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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1890)
j 1 SUBSORIBE ron THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, ' ti iK BEST PAPER IN SALEM. 4SYott will bo well pleased with lt.-t A.DVKR riSB IN-. JOURNAL iTHE CAPITAL JOURNAL! - IT WiLli BR A GOOD INVESTMENT. 9Tho Terras nro Most Uca40nableCW VOL. 2. SALEM, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY LG. 1890. NO )8. BflOX CAPITAL ...... ' t Nothing the SALEM! mi I J nfiftnm IJlJHvllJ WE WILL SELL UNTIL MARCH 1st: Overcoats), usual price $0, now 0 25 Overcoats, usual price $12, now ""8 50 Overcoats, usual price $18, now.. - in 75 Men's Suits, usual price ?20, now.- 10 50 Men's Suit, usual piice, .$17, now :. 13 50 Men's Suits, U3iinl price $15, now . II 50 Men's Suits, usual price $10, now .Men's Suils, usual price $7.50, now "Boss of the Road Overallgrfg & 11 Uo3sof the Road OverafisT & Y- Gent's Linen Collars ..- Gent's Celluloid Collars Gent's Celluloid Cutis Gent's Percale Slirts, usual price Gent's Suspenders, per pair Underwear and Selling "BelOw sale Boots and Shoes Will Be Slaughterec HATS BELOW JMNUMMS PLilCES ! GROCERIES. We have a good fresh stock of Groceries, and for the next two weeks wo will give you the benefit of sweeping reductions. B3?-VE HAVE REDUCED THE PRICE ON ALL TOBACCOS' CSyGoods delivered freu of charge to any part of the cily. Clark's Coats', Kerr's or Brook's spool cotton, white and black, per spool All kinds, 100 yds, silk, perspool A large line ladies', Misses and Childrens' gloves A large hue of cornets worth 81.25 reduced to Good lead ponclls, per doz. A good icrubbing Brush. Good Steel and Silver Thimbles, each All kinds-needles, per pa All kinds ot Silk Button Hole Twist, each All kinds of Dress Buttons, some that are actually worth S1.0J per do:; per dozen All colors Zephers, single, per o.-, -. Good Spring Clothes Pin per CUM Good Lunch Busket,small- Uood Pick Handles Good Axe Handles Nice China Matting, good. 7 Pes. Popper and Salt goods, worth 10 cts. per yd-- Good Ladles' Morocco 21 els 5 cts lOcts 50 cts 10 cts 10 cts 1 ct .lets 1 ct 5 cts Sets .'J els 10 els 10 cts in cts 121 cts 20 cts Purses . 2-") cts Ml raw com Opera House Corner, SAIvBjVE latter With -0- -0- 7 75 . 5 00 a, ... 50 GO 7 15 33 75 15 fc '- $1.25, now -O- Cardigan jacJ-cets Regular Wliole- Prices. -O- -O- -O- -O- AH colors Worsted Braid, former price 10 cts Toilet soaps worth 25c to 50c, per box Ladies' Arctics Children s Arctics Children's Rubbers Cabot A mii'slin, 13 yds for$ Cabot W muslin, 14 yds for Fruit of-toom muslin 11 yds Lonsdale muslin 11 yds... Boss of Itoad overalls, R. S., per pair - Bosiof Road overalls, X.Y, per pair --- We od'er a line of worsted joods, all styles and colors, former price, 15 to 25c, 12 yds$ We oiler a large lino of rib bons, all colors and widths, from No. 2 to No. 10, per yd Good currycombs Good horse brushes A largo Hue of men and boy's wool hats Assoitcd styles and widths of laces, per yd A largo Hue of girl's wool hoods, each Eleven dozen pairs men's and boys' wool mittens, per pair 5 cts Sill I Happ I 01 flu I 10 cts GO cts 35 cts 20 cts 100 1 00 1 00 100 50 cts CO cts 1 00 5 cts 10 cts 25 cts 25 cts 2 cts 25 cts 10 cts -o- OREGON, DOMESTIC NEWS. Happenings To-Day y Land and Sea WHAT JlllliXIXll I'APIIRS NIU. SAY. Tlio Steamship Nellie M.iy tielieved to he Lost Willi All on Hoard Other Important New. l'R.URIE ULIZ.ARU. St Paul, Min., Feb. 20. Reports from Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota aud the Dakotns show that a severe blizzard i raging on the prarie to day. It is twenty degrees below zero at several places, and no doubt much stock and some lives will bo lost. niK MiiiMi: jiav i.osr. SanFkvni'ISCo, Cal., Feb. 21. The bark Nellie .May left Port Mad ison thirty-three d.iys ago for this port and nothing has boeu heard of her. The gravest fears are enter tained for her safety. Considerable wreckage has been seen by pussiug vessels in the neighborhood of Van couver Island aud it is supposed that the wreckago seen Is rgmaltis of the Nellie May. Number of vessels have reached thin aidlj 'from Port Madison since the Nellie May left thac place, but no sign of the missing vessel was discovered by any of thoe that arrived. Ordinary passage is anywhere from nine to fifteen days. ' " Tin: rear captain's trial. Sax Francisco,, Ftb. 20. The commissioners appointed by the secretary of tiea-ury, to inquire into charges preferred against (Jap tain M. A. llealy, of revenue culler Hear, will meet next Monday to take testimony. Examination will be conducted In presence of Cap tain Henly, and Hewitt will he permitted to ross-exunihlp- all the witnesses. FROZEN OALIIORNIA. Sacramento, Cal., Feb. 20 -Tiain No. 4, duo hero from east at 0 a. in., arrived all covered with snow, the result of last night's se vere snow storm and bli.ard in the mountains. Train No. 2, scheduled for 0:25 p. m., will beat least three hour late, caud by heavy snows oi yoteru.iy. At tills nour, n a m., the sun is shining with mercury still below fivoinjr on the mountains. the new mlvfh mu Washington, Feb. 2(1. -In lhe senate the tubs: Unto for the Win don silver bill was reported "and I11UU1.-11 uii iim c.ummui, iu uuwjvh iw the purchase of gold and silver bul- nl.l Krt - t (IS... t.H -.,.-. iimi luiu l.k- i-uu m uratiuj imin Ill payment. The bill directs the j pttrchaso ot Mlver bullion to the. amount of $1,500,000 per month and i u3 muUU u, muni, ,M ,;,, uo oiu-i- ,,, an(, mnk, ,nw9 f(r nfm ed, and the issue therefor of trea- ; )ls - ury notes and repeal jf io J:v j -The faefs aie that the State Dem directing the coinage ot 2,000,001 M 8 plC60lJtl H its muh.rH a lot slver dollars per month Beck aid of(lclions aIld onl.ri thcm d()SCS the report from tho tinance com- of lhe ,nlt,lt.uImis thllt ,nUljt mitteo was not unanimous. He op- pono ()f Uft muk,lv T,J0 RRQ ()f n(. posed It. Sherman and McPher-on melrt j5,.)a , ....,, tll0 D.nincrat bns siKosjlil they opposed the bill. t'NKElJUJTHn LOVE. CoTT'fiE Grove, Or., Feb. 20. Frank Dunn, a ,our.g man of this place, v. ho expected to be married to Miss Ida Gritlln one week from yesterday, .wao informed Monday night by his alllancod that he could consider lhe match broken oil", tn she would not marry him. This in telligence sj grieved and enraged him that he purchat-cd i, drachm of strychnine under pretence that ho wanted it for lawful purposes, took a big dose of It and died about 1 o'clock that night on the platform near the depot in the moi-t intense agony. Tho body lay there several hours before the authorities arrived ami held an inquest, revealing the above facts. LEAVES l'OR THE LEPERS. Sa.n Francibco, Cal., Feb. 20. Miss Amy (J. Fowler, known In the Dominican order as Sister lloso Ger trude, u young English woman, who has resolved to give her life to car ing for lhe lepers of the Hawaiian Islando.urrlved in the city tills morn ing and will leave fur Honolulu ou Friday afternoon's steamer. THKOlTiCRtf. WAHiuxrnox, I. C. Fob. 2J. ! Among nominations made to-day Any unwarrantable boom, based I ' Alius uiuo linages nccom wore the follow lug: EdwurC. Ross, on ol.duin not foundid in fai-t Is lnied her an far as Porllund. to be register of tbe land ofilue at bound to oulIn)Me. IIohedalh Park. Tho Oregon Walla Walla, Wn.jJanio K. Ilus- With these oautioim, the Joi'it.N'AL Land company's new town on their sell to bo register of laud ollioo i Ifetiggwl that now is t lit- Uni to .Suniiysido fruit farm four miles Coourd'Alene, Idaho; Theodore F. Utriku. -Now Is llm time for ull 'south of this city will Ixi named Wllr-ey, msent for the Indians Kt Round valley ageiuy, Cala, SHU'S ARRIVED. SAN Francisco, Cal., Feb. 26. Amonglato nrrrivala are Cwmono us, from Gray's jwrbor; batks Ten- plar nnd Hnland light from Seattle;, Northwest from Port MadUon; j Mory Glover, Port Gamble. ' FLOOD IN OHIO. Lima, Ohio., Feb: 20. There Is heavy damage here from llood.Many county bridge1' have been swept away, and alo the railroad bridge of the Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton. No 1$8 of life is reported , ns yet, but thqrc has been heavy damage to houses and crnp. THE MARKETS. San Francisco, Cal., Feb. 20 Wheat quiet, but, steady; buyer '90 seasou 1-20). New York. Wheat steady, March 857; April SO, May 80J. . Chicago. Wheat steady, Feb. 77, SALMM'S MIRACLK WOKKISK. I To read the political editorials of the Salem Democrat one would have to conclude that life age of miracles had been brought back, and that its editor was the great high mogul of all miracle workers. In n late numbcj he would have his readers belieVo .that the demo cratic party is. tht deadly foe of ex travagance aud profligacy in high places. Yet he will not join the Journal, and the N. Y. World (Dem.) in denouncing iheelfcllou of such as Brice, Payne, and Whitney. If tlio-'O millionaire monopolists do not represent extra.vngane.ennd prof ligacy In high places what does'.' Ae;ain, lie claims' that the demo cratic party investigated and reveal ed to the pcoplo "Favoritism, job beiy, cliques and combinations for pelf and plunder- hi' the people's substance, direct and Indirect, in tho party in power."'- This Is surely u miraculous revel ation from tho higfjprlcst in charge of the Dpniociat. If any such revelations weio made under the Cleveland administration I ho people have not Heard of It. If any favoritism, or jobbery, or plunder ing was done by the republican pnrty in its twenty-four years of power, it was not discovered by the democratic reformers, who hwr.inr their club so high and went in to I timjul ((Ut lhl.mM!lvt.R -nun ui' rascals out," onsv to i-e If the dem ocrats found anything wrought the , management of their republican predecessors, they must have been brioed to keep still about it. Then; j is a well founded belief, that will i path down into histoiy, that they t found every depaitnawt ot the gov ernment in Lite condition of tite Jn-NSUrv. UI)( .i." i Every last ant wnsthcre, books were x well kept ,, ( ,, ...i,,,.,,,,! ,i. , ., they ado))ted u (f ,)0ok,. , and C'Iev- llllw,,H ... .,..., ' ln !,,.,, ,. i y "- -u i ley consisted in lemovirg repuli- not discovered it. Wo expect to hear it advocating the election o?Genei a! Jackson and talking state rights and secession before the fuiii nier is over. Come neighbor, give usaieston tho myths of ancient history. You car not work miracles. S.Vl.EM SERE TO GO AHEAD. By universal eoiiPont and accord ing to-notiecs from our exchanges in neighbor and rival towns, Salem hub u splendid future. rV.n iiiilifftil ril(- lit.o Hwi nttAt.t...s . ... - ..jr..... v.i.f ....-. ijv 'J.J1114U1II.U of tho world-nud the respect of her, nclghbois. . i Tho energetic otlleejh of our board i of (rale in.- advertising this city, and county, nnd valley, nnd state all over the Union. 1800 Will TO? a wonderful development of Salein. Salem Is a cily Hint always makes a good Impression at first sight. ThellMt Impression is what makes a city a success. All that our city possesses should ( become an incentive for obtaining bllll more. Itul Salem docs not I want to get ahead under false pre j toiiH. It Is not necessary. Wo do i not want to ex and leyoud our ftiili-jflfv. Our f-ltvV ...innMK- 1- ' groat but It cannot s'tand u oollajwe. I ; thosa who liavou.iutlilu(w In balem to put their lost foot forward. FOREIGN NEWS. I Furious Scantlal Among British .,...., , , AODllltV iiHSllPtl. THE SULTAN'S TKOOI'S SUCCESSFUL The Evening Journal Has Telegraphic Dispatches from All the Princi pal 1'arts of the World. minister to resiun. Ottawa, Can., Feb. 20. It is rumored that Sir Adolph E. Caron, minister of tho militia, is about to resign. some beheading done. Tanoiers, Mor., Feb. 20. Tho body-guards of the Sultan of Moroc co nro reported to have been very successful lu several engagements with tho rebels. According to ac counts the six chiefs of tho rebels wero captured nnd beheaded and their heads have been forwarded to thg Sultan as trophies of victory. 5'IIK SCANDAL SQUASHED. 33$York, N. Y., Feb. 20. A calilo special to the Evening Sun froniLondon says Henry Labouchere has weakened in matter of the Cleve land Street scandal. He has con sented to give up his promised ex pose at the urgent request is said of Gladstone himself, backed by most powerful pressure of tho aristocrats. This awtul scandal will now blow over like other short lived social squalls, and the character of the nobility is preserved. PRICE 01" WHEAT IN LIVERPOOL. Liverpool, Eng., Feb. 20. -The wheat market Is slow. California selling at 7 suilliugs per quarter. Judge B. S. Bean, of Eugene, Is in the city. B. F, Sanders and family are visit ing in the city. ' Wonderful stock of wall paper at Meyer's. See ad. Chemekete Lodge No. 1, I. O. O. F., meets to-night. Geo. W. Emert departed for Porihtud on the morning train. I.'cv. (J. L. Corwin, was a passen ger for Eugene on the morning train. Henry Rogers, carpenter at the (.hemawa Indian school, is in the city to-day. Hon. Tilmon Ford arrived homo this morning from n business trip to Portland. Tho Flouring Mills are running agiln after a close down of a month's duration. Geo. H. Burnett goes to Yamhill county this evening or to-morrow on business. Rev. L. Brosseau, of Gervais, was a visitor with Father White in tills city to-day. Mrs. S. A. Trimble, who has been visiting at Portland, returned home this morning. Fred Lockloy and wlfo of Zena, took dinner with a brother veteran, J. W. Crawford, to-day. Miss Susie-Ce-sgrovo, of Portland, is visiting her sister, Mrs. D. F. Wagner, on Front street. Tho Modoo continues to make reg ular dally trips, bringing down a good raft of logs every day. Mr. O. B Edgett leaves to-mur- j row morning for Moscow, Idaho, where ho will probably locate. J. K Brown and his brother from Spokauo Fulls returned to-day from n business trip to Brownsville. Judge Milton .Shannon, of Mon- roc, is in Ihecltj ou legal business, Judge Shannon was Marion conn- ty's first ounty Judge, ' Kd Downlmr, who ha- been In ,,,, ,...,.,. f ' Wi.,.rilI w?ilkll ,,,.. n,,,!,,! f,.rn tllil. !., .tiitHrt l.i. i ;mi ivii tw ti, vttfr n imv wuiitij -. ' youd Lebanon this morning. . ,lu. 11. Shepard, of Zouu, has gouo luto .a partnership with Nurs eryman Leach and begins business operations in Salem this week. Mrs. H.E. Cromwell, who has been visiting the past two months with her father, J. 11. Bridges and other members of the family in this city, Mm led thlsaftornoou for her home in LOS AllLelCH.UlllIorillll, HllCIHllng to ,ako lll "turner at Portland to- l(ocdalo Park, and the lliwt House will lc commenced In a few days. Birthday Tarty. Mr. and Mrs, E. M. Waltc gavon birthday party in houorof Miss MIlhIo Brcyman, at their residsneo last evening. There were present tho follewing: Misses Mlnnio Brcyman, Lena Brcyman, Jeuuio Gray, Nellie Gil bert, Jennc M. Long, Maggie Cospcr, Edna Moody, Leona Willis, aud Messrs. Frank Dearborn, P. H. D'Arey, Will D'Arey, Dr. Kceno, Harvey Jordan, E. P. Thompson, Hugh Thompson and Heuben Boise. An hour was passed in the lutercst luggame of whist, when a bounti ful lunch was served. After n short time spent in conversation, n chaim soug wan sung by Miss Leona Willis, which was heartily applaud ed. Miss Long then recited a very pretty and Interesting belection, which was warmly received and applauded. Dancing aud conversa tion followed till 11:30, when all departed, unanimously voting tho occasion one of the greatest satisfac tion and pleasure. Tho Journal wishes Miss Breyman and her equally pleasant hostB many happy returns of this anniversary. Teachers' Examination. Tho following candidates for certificates to teach school In Marion county uro undergoing tho ordeal of ex amination at the legislative hall in thostate house, under County Super intendent Yoder, assisted by Hon. J T Gregg and A. W. Mlze: D.J. Stelner, Ella Shapp, Mnry Vau Wagner, H. E. Hlllcary, W. H. Ledgerwood, Miss C. A. Perry, Grace Joues, Mamie Stanton, Frank Stanton, Miss II. Wlntermautlc, Emma Gulvlu, It. U. Brown, Bertha Ellis, Kittle Pooler.SMlunio Klug, Anna Ashenbrciiner, W.A.Graham, D. D. Coflby, Amanda Brandon, Viola Brandon, Emma J, Kirby, Lulu Gordon, Emma Jones, E. G. Klrby.J. J. Hunrakor, F. N. Mills A. D. Leach, W. Y: Hall, Maggie M. Hartley, Ida M. Bancroft, Anna Rooll, John Hosscll. J.D. Gardiner, W. Atwood, B. Fenton. Misss N B Nichols, I G Itudd o ... Scoops tho Morning Papers. From tho Astoria Celumbian: "Tho Standard oil thieves have ad vanced the price about twenty per cent and tho Salem Journal raves ttvcrh in a column of leading bour geois. As the Journal is nn oven- jus paper and bums very little oil, it should havo given the morning papers n chance for a scoop editorial on tho "soulless monopoly." . -. . , Tho masked robbers who entered the drug storo of Damon Smith at Harrlsburg last Wednesday night and robbed the proprietor of $000, were arrested at Corvallis Monday, by Marshal Dunn, of that place, and 'A. T. Scott, of Hnrrishurg. Tho leader confesses to knowing where part of tho money is. A Fair Exchange. Anyone wishing to furnish and set out 1000 shade trees and dig thico wells in Highland addition nnd take lu pay ment a good city lot or u good team, should apply to tho Oregon Land company. In Prorate. In tho matter of the estate of Amanda K emble, de ceased, on the hearing of petition of Sarah J Watt ct al, for an order revoking the letters of administra tion of Leona M Hcllenbraiid ad mlnlstratlx of said estate nnd en- jotnitif; lior frwtn intcrfurliit; In said estate; ou motion return service of said petition mi anidc for want of legal service. Extknhivi: Bheei' Farming. Donald McLeod, Jin industrious i fanner who lives east of Salem who made a success of his shoe) venture ' in southeastern Oregon and north ern California last year, intends to start tho 15th of Maicli for Crook county nnd Harney valley country, where ho expects to purchase some six thousand head of sheep and herd them on tho extensive pastures of that region until the gross dries up in the fall. IIOTKhTlUUVALS. CHEMEKETE HOTEL. ECFurwell, N Y; Mlltou Shan non, Monroe; M W Johnston, A A Wh!tey, Rochester, N Y; L J Ciicsss, Chus C Barker, Portland; Wesley Shannon, Mrs Conser, Wur ron, En'jene; T 8 Ferguson, Junc tion City. (OOK hotel W A Graham, J W Ransom, H E HlilearyO A Perry, Turner; ItStra- hnm, Albany; J J I (uusaker, Turner: LMUs Lulu Gordon, Pllver'on; T J Black, Ilitlwi,v Out of Jthe Fire Tormented with Salt Jllicunt Cured by Hood' Sarsaparttla. Only tlioso who havo suffered from salt rheum In Us worst form know tho agonies caused by this disease. Hood's Sarsap.v rllla has had great success In curing salt rheum, and all affections ot the blood. " I owe tho gratitude to Hood's Sarsapa TllU that ono would to his rescuer from a Burning BulldlngKKX with salt rheum, and had to Icito off work altogether. My taeo, about the eyes, would bo swollen and scabbed, my hands and a part ot my body would bo raw sores Xor weeks at a time, my flesh would seem so rotted that I could roll pieces from between my fingers as largo as a pea. Ono physician called It type pJeM and gavo mo medicine accord- UloUII ingly; but salt rheum cannot be cured in that way. Finally 1 bought a bottle ot Hood's Sarsaparttla. It helped mo so much that I took two moro bottles, and was Entirely Cured Lat"ubied with salt rheum since. I also used Hood's OUtc Ointment on the places affected. It stops tho burning and Itching sensation Im mediately. I will recommend Hood's Sar saparllla not only tor salt rheum, but for 5S3S Loss of Appetite 'all-gono' feeling so -often experienced." A. D. EonniNS, Jamaica Tlain, Mass. N. B. If you decldo to tako Hood's Sarsa parllla, do not bo induced to buy any other. Hood's Sarsaparilla SoldbjdrngRUU. gl lUforfJ. rrcrtrtby C L ROOD A CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mm. 100 Dosos Ono Dollar JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in Groceries, Taints, Oils and Window Glass, Wall Pa nor and Eordcr, Artists Ma terials, Lime, Hair. Nails and Shingles, Hay, Feed and Fence Posts, Grass Seeds, Etc, Slav ADVKKTISKAIKNTS. REED'S OPERA HOUSE 2 TWO NIGHTS ONLY '1 Thursday,FridayFeb. 27 and 28 Tho I'liilnenl neior, S. Ml Supported by an cxcollentcompiny In tlit Krcut plity ol "DAMON AND PYTPIfAS." Admission M nnd 75 cents, Hoala now ou salo at !'. 8. Drarboru's hook store. ADDISON SMITH, IIARUV MCUANNON I The Favorite" Cigar mill Fool Rooms! SMITH A MeiiANNON, I'ltUfH, A weil selected Htoolt of olgiu-a. Tobacco, both cliiswlnic und Hinolclnir iilwiiyx on hand; ulto tho lilCHt perlodlciils, iltiily pnpois, liooltH und all (roods Itcpt la a llrl cIiihs iiiiws stnrul on Halo. Bpcnd nit liour pleiinintly In our woll kept BILLIARD AND POOL ROOMS which nro run In connection with tliu nbove OHtubllHlimenl. P. H. EASTON'S Salem Music Store HcadnuurlerN for Uhlukciinir A Bon'u, Stolnwuy. Hiizletou. Colby and' Knir-rnoii l'lanoc, Wilcox it Wnlto OrBunc. L'iihIi or liiHtnllmcntH. 94 State Street, Patton's Block, Fine Watch Repairing HV C. A. BURBANK No. 3)7 Commercial Street. East Salem Grocery Store A. JVL Kistier Is now ready to wulton ull tlml tnuy with anytlilns; In tlio line of erocerlci), und will noli an reaif miibluiiK any ono In lliu city. Htore located on comer Jlurlon und Fourteenth Htrreu, U.'Lm DEAR GIRLS: Take no Tally from any young mnii, but If they offer you unlco iloiof lIell(ubraDd'8 Square Chocolate Creams, made only by hM l'utent l'rocM, take the in, and tell them to come uguln, for thty re (UDerlor to any made in the United ! Htate. I UNDS1 '""'" I- 1 i 1 1 h. k .JE jjri&.