Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, March 27, 1890, Image 1

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VOL. 3.
NO. 20.
Spring Announcement
We haye now on hand the neatest nnd
nobbiest line of
For men in the city of Salem. No cheap
or shabby goods iimnni; them. Inspection is
invited. These goods were made for line trade.
Are constantly coming in. Wo are receiving
more goods than any house in Salem.
Just Received !
A largo lino of boots and shoes for men, women and children, all the
latest styles and best goods in the market.
One room si full of groceries alone. We have the fluest stock of
canned goods in the city.
Will find our store the best place to trade, as they can drive up to our
doors and load their wagons with everything they want, thus saving
time and labor in going from place to place. We positively GUAR
All goods delivered free to anv part of the city.
Capitol Adventure Co.,
Opera. House Corner, Salem, Ore.
Writing Machine
The above 11 tho Intent Invention
of Mr. G.N. W- Yost, tho pioneer
of writing machines Uolnentor
or both tho ltcmlnglon unci Call
graph -thin beiug his Intent 11111
fblnc. C. M. L0CKW00D, Agt., j
Hostt 1 Telegraph O ftlce,
207 Commercial at.
Grange Store,
aple and Fancy G
B5TA full line of Crockery and Glassware and everything usually
kept in a first-class establishment.
Our aim is to give entire satisfaction to every customer.
Bo AT DjffflTHEH
eal Mate,
292 Commercial St., Salem, Or,
Has n largo list of choice farms aud city property for sale on
easy terms. Homesteads located.
On improved farms aud city property at low rate of Interest.
5Ve have also in connection with our real estate business, an FM
orders for help will be promptly attended to, aud situations also obtained
--. .mw mih;uijihl-h,
Union Title Abstract
wuniy. Offlce at 288 Commercial
England's bank.
Who do All Kinds of
As Clieap as any Laundry in
the Countrv Using White Help,
and doing first-class work.
Satisfaction Guaranteed,
Ofllco at George Hoeye,
209 Commercial St.
LI 1 1 II
Loan d Maw!
Co. KS 2t
street, forraorly occupied oy yw
That Varitcmon Scott ll Killed
Special to the Capital Journ-tf.l
McMiNNViLt,E, Or., Mur. 27.
There is no truth whatever in the
report appearing in the Salem paper
and telegraphed from Salem to the
Oregoulan that Vardcmon Scott had
committed suicide by shooting him
self through the head.
Mrs. Oilell running Awn),
(Special to the Capital Journal,
Portland, Or., Mar. 27. Mrs.
Gen. W. H. Odell is slowly passing
away, and sho may not bo among
the living when you go to press.
The doctors, after consultation, de
cided to remove the tumor which
has been eating her life away,
but their attempt was not successful.
Her remains will be brought to
Salem for interment In the Lee
Mission cemetery.
The eastern railroad war Is over.
Potatoes three cents a pound
Oxford won the race on tjie
Thames March 20, over Cambridge.
Archbishop Michae' of Milwaukee,
died March 2G, after a long Illness.
The eight year old son of A. F.
Campbell at Portland, drowned in
the river.
The treasurer of tho democratic
state of Maryland, is reported a de
faulter. The Postal department appointed
A.L. McCully, of Portland, -as rail
way postal clerk between Portland
and Airlie
The Avenue Decorative whist
c'ub speut an enjoyable evening at
the homo of Deacon Walte and lady
on State street last night.
Judge LaFayette Mosher, a pio
neer of 18o3, and once oh supreme
bench, died at Roseburg on. the 20.
Wednesday it was reported at
Salem that Vardemon Scott, son of
Wtii. Scott, near Wheatland, .had
killed himself. . .
Tho Monmouth scandal proved
eutirely-unfoundodanu themtndent
who caused the investigatlen are
reported to have been hung lu
An order from Portland contract
ors of tho Union Pacific railroad,
who want 1500 able-bodied men for
Oregon and 500 for Utah to work
on the Uuiou Pacific extensions,
has been posted in San Francisco.
At the request of Senator Mitchell
the postmaster-general has issued an
order extending the mall route from
Salem to Lewlsburg, Or., so as to
embrace tho end at Argentl, Or., to
take efl'ect July 10.
Sometime lu May the membera of
the classes in natural sciences, of
Willamette University headed by
Professor Arnold luteud to make a
trip to that grand old volcano, Mt.
Jeflerson, and to bo gone not less
than a week. Tho intention is to
go up the Willamette as far as the
Sautlani aud follow up that river.
Athena Press: The farmers of
the Mississippi valley are all in
arms, and their shield Is the Far
mers' Alliance. However, our big
Duiiles do not state that farmers are
all most a unit in favor of the abol
ishing of the American National
Banking system: the old Green
back party principles are just going
to be honestly ondorswl by tho
producing class
The annual Sunday school con-
veutiou of Yamhill county, was
held in the M. E. church, of-LaFay-'
ettee, on Tuesday aud Wednesday j
of last week. Tho friends and j
Evangelical schools of Ntiwberg i
wero well represented, in the,
was eleetcd to preside and
GllKy served as secretary. ,
Dallas Observer: Auother serious i
cause of depression, he says Is the'
vnrli1innt ulmro nt til (t fiirmpr'h i
products taken by
middlemen uud '
carries. Au armyofdealera in futures
disturbs the natural flow of trade
1 ...1 sit.Ailru Imnsirifitlfin hv tpttl.
porury rise, to be followed by lower
prices and greater fluctuations.
Speculators depress prices when
farmers are full, and boom them
when farmeis have nothing to sell,
as a present. The community Is
infested by a pestilent swarm of non
producers. Tho curse or speculation
blights aud consumes the result of
honest industry,
Extra large and flue lino of cloth
ing coming in dally at the opera
house corner Capitol Adventure Co,
The. "Sftol" Hridgp.
To the Editor of the Capital Jeurnal:
A statement made by "Steel" iu ,
yestcrday'u Journal In regard to
what tho report of that engineer
(unknown to fame), contained, may
mislead persons who havo not read
the paper "Steel" says: "Iu tho
matter oflocatlon it is well to say
that this cuglneer reported that one,
two and three streets, and in those
degrees, north of tho old site were
better nnd moro secure, locations for
the bridge than the old." Now in
tho faco of tho fact the report of this
engineer was published iu full In
both tho papers, and was silent in
regard to location, this Is a pretty 1
barefaced ijue. However I uuder- j
stand that if he bad been willing
to incorporate such an opin
ion in his report substituting south
tor north, lie would have received
that J250 purso that was raised by
the syndicate, of kickers, composed
of malcontontssrom all causes
including property owners who
oppose all taxes for public Improve
ment, nud a number who are op
posed to auy bridge not lauding on '
their owu street, instead of the pal
try, sum of 25 which ho did receive
for the report, which only dammed
with faint praise the old bildge, the
plan of which he approved lu tho
main, but aid the blame of Us
failure on the, contractors.
"Steel" wants a high priced bridge
but is kieklSg because tho city pro
poses to glvtj 80 much; but the fun
niestpart of Ids communication Is
his solicitude for those who will hold (
the bonds. He threatens us wltli tne 1
irled to use fcjur years ago, but ho Is
trying to frighten the wrong fellow;
n tould his fears bo realized the city
could not be compelled to pay tho
bonds, b :t perhaps 'Steel" is In tl.e
habit of iio din bonds and n'atu
ally looks at that pliufee of it
I think the question of the klud
aud quali:yi of bridge to be I
built la qui to nssafe in the hands of 1
the constituted authorities as it'
wouldbola"8loers." No one map
should bo permitted to "run things"
inr the tmblicynnd I havo no fear,
'especially after the public expression
of their sentlnWis on this question
by Judues Sliawj&nd StoiifTcr, but
ii - .'. .".-v-.. ' ,
timtftlie xo&fS&i&ottatiy will bo-f
an almost unanimous expression of
confidence. Good Biudoe,
Sai.em, March 27, 18W.
The Oregoulan says of Bill Nye t
at Portland last night: Ah to Nye
himwilf, he Is certainly the prince of i
humorists. His loping gait, his
artistically awkward manner and
his uniquo intonation, withoutgolng
inn the meat of what he says,
abundantly proves this. The audi
ence began tittering upon his ap
pearance and kept it up all the.tlmo
lie was on the stage, except when
they stopped to mar over Ids remark
able turn of a sentence a full
fledged sentence, bristling with
humor, wit, pathos aud happy
A timely article on spring care of
orchards from that renowned au
thority on fruit, Mr. Clarke, of Sa
lem, will appear lu next Journal.
The Inimitable Bill Nye to-night,
at Reed's.
Democratic Central Committee.
The democratic central committee
for Marion county met in Holmes &
Hayden's ottleo yesterday afternoon
and was called to order by B. N.
Haydeu, Jr., who stated the object
of tho meeting. The members pros-
eut were: B. N. Hayden, Jr., chair
j man, James Coleman, secietaiy, W.
W. Elder and T.-F. Hays.
Robert Thompson aud K. L. Hay
den were choien as committeemen,
vico F. E. Eldrldgo, deceased, and
Guinea Fisher, removed from the
Tlietipporilonment for tho counlj
convention was made on the vote
cast for Governor Peunoyer iu 18RQ,
allowing one delegate for each 10
and a fraction over 5 vote-, making
a convention of 172 delegates.
The recommendation of tho btatc
"'""""vec nn uuwii;u, iiiuk o;u
urday, April 12th, as the time for
holding the primaries and fixing tho
dato of the county convention as
Thursday, April 17th.
The county convention will he
composed of delegates from tho va
rious precincts as follews:
del. del,
Salem 10 EafctSalcip...,22
North Salem .-15 South Salem---13
Jefferson 5 Marlon 2
Mehitina 3 Stayton ... 5
Subllpiity --- 7 Lincoln 3
Turner 0 Howell Prairie. 0
Sllvertnn 10 Garfield . 3
Aulqua o Lablsli ft
Gervuls. ...... .11 Woodhurn
Hubbard 1 Aurora..-.
BllttevlIIe ... 4 Chuilipoeg
bti'aui......-iu Kulrljelil
lforeb fr
Supremo Court.
8AI.EM, Mar. 27, 1890.
It. M. Wade & Co., respondents;
vs Creighton & Qttlvey, appellants;
appeal from Benton county; argued
and submitted. W. 8. McFadden
and J. It. Bryson attorneys for re
spondent; L. FUnn nud J. W. Ray
burn, attorneys for appellants.
William Decrnlg & Co., respon
dents, vs. Creighton & Qulvcy, ap
pellants; appeal from Kenton couuty;
argued aud submitted. W. 8.
McFadden uud J. R. Bryson, attor
neys for respondents; L. FHnn and
J. W. Ruyburn, attorneys for appellants.
One day last week Mr. JetTPooler,
of Waldo Hills, had the misfortune
to havo a valuable horse get its foot
through a holo in the bridge Just
this side ot tho timber beyond
Howell Prairie, and it is feared ho
will lose tho horse. Several similar
accidents arc reported at the same
place uud the Journal would sug
gest the advisability of the author
ities looking after such defects.
Rkception. Thero will be a re
ceptiou at the Flist Baptist church
Friday oveulug March 28, at 7:30
o'clock for the uew pastor, Rev.
Robert Whltaker. Members of tho
congregation aud friends of the
society are cordially Invited.
Shipping Mutton. W. R. Gib-
lelt shipped another largo order of
muttou to Tacoma to-day, the sec-
Loud this week, the first being twenty
spring lambs, probably tho first lot
irom ino vauey mis spring,
Mr. A. S. Auterson, ot the Globe
real estate office, received tho sad
uows by telegraph yesterday eve
nhig that a sister at Broken Bow
Neb., had died.
, A great muny ludL's witnessed
fthobakiuir tests at Wade's to-day,
nmi wero uleased with tho new in
Starr & Osboru aro now prepared
to do all kluds of job aud repair
work at their cabinet shop on Court
street iu the old Journal ofllce.
Don't forget. The Globe is tho
place to list your property for n
!"& wurn. 2 Commercial sueetr
,Tho weekly issues of the Evening
i Capital Journal reach five thou
sand copies, and reach every house
in Salem and its suburbs. Adver
tisers make uotoofit.
Baled Hay. Good baled hay
delivered to any part of the city at
$16 per ton. Morgan & Mead.
Gel your new spring dresses made
at tho commodious parlors of Mrs.
A. II. Farrar. " ttita.
A Drown Fact.
Finest stock of buggies, carriages,
phaetousaud carts in this market
at tho old reliable hardware estab
lishment of J. C. Brown & Co.
The card of J. A. Applegate, who
has practiced law iu this state over
twenty years, appears iu this paper.
His former clients, friends aud ac
quaintances will find hi in ofllcing
iu Frier's block on State street.
To Home Seekers.
Tho Capital City railway com
pauy is prepared to tell home-8eoi-ers
something to their advantage.
Mr. David Simpsou has taken charge
of their real estate departmental 115
State street. Call and see hint.
O tan go aud plueapplo glaco the
finest, at Jones & lioruardi's.
John Wlttschcn, of Turner, sold
his house on Liberty street, Salem,
to R. B. Duncan for $1500.
Prof. Arnold tells a Journal re
porter that ha noticed the (list
peach-blows (not potatoes) out on a
branch at the sunny sldo of his
house last Sunday.
" "" ' m mtt -
What It Ciietd
Muni bo considered by people, In buying
nucvMiltlc of life. Hood Hnraapurlllu
roimnendft llclr to the greul middle vlutH
v. bft-HUMilt romtrtne ;onltlve economy
with ureal medicinal power. It U llioonly
medicine or which can truly be cntd "100
diw One Dollar," unit a txittlo will nver
xkh toluHt a m on I h.
Just receiving a new involco of
shoes for ladies, iuIbacs and children
at tho Capitol Adventure Co's mam
moth store opera house block,
Tito Bon Ton restaurant Is setting
tho best 25 cent meals in tho city
Wnuted to buy, within tho uext
ten days, a good mare, not over six
years old. One thut makes good t Imo
and is in every way suitable for fam
ily driving, A black, dark hay or I
dapple gray prvferrod. Call ujxm
Wni. H. Arnold, 307 Winter street.
I Capt. E. J Launlng, of Albany,
was in the city yesterday.
Chlofof Police Parrlsh returned
to Portland this morning.
I R. H. Miller, of tho Dry Gulch
Mlniug Co., Is at Albany to-day.
( Dr. L. L. Rowland was a pas
senger to Hubbard this morning.
I H. C. Sitlcr and family expect to
leavo for Grand Island, Neb., this
I Mrs.O. H. Cornelius, wife of tho
Turner druggist, is a guest of friends
1 iu tho city,
j Mr. and Mrs. Win. Baxter, who
keep the toll gato on the Ncstucca
road, are in the city visiting relatives
and friends,
t John Hartman, wifoand family of
twelve children, camo from Iola,
Kan., to locato near Independence
on a farm.
j Mr. H. F. Gibson, for a loug time
a popular drug merchant hero, re
turned yesterday to Portland, after
a short business visit iu Sulcm.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Wui. England went
to Portland thlB morning for a
sojourn of u fow days. Mrs. Eng
land will this 'evening deliver a
lecture in tho Unitarian church
there to u largo nud select audlenco,
ussemblcd for tho dlscusulon of
special subjects.
Thos Cand Drury E Darby
and wives to Ellas N Jeter.nJ
of n 0 i of tec 10 1 9 s. 1 w. 1
Same and others, to same,
s of u 0 of sec 10, t 9 s, r 1
w. 1
James B Jeter, ct al, to
Sarah A Darby, et al, land In
1 9 s, 1 w. 1
B A Worden aud wlfo to
Nellie A Worden, 80 acres iu
sec 9, t8a, r3 w. 8000
Martha E. Stiles and hush,'
to H. Hammack, 1-10 interest
151.30 acres lu sec 14, tO s r w 50
P B Knight and wf to John ' "
Stapleton, It 1, blk 5 Capital 1 ,-
Park ad to Salem , , 500
P 8. KniKhtand wf to W
TnntlMulllu J Rlcrtou, blk
17 Capital Park ad to Salem 100
John Biokle; Olympla; J W Ray-
burn, Corvallls; L ivrunK, Missouri;
I V Powers, H Marsh, a t,'eliy, John
BIcklo, Pertland: Morris Getsche,
Dak; Thos -Arnold, 8 F; Geo Lud
der, Brooks; G D Cruise, McCoy.
During tho entire week preceding
Easter Sunday, which occurs on
April 0th, the ladles are especially
invited to examine Mrs A. H. Far
rar's fine display of new millinery
goods, which will bo upon exhibi
tion all the week. mts.
Painless dental operations atDr
T. C. Smith's, 99 State street.
Choice fat poultry wanted. Tur
keys, geese and ducks ut highest
cash price, fifty do.., choice fat lions
at 10 cents per pound at Stel tier's
market. 150 State street. 10-10wtf
Prof. Lolsotte's Memory System
Is creating greater Interest than
ever In all parts of tho country, and
persons wishing to improve their
memory should send for his pros
pectus tree as advertised in another
column. l-21w4t
Farmers Attention. I will pay
highest market prlco for all kinds of
fit stock, W. It. Glblett, Barker
baru, Salem. 2-23 ly
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is carefully prepared from Bamparllla,
Damlcllon, Mandrake, Dock, ripslsiewa,
Juiilier Dcrrlcs, and other well-known and
valuable vegetable- remedies by a peculiar
combination, rroportlon, and process, clT
Incto Ilood'a Sarsaparilla curative power
nut possessed ly other medicines. It
effects remarkable cures where others fall.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is the best blood purifier. It cures Scrofula,
Halt Rheum, Bolls, I'imples, all Humors,
Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Sick Headache,
Indigestion, General Debility, Citarrn,
I Ithcutaatlsm, Kidney and Liver com
I plaints; overcomes That Tired Feellujr,
creates an appetite, builds up tne system.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Has met unparalled success at home. Such
is Its popularity in Lowell, Mass., where It
Is made, that Lowell druggists sell more ot
Hood's Barsaparilla than all other sampa
rlllas or blood purifiers. The same success
Is extending all over the country.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is peculiar In Its strength and economy.
It Is tho only preparation ot which cau
truly be said " 100 Doses One Dollar." A
botUeof Hood's Sarsaparilla taken accord
log to directions, will last a mouth.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is peculiar In the confidence It gains among
all classes of j cople. "Where It ! once used
it becomes a favorite faintly remedy. Vo
not bo Induced to buy other preparations.
Uo suro to get the l'ecullsr Medicine,
Hood's Sarsaparilla
BoUbydrunrtsti. flitlxforfti. !'rp"4b7
O. L HOOD CO., AiKrthMarUi, LowtU, Mass.
IOO Doses On Dollar
I tJ.t.lIUOU vu.,yocriiww i .JBI1
Dealer in Groceries, Faints. Oils
and Window Glass, Wall Pa
per and Jtorder, Artists' Ma
terials, Lime, Hair. Nails and
Shingles, May, Feed nnd Fence
Posts, Grass Seeds, Etc
Ono Might only.
Tlmrsday, March 27th, 1890.
Tho celebrated Humorist,
Assisted by
Miss OllieTorbett.
Tho most celebrated young violinist
In America.
Tho Swccdlsh tenor.
Hcservcd seats on salo at Patton's.
Stato Treasurer's 3Gth-Notico.
. Stato of Oregon, Treasurer' Ofllco.)
Halkm, March Wd. I8P0
TOTICR 8 hereby given thnt there nro
FN RUtllclcnt funds on hntul to pny tho
following wnrrnnts, nnd thnt th(y will bo
pnld on tvescnUitlon nt this otllco. War
rants of tho Issue of 1889 nnd 1890, ns fol fel fol
eows: number ISlIt ifillt, 15o5, lol)8, 1103,
IKW, 1710. IR!8,1722, 1712, 1717, tTO, 1718, 1758,
1763, a8, 2019, 2U0. 31M, 2105, 2225, 2750. 2700,
nnd 2770. Interest will not bo allowed
nftcrdntaofthlsnotlco. U. w WKUD,
4,2i,2w. Etato Treasurer.
Insure in Your Home Company !
"The State,"
. Which has for tho past six yenrs
Issued Moro Policies,
Received Moro Premiums,
And Paid' Moro Losses,
Upon property located in Oregon or Wnsh
lngton thuu nny other compauy.
It was thn First Company to Pay
all Losses in FulWwl in C:sli
ny tho three (treat conflagrations nf Seattle
Ellcnsburgnud Kpoknno Fulls.
City Agent,
And Spoclnl Agent for Marlon County.
Ofllco In tho cotnpuny's building.
Ofllco In Htato Kind Trust Co. build.
lug Xo. UIHtntosmrcoL Keep on
hand continually
Concrete and Filling Gravel,
Hawed nnd unsawed. I havo tho best
facilities for handling sand and pruvel of
nny denier In tho city, indmaltolln point
to till my urdera promptly.
A Bargain !
A desirable lot of lands In lots to suit,
seven miles southwest of Hnlem, within
eighty rods of steamboat landing, tho best
ouk wood nnd soma llr timber enough to
nay for tho land and It U uood soli for
fruit, with uprlngH nm.mciidow land,
Would take n good sniull lot of Salem
property In t radii. Addres
Bnlem, March 13, 1800. a Utf
Umcnts n tho Htato. Ijowcr rates limn
Portland, lirttewt HlocU Legal lilunks lu
tbfl Htato, n d blgRCHt dUconut. Hund fot
rirlcelUtof Job printing, und rntalogtio ol
egal blanks. Si. M. WAITIJ.
Htwn Prlntnr Kn'om Oreitun.
Keep all kinds of meats and sausages. Tha
bfftl sausages In Oregon,
Noi 171 Commercial Street, Salem.
Ijirre Iot nf new spring pood have al.
ready Loon reielved and inuro will arrlvo
all through tho unikoii.
tfpccinl Imitation
to nil the ladlM to init our store. Extra
bn realm In ludlcs' uud chlldnn' under
ware. 274 Com2 Street. 3-21-tf
J. JTEaston
Has the flnK lino of Ilanjov, Violin and
Uultam in the tut. AUo ten inn sand
sheet ofiniulOHt 10 cent. Call nrwrita
for a, nitAlicuo. J'Ihiiim nnd one ns nt
Kostera price. UuuorlnslallmenU.
rj'r sute btreet, fatton's b.gcK. 1