'd of about j!l people, ." li.iv
iMg signal the pledge. Mr. lioik,
state orguiitzcr, vratjpictcutaiid was
invited to ppe.ik.
Tlio committee on delegates to tbe
state convention reported thofollow
lug: G. W. Bunick, L. S. Thomas, A.
White, J. W. Jory, W. T. Rigdon, J.
P. Robertson, S. B. Crocker, J. D.
Hurst, W. S. Hurst, L. Barzee,
CJ. W. Burhellor, .1. G. Euerhard.
K. L. Hibbard, R. ( Ramsb.v, H
Giiliiui.N. X. Matloik.ti W Mlsner,
Mr. Roliliu-on, G. W. Ramp, h: U.
Gault, J. E. Day, Win. German, XV.
D. Buxton. E. J. Thunnan, M. V.
Roup, J. M. Brown, S. Gondii, A.
Stephens, T. D. Darby, Grant Holt,
J. P. Robcitbon, P. L. Kennedy,
J. E. Carter, J. B. Giler, S. T Darby,
XV. II. H. Dai by, E. E.McKinney,
T. M. Holt. M. V. Rork.
Tne date set for holding piimarles
i-Saturday, April 12, and county
convention Kiiday, April 18, at 10 a.
m. Adjoin lied.
cni:Mi:ivr.Ti: norm..
D Marx, XV I) Pape, J C Hewitt,
G P Morden, Mi.s Francis, J H
Misiitr, J W Manning, Portland; B
Mitchell, 'l Boyer, .J E Eldridge,
Ja L Dickinson, Jervais: H Hull.
W Needy Nobictt, Woodburu; Bob
Rliiehart. Pertland: FE Gomiell.
1VIVIS9, UlllVlilllll, VIII, JHHH.-H .
Miiler, J.ieUsonvitii; Jieurv It liur
rel, S F; XV XV Harris P..ril:ii..l; T
IMeCla., Gatisvillc. H T Cum-
iiiingx, Lntovxell Falls, Ol; Win
b'tey. Seattle: I'Vaiu-U Feller, Jititte
ylUe; It L Bewlc.v, MeMitinvllle;
M W Wllklns, Corvallis; George
Baiui-iiil, Albany, X V; .la met F
Mi-Kee, Itoehehter, X Y; A LH.er
in. in, Astoria; It Audeic! u, wa;
L J Buitlt-M, Maiciii, la; E A IStiti-
neholl, Xewlnldge; Frank Elelu
Geo W Burues,
11 tl n T?n, (nil. 'I'
Edris, Etiueue.
H Burnt,
Morse, Salem.
ro.ic ltoijsn.
Aimstrong, J
A llogan,
-- -- f i, VV fiifi' o vi '
D te- (lill-,cb 0,"'' "' ",,,x'llml the defeat of the bond piop..l
' ra
Geutlenicn: Are ou going to
i bland round with your hand- In '
your p-iekots waiting for your fchip
to come In? Or are you going to1
awnko to the fad that it Is already j
nt lint wharf? If tho latter, mount
the gitu plank and not let yourj
more at-tito neighbor. get all tho
good thing-'. If you an? over going
to make money now Id your Hum to
Invcfet iu JStsd Exlattt. Call ami see
our bargains. Salnin Land Co., '
Po-tofllew Bloek.
Vote for
Bell nnd the
i The coming tern, will oloo
mint H'"" ol the scliool year
The literary societies will give an
open meeting iu their hall next
Fi iday evening.
.1. II. Bruce and F. L. Moore spent
a few days the latter part of tho
week visiting at Wheatland.
Several students will leave school
at the end of this temt to teach, and
to enter on I he duties of the farm
B. C. Camp was the succcFsful
contestant of the declaimed on
Wednesday for a set of Dickens'
works. j
The university mandolin club I
was out sereiiadliii; Thursday oven-
ing and feel greatly encouraged by Golden Gate, Washington.
being invited to come around again. J Tho gieat Jules Levy concert at
Miss Carrie Boyal, of the junior ! Reed's opera house April "th, for
elass, entertained the ineuibees of the benefit of 2d Reg. Band, l'upu
her class with a few Invited friends , lar pries.
at Prof. Arnold's last evening iu a j Mr. 1-1. llalin, who has been nt
very enjoyable manner. The eve-1 tending the commercial college here,
ning was spent In games and social I will start to-morrow morning for
converse. i Elleiisburg, Wash.
Tho students have petitioned the j Hon. Robert A. Miller, of Jackson
faculty to prohibit tho driving of county, is in the city to-day. Mr.
teams across the east side of the
campus, which is intended for the
play grour.ds. Many of tho express
men of tho city seem to think that
the campus is a publio highway,
and iu order to save a few pais din-
lance drive through tho campus,
thereby keeping the grounds cut up
lu a horrible condition.
Aroor iiay was ooserveu m a
very appropriate style, by the stu
dents yesterday, umuyol tho classes
having planted choice trees, with
Very imposing ceremonies. The
senior class iu music rendered a
short but excellent program, uefuto
planting their "Royal A.n" cheiry
tree, consisting of linisle. readings
ami annals; closing Willi a class
poem, written and arranged for iliu
occasion. The followiug is the seng:
Ilia year tiluuty caino nilllnt; on
i illt muir una Ho. id iiuu tain;
'UlJ'.gl-llPpu'l.Ua IIIUlHlll ll.lNUL-OlllOUIllI
CJussdo islicroiigmn.
Tlieic's nulhln troubles ust.o inurli
( ui'diiKiUt Uuiniuu);
A- i'uuniL'iiiuliil,u.iulu mill HUL-b,
I'lio' now u plant u Ueo.
Thin llttlo lice nnd of its klml
tliVt-b lllMUIUUn null to nil:
AuUslialto'ui' wen: tonkin tliciulnit
lu nuiuo lUuorfiill;
Will nicniury In flituic years
Hold Ui-.u- UiK-tliiv ana ucc,
Aneiiibiuni ol oui lull uud U'.irs,
v.nu unit iiuu otliuin ht-u.
Cliom-s: Ohl our dusH-tico a useful tree,
A tli'uloi' nlrd uud iiiiiii,
T'will oasl a tli.ulH on L-.tuipuR frco;
I an mil loi'oiu-"Kyul jviin."
At the base of their tree was
buried a sea led Jar containing a
copy of tho Oregoniati, Capital
Journal, Willamette Collegian, a
copy of their song and a piece iu
counterpoint containing nanus of
members of the class.
After the Work was all completed
and the ceiemoiilcs around the
trees were eoueln tied tho university
baud put iu their uppc.iiMuco on
the giouuds and gave a demoiislra
tioi. of wiiat they can do in their
line, which seems to have been ap
preciated by all,
joint di:iiati:
The Philodorians .accepted the
challenge lrom the Alka Hesperians
to have u joint discussion on some
appropriate subject. A committee
wus appointed to meet the commit
tee from ihe Alkas to perfect all ar
rangements. There was some hes
itation on the part of the boyn lu
accepting a challenge to debate
with the learned lilends of the
neighbor society, but alter consider
ing the subject it was concluded a
benefit would assure to both soci
eties to the Alkas iu infusing a
greater interest in their society and
to tho Philodorians iu healing Un
learned discourses of their worthy
opp uients. ,
'fill) ISl'illU (llll'hlidll,
Editor .locitNAi.: I an not go
inj to retoii'JJrldgwV and "Good
hiidges'" pfrroiialitles, tliough,
huowiiig him as well tm if he iiad
signed his real name. Mtu-h lu that
lino of an inteiestlng and Instruct
ive character might, lot mentioned.
However otie-sldud the vote ol
"""""J ""j "Li IIH.-M- i- no iiouni
M....,l I... il I I ..I .
!.... .......1,1 .,...
lion would result inn better bridge
and Just as ijuiuldy oiitnlned. With
stichdeFuul the project of patehlue
U)tbu 'ild bridge would lie dead.
Tliu eouutlcn would llieu start aiieu,
more iiitelligimtly, and with belu-j
purpose, giviuif us a permanent
In blue which would lust h cenlur.v
ami be a credit t t u . And u
uould get it jii"t as (julckly, for in.
s.iu work cm bu tloiiM In tho rivet
before tlie low water of July oi
Augiut. There would bo plenty (J
tiiiio lo start huow, and start right
Vote the Bridge and
next Mnnday.
Miss Ada Thomas, of Turner, is In
the city.
1cv- l - "clzlcr went to l-orcst
Grove tills morning.
County Treasurer Condit is rccov
' oli"K f'" malarial fever.
Scriber & Pohlc have n carload of
' new vehicles lu. Sec their now
Prof. T. J. MeCIary, of Smith &
MeCIary, Gatesvllle, Is In tho city
'I lie Fisk University Jubilee sing
ers at tho M. E. church, April 2d.
Remember the date.
I C. If. Spauldlng, ono of tho law
students, leaves this afternoon
Miller will probably be tho next
democratic caudidato for congress
and there will boa great many re-
publicans who will wish he was on
the light side so as to vote for him.
Eastkr GmurriNos. An elegant
line of ICaster cards and booklets are
on exhibition at Pattern's book store.
Make your choice at once.
Bs suie your ticket Is forSwailord
ami the bridge. It
F M Bineliart and wf to
WTRinehiirt, Its 7, 8, 12, 13,
14, 32, 27. 28, 18, and 10, in A
F Waller ad to Salem. ?
FM Rmehurt and wftoE
E Long, Its 2(1, 21, 22, 23. 2!)
and 30, in A F Valler ad to
J H Albert. 1 Vandnynand
wives to Wylle A Moores, It 5
blk 3, Yew Park ml to Salem.
FM Rineharl and wf to S
F Carey, It on KJth and Che
ineKctu St, Salem.
E E Long and wf to PM
Rinehait, , interest iu its 7, 8,
27, 28, 18 and 10 hi A F Wal
ler ad to Salem.
The ticket
t.i vote is Bell and tho
. During the entire week preceding
Easter Sunday, which occurs on
April Gth, the ladles nro especially
invited to examine Mrs. A. 11. Far
rar's tine display of new millinery
goods, which will bo upon exhibi
tion all tho week. nits.
Swafford and the bridgo is tho
ticket you want to voto Monday.
If there is anything in market in
the line of line dress goods, that the
Capitol Adventure Co. Is not now re
ceiving, they must bo hid beyond
possible finding out. 3-2-1-Ot.
- ,
For a short time only wo will
make cabinet photographs for $2 per
dozen. These are full size cabinet
photographs mounted on pure gill
edged cards, and include standing
flirures, groups, children and babies,
and largo vignette heads, all re
touched and finished in the latest
stylo of tho art. Will bo niitdo at
tho new portable gallery south ol
postolllee. Wo invito you all to ex
amine our work. Wo will make
views of residences, b.irns, stock and
out-door groups, schools and land
scapes of all kinds on 8x10 lbrHoU
per dozen.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is carefully prepared from Sarsaparilla,
J) -.lull Hull, Mandrake, Duck, I'lpelssctta,
Juniper Uerrles, ami other well-known ami
vuluaMo vegetable remedies, by a peculiar
cuiiiMnntlon, ropurtlon, ami process, elv
l.;Kto flood's B.irsaparllla curative power
nut possessed 1 y other medicines. It
('fleets rcmarkablo cures where- others fall.
E-3ood's Sarsaparilla
Is tho best Mood purifier. It cures Bcrof ula,
K..H Itheuin, Ilolls, I'linplcs, all Humors,
Dyspepsia, Illllousness, Blck Headache,
Im'.lgcMlou, tiencrat Debility, Catarrh,
Itlicumatlsrn, Kidney and I.lvcr com
j Lints; overcomes That Tired feeling,
creates an appetite, builds up the system.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Has met unparalled success at homo. Such
Is Its popularity la Lowell, Mass., w hero It
Is made, that Lowell druggists sell mora of
Hood's Barsaii.irllla than all other sarsapa
rlllas or blooil purifiers. Tho same success
Is extending all over tho country.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
It peculiar In Its strength and economy.
It Is tho only reparation of which can
truly bo said " 100 Doses Ono Dollar." A
bottle of flood's Bamparllla taken accord
ing to directions, will last a month.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is peculiar III the ronfldeiice It gains among
all claw.es of j eoplo. Wlaro It U once used
It become a farorito family remedy. Do
not bo Induced to buy other preparations.
ISo stiro to get tho Peculiar Medicine,
Hood's Sarsaparilla
BoMbjrlrug(lU. flitlxfurf). Preparedly
O. I. i:OOIl i. CO.. Aotliecarlot, Lowell, Hau
IOO Dosod Ono Dollar
Dealer in Groceries, Taints, Oils
mul Window Glass, Wall Pa
ncr ami llonler, Artists' Ma
terials, Lime, Hair. Nails and
Shingles, Hay, Feed and Fence
Posts, Grass Seeds. Kte.
To Capitalists.
Sealed proposals will bo received up to a
o'loclt p. iu.tiftlio27lli dny or May a. V.
IWM. by tho breird or directors of School
District No. 21, of .MnMon county, Oregon,
wlilcli ineludca the city of suleni for tho
purchitso of thlrtern tliousiuid do.lnrs
(JHOJO) worthofthobondi or s.ild scIkhiI
district In denominations of ono Uunircd
ctnlliirs (Sltxi) nnd ininaidK. Tlio interest
on these bonds to bo paid Hcnil-iinnunlly
nttil they aro to run twenty (20) years.
Said bonds nro Issued under and by vlriuo
ofnnnctnf tho I Bl.sliuura of Oiesoa for
Ihoyc'ir 18-". entitled nn net to uiiund
n uniform course, or public Instrucilnn
In tlio common schools ot tho Ktuto, np
nniveil October &V,lt)?J iippmvedoctobcril,
1nS2 This net was nppciived Kcbrmirv 21,
ISHS.IhlMuctnpproved l-Vbrtmry l7,tSS7.'Par
llcs luddlni; must so.'dlV tho lowisi mo, nr
imprest at which tln-y pniiwiso lopureniiFC
said bonds, uud tlio amount they deslro to
luirchnse, boron tliousiuid dillars worth to
bo piirclias d July 1, INK), nnd hIx thou
sand doll ini (UXW) worth to bo purchased
.fiimmry 1, 181K) Nobldswill bocomldcrcd
wlicro thn proposed mio f lulerestls more
than 5 per centner an mini or where the
bid for tho bonds Is bi'low pur value. The
board reserve i ho right to reject any or nil
bids. Done by iirdcrorthob nlrd of dlree
lors nforsuld this 27lh day of March, A. D.
IS'M. V. Ik SI M l'Si )N, Cleric.
ni27 School Dlst. No. 21. .Marlon Co. Or.
State Treasurer's SGUi-Notlcc.
Stnto of Oregon, Trensurcr'M Otlleo. )
HAI.KM, Mnreh22d. IW
TOTIOR Is hoi-ebv given Hint there nro
J sulllclent funds on hand to pay the
following warrants, and that thoy will bo
p.ild on p c-cntatlon at this olllco. War
iniilHof Iho Issuo of 18NI nnd IhUO, ns fol.
lews: number lftll; iMlt. I3n5, i.us, Iifl-A
IH2S, 1710, ISII, 1722. 1712, 1717, 172:1, 171:5, 175.1
ITltl, 201IS. 2l)int, 2110. 2101, 2KB, 2225, 2750, 2700
and 2770. Interest will not bo allowed
alter dutoorthiHiiotlcc. U. w WUI1I1.
I,2l,2w. Slato Treasurer.
Insure in Your Home Company !
"The State,"
Which liasforthopnxtRlx years
Issued More Policies,
Received More Premiums,
And Paid More Losses,
Upon property located In Oregon or Wnili
Ington Hum any other company.
II was iim First Company to Pay
all Losses in Full anil in Casli
Ily tho throo (?rit coiiiuifixntlnns of Bcntllo
Kllcnslniraand Spokntio Falls.
City Agent,
And Special Agent for Marlon County.
Olllcoln tho company's biilldtug.
Otlleo in Hlato Uxwi 4 Trust Co. build.
ing No. ') Stale Mlureot. Keep on
hand eoutlnually
Concrete and Filling Gravel.
Knwed and tmsawed. I havo tho boNl
facllltlcH for handling Hand uud gravel of
any dealer In thuclty, nut iiialtoltu polnl
lo Mil my orders promptly.
A Bargain !
A ili'sinihlo lot of hinds In lots to null,
seven miles koiiIIimcsI of ftilein, wllhln
eighty rods iifhleuiuboat landing, Iho Ik-sI
oik wood and kiiiiio Or limber enough In
nay lor tho laud-aiid It Is uood Mill for
trull, wltli i-prlngM iiiu-mendow laud.
Would talto a good muall lot or Salem
property In trade. Add res
0. 1 DIUt'MH,
Balotn,.Mnrih 111, 1KW. ;i J3tf
nk oi' Tin: i.Aitoi-xr khtaiii.ihii.
minis lu Iho htllo. Ijnwr rates iluin
'orllillld. IJllLret hlocll l-iiil i;ljinl:s lr
llioHtale.u d biggest discount, hi.-nd fol
price list of Job priming, and ratnloguo il
legal blanks, K M. W-AI'li:,
Hte"i Printer HjiIciii Oregon.
BU ffl LLHfi
f.trKii lot nf now uprlliif I'ood hno al
roudy boon rei elv ed and more wilt arrive
ull through Ilia Ma win.
Special Invitation
to Ull the ladles to
Ull our store, lixtni
and ohlldruns' uuiler-
bargains In ladicV
274 Com'l Street.
P. H. Easton
Ha the. niiHiti ln of IlinJos, Violin und
(lultam in Dm slut". AIo leti thouiuilld
shoois ofimndnat 10 eeiiln. fall or write
for u eiitiilugoe. I'Iuiiim nnd org u ul
Kiwteru prliTs. CiuliorliutHllineuU.
94 State Street, Patton's B'ock.