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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1890)
MkUMM r SUBSCRIBE A.DVBR riSB ion- i-j HE CAPITAL JOURNAL CAPITAL JOURNAL frH'E CAPITAL JOURNAL -Tltl IT Villi IK A GOOD INVESTMENT. 1JEST PAPER IN SALEM. tj-Yoii will bo well plcnsod with lt.lrt S-The Terms nro Most Ilonsonablo-Sw g- yoL. 2. SALEM, OHEGON. TUESDAY, FEBBTJAIiY 25. 1890. NO. 307. -wjr-'SJfy'TP I V p Nothing the SALEM? Ik WE WILL SELL Overcoats, usual price 9, now Overcoats, usual price 12, now Overcoats, usual price 18, uow Men's Suits, usual price 20, now Men's Suit", usual price, 17, now Men's Suits, usual price 15, now Men's Suits, usual price 10, now Men's Suits, usual price 7.50. now Boss of the Road Overalls, S. & R Boss of the Road Overalls, X & Y Gent's Linen Collars. - Gent's Celluloid Collars Gent's Celluloid Cuffs Gent's Percale Shirts, usual price Gent's Suspenders, per pair iO m ottom s Underwear and Cardigan Jackets Selling Below Regular Whole sale Prices. -o- Boots and Shoes Will Be Slaughtered ! o HATS BELOW MANUFACTURER'S PRICES ! -O- GROCERIES. We have a Reed fresh stock of Groceries, and for the next two weeks wo will give you the benefit of sweeping reductions. B-WE HAVE REDUCED THE PRICE ON ALL TOBACCOS-a flSTGoods delivered free of chargo to any part of the city. -O- Clarlc's Coats', Kerr's or Brook's bpool cotton, white and black, per spool 2 cts All kinds, 100 yds, silk, perspool 5 cts A lame lino ladles', Misses and Children1' gloves 10 cts A largo hue of corsets worth $1.25 reduced to 50 cts Good lead pencils, per doa. 10 cts A good Scrubbing Brush- 10 cts Good Steel and Silver Thimbles, each 1 ct All kinds needles, per p.i.- 3 cts All kinds of Silk Button Hole Twist, each 1 ct All kinds of Dress Buttons, ennui t lint ii rA lictnnllv worth 1.00 perdoz; per dozen 5 cts All colors Zephers, bingle, per or. 3 cts Good Spring Clothes Pin per dnz.- cts Good Lunch Basket,sniall. 10 cts Good Pick Handles 10 cts Good Axo Handles 1 cts Nice China Matting, good. 121 cts 7 Pes. Pepper and Salt goods, worth 40 cts. per yd 20 cts Good Ladles' Morocco Purses 25 cts CAPITOL m mnm u JAjJ I JJ1 1 UltJJ Opera House Corner, SALEM - Natter With Here! i UNTIL MARCH 1st: $ 0 25 8 50 13 75 10 50 13 50 11 50 7 76 j 5 00 50 - GO 7 15 - 35 1.2 - 3, now 75 - - - -.- 15 All colors Worsted Braid, former price 10 cts Toilet soaps worth 25c to 50c, per box Ladies' Arctics Children a Arctics Children's Rubbers Cabot A muslin, 13 yds for Cabot V muslin, 14 yds for Fruit of loom muslin 11 yds Lonsdale muslin 11 yds Boss of Roud overalls, R. S., per -pair Bossof Road overalls, X.Y, per pair We oiler a line of worsted joods, all styles and colors, 5 cts 10 cts GOctH 35 cts 20 cts 100 100 100 100 50 cts GO cts 100 o cts 10 cts 2-5 Cts 25 cts 2 cts 25 cts former price, i. loaoe, iz yus? Wo oltera large line of rib bons, all colors and widths, from No. 2 to No. 10, per yd Good currycomb?. Good horse brushes A large lino of men and bov's wool hats Assorted styles ami widths of laces, per yd - A large hue of girl's wool hoods, each-'. Eleven dozen pairs men's aud boys' wool mittens, per pair --- 10 cts -o- ) 1 - - OREGON. rtAvm v UUlVlrAH 1 DOMESTIC NEWS. Five Year Old Murder Mystery Cleared Up. A HAGINH STORM IX THK SIKRRAS. A Fatal Train Wrecking at Vlncennes, Indiana Other Interesting Mat tors of News. WEATliriU FOIl TO-MOKKOW. San Fiiancisco, Cal., Feb. 25. From government signal service In dications, fair weather, followed in western portion by rain is predicted for Oregon aud Washington, uutil to-morrow morning. PART OF CREW SAVKD. Ni:w York, Feb. 25. The steamer Miirengo arrived at this port to-day with eight of the crew of tLo British bark Meteor, which was abandoned at sea during a heavy gale on Feb. 10th. The mate and two seamen were drowned. A JtYSTERY CLEARED. Rochester, N. Y., Feb. 25. The police hero have been surprised by the confession of two men, named Swartz and Weighman, arrested on minor charges, that in 1685 they murdered Emery G. Thayer, a wealthy fanner, the circumstances of whose death had hitherto always remained a mystery. JOHN JACOB ASTOR BURIED. New York, Feb., 25 Funeral services over the remains of John Jacob Astor to-day In Trinity chapel were of the most, unostenta tious character. The little church was crowded with friends of the de ceased, aud the sidewalks on either side of the edifice were thronged with people. Following were the pall bearers : Geo. L. Schuyler, A. G. King, Col. E. H. Wright, Sidney Webster, John Jay, Richard King, C. F. Southma'yd and J. L. Cadwal ader. Sol vices were led by Rev. Morgan Dlx, who read the Episco pal ritual. Interment took place in Trinity cemetery. A OALE IN THE SIERRAS. San Francisco, Cul., Feb. 25. At this hour, 11 a. m., the wind Is blowing a gale in the Sierras. Tt is knowing at some points lightly, but cloudy and threatening at all points along the line from Colfax to Reno I The cold dry snow is drifting, but the plows are keeping tlio track clear so far. Freight trains are can celed. VANCOUVER COURT HOUSE. Vancouver, Wn., Feb. 25. The county court house, partly built of stone and partly of brick, was total ly destroyed by lire early this morn ing. The prisoners were confined in jail in basement of building, three of whom were carried out half suffocated. The building cost $55,000 and was Insured for only 25,000. Loss to county Is at least a hundred thousand dollars. TRAIN WRECKED., Intl., Feb. 2-5. The fast passenger train that left hero last night for Chicago was wrecked aboe Vlncennes, by washing out of ii culvert. The whole train ex cepting falconer went Into llvi ditch. Passengers were badly shaken up and quite a number were injured. Engineer Albert Lyon and Fireman Chas. Boden are missed and are sup posed vo bo under the engine. It is reported that niue people were killed but report cannot be verified. Tlio injured are at Vlncennes cared for by physicians. APPOINTMENTS. Washington, D. C, Feb. 25. The president piado the following appointments to-day: Harold M. Sewal, of Maine, couustil general at Apia; Henry W. Andrews, of Ohio, con&ul at Hankow; John Fowler, Mass., coikisuI at Ninglio; Wm. B. McCreery, of.Mich., consul at Val paraiso. VJloTl IIAKWt CITV. ' llnlldlns llixiiii unci btrret Hallway rrolrctvil Baker City, Or., Feb. 25. Th,e Ilotrie Building mid. Loan company 1 1 a? commenced business In this city. Capital stock one-hundred thousand dollars. Several Hues of sited rail way are to bo constructed thin sum mer. A foundry, woolen mills, electric lights und other Improve 1 nieiils are under way. Hon. Jefi' Meyers, ofSeio, arrived In the city yesterday ovoulng from Portland. He Is looking after real ' estate. Gnttovllleaudnll leading brands 1 ofcigacs at the Candy Kitchen, 313 Commercial St, Filings and Appointments. Articles of lucorpointion wcro filed in the secretary of state's office by the Portland and Ynquinn Bay Land company, with Frank Motter, F. W- Rayburn aud D. T. Drydeu Incorporators; principal office, Port land; capital stock 100.000, In shares of 100 each. W. H. Edwnrds, Portland; T. B. Wells, Pendleton; K. Osborn, Astoria, were appointed notaries public, aiid Louis Fourne quet Henderson, resident at Olym pla, Wash., was appointed commis sioner of deeds for,Orcgon. Grand Carnival. At a near future date tlio youth and beauty of Salem will give a grand dress carni. val at tlio opera Jhouso. It will be oue of tho most v elaborate allalrs ever conducted In the city and nil In attendance are expected to bo in full dress It Is not the intention to wear masks but-'tho ladles will fashion their attire either after the Gypsy or plantation style. i To he Hauled up. The county court and city mayor Jo-iloy author ized Contractor McCoy to take apart the spans of the Salem bridge, now lying on Kaiser's bottom, and haul the material to the bridge site at this city. This in' practically the first step toward reconstructing the old bridge, and that Is probably what will be done. , Photographs. Cattcrlin, the photographer, i? .hroduci'ig some splendid work at present. His artis tic designs are considered the finest ever taken on the coast. Nothing but first-class work allowed to leave tho gallery. ' Going off Ltitfi Hot Cakes Those fine lots in-'yjnnduyn's addi tion east of UuvVtiUq house are go ing oft rapidly, 'ifyou want one you had better Step into Moons and Gillespie's ofllcji- and plank dowu your money for. It,' for they will all be gone before the eiid of the week. They arc the very best on the mar ket. Good sewerage and on the Electric street railway. Don't de lay or you will lose a grand oppor tunity to make a speculation in Sa- Ieirr real estate. - Pleasant Gathering. There was a most pleasant and coeiul sui gathering . at tho home of James Rennie, on Church street, last eveniug. A number of friends gath ered at the residence and Mr. Ren nie, who works at the fioiuiug mill was sent for. When lie arrived home tho surprise was complete and all woro pleasantly entertained. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. James Rennie, Sr., Mr and Mrs. James Rennie.Jr., Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Rennie, Mr. and Mrs W. II. Lee, Mr. and Mr. L P. Llndgren, Mrs. O. D. Rennie, of Independence, Miss Nellie Price. Mis3 Alh-e Blanton. of Brooks, Messrs. Otto and Her man Hhelburg, Messrs. Joliu, Alex and Frank Rennie. Brain Ai'Ki:ctei. This morning Sheriff Croisan arrived from Wood bum, having in charge a man named David Hutchiiifcou, whose mind had become afiected from an ulcerous fcoio which is located over the left eye. Tlio unfortunate vic tim is a sou of Mrs. L, M. Hutchin son and resides about two miles east of Hubbard. He was married pcvcral years ago and boon after ob tained n divorce from his wife. About five years apo a small ulcer nppeared over his left eye and has grown until his mind has become soiuew hat de- rniiirnrl. T,nf pvenini? I)i obtained a shotgun and threatened to murder the entire lamliy and set nro to tno house. Sheiitr CroUan appeared on the scene this morning and ar rested the man and has placed him In the county jail. .. W. R. Giblutt, the rustling stock buyer, received n dicidedly cold bath this morning while attempting to ride through a deep hole in (lie cicek running tlnough Cross' slaughter Iimimj grounds. Ho(e and ilderalpiobt tptotit or feleht at the (Iret plunge, but as toon as the animal discovered the depth of tlio water lie swam out ull right. -- DibCt'fiSiNO the supreme judgship tho Baker City Reviello says: Give us a lawyer In the true bensoof the term; one who will bo voted for on account of his ability, honesty, integrity, and u man who is and will bo above party and all else on the bench have the equities und rights of the matters and peisouB being consulted be.'ore him in open court, and we'd elect him. The inMtiii-inl l-i lii tlit? imrtv und tho eon I vp.itmu Will pie-ent it. FOREIGN NEWS. Tennyson May be Called to His Last Account. ANOTHER INSURRECTION IN CUBA. Tho Canadian Fisheries Dispute Dc- mauds a Representative nt Washington. MUUDEllEH CAPTUltED. Quebec, Can., Feb. 25. Rudolph J3. DuBois, who murdered his wife, mother-lu-Iaw and two children at St. Albans Sunday while drunk and lied to tho woods, has been captured. THE POET TENNYSON ILL. London, Eug., Feb. 20. Lord Tennyson's illness has become seri ous, and tho gravest result is appre hended. A courier has just inform ed the Queen that Tennyson's con dition is very serious to-day. THE FISHERIES DISPUTE. Ottawa, Can., Feb. 2-3. Sir John MacDonald made a very Important announcement in the House last night, in answer to a member who asked whether It was the Intention of tho governor to appoint a Cana dian commibslou, to take part in the negotiations for settlement of fisheries dispute now going on at Washington, U. S. The prime minister announced that no toimal commission had issued but that the Minister of Mailne had left in the atternoou for Washington to repre sent Canada and keep watch of her interests in tho pending negotia tions. Later on it was learned that Sir Julian Pauncefoite had tele graphed to Ottawa, stutiug that negotiations had reached a stage wlieie it was desirable to have the presence of a Canadian representa tive. The government accordingly acciedited lion. C. II. Tapper. ANAIUMIl&TH IN CHAUOE. Havana, Culm, Feb. 25. The Is land of Cuba is overrun by desper ate outlaws and a reign of terror prevails. A partially successful at tempt was made to blow up a largo cigar factory last night, a dynamite bomb being exploded close to the wall of the main building. Many adjacent houses weie badly wrecked, but the factory was not seriously damaged. There was a tremendous explosion this morning in the rail way station here. Powder was used and tho stntion was entirely do stioyed. Tho immense building was thronged with employes and pabrcugcrs, SO of whom were In jmed and taken from the ruins. Some may die. Others are reported missing. Bandits hold a number of i icli cubaus for ransoms. LAEOlt CONFERENCE. Berlin, Ger., Feb. 25. Tlio re cently appointed German minister of commerce, Vou Berlepsch, has been designated to preside at the opening ceremonies ot the Interna tional labor conference to bo con vened In this city. It has been de cided that discussion of all questions sought to bo solved by tho confer ence shall bo conducted in the Fiench language. The announcement ol W. B. Simpson as a candidate for bcuool clerk of this distilct will be found in this paper. Tho election occurs one week from next Monday. There are also two directors to be chosen iu placo of John G. Wright and Geo. P. Litchfield, hut no candidates have as yet been announced. Mr. Simpson is well known to the voters of the district and needs no Introduction. Almost an Accident. This morning about 7:30, as a farmer was cuter! mc the city on Commercial street from tlio north, with a large load of cord wood ho attempted to cross the street car track, near Divis ion street, and in doing so ouoof the horxes slipped and fell, Injuring Itself I'ouwldorably aud almost over turned tho wagon. Everyman who buys provisions for ills family wants to bear three points in mind. He wants his goods fresh, clean, and at a low nrlce. Tills is L. S. W liters oilers his natrons. tf W. F. Peck, ofjlie State Laud and Trust company, departed this morning for Corvallis. A nuinlx.r of iiildd'o-aKt'il Capital City lailicH have taltcn up tlio Htudy of the French language. County AMir A,f. IJIucki-rby o SilvitrtoiijL hj In l Up city on busl- liUfcH, Jmmi l i ii i Union Title Abstract Company. 233 Commercial St., rooms formerly occupied by Wllllnms fc England's llank. ABS TRACT Ifsou seo our work you will sny vro put up tlio ncntcst Abitrncts In Oregon. Knell piece of property la plainly shown on a correctly drawn tinted inup. Kach trauRrcr Is shown completely as tho record shows It. Work guaranteed to bo correct. BROOKS loo State St., -AND- Cliernicals., IE PERFUMERY AND TOILET ARTICLES!:1.:' -o- ESTPhyslclans' Prescriptions pounded. A full line of choice Imported and Key West Cigars. Out of the Fire Tormented with Salt IWicum. Cured by Hood's Sarsaparllla. Only those who havo suffered from salt rheum la Its worst form know tho agonies caused by this disease Hood's Sarsap.v rllla has had great success In curing salt rheum, and'all affections ot tho blood. " I owo the gratltudo to Hood's Bar? ap.v rllla that ono would to his rescuer from a Burning BulldlngiKKS with salt rheum, and had to Icavo off work altogether. My faco, about tho eyes, would bo swollen and scabbed, my hands and a part of my body would bo raw sores for weeks at a tlmo, my flesh would seem so rotted that 1 could roll pieces from between my fingers as largo as a pea. Ono physician called It typo pnjenn and gave mo medicine accord- vJloUl I Ingly; but salt rheum cannot bo cured In that way. Finally 1 bought a bottle ot Hood's Sarsaparllla. It helped mo so much that I took two inoro bottles, aud was Entirely Cured UlZJS with salt rheum slnco. I also used Ilood's Ollvo Ointment on tho places affected. It stops tho burning and Itching sensation im mediately. I will recommend Ilood's Sar saparllla not only for salt rheum, but for SES Loss of Appetite all-gone' feeling so often experienced." A. D. Itoniiixs, J.imalca Plain, Mass. N. B. If you dccldo to tako Ilood's Sarsa. parllla, do not bu Induced to buy any other. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by druggists. gl lxforf. Trcparedby O. I. HOOD & CO., Apothcc.irlea, Lowell, Mail. 100 Dosos Ono Dollar JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in Groceries, Faints, Oils and Window Glass, Wall l'iv nor and isomer, Artists' Ma terials, Lime, Hair. Nails and Shingles, Hay, Feed and Fenco i'osls, Grass Needs, isic, N1V ADVJCUTIHKMKNTH. DEAR GIRLS: Tnko no Tally fiom any younif mnn, hut If they ii(lr you nnlro Hox of llellcnlirand's Siiiare Chocolate Creams, inado only by his 1'utfiit 1'rooesH, take thciu.and tt'llthom to cnuie again, fur I hoy aro miperlor In any inado In thu United HtuK'H. SITLER, PHELPS k EVANS, REAL ESTATE AND COLLECTION AOKNCY. Office lip-Stairs in New Hank Block Choice Country AMD CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. Wo nlhoflnvo n notary pnbllo and uo. coantantlo oiirolllco. It )u wind IjmhI iimm rfutJinuiIti written up, book ponied, copying, reconi work, or coiiyeyunoliijc donu, cull nnd moiik. It.O. O. U. Itedl'mxK Couali Curo'licuU throat and lung, cure untlimu und tlio iwMiob.tiiiaio i-oiiKh nnd noldx. Try It. Bold l- -il driiKKixi". loi ,.mrrm-m.'u.KArtt'wr-;-t vmit,.w Si & COX, Salem, Or. and Family Recipes carefully com REED'S OPERA HOUSE-. 2 TWO NIGHTS ONLY 2 Thursday, Friday Feb. 27 and 28 Tho eminent actor, S.lfi Supported by an cxcpUeuteonipnny In tlio great piny ol "JDAMON AND PYTHIAS." Admission GO nnd 7fi cents. Benin now on Halo nl I S. Dcnrlinrn'ri boolcxtoie. ADDISON HMlTIt, ItAltllY SI01IANNON . "The Favorite" Cigar and Peel Rooms ! H.MITU & JtoIlANNON, I'llOI'H, A wcufcclccted Block ofclgnrn. Tobacco, both chewlinr mill Hinoklng nlvnyn ou hum!; u Uo tho It test periodicals, dully pupcrH, boolcx und all goodx kept la a llritl clahH down stand on sale. Hpend nn hour pleasantly la our well kept MLLIARD AND POOL ROOMS which nro inn In rouuectton with tho abovo establishment. P. H. EASTON'S Salem Music Store Ucu CUUauoncrH lor i;iiirerniK v "'" , Bon'H, 8lclr.v.iy. Hurletoii. ColliyTuuH i:mcrtui l'lunoK, Wilcox AWiilloOrBuai'. t'ah oi Installments. 94 State Street, Patton's Block, Fino Watch Repairing 1IY C. A. BURBANK No. 317 Commercial Street, East Salem Grocery Store A, M. Fisher 1h now reudv to wall on all that win), uiiytlilnu-liitliu lino of urocerlex, nml will ell an ii-hciimIiIoun any ono In the city. Htoru lomifd on (oiiiit Murlon and fourteenth hireotn, r.".Mni ANNUAL SchoolJVleeting The annual dchoul imetliu; of the lo al voter r miIkkiI dUlilut .No. -I, .Muilflii county, Oreitnn, will he hold at Hie Hera Bulc'in,iii p Monday, March 3d; 1890, At7Ht9. in, fur tliHi"l""niiitrli!K reM)rU of Ulmiiunt und od-rk, lo Uy tax for who'll imrjioMWHiiil pwjrmiit 'f IntcruMt on ImhuW and to ininwHvl any other IniKltiOHi proper to Ir- Uood ut h ,nm"" JOIIKO.MHIIIIT. I)A.VII) HIMIV.ON.CierU. fJUjalrnmn. ruleiM( Or., lbiiniry,2!xl. IBW. inmrni i m mmiMJf,ilM ,'ii -y. I wa ,ii M WwMBPiMgMMpMMgv4Mi ..jt V .gSfr1"