Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, February 18, 1890, Image 3

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    I falld
hAl.li.H Ha.SKi,
. ., f jumii Mini dealer In Miu-cnl
TfAtter 01 .11 nU nml string.
For success at the
s.ilctr, OrCpnn.
,. r.ARMSTnowo.Atncr. E. L. Wiley, Prin.
Business, Shorthand,
tiMtriting. Penmmhip "i Injiitl Deptruniiili.
n..n,l cvcnlnc Session. Students admitted
IiiTlIm" Cal ntth" College or address
llie Principal for catalogue.
Uraduutes Student In
Classical, Literary, Scientific,
Normal, Business, Law,
It is tho oldoit, largest and least expen
live Institution of learning In tho North
west. ,..., ..... ,
KCQOOI opens iirht .uuuuuy m oupiuuiuur
Bend for cnhiloguo to
7: Snloni. Oiegnn.
No. aftt Connnerelnl Street,
Plambing, Gas and Sleain Filling.
Tinware and Artistic Metal Work
a Specialty.
n- Agent for tu'o IIICI1ARDS0N 4
tabllslicd In 1819
New Express Wagon.
Hu) started a now express wagon nud 1
noiv ready to deliver oaggago to and fiom
tho depot, and to any part of ilie city
Bagasse of uny kind delivered on shen
Proprietors of tbo
Favorite Livery and Feed Barns
Good rigs always on hand and furnished
on short notice.
Private boarding of horses and stock a
specialty. , ,
Office and barns at the corner of Trade
and Commercial btreots.
Oregon R. R. Company Line.
Tickets for any point on this lino for sale
at tho depot, foot of Jefferson street, and -.t
the United cairago and baggage) 'lranifei
company's otllce. corner Second and rlne
streets. Commutation Tickets at 2 cents
per mile.
General offices northwest comer lirbi
and Pine streets, Portland.
Sliver-Coburg Port'iidPort'd
tonac mall niall Exp
tvpw rVAM ARPi AK.ljtt
4 00 8 00 Portend ST1 Co 3 45 10 4.'
6 Oi P M.-ltiiy's Landing. 2 38 9 4?
G 58 10 00 Woodburn 1 40 8 4
7 00 II 47 Sllverton 12 20 7 3C
5 07 Br wnsvlllo 7 40
0 6U Coburg C 00
Alrllo mall Portland mat'
7 45 .Portland l'iWV. i Jh
10 45 Dundee Junction 20j
20j Sheridan 10 27
4 IB Dilllas 8 22
155 sionraouth 7K8
5 55 Alrlle B4
it mx
. lr- . .
b ; n7 l0 Ieliau a
r -
sasfe mm
KM mm
-"-" UimmWt
Le rtlchnu's Golden Balsam No. 1
Cures Chancres, fin', and s -con J stages;
Sores rn tho Legs and B-dy; Bore Ers,
Eyes, Noso, etc., Coppcr-e lor d Biotchci,
Syp'.iUltlol'atinh, ilscascd Scalp, and all
primary fo-ns ol the discaso known as
Syphilis. Prlro, 5 OO pir Bottle.
L Illchnu' G Id.-n D.ilmmNo.a
Cures Tcrthrv. Mcrcurla'Syp'il.Itlo Rheu
matism, Palm in tbo Bonc-i, Taini in tho
Head, back cf tho NccW, Ulcerated 8oro
Throat, ByphUit'o Itash, Lumps md con.
tractcd Con's, KtiSncss ct thu Limbs, and
eradicates n'l d.sca'q from tho system,
whether caused by lnd'scrctl"n or abuso
ot Hcrcury, ltavln? tbo b:od puro and
lioslthv, P'Ire 5 1-0 poir I ottle.
hi lilchnu' . Gnldou M anltliAn !
doto If r t' 0 euro of Cono-rhosa, Cleet,
irritatlrn O-avcl, an I a'l Urlni-v or Gcnl
til ditarranscmenU. I'rlcoSH 50 per
l.r lltchau 1 Oolilon SptitlsU In-J-rtl-ii,
f rawed cas-sot Ooiiorrhoa,
1-ilUmrn f y ( 'cct. Bttictur s,ic, Prlco
si io n.i(iio.
Le Itlc!i:iu'H OoIcIph O'litinent
drt ocfl et ch"al'nsif KvP','l,os r
rnJcnintiom. PrlroGl CO r Uox.
Io 1 (hnu'a Golrtn I'li -.Vtra
MTt it oatment; lusso' r"''-' aljviv.
cr e r. 1 oir..vcr'i, 1 rost'atioa, etc
Prloo e: 00 per Ilex.
Tnilc -i.il Jfcrvliu-,
Bviit cervibBrc, C. O. 1)., leeutv'.y paoksd
lr exprets. -
C P. r.ICIIA-rir& CO. , AKnt.
i?!tH.Qi, 0 jrect. I urnor i. lay,
ri 1 !'-T)ro. Oil
ti:tcfLv.i iiAimo pjtcn.
: First National Ban
A'M. S. LADL'B, -
m. .;. iiBYNoiil)
1'iiis Mom, - .
Vice l'rrxtdciit,
Kxen'inL'.son Portland, S.111 Kniuclseo.
ii'w 11rfe, Lind'in and Honz Koue
iH'jht and sold. Htate, County and Cltv
vtrmnti bought. Farmers are cordl.illj
nwtodto del). nit mid trans let buslues
vi'li in. Liber it advances made on
vlK'at, wool, hops and other pr iperty 111
e ison.uiio nitos. Instir.itice on such se
ttrlty win bo obtained at the bank In
n nt reliable companies.
National Bank,
Capital Paid op, -
it. S. WALLACE. - President.
W. SV. MAIll'IN, - Vice-President.
J. H. ALlJEItT, ..... Cashier.
V. T. Gray, W. W. Martin,
t. M. .Martin, 11. H. Wallace.
Jr. W. A.Cusick, J. 11. Albert,
T. McK. 1'atton.
To Tanners on wheat and other market.
able produce, consigned or in store,
either in private granarlesor
public warehouses.
jlalo and County Warrants Bought at Par.
Discounted at reasonable rates. I)raft
trawn direct on Now York, Chicago, San
Francisco, Portland, London, Paris, llerlln
Hong Kong and Calcutta.
Mlliams & England
Banking Co,,
salem, Ore,
General Banking Business.
CAPITAL STOCK. $200,000.
3eo. Williams. President.
W.. End la: d. Vice Prcst.
II. P. JIcNaky, Cashier.
DiiiECTerts: G:o. Williams, Win. Eng
and, J. A. Richardson, J. A. Baker, J. W.
add &, Bush
Transact a general banking business in
il. blanches. Tne bank lias connectloi
.vith banks In Oregon, Wushington, Mou
aim and Idiiho, and corrcspourteuts In til,
he principal towns of thaso states.
Cheap Money.
MONEY th lend at low rates iipon fain,
and city property. No delay tiftei
rood titlo shown by abstract
John A. Cakson, Attorney nt Law,
yy State Stieet, Salem.
New Fish Market.
Allen Ilhodes hasestabllshed a new h'Ul
Market on Slatcbticet, and ho keepsa gom
supply of flh, poultry and game.
Uive him a cull and your order will h
promptly attended to. 8 2S-ln
Tho Box-Maklnsr Girls of Now
York and Tholr Work.
McCrow & Willard,
New Salem Market
Opposite Candy Kitchen, Commercial St
Only tho best meats kept, and delivered
freo to all parts, of tho city.
Conservatory of Mask-
Of the Willamette Unlver Ity .Salem, Ore
'on, the moi huccessful Music School oi
he Northwest Const. Couraen In music an
dual toliastcrn musio t-eiiniiis. irani m
tpiHlanceofiidrtyona hundred and Ilfu
lor tiie comlu
v.. M. Parviu
Cox; ntslstai)
The able corps nf teacbeis I
chool j ear will bo Prof.
Lcona Willis. .Mlbs livii
tciehTS, Miss Lulu M. Hmlth, Miss Hull)
Parish, and Miss Mamio Parvln.
Branches inughtaro Vocal Culture.Plano.
)rgan, Violin, Plpo Orain, Harmony
Counlcnxilnt. and class 'leaching.
Diplomas given on completion of course
Kcnd for analogue and circular.
Z. M PAHVIN 7-3jdam-wlm.
Kansas House,
Corner ot Court and High Sts.
E. M. LAW, Proprietor.
Wo have taken a new name but
wilt continue to berve ourpatroua with the
...... i.o ..itirirut nttnrfU. irivo them u
cordial welcomo to Our Home. Term
roiikonaUte. Olvousu call and wo will di
you .rood.
No C'htnee employed.
An IU.Pnld Business In Which Many
Thousands of Women Arc Engaged
Pasteboard, Gilt, Spangles. Old
Gowns and Pretty Faces.
Yearly and during nil oensons somo hun
dreds of men and many thousands of girls
aro employed in tho paper box. factories of
Now York. Working-womenlntuis trado,
saysiuoiMow York Htar, aro not as well
paldasthosoongaKcdin tho moro dolicato
work of making artificial flowers, embroid
ery and tho like, nor as thoso In tho moro
laborious trades. Tho boxmakcr's work
calls for less skill than tho former, and less
of both strengtn and skill than somo of tbo
latter. Most branches of box-making can
to learned In a few weeks. Tho materials
aro light and tho tools simple Tho result,
is that wagos aro sometimes as low as $1 a
week, and seldom above $3 or $9. Tho
women aro employed at pieco work. Tho
men, whoso wages aro better, work by the
ween, juun udu o ys run mo macmncs ana
preparo tho material for tho finishing
touches given by tho girls.
On entering a box factory ono is bowil
dcrcd by a multitudo of shapes and colors.
There aro boxes, big and little, in cylinders,
In flat tray-liko forms, in long, narrow
blocks, nud in a dozen othor shapes to bo
only indicated by learned geometrical te rms.
Gay colored papers in reams, in strips, in
ribbons and in confused clippings, lio about
everywhere. Great machines at ono end of
tho room aro cutting tho ugly cheap straw
board into suitable shapes. Tho prepared
pasteboard, with notched edges and long,
straight cuts, where it is to bo turned up for
fitting, is laid in a great heap on a tablo bo
foro a boy or man who stands on guard bo
foro a groat gluo pot.
Tho heap is"quickly arranged, so that ono
edge of each piece of pasteboard is slightly
exposed, and with a broad thick brush tho
workman liberally beglues all tho edges at
a few strokes. Other pieces are deftly fixed
to tho glued edges, tho pilo is brought to an
even edge, turned over and pounded with
tho mallet at tho n'owly glued joints. Tho
opposite edges aro then glued, and finally,
pieco by pieco, tho pasteboard is stood on
edgo and brought round so as to form tho
sides of a box. A pinch where tho glued
edges meet makes all fast, and the box,
without bottom or lid, is passed to one of
tho girls.
Tho girl stands by her table and rapidly
smears a cardboard with gluo. Upon this
glued spaco bho lays half a dozen long nur
row ribbons of paper. Seizing tho box she
claps on tho pasteboard bottom and secures
it by a deft and suro application of tho paper
ribbon. She makes no pnuso for measure
ments, but tears off her ribbon when it is
too long and pieces it out when it is too
short. Thumb and foreiinger fit tho rib
bon with unerring accuracy. As each box
is bottomed it is laid aside to dry, and it is
interesting to seo how rapidly tho pilo
grows under tho girl's flying lingers. Her
pay, however, is only a small fraction of a
cent for each box.
Lids are fashioned much in tho samoway.
Tho lid reaches tho worker with edges
turned up, and her work is to apply tho rib
bons of paper that add strength and orna
ment. Tho lid Is rested upon a round
wooden post twelve or fifteen Inches In di
ameter. This stands on tho table. It is a
simple matter to turn tho lid as it rests on
tho post and apply tho rlbuon of paper to the
four sides. Hundreds of lids can bo com
pleted in a day. W hen 11a ana DOttom arc
finished tho box must bo labeled, so as tc
indicate tho article it is to contain. This
work is rapidly done by somo of tho younger
Boxes 01 this kind aro turned out by the
million and aro sold at from ono to five
dollars per hundred. Costlier boxos are
edged with gilt paper and covered with fig
ured material. Costlier still are the bon
bon boxes. Gay lithographic pictures are
imported by tho thousand from PariB to or
nament such boxes. They aro lined with
dolicato paper and edged with an imitation
of lace. Tho foundation material of theso
pretty cabinets for sweets is plain brown
pasteboard.' It is an instructivo lesson in
tho s riking results of simple devicos to see
ono of theso bare, ugly pasteboard trays
grow under a girl's nimblo fingers into tho
.dainty receptacle that shall niako swect
mects doubly valuable. Bon-bon boxes
sometimes wholesale at twenty-five dollars
a hundred, and wages for this work aro
somewhat higher than In other branches of
tho trade.
Ono accustomed to tho sight of tho work
ing girls of Now York at their daily toll
will note tho absence of gay apparel among
tho workers of tho factdrics. Gluo is an
enemy of pretty gowns, and the girls either
come to tho factories in their oldest garments
or exchange their street dress for soiled
working clothes on reaching tho sceno of
their labor. Glue, however, does not injure
faco or figure and in tho box factories, as
in others, most of tho girls nrc ruddy and
clear eyed, while a fair proportion can lay
good claim to beauty.
How to Mnko nn Instrument with Whlcn
You Can Seo Under Water.
No doubt a good many of our boys anr"
girls, says tho New York "World, nr
ignorant of tho fact that thoy can with ver
llttlo troublo and at almost no expense con
struct an Instrument with which thoy can
plainly seo what is going on under tho watoi
over which they sail their boats. Tho very
Idea of such a thing is attractive and we
proposo to toil you how it can bo dono.
Tho water tolcscopo may bo mado of
wood or ol tin, whichever you prefer, am.
wo will describe both. Tho tin is better
because ltlslightcrandmoro easily handled
Its manufacture is very simple. Got a tin
smith to mako for you a funnel-shaped i it
horn about threo feet long. It should bt
eight or ten inches in diameter nt tho bot
torn and broad enough at tho top for botl.
eyes to look into. Into tho bottom put n
pieco of glass, cut to fit and mako it porf cct
ly water-tight. Leave tho tcpopen, Thi
lnsido Bhould bo painted black to prevent
tho reflection of tho light upon tho sur
faco of tho tin. Around tho outside of tin
bottom solder on several .sinkers to offse
tho buoyancy of tho air in tho water-tlgh
horn and mako it easier to submerge. If 1
is not convenient to get a round piece o
glass, havo tho largo end mado squaro anr
use squaro glass. That's all theroisof it
and when you sink tho instrument down in
to tho wator and put your eyes to. thi
small end you will be perfectly nstonishci'
at tho plainness with which you seo al
kinds of fish and water animals swimming
around in a stnto of nature.
A wooden water telescope Is made of 1
long, squaro, wooden box, say ten Inchc
square at ho largo end and four or flv
inches squaro at tho other. JIako all th
scams water-tight by means of putty an
paint. Put a pieco of glass in tho large on.
and lcavo tho small end open to 'look into
as you do with tho tin instrument
A great many of you will go on boatln
and picnio parties this summer, and yo
can imagine how much such a contrivanci
would add to youramuscmentand pleasure
to say nothing of tho instruction derive
from studying tho inhabitants of tho watoi
at home.
Using tho principle of tho water tql
escopo, a well known naturalist had a boa
mado with a glass in the bottom, througl
which ho could seo ovory movement o
thousands of fish as they swam alonf
through tho clear water. Fishermen ii
Norway use tho water telescope nt thcii
work with tbo ocst results, i-urnctimcs dis
covering a new kind of fish that migli
otherwise have escaped tho aotico of man.
How Two Slon Fought for a Lady nn
Neither Got tlor.
Something liko fifty years ago two younf
men. onoa la'ver and tho other a doctor
loved tho somo girl In tho town of Gram
Gulf, Miss., says tho San Fraucisco Chron
iclo. Both could not navo her, and neithc
could live without her. It was to bo a due
to tho death. There was no insult to b
avenged by a rtischargo of fire-arms, n
stain on a reputation to bo wiped out by 1
fow drops of blood. The lawyer said i
was to bo a duel a l'-iutrnnco. Tho nr
rangements for a massnero wcro complotc
The principals wcro armed with rifles, re
volvers and bowie-knives. They had mor
confidence In tho continuation of their hat
than in tho accuracy of their aim. Th
rifles wore to bo discharged first at twenty
pacos. If neither combatant was killoi
they wore to adranco, firing thoirrovolvor
at will, and if they still lived tho fcattlo wat
to bo continued with tho Knives.
It was early morning wnen tho party o
four men, principals and cconds, lelt tin
llttlo town of Grand Gulf and sought 1
jrrovo a few miles distant. No effort n
reconciliation was mado; no tlmo was los
n tho preliminaries. The men woro placed
he word given to fire, and tho riflei
4choed tho Bignal. Tho lawyer stumblec
forward and foil, blood streaming from hi
mouth, iio was unconscious when hi
second raised him, and it was found tlin
tho bullet" had entered ono cheek, tor
Hway a section of tho jaw, and had mud
Us exit through tho other sido of tho faci
Vhero was no moro fighting, although tli
doctor gave his opponent moro than tin
timo allowed by tbo Marquis of Queens
berry rules.
Tbo marksmanship of tho physician die
not win tho young lady. Somo talk was
mado about tho tight, and sho wns rcraovec
to another part of tho State. Tho lawyoi
recovered and went to Uot'y dprings, where
he becamo an Episcopal minister.
Wright's Hop Celery nnrt Chamomile
Jltief a reliable tonic, Hj)peUer utA "P I
partem. Invigorate the digestive "fans
kni prevents dyspepsia, can be relutt up
cm. ftw by all drnmnti,
S75 10 00U working for us. Agents
itrefeVred who can furnish a horse and
live their wholetlme totho business. Spore
moments niaj bi profitably employed afco.
A few vaoanolea In towns and oltlc. B, F.
Johnson Co., 10U3 Main bt.. Klct.mond,
VN B. Please state ageand business ex.
tJrl'enc. Never mind about sending
JSImptorrnrty. B,F.J.0 -Wn
How a Sacred Itlrd of Slum Was Smug
gled Into San Diego.
"Ha, ha, ha I Why don't you got a chair
to sit down onl"
The voice was rather loud but not dis
agreeable, and tho tone somewhat muffled,
as of a person half choking with laughter.
The salutation came to tho uewsgathercr
of tho San Diego Times as ho was on his
dally perambulations about tho city, and
was traced to a handsome blue-black bird
la a cage hanging under tho shade of a fig
tree at the residence of Dr. Gildea, on Six
teenth street, near H.
As tho reporter approached nearer ho
was received with moro laughter and in
quiries as to whether ho carao to seo tbo
'Mino," if his health were good, etc,
A few inquiries directed to a pleasant
faced lady near by elicited tho information
that the bird was the sacred Mino of Slum,
which as a nestling hud been smuggled
from tho temple where it was bred by a
roving se.i captain and sold to Dr. Gildea at
Honolulu about eight years ago.
Minnie, as she is called, is about half tho
sizoof a crow and nearly as black. In the
sunlight the feathers tako a bluo and green
tinge, and tbcro is a spot of wbito upon
each wlngandanccklacoof bright yellow
about tbo throat.
Tbo bill, which is large and strong,
tapers to a sharp point and is orange-hucd
near tho houd and lemon-colored at tbo tip.
Tho prominent eyes are dark and bright,
feet anil legs lemon-colored.
Tho btrd is valued at (2.V), but specimens
have been known' to bring U.000 in tho
United States, where but few of them have
ever been brought.
Tbo tpecies is carefully guarded In Slam,
and an none aro ever sold they can only be
obtained surreptitiously.
' ,
lie Mlsuiiderstood Her.
Mabel "I'll never try to flirt with a drug
picric again as long as I live!" Flora
"Wbyl" Mabul-"Wliy, I winked at ono of
them in, tho store tho other duy and be in
suited me by putting whisky in ray soda
1 rtr " r, 1 - -- - -
The Best Residence Localities
In the cilv of Foiilmid and oilier prosiierons towns aro tlioso owned by men or corporalions'who
havo tho disposition and ability to improvo them.
tt Was Roal Poetry, Too, Although II
Didn't Rhyme.
In nttendanco at ono of tho Indlnnapolif
ward schools is a llttlo colored girl nim
years ol 1. Sho is miBCrablo, indeed, for m
homo sho is ill-treated and tho shoes shi
wears, and often the clothes, aro suppliee
by tho teachers or somo of her classmates
Thoro is 11 tender pootie vein in tier make
up, and it lound vent In a composition. Tin
teacher took a little pansy plant to school
one day nnd told tbo pupils of tho flower
Two days after sho asiccd them to write 1
poem of it and gavo them tho privilego o
having tho pansy talk and toll tho story, anc
this, according to tho Indiuuapolis Journal,
is what tho little girl wrote, tho word pans
in tho copy being tho only ono. dignified
with a capital:
"I am only n Pansy. My homo is in a lit
tle brown house. I sleep in my littlo brown
bouso all winter, and 1 am now going U
open my eyes nnd took about. 'Givo mc
somo rain, sky, I want to look out of m.
window and seo whut is going on,' I asked
so the sky gavo mo somo water and I began
to climb to tho window, at last 1 got U
there and I open my eyes, oh what a won
dorful world I seen whon birds sang song'
to mo, and grasshoppers kissed mo, ant
danco with mo, nud crcukcts smiled at me
and I had a protty green dress, there wat
trees that grow over mo and tho wind f an( t.
mo. the sun smiled at mo, and llttlo etui
drensmellcdmoono bright morning mound
the grasshoppers had a party ho would play
with rao and a nauguty boy pick mo up and
toro mo up and I died and that was tho last
of Pansy."
Tho Weight of Individuals.
Tho averago weight of a boy at birth is
seven and that of a girl a littlo more than
six pounds. When they havo attained the
full development of man or womanhood
tbey should weigh twenty times as mucli
as they did at bu th. This would make u
man's avorngo weight 140 and a woman
about 125. Tho height of a maio at birtli is
' 1 foot 7 inches and that of n fomalo 1 foot 0
inches. Fully grown, a man's height should
bo about tlireo and a half times gronter
than at blrtb, or 5 feet, 0 inches, while n
woman should bo 5 feet 3 inrhes, The
weight of individuals who are fully devel
oped and well farmed, howovor, varies
within cxtrewos. which are nearly as 1 to 2,
I vhtlo their height varies within llmiu
1 which nt most aro as 1 to 1-3. Taking 200
pounds as the maximum of mmi's weight
and 85 as the minimum we would havo the
avorago of 112X pounds. " Plaoing tho max
' imum weight of woman at IfiS pounds and
the minimum at TO pounds, autj wo get an
j itYvr -'yi i-il tAiuuuti
if MI
And this Corporation is"dotcrmined to
Male It
Tie Most
To the city of Pnlcni. Thev have at this time fifteen teams employed nnd the contemplated Improvements linye
carcely begun. It is intended to ninke the drive lending from Commercial street through lliveislde and High
tind additions and mound JUuhlnnu Park .
Or Oregon. The lino of the Salem Street Railway "Company runs through the middle of this addition, and no
otj will be m re than two blocks distant Iroiu tho line. Highland Park will in the near tuture bo
Lois in Highland Ailililon m ll'sli anil Ery anil Well Located; Most Excellent Drainage
The soil is black and rich. From al p hits a line view is obtained of the public buildings and our highest
nountain peaks. Amuigcnionts are aliendy being made for the location of two churches in this mltiillon, iinu
numberof residences are mhiii to be built. JJuildtnus only of tho best class will be permitted. Residence lots
vithin the limits of the cltv of Salem are wortli on an average over $1000. We can sell you better lots in High
and addition for onc-third'of the money, ahd being directly on the line or the street railw ly they aie nracti
ally not half so far from the public buildings and the business part or the town as the majority of theso
ulled ''iuBldo lots."
Buy a Lot in Highland Addition for Three Hundred Dollars,
Vnd let some other fellow pav $1000 for an inferior lot not so well located. "With the dUlercnce of $700 you can
ulld a beautiful cottage, or p'ut it out at a rate or interest that will buy you nearly two thousand streetcar
ickcts every year.
We must reduce our stock in order to make room for our spring goods.
rhcrcforowcwIU also reduce our already low prices on
For the next forty days. Give us a call and be convinced that we mean
,v bat we say. You rsk respecUu 1 ly ,
No. 221 Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon,
We have farms, large and small, lots from WO up, and houses and lots
in all parts of the city. Wo don commission business exclusively. If you
vlsh to sell, list your property with us, Suburban tracts a specialty.
Capital City Restaurant.
Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r.
WarniMeals at All Hours ofilio Day
Nniip hut whlto Inbor employed In tills
A Reed Hiihstnntlnl mcnl cooked In llmt
cl ikn stylo
Tivi'iity-flVQ coats per mcnl.
Couit stieet, between Journal Ultlro nnd
Mtnto'M Livery.
loney! ioney! ioney!
Reception Saloon.
260 Commercial Street,
Loans on farm nnd city property, at loweM rates. Bargains In city ,
mil country properly. Accident and Fire Insurance.
Jay Smith Sole Proprietor.
lorncr Kerry nnd Liberty MreetH, N. K eor
from C'heineUi'le hotel, H.ilcm, Or,
Good nrroinmodiitloiiH for roiiuneicliil
iiiveleiH. Klrst-eliiKS rlu hIwiivh on hand
UnurgeK reiisouiilnii
1 , tut iiinrili'lm, Ifttr Infitrliifltloil fiill.
reining Dr. A lLI'OItl) HALL'S
Health riiiiiplilut,iMilm oriiuiiiesH
' UnlNendly Iliiililln, iSiiicin,(lri'i;on.
Practical Painter
Pnpcr Imnfjlnii urn' UiilKonilnlnen Kp(v
olnlty. Shop ltooni V7, over K. C. Hmull'H
k ore, on Commcioliil ttrei.t.
PATHONI.K Home Industry, nml lute
Moiiiitnln liiilin CouuIiiJiiio. (Jtinr
iinli'fd to iiln rellet or money refunded.
MiiiHifuclnrul lly II. H.f ro, CiilHin.lJro
Kon. AHkyuururiiKiflHt forll. 1-Silliii
C'ft hnlury, $10 expellee in mlvnnre
I (M)U allowed each month. Stuulycin
! pioyment Ht home or tnivulliig. No oll;'
ill,., iintiuu ili'llwirliiL' mill iniilclnir eol
I lection. No immUiI uurdu, Adiliw Willi
I Hbi
I tliSfJin
I11K. JJIIIItn, Ut'lJtlTf IHK i,lt IM,lkll
otluiin. No I mm til! uit(l. AdiliMM
until'. HAKKK&C'O, l'lUiiy,01ilo.
VTOTICK U hiTfl) Klvpn Hint nl n mwd
IN lnijof Hie ktofkhnlusr of the I'ai.
rr.w. .JmniKAi. I'iiIjIUIiIiik comimny, held
Hereinlier tt It. ISM, b) unmilmon vote the
eiiplliiliitovkol ili6ooii!ui viwlnurwised
from J'hw 'I hmiwn to Tfii Tliou.und
Ilollnri .M.UCHAMlliSUbAIN.
Look at This I
Of ironilmit our store! Wo curry a full lino
of Kioeerlrv, leetl. unit
Bum, totnieuo and ion
of Kioeerirv, leetl. uniokuiy, ijIhshWiiic, el-
No. 2l Court Ht., Siilem, Or.
wish to employ 11 row liidlcn 011 11 tmlnry
In liiUoeliaruoofiiiv IiiisIiiimi nt their
lioiuiiM. LIkIiI, veiy liiselniitlneiuul liciillh
rill. WMKi'HSWperwcuK. iieiuir-iirrH given
(looil p.iy fur pint time. AddriwH with
minim. MUH..MAH10N WALK Kit, Ijmlt
vlllc, Ky. ll.ttMin
Tax Payors Tafto Notice.
rplIliTAX UOI.L for . Million manly for
1 Hie Jem- )K'J Iuih In. f 11 placed III my
imiid for collection. Tux-payer will
pleiiMifoinu forwiud nnd pny their tnxox
UK KMlll IIH MIslje IIH 1)1(1 tUX roll llllH llOl'll
(icmyuii 111111 me luiiiiiy 1 11111 ,n luinii. 1
Kherltriuid lux-collector Murluli Co. I
I) iled Jim. 10, IMKj. I
Tho best of Wines, LIijiioih nnd CIcnrH,
SiilftiilniKl Kxnofl llecr, 6od Lunuh Coun
ter In eonneolion, whtiu you will bo served
HimdwIehcH Wlenerwuiiil.tnnd In fuel ov
erythluu Ului;ood Htyle. unit tho heist of
attention will huHhoun to etiKlonicia.
DR. JORDAN & Co.'s
7.11 Mm Itct Ht.Han rninelseo
AllllllKHlOll 1U CClltH.
Hound leiini liow to iivold
dlh(iih. CoiiHtilliillon unit
tieiiliiient perHonully orby
loller, on Hporiiiuterrhocii
ort;eultal wenknoHH, mid nil
dlM'iiHMoof men. Honil lor 11
hook, I'llviito olllco '.'11
otMiiltntlon free.
J (tx-Jt-Su
Oa try tool.
Onion Pacific 11, 11 Company
l'raliiH for the cunt li'uvo I'ortniud nl7.(X)
hiii and U,(i0 pin ilullr. Tlu its to undfion
prlnelpnl luilutu In tin UnlleiiHtutnw C'n.
ndiiand 1'iirnpe.
Elegant New
l'rc Kiiiiilly bleepliijrCnrn run HirouRh
on KxpriWM tmlliH to "nmlm, Council
IlltilU and KnimiH City wltlniit chiiii(,'(
CouueetionMiil I'oitliiud forHiia l-'iuneU
c mid i'ligct Mouiiil isiinlv.
Kor lurtlier piiitlunlnrH uddreM any
UKcntol thueojiipiu.) or
I. W.I.HH.H. I. A.
C.H. MKLIJI.V, (lenunilTrnillcMiiiuiKer
Brick and Tile for Sale
-Outl unci Seo-
TO TT O TJ T 1 'Hiircpuni to I). Jiio.li.lm ve a wotl atnli
V-. IvU iO J-, UmIihiI Krlek mid Tllo fncUirv In Norlli
Milium, neur I hu fun Mroiiiidi, unu lire pro
imred lo liirnliili llrnt.eliiM hrlek mid tllo
on khort iiotlee.
Salem's Popular Job Printer,
Hluin liiHiininm llullilluif, Cor.
inuroliil and Clieinfikiitoi.tr((;U '
'I'll IVJ l V IM'IJ U kept on lllu nt i. U
llllit 1 Al Till HniHWalArtvertJUlliif
Atfiiey, 01 mid lift Morvhuul'ii iixbiini;e,
H.iii i' rHiii'ltfuo. (.'Kllfiirnla. u linre eoiiiruoU
r,r iul(n-iltii(( ohii Ixnotiih' tor It.
On Liberty Htreet, iici-okh th" brhlKO In
Norlli Milium. All Kliiiln of nivutu kept ou
hand, 6-.Hf
fin ii rmimmM&immmmmmmmm
ht av Mjb. Tl TTTMI ,lw'W..w J-1 ' m ja"WJ(WW'WirWWBW