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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1890)
rmiwqjtr! I'H ' """ 0 THE CAPITAL EVOENING JOTJBNAI. I Diamond, ... nf Music nnd denier In Musical Tf.chM t0nr,"m,ci, nnd Hiring. $0,247 1-RONTST. ikucate For success at the CAPITAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, I Ap,AiiMTXONO(Mnr. E.L. WlLSY(Prln. Thisiness. Shorthand, tiicTrititJ. Piannulnp snd IngliiK BepiTlminU. b,j cvcnin? Sessions. Students admitted anrtlm" oTllatlhe College or address the rincipi iw wuuuguv. WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY Graduates Students In Classical, Literary, Scientific, Normal, Business, Law, AND MEDICAL COURSES, it lithe oldest. Inieest and least cxnen- tlve Institution of learning In the North west, school onens first Monday In September Send for catalogue to THUS. VAN SCOY, President. '; ' Salem. Oregon. A. B. STRANG, No. all Commercial Htreet, SALEM, - - OREGON. DKAT.KR IN STOVES and RANGES Plumbing, Gas and Steam Filling. Tinware and Artistic Metal Work a Specialty. W Agent for the lUOHAItDSON & BOYNTON COMPANY'S Furnaces. Es tablished in 1813 New Express Wagon. WILLIAM IIOLCOMIJ Has started a now express wagon and Is now ready to deliver oaggngo to and from the depot, and to any part of die city. B.ig.iw of any kind delivered ou short notice ELLIS & WHITNEY, Proprietors of the Favorite Livery anil Feed Barns Good rigs always on hand and furnished on short notice. Private boarding of horses and stock n ipectalty. Offlcc and barns at tho corner of Trade and Commercial streets. Oregon R. R. Company Line. (Limited.) C. N. SCOTT, RECEIVER. Tickets for any point on this line for salt M tho depot, foot of Jefferson st reet.nnd -ii the United carrago and baggago Transfei company's otllce. corner Second and 1'lni streets. Commutation Tickets at 2 cents per mile. General offices northwest corner First and Pine streets, Portland. EAST SIDE. From Portland Stations. Bilver-Coburg Port'ndPort'd touac mail mall Exp LV PM I.V AM All l'.t A 00 a 00 Portl'nd S P Co :i it 5 00 0 55Uay's Landing. 2 08 6 6S 10 50 Woodburn 1 40 7 00 II -17 Sllverton 12 1M 5 07 llri'wnsvlllc 7 10 6 50 Coburg 0 03 Toward Partlaud M.1M 10 4,r. 9 45 8 41' 7 SO WEST SIDE. Alrlle mall IV AM Alt 7 41 .Portland I'iWV. 10 45 Dundee Junction 2 0.1 Sheridan 4 IB Dallas 4 55 Monmouth 635 Alrlle Portland mall I'M i as 205 10 27 8 22 7i (145 l-3wlv &50C &flKlm 2 ra Lo Blehaa's r 0 n rTTr. "f AN HEALTH mi au? ,r,AQ n?fl sss. vmm Le Rlchnu's Golden Balsam No. 1 Cures Chancres, fin, and s.-cond stages; Sores rn tho Lees and Body; Sore Ea', Eyes, Noso, etc., Coppcr-c-Iorcd Blotches, Kto'.i ill t!o fa tan li, diseased Scalp, and ill primary fo-ms of tho dlseaso known as Syphilis. Prlro, f 5 OO por Hot tie. h lllclinu'g GMdun Balsam Cures Tcrthry, McrcurlalByplilUtle Rhcu matlsm. Pains in tho Bones, l'alniln tho Head, back of tho Neck, Ulcerated Soro Throat, Syphilitic Hash, Lumps and con tracted Con's, Stillness ot the Limbs, and eradlcatts all d'scao from the system, whether caused by Indiscretion or abuso of Uc-cury. lowing tho blxxl puro and linlthy. Prim j-5 tiO por 1 ottle. Iifl i HIclmu'-iGolilon M imltli Ami loto tor t:.o euro ct Gonorrhcea, Gleet, I ritatioii Gravel, and all Urlna-y or Genl tadimranjrcracnts. I'rlceStt 50 nor Hottlo. L' ItUhuu'i ftolilou NptnlsH In-Jnctli-n, f rs'Tco cas-sof OonorrhQS, iilumnj f y f :cct. Stiictur.s.&c. Prlco , 9l Ij per ntttls. L-i lilchau'a Gnlilnit O'litinent '' oeH it.vcli(.e..rirf t,ypU...i.loST."', .n'rr'iot'.ons. ZWroQl to n Ilex. ' cliau'i Gold., i Pli -.V9 n'H it catment; lusi of physl al pjw er :. c' oicr-vrr'-, rostratlon, etc. Prlr.i 03 OO per Hex. Tinlc im.i1 Nervine, bent trerjuhcr.-, C. O. Ij.. ccuro!y packed per express. ' ' - C. P. mcilMlffTZ CO. . Aeenti, laj.iMi.i io s'reet, t on.c- lay, " n laiJiclKyi, cl. t'lrtciwit uailkd rnna 8ALKM IJANKS. First National M SALEM, OREGON. VM. N. LADL'K, . Mi. J. II BY MOLDS, I011N MOIIl. . l'rcicient. Vice President. Cashier. GENERAL BANKING. I'Jxcnanuo on Portland, San Francisco. Now ork, London and Hong Konii 'louglit and sold. Stale, County and CIU warrants bought. Farmers nro cordrallj nvlted to denoiit uud transact business with us. Liberal advances made od wheat, wool, hops and other property at rcasonaoio rates. Insurance on such se jurlty can be obtained tit tho bank in most reliable companies, Capital National Bank, SALEM Capital Paid up, OREGON. $75,000 15,000 It. S. WALLACE, V. W. MAIITIN, -I. ii. ALUlillT, r - President. Vice-President. - - - Cashier. DlRtCTORSl SV.T.Orny, W.W.Martin, J. M. Martin, It. S. Wallace. Dr. W. A.Cuslck, J. II. Albert, T. McF. Patton. LOANS iVIAJDE To farmers ou wheat and other market able produce, consigned or in store, either in private granaricsor public warehouses. Stale and County Warrants Bought at'Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted at rej-.sonablo rates. Drafli drawn direct on New York, Chicngo, San Francisco, Portland, London, Pails, llcrlln Hone Kong and Calcutta. Williams & England Banking Co., SALEM, ORE. A General Banking Business. CAPITAL STOCK. $200,000. Geo. Wu.mams, President. Wji, England, Vice Pre:t. II. 1. McNai.y, Cashier. DiliKCTOlts: Oso. Williams, Win. Eng land, J. A. Richardson, J. A. Maker, J. W. Ilodson. d k Bush BANKERS. IRON BUILDING, SA.LNrt Transact a general banking bus'ness In il. blanches. Tno bank has cunnectloi vith banks In Oregon, Washington, Mon ami and Idaho, and correspondents in al the principal towns of those states. l-2d&wlin (ilieap Money. ATC-NKY to lend at low rates upon farm LV1 nnd city property. No delay aftei ood tltlo shown by abstract John A. Caiison, p ttorney at Law, V) State Stiect, Balsm. New Fish Market. Allen nhodes has established a new KIsL Market on StatCbtieet, and ho Ueepsa goot supply of fitli, poultry and game. Olvehimacall and your order will hi promptly attended to. 8 28-lin Conservatory of Musk Of the Willamette Unlver ity Salem, Ore noil, tho most successful Music School oi, tho Northwest Coast. Courses in music an equal toKastern music schools. Yearly at tendance of nearly ono hundred and fifty rhoable corps of teachers for tho coming ,chool year will bo Prof. Z. M. P.irvin Leona Willis, atlss Jiva lox; ushisuuii teachers, Miss Lulu M. Smith, Miss Hull Parish, and Mtss Mnmio Parvln. IlraBcheslangbtnre Vocal Culture, Piano Organ, Violin, Pipo Organ. Harmony Counterpoint, nnd Class Teaching. Diplomas given ou completion of course Wend lorcataloguo and clrculnr. Z. M PAKVIN 7-25d3m-wlm. McCrow k Willard, New Salem Market, EXCHANGE BLOCK. Opposite Candy Kitchen, Commercial St EVERTHING NEW AND CLEAN ! Only tho best meats kept, and delivered I freo to all parts of tho city. Kansas House, Corner ot Court and High Sts. E. M. LAW, Proprietor. o lima ..- - -. ,: will contlnuo to sene otirpatrons with the best I tie martlet h.hh ,' ji" cordial welcome to Our Hniiio. Teniii roukonable. Give us u oall and we will d you ood. No Chinese employed. right's Hop cclcy nnd Chamomile Ultterii u rcllabls t.inle, appetizer und np parlent, Invlgorute tho digestive organs S?1 Brfl"?nu 1,!'"t,l'w.can be relied up on. Bold by all druatistt. rS-jc i (hncn V MONTH can boninde $75 10 Jv)U workliiK for us. Agents preferred who am furnish rt horse nrt civethelrwholetlniel.-thebUKlnobs.SiJare m.mients may bo , prjitUably enip oyed uUo. few vniwne u In towns und oJJIm. . r VLnmn.un.. luno Main st nichmond. N ' 11 PIchmj state ngo and business ex. Iwrlenco. Never mlud atiout sending ISSSpftlrwpljr. B.F.J,C m-. SHOPPING IN LONDON. A Slngor'a ExDorlonoo with Brit ish Shop-Koopora. They Keep Kvory Thing Cutler toek and ICey nml Look Upon Customers with Busptclous Eyes A Hunt for a Jacqueminot Hose. In nn Interview with a New York Herald reporter a singer who has uudcrgono much of her training abroad describes her search after a desired artlclo in a London store. "In London thoykcep every thing under lock and key Why, I went to tho shoe makecof His Royal Highness tho Prlnco of Wales to buy a pair o! rubbers. Here's tho conversation that attended tho sale: "'What would tho lady like!' "'A pair of rubbers.' " 'Oh, yes. Mr. Drown, ploaso step this way.' "M. Brown appears and inquires: "'Whtt would you llko, miss!' "'Rubbers.' '"Oh, yes, Fosdlckl Fosdick, plcasocall Charles to unlock tho drawer tho sandals aro in.' "Charles comes forward, unlocks drawer after drawer till I find a pair to fit. and I begin to look upon rtbbers as very valuable articles and wonder If I must keep mine in a jewel case hereafter. "You go into a pleturo gallery, and every tlmo you turn your head you see a guard behind you watchlncr that vou do not take any thing, and thcro aro Innumerable ! injunctions to 'Move on,' 'Don't touch tho pictures,' 'No canes or umbrellas allowed inside,' etc. "You havo onlvto cros tho channel a short hour and a half It takps and vou nro in a totally different nation, different cos tumes, different language, and oh! how dif ferent tho customs. Evorv thing Is open to inspection. No ono suspects you of Doing a thief; nothing Is under lock nnd key. "Why, I have been to thcPalacoof Ver sailles on a fountain day when probably ton thousand wore there, and all you saw of espicnagowas a man to let you in and one to let you out. And insido y-u can walk nil through, look at tho beautiful vases, pict ures, rarest objects of art without a pro test from any ono. For all I could see, one could carry off two or thrco vases, poke nis umbrella through a picture, punch a hole in tho wall, drop dynamito in a corner and no one would know who did it. "And the English tradespeople aro so slow comprehending you, while tho French understand the slightest nod, and even an ticipate your wishes. "1 went into a florist's in London and asked for some Jacqueminot roses. " 'Ah, said tho proprietor, 'JacK Jack ' " 'Jacqueminot roses " 'Oh, yes. Miss Olara, plenso como for ward.' "Miss Clara appears. " 'What wo'ild tho lady UkoP "Jacqueminot roses red, red roses some thing like Juno rosos, you know." '"Juno roses. Hownanyl' " 'I don't want Juno roses. Jacqueminot rosos; something like Juno roses, I said.' " 'Mr. Brown I' Miss Jlara calls. "Mr. Brown appears on tho accno to play his little part in tho farce. " 'Whaidid you say you wanted!.' inquired Miss Clara. "1 was getting quite -iesperato. '"Red roses. Jacqueminot. Red sort of mager ta color.' Meantime I was turning magocta color myself with'renzy. " 'Mr. Brown, havo wo any Jack' " 'Jacqueminot roses,' 1 said, leobly. " 'What did tho lady say sho wisncdi' In quired Mr. Urown. suavely. " 'Jacqueminot roses, ilea nearly llko Juno roses.' " Wo can givo you somo very handsomo yellow roses.' " 'No, I want Jacqueminot. Havo you none'' "Wo havo several other varieties. Al low mo to show vou some.' " 'No, thank vou.' "Miss Clara noro inquired politely if tho lady would not tako somo Juno roses? '"No, nol' " 'Wo havo several other varieties. Al low me to show you some,' said Miss Clara, like a phonograph of Mr. Brown. " 'No, no, nol I thank you.' "As I neared tho door tho proprietor, who had first passed mo over to Miss Clara, advanced again with: 'What did tho lady wish?' " 'Jacqueminot roses.' "'Miss Clara, naven't wo any thing to plcasotho ladyl dhow her somo yellow roses.' "'No. I thank you, no,' and I escaped. "Well, I wont from ono end of Regent street to the other, from ono end of Oxford street to tho otner, and passed through that identical experience at every florist's shop, but did not find a singlo Jacqueminot rose. "Now, in Paris, if they haven't tho thing you want they tell you so, tako your address and tho following day sendtho verv articles to you on approval." WON'T INTRUDE AGAIN. JIow a Society Interloper Wan Disciplined by ii Washington Club Mun. Washington has longbeon notorious for a small class of hard-faced, persistent people, who malto tho rounds of fashionable enter tainments and receptions without cithor in vitations or tho ncquaintanco of tho people upon whom they intrude. TUoy aro of both sexes, and aro alike marked for brazen au dacity. One, says tho Washington Post, was well done up last season, and taught a lesson ho will bo slow In forgetting. A certain club in tho West End Is noted for its exclnsiveness. At a dance given bj it this bold iutruderputin an appearance faultlessly attired and complacent in pros pect of a pleasant ovening, topped off with a lino collation. Several of tho floor man agers happened together and attention was called to tho conspicuous stranger, whom none of them know. By a comparison of notes it was quickly discovered that nono of tho authorized porsou. nad issuea mm an invitation and only ono even knew nis name. That ono approached him nnd asked: "Will you inform mo whoso guest you aro thisevcntncl" Tho intruder hemmed nnd hawed, but did not afford tho desired .nformatlon. "You will havo to pardon me," continued tho gentleman, "but it is accessary to know tho namo of the friend who has Invited you here." Not receiving any satisfactory response, the floor manager centinued: "You fall to seo what I am trying to mako plain to you, sir. You aro ono of a class in this city who forco themselves into tho so ciety of peoplo with whom they aro not ac quainted, and who como to cxclusivo enter tainments without tho formality of an invi tation. Now, if you will tako my arm I will conduct you to tho cloak-room. If you should go aiono It would causo comment, but if you will take my arm people will think you aro an acquaintance." Tho interloper took tho proffered arm and vanished from tho room. "Bt Scleutlflo Accuracy, i "J36fni!.wJ d yu wanl t0 norry hcrl" I Usiloroherl" "My dear ellmv. ' -not r, rt ae ,A SPEED OF A BULLET. Hotr thn Government Learns tho Jlapldlty of a Iline U1L How fast does a bullet travel! If ii Is In proper shape for traveling Colonel Flagler, and his officers Bay it ought to go at a rato of 1,275 foot n second upon leaving tho rifle. This matter of speed is very Important, and if a cartrldgo is five or ton feet too fast or too slow tho quantity of powder must be changed. This matter of speed is tested In a very interesting way. At tho northern end of tho arsenal grounds is a long wooden shed, in which distance of ono hundred foot has already been carefully marked off, says tho Ph la delphia Record. At et.her end of this spaco is a stand something llko a target, with a largo circular opening whero tho bull s-oyo would no. Across each opening is stretched a smalt electric wlro connected with a dellcato in strument in unothor room. Tho rifle from wh'.ch tho firing is dono U so aimed that tho bullot which flies from it cuts both wires. Obviously tho dtfferonco in timo botween tho cutting of tho first and of the second wlro will mark tho speed of the bullet through ono hundred foot. Tho measurement of this brief spaco of tlmo Is dono by mi Instrument of French invention called tho Boulingo chromograph. When tho first wlro is cut an eloctrio circuit is broken and n rod which is suspended from a magnet falls a short distance, touching in its descent a point which makes a mark on its side. Thn broaklng of tho second wiro lots drop a second smaller rod in tho samo way. By mcans-of thodtffcronco in the marks on the rods it is possible to cstlmato tbo differ ence in tho tlmo of their falling, and from this tho speed of tho bullot per second. Thero is a provision for detecting any er ror, and nearly absolute accuracy is so cut cd. If it is found that a bullet has traveled too fast or too slow that moans that thoro Is too much or too little powder in the chargo, that tho compression Is wrong, or that tho atmospherio conditions ,aro unfa vorable. Tho chargo of powdor virios from slxty fivo to sixty-nico grains, nnd is varied by as little as u tenth of a grain to securo J '. st the right speed. Tho compression may also have to bo changed. Theso tests of speed aro tnado throughout tho day, tight cartridges being fired at a time, nnd if any et ror is detected tho nocos sar chan go is mado at onco. If it is found that tho speed is all right, then tho accuracy of tho bullets in hitting an object must be determined. For this purpose they aro fired over a fivo hundred yam range at t twelve-Toot squaro target, near the river bank. By an ingenious dovlco by which tho aid of photography is called in tho exact point of each bullet is rapidly noted, and tho gen eral average of accuracy is afterward ascertained. A NORTH CAROLINA GAME. The Best Residence Localities In tho citv of Portlnntl nnd other prosperous towns aro thoso owned by men or corporntionsho havo tho disposition and ability to improvo them. HIGHLAND ADDITION -IS OWNED BY-- T Oil B at ,1 IX ' JL. M i And this Corporation is determined to ike It Tk is Attractive Mil To the city of Rnleni. They have nt this timo fifteen tenuis employed and the contemplated Improvements ilmyo scarcely begun. It is Intended to make the drive leading from Commercial street through Rlvurside and High and additions and around Highland Park THE FINEST DRIVE IN THE STATE Jf Oregon. The lino of the Salem Street Railway Company runs through the middle of thte addition, and no its will be more than two blocks distaut from the line. Highland Park will In tho near tutura bo . ... How a Llttlo Compulsion Forced tho Plntn' nt tho Kissing Ueo. Back in the North Carolina mountains tho studert of customs may still find material for research, savs tho Washington Post. Tho most unique aro tho kissing games, which cling to tho soil. A lot of big-limbed, powerful young men and apple-cheeked, buxom girls gather and select ono of tholr number as master of ceremonies. Ho takes his station in tho centor of tho room, while tho rest pair off and parado around htm. Suddenly ono youue woman will throw up her hands and say: 'I'm a-pinin'. " . Tho master of 'premonles takes it up ana tho following aiaioguo ana interlocution takes place: "Miss Arabolla Jano Anthorp say sho's a-pinm'. What is Miss Arabella Jano Ap thorp n-plnin' furl"' "I'm n-pinin' fur a sweet kiss." "Miss Arabella Jano Vpthorp says sho's a-plnin' fur a owcot kiss. Who is Miss Arabella Jano Apthorp a-plnin' fur a sweet kiss fruml" "I'm n-pinln' fur a very sweet kiss f rum Mr. Hugh Wuddlo." fBlushes, convulslvo giggles and coaf usion on tho part of Miss Arabella Jano Apthorp at this forced con fession.) Mr. Hugh Waddlo walks up man fully and relieves the fair AraDolla's "pmin' " by a smack which sounds llko a three year-old steer drawing his hoof out of tho mud. Then a young man will bo taken with a sudden and unaccountable "plain'," which, after tho usual exchange of questions nnd volunteered information, reveals tho namo of tho maiden who causes tho "gnawin1 " and''pinin" Sho coyly retreats out-doors, only to bo chased, ovortnkon, captured and forcibly compelled to relievo hor captor's distress. At ono of theso entertainments which it was tho narrator's fortune to attend thoro was a remarkably beautiful young woman who had been married about a month. Her husband was present, a hugo, beetle browed, black-eyed young mountaiucor, with a fist llko a ham. Tho boys, fought shy of tho brldo for fear of Incurring tho auger of her hulking spouso. Tho game went on for somo timo, when symptoms of Irritation developed in tho giant. Striding to tho middle of the room, he said: "My wifo riz pooty, 'n ez nice, 'n sweet cz any gyurl hyar. You un3 has known her all her lifo. This game hez been a-goin' on half an hour an' nobody has pined fur her oncct. Ef somo ono doesn't pino fur hor pooty soon thar will bo trouble." Sho was tho bcllo of tho ball after that. Every body pined for her. Cstlmutlnc a Train's 8peed. Inquiry is frequently mado as to how tho speed of a train may bo estimated. Tho traveler especially is curious about tho speed his train is making, and we suggest thrco methods by wmen tno spcea may uo guessed with romartxablo accuracy, as fol lows : 1. Watch for tho passngo of tho train by the larco white milo posts with blaik fig ures upon them, and dlvldo 3,000 by tho timo in seconds between posts; tho result is tbo speed In miles p'r hour. 2. Liston attentively until tho ear distin guishes the click, click, click of tho wheel as it passes a rail Joint. Tho number of clicks upon ono side of tho car in twenty seconds is tho speed in miles por hour, whero tho rails aro thirty feet in length, and this is tho case trencrally. 3. Count tho number of tciegraph poles passed m twomiiuics, If thcto aro four or fivo wires to n pole, and In two minutes and twenty seconds if thero aro only ono or two lines per polo; tho number of poles parked is tho number of miles per hour at which tho train is traveling. Household. t Tho Autocrat's Fuvorlte. An ingenious young girl of Louisville with an oye to information and an auto graph, recently wroto to Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes nnd asked him lo tell her his favor ite vrso of all his poetical writings. A fow days ago sho rcco.ved a card, on which was written, over tno poet's signature, tho fol lowing lines, which bis admirers will read Uy recall: , A fow can touch tbe mng'c string And lolly ramo Is proud to w.n them-. I Aim I for tboiQ who nerer iinfr, ' JLL ' '"'"ilhaUtblrmn,3ln thim, torV?r-ap- THT3 MOST POPULAR RESORT ABOUT THE CITY OF SALEM. ' n Lots in niglilaiid Attn arc High and Dry ami Well Located; Most Excellent Drainage mouSnia! i numberof residences nFe soon to be built. Buildings only of tho best um will bo j t l" ;. Jf".1".8. within the limits of tho city of Salem aro worth on an average over JlfJOO. Ve can rell ; you bej tw lo t.s In High mud addition for one-third of the money, and being directly on tho Hue of tho Btrvct rn wty they aro practl cally not. half bo far from tho public buildings- and the business part of the town as tho nmjoiity of theso called "iusido lots." Buy a Lot in Highland Addition for Three Hundred Dollars, And let some other fellow pay 51000 for an inferior lot not so well located. With the diffcrenco of $700 you can .uild a beautiful cottage, or put it out at a rato of interest that will buy you nearly two thousand streetcar ickets every year. eary street. DR. JORDAN k Co.'s MUSEUM OF ANATOMY 751 Slnrket st.Snn Francisco Admission '23 cents. Goandlenrn how to avoid disease. Consultation nnd tteiitinent personally or by letter, on spermatorrhoea orgonltnl weakness, and all dlseiissoofinen. bend for a book. I'rlvnto otllce 211 Consultation free. Look at This ! 351 WILL BUY A LOT Of coodsnt our store! Wo carry n full lino I f procerlcs, feed, crockery, elukswnio, ci gars, lobutco nnd lonfcctloncry. T. BURROWS, No. 228 Court St., Salem, Or. Brick and Tile for Sale MURPHY & DESART, , Surccssors to P. a well estab lished llrlck and Tile factory In North Salem, near tho fair prounds, and aro pro pared to furnish first-class brick and tile on shoit notice. NOTICE. NOTICB Is hereb,- Riven that nt a meet ing of the stockholders of tho Cat irAi. JotWNAb Publishing company, held Ucoemtier4lh, IfiS'J, by unanimous vote the 1'iipitiil stock ot tiiecoinpuny viw mcmiseu from Fivo Thousand to Ten Thousand Dollars. M.Ij CUAMIIKHIjAIN. Secretary. NEW LIVERY STABLE. Jay Smith Sole Proprietor. Corner Ferry nnd Liberty streets, N. K.eor from Chemokete hotel, Balcm, Or. Good accommodations for commercial travelers. First-class rigs always on hund Charges reasonable tUKB AND PltKVKNTlVn WITH- 'out medicine For Information con cerning Dr. A WILFOIIU llAI.IH llciiit ii I'limpnict, tin i ou or auuress I P L,. MOOKIi, l,ocal Agt 1 University liulldlmr, rialem, Oregon N. D. JONES, Practical Painter GEORGE WILKINS1 NEW BUTCHER SHOP On Liberty street, across tho brtdgo in North Salem. All kinds of meats kept ou baud. ' J wish to employ a Tew ladles ou a salary to tako chargo of iny business nt Ihulr mius. Light, very fascinating and health mi. Wages 810 per week, lteforem-cs given Good p.iy for part time. Address with stamp. M113. J1AUION WALKHIt, Louis ville, Ky. 11-20-lin Capital City Restaurant Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r. Warm Meals at All Hours ofthc Day None but white labor employed In this establishment. A good substantial meal cooked In llr.t diss stylo Twenty-live cents per meal. RBD H R O N T. Court street, between Journal Ofllco nnd Mlnto's la very. 1'nper hanging nnd knlsnmlnlngn spe c'ulty. Hhoplloom i7, over K. CMmnll'i ore, on Commercial street. T3ATKONJ.K Home Industry, and use J Mountain llnlm Cough Cure, Ounr. untoed to give mild or money refunded, iliiliufaeturcd Uy II. II. IT", tfalem, Ore gon. Askyimrdrugglst for It. 1-Kdlm rt.M Salary, HO expei)es .in advance (JUU unowca earn mourn, me.iuy vni l p.oyinent nt homo or traveling. No sollo Itlng. Initios delivering and making onl. le 'lions. No ixihtul curds. AddtiMH with nUinp, 1IAFKK iCO, I'lquny.jUhlo. ll'ZI-Zill TIIIV! D I ltff I kept on fllo nt K. C 1 Hid 1 Al I'm iirakii'rt Advertising Agency, 01 and CH Merchant's Exchange, b..n I'rnncljo. California, where contracts ornvt;rtUiiif run be umue lor It. 18JH). Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED. Harper's Bazar is a Join mil for the honir Giving tho Inlcrt information with regaul to fashions, Its numerous Illustrations, fashion plates, and pattern sheet supple ments aro Indlspenslblo alike to the Ilium; dress-maker and the prolcsslonul modiste No expense Isspaied In making Its artistic attractiveness of tho highest order. Its clever short stories, pin lor plays, nnd thoughtful essays sallsiy till tastes, nnd lis lust p.ige Is famous us n budgcteof wit and humor. In Its weekly Issuo everything Is Included which Is ot Interest to women. Durihg 1WHJ Oliver Thome Miller, Christine Terhuno llerrlck.and Mury Iiwu Dicken son will respectively furnish a series of papers on "Tho Daughter at Home," l hreo mills a Day," nnd "The Woman of the Porlod " TIiomtIiiI novels will be writ ten by Walter llcsantand F. W. Itoblu ton, HAIU'ER'S PERIODICALS. pi:rt YKAit: llnrper's Ilnznr .....$! 00 Harper's Miigazluc I 'X) I larer's Weekly .A 00 lIuriH-r's Young People....... ' 00 Postngo freo lo nil subscriber i la the United Stales, Canada or Mexico. Tho volumes of the Ilaznr begin with the first number fur Jununry of each year. hen no tlinn W mentioned, subscriptions will begin with tho number current at tlmeol iceelptol order. Hound volumes i.f Hurler's llaznr for thn" years back, In neat cloth binding, will be sent by mall, isistngo puld, or bj express (provided the fielgbt does no ex ceed one dollar per volume), for $7.00 per volume. Cloth cases for each volume, suitable, for binding, will be sent by mall, post-paid, on receipt of 1 OUeaeh'. ltcinltanccs should be mndn by noslolllce mone order or draft, to avoid ehanio of los, NewspaMrs nro not to eoppy this ndver tlsumeiil without the exprt' order of Har per A llrothcrs. Address; Harper A Druthers, Nor York Tax Payers Tako Notices mllKTAX Itol.Lfor Marlon county for I the your 8sU has been ulaetd In my hands for collection. Tax-payers will plca.ucuinu foiwurd und pay their taxes iiMMMimu Mituibluas Hie tax roll has been delayed and tliecoiinly I out of funds. V.. M.CHOI8AN, Hhcrliruud tnx-oollcvtor Muriwu Co. Duted Jan. Ifi, m. 1890. Harper's Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. Harper's Weekly has n well-cslnbllshed place us tho leading Illustrated newspaper In America. Tho ialrncss of Its editorial comments on current politics has earned for it tho respect and eontldeneo of nil Im partial rendcis, and tho variety and excel lence of Its literary contents, which In cludo serial nnd shorl stories by tho bctt and most popular writers, lit It for tho pn rusalof peoplo of the widest rango of tastes and pursuits. Tho Weokly supplements nro of romarkblo variety, Interest nnd value. No e.xpenso Is spurod to bring tho highest order of artistic ability to bear upon thn Illustration of the changeful phases of homo and foreign history. A Mexican romance, from tho pon of Thos, A,.lnnvlcr, will appear In tho Weekly In In 1890. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. I'KIt YKAlt: Harper's Weekly W 00 Ilnrpcr'B Magazine 4 00 Harper's azar.. ..... ... 1 00 Harper's Young Peoplo . 2 00 Postngo freo to all subscribers In tho Uni ted Btntes, Canada, or Mexico. Tho volumes of the Weekly begin with iho tlrst number for January of each year. When no tlmo Is mentioned, Hiibcrlhtlous will begin with thn number curreiitnt time nf receipt of order. Hound volumes of Harper's Weekly for thrco years back. In neat cloth binding, will bo sent by mull, postage paid, or by express, freo nf expenso (provided tbo freight does not- exceed one dollar per vol umu), for S7 por volume. Cloth cases for each volume, suitable, for binding, will be scut by mail, postpaid, on receipt nt 31 each. llemittanecs should be mndu by post ofllco money order or draft, toavold chance of loss. Newspapers aro not to copy this adver tisement without tin) expicss order of Harper & Hrothers. Address Harper A Hrothers, New York. Union Pacific 11. II Company "OVERLAND ROUTE." Trains for tho euitt lenvo I'ortland at 7.00 4111 and 0:00 pin dally. Tie its to nnd from principal points In tin UnllcUHtalos (.'a ndauud Kurope. Elegant New Dining Cars. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS. Fieo Family Bleeping Cars run through ou Kxpies trains to Omaha, Council Willi und Kansas City without chango Connections ut Portland for Han Francis co and Puget Hound points. For lurther particulars address any ag'jntot tin uipui.y or I. W. t.KK. (J. P. A. ('. H. MP.LI.K.V, General Traillc Manager Reception. Saloon. 260 Commercial Street. HIKJIWE EOKHRLIN, PROP. Thu bekt of Wliiw, l.tijtiors and Cigars, Kuloui utiil Kxpoit lifer, good Lunch I'm n ter In connection, wliuro you will be served with HOT OR COLD LUNCHES, Kundwlclio WlouerwurstMid In fact ev. erjlliliiw i In good style, uud thu best of attention wlll shown lo customers. Stez-s J .