OaU and S T. j. CRONISE, Salem's ropurar job muni. . uiai' DITARTERH IN TUB , T BB . fflssK0,w T. MACY, yvery, Feed and Sale Stable Corner State ond Front Sts., Balem. nncomnaodfttlon. and Reed rigs. ". -,tntllV of good nay rorsaie. J. MACY. 38 lm H. Diamond, tocher of Music and dewier lu wr Imtramcnls and String. Mua nil NO. 247 RONT ST. For success at the CAPITAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, Salem, Oregon. p.AKMrmoNG.Mngr. E. L. Wiley, Prin. Jlusinoss, Shorthand, j.p,,riti, Ptanssllip sn Ecglitli ft;irtmigt. Diysiwl evening1 Session. Students -admittct! nvtime. Call at the College or address the Principal for catalogue. WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY Graduate" JJtUdentt In 'f h Normal, Business, Law, AND MEDICAL COURSES. it Is the oldest, largest and least expen sive Institution of learning In the North west. School opens first Monday in September Rend for catalogue to THOS. VAN SCOY, President. '7: Salem, Oregon. A. . STRANG, No. :wt Commercial Street, SALEM, OREGON. -DKAI.RR IJf- STOVESand RANGES PIhqMd?, Gas and Steam Fitting. Tinware and Artistic Metal Work a Specialty. -Apent for the RICHARDSON 4 BOYNTON COMPANY'S Furnaces. Ks tabusbed In 1849 THE RUNS fast trains with Pullman Vestibule Drawing room sleepers, dining ears and coaches of latest design, between Chicago and Milwaukee and St. Paul and Minne apolis. Kust Trains with Pullman vestibuled drawing room' sleepersf dining card and coaches of latest design, between Chicago and Milwaukee and Asblandaud Uuluth. Throngh Pullman vestibule drawing roomandcolonist sleepers via the North ern Pacific railroad between Chicago and Portland, Or. Convenient trains to and from Eastern, Western, Northern and central Wiscon sin points, affording unequaled service to and from Waukesha Fond du Lac, Osh aonh.Neenab. Meneshn, Chippewa Falls, Eau Claire, Hnrley, Wis., and Ironwood And Bessemer. Mich. For tickclsj- Bleeping car reservations, timetables and other information, apply to agents anywhero in the United State or Canada. II. C. BARLOW, . Gen'l Traffic Mgr. S, R. AINShiE. Gen'l. Mgr. LOUIS ECK8TEIN. Ass'taen'l Pais'r nnd Tkt Agt, Miiwau- kse.WI. ansA -- ,T i .. 'MX 'ttQBLg Ju HEALTH. I Rlehau'a Gold. BiIwm No. X Cures Chancres, Hrst and i.-cond stages; Sores en the Ugt and Body; 8or Ears, oif.'lr.?,e! tc CoPpcr-colortd BloUhes, BjruMtlcl'aUrrh. diseased Bcalp, and alt primr foma of th disease known a SrphlU. Prlro, fsOO per Bottlo. " Rlthau's OMden Balsam No. a Si,-Tt.rt.I,Ti Mercurial Syphilitic Bhtu mtlsm. Tains la th Donesfpalns In the "Md, hack of the Nock, Ulcerated Bore SJ'ir fPb'Ut'c Hash, Lumps and con kwtrd Cwj, SUffnets ot thol Umba, and ersdlcaUs all d scasa from th system. hether caused by Indiscretion or abuse S!,cut. ,erl0P the bla pure and v j),.h- Vlr " OO Ir I ottle. MHItkaa4 Ooldtn H- snlah AtMl ?" tor t!ie cure of Conorrhcea, Gleet, ;'-" nunvei, ana an urinary or Uenl. -. u.irnDjcments. &rlc 9H I a'rlco Q 60 per U3IIIO. It lcb.au Ooldett HnMlalt Yn ..-ci. r BFr. .&. r-.t nwnnkn. ttri..v.tn v r.Wi ctA..... i. ni 7 l510'0"' GoldMt O'ntmatst 'rl uC axchealingcfSrpliIUlcBorrs, i ",1ft-. Price-St CO pr Box. ' IllchauU Golden l'U-Nene ndEr i treatment; loai of physl-a! pow n- .""'I-0' ornri. rrostratloo, etc Price $3 00 pr Box. Jt hi.iI Nerrlno. 'eni tTrrjnrtw, C. O. D recurtly pocked lr express. T C' & JIJF?AU" CO. , AffU. "i ft s Sansom street. Corner Llsy. Hn rrsnebeo. Cl. CinCV'LAU MAILEO FltEE. fffjfwrfjp. SALK.U IANK8. Capital National Bank, SALEM - - - OREGON. Capital Paid up, $75,000 15,000 surplus, It S. WALLACE, W. W. MAUTIN, .1. H. ALHKUT, r President. Vice-President. Cashier. DIRECTORS: T. Gray, V. W. .Martli:. J. M. Martin, R. X. Wallace. Dr. W. A.Cusick, J. U. Albert. T. McF. lntton. LOANS IvIADE To riirinemon wheat nnd other murkct- able produce, (xinslgned or in store, either in private granaries or public warehouses. State and County Warrants Bought at Car. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted at reasonable rates. Drafts drawn direct on New York, Chicago, Ban Francisco, Porttnud, London, 1'nri. lierllu Hong Knng and Calcutta. Ladd & Bush BANKERS. IRON BUILDINQ, SALKM, TmnsiiVt a Keneral banking business In all branches. Tue bunlt has connection with banks lu Oregon, Washington, Mon tana and Idaho, and correspondents In nil the principal towns of thOKe states. I-2ddwlm SALKM. OREGON. 8. LADUE, - President. Vice President. - - Cashier. DR. J REYNOLD, IOKN MOIR. GENERAL BANKING. Kxcn.tugeon Portland, Stio Francisco, New Yorit, London nnd Hong Kong bouebt andsold. Ktato. County and City warrants oougni. rarmers are corainuy Invited to deposit mul transact business with us. Liberal udvunces made on wheat, wool, hops nnd other property at reasonable rates. Insurance on such se curity can be obtained at the bauk In moat reliable companies. VIA Southern Pacific Company's Line. THE MOUNT SHASTA ROUTE. Time Between Haleui and San FrnclsoS Thirty-jU Hears. CALIFORNIA KXPKESS TKAIN HUN IlAII.1 BETWEEN rOHTIFl AND S. F. hrstMona Bank Suiitti. I J?orth. 4:00 p.m. Lv. Portland Ar. 10:4oa. m. tt:U p. m. Lv. Balem Lv. 7:53 a. m 7:4n a.m. I A r. San Fran. Lv. 7,-OOp.ni. LOCAlTrASSENHElt TltAIN ( DAII.V KX CKI'T 8UNDAV). WW a. m. Lv! Portland Ar. I 3:45 p. in. 11:10 a. m Lv Balem Lv. 12:52 p. m. 2:K)p.m. Ar. Eugene Lv. 9.-00 n. in PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS. For accommodation ot second cluss passengers attached to express trains. TbeH. P. company's ferry makes con aection with till the regular trams on th East Side Division from foot of h streo Portland. .Vest Side Division. Between Portland and Cemllis: 11AIX.Y EXCEPT SUNDAY), 7::t0 a. m. 12:25 p. m. Lv. Ar. "Portland" Corvallis Ar. Lv. 6.-20 p. III. !: p. in. At Albany and Corvallis connect with trains of Oregon Pacific Railroad. Through tickets to all )K)lnts south and eaBt via California K.XrnEH3 TnAINilAIIfEXCEPT"anNDAY'' 4:50 p. in. &00 p. m. rCvl I'ortland Ar. Ar.McMinnvllleLv. 0:00 a.m. 5:45 a. m. Through Tickets To all points "OUTII and EAST VIA California.. Kor lull information regarding rates maps, etc., apply to the Company's agent Salem, Oregon. K. P. ROGERS, Asst. O. K. and Pass. Ag't R. KOEHLKR, Manager. Oregon R. R. Company Line. (Limited.) C. N. SCOTT, RECEIVER. Tickets lor any point on this line for sale at the depNftt.foot of Jefferson slreet.and -U the United enrrago and baggage Transfer company's office, corner Second nnd rlne streets. Commutation Tickets at 2 cents per mile. .... General offices northwest coiner Hrst and Pine streeU, Portland. EAST HIDE. From Toward Portland Htatlon. Partland Hllvcr-Coburg Port'naPprt'd tonac mall mall Lxp W I'M 403 603 6 58 700 I.VAM AH I'M AKJM goo PortrudHPCo a 45 9 56..Ry's landing. 2 38 10 50 Voortburn 1 40 11 47 Sllverton 12 20 5 07 llr wnsvllle 7 40 n 60 Coburg 6 OT 10 45 0 45 ft 49 7 30 WEST SIDE. Alrlle mall Portland mall LV AH AR PM 7 45 .Portland rWV. 4 So 205 1027 822 TM 45 l-Swly 10 45 Dundee junction J 0j .... Uheridan . 1 16 ... Dal!as.. 4 65 wonmouth .... 565 .. Alrlle.. Dress Making ! S41 Commercial Hlreet. CUTTING AND FITTING 1 Dy a competent lady "kobjl .Ifff I ejporencA. Leave orders early. 8'J- , Uoa guaranteed. 2,tf Tho New Discovery. You Lave heard your frlentln nnd iii'iguoors wiKing auout It. Yon may yourself bo one of the many who know from personal experience Juat how good ti thlnj: it Is. If you have ever tried it, you are on f its staunch friends, because the wonder ful thing about,il is, that when once irlven a fair ttial, Dr. King's New Discovery ever after holds a place in tho house. If you have never used it and should he afflicted with a cough, cold nr any Throat, Lung or Chest trouble, Beuui a bottle at once ar.d give it a fair trial. It i guar anteed every time, or money refund ed. Trlul Bottles Fnv at F-y's Drugston,'. A man who has 'practiced nudi clue for forty ears, tiught t Uuow salt from pu-rnr; re.td what heetiys: Toledo, O., Jtiu. 10, 1887. Messrs. F. J. Cheney & Co. Gentlemen: I have been in the general practice of medicine for most 40 veatv, and would say that lu all my practice and experience have never seen a preparation that I could prescribe with as much confidence of success as I can Hall's v'atarru Cure, man ufactured by you. Have prescribed it a great many times and its eiiVrl is wonderful, and would say in con elusion that I have vet to tlnd a wim! of Catarrh that it would not cure, il they would take it according to di-rc-tions. Yours Trulv. L. L GOIISUCH, M. D. Office, 215 Summit St. We will give $100 for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured with Hall's Catarrh Cure. Taken inler nullv. F. J. CHENEY & Co., Props., Toledo, O. Sold by Drug gists, Coe. East Oregon! an: Pendleton's main street last year were not sprinkled, and the dry, dusty condi tion of the thoroughfares did much to hinder tho growth and prosperity of the city aud depreciated the value of property. Tho streets can be sprinkled at a small expense to the individual property owner and he should bear the expense. The First Step. Perhaps you are run down, can't eat, can't sleep, can't thiuk, can't do anything to your satisfaction. aud you wonder what alls you. You should heed the warning, you are taking the 11 rm step into Ner vous Prosl ration. You need a Nerve Tonic and in Electrics Bitters you will Hurt the exact remedy for re storing your nervous system to its normal, healthy condition. Sur prising results follow the use of this vrreat Nerve Tonic aud Alterative. Your appetite returns, good diges tion is restored, aud the Liver and Kidneys resume healthy action. Try a bottle. Price 50c. at Fry'. Drucstore. Proposals for Bids. BIDS will be received by the Hoard oi Commissioners of Mai ion county tip to 2 o'clock p. m... April 11. 1800, for the re building of the bridge across the Willa mette river, at Salem. Oregon, on Itsorig lnal site The original maps of survey, in eluding protllo of river at site of bridge, soundings and current courses, will bt found at the office of the county Judge in Halem, the right being reserved by said bonidof commisslcners to reject any and all bids. Rids will be received: Firht For the rebulldlrg of tho bridge as It was before It was carried away, In cluding the west approach, with the addl tionot crib protection in accordance with plans and specifications on file at the comity court. Second Foi the rebulding of the bridge as it was before It wus carried away. Includ ing west approach, with the addition ol sufficient pier protection In accordance with plans nnd snecitlcatlons to be lur nlxhed by the bidder. Ulds will ulso bo received for tho con struction of a" combination truss brldg complelo, in accordance with plans and specifications to be furnished by the bid der. Also for the ron traction of an iron or steel truss bridge In accordance with plan. nnd specifications to be furnished by the bidder. All tho material of the old bridge included in sub-structure, superstructure nnd approach to become the property ot the euntmclor, but no material shall be used except such as Is solicit, perfectly good and tit for the purpose for which it is used. All questions which may arise in regard to the quality of the material or la bor to be decided by the superintendent, and lu case of appeal therefrom, the de cision ol tho bo.ird of commissioners of Marlon county to do linn I. A deposit is required from each bidder of 6 per cent, of the amount of his bid. T. C. KHAW, County Judge of Marion county. Salem, Oregon, March 14, 18110. To Bridge Contractors. Plans and specifications for a wagon bridge ucross the Hantiam river at the city of Jefferson, between Marion and Liuu nnimttnj mill a vw.JlnH Iw t Iwi (sl,tit. courts of said counties at the county court I1HJII1 III llinillj II, flUCUl, "I I'lllltlJ' bill. 11th. day of April. ISP0. at 0 o'clock a. in- of B.ilcldiiy. Klihera covered Howe truss or combl nation hrldge preferred. Ulds l'r constructing said bridge with approaches complete will bo considered at the samo time and place. The courts reserve the rlsht to reject any nnd all bids. T. C. Hiuw. County Judge, Marlon Couuty Or. Special Election. N Monday, March 31, 1M, the polls will be opened in the several wards nf e city of Salem at 10 o'clock a.m., and contluueopen without Intermli-loii until 4 o ciock p. in , lor me purjiose oi voting for a city treasurer to serve for the re mainder of the unexpired term of K. J. .Swdtlord, whose resignation was accepted ii V I lie common council .iiarcii ji, iku, uuu for the further purpoho of voting for or ncuiuKt the city ofSuIem Incurring n bond ed Indebtedness of twenty thousand dollar, fur the purpoeof building a bridge acro.-s the Willamette liver, coniiiieniing ot a polut on the eat share of said river within the city limits ond extending to n point on the opposite shore ot said river in Polk" county. All in favor of the city of Halem Incur ring Mild InnebtodnesR are requested to have on their ballets: "In favor of Incur ring an indebtedness of twenty thousand dollars to build a bridgo ucroog the Wil lamette river," and I hire opposed thereto, vote"Agaiust Incurring uu indebtedness nf twenty thousand dollars to build a bridge across the Willamette river." The places of voting nnd the nnmes of h' lodges In the everal wards are as follows; VOTING PLACES First Ward, Mansion House. Kecond Ward. Old Court House. Third Ward, Opera House. Fourth Ward, Ellis Whitley's stable. JUDGES. 11""'' l" VmU' ' W' W,1,trknd Second' ward, Oeo. 11. liurnett, T. h. rsnlrien nnd If. A. Johnson. Third ward. C. Ii. Sloonn, W. T. Gray and K M. Wultc. Fourth ward, Oeo. D. Ooodhue, T. !!. Walt, and IN. Ml lur. CLKUKH. Hlt ward, T E. Pratt aud (1. IV. Writer. rieoond ward, Oeo. H. liuriifclt and T. L. Golden. Third ward, C. H. Moore and V. T. Gray. Fourth ward, Oeo. D. Ooodhuc and I' ll. Walt. Hy order of tho council L. V. CONN, ltecorder. I rwi1Tii. (M'inT March 2J, ltl r OAPM?AXi ; JSBNIN.G JOTTBlffAIi. AN ABLE-BODIED LIAR. Ho Tells n Tarn tho Uko of Which 111 Never Before lleen Hoard. Among the recently invigorated liars of tho town is ono who has just returned from a session with ozono la Colorado, bars the Omaha World Herald. It was hia ilrst trip through tho mountains and ho was much u tue city of Foi'tlniu) mid other prosperous towns nro thoso omictl bj men or corporations ivlio affoctod b tho feats of onglnoonug skill, ,,,.,, 41l .iLnnBiin nn, wUr in Imnrnvn ilinm. there manifested, as witness tho following ltncsatho foUoCTintr! "I had heard of tbo curvo on tho Pcnnsyl vania, whoro according to tho time-card schedule, tho engineer is obliROd to lean out or his cab and oxebango tobacco witn tho brakeman on the rear end, so as to givo tho passengers sumothing to tallc about, and now I bollevo it. Thcro was aa old, honest. horny-handed miner rodo over tho road out of Donver with mo nna ha told mo sevcraV things. Onco whlio we were being jerked around tho edge of tho mounutns and coukl look out from undor tho roots of our hair at tho track opposite In tho vsiloy ho told ma ataio. Bald be: " That yora track down yan is tho ono wo'ro onto, out wo won't tech It for an hoar. Wo run up tho ravino an' down tho side of tho mountain an' doublo back Down thar 1& whor' Jim Lyle saved tho pay master o' tho road.' "HowP I Inquired. " 'It woro this way: Tho paymaster's car wa. hitxhtd onto tho hind end o' tho freigbi train, his own engino havln' had a lttti trouble with her runnln' gear an boln' abandoned fer awhllo up tho road. Well, tho train was snortln' and crawlln aroun' tho mountain, when all of a sudden thi back brakeman comes a runnln' up an yella to Jim: ""Pulloutt Pulloutl Thoy'a a gang o' rustlers has caught tho emrino an' ars humpln' after us I Pull l" " Well, Jim Lyle noUccd that Ho soon at wunst that tho engino had been fixed ur an' that tho rustlers hod took her to ketel him an git tho dust in tho paymaster's car. so ho pulled out right peart an' tried to outraco 'em, but It won't no go. They kop' Kiuin- up on nun. " 'Pretty soon ho struck tho beglnnln' o' this yoro curvo. Ho didn't slack a breatl. an' tho conductor coma rushln' up an' bol lercd: " "For God's sake, what kin wo do! If wo run this we'll climb a raiL" ""BaUrlght,'' said Jim Lyle. "HI cal clato rightly that car's saved," an' ho gave her another pull out an' Just as wo reachei' right horo ho jerked her wido open. Thet wo see what was what. Lookin' back 1 beln' on tho train, seen tho last coach go u i in tho air, thero was a jork, an' away ove.' into tho canyon sho went,' " 'Wcllwhcro does tho salvation of tht coach como mp I asked. 'I don't seo an; particular odvontago in being spilled ove'i a mountaln-Bido and being shot by train robbers.' '"Now, don't git frisky,' said tho old man. 'I'm tellin' this yoro on' I an't done That thero coach, as I say, sailed ovu c.lln tho track just liko tho hind boy di when you used to play "crack tho whip" a' school, ic uoaica down as nico as yoi plcaso on' lit on tho track below In tho val ley, an' with tho force it was slung rolloi ten miles to tho next station. When wn got thero it was in on tho sidin' an' v.-i pulled by, an' when tho light engino loa".' 0' rustlers oomo buuin' along tho towns people was waitln' for 'em an' tho now cemetery was started In good shape.' " "WATCH AND WAIT." Every Groat Achinroinnnt Is the Rocorc of Uorrespondluc Patience. "Patient waiting no loss," has been made tho subject of an instructive volume; ami "let patiencohavo her perfect work," was ono of tno many aqmiramo suggestions of ancient wisdom, says tho Now York Ledger. Tho hlstcry or every great achievement, and tho realization of every grand idea, Is tho record of a corresponding patienco oi tho part of tho hero and tbo thinker. Bui for tho largo possession of this sublimi quality, humanity must have succumbed u a thousand obstacles which ha vo been glo riously overcome, and man, instead of dem onstrating Progress to bo tho providontia law of his being, would havo sunk In the embrace of fatalism, mora holploss am wretched than tho beasts of tho field. Tin discoverer, tho refoimer tho benefactor o.' whatever class has each in turn, since tin world began, learned through his own ex penonco tho truth ol tho poet's lino : "They nobly w'n who watch and wait," and tho story of any ono of them is mainly the story of all. Kepler, gazing into tho "uppor deop," and discerning for the first time clearly the unity and harmony of tbo planetary, uni verse, could only from tho depths of his pa tienco havo cried, ns bo closed tho nurra tivo of his mighty discovery t "Tho dio Is cast I The book is written ; to bo read now or by posterity, I caro not which. I may well afford to wait a century for a reader, as God has waited theso six thousand years for an observer." And Columbus, seeking vainly from city to city, and from court to court, for somo sympathizer with his vision of tho New World or when treading tbo deck of his caravel, beset by mutiny that would have daunted any other man what does tho world owo to bis patience, which doubled the earthly domain, and tenfold quickened every civilizing element of tho human race. Patienco is a lofty attribute Wisdom alono begets It In man, for wisdom per ceives how trivial aro most things over which men nro most impatient. What 11 they bo unaccomplished will tho sun for get to rise, or tho rain to fail Will tho seasons lose their order, and soed-timo and harvest fail? Nay I Our impatienco Is begotten of nothing, and our patienco Is born of the nobler and mora enduring thoughts and deeds. Let us but bo patient in well-doing, or oven in seeking to do well, and wo shall, in the sight of conscience and of God, bo vic torious whether wo win or lose I Editor Are Horn, Not Made. Every body knows how newspapers should bo edited, but it so happens that tbo number who succeed in editing is very small Indeed. Robert Chambers, ono of tho most success ful of editors, who for so many years conduct ed tho renowned Journal which bears his name, very justly remarked that the editor, hko the poet, must bo born, not made. And that the chief duty of an oblo editor is not so much in putting things into hi paper as In keeping things out. Thero lies tho grand secret. A Girl's Composition on Boys. Boys are mea that have got as big as their papas, and girls is young women that will bo young ladies by und by. Man was made before woman. When God looked at Adam Ho said to Himself: Well, I guess I can do better if 1 try again," and then Ho made Eve. God lUed Evo so much bettor than Adorn that tbcro havo been moro women than men ever since. Boys are a trouble. They aro wearing on every thing out soap. Blow l'aupla In Maine. Thero have been settlements on tbo Ken nebec river in liIno since h-J, and it was only tbo other day that tbo discovery was made that there is coal in tho banks of tho stream. A local geologist says that considerable- quantities of It aro washed ashore oo the beach at the month of tho nror. I The Best smiu uu m le II Hii Male t To the c.ty of 'Salem. They have at this time fifteen teams employed nnd the contemplated improvements have -carcely begun. It is intended to make the drive loading from Commercial street through Riverside nud High land additions nnd mound Highlanu Park y" THE FINEST DRIVE IN THE STATE ,-. Or Oregon.Tho line of the Salem Street Railway Company runs through the middle of this nddltlon.'nnil m. ots will bo moro than two blocks distant from tlieJine. Highland Park will in tho near luturo bo - v . k- a- TH K MOST POPULAR RESORT ABOUT THE CITY OF SALEM. Lois in Highland Addiion aro High and Dry- and Well Located; Most Excellent Drafnag The soli is black nnd rich. From till points a fine view Is obtained of the public buildings and our highest uountaiu peaks. Arrangements are already being made for the location of two churches iu this addition, and i ntmiborof residences are soon to US built. Buildings only of tho best class will bo permitted. Residence lots vithin the limits of the city of Salem are worth on an average over 1000. Ve can sell you la-tier lots in Hlgh iind addition for one-third of the money, nnd being directly on the line of tho street rnllw y they aro iiractl ully not hair so far from the public buildings und tho business part of tho town as tho majority of theso. ailed "insidn lota." Buy a Lot in Highland Addition for Three Hundred Dollars, Vnd let some other fellow pay $1000 for au Inferior lot not bo well located, mild a beautiful cottage, or put it out at a rate of Interest that will buy ickets. every year. Look at This ! $1 WILL BUY A LOT Jf goods at our store! Wo carry a full lino if itioceries, feed, crociteiy, lassware, cl urs, toIuco and confectionery. T. BURROWS, No. 220 Commercial St., Salem, Who Is Going East? It is an Indisputable) fact that tho hantl .oiliest vit bulQ trains tnat aro now run hi the American co itlneut an- tho-o on ho UurlltiRlon Uoutc; leaving from Union lepot in Oenver, also HI. Paul, inimedl .tiily on tho uriival of all through trains ruin tho west. Thntlrht and Hecimd clas oacliu-iaiu magiilflccnt.thoreclliitiii.'chalr iirnkiinorhthii 1-nlliiiiiii sleeners extreine- y luxuriant, unci p'llncoHurllujjton dlnliiK lira Tho next tlnio you go cist to Kansas City, Chicago or.St. Louis, If you mention to the ticket agent that you want your Iclcct to read from Denver, Umiilm, Kim--as City or St. I'aul, over tho liurliugton oute.yoii wilt get ii, and yon will always ue glad of It, If you go bv the way of tho Northern or Canadian l'acillc, tho elegant vestibule trains of "Tho lttirllnutou route, between U. Pan!, Chicago and tit. Louis will carry -ou along tlio eastern shoro of tho Jllssls Ippl river for a dlstanco of 8.V) miles iinldothccucry that einnot bo surpassed; ir, if you go via tho Union, or Southern l'acillc. aud your tlcltel reads via "Tliu lliirltngtou lloute.' from Chyeiinnor Den ver, you will puss through all the thriving itles and towns located In what Is pop ularly known nstho lirart of tho conti nent." Kor further information apply to A. O. Bholdon, (icueral Agent, S Hrst ureet, Portland, Oregon. U.7tfw Two Through Trains Each Way DAILY, VIA UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM. Commencing with Hunday, Mnrch 2nd. both first and second class tickets will bo honored on 'Tim Limited Kast -Mall," iral .k .'land 4, ns well also on tho 'Uer luiid Flyers," New. liiiul'i. "The Limited iiasl Mall" trains oro equipped with Pullman p.ilaco and colo nist sleepers, illtiing cars, chair cars and WMchrK, anil run mjiki uotween i-oriiiinu :lies, ana run sonn uuiwcen i -or mum htcago, dully without change, iic-'Overlanil ! Iyer"tnilns are equipped Ii Pullman p.ilac sleepers and couches. and III The- Willi I llllliuill i.iiiii: ii:i.-irin miu tintiiirr. between Portland and Council Jllult's, and with Pullman colonist slei-pcro botween 1'orilandunil Kansas City, dally, without rhaiige. ' , , ( onnecllonscroiiiiidout i'mattlln with through trains found from Hull IjiIcc, a id at i hecnne with through trains to and from Denver, Kansas City and HI, Jxiuls. Tho above trains nllonl the nultket time between the Northwest Pacific coaat and Kaslern and oiitln-rn ioltils. Detailed ttino of trains, lates, through ticket, ImgEiiee checks etc., en bo tiro cured upon api'llititloti toimy ngent oftho Union Pacitlo HysUin. T. W. LliK, a-7-ot-w Gen'l Pass, iigont. Conservatory of Of the Willamette Unlver lly Malem, Ore- tc-n. the morn suocsmui .muhic kciiooi on I the Northwest (st. Courses In music ure equal loKuKieni music scIkkiU. Yearly al- 1 tendance of nearly one hundred und fifty. I The uble corH of imchers fur the coming school year will be Prof. '.. M. Iarvln. I Ieona Willis, Ml Kvn Cex: assistant teschers. Miss Lulu M. Hinlth, MlM Hully I-arlnh, and iiw Minnie Parvln UranchestniiglnareVocalCulture.l'lano, Organ, Violin, I'll Organ, Harmony, Counterpoint, undl lass'fiaehl.ig, Dlplon-os given oq com pinion of course hnd forcataloiruoantl circular. .. MPAHVfN 7-!&dSm.wlm. '.."! ;.: Residence u.n iw.t.i. " ...y . ....,.. us iw LAND ADDITION -19 OWNED BY And tliis Corporation is determined THE YAnulNA ROUTE. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD And Oregon Development company's steamship line. 223 miles shorter. 20 hours less timo than by any otliet mule. First class through passenger anil freight line Irom Portland nnd all points la the Wil taiuotto vallov to and from Hati Francisco TIME SCHEDULE, (Kxccpt Sundays). Leave Albany 1:00 P.M LeavaCorvallls 1:40 PM Arrive Yaqtilna ....... 6:30 P M Leave Yaqulna ........ 11:45 A M Leave Corvallis 10:35 AM Arrive Albany 11:10 A M O. A C. li-alus connect at Albany and Corvallis. Tho abovo trains connect at YAQUIN'A with the Oregon Development Cors Line iCStcn-jiHlilps between Yaqulna and Han Francisco. HAIMNU HATLH. STKAJII'.nS. FIIOM YAQtllNA Wlllamettu Valley . .Saturday Marcli wiiinmetle Valley Sunday " 1(1 Willamette Valley, Tuesday " 26 MTKAMKltH, FIIOM HAN KltANOISCl Willamette Valley Wednesday, Mar 12 Willamette Valley Friday " is Wlllaiiietto Vallov 'Ihursdny ' 20 Wlllamotte Valley ..Hunday " 21 ..This company reserves tho right to cnango sailing dates without notice. N. II. Passengers from Portland and nil Willamette Valley points can make closo connection with tho train of tho YAliUlNA ItOUTKat Albauy ir Corvallis and If destined to Han trinclsco, should arraiigoloarrlvoat Ynquina tho evening before date of sailing, ' l-ASKfiiger ami Freight Kates Always the lirt. For information iipnly to Messrs, lll'LMAN A U., Freight and Ticket Agcuts2U0uiid 202 Front st Portland, Or. orui C.C. JIOCIUK, Ao't Gen'l Frt. ft Pass. Agt,, Oregon l'acillc It. It. Co., Corvallis, Or O II. lIAHWKI.li, Jr. Gen'l Frt; A Pass. Agt. Oregon Development Co., ."SOI Montgomery '..; San Francisco, Cat Tho Oregon Pacitlo steamboats on the Wlllatuettco river division will Icavo Port laud, south-bound, Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 0 a. in. trrlvo at Corwillls Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at U.-20 p. in. Leavo Corvallis. north-bound, Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8a. in. An I vent Portland, fuosday, Tkursduy and Saturday at .l.-:J0 i. in. On Monday. Wednesday and Friday both north una south-bound boat Hoover right at Salem, leaving thero at u a. in, U IJ IIOGUK, A.O. F.and P. Agent, Union Pacific 11. R. Company "OVERLAND ROUTE." l'ralns for tho cast leave Portland at 7.00 am und V-.W pin dally, Tlo els to and fnin principal iMilnts lu tin Unlleil States Iji adu and I-'uro)e, Hegaut New Dining Can PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS. Frco Family Bleeping Cars run through on Kxpress trains tot Omaha, Council ISlutU and Kansas City without change Connections at Portland forHnn Finnrls co and Puget Hound iolnu. For further particulars address any agent of the company or I. W.T.KK.O. V. A. O.H. MKLLKN. General Tnilllo Munagor DlArTGlRlsr Take no Tally from any young man, bill If they oiler you anlce llox of I!eIlcoLrandTs Square Chocolate Creams, made only by his Patent Procsn, take them, ana tell them to come again, for t hey are sujxrlor to any mudo lu tliu Trilled Btnt-, Attractive ilS - J K, Localities .jC. to With the diircrcnce of $700 you can you neatly two thousand street car Capital.' City Restaurant. Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r. Warm Meals at All Hours of the Day None but white labor omploycd lu this establishment A good substantial meal cooked In first diss style Twenty-live cents per meal. re ec d v re O N T. Court street, between Journal Oflico and Min lo's Livery. 1-nrgo stock ol all varieties of FRUIT TREES. Hand for cataloguo nnd rrlco list. Now Is tho tlmo to put out peach trees. Trees delivered frco to all parts or tho city. 2.17dwlm T. I). JONKS, Salem, Or, DR. JORDAN CVs MUSEUM Ot ANATOMY 7&i Murltctst.Knn Frunclscn Admission 25 cents, Goimd learn how to avoid disease. CoiiNUllallon mid treatment personally or by loiter, on spcrmatui'rhoen orgenltal weakness, and ull dlseasso of moil. Wend lor a book. Private oltleo Ull Ceary street.onsultatlou free. J. J. CULVER County Surveyo JAMES WALTONr Tcpographer W. IUBYARS. Civil Engineer Byars, Culver Walton Surveyen tt Topographer Burveys.dnifts, plalM maps and dcscrlpiioiiN of lands, tomilots, mid roads, dllchcs, streets, setters, alleys, eto etc, miulu mid furnished at (cusonablu prices. Old coiners and lines re-es-tatillslieit from original Held notes. Lmht Colas TMNtrr. W. L I. OUKUY Tsor, . t. Grades for ditches, mads, streets or.vw ers, wild estimates furnished on apjillca tlon. Addri-ks County burveyor's oillco. Balem, Oregon. FINE HORSESHOEING AT- Scriber & Pohle's. Special attention given to shoeing road ster, driving hordes, Interfering utid crlti picd horses. A largo Stock of Hand-Made Shoes Carried. Wo give nur personal attention and cm. ploy nope but experts In this department . 47 and 51 Stato Street, Sa'cm, Or. Brick and Tile for Sale MURPHY & DESART, Hucccors to p. Nosh, havo a well estab lished lirick und Tile factory lu North Salem, near tb fulr gruuuds, und aio pre pared to furnish nrt-cliu brlcltand Uln on short notlt-A, 1 PANT ii in JFMMV 14 A