gjppy;r ws wiaftM.' THE . CAPITAL -TTVJZNIKG JQ.UBN'AIi, HE CiPITiL JODMAL. TERMS OF HUBMUnXPnON. Dally by mall per year...... a 00 Pally by mall per week, ........... Weekly by mall per year. .. jKlf not ttald In advance the nr hanred for I ho Weekly Jourxai. will hn 10 100 rice 4I.M Der rear. If promptly notlly tl iwrs are not delivered e office. KELLER k SONS. Fine Furniture, elegant in finish, artistic in design. Headquarters for office, diningroom, bedroom and kitchen furniture, wallpaper and decorations, lace curtains over 200 patterns, curtain poles, dadoes, mirrors and mouldings, art goods, novelties in easels, pictures, studies, brackets, carpet rugs, etc. JTPic(ure Framing and Furniture re pairing Wareronms 318-320 Eldridge Block. GILBERT k PATTERSON, Dealers in Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, faints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Windowglass, Etc. Sole agents for Epicure Tea and Big Can Baking Powder. Tiik Fisk Ji'iM;r, Hinoehb. Klubtcen years uiro, on tint 01 li of October, 1871, n lltilt company of men and women eturtcri out from Ffk school, ntNiiBbville, Tenii., to Introduce to the people of the north Tii Htntcs n clum of music iievir lo f.ri heard by them the h-iciviI, wicrd, unwritten Juhllee hour ol (he log cabin and the cot ton-Held Mings which by their promise- of n "better time cstmlng," did more thun anything else to salve the wounds and stimulate the faith of a long down-trodden yet, ever hopeful race. The enterprise was the em bodiment and expression ofn great moral purposeto establish an in stitution of learning for the people whom the war had recently freed and enfranchised, and to show that these wero equally capable with their" white brothers and sisters of appreciating and appropriating the advantages of a liberal education. Tho history of tlio company slnco that time Is familiar how they took the northern public by storm, then successively captured Eng land, Ireland, Scotland, Germany, Holland and Uwlt.erluud, and liow the dollars poured in until Fink university was an established fact, and the wildest dreams of tho sing ers were more than realized. Tills eminent troupe will give a concert tinder the auspices of tho first M. E, church April 2. Popular prices. Tiik Maiusklls Company. This talented troupo will opsu a weeks engagement at lleod'H opcrahotifio next Monday ovenlug, tho first will bring tho popular comedy drama, Fanehon, tho cricket. Of this com pany, an exchango says; This week our city Is favorod by being enter tained by this flue Philadelphia Company, headed by tho Versatile Star Miss llcnn Marsolla, whose flue stage prcneneo and fascinating man lier actually captures her audiences and holds them spollbounb She is certainly one of tiie most volatile stars traveling. One night you seo her oh the news boy "CupatoIa,N In tho "Hidden Hand" as a Buoy boy; another evening you seo her in sucli r character ua "Lady Audly" tho emitting, decltful, resolute woman the next evening she appears In her great emotional character of "Lady Liable "In "East Lynno." No person wsth feeling can witness hercmotlnal acting without shedding tears, sho la ably supported by her sister, tho beautiful Mablo Marsolls and her brother ,tho brlghtyoting comedian, Victor Marsolls. DILL NYE ON STOVES. Finds The ''Superior" Article at Last and Is EntBBsiasticliB lis I'raise. Hignrst of all in Leavening Power. U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17. 1889, T. H. BARNES, Prcs. H. V. MATTHEWS, Trcas. Wm. HOWARD PHELPS, Sec Hearing that Bill Nye was en gaged in the stove pollshingbusiness, J. C. Brown & Co., tho enterprising hardware men, secured the services of an alert reporter for the purpose of having Bill i-orrnled and hi real true, unbiased opinion obtained. Bill was hardly approachable last night, as he complained bitterly of tho heavy load of badly cooked food widen courtesy forbid him refusing at a gathering dowu street, but this morning, w Idle wnltlngfor the train Bill's good nature, which seemed to have returned to him, allowed him self to bestirred up with a "poker" and brought back to the "burning Issue." "Well, Bill," says tho reporter, "jou sometimes cat food cooked by the aid of a stove?" "Oh, jcb;" says BUI, "provided I can get a 'Superior' stove with which to do the cooking, because with that kind there Is no burning, 110 loss of flavor, no breezes blowing through the whiskers of my beef roast; no peppering the gravy with wood ashes and cinders, and there is no street fake attached to the 'Superior' business at all." "Then you do like toseetbegenu Ine article go on its merits occa sionally, do you, Bill?" "Oh, yes; I have a sort of monop oly on the fake busine-s at my own exhibitions, and when I was going by J. U. BROWN & (JO'S hard ware store last evening, I could not help admiring those beautiful, self sustaining 'SUPERIOR' stoves, so meritorious In every particular as to need no trumpeting just a fair trial being sufllclent." "If they had known your opin ions of the 'Superior' were of such u high order, Bill, Brown & Co. would have waited on you with a hack for a free ride." "Never mind; never mind; it is seldom I take such nn opportunity as tills Of giving an honest opinion, and tho feeling it brings Is sufllclent icward. Bye, bye." And Bill was gone, but the stoves ho spoke of can be had from J. C. Brown & Co. PriVY. Baking a 1 m. rsTf&a&jtstf mOSnfLM&l ALEM LAND UUmTANY Incorporated 1889Capital Stock $30,000. ABSOLUTELY PURE No Ciiancii: Madi:. Mr. Skip worth, the new clerk of the supremu court, went homo last night to Eugene, where he will continue to keep his family, believing, it uot necessary to move lioroat present at least. After tho present term of supreme court there will bo nothing except routine work In tho office until September and this can be at tended to without his continued presence. Miss Qusta Palmer, typewriter during Mr. Holmes' time, will continue In the position and Balllfl Pcrrliiu will bo always on hand to assist in giving necessary information. Mr. Skipworth be lieves In a liberal polloy and will muko no changes In or around tho oillco. Julkb Luvv.Mr. Levy lira came for want as u soloist lu 1800, at Convent Garden Theatre, London, since wneu no nas piayeii to more pcoplo than any other artist In the world, clhor singer or Instrumental 1st, uud before more crowned heads thauny other artist nllvo. During Ihim years ho has mado such dls covwtea and advancement In tho dcVelopcuiont of his Instrument, that it has become, in his hands, us It wro a tiling or life. Critics gen erally have owned that this extraor dinary mun has juuissd tho llery ordeal of all criticism, and have contented themselves with Booking for terms lu which to dcacrlbo and praise his playing without repeating what Inw been written before. It is not denied by Anybody thut Mr, Levy Is not only tho man of his day, but of nil time In his particular pttrose or genius. Seouro tickets at Dearborn's for the. Lovy concert April 7th, for benelltof second real. tuciil uaiiti. Popular prices. That Mii.itauy Company. If some man with practical knowledge of military matters can be found to take tho position of captain and give his attention to the proper drill and details, the organization of another military company here would boa matter ot mere formality, thcro being plenty of good recruits ready tojolu forthwith. Col. Smith would like to seo tho necessary steps taken so that the compuuy would bo ready for complete organization at tho time of tho election of a lieutenant colonel of the regiment, which curs the 16th of next mouth. Fhom Kansas. Shcrl IT J. F. Cress, of Morris county, Kansas, ar rived last night for the purpose of taking back Anson Elliott, nccuecd of forgery. He has been enjoying the beauties of Salem mid surround ing country to-day under the direc tion or Jacob Ogle, who rode 'with him a good deal of tho way, and Sheriff Croisan. Mr. Cress is much pleased with (he val'ey and If the whole family do not become resi dents, the likelihood is that two sons at least will be amongus in the near future. Hoi Qhowkhs in Council. The Willamette Valley Hop Grow ers' association met in this city this afternoon with but a small atten dance, the fact being that most of them are just now engaged setting nut their poles. The principal busi ness done was to instruct Secretary Ilerreu to ascertain the price of cloth, brimstone and other material for this years crop and to report the same at the time to which this meet ing adjourned Friday, May 9th. Those Interested should study be present at the adjourned meeting. -. Filings. Articles of incorpora tion were to-day filed In the secre tary of stnte's ofllce li.v the Union Bunking company, with It P. Earhart, W. V. Spencer and N. P. FJall, incorporator; capital tuck, $100,000; principal ofllce, Poll land. A Good Thing. -Street Com mlssloner Graham Is having demuri out and drained thu otl'enMve look lug "HhIi pond" on Coinmeicial street north of Court. A good deal of mud scraping will be necessary to make the streets presentable any way soon. Aitiioit Day. The students of Willamette university have been ob serving to-day as arbor or tree-plant-inr, day. Full particulaisof its oh servanco will be found in the uni versity notes to morrow. Simmons Taickn IIomi:. Con stable Burkhart arrived from Al bany this morning and took back with him Caleb Simmons, whose arrest was chronicled lu yesterday's Jouiinai.. Still Tiiky Comk. Another largo shipment of extra line fresh oranges received at J. G. Wright's. He also has fresh celery and cabbage in abundance. Nothing Like OrtKaoN. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Oglo returned last evening from their Eastern visit, coming back belter satisfied thari ever with their Willamette valley home. Mr. Ogle says ho was thunderstruck at the revolutions in manufacturing and In fact every form of industry in Ohio and Penn sylvania by the discovery of natural gas. Its workings are simply won derful. He says there is no part of the East that compares in soil with the Willamette valley except the richest portions of Illluois, while there our glorrious climate is lack ing, thus leaving this country far ahead of the best regions visited. Si'iUNQ is Ovnxr.it. There is scaicely a doubt of the complete opening of spring the boys are found in the avenue playing baseball to-day and Pap Waito Is out with his bicycle. Sure signs. To SrnEET Officers. Please do not let upon the good work until the, street of the city are cleared of the mud and pond holes that now disgrace them and make them unhealthy. Tim illU lias TlipSprlns Vullcln. populniily nlitcli Heod's Hnrsapa- iih u.uncu i wonderful. 00 Looking Ovijii Tin; Witncic T. D. Warwick, rcpa'soutlng thoGro ton Bridge company of Now York, with heud quarters at Portland, camo up last evening and to-day went down tlio river In company with J. E. McCoy to look over uud tisceituln the value of the tecovered portions of tlio old bridge. His company will bid only on u steel bridge, but ho wants to llud out what the old material would be worth. Convention To-Mouuow. Tho members or tho Union party of Ma rlon county uro expected to meet to morrow moiulmt at 10 o'clock In tho Grunge hall, tills city, In mass convention for tho purposes enunci ated hi tho call published in this paper, wliloh see. ....... Knee Huht. While working on tho pile dilver at the new bridge on Statu street on the eastern limit of tho city, J. D, Howman rvcdml a full yesterday through which his knee was Injured uud ho will be luiuofurn time. Fannie Harrison, of Portland, and C. R. Soreuseu, of Astoria, were appointed notaries public to day. Si'EoiAij Invitation Tlio ladles are now all invited to call and see our spring stock of fashionable mil linery. Ciiah. Cai.veht. Bell and the Bridge Is tho ticket to vote next Monday. 2 t Starr & Osborn are now prepared to do all kinds of job and repair work at their cabinet shop on Court street in tho old Jouiinai. ofllce. allied as u spring m'dlcluo Is It prtnSeKi.es lust those ele iriunlb of aealtli iug, blood-purifying mid niipctllcrcbloiiMK "lilcli everybodj t-eetns foiirrd nt Mils tenson. Do not con tletlo In n dull, t li ct. uus'itiifiictory con- illtlo'i win n jou irm bo mm li benefit rrt Ijv Hood's 'Ur-iiprlll-i. It purities the uiooanita iniinv me veK 'iron?. M VKUIEO Hon 8-Write for our new folder, a descriptive r By permission we refer to Capital National Bank, l. G. L. Laws Memlier of Conure. Wahlngtoii. I). Ircular of Salem and vicinity. DPEMWaSD S.ilem, Or., Lincoln Laud Company, Lincoln, Neb., " lIIIIHIIHI ll1 1 Mjmimmi iajrfr "''" inw- .. i- -" ia WALvIv PAPER Just received, the largest Invoice of Wall Pnpw ever brought to this city. niv Stock will convince you that I have the A glance throughout Tlie Very Latest Designs and Most Elegant Patterns ! Which will he sold at Bottom Prices. Also a Handsome line of Lace Curtains Just Opened. Also a Splendid line of the Lalest Style Lace Collars, just now Opened at the White Corner. J. MEYERS. A FULL LINE days only Cmta and TEN AT- SONNKMAiX-AMSI,ER.-Thurs-day evening, March 27lh, 1890, at the Evangelical parsonage, Miss Kmmu Amsler and Mr. Henry G. Sonnemann, Itev. K. S. IJollinger ofllciatlng. Mr. Konnenmnn's recent tussle with typhoid fever taught him it was not good to be alone, and, though lie had oue of the best nurses in the world, yet ho Is (joing to have one of his own hereafter. He Is most fortunate in his selection, the bride being one of South Salem's handsome and accomplished young ladies, highly gifted and worthily esteemed. Mr. S. is salesman in the grocery store of I. S. Sleiner, in the grow ing and prosperous business of which ho has been an important factor, ids obliging and courteous manner making him hosts tif warm friends. He lias had a uioo now residence built and furnished in Boise's addi tion, all ready for the event, and in tills the happy and practical young couple took up their abode last night, fully prepartd to enjoy tho bliss of married life, which tho Jouiixai, hopes will bo lasting and uninterrupted. Sf Just receiving a new invoice of shoes for ladles, misses and children at the Capitol AdventnroCo's mam moth store opera houe block. iUM-tit. J. K. McCoy of Salem, was award ed the contract for the Corvallis street railway. B.vi.Kii Hay. Good haled hay delivered to nny part of tho elty at (10 per ton. Moiuian & Mkad. .The Alka-Hospcrlaii will havoan unusually interesting debate on the government postal telegraph system to-morrow night. Coino and hear it. Tho weekly Inhuu of tho Evknino CAriTAi.JouiiK.il. reach live thou sand copies, and reach every house lu Kalem ami its tsubtirlts. Adver tisers make nolo of It, ' Vote for Hell and tho Bridge Monday. 2 1 rainless dental operations at Dr T. V. Smith's, 1)0 State st reel. 25c Want Column. Notices luharted for ONE CUNT 1'EU WORD EACH INHIBITION. No mlvcr tlsonicut Inserted iu this column for less tlmn tncuty.fl o cents. T. McF. PATTON'S STATE STREET, SALEM lOOO BOXES OK D 11 fane? St aim AATl.AM.uiiKon nnd harness for .fair ntn bargain. Heoxer AScutt, over the xwt olllce. a ;H u WANTKI), Y on .Mini a mun to bnvor rent l.iml ttlfo'u Uliinil. bill.. fi ! ir.inli.ti I'arpoMCN. Inijulie of i:. H. l'incr, couth !) SI U Biilein, FOltHAl.h-B;iKrtHnr good improved lund llh co.kJ hmiso and barn. Krult ,.,.r.!,.l,.u,,H,?J,n. ,,!0 l,llc0- Uood water. Will bn holit chpiip. Vnr iurtlculr nd ilrcM K.H. Murray, HubbaiM.ur. wtr. WANi'ED-Kldorlynuiu uclliicqulutcd .. . . wltlj runnel oi this county to doMv UcltlnK. Work lllit. titnul iay ror rlirht mun. Call at Journal oillco. YrANTKl)TO ltKKl-Auy nno mUs a 1 e or nix room houso to rent near thu buKlnes jmrt of thu city cnu rlnil n i-rriimuciii rciiicr oy itavins WOIU lit the JUUU1I1I UI1ICV. WILL BE OFFERED AT 25C AND 40G PER BOX This is by far THE CHEAPEST and liEST PAPER ever offered to tho people of Marlon County Come and See For Yourselves USE THE a w umoi FINEST ON THE MARKET. -iOF- Wlth ispecialtles ;in Valerian China Tea Sets, French China Dinner Sets RIDG WAT'S FAMOUS Buckingham Pattern -OK- uo rn ROYAL SEMi-PORCEfeAIN Of which we constantly keep a full line and open stock, enabling us to niako up Dinner and Tea sets of any size, or sell by the single piece. Tho finest assortment o CHAMBER SETS Kver shown In Snlem. A PULL STOCK Ot thelatpstivnd handsomest patterns In Ulusswure. e57-l'lfase call nna examine our stock. -O- 57Thls extra fine quality of flour is manufactured by the Jefferson Flouring Mill Company at Jefferson, Oregon. WELLE R BROS 201 Commercial Street. HLACKSMITIIING, Wagon ami Carnage Making anil llepairiog Horseshoeing a specialty. Alluork iruar anteed. j6llN HOI.M, Comrrof CommeiclalnndC'hemekfta Its., Halcin, Oregon. New Feed anil Boarding Stable. H. It. PAGE, rti io oia rill-wit cur lliru mi Uin. fttrcot. Kruvttnl iittMiii..ik i .. ... . ... -----" - . v..,. "xiiuuMi ui it'll ill itirimr ror tftiraiuuil prlMiterlcs. I l luiu 7K1H II HAI.K-A lino WflAilliuri tnnm ll e ears old, at I'lymer. on pin. Ad- I.XJU HK.NT-Ve)I rurnMied barn for V onoorlohore. Journal Ottlw. Undkii J)AU..-Chiw. Anderson, arrested for steal lug Jnmes M, Mur tin's horse lit the Waldo hills, waived exuinlnatlon lu Justice CloodeH'a court, mid was held to auswer before tho gruiidjury under bonds ot f60, which he haa so fur failed U furnish, so ho will rvninlu In Jail until the June terra of court. Chook CouNfV. Undo John Million died ut Junction City, Mar. 12- -Itep.Ca Con. April 0. . Mr. MoLeoil of Ralom vw nt I'rliio vlllo buying imittou sheep fur the valley market - -Hev. Jitmo Butuldlug linnurMsl live eouverts ItiOehoctj . Horses In the Grey Ihitte country liMik well. Vote tho llrldo and Hell Ucket next Monday. 2 1 To Home Seekers. The Capital City railway eoui puny Is pixi wired to tell home-seea. erMMiniethlns! to their advantage. Mr. David Simpson has taken charge ofthelr real estate departmental 115 State street. Call uud free him. I7MH HKNT-A iletirnblo business offlco 1 lu bei bloe.t In Ioh n. lu'iulro nt tin olllce. !-ltr TjK)UM).-A liook of KMiiiKellml hymna -...' . t.t.uvri'uii iiiiututiuu cillluicut till oillco uud notice. lwylug bv for tlU icrly table IOItHAI.KOltTltADKfor city pro 1' lu Mule. 11. II nv urnvnr hin. I mi JorifraiKi culture, eight iMlMwuthurttt. lent. AUo two hundred ncretict rnuich land for wle nlno in lea kouth of rilem, Tlio tieket llrldge. t.i voto Is Hell and the 2t Kugeno F, CamplHjll, ugetl 34 years. wtu lo-day brought to tho aylum for Insauo by Dupuly aherlff lk rlngtoti, of Heppuer, Morrow eoun. ty. Campbell is unbalantXHl In mind because his tlnauclal utlalra aro In the same fix. DAI.KsMKN WANTKli at nviv i O niwipMHl men to kellourpxxUby mini. il Iti llio lioleMU nua Wlull trade. Wo -..... ii.iM.,i muuumciurer inour line. IJbcmlMlaryixtld IVrnmueut lwwltlon. Money navunml nr nKw, luUrrtWIng, lo rortennsaddrtL'vnteunlMl Slanul racturliut , i-nimpi, HI. im.t.t,iA)i One of tho vital points for a family man to look after is to bee that ho gets his moiioy's worth. Jluy gn cerltM of Winters and you get that. WOL2 & CO. K()nllkindiifiaiMUand huium, The lK"t Mtuuixe lu urtvu, No. 171 Commercial Street, Salem. Dissolution Notice. SOTICK Is hereby Klen that the p.ut. neililpheietolorM eMMlns between nnUen-lKned. under Hie tlrm uatiie of Hlugleton A. Smith, iitaleni Oreon, Is this daj dlsMilu-d by mutual consent, ll.A.SIn. Bletou lm Ins od his lnteustlnDr J f. H "''"',l;jl'"tlniioln the bus ncss, under tho tlrm naiuo of Smltlut Melner. All nCCOUlltn llllntn tlm llr... r !.!" V Smith will be pnjable at onco Jo elt er II. A. SINOI.KTOK. 1)1!. J I'.SMlni. I'i Aluls ttHrliit'from tho business of tho i'r - . ." "..'. iiituiKH ill inn nimiv CAN FUKNISn OF ALI. KINDS, THE BEST, CHEAPEST, menus in Niiem and Miriomidlii" couutrV hove p uro. ago 1...S been w 111 er.ilh! en- J ed in the p i-t. 1 also take pie"" ii o lii PurallrdHn'S COOK HOTEL Centeraml High Street. G. . ANDERSON, 1'iiJotiu qdii iWn,-' tetHrbW. II. COOK. ' ."fi" iliALAWja':,fc,c ce and continued patronage. II.. . htNOI.EloV. Wo Defv Competition ! iJ3Gct our prices before jou buy PATTON'S BOOK STORE, SAJ.IIM, . . . BROS. jjil Stamps I .I I'll OUEGON. m Kormerlj year and bu ly In transfer busine-s tor manv 11 Mil Mill iSlmliif.1 ,I.A ..i.. iMB?."f"? :.?'?. ?"" owJiVut to builneT 7 ,Vt or'JitHia lUlICII Jl.UI to $.100 It llllV. nn.ir.ll... . ' nnm n....l..l .,......:' .'"'"."""S m famiile. ' lo oollru?fs JCW. AI.IlKItT. Amm. . halrm.OrnH.il Agents Wanted. and ..i iB"'s,., sc Hie ....UK oria. IlOtlUtlflll Kl.-irv " m nnd Umd." .Mom t'treet. kwBXtix. mrnii mn.. i.T.v.. "'nijfoiirtMi MM IKOMVOHK&I McCrow & Willard. i i 0. I). HUTTOX, Pron. I'lutlu.'sof all kind made to order, Guns, Guns, Guns ! A. H. Forstner & Co, (Successor to Ben Korctner.) eep full line of aims, Revolvers, Fall ing TuUtlo nnd Sporting Goods. bpeclal uttentlou clven to repairing threshing machines and machine ol all kinds, clothes Trringers, etc.. nt New Store in Exchange Block, 308 COMMERCIAL ST. SALEM ... OREGON !1 l.lindw l MII.I. il.UHINKUY. riaNi.vn mux, COUNU'KS, MKl'AI. KKONTS, WUKKI.-j, l'l'l.I.BYS, and spcetal wiinK ol any u i ,)r ,v.,' Repair any Machinrry in Short Order MUMHUMKUIW w seasBCjtwsa New Salem Market, EXCHAXCIK J1LOCK. Ol..,eo,ndJKm.Ue,CuH10V)la,h( EVHirmixa NEW AND CLEAN Fine Watch Repairing BY C. A.. BURBANK No, 317 Commercial Street. Ho for Colorado. A Very line 1U0 acre ranch, with a twelve uuuur-u uoiinr uouse, pieniy ui wivi. on Drooerty. Bcf H. ft. IIl'M'AN. fifty acrcj sot lonlfalla. for sale cheap, or win ir.i(i ror ifoi iireeon Tii rfi 'Hi' immiiinmiiri w i t mi mm n n . ..m..., . . . . . jggMgugpggBggppiBnMHMpipNMWKM ,r;rmi nwm,n n itmmI V 2 -ZmMiHmmmJ&3BB&BSNK ?9