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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1890)
TITE CAPITAL EVENING JOUTOSTAL. ...... .nun i.iinrnii ii ii 'i'T''!l"M'll'??:"!lriZI?llllmii THE CAPITAL JOOKMfcr- unmm mm M?mo' TEIlMa OP HUIbstmilTIOX. JJally by mall per year, ., & co Dally by mnll per week, jo Weekly by mull per ycnr,v . 1 po If not paid lit advance tho prleo elinrpjd for the Wkkkly .lotrnNAL will tc i.)peryear. ir pap rnro not delivered promptly notify the office. ' Two Nov .School Houses in be Itecora i mrnilf d Ml Taxpayers Shonld lie Present. of to-day; the morning paper gives you trie news of yesterday." HORACE GREELEYi 25c Want Column. Notice inserted for ONI'. CENT l'KU WOHD KACH INHIBITION. No ndver- tkcmciit Inserted lu thin column for lean than tvcnt -five cent. The ntinuiil school meeting which will lie lit'ld nt Meed's opera bouse next Monday evening Will be one "The evening paper contains thentwjjof tho most Important in thcMhool THE "CAPITA! JOUJtXAL" ON HAM! AT - f. X'mton'i Book Storo, Dourborn'n TJooJt Storb, Kuvorltu 'Non Htnihti IT ANTED A lrl lo a tfenenil liounq- i niir. itmiu mv, jvimv ir. .iii.iv ntulobt real ct.-tfo office, wl Commercial wtrcet. ZViit WANTED TO ItKNT.-Anj one haying it (He or tdx room lioiinc lorcnl neiir tho bimlni pari oftlio city rnn flnd.ii pcrmaninl renter by leaving wordt the j ournal olllce. J-K)irTA"IiRA""7iT"Tv,oTdiTiTryTJu'n llvnycir-iold. nt firmer. Origin. Ad sairs r'ytnor 3-aUii)j 171011 KENT -Well fin ill-he.. Imtii for X1, Jouiii'il l V X)H HAIiK-Nrlrldgi CtvU'.ni, u mi i, ireen TrK fii i,i A. r nriinu, N.'itli i. I .hfl I1 trios for rhI" flntr. In'jiti'-e or I Hnlonl. TTWIt itiwr I' In lickt bloc olllnu. A desirable himlni. ric( III 1'inn, Inqulrnn' Jill 2llf I710H HAI.E A Hourly how skill ulu btr 1. ffalo,nt l'.tJil 'fe'tfrajili oiling. pitl VATlfiToAltlllNO-A few I id IcTor I gentlemen ran obtain, nt lenKoimlilc rittea, i;ood board, by the day, week nr month, with or without furnished rooms. In the linen pirtol tho city, right by trie street cur, by culling tit 807 winter Ktrcet, 2.1'J-lm corner of Center. f.lOlt HAl.nOHTIlADKfor city properly I1 In, liny acre of Intid suitable iop grape culluie, eight ir.llcs south of Hit 1cm. Also two titttidred ncrcslicsi pencil land for sale nine mile south of Kilem, dirt cheap. (. U. (Hen. 8)H Chcmckela street, Knlctn, IVANTKD.-Airenu. Mn a ntid " In overr Oil v. Town nud Female, Vlllnnn ....... i. .. .. .. -.-.-. . ... : . ---- -'.-". uiiiniiioe. .so iiipiuii wnaiorer required, Stock, rianimdTcrmi the llcst This Inn splendid opportunity to iimko money. Write lit once for Particular. lK. U HAAVMttn Wiirren HL.New York WANTEl-An iicTTvo" man oil liberal Kiilary to permanently represent nn niuioclatlon Incorporated to supply, nt co. npomtho prices, general merchandise unit nil klui Mof article for homo and family one; J u each hiniill city, town village nnd runu uiHtrict. kj,wj inamitrrK. J'uld up cerllllcntiH J1U0.UJ0 In eimh. Credit well mien, jieiereueei uxeliuiiKeil. IS'nplro tkiopcratlvo AHMiclatlou (lick Jlox 17iJ7). N. V. y,Ul.lym Mr. J)lekoit)on, of Auliliy & IJlcU iTnoii, who look nfter I bo business of tho Oretfon Land company nt Al bany, Is Iti the city. OyHtcra bcrvctl in any Htylo at tho randy Kltolieii, JUfl Commercial Kt. f I runt mid WaBhlniitoii are all re porting taxes yet Orant to-day ifaiOO. Go to tho Wlilto Corner for your wnll paper. 22( t Oatovllloand Knlrcllu cigars Just In nt UeiiBon'fl on State street. 2-2-1-tf Karrar & Co. '8 In licadtjutirteiH for provirtlons. H. H. Cook, of the Orogoit J.aml company, went to Portland this morning to look after tho growing business ot tliclrnlllcu tit that point. List your property with tho Su loiu Jjantl Compnny. Painless dental operations nt I)r T. V. Smltli's, ODHtntoHtreot. A nmrrlugo lleenso was granted to day by County Clerk Uabcook to Dr. J. W, ItatiHomo and Olive M. Unloln, both of Marlon county. Tho Hon Ton restuurtuit Is setting tho best a" cent meals In the elty now. Hiivoymi joined the Diamond Wtitoh Club',' If not do ho nt oneo district embracing the city of halem, and It Is hoped and oxpegted every thxpaycrof the district will bo In attendance and show that Interest i lu Us nllalrs wli cli their urowlnL' importqncoidemands. The observations of this writer tonchlmrthe vast Increase of popu lation during the' past year Incline to the belief that the nvcrairn citizen ivltl lm ullritrluml .if (tin f1.riii-..u m- i iitlttCVillv suiting from feelool Clerk Klmpwn's ' c'inmlccg onumehit.loii and ceiisu-i, which -Is j now nearlykrouiileted. y ' Tito board of school directors hove had occasion to rccoxni.e this growth and its pressing demands for jrreater facilities In obtaining nn education, and feel It their duty to recommend lo the taxpayers next Monday evening (he building of two school hotisco, one In North Salem nnd one bctweuii the exten sion of Stale street and Asvluni avenue In the eastern part of the city. They will recommend that uu. eight-room building bo vreetcd In North Stletii, tho foitr rooms on the first lloiir ti bo finished Inside the firs' an 1 i!k following jetir. The.) consliler that n two-i'oim lull! llntr Wllf te4iif11oI 'nt at theottn-r ,im named. Kor this imrptMu, tho meml)CM of the board t'll'tk bonds should be Is sued and nut attempt to raise the necessary iiiiitut by Immctllute taxation, u- t!io sums raised by this means, without making the levy oppressive, will be needed for tho additional expenses u hlrh the new school houses would entail. There would bo three or four additional teachers required, furniture and ap paratus, janitors, fuel, etc. by next cummer, 4he East Re publican Connty Central Committee, i Precinct. Committeemen. Horeb " i Mchamu Stuyton .Sublimity Lincoln Howell Prairie Uttrfield I Ablqur. I Silver Creek .Icilerson Marlon Turner Eouth Kaleln alein iCast Salem North Saleiri I.ablsh Oorvnls Fairfield St Paul Wood burn Hubbard Aurora Don A Smith (i P Terrell W II Ilobson A L Downing David Craig D V Smith F P Whitlojk V It Townsend It D Allen S T Johnson T W Kutherford N O Parker V II Armstrong J W Crawford C 11 Moores II W Cottlo W M Collard Jno L Taylor John Skuife J W Smvth J II Settlemelr J L Calvert II K Olesy H L Itees Ellas Kbcrhnrd (j!eo. II. IIuiiNirrr. Chairman Co. Com. The meeting of this committee to rail n county convention will prob ably be held a few days after tlie stute central committee meets and calls tiie state convention. fKELL ER &SOJN, Cor. CoiTimercial and ChLeiTiekieta. -DEALERS IN-- ' A Cabin Road For Astoria. A telegram front Astoria to tho Oregonian of the 2ht Inst, was ns follows; "V. II. Dennis, represent ing the Pacific Cable Construction company, who has been here for several days negotiating for n bonus of JIOOXK) for count met Ion of n cable line from the water fnt ton sub- mi t.t t nmn ml n ! ..iitli nml Atilllliimtif four and nnitarter iniltn in length, r. lTtirn ittire 1 Joliolstered GoOCiS, JVlOI-llClirigS, Art practically eUed the ilral to-night, ine iH Ul niturc, upxiui&tcicu v ' , , , nnd the work of const ruction win Goods Wall Paper, Curtains, KUgS, XViatfc,. win tii,iiiii tntiij iy n hiui force of 1000 men. The line will cot half u million, and w ill be built and equipped in the best manner. Dennis left for Portland to-nkdit, nod returns Sunday to stun fina SPECIAL ATTENTION WILL BE GIVEN TO PICTURE FRAMES I mmmmiimimmminmiwmaiin urn r n iit tt-iti nrrri" '- .-. WALL I r A T3Tr jC 2i- JL J - D ' papers nnd nrrnuirc forstai tine work Monday. J. M. Thompson, builder i i of the Portland line, Is now In San j i Francisco, but will return here hn- inediatdy and take charge of the iZiuuu.hll'f-nvlttl'm,!! wl nmn" Jst rccelvctl, flio lugcst Invoice of Wall Paper ever hrpiiglit io this city. A glance throughout ! my In li'e J:uurlandnM"uih.a ' my Stock will convince you that I have the part of Astoria are biny now mark ing up prices from 100 to 800 per cent. Instead of getting a motor line they are getting a cable line. Ahsiwsoiw'Co.vvkntion. As will iKjpeen by notice published else where in the Jot'itNAi., tho county assessors of Lane and Marion coun ties luvoolgiie 1 a request to the as sessors of the "cvcrnl counties of the stale to meet in lids city on Tues day, March ltth, tor the purpose of deciding upon some uniform system of assessment, wlierebv the difler- I n. i it.i ii ..i .i.i.. f tllHtllir tllU ' r"1' "-""- iu ciiiiiu L'qiiiiuuiy in mu in iii.miiiuii. lyiviuj; lu the floods, waxbontsHUd other un toward circumstances, the conven tion for this purpose called at Port land by Governor Pennoyer was at tended by only twelve of the .'11 oscssors of the state, the great bod ies of the Willamette, Untpqtia and Itogue river valleys not being repre sented at all. The pi ess iulhuMiv- Then, Salem high school will ucediepalntlng, and Nkw Fi linos. Articles of incor poration wero filed to-day by .the "Svenskn liroderun," of Portland, with O. T. Soderback, Chns. O. Sig glin nnd N. G. Wlngren, trustees; object, to disseminate the principles of friendship, charity and benevo lence and promote the spirit of fra ternal co-operation among Its mem bers; value of property 53S.. Tin Munilnril. "I record Jlood'sS'ircaparllla an having paused above the grade of what are com monly called patent or proprietary med IcInoK'wild a well known phynlctan re cently. "It U fully enlltlfd to be eonuld ored n rtaudnrd medicine, and has won thin iiosltlon by Its undoubted merit and by the many rcmarkiibl cures it has cf fected. I'ornn niter itlve nnd tonic It hag never been efjuuled y- To Home Scektrs. j Tho Capital City railway com pany Is prepared to tell hoine-seek-ers something to (heir advantage. Mr. David Simpson ha" taken charge tali Patens Hie Very Latest Designs and 1st Which will he sold nt Uottom Prices. Also a JEmiilsomo Line of Ladies' Black Street Jackets ! Also a Splendid Line of tlie Latest Style Lace Collars, just now Opened at the White Comer. J. MEYERS. r. h. BARNES, Pros. H. V. MATTHEWS, Trcas. Wji. HOWARD PHELPS. So iAr y Q tfagra Crnrw Q U u etisci a U U d Msv' of their real estate department at 115 cral sections of tlie otate Is lequestcd i State street. Call nnd co him. to give due publicity to this call and to nine the presence of su-it as can possibly attend. Men n iio have filled the olllce of assessor and me nt all competent for the work,-dianld be capable of pioiitingoitt th' d'-fecls Iw to Insuie the better health ,.,.,1 "'' glaring in our aMc-mci,t law- . . . . itltlflnrtllitL'tttif atlirtritcit tivti f. f li.di. comiortor tne puoiis. the tmsemeiil ' ""'"ibl" '"' l1! will need 11 cement floor IlirniK.limit ' nottorment which would at lea-H n! of which will demand quite a heavy expenditure, lionen the Is- II. . I', t , Ued t rim Cmijjii euro heals tliiu.ui.iid luiiK, e-a-iM ai.tlini.i and the mr,to') tlii.iu mj;Ii nriditiliN Try It. Sold l'- -..I drclsLs :hnapot, Rii-iuest and Lh-hi, Wright's t oiiiKiund I.tlrnet of Niirtm .illla llolls, Plniiil".uriili4lu4llat'bcri'i'lt, Clcnnse-. nml enrich' t ill ll wl. .mil uy all druif kIkU. Huaneeof bonds Is considered the easiest nnd best means of providing tho needed buildings and the pur chase of suitable land lu the eastern part of tho city upon which to erect tliu ono intended for that neighbor hood. The ofllce of school director Is more Important than it is usually reckoned, although It brings no pay except a good deal of criticism, work and tiotherto the man who fills tho place with conscientiousness and an eye lo the best Interests of tho dis trict ami Its pupils. J!ut It is neces sary that good men should fill the place, and It Is hoped that tho two directors to bo chosen a week fiom next Monday will bo of that chat aeter; that they will, bo men of in dependence, energy and advanced thought; men thoroughly In love with the oauso of education, and while practicing economy, not so parsimonious as to cripple or retard the means of progress lu that line which are so imiiilflivntly provided in every enlightened community. Mr. John G. Wrhjht. now presi dent e: the board, has served as di rector six consecutive years and thinks It Is time someone else took the wow oil his hands, so he will not bo a candidate for ro election. Mr. Litchfield Is now lu the govern ment Indian Foriice, which causes the other vacancy. Mr. A. R Strang, elected last year, Is tho third member, and If tho two chosen tliiB time provens ronlnusand pains its soon ns Eastern express can get here, tho distribution of goods will ! ttxlcltiR, tho district will have ngood commence. Do not procrastinate, nnd etllelent board Daniel 11. Murphy, clerk of this county Home yonrsago, Is In tho city. visiting his daughter at the Saca'd Heart academy and greeting his numerous friends. For sale or trade, a lino full blood Imported Clydesdale stallion. In qulro of Wm. Howard. Phelps, nt Halem Lund Co. L'-lbdwtf. Try our 'Si cent want column If lu need of anything to be had on this enrth uroiiiHl fcjnknii. Tho Whito Corner U the plae to etyour wall paper. 13 uf Ot Have tho Daiy JoiMtNAl. left at your door unit get N the now, nt 10 cents week. A lino line of wall paper Just opened at tho Wlilto Corner. iit'Ot Great excitement piovnlls nt Fur rar & Go's, ovur tho low prices on groceries. Don't forget that tho Joint.wvi. has been removed into the poftloltlco uiucic. tr. H. C Guild, editor or tlnbllvcr ton Appeal, Is comfortably quartered nt Mrs. Allfti'M private lioardlng ho'ie, on Front street. Ills wlfu nud hoy are with him, nud he will remain he vent I days to recti penile from uu ojxjrutlon intrtormed by one ofourBalem nuytlulaut. His many friends lu (he elty are Uniklug lilm up. icoinniaiid attention, it certainly oau do no harm and may be the slartliiK point of good rotilU, for these men to compare notes and make their views public. -4fc. .- Nkw Cjiuhninci Pitocis. Tlie s)iiglitly b.ty horse attached to llerg's milk wagon was this morn ing left standing lu front of the Muto school while tho driver was delivering that Institution Its lacteal lluld. Tlio morning was cold and tho animal was doubtless afraid that tho milk, and h'mself loo, might freeze It' standing still too louir, so he struck oltt for exercise. He fol lowed Church street, across the bridges and railroad track, to State street, thence down ti Commercial at a rattling gait, the milk making! a cloud, a la Mt. Jcfl'erson's recent j "eruption," and was finally stopped In front of llcllonbrnnd'.s resturant. his load having been lightened to the extent of about three gallons,! the remainder having been churned J well along toward the butler stage. " ' -o- Statu Taxis. Si.ow. The coun ties tiro not responding in a very lively manner with state taxes tills year so far, only two having sent In any, and these paitutl payments. Grant county sent In SHOO yester day and Washington was heard from last week. The law lu this state seems tocontempl.ito thateaeh ! county shall pay Its quota to the stale out of tho first moneys col-' leeted, tho state sufierlng nothing! from delinquency. In most states, ! tho stale levy forms a separate fund and Is paid over by the eountlos as fast as collected nnd no faster. MAItltlCn. Incorporated 1889 Capital Stock $30,000. o iSTWrite for our now folder, a descriptive, circular of Salem nnd vicinity. By permission we refer to Capital National Bank, Salem, Or., Lincoln Land Company, Liucoln, Neb. Hon. (f. L. Laws .Member of Congress, Washington, D. ('. KxcastG3KXiXiSTrMsrjmcwv:t- j -.tu iun,TJ1rT'Mgr- A FULL LINE -OF- RANSOME-GULOIN. in this city, at tlco Cook hotel, on Wed nesday morning, Feb. 2d, ISO.), Dr. J. W. Itnnsohie mid Miss Olive M. Gtiloln, Hon. T. C. Shaw, county judge, olllelating. The bride Is a duughterof Henry Guloin, one of Marlon county's prominent faimeis, and is well and favorably known by. many friends. The groom, Dr. J. W. Rantonie, is a practicing physician. Tiiuy will re side at Turner, where the doctor will continue his profession, and has ii lucrative practice. Tlie Joi'K xai. wishes him well. Crockery and Glassware! I-'nST. It is admitted that PATTO T. icF. 98 State Street, With lpeclaltics .In Salem, r flLRP"ALooll , bost i-elected stock of MISCELLANE- " i.:. ..v .."v.""'-"' "' ny .oiiiiiuiii. in iiiuouue. stiiclly retail estnb- . f MC9,rThnt 9llstomcrs ,iave invariably found at tills clablishment the verv latest book., the finest Ma !!Si.,UI mSt C,08a,,t K,ft b0kb t0 bfo"h' nny "IIIRU. That a larjrei' stock of rlii i fivnnv iv CANDESCENT, ESTER J ROOK SV s mrv TAIN a.I JOHN HOLLA iiiHiiu in ait otner places combined, outride of Portland. FOURTH. That it is to tho advantage of customers whic.uoseleei.fimi tLUt Cnrr,w a m "rtmrn'ttom patr!ms;.Uml costBiaiieS fr ' C"(i""0 to bo to SER S.NOW IJj THK Moitains. Hliatu whltu emtio In yesterday .from thy Ull'tj5 illu mines nnd re ports quite tin experience crowing the mountains. Ho was aceom panlcdou the trip by W. It, Murker, recorder of that mining district, and Will Slegniund, of Mehuniti, all three having been lu tho mines all winter. They traveled on snow shoes nud found fully thirty feet deep of snow at the head of Rock Creek about ten miles southeast of Gntesvlllo. At that point, Lewis Fisher, of Molmmu, nailed a board I to n troo at snow level In )KSl or 'Si, And when bare ground appealed that board was found to lie twenty tight feel above, but It Is nowhere ksjtum IWn'i boJUK WlUrvly cov orwl, At (iuartjsvllle, lu the Dry Guleli, there Is about myii or eight fuet deep of umy, but It Is not cold there, nor bus there Ikxmi frost enough nt any time all winter to ftvew water lu tho slmutlo. Quito , a number of mlnum have rumuluod lu the (Juartxvlllo uulghlxirluMia dur ing tlio wlijlvtr nml nullv wurk Is expected t liuiu .o boon as the roitds will tiding of tmvwl, Fnnn tho amount or uuow yet covering tho high riduen of tho Ousoudiw as well iwthu Mango, thero Is likely to bo tnoro high vvutor wltli tho first , ( warm rnliiH. MrsT Mi'ii.n a Boat. Thomas Hnlmati returned this morning with ills gang of men from Jed'orson, finding it Impossible on account of drifts to bring down his ferry boat, so he will Just uo to work and build one as fast as workmen can ply the tools. Had he dreamed of such n diniciilty in getting tho boat down here, he would have had ono ready several days ago. Mr. Ii. chafes under the delay Just as badly as tlie travelers who are Inconvenienced by It. - o - PnouHiSssiNU Nicisi.v. Work at tlio woolen mills Is progressing nicely. In a row days the entire system or machinery will bo work ing nml tlio mil! opened for the in bpuction or tbu public. All the Mulshing machinery was placed in ojHimtlon yesterday. iCK CltiiAM. Now that tho sou oou isuppnuohlngtind having put up my own lew, I oau furnish enviiit at any time, and cheaper than ever. Special rates to churches nud eharlt ublo Institutions. A. Snui.i, a-iM-y-t. rllll I Absolutely Pure. I lit powder nover varies. A man el ot purity, xtmiL'th mid wlioloMiinoiio-s. More eeonomlei.Uh.tii the ordlnury "Indn.und ciiniiot bo wild In comotltloti with the multitude of low lest.nhort w eight alum 01 phosptnito powders. Hold only In uir, Making l,ownKiii'oioiiVVuii,N y Virents, I'on- Lewis M. Jnhnsim fiind.nreitoii . l'-. THIS .... fa A".voe doubting these fuels can have thesanu. emoved by calling and liuding that Ihey can in rcha.en nicely bound set of Dickens, 15 vols, for o 50 ,,ult,ll,M' a g &rznixa&i2X2tt rgpgr-T ysmasacoaxaa V Kailuhkh AvntNTiox. I will pay hlgliwt uuirkut prle) Air till kinds or fUt stock, W. It. Glldott, Murker born, Salem. ii ii Fwiitl or Motnirt & MiNlly. KONH Kal Irutu wrh I'ulliimn Vestibule DniMlne ixMini kltiver., uiiimr ettrs and mhioIiih uf lutmt denlsu, tiitwwn I'lileaifii nnd MIlWHiikeeunil si l'.n.i ....i mi., .7.. ,u, - ...... .. ....M,,- niHiu. HVtt 1 ruin with I'lilluiaii etibulm dmirlni; room mwiwni. dmliw era mid nMoiiwot mivt.' .le-vn tK'irn riilniK iiiilMlliruukMiaud Aslilniidiiiid Duhilh.' IIimiucIi I'utlinui ve-iioule druwimr rixiiiiiimlenl.inut.UviH'rM vtlhe Nortli IMrtlnml or botueen Lliloaxunnd OinvwAeui tniliutonud fixim Kiwteru. VVmoh-ii, nriliiN'ii sua evuirHl IVWwn fclu ivilnm, iUHirdliiir uiuxiutttoil srv le io mid fhon VVhuUiIu KwhI itu Ijie, u-U- i"i' i,r' ""A1'' Wl- " JMUWOOd tiiid llowcmr, Mich. tllnolilblM Mini mh Tu ...... ......... . ....V' lOllinmU UllVWh 111 ll,M I'm.I ..V.V. or limda, U. C. UAUUUWT .UAINS.Ul.,1USehlrM' 1.11111 flil.-nrwi v- A .... n.u... ,t. .- -..'ri.. ?:.' . ' V,.TH "" ' "l rut LOOK HERE SOLE AGENTS -KOIt- Anti-Hiistipj Tinware i EVERY ARTICLE Warranted Not to Valerian China Tea Sets, French China Dinner Sets. REDO WAT'S FAMOUS " Buckingham Pattern -Oi." ROYAL SEMI-PORCELAIN Of which we constantly keep a full linc nnd open stock, enabling us to mako up UlnucrundTca sets of any size, or sell by the single piece. The finest assortment o CHAMBER SETS Ever shown In fcaloni. A KXJLL STOCK Ol tlielatestlnnd lmudomest patterns In Gliisswoie. S-l'lease call and examine our stock. TUP UADt f!nnr SW, jmn uwua D Rust -AND- D'Q CA1OD A -1 y a c HTf-Br- L SIL SUPERIOI x am A, Wllwnw EVERY liaiiffs ! C i WELLER BROS., 201 Commercial Street, "- TTTTm m -im i. .IIM..I.MI..IM Dissolution Notice.. "KTUTICH Is hereby chen that tho llrm Xl her toforo known as Glb-on ihingle ton is this du.v dissolved nv nmiimi o7.n. jent, H K. Glbon having hold his interest Y,i ,'.. m S."ml1- Ml nct""n'' due tho outturn will he payable at oncetoolther inemher-of theold tlrni. II K. Giiison-. aale,n,Or...Ian.:(,,-VOr-OTOX- Ilavln;; dUpcued nr iny Interest 0f the Hid Lo ner Uriic Store to Dr. .1, f. Sniltli.l tuke pleiiMtro lu comiomdlm; the now tlrm ut Mnuletou .t to. to our raauv putrono. I nlMi w Mi to extend my tdpcere tluinks to tho kind public lor iho most llb : nl patromiKo etemted to us durlne the pan two yean.. I remain jo rs fra teinally. H. !'. OinsoN. Kvorv nmn who buy provi-tons mr hl nuiiily iVHub to benr litre IKiIuts in mind. Ho wjinls his goods frwdf, uIimii, and at n low lirli... 0l.l I., ...1... .. ..... 1 . w. ."""P "'",l ' s- vv'iuers ottirvihlspntron. tf ONE WARRANTED, J. C. BROWN & CO., ANK OK THE IltUlT ESTAllUSH. r.Mi"!.'-! Iu. ,Ue hm,e' . LoWBr n"6 ihn .....muu. llimi IHOl'll i-eirui lllUllkri ll P22?ili,,l,Lf Jub l'n('"sr, and taloL-ue ol t i'rtnter Salem Orecan. nV?.l . .M t-oiuiiiMtlon leniedj nE.if. a llfwlurund heulihy action of HSyh1' U'' 'i.'-Hn and will not lr- All may puuiM I wtj) and biW rathfs ityrrh Tt allliu w ... r-.. "- nMHiiij i 232, 234 and 236 Commercial Street, Srtloni, Oregon. "it"! yTM"oftSouu. Ilamovciur. it rxAf. ?.. .. -Tr ar, yrevMte 4mm)-. sut uy mi firuievnitel